The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, February 17, 1893, Image 3

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flic (Lottos Jlttes. FRIDAY, February 17, 1893. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. And Other Timely Topics Briefly Chronicled-. Did you get a valentine? See the change in advertisement of E. P. Simpson & Co. We shall be glad to hear from ’“Billy Slewfoot” often. The cabbage trade is no small one in Northeast Georgia. The guano trade in this section bids fair to be unusually large this ’season. The roads have been so bad of iate that lumber and shingles have come into town slowly. If Superintendent Alexander will furnish us the roll of ho riot of his school we will publish it-. We have “put A head on” The News— which makes a much neater Appearance than the bid heading did. ; If a mistake occurs in a newspaper the editor of that journal is fully ’Convinced that people read the paper. There are several bad places in tbe road 8 within the incorporate limits of our town that could be improved by a little, work-. The man who is willing to do right, eVen though he may offend some by so doing, is the otie who is of use to bis community. There have been several days this Week whose mildness and beauty are suggestive of the emerald color¬ ing and fragrant odors of the spring time. Witn the Kick a poos in town ami a. merry-go-round expected in a few day's, the cup of happiness of the average Toccoa child is full to the brim. Our correspondents should remem¬ ber we go to press one day earlier than formerly, and that communi¬ cations should teach us early in the week. Our representative, Mr, John All¬ red, is still traveling in the interest of The Nk*l Should he call on you please Remember the poor— that’s us. I The Kiokapoo Indian Medicine company will bo with us for two \veeke. Their visit will be much ten joyed, especially by the children. Valentine’s day was quite gen¬ erally observed in Toccoa.. Many young people rejoiced at the receipt of tender missives and the horrid comic valentine did not fail to get ir. its Work. Some of our neighbors in Clarkes- Ville are boasting that the mercury 1 degrees below ! has been to o zero Ibis winter in tlmir town. To brag t.f such os this shows remarkably strange taste. U wodld be better to have a school bowse increased in size to correspond to the needs of ihe town* than tO have the town decreased in size to Correspond to the accommodations of onr school house. 1> is not always through delicyicn h p fp liner that pe 7 D allow evils to Pvist right under their noses without taiakinfir complaint or effor*: to correct V It m . The cause mav be policy, indierfferit or cowardice; On the first page of The News wd! be found a county and town di rectory and several business and pro¬ fessional cards of oh - citizens. Those hre all wort hv ot liberal paifonage wok!', wf \n st'tak 1 Hm ‘ : Our new council is making a fine S-tart. vioTpris pespii.fiT The modest timid- lv for.I, from .!■<• coWl, «r.h and turuincr its lovelv eve heaven - »»r,l. « It'emitMls for th, benefit of » rr reo, human.,y. r.sst ^ondnv ... one Vou read ahout—tn L«»tt 2 fel low.- toin j»nd dark and drosrv. * The rain fell until nearly everyone Was wearv of steady al«W work J"rk'o” of iZYJrT.'Sm ’ ^ " looking out upon cheerless and i . lead- ,i PH en colored coioren scenes. scene .1 There \Vas ton much watei— even for the Baptists 10 wafl, through to b«!'.r,b 2 K» Vtces ,n town; hl. m .k«WoS.n- days in succeSvSion—which is remarkable—-t-hat raiii has pretented . PJ 4 ‘ ’ 7 With a nice commodious school house here, mir town might be able t«» draw many pupils from the conn— irv and from neisrhboritlti towns. However good instructors we mat have, just now we cannot hope to pet students from a scliool house is not sumcic ^ ^ t«; accommodate all the children in town that should he tn school. Toccoa should gradually decrease R population for the next ^ en .' car Kickapoo Shew. The Iv»ckapoo Indian Medicine company troupe, consisting of a doctor, three or four other white men and three Indians, is in town. The object of their stay here is to adver¬ tise and sell certain medicines man¬ ufactured by that companr, and one of their methods is to give night¬ ly entertainments. These consist of some performances by the Iri' juiaus, singing, acting, venlriloquistic and acrobatic features, to see which an admission fee of ten cents i> charged. The entertainments are given in Wright’s Hall and attract a large crowd every night. Mayor’s Court. The Session of mayor’s court last Saturday whs a lively and interesting one-. Mayor Pro Mayor Hayes being absent, Tern. Alatheson presided, and in the language of a noted jus¬ tice of tho peace of A meiicus-, he “set the hair” on several persons. Three young men first appeard before his honor,to answer to a charge of being drunk and disorderly. Thay plead guilty. Mr. Mfttheson told them they would give the name of the party of* whom they procured their “tanglefoot” he would not tine them. They named a certain man, who was promptly arrested and brought into court. But when face to face with the accused, the young men retracted what they had said, whereupon they were fined *5 each and costs. The next case was that of an in- dividual of the female persuasion who was accused of dealing out, foi tiie sake of a pecuniary 7 reward, to dry persons, an article of moist arid invigorating “mountain dew”—m other words, selling whiskey. The evidence against her was pretty con¬ clusive, and she was given the choice of paying a fine of 425, or remaining thirty days in the calaboose. She was overwhelmed with virtuous in- 'donation at this sentence, and ap¬ pealed from the decision of Mr Mathfcson. Her case will come up soon before the council. That afternoon the mother of the admirer of P. T. Barn uni, who is said to run a small managerie on the outskirts of tho towtq and who was fined §25 in the mayor’s court—an old woman, came into town, armed with a huge pistol and breathing forth threats against those who had dared trample upon the tender(?) feelings of her offspring. Finally she quietei down and departed without having citizens. perforated the anatomy of any of our It is said that much whiskey is sold here illegally. It seems that Mr Matheson is determined to make it hard for those who are guilty of this offense. He is right. Laws that are winked at are sometimes worse than no laws at all, and the “blind tiger” is too dangerous to he allowed to get m his work with impunity. 'I URNKfiVILLE NEWS. Our city seems to be rather on a boom ffifr the ptist few days. Oui merchants are looking brighter, and the hotel men express themselves as being highly pleased with tho coming iason. IU T. Green has been ge'ting rid of goods by the car load for the past few days, and says h 3 anticip iUB a very heavy trade this spring. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ellard left for lanta on !a-t Tuesday, where they d spend five or six days. T. H. iys he will return with a fine lot of IruuimeFs samples* and that he is going to make the drowsy merchants <e!l goo) cheap. lie says he i> com ecte*l with three or four large man urRrs and importers vVho are! paid to handle gciods^ and that people want ng good goods at honest prices had bet;er spend their dimes with him. Mr. T. M.Foddrill left for Atlanta on the 9th iust. to purchase goods for the trade of N. E. Georgia and North Carolina. Says he has a brother steal- them and all they cost is freight which is it Small item, comparatively sp *dki»g. *r "‘'^ ^1 D«*T,toHav A ^tnTutlder .5cZ s ^ an, ‘ ^ ie r 1 ■ t h.y "P 2 - 1 Ho Lcer ,b’e they this *as cash, „ W. II. bar no. Jab,., ,Ho Mid If they will come out next cm j r t in all probability The they Clarkes- can wit- neS s the awful sight. IL.T 1 ."“'l h >* J * To.Ut'T ° k’,A' ?" i. TT \ ‘ t' Edwar d s a „,T Col. C rane. The on i„ v ua had one case ami -md continued continued it it. Sai( ^ he was afraid he Would not get „ 10t l, etc , 5e f or »„<t -ante.l | , OC(ime b , ck ,„.d if J, e went through -ith hts case i,_ he .-w.-ij would have no n n ex ex- cuse to get off. Dawkins B os.$ of the Fount ry I and Machin Works ate turning out ome fine S; ecm.ens these days in the way of wiigbns,.buggies, etc. Mitchell Frankliti is sawing aNvav on his four stall livery, feed stables. i Professor Puett is having tendance at the academy,some id Or jqq ^ p0 / pi| H s beinjypnroHed. W. jCxily,of Atlanta,is . r v j s j tInfi r his rriatfPr, who is very ill. Success to ffuE News and its _______ rUJiELY PERSONAL. About People You Know and Some You Don’t Knew. Mrs. W. P. Fu rr,ofC!arkesville, is visiting at Currahee farm, her old home. •Mr. and Mrs. Hardeman moved into Capt. Cooper’s house on * ’urrahee street. Miss Corrie Alexander is spending '■ime time at Longview with kersis- ter, Mrs. Creasy. at Hughes is imprin ng the ?q - pearance of his place by inclosing it with a new picket fence. Mr. J. E. Conwell, a prominent merchant of Lavonii, was in town Saturday and honored our sanctum with a ca'l. Messrs. Gler. Davis, of near this place, and W. P. Furr, of ClarkesviHe made a trip to Nashville, Tenn., this week, to be present at a big sale of blooded stock. Mr. .Tim Harris arrive 1 here Wednesday night to accompany mother tinVi her family to their home in the Lone Star State. They expect to leave roeeoa next Saturday and their depart lire is deep’y tegret- led. Mr. C. IT, Dance was elected town treasurer at the recent meetin of the council. Though possessing a festive name, Mr. Dance is a steady young man of fine business qualifi¬ cations, and he will make a good treasurer. SOCIAL. Capt. and Mrs. Jas. vViIson, assist¬ ed by ihe'r lovely and accomplished daughter. Miss Maggie, entertained a few friends Thursday evening. The interior of their charming home glowed with that cordial hospitality which is characteristic of the host and hostess, and to say that the guests spent a delightful evening would be superfluous. Ati elegant supper was served with a daintiness and grace that made it doubly attractive. The guests were Mr. and Mrs; Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Keesp^ Mr. and Mrs, Dixon. * X Miss Lizzie Looney recently er- tertained a few friends most pleas¬ antly. * * The party given last Friday even¬ ing by Mrs. W. L. Vickery, who is n ited for her pleasant hospitality,was g eatly enjoyed by the guests. refreshments w re delicious arj( ] beautifully served. The party Was given in compliment to Miss Birdi* Mae Jones, besides whom there were present Misses Lida and Willie Ram¬ say, Miss Ida Hayes, and Messrs. U. W. Hudson, Bob Mu o , .b lin Mose¬ ley arid Dr. Davis. FLASHES FROM < ’ \ NN ON’S. Mr. Ei>ito ut If y <hi will allow me space in your vahnUe columns 1 would like very much to tell the many readers of your ever welcome paper some of the happenings of on r Last Sunday night while the cool breezes stirred through the waving branches of tTie tree?} and the silver moon shone occasionally front behind tl:e nmibiis clouds borne on aerial wings, tinged with an imaginary silver embroidery, a young mai Who is noted for his gallantry was on his pedestrian journey home; The hour is not exactly known, but it was somewhere between “too late” and 1 o’clock when tho gentleman left his girl and was walking the muddy road by h niself “all alone” in the ! midnight solitude. His soul was sometimes filled with ecstacy as he thought over the inexpressible joys of the afternoon. And aoain as he vvauld meditate ori the sacfvicisitudes and mutat, ° ,ls of lifj there would T”“ °" his all the wild stories of the Westjand ho "’ he «•»'«> ^ as the Jame 5 and Burroughs Had robbed many a ,nan on the public highway. I!e carried in his pocket a watch which he held sacred to the memory Of 4i, nse lf. He reflected thus: “If ? be ho,,W sure 'T ta 8° “‘1 back "T'' 0:1 “Tf'* me Aboat .Y'' 1 • that time a gentleman who had ap- F proached k 1 i him • on .1 the rear^ and , know- , i( ig who he was cried out, “Halt!” He se eh to reach up and nff bkc k b,ft he so much adored, ’ and .l . hesitation . le , ft , the . road and made fot a path which he knew would leal to his fathers ever protecting hand. “Lo, farewell, good bye! I am going home.” The gentleman in the road, realizing he was liable to leave his clothing on the bushes, exclaimed, “Be not a raid, it is I.” But all the pretty talk n the world couldn’t stop him. j Too home dog He was had soon heard to bark at decided to see the sun set from his papa's pi.zza or see it rise from some other man’s window, Potatoes are nearly alt ruined and asr**^ FROM BALT I MOR Vj. Baltimore, Mo., Feb. 10, 1S93. Editor News: Morali’y in Balti- more is no passport to the grace of old Winter; hissmiles are distributed equally in this part of the vineyard. He is an impartial old king, whose motto is embraced in the legend that : suspends over the sidewalk in front of Toccoa’s Alliance store. Morality and degradation are alike finding the pathways of life , very treacherous an 1 slippery, if the streets D f Baltimore can be called those great thoroughfares. With a coating of iCe a half inch thick, th sinner’s chances of slipping up are no greater than the Christian’s. Ite is the great leveler of humanity, es- pecialiy the ice on the streets of Bal- timore. The ice-clad sidewalks arb no respecter of age, se.v, occupation or previous condition; all invariably come to grief by over confidence in their power to defy the laws of gravitation. No one has a better opportunity to make a study of human nature than to observe the face of some over¬ dressed dude who emphasizes his importance by making a life-rize portrait on the ice, by the instan¬ taneous process, for the common folks (Don’t you know) to admire. They are usually great 'ady killers, and fin making- the portrait they seem to be thinking of some young lady—for they invariably murmur something about Miss Iiellen Blazes. The y ung ladies, too, furnish lots of fun to ihe sarcastic young bachelor, generally standing near some street corner. Even to a modest young man like your scribe there is a mix¬ ture of pleasure and curiosity in ob¬ serving the look cf surprise-, mod¬ esty and consternation mingled in one face when some frisky young miss trips gaily on a slippery place and doe’s the great contortion act; Baltimore is a very nice place for a married man to live in, provided he keeps house. The boarding house proprietors here seem to have formed a kind of trust, a no trusting kmd of trust, and all seem to be running an imaginary race at the end of which is untold wealth. Tell Brit Moore, Cleveland and all others down there with boarding house aspirations to come up at once, A person who likes home comforts has got to pay a big board bill or mix up iti the cheap aces wi h all kinds, shapes and ! sizes of depravity. If the estimable i laJy hi gold spectacles to whom 1 S ive m ->’ shoke ! 8 RVer ? Satur ? a J ? v e I ning can be taken as a sample of the , lan d-ladies, they are a very nervy class of people and have great seif- couthd. On making inquiries con- cert’iug board, they will without changing a muscle say §10 per week, with all the nerve of a highwayman demanding your money or your life; hut on protesting at the exorbitant charge, they may comedown a' dollar, but they do so with the grace of a robber on being compelled to return part of one’s money. No fault can be found with the table, though which is a very sub- stantia) affair, groaning under the weight of(as the hotel keepers says,) all the delicacies of the season, Jn fact, they have otieortwo dishes that are entirely too delicate scribe; for a plain of “cracker” like your one which looks like a composition of crabs and eel worms. table When they are passed around the I hide my ignorance by saying “No! thank you,” but all the same l.’m dying of curiosity to know if those thing are sure enough eel worms mixed up wi'h them crabs. If I stay with this estimable lady long enough for her to begin to consider the ad- visibility of making me her son-in- law, 1 am going to ask her if they are real worms, and if they are, farewell! dear old Baltimore! I love you truly, but I can’t go your worms. I can n p with ice 12 inches thick and dS d T 6p ’ bUt r, !. be worms! J . eaUngVl ” 6 The »e,th e r her, is as changeable as a girl to her first beau. Old Winter smiles beneclemlv o„ ^'ro w' sl.e^Vin" h» P ” alou^l bi^ Jea , ousy , n(1 he „ row dark as a thunder storm and shed tears v rill slowly turn to ice Well ^ Mr Editor the number of me » M"***”* l’ 70of that I have infringed cn your valua- hie .ne . snace* pace, so so wi'h »nii } your uur consent, r«ni»o. 1 , ia iue aud.the mutual consent of the re ader 1 will “shut no”- ’ y] Toccoa w H ill. P . <5 _ T U) « th.*e u*i»sw m iuccu«* who WLU contemplate visiting Washington ( J urIn g the i-iHuguration, 1 would suggest, in v ; ew of tbe e"normouj ; crowd that will be there, that If they j cannot there, they get hotel accommodation Baltimore can come up to j n the afternoon and secure t|, ose j ] facilities. Baltimore is within one hours ride of Washiin*tori, with fast trains running every half hour be- tween the two places. Baltimore is contemplating getting the overflow, and the fare is so cheap between two places that L have no doubt a great many will avail themselves “• ■»—»• ... .7. 27. £H i r* TV. J?. WALK, Vicf-Frtvt. n.r,Ki i , JQ 5 &Jk x.c ' \ ! mM 1 1,1 V NjS . fat ••1 R K : U; •v - HTHTI u J®gpl -N- ' \ — -v: i V ■ Bp! ^ 5 , 1 tIJSSP - \= r TOCCOA FURNITURE and LUMBER CO. I J UC Oi*'ppi«A i e cj 18 i) 0 . Authorized Cap Hat, $50,000. Capital paid in, $28,600. o --MAN U FACT F1 IE RE OF-- II MEDIUM GRADE FURNITURE, nil* BED ROOM SUITS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SAFES, COFFINS AND TABLES. --ALSO DEAL LARGELY IN-- DRESSED LUMBER, FLOORING, CEILING WEfltV.EK BOARDING, MOULDING, BRACKETS, MANTELS, Having a large steam drying Iviln of a daily capac t fof 12030 feet, and employin'* 7,> hands prepares to fill orders promptly. Onr facilities for obtaining cheap lumber us and labor cuabla us to defy competition in quali¬ ty of work and price of goods We arc now changing our designs on furniture, and greatly improving our styles, both point of workman- hip and finish.- We claim for m our goods The best Finish of any furniture ojj'ei cd to the tirade in the South. v 2 COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. monthly by Successfully thousands of used La- §N/ m die EH ;s. d reliable IsMho only medicine perfectly diseov- safe s ' ered. Beware of unprincipled W:*a** druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of inis. Ask for Cook's Cotton Koot Compound, take vo substitute, or inclose Si and 0 cents In postage in letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, Address to ladies only. S stamps. Company, 1’ond Lily Ko. 3 Fisher Block, Detroit, ilica. For sale by W. II. & J. DAVIS, and all Druggists. WHISKEY AND OPIUM FUTYBITS CURED JAX HOME, W'THS’j?" pain or cokpinemenL Patients continue business while under treatment. stopped immediately Wlnsky and beginning all other treatment drugs on —do not need them. No treatment yet dis¬ covered to compare with it. Have given special study and practice to With these continued diseases for the past twenty years. and successful increase in prac tice. WRITE I’OR MY ROOK OF CURES, FREE. B. M. AATOOTDUBY, D., ATLA7ITA, Cr JL. Office, 104i Whitehall Street. To Rent. 3 room cottage on Tugalo street. Apply to R. Y. Mui.kev, Sdied-tA-le ITa-rtwell R. R. No 1. Leave Hartwell 7 S5 a m Arrive Bowers villo 845 No. 2. Leave Bowers ville 945 a in Arrive Hartwell 1035 No. 3; Leave Hartwell 11 45 a m Arrive Bowers ti He 1235 p m No. 4. Leave Bowcrsville 105 p rn Arrive Hartwell 155 All trains daily except Sunday. FRED WIEBENS, Superintendent, E. B. BENSON, Receiver. LEAADER. Since its first introduction Electric Bitters I dicinal tonics and alteratives—containing ffiSfJf^Se "SS! tee<l witli each bottle or the money wilt 1«? re- i funded. Price only 50c. per bottle. Sold by iUl5 ' * SmLou’s Catakbh Remedt.-A marve,( marve lous J us cure c,,re for tor catarrh catarrh ’ Dinhthe- JJ, P ,lthe na canker mouth, and Headache, w ' Uh th each each bottle bottle there there is is an inoeni in em- 0 o“» Rector to ,b. mor s ‘.' c - , c^ltrea-mej.. without extra charge, of those rrice complain oOc..>old . s I " b J T . A . c 11 | ^ vnw J TRVTftK 11 1 7 | j it will cost you nothing and will sorely do - you good, if you have acough, cold or any i troubu-with throat, chest or lungs Dr King’s j CokL/is’g^rantcedto^eiverelief’ m-^Tnoney will be refunded. Surterers from La Oripjte aKp'iiy hottle‘at and lea 'fry for ■ oar expense in your elf j wH^&^ft^sdrn^stMe* " 1 Sr^sizTsli 1 andSL j 1 TToolen days. dress g od at cost for the next ten Edwards k Dance i nft! A l y$m f & ii f;cs.L 1 < asscng-cL Stcji at Eloffoa, (Ft. in* iliiiiit I' Our Hotel is the most convenient stopping place for travelers, being not more than 100 feet from the Depot, Our rooms arc comfortable nr.(l pur table is kcj t supplied with the best Ihe market affords. Rates, $ 2 per day ; regular boarders taker, on reasonable terms. R. P. SIMPSON & CO., HEADQUARTERS FOR MACHINERY, MACHINERY SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS, Peerless Engines, Oeiser Saw UMTills, Oeiser Separators, BRENNAN SHINOLE MACHINES, McCORMICK REAPERS & MOWERSj TvTcCormiclA Hay Rakes, Kentucky Cane Mills, AAAkilte Sewing Machines, Estey Organs. mi isiia&ipa a ■r OF Agents for LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE, HOME NE\r YORK, CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORK, HARTFORD OF HARTFORD. CONN, QUEEN OF AMERICA, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. , WA Mo & Jo .((, jI3UBHA 9 -DEALERS IN— MACHINERY AND MACHINERY SUPPLIES. All kinds of Machinery repaired qu ckly and in first-class manner, Parts duplicated. Agents Jor Fugle Engines and Fuck eye Mowers*. Highest market prke [ aid for Shingles. i mm&t m* D. EDWARDS, General Merchandise, (Briglit & Isbeli’s old stand.) Save money by pricing rny goods before purchasing elsewhere. FURNITUHE AND OLD STOCK at com'? Come in and look. Prices will pervade you to buy;