The Toccoa news and Piedmont industrial journal. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1889-1893, January 21, 1893, Image 2

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c-!;f Cccui fkios. Jt'b JvVri'Y hATl'KUAT MORNIN3. ^= JL Edwatd-* and k :t:se Po >ri<3 f . *'* ’ i J. J. IfoWELL,. .. Editor RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One year in advance........ $1.00 >ix months...... . . 50 Three months..... M»)«« .25 Subscriptions l a"d in Alvaoce. Send Money Order, Postal Note or I)r®ft. Address, The Toccoa News, Toccoa, Ca. SATURDAY, January 21, 1803. COUNTY HOARDS OF EDUCA¬ TION m In Georgia there doubtless are Mime lawyers and justices of the peace who have but a slight acquaint¬ ance with Blackstone and the code of the state; some jurymen who do not know the difference between plaintiff end defendant; some doctors whose knowledge (J diseases an t* edh'ines is very limited; some sri ool teachers who can’t master fraotionsand grammar; some preach¬ ers who have never heard of theology; and some editors who can’t write, but who purloin the ideas and words of others;—but, in our opinion, not one r t t l-.ase classes contains, in propor¬ tion to numbers, one-half as many incompetent men as the average county board of education. Present company is excepted, for judging from what we have heard of the board of education of this cm nty, we suppose that it is com- posed of men qualified to look after the educational interest of Habersham and a few other counties may be as fortunate; put the average board of education is a “daisy.” In many comities the idea seems to prevail that any man who can run a two-horse farm succe-sfuly is ca¬ pacitated to select text books and direct tho management of schools. It usually happens ihat these boards are composed of good citizens, but man who arc no more titled to judge of the merit* of a grammar, an arith - metic or a histo'y than uhe girl of the period is to look after the domestic affairs of the household, or the dude to do brain work. The big publishing houses of the North employ « brew cl men to repre¬ sent them. These post themselves as to the length of time a series of text l) H'k» has been adopted in the various counties. Just before that time ex¬ pires tho shrewd representative of the book concern hies him to the county site. He sees and talks most affably with the one or two members of the hoard lie sees there, and hires a horse a nd buggy and goes to the homes of the others, lie is a plausible talker and makes himself so agreeablo and shows the ni^rit of bis books so plainly that the simple fanner takes it for granted that the books be looks at are the best ones in the world. Sometimes the agent induces the board to hold a meeting. He carries the members to a hotel and foots the bill. They adopt his books without having read a sin le page. Occasionally several agents of pub¬ lishing houses meet in a town, and each harangues the board of education If one of the agents has a friend who is a member of the board, the books which that agent represents will be selected; if all are strangers the best talker will win. In a certain county of this state the board of education met to select textbooks. Two or three of the member? had expressed themselves as being in favor of certain books, »rd asked another member what his opin’t n was. The one addressed had eaten dinner at the hotel at the ex- penseofihe (luent of D. & U'O. “Well’’ s:;id ho, not ,rkllowu i= what nook-* the agent represented, ^ ^ !i U n v> lt * s man,” In one of tha counties of South Georgia. *e**vat vears ago, the_board edu AtiOii ad 'pte * a series a«Iers. Soon aFt^ .wards an agent ^ ho h; iid ! e ) an r .<i.i 1 of readers . ..MIC wav . H, aent to see a ty- I i' e boarJ of educa- lion, and - *v,n ii ia of tlte new reader.' wi been adopted. The aue,it t-yrnt ?t ‘ P a r'5* Until he cam© to an y !OU: Coleridge “Aieieit L • er, “ ” v- hen he read the jine*, 3nt aeiiby- -a uor red, but like GoJ's own ,ltal i ha ulor oUA eu:'. u prist.' Wfc/ur* ,U| t . t »• ids btK»k Is G<>! red-headed” The me nber of the b’.urtl said he bad never s*eo the passage but that thfs ast»nt v-as r-ghr, and fin would t am t<* .t that lh->sa »u{ it - ii. were taken of the scl r ‘l«. V th.- vv| V 'i©Afi 1 e mg no . ortfp n t »t „ ' ooaxd a.ue, the horrified V c number s'ate 1 ! hss grievance, hut when one of the number explained > him that the lines jn question distinctly stated Miat God was not red-headed, he be- came pacified. Did space permit other incidents of a similar nature might be given. The fact that such utterly incom- petent men are allowed to he meai' hers ( f boards of education accounts for much of the dissatisfaction that is caused by theT:frequent change of text books in our schools. As before remarked, the average hoard of education in Georgia is a “daisy.” May it soon cease to blossom in ignorance. COMMENTS Oh TIIE PRESS. Here’s our editorial ry, Brothers Edwards'& Keese, Tnccoa News. A heart}’ success to jroa.- Savannah Local. * * * J. J. Howell is now editor of the Toccoa News and that paper lias brightened tip considerably. We wish it much success under its new man¬ agement.—Banks Comity‘Gazette. •* *- Messrs. Edwards & Keese have re¬ cently purchase ’jthe Toccoa News. Mr. J. J. Ilowe’l is editor and busi¬ ness manager, and he is infusing marks of great improvement all through it8 columns.—The American Union. •» * * Mr. J. J. Howell, formerly of The Luaikin Independent, is nowithe edi- tor of The Toccoa News, and-he makes a very creditable paper of it. Ed- wards and Keese are the proprietors of the paper.—Atlanta Constitution We have received a copy of the News’ published at Toccoa, Habersham county, Ga., and edited by Mr. J. J. Howell. The News is a sheet and gives evidence that right man is in the sanctum. Air. Howell is not only a good writer, but is an efficient newspaper man in ev¬ ery particular. We wish The News that success which it so justly merits under its present management.— Stewart County Hopper in Lumpkin Independent. * * ffr Tiie first issue of the Toccoa News of Toccoa, Ga., gotten out since Mr. J. J. Howell, formerly of the Inde¬ pendent, took charge of it, now lies on our desk before us. Edwards and Keese are proprietors of the paper, and J. J, Howell editor. Mr. Keese was a citizen of our town three years and his excellent business qualifiea- tiom fully prepare him for the news¬ paper work. Mr. Howell, the editor, is an experienced newspaper man, and will doubtless make The News an excellent paper. The News is a neat and newsy paper, aud starts out un¬ der its new management with a bright future before i f . Lumpkin L.dc- pendent. The reading public lias enjoyed some articles written by Mrs. W. II. Felton, which have appeared recently in the Atlanta Constitution. In the first letter Mrs. Felton criticised very severely Dr. J. B. Hawthorne, of Atlanta, and Dr. Warren Candler, of Emory college, because both of these distinguished divines publicly said that Jay Gould had gone to hell. In her next letter she fairly roasted Dr. Hawthonre for being interested in speculation and medicine companies while a preacher, and made things warm for Dr. Candler for having favored assessing Methodist churches in Georgia to raise money for Emory. Mrs. Folton writes like angry women talk, and her articles make spic red dmg. The friends of Hon. 15. M. Blnck- burn and the Plate press aregener- al! uri?ln{? the claiins c f that gen- ileman for some good government If loyal, officiant service to the Democratic party counts for aught an(] a pwul5ar fi tlJ4S3 for a responsible has any weight, Mr. Blackburn stand a f;tireiiance of re eeiving a good appointment. When eve l anc pg supporters in Geor<j;ia were few, Mr. Blackburn was one the most ardent ones of the num- j >er, and in the canvass'for governor an( j 5 -t.ate officers lie took an active p>r t. We trust that Mr. Blackburn will not be overlooked when victor i? distributing the spoils. We are not verr conceited. If we constantly . we were getting bn ‘5 h * tl,inss we * l,ouM, ’‘ .' ninJ other papers’copying the mwithout 4 v ng us credit for tiie same. If ever do write anything that another e ,jq. <r considers worth t opving which ha P? ans ^stonally, ,, why , we want the n F o ople t to know that we are its author. A 1 the . *or to wise, etc. 1 r s no* •; had plan to he amalv- mouthed when flour is high. T. Dl W nx 1 almage delivered a lecture in Atlanta Monday night, Ex -President Rutherford B. Ha yes has joined the silent majority. A max without some definite object in life is like a ship without a rudder. Tiie News appreciates the kit'd remarks made about it by the btelh- of the press. 7he poor ate to be pitied during this severe weather »nd pity should be exhibited in some useful manner. .Most of the trade journals are predicting better times in the near future. Ret ’em come; the country is ready for them. Augusta is making big preparations for her carnival, which will begin on the 24th. This carnival will probably be the best one Augusta has ever held. The editorial pencil in the Carnes- rille Tribune office i* now wielded by Brother J. C. C. Miller, who has leased that papier from Miss Ellen Dortch. Brother Miller, we hope ,will do well, but we don’t believe lie can step into Sister Ellen’s shoes. It has been cold here, but just think of The thermometer’s being 35 to 40 degrees below zero, as it was a few days ago in Wisconsin! Any poor man that wants to do so may stay up North in the winter and wear his teeth out chattering, but as for us, give us Georgia. Brother E. K. Smith, who has been publishing the Flowery Branch Journal, has moved his printing material to Roswell and begun tiie publication of the Roswell Banner. The initial number of the Banner is a very creditable one. May the Banner long continue to wave. “In buying a cough medicine for children,”savs H. A. Walker, a prom¬ inent druggist of Ogden, Utah, ‘‘nev¬ er be afraid to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is alw.T} s sure to fol¬ low. I particularly recommend Chamberlain's because I have found it to be safe and reliable. It is intended especially for colds, croup and wliooj > - ing cough.” 50 cent bottles for sale by W. H. $ J. Davis. EXAMINER’S REPORT OF THE CONDI¬ TION OF The Toccoa Banking Co, Located at TOCCOA. in the State ofGeo'gia, on the31st day of Dee, 1892. Kr:soi'i cks:’ Note* and bills disco mt d § 58,725.00 Over-Drafts 1,513.00 Furniture and Fixtures 1 , 200.00 Due from State Banks a d B.mhers, 9,815.53 Due from Banks or Ba .kers not in this State, 15.G79.Gl Cur (lit Expanses 2.241.41 Cash on hand, viz: 17,521.G1 Currency $ 14,3 m, 00 Gold (JtS 00 Silver 2,207,85 Uncollected Clu cks 231.75 $: 06,GOG. 75 i.iab i! it: i-Tg: Capital Stock, paid up, ? 50.000.00 Undivided Profits 13.275 77 Due Depositors, •13.420.98 510G.G9G.75 CLASSIFICATION OF DKBTS—DC K SAID BANK. Not in suit $58,725.00 Good $58,725.60 STATE OF GEORGIA. ) T. W. R. Bruce, County of Habersham, f Cu-hier of the I'oc- eoa Ranking Co., of Toccoa, Ga., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. R. Bruce, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to me this 3d day of January, 1S93. John M. Freem an, Notary Public, Habersham Co. Ga. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. G EORGIA, Superior Habersh Court of am said County.— County: To the 1st. The petition of Jeff Davis. J. B. Sim¬ mons, W. A. Wathcson, G. W. Edwards, H. M. Payne, C. H. Dance, A. E. Keese, John MoJunkin, W. C. Edwards, W. It. Bruce, S. A McAllister and others shows that they have entered into an association under the name and style of “The Toccoa Investment Company.” 2nd. objects of said Association That the a re* to promote the welfare and prosperity of the city of Toccoa; to procure and publish information relating to the indus¬ trial, commercial and tin neial affars of t!.e city lishment of Toccoa; manufacturing to encourage enterprises; the establish- of t© buv. sued.' improve and sell estate; to sue and be 3d. That the capital stock of said company shall be Twenty Five (25) Thousand Dol I A rs, to be divided into One Thousand (1000) Shares of the oar value of Twenty Five Dollars per share, and s.ud stock shall be noil-assessable. 4tli. The operations of said company’ shall be carried o i in the county of Habersham, state of Georgia, and the oJice of said eon pu¬ ny shall be located in the city of Toccoa. order 5th. by Your said petitioner-! honorable pray the passing ofan their application, that they court and granting their this sueces- sors exceeding be incorporated for and with during tha a term not twenty the years, privi¬ lege of renewal for the at expiration of said twenty years, purposes herein before set forth. And your petitioners will Louis ever Davis. pray. Attorney for Petitione-s. fl . B Randolph. Brunswick, Ga. Hr j; es . «j was under the care of nine different doctors, but not one did me the good that Botanic B'ood Balm as done me.” Barrels For Sale. — We have a lot of empty alcohol barrels for sale. Price One Dollar. They are clean and sweet, just the tiling for iue The Swift Specific Co., Atlanfa.Ga ■ — ---- - T7IVE two-cent ptamps will set you a sain- r pleof Arthurs Hone Magesine, Piiilada. Agents wanted. WHAT AILS YOU? If von have sudden darting in the joints or muscles, and it recurs every time you set cold, and appears in new places without having any tiie old ones, the best thing to do is to send five dollars to the Druuimond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden LaneNew \oik, for a bottle of Dr. Drummond s Lightning Remedy for Rheu mutism. It will cure you. Be wise m tune and do not be fooled with anything else, If you have the above symptoms \on have got the Rheumatism, and if the druggist tells yon the truth he sa, - Dr. Drummond's Remedy is the only known cure. Agents wanted. THE LOSS OF A LEG Or arm by amputation would not cause’s© much suffering ns many peo¬ ple endure with Rheumatism. One of the greatest discoveries of the century is a certain cure for this terible disease, a speedy relief from hmribie suffer¬ ing, and a rapid cure. It needs but a trial to convince the most skeptical that it is a wonderful preparation What a blessing ! It is Dr. Drum- n.onu’s Lightning Remedy, j rice $5 large bottle, and if the druggist has not got it, ti e remedy will be sent to any address on receipt of price, by Drummond Medicine O.., 43-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. “For the past two or three years I have been subject to cramping pain- in Use stomach,’’ sa\s Mr. W. A Baldwin, a merchant of Boonvilie, Dallas Co,, Iowa. “I have tried » number of different remedies the one teing Chamberlam‘3 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. One or two doses of it always cures me.’’Sold by W. H . & J Davis. BlneRIdge&AtlanticR.R. Time Table Ao 12 Takin g effect Nov. 20,1S92. No. 9. STATIONS. No 12 Daily Daily Lv Ar >© TaMlulali Falls I U *- Turnerville 12 CJ' Anandale 11 01 Clarksville 11 v< Demorest 1! c: Cornelia 11 p. Ar Lv A W. V. Lai itaine, Receiver. SIBLEY 7 -. ; .?//. Airy, Ga . W, 0. Phillips, Principal, Winter Te?m Opens Jan. 25lfr> 1S93. A TICKET TO THE |)h(il!l World’s Fair. For particulars address Atlanta Journal, Atlant ^ 3 -THE---- SUNDAY A J #2.00 A I'/dATl. Containing more reading matter than any magazine published in America. Address, HIE SUN, New York. 50 TH YEAR, m The Grea inn, Industrial and Live Stock Journal of the boutli* ______ One Tear tor only #/. Sample copies will tie mailed FUEL on application Lo I he Cultivator Pub. Co. Box 415, Atlanta, G:. Special premium of Free Ticket l<- World's Fair. TIIE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Contains tie last features of an Week!} printed. M. QUAD, latu o' the Detroit Free Press, writes a page of matter every week. iendFop iawplfe Upy The Weekly World, New York City * Scientific American Agency mm *» ft •| A Jj CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRICHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to ML'SS & CO.. 561 Broadway, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every public patent by taken out by us is brought before the a notice given free of charge in the Scientific American Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. should Splendidly be without illustrated. it. Weekly, No intelligent S3. man giiJgss&T&»^S3!^4Ssg?- OO a OH I \YHA i A COUGH. JFill you heed the warning. Tie signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease, Ous sumption. Ask yourselves if v»»u e.*.n for the sake of saving fiOc. to run the rCk and do nothing for it- e know from expcrienca that Shi- loh’s Cure will cure you- e«»ngh. It never fails. This explain whv more than .i million bottles were sold ti c pn-t tear. It reliev. s croup whooping cough at. once. Mothers,do not he without it. For lame back, or ch< st use Shiloh’a Porous Piaster, Sold by I'. A. Capps. BuCKLEN S ARNICA - Ii best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped hands chilblains, corns and all skin erupt ions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed t< give perfect satisfaction o; manev to- funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W* II. & J. Davis. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM¬ PLAINT. Is it not worth the small price <>f ?5e to free youisclf of every synq - toms of these distressing complaints if you think so cull at our store un-i get a bottle of Shiloh's Vdai zer, every bottle has a printed guarani it on it, use accordingly and if it docs you no good it will cost you nothing. Sold by T A Capps. 'A e have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh, dtp, theria, canker mouth and headache, in Shiloh’s catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it il you desire health and sweet breath. Price 5 >o Sold by T A Capps. L A DIES ARE UNFORTUNATE, because the higher they rise in soci ety the weaker they find tbotnsel ves bodily. Risley’s Philotoken control* the nerves, aids nature in her vat inn* functions, and thus combats with tha many ills of womankind suecessfu 1 ly. It your druggist has not got it he will order it for yon for $1 a bottle, fr< HI Chas. F. Risley, Wholesale Druggist, 62 CourtDndt. St., New York. Semi for a descriptive pamphlet, with di¬ rections and certificates from many ladies who have used it and can’t sa\ enough in favor of Risley’s Philo token. F .r pains in the chest thoicisi.oth inn better than a flannel cloth satura- te<1 wil h Chamb riain’s Pain and bound on over the scat of pain It will produce a counter irritati< n without, bhstering, and is not so disa¬ greeable as mustard; In fact is unset! superior lo any piaster on account its pair-relieving qualities. If used in time it. will prevent pneumonia cent bottles for sale by W. H. & ! Davi*. ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Why do ao many people we see ■ mind us seem to prefer :<> s'dler and ■ made miserable by Indigestion, nstipation. Dizziness, Loss of A|>~ ite, coming up of the foot!,Ye low k n, when f«>r 75c we wi'l so I them Sliiloh’s Vitalize!', guaranteed to cure ti fin? T A Oa; ns . CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Episcopal Church,South ^presten- in}; 11 a. m. and 7:30 t> m every Sun da . S. n day school 10am eveiySunday; J B Simim ns supt. B Prayer P Allen, service Pastor. 7:30 p m Wednesday eve. Presbyterian Church, Rev L A Simpson pastor, 2nd and preaching at 11:30 am and 7:30 p m on 4tli sabbaths in each month Sun¬ day school at 1U a m every sabbath, W m Bu-hasupt. Wednesday. Praycrineetiiig at 7:30 p m ev.-r\ B.ip i-t Church, Ilev A E Kee-e jias'Oi ; Sundays'Sunda, preaching at li:3Ja in and 3 :> mono! and-it school at !0 mev rySun- d \V f Hayess pt. Rraycrmeeting - y 8 p m Wednesday night. h U * t % 3 $ $ I “ BOTANIC \ A B.B. B BLOOD BALK 9 I THE GREAT REMEDY a FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN D'SEASES v - Has been thoron^iily tested by em¬ inent physicians and the people for 40 rears, and never fails to cure quickly and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS and all manner of EATING, SPREADING and RUNNING SORES, blood invariably if directions < ures the most fol¬ loathsome are lowed. Price J1 per bottie, # bottles for 85. For sa le by druggists. f SENT FREE rooK OF wonderful cukes, y ^ A BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. to act n? our agent. tVe furnisli an expensive outlit and all you need free. It costii nothing to try tiie business. We will treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Roth sexes of all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Anyone anv where can earn a great deal of money. Many have made Two Hundred Dollars a Month. No class of people without in the worid are making so much money pleasant, capita! as those ai work for us. Business strictly honorable, and pays better than any oilier offered to agents. You have a clear field, with no competition We equip you with everything, beginners and supply printed directions for which, if obeyed faithfully, will bring more money than will any other business. Irrt prove -'asily your and prospects! surely work Why not? Yon can do so at for ns. Reasonable industry I’ninphiet only necessary for absolute success, circular giving every particular is sent free to all. Delay not in sending for it. GEORGE STINSON £ CO., Dos No. 48S, Portland, Me. i-U^ |H 1 tw=s. L=JJ )} vt Vi/av U n ii r A A n L. Tp^ JA r\\ Tp^ ! n'S~ /fit D/ MCE ItCoiVillff tllG IllCSSt ^ ° © SwCC.- Oil SHOES, HATS, DliYGOOl Ji AND NO IONS eves hmudm to c rocccoa. if you want a brand nlw ^ v- SUIT Du t VIMTMim CM 25 A P 9 COME m KEEP E¥£RYTHIK6l^ j|> To the Farmers: ** be // 0 will jycepaled to fttFttUh the hloheit • grade t oiiiitkeU ^ 9 9 you Hianujaduled. This Smos Bdonss O t) a ww DEAL Kit IN MERCHANDISE* i j • - r fY i - -—ijtJIsu 3SNEBAU