The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, March 24, 1893, Image 4

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* ♦ turn* t&Sr {Qhfic&LU. fPaAAengel Qfiefud..') Sotcira, <Sa. tttt. % %Wm> Our Hotel is the most convenient stopping place for travelers^ being tot more than 100 feet from the Depot. Our rooms are comfortable and mr table is kept supplied with the best the market affords. Ra tes, $2 per lay; regular boarders taken on reasonable terms. 1 . P. z ■HEADQUARTERS FOR MACH 11 VER Y. MACHINERY SUPPLIES AND REPAIRS, Peerless Engines, Oeiser Saw Mills, Oeiser Separators, BRENNAN SHINGLE MACHINES/. McCORMICK REAPERS Sc MOWERS McCormick Hay Rakes, Kentucky Cane Mills, MMliite Sewing Machines, E^stey Organs, 83S8 !8f832IffiSi®i8 & 855®3AS$3nEe Agents for LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE, HOME OF NEW YORK, CONTINENTAL OF NEW YORK IIARTFORDOF HARTFORD. CONN., QUEEN OF AMERICA, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. Q 9 9 —DEALERS IN- MACHINERY AND MACHINERY SUPPLIES. All kinds of Machinery repaired quickly and in first-class manner, Parts duplicated. Agents for Nagle Engines and jBuckejse Mowers , Highest market price paid for Shingles. it D. W. EDWARDS. General Merchandise (Bright & Isbell’s old stand.) Save money by pricing my goods before purchasing elsewhere. FURNITURE AND OLD STOCK 9 Come in and look. Prices will persuade you to buy. Every Man trated A taining 600-page Book, valuable Illus¬ con¬ HIS OWN DOCTOR. information taining of the human to disease per¬ sys- Hy J. HAMILTON A TUBS, M. D. tem,showing Low to treat and enre with simplest of medicines. The book contains analysis of courtship and marriage; rearing and management oi children, and a full complement of facts in materia medica that everyone well-regulated should household know. This most indispensable paid, adjunct to address every of will be mailed, post to any on receipt price, SIXTY CENTS. Address ATLANTA PUBLISHING HOUSE, 116 Loyd Street, ATLANTA. GA. JOB PRINTING Of Every Description ess (« Orders Will Receive Prompt Attention. GIVE US A TRIAL! Orders for Fancy and Plain Job Printing receive prompt attention at this office. TELEGRAPHIC GLEANINGS, Tie Hews of fte IWi (Saiensei Into Pitty ami Pointed Parairajlu Interesting and Instructive to All Classes of Readers* dist Bishop Episcopal Brown* of the African Metho¬ ton Thursday. church, died in Washing¬ The body of Jules FeWJr was removed house Monday with military honors from his in Paris to the Luxembourg^ found Friday George Harden, colored, was guilty in a Mexico, Mo., justice court of vagrancy, and was ordered aold at public auction. Snow fell for several hours In iowa Thursday, of the and indications point to one worst storms of the season. Snow aleo fell at Kansas City. The Beauprie Mercantile Company, At St. Paul, Minn., failed Thi!r&5ay. The assets of the company Are estimated at $168,658 and the liabilities,' $517,286. died Si Po iii Tta, the famous Chinese doctor, San Francisco, Monday of asth¬ ma. He was feveuty-six years old and came to San Francisco forty yeart ago. A bill extending the right of suffrage to women in municipal elections, was de¬ feated by the lower house of the Michi¬ gan 39. legislature Thursday by a vote of 88 to Peter F. Myer, the well kbown specu¬ lator, who is in pfttthership with Richard Croker in the real estate business, has offered $900,000 cash for the Jerome park racing property. The Chinese government has dispatch¬ ed 15,000 repeating riiles to the ttoops On the western frontier in the Vicinity of the Pamirs. NumetoUk drill instructors accompany the transports. surviving Cap'ain Daniel 8. Harris, the oldest settler of Illinois, a soldier of of the Black Hawk war and a veteran steamboat man, died in Galena Friday* aged eighty-three years. The large wholesale grocery concern ot Tompkins, Fassett & Croker, at El¬ mira* and liabilities N. Y., failed Monday, The assets are both very heavy. The former will be above $125,068,. Wheeler Thursday morning lire broke out intlm opera bbuse at Toledo, O., and in a short time the whole building was a mass of flames. The loss will be at least $100,000; fully covered by insurance. The largo glass plant of the United States Glass Company at Tarentum, Pa., tailing was totally loss destroyed by fire Monday, Abotit" five en¬ a of $150,000. hundred employes are thrown out of era¬ ployment. J. W. Morse & Co.’a large brick cot¬ ton thread factory at North Easton .Mass.* has been destroyed by fire. The loss Oh the building and machinery is estimated to be from $175,000 to $200,000; only partially insured. The large, new flouring taill and ele¬ vator of Boyes, Dean & Co., at Seward, Neb., day. Was tot&lly destroyed by fire Mon¬ Loss on buildings, $20,000, flour and grain, $10,000. Insured at about one-fourth of the value. The Chinamen in New York and vicin¬ ity have raised a large fund to tent the constitutionality of the Geary law. It was reported Sunday that the New York and Brooklyn Chinamen have already sub* scribed $30,000. They can raise as thueh more as they think hecessary. The clothing cutters’ union of New York City started a series of sirikea Fri¬ day which, if persisted in, is likely to cause a lockout of 800 cutters by the Clothing Manufacturers’ Association, and this will have the effect of throwing between 6,000 and 7.000 out of empl oy- ment. Miss Clara Barton, president of the American National Red Cross, has ac¬ cepted the magnificent gift of between ^OO.aud 800 acres of land on the borders of the blue grass region in the state of Indiana/ tendered the association last month ford, by Dr. Joseph Gardner, of Bed¬ Ind. Turn Hall, a building covering half a block, at Patterson, N. J., was totally destroyed by fire Thursday morning. The loss is roughly estimated at $75,000. Four firemen were injured and it is be¬ lieved two will die. They were caught in the building when the walls collapsed, and it was with the greatest difficulty that they were removed from the debris. A Berlin special says: The committee of the reichstag on the army bill Friday rejected it on second reading, six con- fervatives alone supporting ’he motion for a second reading. The committee then adjourned until after Easter. This vote was another blow to any hope that remain¬ ed to Chancellor Caprivi of the ultimate passage of the measure. At a meeting of the Congregational ministers of Chicago, Monday morning, a set of resolutions was unanimously adopted urgently calling the attention of President Cleveland and Secretary oi State Gresham to the outrages perpetra¬ ted on American missionaries in Turkey, and asking that the present state of af¬ fairs there be investigated. While engine No. 394, of the Reading railroad, was standing on a siding near a station in the central part of Mahcney City, Pa., Saturday morning the boiler exploded, demolishing it completely and totally wrecking the engine. Engine! r John Schuyler and Fireman William Wells were thrown in the air and, be¬ sides being badly battered, were so se¬ riously scalded they cannot survive. The concurrent resolution submitting an amendment to the constitution pro¬ viding for the separation of Kansas City from Jackson county, passed both houses of the Missouri legislature and whs signed by ihe governor Saturday. It will be voted upon at the next general legislature and if favorably passed upoD will permit the city to separate from the county and organize a municipality of its own. A Harrisburg, Pa., dispatch says: Among the charters issued from the state department Monday was one for the Honesdnieand Albany Railroad Company, capital $2,700,000. The line will extend Whitehaven, Luzerne couuty, to tbc most convenient point on the New York state line, between Hancock. Dela¬ ware couuty, acw Yoik, and EquinutiK, Wayna county, Pennsylvania, a distance of ninety miles. A New York special of Sunday asys: Still no news of the Naronic and the agefcts of the steamer are ready to admit that the chances of her being heard from are becoming decidedly small. With the arrival of the steamship Oliu- da, from the Azores Saturday, nearly all hope of hearing from the Naronic there has been abandoned. Her captain re¬ ported that he had heard nothing what¬ ever of the vessel. The Carnegie Steel company recently gave an order to Whitworth & Co., of *tP^j&£SEr TnassiVe proof machine*^ will hare The a ca- pacity of l$,CDu tons pressure and will cost the over $1,000,000. It is claimed that machinery advantages will give the the Carnegie company oVer World in the manufacture of War fiitd’res. An easily armor §« plate Weighing 100,000 tons can Wijfkea in one piece. General The litigation B. F. Butler’s over, the book publication of has outlived its kuthwr. Friday, at Boston, Mass.,the mil against the late general Was finally arguad before the full benefe of the su¬ Jewett preme court, Publishing T*e plaintiff, the C. 8. in the lower Company, finding was $3,500 given court a of as damages sustained In consequence Of th’e general’s refusal to let the house publish the workunder ton trie t which had beeh ^ad%. The The defendant took exceptions. cohrt took the papers and Will de- cide the case later, The A Chicago Giagaleh dispa.t%h of Thursday says: workmen at the world’s fair hare gone on a strike against their employers, lon who have charge of the Cey¬ exhibit. The men were hired in Ceylon for 30 rupees per month which is about $? in American Caohey. They thought they 80 rupees i’dea Was A big tiling until gaifeed in hu of what workmen reefcite this country They have been here only two weeks, but they followed the proper programme and struck. They then appointed a committee ttt.Be'e Wfeat the boss was going to db about it. They were offered 40 rupees and are thinking it over. THE NARONIG LOST, rhe Life Seats of tie Missing Steamer Foma iloat The Fath of Iter Crfek ig UnknoWn; Though Th6y Mfty Be Safe. A special cablegram from Bremen, Germany, says: After long continued anxiety Star regarding Steahie'v&aronic; the fate ,cf the White line freight which called. froth Liverpool Febiuary 11 for Nefr York, and which has not since been heard of, intelligence has been received sel showing beyond any doubt that, the Ves¬ is lost. The British Stealiier; (Cov- entry, Febtliary Captaiti Wilson, lrom Fernandina, She tepotts 10-, arrived at Brenieu Monday. that at 2 o’clock On the 42 morhinjg degree* of March 4, in latitude nerth and longitude 46 degrees wi st, she passed i life boat painted white, bearing ! he name “Naronic.” The boat w as floating ’he afternnon keel upward. At 2 o’eleck in of the Bathe dajr; ahothet life bhat Iroih the Nafonic was passed; I'hik boat gaVe evidences of haViDg en¬ countered hfe'vy Weather. The tnast and oars of the life boat had beeu Iasbed to¬ gether and attached to the painter and then thrown overboard as a sea anchor to k ep the boat’s head up to the wind and sea. of the Judging from appearances, neither The boats had been long adrilti position of drifting boa’s was south by west of Sable island, on the lank of Newfoundland, and there is a chance that the occupan’s of the boats were picked up by a passing vessel. WHAT THE NARONIC IS. The Naronic 5,594 is a powerful 470 twin-screw vessel of tons. feet long, 53 feet beam and 35 feet deep. She has double sheathing and is built in com¬ partments. Her two engines are in eep- erate rooms, parted by a watertight steel bulkhead On her last trip she made a journey of 3,015 miles in ten days and twenty-three hour9, or at a rate of about eleven knots an hour. At this rate she would have arrived at New York on February 22d, since she left Liverpool on February 11th. The missing vessel had on board Cap- aiu Roberts and his crew of fifty-five men and the twelve re uruing cattlemen on board.. The Atlantic has been for weeks past swept by furious gales. In¬ coming steamers report kind stormy another. passages nod damage of mentions one or called “tidal A recent arrival a so wave” which cleared its decks. There has been rough weather enough to test the strength of the best ships afloat. TREMONT TEMPLE IN RUINS. One of Boston’s Old Landmark’s De¬ stroyed by Fire. Fire broke out about 7 o’clock Sunday morniDg in Tremont temple before ob Tremont street, Boston, Mass., and noon the entire structure estimated was gutttd. $325,- The loss is variously at from 000 to $375,000, while the Parker house, opposite, is believed to have been dam- asjtd by water to the extent of $5,000. Besides the Union Temple church, there were a number of offices in the building, including the American Baptist Mission¬ ary Mission, Home Mission Society, the business and editorial departments of the Watchman and the Baptist Social Union, office of Woman’s Voice, loyal women of America. Tremont temple, which was originally a theater, has beeu one of the moat con¬ spicuous buildings of Boston in the gen¬ eration. Since 1863 it has been cele¬ brated all over the country as the largest Bap'ist church in New England, if not in America, and the headquarters of that denomination. The purpose of taking it for religious purposes was stated in the original appeal for purchase money to found a church iu Boston where all per¬ sons, whether Tich or poor, without dis¬ tinction of color or condition, might worship. On December 7th, after re¬ modeling, the house was dedicated, but on the night of March 31, 1853, the tem¬ ple was burned. The loss was $178,365; insurance $45,244. A neW building on the old site was completed, however, in December,. .1853, at a cost of $166,000. On August 14, 1879, the building was destroyed again by fire but was promptly rebuilt and re¬ opened on $230,000. October 17, 1880, at a cost of more than The auditorium was one of the largest length, in the country, being 123 feet in seventy-two in width and sixty-six in heighth.__ Montana’s Silver Statue. The largest silver statue ever known since the world began, was successfully cast Saturday. Sixteen hundred pounds of sterling silver were melted in a cruci¬ ble at Grand Cross, the molten mass was poured into a large mold and Montana’s silver statue, “Justice,” was an accom¬ plished fact. ’Jhe cost of the statue, it is stated, is $70,000. Big Failure in Liverpool. The failure has been posted in Liver¬ pool of Bigland & Harvey, the stock brokers, who operated largely in the Amerioan market. The deficiency of as¬ sets is estimated at 20,000 pounds—a million dollars. sWiOUS FACTS ABOUT BREAB Which Housekeepers Nboa’rf Earnest!? Consider. A serious d*iB'*ir mettnfes thfe health fef the people qf this bohntry in the bu- berous a utn baking powders that afe now being Urged Upod the public 1 . There is bo questiSi as hi the detri¬ mental Cwcct of the-«e powders upon the sy f tem. Everj Board of Health, every phy- cjsd, will tell yoii of the unwhole¬ some qualities they add to the food. Some countries have absolutely pro¬ hibited the sale of bread containing alum. Even SOial! db3es of alum; given to Children, have prodiicei fatal Fesulta, while cases of heartburn, indigestion, griping, constipation, dyspepsia} and varu Us kindred gastri© trohp'es from irrdatiPa of the mucous membrane, caused by the continuous use of food prepared with the alum or alum-phos¬ phate powders, are familiar iu the prac¬ tice of every physician. It is not possible that any prudent housewife* any loVihg Hiother* will kbowingly bse an article of food that Will injure the health of her household, or perhaps cau«e the death of her chil¬ dren. How shall the dangerous alum powders dan.t'r be distinguished? And how shall the td health from their use be avo dctl? Geneially, alum powders may be from the price at which they are sold; or I Tull! the faPt that., they are acfc >:n- pauied by a gift; arc disposed of Under «oir,e tfc'eme. The allmi pbwdfct costs but a tew bents a pound to make, and is Alien sold at 20 or 25 cents a pound. If some present is given with it; the price may be 30, 40 or BO ecula A pollndi It is impossible id name illl the aluni bidets in the u nrket, but any baking pbwdct tized sold busting at a low half price; or rtitich adver¬ as only asl at bream bl tartar powders; accompanied by a preseut, or disposed of under any scheme, is of this class, detrimental to health, and to be avoided. But the easy* sale; and Chrtaid protec¬ tion of out bread, b.scuit and cake from all danger Of unwhoiesomeucas is in the use of the Royal Baking Powder only. This powder is mentioned because of the innumerable reports in its favor by high medibal authorities; by the t). S; Gov- brntnent; and by the < ificai bberaiats and Boards ot Health, whicu leave Ob doubt n to its entire lreeddtu froul ahinij lime and ammonia; its absolute purity ant tvholesumeuess; While its use is thus a safeguard against the poisonous alum powders it is satisfactory at the same time to know that it makes the whitest, lightest, sweetest ahd most tlelibious fobd, which will keep moist and fresh longer, and that can be eaten with im¬ munity hot or cold, stale or fresh, and also that owing to its greater strength U is more economical than others. These facts should incline consumers to turn a deaf ear to all importunities to buy the inferior powder. If a grocer urges the sale of the cheap, impuro, alum brands, it should bfc befne in rniud that it is because he can make more profit oi them. The wise housekeeper will decline in all cases to take them. lake no chances through using a doubt¬ ful article where so important a matter as the htrtlt’i or life of dear Ones is at stake. Perfectly Safe. Little Girl—“That’s the second time your minima has called you.” L ; ttle Boy (very busy playing)—“ I know.” Little Girl—“Won’t she whip you if you don’t go?” L’ttle Boy—“No; she’s got company, and she’ll say: ‘He’s been real deaf since he hnd the measles, poor little fel- 'low. ’ ” , To Believe the Truth About the efficacy in obstinate ca«es of dys- pep ia of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters re¬ quires no st’ etch of credulity. Are you troub¬ led with indigestion? If so try it, not occa¬ sionally, •■pasmodically. relie', Take a regular, timate per¬ sistent will the course. result. Prompt The dvspeptic, u the bilious, cure be the nervous, y-troubled toe rheumatic, efficacy. the mala- ia wine- and kidn attest its A gla- st'ui before meals. It is ill non-ense about our that climate chang¬ ing. Profes-or Hazen says the facis of history show t at the world’s c ima e has not changed in 3,000 years. Malaria cured and eradicated from the sys¬ tem by Brown’s Iron Bitters, which enr cn>-« the blood, tones the nerves, aids digest on. Acts like a charm on persons and in general ill health, giving new energy strength. Sponge b ack rilk with co d coffee and am¬ monia to freshen i . Beat of All To cleanse the system in a gentle and truly beneficial manner,when the Springtime comes, use the true and perfect remedy,Syrup of Figs. One bottle will answer for all the family and costs only 50 cents; the larye size SI- Try it and be pleased. Manufactured by the Califor¬ nia Fig Syrup Co. only. Lady (to famous animal painter)—“It is a great p easure to me to meet you—I adore an¬ imals.” Bow'a Thief Wa offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall’s Catarrh Cura. • F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo. O. Cheney We, the undersigned, have knows F. J. for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac¬ tions, ligations and financially able-to carry out aay ob¬ made by their firm. VN EST & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Waldino, Druggists, Kikkan <fc Mahvih, Wholesale Hall’s *-■ arrh Toledo, O. . Ca. Cure is taken internally, act¬ ing directly of the epoa the blood Testimonials and mucous sur¬ faces system. sent free. Price 75c. pet bottle. SobLby.ail druggists. Mr>. Minks—“Mrs. Leadem is aging very .ipidly.” Binka—“Ye«, thing. She is Mrs. poor worry¬ ing herseif gray trying to look young.” Brown’s Iron Bitter.-* cure* Dyspepsia, Deofiit-. Mala¬ ria, Biliousness and General Gives strength, appetite. aids Direst'.oi, The best tone* tonic tie for n>. arsing ves— creates Mothers, w eak women and children. coffee One table^poonfuWwell A l heaped) granulated or est brown sugar equals one ounce. A Great and Uaefal Bonk. Owing to the growth of the English language and its continually increasing prevalence, very much more is required of an English dictionary-to-day than formerly, and Noah Webster, who Dictionary, spent twenty would years hardly in preparing his American recog¬ nize it in the perfection which it has attained in the hands of modern scholars. Webster’s International Dictionary, the latest of the long line of revis ons and enlargements of the original “Webstsr,” represents fifty times the amount of lit*rary labor expended complete upon and the earliest edition, of and the kind i* the most published in reliable work ever indorsed emi¬ a single volume. It is warmly the try nent scholar- throughout nseful Engli c h-speak- the ing world, and is a most book for library, the school, the family, the student, a id in fact for ail who read or write the Eug li3h languate. No Sat*r Remedy can be had for Coughs and Colds or anv trou lble of the Throat than ■'Brown's Bronchial rochet." Price 2& cents. Sold only in boxes. Taking Cold. A person in good health with fait play resists cold. But when the hfexlth a little; aiid liberties are taken With stomach la easily taken, of the and netvotis According system, the a to spot of tike individual assumes the of a bold q'r pneumonia, or it may jaqndibe. Of all bases of ^‘cold” A fatigue jaded is one of the m >st t ffi- long day’s man work, coming at night a two hotirs sleep o*fer a growing eVenjog youth t&o tbfee par* or times a week,, or s lady “Joing the seasou,” Hnd children with a short allowance of are common instances of the vice of cold. Luxury Is favorable to th, feather taking} bids tbry het rooms, stiff chaifst create a sensitiveness tha, to catarrh. It is not, after alls cold that is so much to be feared a- antecedent condition that gives the attack a chance of do ng hatm. Some the worst colds happen to those who fiot leave thiir house dr tVen their bra, and those Who ate fliost invulner¬ able ate often these who are most expos¬ ed to change of timperature, and who by good sleep, cold bathing and regular habits preserve the tone of their nervous and circulation, A Terrible Threat. Mother—‘’Horrors! Tommy! Tommy • Come in this miuUte.” Tommy—“I don’t waht to/’ Mothfer—“If yotl dob’t borne in I’ll— lVhip Jolij dhd 1 #on’t gi¥e you but piece i f c mdy afterward.”—Street & <3ood New9. All Alike* Visitor—“And so you went to church tee the wedding? What did you of it?’’ Litt e G rl—“J. didn’t think. I just atld talked, an* tallied without Smith’s s .me as i verybody else.—Street Good News. &3 Worth of Hood’s Cured When Others Failed fcalt Rheum or Psoriasis—Severe Casfh \ 1 » \ m m i 1 & s' 3 Mr. N. JC. Me Court Kingsley, Iowa. “In 1879 I had an eruption appear on my left leg and arm. Sometimes it would ulcerate 8hd on account of it I was unable to work a great deal of the titrte. 1 had seven d< ctofs ex¬ amine and treat ine without success. Soffle called it psorasis, some eczema, some salt rheum and one knowing one called it prairie itch. All the doctors in the coun y had a trial but none did me a particle of good. I spent all my spare money trying to get relief. Finally I was persuaded to try Hood’B Sarsaparilla. After using one and a half bat lies I saw the benefit. 1 have now used the third bottle and am completely cured. I received more HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES benefit from three dollars’ worth of Hood’s Sarsaparilla than from the hundreds of dollars paid for advice and other medicine. Any one suffering from skin trouble will surely get re¬ lief in Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” N. J. McCoun. Kingsley, Iowa. We Know This to Be True “ We know Mr. N. J. McCoun; saw his leg and arm before taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla and know he was terribly afflict ed; now he is cured.” “ E. H. Banks, Druggist, “ D. A. Oi.tman.v, “ J. P. Gasper, “ R. B. Ellis, “ C. C. Bakukr, Kingsley, Iowa. Iiood’a Pills are the best after-dinner Pills, as¬ sist digestion, cure headache. Try a Box. How is Your Blood? I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of I I Other blood medicines had failed |______| to do me any good. Winn C. Bkaty, Yotkville, S. C. S.S.S. jeS I was troubled from childhood with an ag- gravated ca se of Tetter, a nd I hreo bottle* of | s.s.s. I cured me oermanetiv. WALLACE MANN. I. * — —— M.nnvilie, T. Our book on BJood an 1 Skin Diseases mailed free. fiwiKT Specific Co . At)anta,Ga. One If yon will cut this sdverti e- ment oat, pat it in a letter and write for oar catalogue of Dia- aa 1 monds, Watches and Jew. Y ) e * r ’ r ’ w ^ ich we w .‘'* eeud you you how y- >a can •n mi ake one dol a in a minute. Add res* at once J. P. STEVENS dt BRO. Minute 47 Whitehx'l JEWELER-, St., Atlanta, (ia, Stertiiiig Facts For Women! Over two million women in the United ^t-tr a, between the agee of 38 a^id 46 years. More than twelve hundred thousand ot them suffer un¬ necessarily for several yeare during this period. “Change “Woroen’s of Life.” All Home c»n Treatment.” be relieved at Write h_*in» by with our aelf-diracted stamped envelope for book and terms, free. Address O. R. KING, M. D., Cor. Forsyth and Walton Ste., Atlanta, Ga. insis jSjWWofCTBSi . I e liver and Bowela, i i i dfgekUoc follows their by mall. use. I Box i | by a vials?, druggists 75c. Package or sent li boxes), gZ. [ W ®S^^EMICAL CO., New Turk. I WHISKY AND ECatoits Cu.rea. At your home without pain < r Patients continue business while under ment. Whisky and all other drugs immediately ' .1 beginning trea ment—do need them. So treatment yet discovered compare with it. Have given special and practice to these diseases for the twenty years, with continued and increase in practice. Write for my of cures, free. B. M. WOOLLEY, M.D •Office, 1044^ Whitehall SL Department A ATLANTA, A Powerful Flesh Maker; A tffat kfita file taste of eod-liver oil has done good service—hut the process that both kills the taste and effects par¬ tial digestion has done much rhofit Scott’s Emulsion stands, alone in the field of fit-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part¬ ly digested before taken. Scott’s Emulsion checks Con¬ sumption and all other Wasting diseases. A Preparedb.r F*crott & Botvn©, Chemist*. New York. Sold by druggists everywhere. “German Justice Syrup” of the Peace, George Wil¬ kinson, of Lotvville, Murray Co., Minu., makes a deposition concern¬ it. “In ing a severe cold. Listen to the Spring of 1 S 8 S, through ex¬ posure I contracted a very severe Cold that settled on my lungs. This Was accompanied by excessive of Boschee’s night sweats. Oue bottle German Syrup broke up the cold, flight sweats, and all and left me in a good, healthy condition. lean give German Syrup my most earnest commendation.'’ _® dR. KING’S ROYAL GERMETUER D R R * Is A. POSITIVE CURE TOR K i.a(irl|>pe, Catarrh, Kliriimatinni, K I Neuralgia, Ily.pepHia. Hovel, Kill- I N ncy anil Bladder IHsoaoe*) Blood N 9 S Poison and General Debility. o Pleasant . Lemonade, as ft Harmless $1.00 Always Bottle. R q Price, Per o L Unexcelled for ST1MJS. BUKlkS, BRUISES ^ £ |_ anil MANUFACTURED ONLY BY I KING'S ROYAL GERMETDER CO. | (W ATLANTA, CJA. M £ Take Dr. King’s Germetuer Pills for A ~ ,, the Liver and Gonsti pat ion—60 pills in box, price, 25 cents. g R DR. KING’S ROYAL GERMETUER 9 e *J3 Do Not Be Deceived with Pastes, Ruarn els and Paints which stain the h< ?he'RtiUHx*Su*n Store Polish^VflirllMaB*, Odor- le«s. Durable, b*kI the consumer pays for no tin or glass pac kage irlth erery purchase. ) IS UNHAPPY WONT DE AND, DRIVEN.' * HOME NAILS . ARE CHEERFUL AND SHARP / r C-3-. />V AND THE DIFFERENT SIZES /\// ARE VERY ANXIOUS TO / / S I ,L ' \ ''ADAPT TO ALL THEMSELVES THE A \* f USES / Two Companions:— Used in all homes. Home Nails, Sold by all dealers. Home Tacks. A Woman Has wry little (lc^’re to enjoy the plea.« ures of life, and Is entirely unfltred for the c.ires of bouaekeeptng or »nyordinary :ulle«. if effiicied with Slf'K HEAD. AC’UE DAY A1TE TKll DAY and vet.there ai« few ills cases th‘.t yield more promptly to propiV medical treato'i-nt. It Is therefore of the utmost Im- portaace 1 that that a icllable remedy should always lie at hand. Duriu « a perio lod of more than (JO YEA ItS there h as be'-n no In stanre reported wh~i— OMET -nch I. V case, have ba no; t.ecn perm anently an i IMt CUli El> by by me the use use of of a .imrie box of 'to-genuine and 'nstly celebrated Dr.C. Mcl.tXE'S I, PILLS, mailed which may be procured at any Drug of Si ore, or will be to any address on the receipt 25c. In portage stamps. Purchasers of these Pllla should be careful to procure the genuine article. There are several counterfeits on the market, well calculated to deceive. The genuine Dr. U. McLane’s Celebrated Liver Pills are manufactured only by TUEMING BROTHERS CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. MEND YOUR OWN HARNESS V THOMSON’S SLOTTED WITH CLINCH RIVETS. No tools req uired. Only a I. a ram er needed to drive an i c inch th. m easily and quickly, leaving the clinch enso ntrly imooth. K quiring n > ho e to be made in hr leather nor burr for the Eiveta They are strong, lonrh and durable. Midions now in use All eiii-th.. uniform or as* .rted. pot up In noxe*. Aik roar dealer for them, or send 40c. In <n>mpa for a nox oi 100, asaorteu *:xea. Man fd by JUDSON L THOMSON MFG. CO- WALTHAM. MASS. 7S DOSES 25‘J gpr- LHEGREATli SHILOH’S ISHCURf : CURE. Cures Consumption. Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. BICYCLES. Complete roe Bicycles. of high, medium an I KjTp^all < cheap grad * Sun fines of kind*. Bend stamp for catalogues anlp-iee*. Immense Ibirgnius Bicycles, in Serotid-liand Pneumatic and Cwnhian Tired. Tue on y ex¬ clusively bi ycle bouse ia the South. Instalment erin* to responsible parties, Send rt-ter-nc-o*. Ad re- r- x Bit Vf'LK I>EI*AUT.M»T, dial LOW It Y II..:: H ARK CO., K. I*, taut, Manager., N s- 3S Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. OPIUkSTSoSKSSS «•» » y vp n TRAVkUSO Sales a*.*; or have line side W An I tu line. Bouqcrr Ciuab Co., Lynchburg, Vo. ■ PISO’S CURt FOR Oisnaaptlvca and ptopl# who kif* waak lung* or Aitb- ■a. should bh Piao’k Oare for Conaumptloa. It haa cared ik.ui.R4>. ft ha* not tajur- •d one. It ti not bad to take. It !• the beet cough »rrap. Sold everrwhere. »*«. CONSUMPTION. 1 a. N. U Twelve, '9$