The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, March 10, 1893, Image 2

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?t!;c oT of f o;t Hrtos. published eyrhy fkipav m lying. Edwapds ash Kelse Frcprietors. J J. Howell, ......... Editor RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION' One Ye;;r-...... $ 1.01 s Months 0* ‘Three Months Seed Money Order, Postal Note or r-r-ifl Addres* all letters to The Toccoa News, Toccoa, Ga. FRIDAY, March 10, 1S93 THE ! N A UO UR A TWM. ~ The weather did not seem to be in sympathy with the inaugural e< :e monies. On the morning of the 4 :b snow fell in Washington, and a pier cing wind blew furiously. L»ut notwithstanding these unfavor- able atmospheric 1 conditions, 25,000 or 40,000 0l - wvw . people , braved , , the , cold . , and , thronged the streets. The pro? -ssion inarc hed to the capitol to witness the s olemn ceremonies and then stood in tiie wind for about i i.if an hour while Mr. Cleveland was delivering his inaugural address. The inaugural ball was quite 1 a brilliant a flair, according to reports Washincrton alfher was umhI>1o to i loco in - modate visitors, many of whoir walked the streets nearly all nwl.t ° trying to find a place to lodge. The in.ugur.Uon may havu been . graml .Sair, but wear. B " l»d we did not witness it. It 19 generally believed by people who can read the signs of the times that, for the next four years, the Democratic patty will be on i roba- tion. If it legislates so as to give the relief from oppressive laws that the people demand, its perpetuation in power for a long time is assured : if it fails to do this its doom is scaled. We are living aud hoping that will turn out well, but “weary’s the waiting—weary. ” Gkeat is the ingenuity of the average country editor. In ordet to get *he legal aovertising of \i ebster county, Brother A. J. i isuii has opened an office .just ace >ss t*’.e Webster line, out in the country, two miles from Richland, and still keeps his office in town, lie now running the Gazette on the double-barrel plan, and is get- ting out a newsy paper. Tiie GaiVKsvir.r.u ,, Eaglk ii i change'l hands, W. II. Craigjbeino editor, and J. II Williamson, «« manager. For a long lima the Eagle has been a good paper, and it seams to have suffered in by the recent change. Brother Craig is a strong writer, and the last issue of the Eagle is a very readable one. A lady in Harmony Grove, the other day, committed suicide by hanging herself with two hanks of knitting thread. According to the mode df reasoning of some of our ex¬ changes, this moral may be drawn: Knitting thread is a dangerous thing; beware of it. The asseition that lynch law les¬ sens crime nviv be true to this extent: The person who is lynched never breaks any more laws- Oil the other hand, lyncu law increases crime, be¬ cause every person in a mob that takes human lib* is a criminal. The Macon Telehuapii is now the property of a syndicate composed of Northern capitalists and Macon men. The new company proposes to reorganize the paper and make it one of the best m the South. Tiie State papers seem to he unanimous in the opinion that Geor¬ gia’s convict lease system should be abolished. Tiie press should continue to agitate the matter until a change for the better is made. In Washington Saturday Hoke Smith was there, and the in¬ augural ceremonies proceeded. “He laughs best who laughs last,” and the triumphant cachinnation comes from Mr. Smith, by Hokey. Among our exchanges is the C In r- okee Advocate, a [ aper published in Tahlequah, Indian Territory. A part of the paper is printed in tiie Cherokee language. We seldom read it all. It is said that Frosideut Cleveland will not call an extra session or gross, We had Imped ilris would be clone, but perhaps Mr. Cleveland un de islands the situation better wc ao. r Governor , North .. and ... ins stall en received nmeh attenU.m .luring tl;0 inauguration. T e governor is a gotnl mail, and th^* people of Georgia . o. ti.- oirl_, oues who reahzc ibis fret. J V THE HOOD OLD TIME?. Is the classic myth of thu An- >< v liCP >, mankind was nut, it is said, i .eo a ii, a. e and fern 13 , as tit :sept, 1 ut each ind vdual was a •ompound of both si xes. The urum vas symmetrical, and result' d in a 20 m 1 1 teness and perfection of char- *eter impossible of attainment to any member of a separated sex. “Before that r.i Adam, represented in the Word by a rib. became Eve,” says a mystical writer, “man was in a state of primeval s-veetness and mm>- cence.” ^>o great was the harmony and hap liness flowing from this intimate and inseparable union, that the women, or Androgyne*, began to be remiss in th or devotions to the pots, to cease to depend upon Jove, their civa or, lor aid and counsel, ^ ; lid to look to themselves, rather than to heaven, for motives on 1 inducements in ail they did, and to tutelhgence , for their ideas an . i opin*. . ions concerning their lives and ac- lions. To punish them for their temeiity, or to fit them for the differ- oot si age of development they had leached, Jupiter scpai ateri the sexes, ; making two individuals, two irnper- tect halves of what was before plo^c. \ et so lively is the raceme m- the happiness enjO\ 0 (l in tuc primeval state, that rncr. and women never at rest in their present con- dition, but each of tbe halves is «»"»'•» »e»rching a. finrt oot the o.h- er half from wind, >t is purled; wl,en lhe >’ mcct ’ J«‘“ » 8 »>» " it " "*• greatest fondness an.l sympathy. “Alas!" concludes the Greek. ‘ how seldom this happens! IIow often mistakes are made, and two halves that in r.o manner correspond to each other arc united in wedlock."— From “Curious Customs of Courtship :ir.<l Marrtee.- in Do, aorcst’s Family •' Magszine tor March. Miss Julia Land, of Atlanta, is visit- ing friends in town. Having once been a resident of this place she i-, always a welcome visitor heie. The design on the cover of Amer¬ ican Young People, the now illustra- (ei j monthly magazine puhiislied in ; Chicago, is attracting widespread at | ten lion,^s[^ecially from artists and i ai t critics throughout, the country, as i it, is without question one of the most , beautiful and expressive ever put up¬ on the cover of a periodical. It is the work of an eminent artist and symbol izi S llte fcC'>[)C of the mogti- zine. In order to encourage and stiu u- late patriotic ideas m ... the minds .of the youth of Ameiiea, the publishers of American Young People offer prize- | ap r roximati„g Ten Tlnmaaml Dolh.vs j in va.uc for the best essays giving Hie most comprehensive exposition of the symbolism embodied in Hit 1 de¬ sign. Competition is open tu all per sons under twenty years of age in any educational institution, puolic, private or parochial, ’n the United States. Not only will the successful competitors receive a prize, but also the school or institution of which he or she is :» member. The influences of “swell” society may be as bad as the papers state; we know very little about it; but Lewis Red wine himself is much more culpable for bis own downfall than is society. In the state of Washington a bill has passed both houses making it uniawfulin that state to manufacture, buy, sell, or give away, or h ive in ones posessiou cigarettes or cig.iro tte papers. Some cf our exchanges are hav¬ ing much to say about the danger of spreading diseases by kissing. Go to! Who wants to exist always? Durn vivimus, vivamus. Baseball bids fair to be very pop¬ ular this year. It is true that a good many people run wild on baseball, but it is a very fascinating game to lovers of sport. Northeast Georgia is a wonder- ful section, and its many advantages are just beginning to be recognized. It is the coming portion of the stale. An epidemic of crime seems to be sweeping over I ho land. People like to read this kind of news. Now the time to subscribe. Miss Ellk x Dortch's paper, the Miiied^.eville Uhrouici©, is impr ov - u f?* It fs now a first class sheet. President Cleveland and fam¬ ily are now ensconced in the white house, the proper pla^e for them- Congress lias adjourned. J We . hope the . M next sess.o,, be of more service to the country. The Columbian stamp, like the average small boy, needs lots or iick- iug. TUGAIO DlTS. More cold weather, raid still it continue* cold. ... M e , learn * at Richard ... . Chas’ine will to go Athens soon to l ogin work. Jess Jam-s has been confined to his bed moetali wiufer. We should be gl.t l to hear of him improving. Mrs. Join Clark, of Big Smith district, was out \isiting in this ci'cle last weeR. . A new arrival at the home of Bud Smal- ley. It is a bay, and the image of his father. Last Saturday morning II. Hendrix was repairing some? lung about his plae», when lie WHS attacked bv a man from South Car olina, which liked to have terminated i- a serious affair. Fighting seemed like war for awhile, and all the damage that was done was a cut across Hendrix’s right arm, the loss of three fei ce rails ai d a gcoee reck hoc, while Trass Town Jim Cox went home, minus an L T e > three teeth, and with a broken arm. Wc can surely say that ‘Know All” is a jolly, clever old fellow. He reads The News and laughs heartily over his pieces, and says be believes tLe Toccoa paper is the best pub- i’slied. catmoreland has a big, bouu- cing baby boy at his home. When thiee , ron ths old, he was nailing shingles on the house, so Freeman says. We are glad to note that Mr. Jack Dooly has been appointed road commissioner. A more popular and suitable gentleman for the posi¬ tion could not have been found in our district. Hope our roads will be putin line lix, as j they are ver - v di?a S rt eablc in bad weather. Squ're Jeffoliver is all smiles. He lias a tongue affixed ^ to bis carnage lie bought at the Hill sale, and will soon be ready to take . his tiip to Atlanta through tlic country, j Servic es at Providence every 4th Sunday, j competed Oa sowing by Rev. not Armenius over wnh Cooper, as yet. \ & come That is all right. Pearl is still in Pearl. MORSIKC NEWS COTTON MARKET REPORTS Are Ordered t >y THE TJTFI'TKD states T'TTKA.STJTTY DEP’T. To Be Recognised a.s tire STJATTIDJAFTID. Collector of Customs Johnson has reecived fr ? m b, ' rra " <* ,he treasury department m which he is request- ed to require exporters of cotton to conform in their manifests of domestic cotton export¬ ed to the market prices of similar grades ns quoted and published in the Morning News of the date upon wh eh the shipment is made or cleared at custom house. He is also or¬ dered to instruct 'the steamsh p and other agents clearing cotton reeeivid from other points where they arc obliged to estimate the value to compute the same in the. absence of better information according to the price « f the same grade of cotton a- quoted in tbe MouNiNu News of tl;e date of eleiv aneo, and, in ease the grade is not known, ncebnlmg to the quoted price of middling cot.on on that date. Collector Job i«o i is requested to have all manifests of cotton offered f or export c reful- ly•scrutinized as to | rices by fin a ove s an- daril. In ins letter the chief of ihe bureau States that as the exportat on of domestic cot¬ ton forn s such an ini]* riant j»art of our .sta¬ tistics, end as the . publications of these exports are watched with smh great ca;e by the press and other*, ii is the desire. ,r the. v- partment to harmonize,do lar £s pmefcalde, Big .prices reported w th the •‘Airwnt quota- ^ observed by all ship|»ers of (otton, wheth r by coastwise or fure’gn si 3psi A WOMAN’S WONDERFUL WORK. Toxglogy; A 15oo k iou Lv i;y Wo r AN }> 3 _ Alice It. S ochhaiu, M.D. IIh;st;'uted Over 200,000 have b en sold, and it 1ms been translated into many !an;_v. ag s. To hav such a circulation in the eo irse of only five or six years, it must t*e a goad boo!:,' one desirable for women to d m ai d read. V hai is it? It deals with -the physical cultu of e women, and is designed to al cvijtc ;.nd largely prevent the pain- and Vl;s cf mate n- ity. It is said by one “to be to ti e body of a woman what the bible is t her soul”, The strong, kind face of the author on the opening page prepares one to accept her good words of counsel, which are has d OH Science, common sense i»..k tJian all other hooks together It teaches what so very few are taught by their mothers and (or want of which knowl«l s c, an imi f ee.\al).c amount of suffering has been en- dured by the sex. It is one that every ? .n ried should posses-. Wc rejoiee t’^ai awomai has been raised up with the desire, ability and courage to do this work for her suffering si-tors, and that it has been done with so much delicacy, plainness and success. Sample pages sent free on applica¬ tion to the publishers. Alice B. Steckliam & Co, 277 Madison St., Chicago. (Advocate and Guardian) A SOON TO EVERY WOMAN. What ‘‘Josiah . Allen’s Wife’5 Says About Tokology. “When I opened the book and saw the strong sweet face of it-i writer, 1 knew that I should find nothing but good i:i its pages It is written with delicacy, bravery and wisdom. J wish every woman in the land could read it.” 1'okouogy is a ladies’ guide in health and disease. By Alice B. Stockham. M. D. practitioner over twenty-five years. Prepaid Sample p;iges free. Best terms to agents. Alice B. Stockham & Co., 277 Madison St., Chicago, Advertised Accounts. The following amounts, if not settled before that date, will be sold at public outcry in Toccoaon March 23th, lSGJ, due on subscrip¬ tion to Toe News. It. A. Brown, Whitehorse, S. C- ? 2.70 D. Mitchell, Blacksburg, “ “ 2.60 Monroe Mitchell, “ 2.55 Ti;os. Anthony, Field, 14 4.25 O. R. Doyle, Calhoun, 4.25 H. C, Fears, Madison, Ga. 4.25 L. M. Farmer, Newnan, 4.25 S. C. Jackson, Tallapoosa, ” 4.25 J.C. Turner, Winchester, K. Y. 4 25 N. B Jones, Newport, Tenn. 2-90 W. H. West, Hollingsworth, G;u 3.60 M T . ?J. Brackett, Cleveland, Tenn. 2.60 J. T. McKay, Vandiver, Ga. 2.40 Alec Turnbull, Bold Spring, Ga. 2^5 W' T Kelly, Summers Milts, Tex. 1.00 A.F. Whitehead, Waldo, Ark. 1.80 Rev. W. H. Miller, Norwood, Ga. 2.50 G. W. Fisher, RobDinsville, N. C. 423 'Euw ards & Keese. HEN AND WOMEN HE Lir DR. HATHAWAY & CO., SPECIALISTS. (Regular Graduates.) Acknowledged to be tbe leading and most successful of all specialists and Will give yon HELP. iocng and aged^es ikmar table re- k^d 5£ e tr£{l tnent. YEARS of many varied and successful mml trie oP > use f EI£ or f KC cura- tive methods that m and* co^ro”'tor !•u_diaordors^oi oped er diseased organa, or who are Buffering e P from error* of IN ■S' : ' youth who and excess or arc nerv¬ ous and IMPO¬ TENT, the scorn of their fellows and the contempt friends and companions, leads us to GUARAN¬ TEE to all patients, if they cr.n possibly TREATMENT be RE¬ STORER OUR OWN EXCLUSIVE will AFFORD a CURE. WEARNESS WOMEN with t Don’t you want that to get cured of that a treatment you can use at home without instruments. Our wonderful treat¬ ment has cured others. Why not you? Try it. CATARRH, end diseases of tho thin, Blood, Heart. Liver and Kidneys. SYPHILIS—The most rapid, safe and effective remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. SKIN DISEASES of ad kinds cured where many others b&vo failed. UNNATURAL DISCHARGES promptly mred in a few days. Quick, 6ure and safe. This acludes Gleet and Gonorrhoea. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured cases of Chrenio Diseases that hsv« failed to get cured at the hands of other specialists, physicians and medical institutes. gg- REMEMBER, that there is hop# for YOU. Consult no other, as you may WASTE V ALU ABLE TIME Obtain our treatment at once. BEWARE of free and cheap treatment*. We give the best and most soienUiic treatment at modern ate prices—as low as ran bo done for safe and skillful treatment. Free consultation at the office or by mail. Thorough examination and careful diagnosis. A homo treatment can be given in a majority of cases. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 2, for Yv omen; No. 8, for Skin Diseases. Send lOo for 61-page Kcf- erence Book for Men and Women. All eorrespond- cnce answered promptly. Business strictly confl- dent ial. Entire treatment sent free from observa- tion. Refer to our patients, banka and business me Address or c&il OTX iJK-. HATHAWAY & CO* 22V* So. Broad St.. Atlanta, MO! TIERS RECOMMENDATION. We are acquainted with many moth- ers in Centerville who would not be without Chamberlain's C,.„c,l, ^ Rome- dy in the house for a good main times its cost, and are recommending it every day. From personal expert- j ence we ean sav that it has broken up bad colds for our children.—Center- vile, South Dakota, Citizen. 50 cent bottles for sale by W. H. & J. Davis Druggists. THERE’S NOTHING CHEAP ABOUT IT. Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Ucme- dy for R iemtmtisin is {Hit up in largt bottles, and tbe prior is live dollars a bottle. It cures every time All tlie cheap icuii dies put logetluv »iv not vvovlb one l ottle of Dr. Drum mond’s Ligtitning Remedy, and any sutfeier will hear witn ss to that fact, and any dmeg st .\lio I a- sold it o ready and v tiling to « tf. r ev deuce Ii will u«> direct t > the seat of pain and relieve at.once, Si nt to :-m ad-. Iress j r. p it! on receipt of price Druu tcoiel Medicine C'u. 48 50 ha d- en L tie, New ''York. : Agi n:s wart ed. ItHEUMATLSM QUICKLY CliffFl). Three days is a short, time n which ! o cure a bad c;i-e of rfenma'i-in. but it ci • tie done, if tin* proper treat - me A i? ab-pted its will I e s. en b\ <> foMowtng !V< m Jatm s Ijimberi, • d'New i r uusw-ek Ill.: “I was ly affli.’tid with ilicmnatisoi in the • lips anti legs when T bought a bot-He of Chamber! r. n’s Pain Balm it I'ured me iit X ret? <’avs. ! am all riohf t-i-dav : and won! i insis' on ev¬ ery one wi:<» is affiicttd w tli that ter- rib.e djsimse to use Chamberbi.u’s Pain !; a'm and art-well at once ” 5<i cent bottU s for Side by W. H. & J. Davis, Dru'jgists. .-.I’BCl VEN OASES. SsSSs P 11 P‘ff ’rd, New O/.ssel, Wis. was touted terribly reduced in J? was ffesh and str noth- Tlirec of Electric Bitters cured him. tlirecbottles WUp?JJ>OMlSrtkd!iw;”r»d of Electric Bitters ami 7 boxe- Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and his leg is sound lie gSft whs incur ible. One bottle Elect : e Bit e | s ; and ° ,u - box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured j hini entireIy - 801(1 a t ^ avis ’ 8 Dru ^ torG ' | n CHOLERINE IN PENNSYLVA¬ \ NIA.' Swickley, Penn.: We had fin epi¬ demic of cholerine, as our physi¬ cians called it, in Ibis place lately and I made a urent, hit with Cham¬ berlain’s C'dic, Cholera and Diar¬ rhoea Remedy l sold four dozen bott’es of it in one we« k and have s'nee sold nearly a gross. Th’« Rem¬ edy did the work and «'a« a big ad¬ vertisement for me. Several persons who had been troubled with diarrhoea for two or three weeks were cured hv a few doses of this medicine. P. P. Knapp, Ph. G. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sals by \Y. IJ . & J. Davis, dmegists. Buck lens arnica valve .— h best salve in the world for cuts bruisos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fev?r sores, tetter, chappe 1 hands chilblains, corns and all skin erupt ions and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mancy re¬ funded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W* H. & J. Davis. THE HOOSIERS WANT THEj BEST. ‘•The people of this \ieinity in-i-t on having Chamberlain’s Cough Rem¬ edy, and uo not wont j ny other’ savs John V. Bishop, of Portland Mills, Indiana. That i 9 right. They know it superior for colds, and as a preventive and cure for <roup, and why should they not insist upon hav¬ ing it? 50 cent bottles i* r sale by H. & J. Davis, druggists. OH! WHAT A COUGH JFill you head the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach L . o>t terribledisease, Cons | umption. a sk yourselves it m>u can i :.rfor i for the sake of saving 50c. to run the ri-~ k and do nothing for it. UC know from experience that Shi- toll's Core will curt* you- cough. It • tails. .. .. ,. 1 . U5S . , Why , mom Over C-X p .S1U a n i!lion bottles were so d the ll _ relieves .. , ) ear. croup SIIO whooping l>c cough at once. Mothcrs,d uo t without it. For lame back, sid or i hi st use Shiloh s Porous Plr.s’or, Scluliy T. A. Cupp. LADIES ARE UNFORTUNATE, because the higher tlie*v rise in soci¬ ety the weaker they find themselves bodily. Risley’s I’bilotoken controls the nerves, aids nature in her various functions, and thus combats with the many ills of womankind successfully. If your druggist has not got it he will order it for yon for $1 a bottle, from Chas. F. Risley, Wholesale Druggist, 62 Conrtlamlt St., New Yoik. Send 1 for a descriptive pamphlet, with di- red ions ami certificates from many ladies "ho have used it and can’t say enough in favor of Risley’s Philo- token. DYSPEPSIA AND LIVER COM¬ PLAINT. Is it not worth t he small price of 75c to free yourself of every symp¬ toms of these distressing complaints, if you think so call nt. our store and get a bottle of bliiioh’s Yilalizer, every bottle has a printed guarantee on it, use accordingly and if it does you no good it will cost you nothing Sold by I A Capps. tor Wc catarrn, . l,ave dip..Iberia ?'"> canker P”*' 1 *™ mouth an q headache, in Shiloh's catarrh Remedy. A nasal injector free with each bottle. Use it i‘ yon desire health and sweet, breath. Price 5 ; c ^ ^ ACCIDENTS MAKE CRIPPLES So does Rheumatism, and after n time it kills too! Dr. Drummond’s Lightning Remedy relieves the pain at once, : nd is warranted to cur/. One lottle, price five dollars, is enough for any ordinary case. If you cannot get it from your druggis', write to the Drummond Medieit e CL.* 48-5!) Maiden Line, Xe-.v Yoik.' Agents wanted. ALL FREE. Throe whu lav e u «<l T)v. Kings New I>i-r c very know its value, and ihoRe win* t«rv*r not, luv. e row theo; jjos I tun ty to try it .1 r e. Cn ! oa thsad”'6 t see dri gmst am! get a ti i;ii but 'e f'r e. t end your nlune and .T<l<ife>>» to II. K. llueVer <Vr Co, Cl.ic jro and uyt « sun- pie boxoflJi-. Kl »p’s Ke v »ife l’ii.s. Free, as wed as a copy of >u de ■«* Hciddi and House¬ hold instinct- r, c ; al' of wbi- b Is guaran¬ teed to do you a: *od and eo t y u not .iug. W II \ J Cavil's l> uustoie- BiurRidge&AtiantkR.E. & T/mc labic A o h2 Taking efle< t Mfffcli o, LS03. No. n STATIC NS. I No 12 Dui’j’ I t i;ily M | Lv A r | noon 00 I T Fa U | 12 2 !) 20 Tuinervitle 12 0 f> 4ti Anandale | 11 4!) 55 (-Iai ksviFe |11 3; 50 Demoret I 11 25 .Ho Cornelia il 05 .M Ar T.v | A M W. V, La u raink, Receiver. Save # Bills <> B.B.B BOTANIC a BLOOD BALM THE GREAT REMEDY - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - Ban been thoroughly tested by em¬ inent for 40 physicians and and the fails people to quickly years, never ctire and permanently SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMA, RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, and all manner of RATING, SPREADING and RUNNING SORES. Invariably cures the most loathsome blood il diseases if directions an lowed. druggists. Price per bottle, 6 bottles for |5. sale by SENT FREE w©ifP*im:L > ccBEs. $ BLOOD BALM C0„ Atlanta, 6a. Scientific American bH Agency for ti: CAVEATS, Iff TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to Oldest MUNN bureau & CO., for 3a securing Buoauwat, Skw America. Touk. Every patent taken out by patents is brought In us before tbe jFrietttifif public by a notice given free of charge in the JVmmfau Largest world. drealatlon Splendidly of Illustrated. any scientific No paper intelligent In the man should be without It. Weekly, 93.00 a ▼ear; fl.aOsIx months Address MUNN & CO., PERiasBXits, 361 Broadway, New York City. W L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. FOR And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladles, Boys and Hisses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise¬ ment which will appear la this paper. Take no Substitute, but Insist on having W. L. DOUGLAS’ SHOES, with name and price stamped on bottom. Bold by W. 1 * 1 . KIRGO. EDWARDS & DANCE rtco.virg T.e ricert s'til a r SHOES, HATS, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS ever bronchi io uoccoa r? . if YOU WANT A I 0 IA.M) \KW SUIT cxGTHire CSOi’AF 9 ' EWB L* £« H US. EEfP Etf£RY 7 KiKG.y l^ To the Farmers: /Te will be Jjtejjulcd iojuinoh you the hioheM grade c 7eWUteU manufaduicd. dor the Sake of ihe d/iudofdtj Ba-Sh noil a l down on ihe deUvelij of §00 cU, r ~ tidil -nil mtf e/d in 6loch of J uiUuBS /! ^ /fv. n ui. ii un- iin I g a u 5 )&J V z d bd id 9 ds ik W iJf 9 HATS and CAPS cheapel Hum fhetj mete end fold at in ddoccoa. 7hcn'c also a broken lot <// MEN’S AND BOY'S CLOTHING lo close cut at VJdOLEdAIjJd COM/. Aow is lhe lime lo yel yctur OVGli SUIKTS, UJND Ii SHIRTDH • L S mmmm &m * and, and, in /ael, anjlhinff in /he 2)ry Goods line chcape? I lion ever tejoi'e. 7/J’ou harm lhe Tdao/le 7)o!la? % 7 n ill t/ive you smme o/ Ihe closeslprices on GROCERIES AHi>' HARDWARE hare heard of in a long lime . Come and see n’hal 7have and hear ?ny jjrices J ,<m H an ^ ?° ^ ff 7 Country Prod .ce cl all kin s t?l n the same as Cash. MACK PAYNE- TOCCOA^ GA-