The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, April 21, 1893, Image 3

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<B|t tstccn Friday, April 21-, 1893. w * 4 Local SaPpi-hings. -And Other Yii&ely Topics Briefly Chronicled. The directors of the AVlTfcnce store will meet iu Tocdba On next Monday, the 24th. If the marshals and the mayor do not “weary in well doing,” “blind liters’ will grow weary of Toccoa. An alarm of fire was sounded at 1 \c furniture faS'orv n\, but quick work prevented any dam * *fgo. You need not. expect the carrier to deliver The News at your home. C nil for your paper at tlic post •office. it will take good work to carry the election for bonds on Mav 1st. Let everyone realize this fact and do his duty. When needing blank notes, deeds, mortgage notes, warran’s, fi. fas. and oilier legal forms, call at The News 1 fiice. It be'lioovSa‘every citizen r.f Toe* coa who is in favor of issuing bonds to use his influence in inducing (•ttiers »o vote as lie does. A eiowd of our boys went to the T*u'gulo river Saturday to fish. They say they euVCyed their trip, hut >Sat orday wasn’t a good day for fishing. Wh have just received our spring yroods; they are the prettiest in town. Ilitow.v & Mitchell. Owing to the absence of Rev. E. A. Keese, who had a matrimonial mission to perfi Till On VIVat day, there was no preaching at die Baptist cbtVrt .1 Sunday. 'Ilit* revival at ihe M^thodi>i church stdl continues, White no tgr*-nt interest. is exhibited, it is thought lVie that good is resulting Horn sen . Brown Mitchell are enterprising ’merchants. In their efforts to keep in stock everything that a customer may d isiro they have secured a lot Vm marriage licenseV. Dur money—that, we expect, to get is on the l’occoa “Riai k Stock- V. gx,” who will cross bats in Clarkes* villc Saturday with the colored base l ail club of ll.nV place. At. the Methodist church Sunday 1 *. t • preached night. Rev'. M. 1*. Allen a s» i mon of unusual pluinnrs-*. It was direct, forcible and timely, and was calculated to do goVid. The l»rick work on the store of Matheson, Mabry and Pay ne is gohtg on. 'I'liis store will be one hundred feet long and have a basement the full length of the house', Twenty - five dollars Lr each ex- liibit i< what Mayor Haves usually charges proprietors of “blind tigers.” These individuals complain at this price, but they generally pay it. i’or several mornings this week tue I mercury has been pretty low for the season, but a< the ground was dry there has been little frost. So fAr the pro,peers for fruit this year are good in this Section. ^’ill and ex unine our line of dress goods, consisting of chambray s, chal- lies, percales, white goods and iine henriettas. Blown ft Milch ell. The editor has received ohe or two] inquiries from ji^tiple at a distance There in reference to board, in Toccoa. is no good reason why we should hot have many summer boarders, i- our people waiit them. In our last issue an error occurred <n reference to the ownership of the inulo stolen by Frank Tims. The mule was the property of John Orr, a negro living on the plantation of Mr. J. D. Prather, on Tugalo river. Our coined citizens should be , ls much, if not more, in favor of issuing tiomU toliuilil new school houses T.wcoallun »r« th« whites. They ,vi l derive equal benefit with whites anil have little tax to pay. i’or the sake of those matrimonially inclined who live in and near Too- coa, we state that B. P. Brown, Jr M of the firm of Brown & Mitchell, has h.„d a f or- thodox kind, ’ which can be procured 1 at the same old price. 'I hi ordination of the following officers will take pl£ce al the Fresb\- ieri*n v*-itan rlinrek thuich nnit nc*l s-iht.ath ft.inoatn mominu nu rni p : Flder*'_W Y * R BrtiiH ' W ' M. Busha* E. P. S mpson and Dr. J. N. Mes» : x.f» M»j. M.. r, CUrUtiM, J. II. Uu*diA an 1 Y> . M. Ktlgo. A t«Ies*ra|>h line Kas been .stall- . fishetl between the furniture factory depot and the business houses of Ed- wards & Dance and K. P. Sim son A Go. This line wll be a conve- The advertisement oldoring the election on thft $chf>ol house qnes- tion states that the object in bonds is to build a school house for the colored , people well for as as the whites. The colored men who desire that their race should have better educational advantages should vote for boiids. Come and see our stock of men’s and boys’ clothing before buying elsewhere; We will save your money. 6'towx & Mitchell. Our Lavonia correspondent says Thai a delegation of handsome young * 1es of ,hHt lo * n his requested vonng men to address theYA at a tnc. We have heard that young la- dies liked to be courted at picnics — not that we know anything about it — but we never before knew of their publicly requesting anything of the kind, ft hi not leap year, either ! And one of the young men is mar¬ ried ! We do hot blame the young ladies, for we.are confident that the young men of Lavonia have not been availing themselves of a heaven-boni privilege, and therefore deserve se¬ vere censure. Toccoa has a number of young meVi who do not neglect a duty of this kind. A ward to the wise, etc. SINGING AT £AS TANOLLEE. Tin re will l»e a,n all-day singin j al Ea-tanollee church on the 5th Sunday in this month, Noted song- sters are expected. Everybody is invited to come with well filled bask¬ ets-. c. FINED. Mr. E E. Uendrioj>«, of this place*, was I rotiizht before Mayor Hayes last Friday eliarged with sel¬ ling whiskey without a license. Afier hearing the evidence the tna\- or im <osed a tine pf $25 and costs upon the accused, \ir. Hendricks ai pealed to the council. ^osTfire” Another house i . uccoa was co:i- .'limed l»y fin on Sunday night. It was a small building owned by Mr. Tom Ruinsey and occupied by Onie Thornton, a colored woman. Tim fire was Jiscoverd shortly after 12 o’clock by Mar shal Brice. The house was on the western edge of town, and by the* time the •ViaLha! reached it, it was impossible to cheek the fire, which consumed the building-, with all its contents. Ouie was spending the night with a neigh¬ bor' and so saved nothing. The house of Mr. Bart Gilbert, which , by, ti h r was near was in great danger, but after waking t lie oc- entrants, who were sleeping soundly despite the nearness of the fire, Mar- shal Price, with the assistance of several others who had come up, succeeded in savi..g it. It took hard, hot work to do this. It looks as if the burning of this house were the work ot ati incendiary for the woman Who ientS it says she had had no iire in it since e«rly in the morning, ohe lost everything s hHl,a,l. e lieur tlmt >Ih> is .lestTvurjr, maosmous *««* trust that our charitable citizens will aid bet. There was no insurance on tl-.e house, but Mr. Rumaay will have it rebuilt at once, Thrown from a Hand Car. Mr. W. B. New and Mr. J. Martin, two of our citizens, were brought in on a freight train last Friday afternoon, painfully wound* ed. They wereliurt near Mt Airy by being thrown from a hand car. On Friday morning Mr. New and Mr. CoeJ who are iii the employ of thj R; 5: D. railroad, went dowh the road iu a hand car, They were accompanied by Mr Martinj who wished to see abou some croSs ties. The three gentlemen just men - tinned sat in the front part of the car* while the levers were worked by he- The enr .as m.kin K Rood when Mr. New*., ^ rock time, a .... >hs .rack jast^tfl: He applied brakes. TBe suj.len cheek ;■ , 1 . ' 1 w iiteltl't -■ *. . 0 ' • , , T ° .'’. Mr. Coe being l "'f** a kUn weight, ™ flew lhroutrll tlie . lir fa f ft twen , y , K.Jw.«Uv' »tia fket ..nhofr* ler, . were less , fortu»,tte. , , .. 1 hey were thrown heavily up ft the track and , he car ran over them . They were made as comfortable p OSS ,ble *, f until .*, they ., could mi be i f home, when i meJical V .1 attentiou given them. - .as paii.lully able in various places, but is to on tho .tlfaHS l;pw. Mr. Ne. more seriously hurt. Ini addition confined to his room, hut his hope to see him out soon. The two meu narrowly esca PURELY PEiasOKAll--. 'Afiiut People You Know and Some Ypju Don’t KnoW. *MY. (j-eo:£e Tuoui: s n is »isitirg relatives in Franklin county, E. 11. Davis and R. Y. Mulko) spent Sunday in Clarkesville. Dr. Jeff Davis is attending the State Medical convention in Amer¬ icas. Mr. and Mrs-. Schaefer and their little daughters visited Wednesday. Ben Moseley now occupies a place behind the counters of Bright, Mc- Junkin & Co. Fred Wilson spent Saturday an-’ Sunday at home, returning to Sclioo. in Anderson MttndAy. Rev. Mr • Cartlego, of Homer, wili conduct ’the Ordination services at the Presbyterian church next Sun¬ day. Mr. Torn Bell, representing that excellent journal, the Gainesville Eagle, was in town last Friday and called to see Tub News. The new depot agent, Mr. Nelms, from Cornelia, arrived in town last Friday And 1ms gone to work. If he fills the place of his predecessor he will do well. Mr. ahd Mrs’., J. M. Thornton and their granddaugnter, little M«ss Ina Matheson of Hartwell, on their return home fisoirt a visit to Atlanta, spent Friday in town as the guest of Rev. E. A. Keese and family. On Tuesday Mr. J. K. Dixon left our town to accent the agency of tne G. C. & N. road in Athens. It is with regret that our citizens speak of his departure, for he made a model depot agcnV and is an affable gen¬ tleman, Mr. C. W. Hudson and his bride are spending their honeymoon in Toccoa Mrs. Hudson was Miss Maud linllord, of Palmetto, and they wedded in that place on the 12 h. Mr. llu 1 -on made many friends in our town during las stay here last tear, and these have been offering iom liedrly congra*illations. He and his bride will remain in town several weeks, and perhaps lotigcr • A special from Athens to the Con- stitntijn, says: “Air. J. K. Dixon, of Toccoa, has been appointed agent of the Georgia, Carolina and Northern Railroad Company at this place, VV. P. Briggs, removed on of his connection with , the killing of conductor \V. II. O'Adlo. Several the leadinof citizen* (.f this city were applicants for the place. The 3 pointee is an experienced and popu- far railroad m in.” Married. Were married at the residence the bride’s parents in B >wman, by iihv. e. a. K^u. on smidHv i.«, Mr* William D. Waiters and Mim Viola Simmons. The groom resides about three miles from Toccoa, and is an ^eltc i.,.J ll.Hfty yoiiug fanner. His lifjd« i. nid to I* .n .ttnetiv. iind estimable young lady. The News offers congratulations. A Missing K&sBandl The w;f« of l)r West, who was with the Kictcapoo Medicine com* this )laC8 it . f Spveral wepks P a, »y at l is searching for her liege lord, who, it seem*, has “gone where the wood- bine twineth.” This company dis¬ banded in Elbertbn two or three weeks agoj and Mrs. West returned to her former home in Savaiuiah to spend a few days until site heard from her hiisband. Not a line from hinr hris she received, and a day or ; wiis -WO :tgo she in Atlanta search¬ ing for him. it seems that the doc- ,or 13 a W Lothario T , . and has , deser- ted his fair spouse, whom he wedded only a few fhonths since. New Posto^ice. Mr. J. J. Bright is now postmaster P ofloeeoa. ei , lie „ , took , charge . of ... Lncle . Sam’s mail at this place on Monday night, having received his corariifiS- «>on several days ago. . The ^ pcctotfu; ‘ is in the front part 1 of . McJu,,k . & Lo , t ’ " 1 s * stort *’ wh,ch ,ms been * lnwst convenrently fit - ,ed purchased 7 » 1 tK an entirely PT- J new Mr postoffice K - ^ 1 T, of abjur 0,18 dred m ock mxes a number bt c&U ba * es ‘» n,,, “ ows for 6 tan, P s » n,onft y etc. Everything is of the . .... test style, of handsome , design , . and , . ele j - a, ’.j t hn,sh *. Tt. 1 h rt * lock f or L boxes i -'. .. >!.« «• in hronie, and a™ pretty. I his outfit was purenaseu T (, s Sail Her Co., I/a!t:more.'..... Toccoa now has the nicest and * a • T there is reason to believe that Mr. Bright wiU be the best poslmaiter lliat uu iOffii* has ever bad, tbo KIN$. h , Mr. William Tittle went to v ille yesterday. Now, tftcre to nothing worthy^of note in the bare state- cne-^t tWt the above mentioned gentleman of euphonious ntyno vis* tied Habersham’s county seat, but there is something unusual in the manner of his journey. He wore upon one wrist a rna^styo bracelet of steel, in the other end of wlnnh was snugly fitted the left wrist of Gordon Gray, and Deputy Sheriff Kellar went along with the two men, to hear them company, and for other purposes. Wo learn that Tittle and t Gray have decide! to •''main in Clarkesville awhile, having quartered themselves at the Hotel de Fuller. It was suspected that someone had aided Gray and the Smith hoy tc escape from the calaboose, as the staple that held the lock had been furred. Marshal Gribble, with the assistance of Deputy Sheriff Kellar, worked up the case and arrested Mr . William Tittle, who lives a mile or two from town. lie was given a preliminary trial Tue-day before E. L. Goode, N. 1*. The“lwo prisoners who hal been lib¬ erated & l .id two or three other wit nesses swore thatjTittle had broken open die jail. Tittle's bind $ as fixed at $ 100 , but he was unable to make it. “Twillam.” Some tim’e ago, at a sale of un- claimed freight, Mr. R, Green, of this place, purchased a satchel. Among other ih.ngs it contraned two peculiar looking contrivances made of leather; They were , just alike in appearance, and each c in¬ sisted of a flat piece of thick leather three inches long and two inches vide, upon the middle of winch was fasten¬ ed what appeared to be a little leathern . ... box about an mob • , ami i half square. To this were attached straps, which looked as if they had been worn. After some trouble Mr. Green suc- eroded in tearing open the box sufficiently to see that it had com- put tments. Each of these contained a piece of parchment tied with long, gray hairs, an 1 upon which were in* cribcd Hebrew characters, Not one of our citizens who saw these pecu¬ liar looking things could imagine tor wliut purpose they were intended. Through curiosity Rev. E. A Keese took i.hc»e thing3 with him to At- rceen ly. He showed them to somc Jews, who recogniz'd them at once and explain? 1 their use. 'lhey are called “,*’ they said and the words on the parchment are the ten commandments. In Russia and some Tl.ia cust'mi h bil 8 C.i npun scripture found in LMiteronmny 6 : G- 10 . ltc- ^ ^ Z , ZTl“d fa a o, on thmc and they shall be a frotrtleS between thine eyes.” ‘Twillam” arc curiosities lo those not accustomed to seeing them. Lodged In Jail* Gordon Gray, the young man who was arrested two or three weeks ago and made his escape at the same time the Smith girlsdid, has been figuring con spicuously in police circles several days this tteek. After making his escape Gray did not go far, and several times was seen skulking about the outskirts of the town. Deputy Sheriff Y Kellar suspec ted that Gray was selling whis- key, and set a trap to catch him. On Sunday SrtCrnoon he saw Graj- in the act of selling whiskey to a ne- gro, near the cemetery, and him. He also brought along Bud a b(> ^ of 12 or 13, who was with Gray. The “blind tiger” outfit WiiS C:l ptured, too. 11 consisted of a jug, in a bag, containing about three quarts of mountain dew, and an oil cloth satcKeb m which were a tin quart cup ^nd a nice little fur.nel. a "!^ S, " ith W ere p!aCed ip * the calaboose for safe . keeping, , lnlt al)OUt 10 o’clock Sunday night they made their escape. Their liberty «a^ brief, however. About daybreak Monday morning Marsha « Sheriff Kellar and Gribble were lung concealed near house three or four miles from town j„ a se ttleinen,t naiihMitoes spoken of ■ notorious character .ire" w ime iney were wait inn- ^ appeared. GraV . and the little Smhh boy The two officer , stepped out of their hiding place and" caught the boy without trouble, but Gray took to his ... Gribble /Ai . -5- right H»hind behind him nnn. TLh * e • HSe^rjwo officer was lessening ;:,ken the fi, distance feH || , fhe |wo wben f e b ^lng hl> tig taOljfv. after was soon up* though' and a of a’mil. weft hia m'*n. ; Gray *aud begged pn* ^nd on Wednesday yvas carried t« (jjark^iHo and ,odg?d in jail.. As t\„ t „ was 4 no case agalnstthe Smith n u. r S kd S e4. >■ isijkiiosj. P'«»'s.v-^..*'- ^ • f' i-t-\S / LI B, «1 .«$ Turk J £ • GREENS. ♦ I ! Sap S3 * ** **** ;~jx -VI V 4 J l; Ef-JJj >- C * I __ L mm ms: K ‘‘•11 m i mm m % r. ,'T! a ■ if! . ra W® •fl <®k ^ * • 'US •vfjv.— __ *5.-e & kLl psr 18 S , r r KU _ * - x-v v g- * \j*'- t y *w TOCCOA FURNITURE and LUMBER CO., ---MAN U FACT U RE ITS OF- if|"i T Ham ami furniture. | |Mi --ALSO DEAL LARGELY &-- DRESSED LUMBER, FLOORING CEILINeikVEAtHER BOARDIND MOULDINC BRACKETS, .YIANTELS, Steam Dry A ttn capacity 12,000/cctper day. Orders promptly filled. Advertised Accounts. r 1 he following amounts, if not settled before thaufitte, will licso’d at-public outcry in C ,i„„ a„>;i 2 ! d, lau, ,iueen .ubKri,, tion to Tut- News. , . R- A. Brown, V/hitchorsc, S. c- ? 2.70 D. Mitchell, Bhick.-hiirg, “ “ tc Monroe Mitelieli, “ ‘tChos. Anthony,, Field, U. C, Foj rs, yiiisoii, Ga. L. M. Farmer, ft'ewCan, 4.«r> 8. C. J icksep, Tallapoosa, “ 4.2'. J.C. Turner Winchester. K.Y. 4 2f> N. B Jones, Newport, Tonn. 2-90 W. II. West, Ho lina-sHorth, <Ja. 3.60 W. M. Brackett, Cle eland, Term. 2.00 J. T. McKay, Vandiver, (Ja. 2 .-K* Alee Turnbull, Bold 8p inp, tia. 2.35 W- T Kelly. Suiuiuers Mills, Tex. 1.00 A. F. Whitehead, Waldo, Ark, 1.80 Key., W. II. Miller, Norwood, C!a. K G. ’7. Fi her, Roboinsville, \. t’. *■ Edwauds S: Keesk. F*. C. DAVIS, !PxS.c Phy^iciaft, MIZE, Ot A.: 11 H Jl 11 1 m • :M4- r.f l iii a t V -JSSSS iL' tn-relopo, Audresa to ladies oulr, 1‘ond 8 ctnmps. Lily Company, Xo. 3 ; isber iilock,, Uich. Fot" sale by W. II. & J • DAVIS, and ihl Druggist*. WHISKEY AND habits cvRED . asf your hSmI, Vi'IIEOUT PAIS C2 COKPINSlCSltT. I’-iicnts* contimn business while under treatment. Whisky and all uth'F drug* stun c 1 immediately oil beginning treatment —do not need them. No treatment jet dis cover-il to compare will it. Have special study and practice to - these di.-i asos and for'tho pa t twenty year*, with successful i .crease iu practice. Witt FOR Iff POX Of C’JRXt; ffe. 13. Xnl. AVOOLI/E IkI. ATLANTA, OA. CIFicj, 1011! Street. Scise-cS.-Ale IJ-la.x*LvAell F?. Tl. N>n* j pave TTai twell 7 55 a m Arrive BowuisviFe 845 No. 2. j Bowcr-oiM* 000 a m Arme Hartwell 945 Nb. 3. Leave Ilartwrll 11 45 3 ni Arrive Buwersvile 12:>5 p rr . . No. i brave Fo v.-rsviLe 1 0 C p IT) Hartwell 155 All train* daily except Sunday. JFK BENSON, ED WIF.IlKNs, Superintendent, E. B. Receiver. ALL FREE. Xh05< . m . ho hare II<ed .‘a!»d ^ Kin l.cSe\rtio ^. p . ajvery know ]ts Vi ] lle t hav« not, have now theo mo-tun-ty to try It Gh 1 on t lie advert jn-d (truRpie* an.J t»<-t » trial 1 f r e .Send jour name an«l addre.*» tv n. e. Ruck’er A to, Cbi<s.R*> and ^rt a wm- pieboxofDr.King’s Nc* Life HIa Free as ZLVnTJS tc«-d to do vou uood and co-t yvu nuuiag. W U 4 J DrJ1 ° lor,r KTf2 _ and $2.50 ladies shoe Ldwakj»s & Danck. ehav ' j«*rt T"—— received big hue ' e a * GO TO-- BBOWM & MiTOHBliL -FOR BARGAINS IN---- GROCERIES, DRY GOODS,ICLOTH- ING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, FARM IMPLEMENTS ANEf HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS; S/iiflies a Specially . You will by U I save money trading with us. £?onejr raved u monoy made. INDISTINCT PRRINT VICKERY - * ’ WI, BROTHERS Y ■< FANCY GROCERIES. FIN EST C AND IES IN THE MARKET: Aol and At/icsl Grade Cif/ars in Zoccoai 0 Flour; Canned Goods Fruits* JEWELERS - - Repair Watches and Clocks; (Orders for Jewelry’, Watches, and Clocks promptly attended to.) Sen ility Machines-Ihe 7)esl,-- Wheeler S Wilson . THIS; IT’S SO!^ Yon tnay not have seen t in the New York Son, but “its so’ that we have bought tire slock of merchandise of T, C. WHICH r. It is s > also, or also so, that we hate got to sell a good many of these goods to make a living, and we are not anx¬ Moreover, ious to kick the bucket soon. likewis ; and also it is so that we have on .hand a pretty good line of Fancy an l Family Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Slio^s, Hat®, Notions, Hardware and so forth and soon, that we want you to have, because yoti need them worse than we do. If you want anything we’ve got cotoe and get it—CHEAP. Now if 3 believe wliaJ. is .- ou we say so, and so it is, when you arc needing anything tn out line call on BRIGHT, McJUNKIN Sc COl At T. C. Wright’s Old Stand. TOCCOA, GA, J\ S—If i you don’t .believe * h*t we say come anyhow. Seeing is believing. Ain’t that so? MEW SPB2N© GltotJS.' - j I am now. teady for the Spring trade with a Letter lirb-of good* than was ever offered to the Toccoa trade. I have the finest line of WHITE GOODS, LACES. i EMBROIDERY AND mmmr mm® mwm ever brought to Toccoa. My line of »% )oi(S1lllX6 COOMt CLOTHXrre ana um can-lbebeat. I sell nothing b»t Or,t-oIara , , g ond,. _ ^ _ I inake a specially of one shoes. I am sole agent for t! Ja celebrated' YY. DOUGLAS’ SHOES for { “ <lies sn(1 gen»lera«n, ^ My stock of STAPLE .A II ID FANCY GHC-’ couiplt'le. My prices are rock bottom. Come to see me* #;if. KiLCiOa’