The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, May 19, 1893, Image 2

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V. I ni.tsriKi K'.D.lY MUiMNG EbWAfiSH and Kei’se, i J. J. IIO’.v'EEL, .. Editor. v \tes of suBuckirriON. V>nc Year SJ.fK f'ix Months j’bree Months ..... _____ :2T €cn<] Money Ord« r, Postal Note or Draft- Address al* lett-ms to The Toccoa News, Toccoa, Ga. Friday. . ..May lib, 1803. PUBLIC SENTIMENT. To protect the person and proper¬ ty of individuals and to preVenl crime, is the intention of the law. i)ur sense of justice admits that tills purpose is not only a necessity for civilization, but is noble. To this end statutes are enacted and certain people, as representtives of the law, are vested with authority to punish those who trample ujkm the lights of others. But as fiiiih without works is dead, so arte laws that are strongly con¬ demned by public sentiment. When the people of a town that lias voted against the sale of spirituous li'piors grow indifferent to the enforcement of the local opposi.ion law and wink lit the violations of it, “blind tigers' 1 Mill flourish with impunity in that town. Let a reaction in public sen¬ timent occur in that same place, and a ma jority of the best citizens receive to break up the illicit whiskey traffic in their town, and if they persist in their efforts they will be almost if not entire!V tmocessful. “Eteruai vigil.!,ca is the price of liberty,” one of Watch greatest blessings, and unceasin S fulness to discover the lions of laws (bat may injure others, and untirimr efforts to suppress such, is no more than the duty of a good c j tl/en If public sentiment were not so dis- eased in reference to lynching*) we would not hedr so many excuses in tide for the rtish and cruel acts of mobs, ami we would see some of tlie leaders in lynching bees indictetl by gr, nd juries, found guilty hy petit juries and sentenced by judges. Public sentiment is the result tlie intercourse of people and what is lead by them, and each man in a community is, io a certain extent, responsible for the public views of that community. These opinions are changeable, and for that reason it behooves good, influential men, es¬ pecially, to let their beliefs about (natters of import be known. Not until a majority of (lie best citizens of our state use their in- iluence to suppress wrong doing. may wo expert to see a healthy pnh- lie sentiment reference tc lynching nml vtolatmg the local option law, and not until then will tliete two evils gmw beautifully less, however stringent tho laws aiuv be. The Atlanta Constitution mentions Toccoa as a place that is “talking about” a canning factory * Our esteemed contemporary is behind tune. There was talk of a canning factory here about two months ago. Toccoa is not like some places th»t discuss improvements for months and do nothing. Tho result of that talk, ft few days ago, is an organization known as the Toccoa Canning com^ pan.T, the purchase of a building Io, «tid a canning ” outfit and a building <-> on ,S* lot that is nearing Our canning factory will be ready to bffgtu operation in a week or two. Eiutor Basoom MvtucK tviil not go <Mhi to berbu; IWKndls nts ci, hies c downed j,, i him. j- n resident . Cleveland ,x, , , could , , not . stand , , . to be called a nragwump R and to , l«,o ,t snd . , ofltin. . j . that . l.e . Re- 0 is a ^iataaoney^ytssas of the tariff. \\ e Imped except that Murick would get the' biit he can .,/• serve his country V P rerlim* - just ■ . emctently ., by . staying home as at and edttiug the Americus Times- Re- corner. Tom NVatson will begin son to make political speeches in various * ‘ ,.t ,|. A ■* j TI seem) to be a . believer in the ^ “early bird and wo-m” aphorism. But the previous 1 feathery, winged R. biped r can- not capture the , crawling creature until the latter appears on the scene, and not always afterwards, if the records oi the'paxt no to b* credit- ed. A GRAND JURY th Randolph conn- lw t\ pummmpnilptl recommeiKleu roeOntlv recei l y tlint tnat fflfhd voLL be expended in advertising the ad— vantages of that county. This * I"*™*" p»« Randolph’s citizens. ! - ■ ; •. : !» reading ike last i« f of 1 iik News a retptesi j„ •natle r nr Fume one to suggest furtYie means that will make justice tore. I am not gohig to excuse mob violence, for it is further from justice than , other , . plan. , \\ here any * i , i ornpanj of r outlaws .1 r , take . in • i hand , . to execute a prisoner 1 without a ' judge or jury, " force h m from the •Iheer tr of . the . t law in . defiance « . of , , they make it , murder by ated act. I have no doubt that in some cases some who have Suffered it the l ands of mobs have had their lues fer their crimes, but such pun¬ ishment is never justified by law . Hie precedent is too dangerous to tolerate. They ^efy the courts by rroinnr in larcre numbers. Witnesses and jurors are intimidated. The gov¬ ernor may offer rewards, all to tio purpose. Jail's cannot keep pHso- ners from their violence. What must he denb to stop their mad course? I suggest to those most interested that a little btibhwhacking would be a speedy way to justice when overpowered by a mob. li would be a severe proceeding, but the law for great offences makes punishment severe, and if the bush¬ whacker is found ouiltv, hang him. Suppose a man is charged with crime and without trial is sent to jail. The mob, white caps or lynch¬ ers, as their business is all the same, demand of the sheriff the person in jail to lynch him. The sheriff is overpowered and the prisoner taken and lynched. The sheriff goes out with a warrant to arrest a man "Hit crime; wlmt is tlie re- suh? ,!o <« llie *>*"«. “I " iU not submit to arrest. V, l,y? Because ! “ m m>t P' otec,Bl1 fr0,n violence.” 11,6 she"® r romii!es to protect bun; but Si, J E ,he man to tU ' h “ n!l ' ' 11: ^ bi ''t* The mob would have me ullere ll,c I coul11 fi, “ ] ,ne ’ ,,,,d ] could not defend myself.’’ But the s ^ ier1 ^ sa }G nuist arrest you. Says the man, “You shall not so; the law cannot defend me under mob rule.” I know that a mistrial occur® very often, on account of one juror disa- 2[ reein 2‘ 1 suggest that the jury lavv l,e> alteretl 50 that a ^^ee-fourihs majority can make the verdict, and if dl * evidence and law are disregarded a now trial can be had in the case. According to the present jury sys- tern one jury man can Say, “Such is my verdict; when you Jill come to that [ will go in court with the verdict.” S. W. Crawford. Much is expected of the Democrat¬ ic party, and something of good in it>e way of legislation is demanded soon by some of tlie men who helped rout the Republican forces. To us it seems that there is nothing to |c59 aud inacl , t0 glli „ by a „ #xlril se8Flou 0 f congrajs being , loia before Wl . Upon public sentiment more than upon judges and lawyers depends the execution of law. And shall that moulder of public sentiment, the able editor, be guiltless if he seeks to gain popularity by white¬ washing evils of the day an;? by making excuses for the perpetrators of O for more men who have con- of right, and the courage to condemn wrong without making ex- cuses for lawlessness! TlI]i CosttrtTtirtos may ray ,*t»t t . h e people i of r m loccoa are “talking >bout „ a cotton f , ctMv . Northeast and North Georgia are the coining portions of the state,- “ J tlie >' are fast ' LAVONIA. Jlr. Charles Addingtcti has returned from an extended vi-it to Franklin, N. C. His sister, Mrs. Sam Rodgers, who liven at Frank- ram0 ,, „„ with , im and , viu srcIld , here M. CrcwfonJ, 6tie of Georgia s prominent I5l iptist laymen, ln^retm-nedfrom Nashvi lc; ' vUwbcweat f d lbp 8olrthe1rn T ^ 1 whmhhc says;w the equal of any body of men m the wo* Iff. Dr. Como* lias a Cue girl at Ills' house, a brand new one. Mr. J. W.Coan, of South Carolina, who was formerly a cotton buyer litre, was mixing with liis many Livoma friends the lirst of week. A ‘ An e’c 5 tmn of trustees for the High school for another year, the following men were elected: T. H. Roberts, J. F. Jno ’ Mnuldin, M. Crawford and T. A. Stovall. These men will work tor the interest of our school. Tom E. Chandler and wife left Wednesday morninsr for Hiawafesce. where they will »*•» ,llcir k «“ 1 “ fuu,re ' More than twice ar much fertilizer^ was sold here this spsing as last. Yet the acreage in « and oats has increased, and ^ ora SO°d cropof small gram is Is j. 1;r- Tlie stand of cotton is excellent, but the plant’issaaali. A large deleg tion from tie Methodist }n-t <■-tupdav,- It v \ :t: I !;{;:.! MRS. FANNIE DENHAM. Ki i o; Xt-vr : :n istifi ' er to tin- a t c’p hi joai la^t is uc f'o <t riling :uuFi' I l>: g t'itvc tofia> il.a I mm it:i re r —c t o m h. Ls 1 am jt 1 '^ utc.'y <• 1; oar or n't ha la tie? ton i'Aent oi»a> v. tv -h- * •' r h. fore ! get a trial. yua w li alt tin u nder stag'd v . 1 whh tossy 1 thank my Maker f >r four Thu: l am an American, I ain Window d wi;ha rati und t-oul, that I u w live in o dav of i nliglih’iunent. atnl drsl i wiil be allowed a trU uAute IIGXLST VKOPLK Dear ro.ders, 1 am cl.ocred to licar that TYk-coh will bcc'caucd of unlawful ness and rTim ^' * u< ***hii, and men mnrtler ng w *i*icn .and «dh>r.d < n children in aa> time'irtBeirv Harrs did, inaidered, house burning, whiske-y te ling. d fe jot robbing, etc. ‘ to anVihing. tiuledetd of that lair, dear guard readers ? Negro’s are burned up in the 1»< line I am r iliing t > brar tlve penalty charge*! of with. a'l I amguil y of. but not whet 1 f»in Yo i law-abidirg p ople tli« v ireag inst me should a' oi<l such er mesi as iiuve been done in Toccoa. and not in it for some lone wom¬ an ; s I am tod.» s unethitig fur the town to get after. tins: Mase Dear readers, don’t forget 1 will have a thorough inves igatiuiv. then plenty of coiuj»any behind the bars. l he following lines are 'dedicated to Mr. Frank Hi ghes: I am now in ]>ri on, And ibe world my charge has read; Put to be cond< mned by Midi a man, ’Twere better I were dead. Now, so help me liv.ngtrod, He swore a lie on me; And if you do not believe it, Just wait tiil court and see. V.Tsen Superior cou t convenes acnii*. ’Tid And lie’s lie’ll brought through promise jusiicc’sdoor linn even To g ) to law no mure. For by the time I’m through with him He’il wish that he could Hy F trover I’.oni my pro ern e— Yt s, bo’H wish that he could die. Rcspt-cUuliy, Fcxnie F,. Denham. EASTAXOLLEE. l»elow I pen some notable occurrences which go to make up the history c'f Fas'ano!- lee's strange happenings. Mr. T. H. Tiller tells this o.ld story. On cutting a bee tree down Mr. Tiller found ih tlie midst of the bees and tha honey a huge black snake ab ut fifteen feet long. Evidently the bees and the snake were on good terms with cacli oilier, and bad taken u|» quarters together. \V bile Mr. Tiller was hiving the bees he also hived the snake, and it seemed to be as easily managed with smoke as the bees. J *>_eard Mr. Alfred Willbanks ted a very strange story about hawks. Mr. Willbanks was p’bvvidg in the field, and all at once the heavens were almost darkened with hawks. Mr Willbanks says that a half dozen gangs passed over him. and 25 or 30 hawks whre in each gang, lie could not account for so many hawks, unless they were making their way to some camp meeting or emigrating to a Methodist vicinity wi'erc cliickt hs are plentiful. Mr. Tiller and Mr. Willbanks are two high- toned eliristian gentlemen whose veracity is never questioned. Ross, SRstchcd. \Yhile in a meditative mood and soliloquizing over tlie antics of fate in tmiknnr . . ,\ml buildm<r and 'd- cities T lanes; and while .. in idle, . slfeepy an 1 , the . . have way reviewnur many Cities i “ v sited in my wanderings, ffbm the muddy waters of the Mississippi to tho splashing waves of tlie Atlantic; and as first one and another llitied in an illusionary wa'v past my mem¬ ory ; and while dreaming, idly dream¬ ing, I dreamed on into tho mythical land of Nod, until my dream brought me to Toccoa, the matchless kb in whose lustre illumines tlie mountains of old Georgia. O fair Toccoa! With the blush of modesty on thy rosy cheeks, little dost thou dream of the future with its grand and glorious possibilities before thee. Thou art now but a youthful maiden, unconsciously budding into God’s greatest creation—perfect, beautiful womanhood—-and making ' and lasting . impressions . . that conquests gain tliee lovers by the score. O Toccoa, thou fair one I With thy maidenly J modesty thou art luring , humanity . . happiness , by thy on to hospitable invitation to one and all to come and Hve within thy sftriny smiles. And’I dream orr—aftd thou art no longer a village,■ but a great, rush ¬ ing, roaring city, illumined with thousands of electric lights, flashing like jewels iff the of roy¬ alty. As I glance dowrr voitr Crowded tbrtut.l.fiirex ” over (he tliron^s of h;ip- py, contented , and , prosperous hu- , inanity, I think surely thou art the mecca of all classes ard climes, ’ and I ... rule . swittly .*•. moving .. electric . as cn * glide ... smoothly . , well ,, cars that over paved streets past an unbroken line (>f ^ us store trn „, a extcn.line ,h. falls to Uurraltee ntountatn, I a'fft entnnee' at jour woiitiou' rttiig/nWcence and exclaim in an ec- asy f 0 f ^ftVht, “Surety J thog arf mot *l , c \ > *. V ° et ,* * drea -crash! bar.g,-. \\ ake up, Mr.--Supper aitv rffady, sah!” DnE.vMf^TJ. OLD DOL’TuR DRUMMOND. After years of patient study and experiment has given Vo the world a preparationn which is an absolute oufe fer every form of jNiertma- tistn. Ask vour druggist fot it, an I do not take anything else. f*»r noth- ihg else is as g„od. If your drug- gi^t has not g*»t B, write Io M, e Urttontond Medicine Co.. & 50 Malden’ Latte, x>ClT lork, flu. they wi 11 setid v v on I’d' 1 particulars and oether testimonials' With of SpPCir.l wori^fffd fnstu.ttons. cures, to^ Sj^qjv les sent snfferers. - ^ -— \N e 1 ave just received our spring t^todx; they aro th-prettiest in Brown 4 s Rn urn, BAGWELL & GO WEB MF’G. CO.% Gainesville, Ga, HigH. Oracle Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, £tc. C ataognes furnished on application. Samples of work at HAYES & RAMSAY’S. Agents. Applicalfoto for Charter, £ r.\TE ok Georgia, I To the S iperior Habersham Cor nt\. f court of silt! county The petition of J. L. Martin. C- \V. Xo\'- Da 11 «■,*E i IN^hinijls»m. II K»"’£ IX W. Edwards. T. C. Wright. tV. K. Bruce. E. Schaefer, \V. C. E hvards, F A. Mabiy, C. C v.atheso i, R. Mulk**\\ Jett L’avi^ r. J?. Duv s, Iv E Mitchell, U. B yant, W. J. Doa- toll, J. 1). Moseley, E. L Harris ancl others show-1 utthev have ass. (dated themselves together for the puipose of transacting a bus : iness of canning all finds of fruits and vegc. %5.!S".f te 1? ^ iT-FX curj oraie name and style of * Toccoa Canning Ounipany that the capital amount shall iw Twenty-^ ive Hiimlreu Dollars, w th llie pnv- : lege of im* e*.^iny: capital sTock to Five Th us.iml Dollars: that petitioners slu>W thnt ten per e at. of the capital stock has been p.iid in : ihat t cir place of doing business is m Uie Irnvh of Toccoa. said county ; that they desi e to be i:;co: porat.-d fur a term of twenty yCars. with the privilege of renewal petitioners that of their ordinary charier; that th 1 ? pray all powers that arc usua Iv conferred be granted unto right them-; t . wit.: that they shall have the and powerto sue and be sued, and make by-laws binding on their ureiiase own members, and to have the power to i and hold real and perfoaal property, and to do all acts nceessa- rv for the legitimate execution tfiat of its purpo- ses. Petit oneikfur!her s!ibw the said corporation profit of its membe is for tlie Who mutual efo benefit petitioners and s. e prav an oider of tlie court granting to your pet Honors, under the corpciate name as aforesaid, tii-rfeia all the rights, powers and privi¬ leges asked. And .Lovjs vour pc til'oners wiilever prav. . t'btitioners. Davis, A't’y fui Toccoa, Ga., May 1. lt>9>. HEN AND WOMEN HELi DR. HATHAWAY & GO., SPECIALISTS. . „ (Regular Graduates.) Acknowledged to be. tbe leading and most ffaecetibiul of all BpeciaS'sta and will giveypu M1DDLE- AGICl) HEN: llemaTkablo re¬ sults have fol¬ lowed our treat¬ ment. TEAitS of Many m varied and euecessful 1-XPE KIENCE in the use of cura¬ tive methods that si tfii alone own and control fer m 811 disorders oi MEN, who have weak.or %c9 & UD.dovcf- jeasci m t di ptjjS aro.Jin organs, (ferine or wIiq of youth «:Dd eitcess herv- or who nro on a trti.l IMPO¬ TENT, the scorn cf their follows and the contempt friemiaandoompan ons. lends U3 to GUAR A N- i'KE to all patients. f they cun posgtb'y ba UK- btori i). our ow^ FXCLUS.VE TREATMENT Ytn AFFORD a CtTRE. yoti , ... womkn : pon't to get cured of that WEAKNESS with a ircRtaaeiit that you can use a t hoino without instruments. Our wonderful treat meat has cuteft others. Why not you? Try It. <v ATAUIUI, and diseases cf the ckia. Hioud, Ecirf;jLiv«t rHHJS and —The M due tys. rapid, safe nud efToctlvo r= o.<t xemo iy. A complete C is re tiuarontoet!. SKIX DI>E,tSES of a.1 kinds cured wnero mrtny others have failed. prcmptly USSATIJEAI, 1IISCHAUOES 'T;r“d in a few days. Quick, sura and safe. This asiudes Gleet nnd Gctiiorihae i. TRUTH AMD FACTS, Tv o liavo curod cases of Chreitiic Diseases tha*. tav-a failed to get cured at the hands of other specialists, physicians and medical institutes. fgcUEIUE.UklEll, that there is hope for YOU. Consult no other, as yon may WASTE VALUABLE TIME. Obtain our treatment at once. BKTVAKK of freo and cheap treatment*. Wo give the best and most scientific treatment at moder¬ ate prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. Free consultation at the office or by mail. Thorovuffi examination and careful diagnosis. A home treatment cun be given in a majority of cases. Bend for Symptom B’ank No. 1 tor Men; No. 2, for Women; No. 3, for Skin Diseases. Send IGo for 61-page Ref crenee Book lor Men and Women. All correspond once answered promptly. Bufdnosa strictly conft dential. Entire treatment sent free from observa ♦ion. Defer to our patients, br. nks and bus.ness men. Addre.s or call oa D*t. HATHAWAY Si CO. 22>/4 So, Broad St.. Atlanta. G- A MILLION t-MENDS: A friend ?n need is a friend indeed, nml no* T >s than ube mil iuujyop e lnivq fmmdjust s.’.ic!i a trend m itr. Kimj s Yew Di-coVery Dr have Consumption, used this ecmAis tiraa; and ('ough culds—If.voii Medicine, never One trial will convince vou that it has wnpde r- fu' ! euratiye jtowets in aU dis-xaes of^ Tl« chest and Lungs. Each I o tie is gnaraiiteea to do all that i.% "lnimed or moiiev will tfej he rt- Trial bottles tree at \V H Davis'# Drugstore. Large bottles 50c and -ft. A REWARD OF 55CO NYiTl b& gifen for any case Reumatism avhicli cannot be cured by Drummond s Lightning Ilemedy. The proprietors do nut hide this, but print it in bold type on all their circulars, ifirough wrappers, printed matt el¬ and the columns of newspa. peis even where. It. wid work won. <Urs—one Viettfe eming any ordinarv case. If tlie dr. ggtst has n<*t •* *»' b ? ,M i »•«■»*, hy express on receipt ot price, t>gether wjtll spcc .; a , i nsfrnctl()n , for use> Drummond Medicine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Sample sent sufftrser. --- F. II. Hickey, 1208 Main street, Lvnchburg, Va., writes: I was broke ont ill frvtr with sores, and my hair «* *»!«»* ^ ^ruxeitt- a few bottles ot Botanic B'ood Balm nty hair qu : t falling out an I all the sores got well. ------ Bucklen o s arnica— best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores, tetter, chapped liands cIiTiblains. corns and all skin erupt ions arid positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed give fundOtf. perfect sratisfaction or mancy re- KfVge 25 cents per box. For sale by W* H. & .J. Davis, -- to « r^n - guaranteed cure. Di^!^ ^ coughs mid colds, upon this condition, iff you cdy as direeteri, givkijr' yqh it a fair tnM, aXA ex- ]ienenee and^yo^m^ no ocnetit s may return thebot- tle King’s New Discovery conkl be re ’ed n It nev.T J Dav disapppints.. Drug Trial Large bottles size fr, e at \V ?1. H w ss Store. f50t- and Wehavet V>ll iu c t received a bier Hue ' eT 0 h i:i£. see L“\y v i:r- \ Da s« E, ladies are unfortunate, . , , . , . because the htohet thev rise lii son— ety the weaker they find theinSelves the iiet-veS*, ? is aids ! e / 8 nature 1’Eilotoken lh her tolitroIs various functions', and i thus combats With the rnan . )’ - n 1 * s ot woiriHiiknul * , surcessfully. ^• ,. M Jf your druggist has not vot it he will • ^ er j *° r .' uu ar , a . -**>tt!<*^ „ from , * • * Chas. F. Risley Wholesale Dhifeurigt •S.i 4s c r i»d.-s,, Ne« Y.»k. for g descriptive pamphlet, with di- rectidnS and certiHcates from many J iHiJIes . »• who , jiave , Usieci , . aiui . , it can t say enoujjh in favor of Pislev’s J Philo-- . -i • lOKeiJ . — The pi ; omjHness and certainly of its eiii'es have made Chamberlain’s Cough Kt‘tnct|v famous It is inten- ded j ,, <• ^S| ,. . Ccia • . Iv foi r tOU_hs, ___. colds , , croup a lid whooping cmiglis, ami G t .|, ix e „ l0 si effectual lvmedy known for tm‘Se . diseases. .. C. 15. Mailt ,i- of or. Union C'ly, Pa ., says: ‘ J have a grefit, sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 warrant every bottle and have never heard of one failing ibgive entire satisfaction” 50 cent bot¬ tles tor sa'e by W. I!. & J; L)avis 5 druggists. While Mr. T. J. Rickey lit* Attonn, Mo. was traveling in Kansas he was taken violently iJ with fholira inur- bus. lie failed at fl drug store to get some mbdiciiie and the drhggist recfitnoiended Chauiberlaio’s Colic, Cholera a ml Diarrhoea lie nicely so highly he concluded to try it. The res tit was immediate r» lief, and a few doses cured h m completely; It is made for bowel complaint and nothing else. It never lails. For sale by W II. J. Uavi>, druggists. Thro’s hHlhing I have ever used for muscular rheumatism that gives me as much relief as Chamberlain's Pain Balm doe). 1 have bet-ii using it for about two years—tour’ hot tits in :il!—ns occasion r«qu>rcd, and al¬ ways keep a bo!tie o: it i i my lu me. I believe I know a good idling who r. i get bold ot it, and Pain l>;i.rn G t>iie best 1'iiimt'iiL I have ever met with. VV. 1>. Denny, dairy man, New Lexington, Onto. ^ ) cent bodies for sale by \V. II. Jc J. Davis, drug - gists. The most, painful cases of rheuma lism may he reli ncd bv a few appli cations iff Chainberlan s Fain Balm : it,8 continued u.-e will cure any case no matter of hew long stntid ng. il is . (juallv hem ficial for lame 1 ty'k, pain in the side, pain in the c!i*-t, lament §*. and in all painful affeeti ms I’efjuiiin-jt an external remedy A piece of flan nil saturated «i h Pam Balm and bound on inG tlie seal ot pain is suiicr^or to sny ph<ster. Foi sale by W. 11. tfe .). L)t:‘vis, drug- gist-S. llu;Eii]b 1 At lantioRR it lime lable J\di2 Takimx effe t May 7,16^; No. f) STATIONS. t f No is Dai y Daily M T l.v I’llulah Falls A? IP 2 M 20 20 Turnerville [ ! 2 (0 40 Anandale 1 40 ^ 55 Clarksville 1 25 10 Demoi est 1 10 N Nr Cornelia' 12 50 P. M Ar L? noon W. V. Lauraine, receiver. h / \ vft?v | A % l / jirVyK \lS¥iliS \ (A ji J \ \^^£Wy \ n//' A i / / IICH^IOfS \ - # Hl?83 illS^ — # P $ f # BW D dgaa D B& D DOtilJir WlMHIU 1 ^ < < DlDlDl BL008 BALM i \ F tup - rp raf'o r^nY -! f - FOR Alt BLOOD AND skin DISEASES k i A € s<)rofula. kseema, ” > t ulcers, n r^xtuno rS^^^^^per^bSufe'* souks, invariably i»k r ewt^jpw mrt L «ie* For ^ \ SFNT FREE w ox Atia^^ •Turn f.s BLOOD BALM CO., Ga. $ W L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE c^it f i?emen. And ofijG specialties for Gectlemeffi Ladies, Boys and Misses ore the i Best in the World. ^ ' ■ 1 See dcfcriptire advertisA 4j4‘ t. 1 ment which wilt appear in ^ | this paper. Take no Substitute, x but insist on haring TV. I.. J DOL'tiI.Af?’ WIOW. with -•r __I name and price stamped oa bottom. Sold by ^ M- n M t , IdL, K I’jdrOO* EDWARD are rtedvirg the nicest stock of SHOES, HATS, OKt GOODS AND NOTIONS cl’el'. ifotid/it to UOCCOKt IF YOU WANT A BRAND NEW eulT Vi/ h' CM IRA IP 9 COME AND SEE U Kjyi . #0-WE KEEPt VEfi YTKiftG.A ^ To The Farmers I •K- 'e will he flcpcried lojitnirih // you tile hiphe-tt evade SelUUueU tfoti the Sake of the JilinigkUJ 6aSh 7ho((ai dOivti on the derivety foJ SoodS, f of cJ will Sell my entire Stock of - % * r efl SJE J BOOTS, SHOE'S, HATS and CAPS eHeapel than Iketj mete eml Sold al in ddoeeoa. J have also a broken lot of MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING lo close cut til IrZlOZES&ZJS COS 2 . A ow is llte lime lo gel your OVER SHIRTS, UJNDER SHIRTS. DRESS mmm* mmmmm &m ©nasi** and, and, in fact, tinylhive/ in lhe Dry bloods line cheapen Ihchi ever before . Jfyou have lhe Hcif/le Dollar J mill r/ire you some of lhe close siprices on ITD VOU vuu hffPP nuyt rituf hpr/Ml it tt v-j in to. lwa time , Come and see ?vhal J have anil hetif my prices H ’^ eu J’ ou nanf io Country Produce cf all kinds taken the aire as Cash: MACK PAYNE, Tcee©Ay Gri2