The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, May 05, 1893, Image 3

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ii.lijc Coctoi itttos. ——- " - r- T'KIOAV, May 5, LOCAL HAPPENING'S. And Other Timely Topics Briefly Chronicled. The fisherman, with hook and line, Unto the brooklet hictli, And th- n, next day, about his catch Pnvariably he licth. Quite a lulU lV.ii c Vi cUneaday, Strawberries are plentiful at some homes in town. The motto of Toccoa is “Onward,” a nd it’s living up to the motto. The brick store of Matheson., Ma¬ bry and Payne will bo two stories liigh. You needn’t keep your eye cn Toccoa; it doesn’t need any watch— irrtr A big excursion will be run from i^tlanta iStTi. to Tallulah Falls on the It is time for the yellow-legged rl icken to ripen. May the crop be *! aVge. A good rain fell hero early this week, and vegetation is growing rapidly. In another column may be seen the Vi plication for charter of the Toc¬ coa Gunning company. Memorial df-.y was unobserved here. There are no Confederate bead in our cemetery. fHliee on first floor for rent. Ap- i ] y «> l)k. Jas. N. West. Work on the canning factory is L<u:'g right ahead. It will be com- j leted in a few days. For a week the furniture factory 1 as been running twelve hours a day to make up for lost time. Mr. B. It. Hill is having au addi' lion of two t r three rooms and a ve¬ randa built to his residence. Toccoa’s numerous shade troes, in their emerald robes-, are cjuito orna¬ mental, as well as useful, to the town. Success is pleasant to the suceess- Lj!. *Ve are happy over the (J the election on the bouJ ques¬ tion. \\'1v»'rc will ottr new school house lie? Several sites have been sugges¬ ted, but no one knows which one •■'.ill ltd Selectedi The residence of Mr. J. J. Bright (ms boon much improved by the work of the carpeiOer. 1'lie house was a’m-'st remodeled. , Marshal JntASoir, m * Ins issue of Ti'E News, advertises for sr.le the property of some parties who haven’t paid their town tax for 1802. Several of our citizens attended t union meeti Mg at New Hope Sunday, and another party went to the singing sit Kiotanolleo. Radishes; fxii^ich peas, Irish po¬ tatoes and strawberries make pome of our citizens feel that this ifi ne t such a bad old world sifter all. Re.vl tilt? a Hertiseinont. of the Cherokee Nursery Co., of W:\ycross , Gi, in another column, :m l when desiring fruit tree get their prices. Save money buy ;ng all patent remedies at ufilceof Du. Jas. N. West; a cliahge iy s-bdedulc of the Blue Rnl^e and Atlantic road will go into effect next Sunday. Tlie correct schedule appears in our issue ot to-day. Messrs. Purcell, Nowell and IL-tt have entered into the brick making business. Their brickyard is on Big branch, near the incorporate limits of town. Era long Toccoa will have a fine, new school house, something thai »* nas been needed here a long time, snd which will be of great benefit, intellectually and financially. of our' on English peas this year, so far ,vp c.n learn. He(f*iher.«l the first pens 1 fnnn his garden t«l Saturday. To the “blind tigers” that operate in Toccoa: You’d better go in a hole ami pull the hole in after you, if you continue your work here. That’s the only way to escape £ ne or punishment, A force of hands fces been at work on the streets for several days. They have cufldovn tho little hill on Doyle lire, residence . , street nearly opposite of Mrs. Jones and made it nl ’ Jcl ' ensterfor teams to ascend. Last Saturday Afternoon Luther Hayes carried tiiroujfi town a strino of bull fmu logs xbout a yard long, With a rifle lie killed 5*3 frogs dav. And*the moon wasn t eiaetly right for frog“, either, aud Luther rasu’t r>o^'- Ye9lcr4av morning felt quite wintry, and though we have heard ol no frost on that day it is likely that there was some on low places. Per¬ this i.3 the last -cold snap of the at least, we hope so. The passenger car of the Elberton Air line at this place was left un* locked the oth er night and two tramps took possession of it-. They didn’t enjoy their snng quarters long, for Marshal Gribble made them “get a move ca themselves.” The revival at the Presbyterian church is Btill in progress liev. T. P Cleveland, of Atlanta, lias been assisting Rev. L. A Simpson, and the services have been well attended and full of interest. Last Sunday there weie flier accessions to this church. A special train bearing 231 sol- 'diers, with their families, who were transferred from Washington to the barracks near Atlanta, passed here on the R. & D. road Tuesday morning. In the afternoon the same tram passed going north, having aboard quite a number of sol diets from At¬ lanta who were bound for Washing- ton. At the council meeting Tuesday flight the decision of Mayor IIa\ zs in the case of J. L. Cobb, charged with selling whiskey illegally, was sustained . Tlie council agreed to allow Mr. Cobb, a little time in pay- ing his line of $25 and costs. E. E. Hendrix did not submit his case to the council but decided to contribute $25 and costs to the town in instfl- : i f inents, and lias planked down $8. Now that the canning factory is a certainty let those who desire to cst the vegetable raising business plant tom toes on a large scale. Many have found it a profitable busi¬ ness. One beauty about it is that the tomatoes mature just when money is scarce, and they will bring the cash. No one need fear that the market will he glutted, for the factory can turn out 2,0 0 or 3,000 cans a, da 3 - and will need ibanv bushels daily. Plant tomatoes. The Southern Baptist convention will meet next week in Nashville, Penn. For the accommodation of the traveling public the R. & D. road will sell round trip ticke+9 at re¬ duced rates for this occasion. Tick¬ ets will be on saip May 10th and 11th anu these will be good until the 25th for return.- A round trip ticket from Toccoa will cost $14.10. For further information apply to J. G. Nelms, depot agent. The town council has the power to decide as to the amount of bonds to Be issued. Tiie News sugges’ that; as the board of eilucatioti will have to purchase two lots as well as to build two houses, $19,000 will not he more than is u-eceessary for this purpose. We WrtiA School houses that will be ornaments to the town and that will be sufficiently large to ft'.-cotr.modato the Children of our growing town a good many years hence. Besides, the tax needed to pay thy. interest on $10,000 will be only $2(0 per year more than, the interest on $6,0 )0, and this will be a mere trifle when divided among the tax payers. Remember that Toccoa is going to he a to -mi of some size before long, and then taxes will he lighter on each one. There is a jail bird in Clarkesville that is a si nger. In our issue of to¬ day we publish another one of his rhymes. In a letter to The ITkws Mr. Wyman states that he was ac- Cliset i G f stealing from a house in Rabiin couaty a dreSiS a „a an old straw hat. Two ignorant country hoys, ho says, were the only witness¬ es against $un;and he thinks that tlie fact that he is a Yankee caused him to be committed to jail. We know not hing of his case, but we feel con- fident that r f the evidence against him is weak he will be released after trial. In this section Northern peo- ple»re,re«,ed hoc ;f r.o.i kindly, 1 - , * lat “,. ^nor.nt, ,, t Ue peop.e of Northeast Georgia. This editor confronted a dish con- taming something like a quart of Strawberries the other day. In a short time his landlady was congratulating herself on the recovery of the dish and the spoon, while he wended liis way printing-office-ward taking a roseate view of things. 1 oetic fancies flashed' through his he on the point of i„g a sonnet to spring in genera! and strawberries in particular when reason asserted itself. Nothing but { j ie reSu it of ye ars of self-denial, COU p] ST } with a humane consideration f or ^' 1S reai Iers, suppressed the pnb- the inspiration furnkts^ t j, Q i u ^ c » c ^ s ftswberry. PURELY PERSONAE. Viiout People You Know and Some You Don’t Know. Miss Annie Lee Freeman spent Monday in Elberton with friends. Marshal Price is able to be up, but still is too feeble to Resume his duties as an officer. Miss Pauline Brewer, of Elberton, spent hist week in Toccoa as the guest of Miss Annie Lee Freeman, Messrs. Reeves and Dick Randle, of Martin, passed through Toccoa Wednesday on their w ay to Allan- ta. Mrs. Torn Payne, who has been visiting relatives near Oarnesville fo: the past two or three weeks, has re¬ turned home. Miss Pauline Cleveland, of Elber¬ ton, has been spending several days in town cn a visit to her sister, Mrs. Charles Manly. Mr. Will McCarty, ol Atlanta, passed through Toccoa Tuesday on his way to Franklin county, his old home, on a visit. Rev. E. A. Keese has been invi¬ ted to deliver the commencement address at the closing exercises of the Villa Rica High school. Miss Lula Ramsay, who lias been visiting relatives in Alabrma for several months, arrived in Toec« a Wednesday on her way home, near Tugalo. She was accompanied by- two of her cousins, Messrs. Ramsay, from Alabama. To Advertise Toccoa. Mr. Frank P. Beard, editor South¬ ern Progress , was in town Wednes- day , and , .r,, I hnrsday. , II tt- is • is a month . l> journal published in AlantCj and, as its name indicates', it is devoted principally to recording the develop- ment of the South. Mr. Beard makes * n>eci"Uy Of Visit,„s enter,,risio, towns ami poblirtm^ in Sootl.ern Pi Ogress articles descriptive of these places aM showing forth their ad- vantages. As We go to press it is uncertain . . . to whether . lie will as meet. with sufficient encouragement to au— thorizc him to advertise our towi, but we trust that our citiz -ns will decide to lia\C this done, as an artiCiC concerning Toccoa ill S lUthern Piogress might bo of great ben fit to ... I occoa Since Pn'C above was J u‘ in tvp a meeting “ of ti e business men of T > J •on tins i With unanimity . - approved , a proposition which will d< ub css be of lcalcnlable benefit to ibis town and section. Another ^‘PUnd TIgeK*' Warren Hunter, an individual of color, had his feelings hurt last Fri¬ day. Ho was arrested on a “blind tiger” charge aipl carried before Mayor Pro Tern. Matheson, who de¬ viated slightly from Mayor Haj es’ custom and assesssd Warron only $20 and costs. This lacerated the sensitive feelings of Warren more still, an;l his heart nearly broke when Marshal Gribble lodged him in the lockup. lie stayed there until Sat¬ urday; when he succeeded in “raising tho wind” and was released. Warretj is thought to be on old hand at the “mountain dew”business is regarded as a sharp one. His detection was caused by an Irish tramp who got-or' a ‘Hear,” was placed ’ u 0-° calaboose and then gave \\ arren away. VOTED FOR BOND3. The people of Toccoa hnVe spoken in unmistakable tones. They said “Bouds,” just as we hoped they would do. The election to decide as tq> v.-hetly- er Toccoa should issue bonds for the purpose of erecting two public school buildings, was held here Monday last. Public sentiment was strong¬ ly in favor of bonds, and only two or three pramiirCMt citizens took a <ie- eided stand cn the other side. They stood in vain. The number of votes needed to carry the election was 144. two-thirds of the votes in the last municipal ele ction. At the close the polls the vote stood: “For is suing bonds,” IS4; “agaiust it.g bonds,” 20. • Some of those who were in . favor 1 of ,, bonds , did goo? before « the . election , . in explaining to those >vho »ere not fully posted, bow easy it wou*d be to pay the interest everv year and I V inducing others to vote. We are glad that the matter been deci Jed thus, and hope by the 1st of September to See a large, handsome school building for the white children feady for occupan- cy. AYe have just received our o-oods; they are the prettiest in Brown A AIitchv:' >, . _______ exacune' ; .f CaL end oi:r 1'ine.c: ),Ly goods, , consist • . * j■ - J 1 -. ■. » lies, *4 ^erca?es?^ito,^o<]3 »i>5 . =ns ba::r.ett££-’ Boovy £ M'VCEEOL. Why I Am In Jail. Come, all good honest people, And % story I will -tell About in- incarceration, And why I’m in this cell. You see. I am a Yankee That’s why they’ve done me so ; But I thought the war was over Near thiriy years ago. I was taken to the court house Oil a cold and rainy mom-— Was snrroui ded by ttie natives, Tiien the witnesses were sworn. School turned out and plows were stop’d “Fer ti r hf-ar that Yankee -3 t:ial And whep 1 was committed, You coV.ld hear them shout a mile. They swore I took a worn-out dress And an okl last year's straw hat-— They cou’dn’t think of nothing That’s why they thought of that. The natives came for miles “A Yankee fer ter see Aid everything that’s ugly, They said it unto me. 1 was simply put in prison Till Rabun's sheriff great Could get a big reward for me From some far distant ; tate. Cut I tell you, Mr. Dillard, . 'fl at your work has been in vain ; And next time you meet a stranger, , Fray don’t do so again. Now, I swear to you, good people, : T.iat w.-re I called tojjie, That I never harmed a single srral Beneath the Heaven’s sky. Now ns to Mr. Fuller, I would beg; leave to say, That lie’s as Clec a gent’eman As ever lived a day. So now goodbye, goo l people, , You’ve he ird my simple t le; t When you come to town on business, Come to sec me at tlie jail. To you goodbye, dear editor; I’m slad you sent The News, For it revived my spirits, And drove away my blttes. In Jiiii, May 3. —H\uhy C. Wyman. TUGAl.O. Mr. Pick Moore, of Ilabe sliam county, visited our place ,ou ^ors u the tPT’th. fVe like to have srch jo - ;Hy n c ,ll to s o us. Wc are bavins: some pretty and pleasant weal her now, and the farmers are not, as yet, tired of doing well, Some of the boys are making great prepa- ^***” *" L;lrB „ crOT . lh ^t t, OT tet Snnday to attend the grand singing atTastanollee. The little city of Uarncsvdle was thrown mt° quite an excitement on the 88th. From the crowd that attended the people there tlioug ,,, t that * a grand picnic was on hand, as thee were numerous well filled baskets, Several irquiiics were mad‘e, and it was as- * tamed thata petition fora private footway thrm:{.h certain li nls had brought the p-o- ^.] e to Cu rnesvillc. The petition was written by th ' party who lias recen'ly bniltablack- nhth s op between here and Toccoa. The dccis on was that p« op’e cannot ramble and g it or the wild (lowers on private footweys, and taerefore the parties came l>ack slowly, as if a <cnt!ln " a fuii f ra! - with something weighing ", down on their broken hearts. Now, ,. ra c u, i( | ,, e ,iti o „ 0 , s ,act ,vi,c!y. back and come again. Everyone that reads .-“Cotopaxi’s” pieces compliments them very highly;*’ He lias ccr- t .in'y done Botnc go id for The TogSjoA News. May lie ever go on finding good, r 3 our last editor has in making our paper one of the best Ilia! Toccoa lias ever bad published. PE.iBL. Sketched. “There ain’t ben no meat at my house in more’n er week,” said a man in a store in Toccoa the other day. “How have you been getting alobg? someone asked. “Port) well; but we’uns has ben givin, merlasses h—1.” * * * Tho man who has side meat may bo said to fare ‘‘middling” well. * * ■* That-once popular and,consequent, lv, much abused song, ‘ The Picture Turned id Uvc Wall, ’ is frequently tortured ar.d very much perverted by some of the Toccoa darkic 3 , The lines. “Thcrq's.a name that’s never spoken, And a i-icther’s hes-rt is broken,” i-, rendered thus by our dusky song- stes: “Not a sassy word was spoken, Not a mothers, heart was broken.” Many ludicrous mistakes occur in the words of songs. The editor’s gravity was sorely tried in a church in Southeast Georgia, scveial years ago, when the leader of the singing: in clarion tones, sang “Upheld by my righteous, “onmipt- rnet.t” hand.” y Come and See onf steek of men’s and boys’ clothing before buying elsewhere: we will save you mosey Frown & Mitchell. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION. There pro nises to be a verr large at’en- dance on the So.uh-rn which B-’pti-t will Co tvention i at Nashville, lenn.. the KichlfioridA occur Dan’-i'le i May next; and as usual, Arrangements R K is Iiukin g & \-, the for a “S Stkm. SpedaUuw ra cs a'.d excellent service arc nQrired to its numerous patrons for this oc; a- a[„ Ri A ny of the agents or officials of this SSfSA^i'v^S'^S w"h! i TiyWOr" era! Excur.ion Age - ts, R. D. R. R., Nc. 10 Kimball House, Atlsuta, Ga. ____- Just received a new lot of $3.00 $4.00 and $5.00 Douglas shoes—the best shoe on earth. . .Try £ pair. T ,V. M. Kilgo. Beat V. $2 and $2.50 ladies shoo --in i ; tee city. J Every 4 * ?ajr -C n guaranteed. »i • Edwards & Daxcb. ... . ’ . ’ te-i < -r-«-r-»—*-*-*» ; to, r - j -* ^WiCa/ayct.jtJSt dob inf. received s.fD-g of # j 9WA1W A - A > cs * J. B. SIMMONS, Prest. W. 11. WARE, Vice-Pret. >v. % C* ED11 API p, gc (t. A Trees J. E GREENE, S* •Zi ' —i, »g- s t / ^ 9 ~ 44 \ 1: * .x A«r \ . i ||I§SIF I 6 § Afal m m m TiiiTiT 1 n iisclpij; W 'V 1 WMm s A . 1 /* ■* i . ■O-I.j ii m -V 4- IIP* i *»•»> - 5^ 3""-' [t. » — ^ ?sss^i&« 3 £' s Saisg s’ / TOCCOA FURNITURE and LUMBER CO.; i) ——MANUFACTURERS OF- ITlPf MEDIUM GRADE --ALSO DEAL LARGELY IN-- r t v- ^ - DRESSED LUMBER, FLOORING,- CEILING LEATHER ioARDINC, MOULDING, BRACKETS MANTELS, Steam J)?y At hi capacity 12 , 000 feeiper clay. Orders omplij' J!* filled* » pi IT. C. DAYIS, Practicing P’lTysicia.ia, MIZE, GA. COMPOUND -s • AroceuL discovery, l>y an old physician. wnlhiy by Huocesi{fu-Uy thousands of vs La¬ dies. la tho only pcrtcctly sa/a and reliable medicine discov¬ ered. druggists Beware Who of offer unprincipled Inferior medloiaes ia place of this. Ask for Cook’s Cotton Hoot Comtound, take no substitute, ©r Inclose $1 and 6 cent3 In postage In letter, and we will Bend, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed se particulars in plain envelope, to lodl es only, 55 stamps. Address Pend Lily Company. filth. „ v, No. 3 1-lsher Block, Detroit, For 4.U by W. II. & J. DAVIS, and all Druggii-ts. SUCCESSFUL FRUIT CULTURE Is Not Possible witii Cheap Trees. None but first-class Southern grown trees should be planted. Procure them from a nursery that burns all poor stock and send; out nothiiH-ST but good trees carefully packed in damp • <' vja* that they will reach you in perfect condition. It our iurtant has not called on you write for pi ices before you buy elsewhere. During the fruiting season samples of fruit will be sent free to any address on receipt of ten cents to pjy postage. Agents wanted every¬ where- catalogue free. Address CHEROKEE NU&SERY CO-. WaYCUOSS Ga. WHISKEY AND OPltlX HABITS CURED A.T YOUR HOMfi, WtTHOW’ PARI 5.3 CONIUTSIGSKT. k i" Faiients con'-r.ue biwioss while under stopped treatment. immediately Whisky and,-all bej*Jliimm other treatment drop* nu —do not need them. No try.itment jet dis¬ covered to coin pure Willi H 1 . Have given Bpceial studj- and practice to with - these di?« ase-* for.tlw* na-»t twenty years continued and successful increase in practice. WHITE FO?, MY BOOK OF OffBES, FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, M, ID., atlahta, aA. Office, t) tV Witehall .Stre et. Scl-^ddis lHartwell IT. FT. Nod.* I.eare Hr.rt .vvfl ’’ 7 a m . Arrive Bowvrsviile 845 No. 2. beavc Bfovt-r^vilie 900 a m Arrive Hartwell 945 No. 3. L%::ve Hartwell 11 4 5 a nfe Arrive Bowersvifle i‘2:io p m No. 1 Leave Bowers v iho 105 p ni Arrive Hartwell 155 Ail trains daily except Sunday. FRED WIEBENS. Superintendent, E. B. BENSCN, Receiver. ALL FREE. These who hare u ; ed Dr. King's New TMs- co.very know its Vilue, and those fW have not, have row the^hpoi tup Ltj* to try it Free, Call cu thcadve- t%ed drupes? and get a trial bold Instructor, fre--; all of which is guaran- tsed to do you aood and cost you nothing. \V H & J Davis’s Drugstore* LE A A D Eli. Since its fir^introduclion. FKc’ric Bitteri lias gained rapidly in lead popular favor, until dn-inat now itiscd«arly tonics in .d the airef»tiv«^con4ainmg among pure me a jiothmu wbfeb pcr iut* Re tsso as a bcvcragi- or intox'cant. It i* recognized as the Best and nuiest ? medicine for at! aiimentb of the ston;- wh> Liver or Kidneys.—It will cure sick bead- n^he. laria from indigestion couKtipdioji, Saiigfasfog and dnve oia- ^^rTltfleT’ecW'S jrta^an JBavia. GO TO Bl'DWI & MITOmMjJ FOR BARGAINS IN--- GROCERIES; DRY GOODS, CLOTH¬ ING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, FARM IMPLEMENTS AND high Grade fErtilizELs. Sh t/i les a Specialty* \ou will save money by trading with us. Honey saved is money made. r3‘> " VICKERY ■ ■ BROTHERS; £ANCY GROCERIES- FINEST CANDIES IN THE MARKET- Aarpest Aol and I*hiesl Grade Ci/yars in 2occoa* Flour; Canned Goods Fruits. ^5 f t JE^VELilRS,— ftispair Watches and Clocb. (Orders for Jewelry, Watches, and.OlecWe fxomptly attended to.) Sewing Machines2he Acsl,-- Wheeler <6 Wilson . THIS; ; S0!^ o'lREftD IT’S 4 ... Y«>n may not have seen it in the New York Sun, but so’ that we have bought the stock of merchandise of T, G. WHICH !’. **** ' It is so also, er also se, that *c have got sell a good many of-these go/>ds to moke a living, and wc are not anz> inv,s to kick l he bucket'soon. Moreover, likewise and also it is so that we Ivave on band a Goods, pretty good line of Fancy and Family Groceries, Dry Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notion.-*, Hardware and so forth and so on. that we want you to luiv^ because you need , them worse than *e do. If 5 yon want anything we’ve got coxae and get it —CHEAP. - Now if you believe what we say is so, and bo it is, when ^. you arc needing anythyag in out line call on BRIGHT , Co. At T. C. Wriglit’s Old Stand, TOCCOA, GA. J*. S-—!f you don’t believe wlmt we say come anyhow, Seeing is believing. Ain't that so? BFBIM© GOOBSi f than Lanvnow-ieady fofthe Spring trade with abetter liee.'o? , goods was ever offered to the Toccoa trade. I have the finest line of GOOES. LACES. EMBROIDERY AND as'tuss’ imwM m$m , 4 , ever brought to Toccoa. l f cfiarrs» ’ .. yyjmcof agffKMsiajre CLOTrnFiG tllltl H A TM ?an‘t tie bent. I sell notbfag btt first-class goods. j * i- . I make a specialty .of fine £hors. I ana so'c..ngcnt for the ^03lebrated Vy - . H* T 7DOLJfor ladies and gentlemen^ . ^ stock of S'ARCY qrJlO*. * OjSjBLXjEDS c^rnp^et3. My pricss are #/#. rfjL-k boitoni. Com® ta Kilgo,