The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, May 26, 1893, Image 2

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the , r OiStik jfi ws. IDftiuS t RiESS, rrapiftlVrt J. i hom, Hte f’uhVo ; h T>» r' Friday Mot nine r . Entered at the Toccoa Lostoffice a 8eco*d-class Mfitfer. H B Jb’HIB I IOV h Vi E Owe, year # 1 . 00 : s? month hr m«Miths, g.'.c. f MJVEiptl G ID 1 made known nti 'application. IO< f'OA, (. A Friday, May - 1 ' 1 *ft;w nit ess. ir i 8 ng ( ; m a rr >d deal to purcl i ;* s » 1 tiding the tri \r 'rmngs, -i many head of imiiies can estify; and t riggings of Yu; News iv< )]•** ( X pi* I IS V( than the finest '•* dress in " 1-1 >< >so. News had to ' up W t lie r. occasion. <•- 4‘4 13 tmprovir *!. fast, and , News cannot afford to be lonesouv! 1 rehlai’tiing in tin* same old and somewhat dilap¬ idated condition. />:el if the town ,1,1 mil. s to ‘hump hoiveU” News purposes to do likewise, if takes ;i steam press and eight pages to keep pace with Toccoa’s The News intends to he deser¬ ving of increased patronage aUd expects it to come. NEKI» OF A III ICIIV \ToiiY. 'lhat crimes slmulfl bo pun islied justice deni«L«D; out how nluch iiohfor it is to “tompur justice with tnercv,”hv emi-uvorins to reform .......... t rausgrotsor. than to soak i lo i 1 ' 11 cl , i k' % ») • > Wily .. ; , ' * V. I lie . tent!” 'justice'’ • 10,1 “mercy” hot signify two dinni'ti”'ally .ri, on posmi . , .1 al.stra, j - t 41 tilings, 4 though u, , 41 , r aroolte-n „ml that comieclm,,. I'iie latt-r is but. 11,0 offspring (li<> former; it is just ti bo mor riful Tho effort to establish a torv for youthful violators of praisi w(>rthyom/andshould meet with eiv“ourageme*lt II un just to force tho i»oy of tender years v*ho has gone astray once to mingle with the most debased sp<*( ■imr'im of aV-Manity. The itontiarios and chain-gangs should be schools to educate their inmates in crime. ' whtS’ may < ' fhe ]>lan to establish a reformatory hi Geor¬ gia will do so for political purpos¬ es, principally. It may be argued (hat (lie expense wHl be great While the most ardent advocate of j! reformatory cannot hope to make good citizens out of all who might be sent t<> “hat institution, it doee look reasoiiUbTe" ( v 'Tt the good i»flfronc' v s brought to bear on tliem would benefit some, and the others certainly could not be made Worse. la moral questions money fdioukl have litth* if any weight. Georgia, wo thin!c, should estab¬ lish a rxformttory lVw yohng law breakers. Humanity mantl this. And wo believe the day is not far distant when an effort will b:' made lo reform not only those of tender yoafr, but all violators of law. (hy<l Vpf i ti t in* time whc ifthecriep >t humanity sliall not be drowned by the clinking of gold and sil¬ ver ! A , HOOD „ of t our , am saving that the law s t-nftiinoss Vml uncevfaintv to punish crime •aus * the perpetuation of lynch lir.v, Thdro i» r» tm*h ; ’V tl^ It justice end dy ; sure spt were m>*ted out l*S Ivnchors mobs would seldom get ill ; their work. Thu Toccoa NrWS’is one cf newsiest little papers in North Georgia. It is ably alwNvs edited bv Mr. ii IIowoll > t n, will) nil is L a \\. \ whip v a n'—iVo . ak to I > the 111* interest, iniuiMOl of thi^ mis s<T.O. vvllc-v ot n f tlie coui'try, and Toccoa especial- lv.—Carn<*sville Tribune. The largest 0 paper that we have *v.*r seen is th* ”\^d's Fair Southern editiAh' ? of the Boltiiroro -y News. If II fans • 60 .. . * poses of r _ I columns i-ach. and in an . to an abundance of other bus an official report of tlie South's that ... exhaustive , . progress is very and •»n.l <T7*.7 gi am *7fi*■ \ ing 7 ,if i.v to tkiTaA those who ...u i* live in “Dixie: This issue is a mar- vt * et \l m of joui iimmnli-'fV n t aiAa^. ana and mechanical m* viiariK al ability. The New s ^knowledges the re- ceint of t*i invitation 1 lo tile commencement exercises • of ; the .Southern Female university, Birmingham, Ala.:tfhich will begin oil June *)rl __ j 11 ' “ has :ippe lie will foe given the ♦OTinoo, ’anyw ay. T“>i: - 01 'r*»t* *i:’ i'.M,KV' The News hasn't noHrinuto^ aiiv rtip f : r Divvy r for \ii United • S tat**s senate or tor eougT^ss vet, but it wiF mention the name of a gentleman whom i 1 would like * . • sf*e solicitor tenoral <bf the North- oastern circuit. That gentleman is Hon. Louis T) of Toccoa.' That J is Mfiiiiently qualified to discharge’ the did res of this re- sponsible pdace flier* 13 not. the shadow of a doubt. He is a law- r if ait , 1 <»w|ofl«rM<s ability, integrity is unqivstionable and lie Solicitor . '* v t we we Birn- i'D I think ihinl- fur OUr tnnrmin t gasman would would make a bettor officer. The prominent stand taken for ; democracy by ' Mr. ’ Davis in the last , . and the . good , work , campaign, in* did then, will cause him to be regarded with more Favor by the majority of the people m thi.s ju- dicial circuit, who would honor him with any oflico in their gift Mr. Davis is an 'Unassuming man, and but f*»r this fact would doubtless b<* holding some good 4 government (fe lie 1 ms ask !“’ tlllnK at dx-llaiwl* of the admin- istrAtlOU, preferring to servo the lKiople of this V^tibn li\ r remain- ing among them. Let the papers that favor the election of Hon. Louis Davis to th« „ ofllC-J of solicitor geiinlai . the Northeastern bir^uifc say so. .J rrnrl* l D(.E I JAM nr» H got hot tri ! his «!9 work work this week hear Douglas, Ga., two negroes having been strung up. One was const*,r«lguilty of mur- dr-r and tho other of Itoint? acoes* Soty to tho *«l: fHW Will afford SOlt!^ finpois t! . Ull OpJXOl .4 ill 1 11 •, to i sa} . about the “nncortainty of the Jhw.” j Haiiiiy Him., festive Atlantia,,, a | who h “whore the woodbine lKj ,„. th ., imU(jM ftV W . v a i, , v t i V 1 h : jury. It ts stud that ho obbnnod ! about $20,000 by forged notes. While being no admirer of the l!political record of your unt i Lon Livingston, tv*’ think that mother Secretary Siiiith nor any one else a,, y Nget to meddle* wdh pi'*. Tjie Goddess of J fsttcE is never seen sitting in an oak tree near the scene of a lynching. The NUMEKOrS bank failures that have boon oceif'rin:' r all oyer tfib cootitrv art outsit.- %f m, people trou do r n re 111 ; : lws °f , - fTce all Is serene. ^ Blossotl are the poor: Ocn $Lekp will be mbre tranquil aitcn* the pn sidei’t has' “provided v'el'F’ for B. M. Blackburn and the Norther# marshal ship business has beoh'disposed of. Col: J. TT n^hols, <of White county, hds increased the number of applicants' for the marshal- ship of the Northern district. It is d glorioiisf privilege, of which thb average country editor **s not slow to avail himself, to he able to nominate candidates, from president to bhiUlf. ~ Loris , Abbot, 17 old . , V a -year of Atlanta, committed suicide by shooting liimstif in the head with a pistol. The handsome monument orec- tod 'Mr ^ OVPr 1 m H rem I inmilS „ in , OI ,, f AM Xcllltu 1 b. Stephens, m Crawfordviile, was unveiled with impressive ceremo- mes on Wednesday. The intro . Bpoocl, iva* m«del.y Hon. i . Bari Jv, uTxt 1 ,v ( . 1 . M. Norwood delivered amofet eloquent address. The monument is in the vard of i ihurtv Hall ’ Mr Bbmhens’ 1 ' 1 1 m ° ‘ _ Judge W. M. Wf\ ce..Vof Green esboro. Ii being spoken 1 of as a can- didat© y*..- for the “ marshalship . of the * ^n^thern district. . Judge ... Beaver is ono of thp most P°P ular meJ1 in his section, and we doulit | je woll i^ mr-ke ah excellent nJsi- mar sha l shott^'he secure ' that 1 txCn. __ M'e v. v better nf'Jd roads . m gra ' Tli V present convict lease system .....° in Georgia needs reforming ° - If both of these perplexing . ques- .. tions be 7 solved iii by working 7 * the ,, can convicts UY»on the public roads, l«q ibis be Tone, even if t4lN*s have to ■ M hen the , 1; next g^eral , assembly convent® in Atlanta, wfi we hope tip. law taw makers ntaKerb w h coiteiaer consider tj.p me senousiv and ndopt IxxiksTor h jjii!orm senes of l tt xt llio entire state. This wBI Hfte a tondenev to imnrove ............ .-'.inity '.nr.N of'education by curtailing their la “Cotop: xl.” NTthinp *is trmr' tian that ?uri*»and- f ■■ ®et the chart ter of tl»> * on ( they depef.J. Put a rr.ce of in possession of the i^-ost su¬ perb emporium, where consummate art and sound intelligence have combined f i Ah to make unequalled aftode for the higher cF&ar r^’^'an, ami iy a short time the primitive, chtuiored and unproductive character of the dweller- wouhT transform its features and rep- resent in chafe fcrs not to be ymsun- derstood their own savage stato. fa t a superior people in the most sterile and unforbidding domain, and soon the outwaid material condition w j|| represent the order, adaptation and. to a greater pr less degree, the beaut tXou v of the cultivated intelligence ° Make “Cotopaxi” a ruler in central ' a „ h5 „. . -, u k ;„_ flom whose barbarous subjects would pale into insignificance fic&G, our American Indians',hhfi t£<j. transformation, 1,1 a short time lie would transform into a learned, aristocratic and fastidious race of people who would be f ar beyond our esteemed countrymen in point of intellect and refinement. In fact, that is about nil “Cotopaxi” would be good for. If be could start a race C? ravA ° ,r e.s on the road to refine- and . . . i his . rnent aristocracy m . own peculiar way he would be a blessing to humanity instead of a pest. For “Goto paxi” to try to educate the «»*»«*. *•«*<«» ««»?»« »P •» , |Urtte> is „ hopeless task, and that he should dictate to them in language anything but refined, what they should read and how they should educate themselves, is th? mere raving of a pessimist tired of the beaten ruts of dhsaurity ard sevjtiug for noturiely. WM mty, for ylist “Cotopaxi” thinks should be the proper tone of a new,, «“'* rt «’ho is “Cotopaxi,” any- ? He aay3 that he h:VS been to college * it d wip show diplomas with . anyone. A little tc,o Pitch education ta,ovidently given him th, big head. 1 was a pity to spoil a good Urmer by A newspaper is supposed to to contain e,o„i„ the news; and if it was filled with (lmvery quotations from novels and ovesicr nonsens *, as Cotopaxi’ would have it, it would not be a news- paper. A newspaper is supposed to eater to the public, and what the huh- lie wants is the plain, unvarnished news in readable shape. “Cotopaxi” > puffs % up like a frog be- c3l , ie Tdtt.. son/sihing Nkws- correspondents had to about the quality of cabbage in her neighborhood. How delicate he must be! I wonder if he has (lowers strewn before him while walking about taking exercise.' He is surely too sensitive (fthi refined to work like eTdtb’ary peo- pl» ; , find seem? te j( me that he w r ould take the dropsy' he slumUL perhaps he rest of his body woi/lcf sv" ell up so C-oi^pare iti<)re favorably with th * Size' at which Be estimates liis brains. It is said that, while in the pursuit of an object, more happiness is afforded khan in its possession. II this is trti * >">■“PP'ic.a.Ie t„ j.,pnmii s „, it must be a happy yecrttloi*. for no one c aH g e t so far advanced in tli’.profe •> *>- ionasto say, “I am master of the in finite; I am lore of ail.” “Lotapaxi,” however,’is pt: exception. In his own estimation lie is the sun around whiyli and'says other stars revolve. He knows it all, in clarion tones ct command: “Follow me! I am on the road to infinitesimal space. Follow me and be saved.” Forath s. Rid Hill. Rev Iltin’hlcutt is visitiir'tf bis mother this week. d’he Methodist church was crowded on last Sunday afternoon to., hear a 3 ‘' .i'nion by Rev. W T. Iffo^ucutt. r ' f- s . The Baptist Sunday-school has 07 . roll, ,, Hud i ", thorc i wort? Do r.- presetii on last Sabbath morning. We think that this is a good attendance. The literagv r.-jt* club will Saturday meet I.ilt!'- Sail if Morgan leaves ns to-day for Dacfita. Ga. where she will go to live With ... - her b'M'' Issuer, .r Mr. J. r <_. /i Morgan. -\i "** ’ ■'« J' I t Will -ii address , , remark *. two , to . a or “Cotopaxi,” although he sayj 1 ueed ^ spPRk to him as llO d*6(fe not like to have “minnows nibbling at liis k?gk I would advise him not to go ^Jdng in a spring branch if he doesn’t what „ e saw , MalS to canso ...... to term the writer a “war horse.” L^ni sure that I never intended tc *nter into a fight with anyone. I was not aware of the fact that he was troubled with’lmhgesdon o/l r'oi.ld not have asked if he liked vegetables. I think he ha-Tbetter consult a physician, as I 110,11 hn ov nnu ‘ 1 1,s ( 1,11 *• 1 think it . he t would down and ' come . turn about , with .. me, I T tmnk b;. the time'it came for him to dine he could eat a *»b*tautial meal and not feel a fatal wreck in his brain. He 0011 set aside liis former diet of sweet mi,k ’ cop ^ ras a,ld razor sou P’ h would take a stronger <f?t than that to keep him able to travel. I don't he , would , , suffer much from . inai- . .. o-ystionyeither, 1 don’t mean for him to get on a sleeping car to take exer- cise, for if he does thfsrl have no doubt n,.:* G.a, i,a he would ..uffir ^as .. . he j.,, h L.ia __ dv>ne ,i.„,a, before. But r*t|»ak if I was a gradu- at#i , collld fin d ? better suffiect to write on thariTlfliVuling the local cor- respondents of a country newspaper. { was nt , f write on any subiect edm-ate the people of the eoCPfty. It that had been done I doubtless would body not have else w l ritten 2 |es a “Cotopaxi” line. But if doesn't some- es teach me to vhte, I will be as igno- ra ^., s e Ver . ^ think I would rather ^ .’^apld wr^e.abour his travels tlum to rykna^ -. tae. I don't like that. I wiei y^hld visit us, so \ve could see onj^ficat^ S,'*®,lr man. I would not have ><> Mr. Editor, you will not be both- oixut'anymore. v*,sim BAGWELL & GOWEK •'G. CO O Gai Bc'sville, Ga, H ig,n 'fwr?-a,"s CarriagSS, ©tiggi'Ss", Wagl??, Etc. Catalogues iumished on application. Samples of work tr HAYES & BAMSAY S. Ageuktj. TIIE STOR\ of the millennium A fas<;iiiatin<r picture of the pos*l'ilities of future development on the earth and of the c ndition of ma ikind ip »,iit ten tj.iousandth century, when interplanetary communiea- >j...... thc n f£ become a roa ity, i^oae of special . features of Pemorest Family s zinc for June. It is c >ni piled from the reforda : „ f tUe Optimists’Club, an organization ,c^b | i; s |,<ju fop foretelling tin: future of the world, add the v.uiq*vj illustrations tellthc story as j vividly as U;c. words. If one admires p:c{pre? I of handsome women,—and who does net?— ; orer a score of them may l*eseen in the same number, illustrating "fsocietv Leaders of Indiana.” In “familiar Talks on the Piffer- cut Schools of Art” we are introduced to Venetian and Spat.i.-li iKiir.fers e.nA many of tlicir most noted- Works. '“The Diary oftin i AtUJf* ; eU rV’ tells all about tennis teas and ! j tennis dresses- from “A Caravan Ontintr” rne learns about tbe newest and most ehar- rning way of spending» vacation; anddf tbf ! '(Vu ) ( n s S t- l ItiH:m’’ l ; l r(‘ ('•ar*i( 1 <Vou i | ,n f)i)e may I$e sure of ha vi»£ an attractive home lor 'a d» plenty't.jYiiteroV^evvo'nienmeV'of iy; and is published fo,r only $-2 the by tbmh \V. a year, y 0 rk. fiflpliCftliOM f jOf C?lUrl€t\ ^ tn.aasi.Ax Ghomia, Cooxty. I icoorlofsaidionty TollmS.pVior 1 The petition of J. L. Mart'ke (L W. Nod &e! RBhni'J,'. iVogl.t, k RBr'S. a w.' Edwards. T. 0 . W., 11 . Brue K ^thS»? iiavis, E.E R Mitchell, wSlkS’. K. lieu $. LBl Bryant, W. J. u.jctl.ei to, dvcporpise ttHl un(kr t]ie i 4 f Georgia uW hwor^ the aw 0 c-iryiorate name niul style of , 4 Tocuorf Cilnnin^ Urge of imve-ising capital stock to P*ve 1 h-.usund Dollars ; that petitioners show Stlu'r'.TrSTtSV&^d^bitt? In die ,,f T Jmi Snnil.v tow,, «M ; at tbe expiration <»f their charter; that the petitioners pray that all ordinay lanvers that i?«* power to purchase and hold veal and f,<jr oiitti |>r<»|t*rty. and lo.clo all acts necesm- y for the legitimate excctFien of its purpa- scs * *’et t oneis further show -thAt- tliM e<> pnration is for the iioihutk 'benefit IlS wIn^-S’E c.S'Si'luCn'w 1 ?.i joners, under the eorporirie name as afove a’d. all the right-*! ipow-ots 'hvli privi- ieue.-s thercia asked. And vour m-i It toners \vi lever pray. I.oers lVvvw, A't < y f i I’etitioners. 1 uecoa, _<a., May 1, . ,x~t. HEN AND WOKEN HELi* I>R. I .Avv •) SPECIALISTS. (Regular Graduates.) AelritO’xletlKod to bo loading and mo*t BUcc«ii#nI o* all Bpeclalitta TrUl give you HELP. YOUNG AND JSPKnl NlDDliK- AGED MEN- llomorkablo ro- ■ults havo fol¬ 5 »- lowed our trevt- ment. Mtsjr YKAB3 Of vartea autl successful lilENCEdn tho uao of cura¬ tive methods that v. tve alone own ms j and all diaordora control ifdr of g MEN, who have we« k.orundevol- oped or diseased organs, or who ere from an fferlng errors of % youth who and exocsa .... ........ or are nerv- ' anil IMPO- oui iT.NT, the scorn of their fellows and the contempt frieutls and companions, leads 11 s to GUARAN¬ TEE to all patients, if EXCLUSIVE tlTty^enn possibly TREATMENT be UE- stored. OUR OWN Will AFFOlilfi CUBE. WOMBfBfcvDon’t yon want to get enred of that hom«wife WEAKNESS-with a treatment tlmt you can use at 4 ut iuBtruments. Our wondoTful treat* Tat! sia Heart. Liver S«neys. rapid, safe and effective SYPHILIS—The most remedy. A complete Cure Guaranteed. JS&SSSSfg&Z /in V'lg-g'/L’,: *“ promptly t&La. This ncludesGleet ned Oonorrt ;a TRUTH AND FACTS, that we have curod cases of Chrenlo Disease* have failed to get cured at tho hands of other specialists, physician* and medical institutes. ““'wa^TaSIS Obtain our treatment at onco. gi^h^be^andmosTscroNiactraatmoiSaimoder. ^ ^nuuNtre-atrat-nt. Freo constiitation at the cSce« by^aiu rto^ p eronce Bonk f°r Men and denliai BV En e tfr^tr™t'meiiteentfreo fromobserva 2 Sd^cr^^ P JDlL n HS?HAWAdf‘*^oj So. Broadst..Atianu.<^- n ’ A MILLION FRIENDS. A ft irnd in need is a friend indeed, and noi , t . r , than one Iuil ioll j p e have found ju«t su-vli a friend in Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con-unij>ti«in comrlis and c "lds Med,, — Ify ou have never ttsed‘ris Graat Cough ^etriul wifi coivinee iilT >ou ‘-hatit has wonder- fuT curative powere hi flisoases of Throat SuS^dSKlaS^ money funded. Trial bottles tree at WH & J DavSfs Ihmgstore. Large bottles eOc. andbi. GUARANTEED CURE, D?. M ean hnnzeourat. New Discovery .er.vs«ldruggist for CunsUulption, w toyell Ling’s and colds, this condition. If cough* adheted with upon Cough. Gold Lung von an- a or anv j»e*rience no oene.Tt. you may return the bot- tie and have vour money refunoed. We could a<»tir.akethisoiFcrd : d we cotknov?thatl)r. nev^disappoin King’s New Dis-overv Tnai could bottles be re'loil fn-e on. W It at H ‘V J Davis’s Drugstore . Lar ge size 50 c and SI. La .*ie5) r Are Unfortunate, fi7.cause the higher they rise in society (j ie weaker they find themselves bodily. aids pfsiey's rhilotoken controls various the nerves, nature in her functions, and woman&bl thus r^m hats with the many ills c f successfully. If vour ,».wb not got it be will dfinr it f„, yrw Tor xl a bottle, from Cj*iev F. Risiry, tv holesale Druggist, ,€A-Cour*r i a ,.uiNew York. Send -a or a ae- it and can’t say enough in favor .. liw! ' PWII A r V ' 1 TVi 3 ?A>e given for any icase of rltfenma-' tismj'-’jjch cannot be cured byp rn( ?n ( i’S Lightning Repiedy. Tfie tpro-. P r ictors do not hide this. Futprnf it newSpapeh^lrery** here. It wiH *u#k wonders—one bt&«k>- curing any ordi If the druggist.has not got it it wifi be sent to any adT-e^s by press on receipt of price, together with s P e,, vil in>tructions lor use. ^Dniin ]S?ne * ed,c,IM? '" 0 '’ **' iIa ,L ' n ‘ ’ New York. Samp?: sent suiter- — --1 — » — ..’l l F. II. Hick y, 120 S flain street, T.ynchburg, Va., writes: {: was broke cut aHtiover with sores, j^-tid my hair was bottles.of fadijig out. Alter pding a few Botanic Blood I*;>lni my lutir quit falling out and all the* sores got well, There is nothing I have ever A’sed lor muscular rhCumatism .dhat gives me lofabeilt'tw^a as iri-uc^ relict 4 ESr\oUlefi" as Chamberlain’s S aU aheitle 'or'it'lu’niy home. j'eve j 1 0 *’ 1 I know ll a,ul a 1 gnoct ain thing is when the lljget jest * . Ohip.,* Denny, dairyman, New Lexington. 50 cent bottles for sale by W. H. & J * druggists. The most 5 ; ualXl’T^es r^llev'-d i!v of aw™a- rheuraa- M« be a fe K tions of,>(;’haiiibt*rlain’s Pain Balm; its matte* bo.vlong standing. ItToequal- side! the chest, ‘'SainSSrSf i^and in all painful affections requiring an $ S 011 er ^ sl .. lUl( pai „ | a .simeriov to IV 11 . & J. Dayw, Druggists. ----—-- r ^~ w!t ua;,’!’ii'^ l in' k Sfa«y x s he taken violently ill with cholr^a morbus.' He bhl led at a drug store m>»V« t« get some Chaiiiberlain’s mWielne, th'o .lr..'*gl.t •Xholio, Uheter- end MZZtfT&fiS&'ZZ relief iSSt <i at** ami a few doses curod ? tn completely. It is made for JwW.- bowel com- fni.s. #*>■' ' ' ...... *’ ---- e—•. - The promptness and c f rJia‘mt«of its cures Remedy have famous. made ChamberJ.nin’i! is Gough It iijieuded espe- cjjjj)y f or uniigfi, coughs, colder protip vml whooping and is tljo inust eft'fjt- reined} known toi t/liK® t. Mr. B. Main, of Union City, i'enn., says: Iain’s Cough-Remedy. “I have a great safe on <’hagi|)er- I warrant * 7 .erv bottleandhaveneverhegrd^f one^aif- ing to give entire satisfaptinu.” SO cent bottles for sale by W * . J. pavis, druggists. --s- -(■■■Rl’'' 1 -:——y—-- r”!-' XlflMMi BiUiKidge Si Atl antic It R. - 3 'lime lable Ao 72 Taking *110 t May 7,1 Nc.A STATIONS, fi No V '2 Dai'y ! Daily 7rSi--J ‘JO M I l T.'llul; L TurnervUle v h Falls Ac I I I‘ 2 2 ’ M ? Ct» 8 4 u S A nan dale l 40 ~ 55 O' . tlarksvil'e l 20 -1 I I)H».iorest l 10 -J if CwViielia i 2 ;.o . 7-h o Ar I.v not)t) . ,, 4 ._ W. Y: Lauiiaine, Eeceivcr. __ 'Si S-i. 3 l- '? f X#^T\ § Facing a¥e X | Bills I B.B. BOTANIC a BLOOD BALM TH^ GREAT REMEDY ( - FOR ALL BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES - t Das been thorbtigfhly tested by em- • lnent physicians and the people 4 for 4i) years, anil never fails to cure q mekiy and perruemenfly SCROFULA, ULCERS, ECZEMAJ ^ RHEUMATISM, PIMPLES, ERUPTIONS, r”>. all manner of EATThTf, SPREAOTOG and O RUNNING SORES. Invar,a My mres »»»eC-imn5t V loathsome blood diseases if directions aro fol- 1 lowed. Price SV'p?r,l " ac, 6 bottles for to. Iw sale by drugprists. \ SENT FREE woNDEifiru ___ cukes. BLOOD BALM C 9 „ AtjSy^,.Ga * i Scientific America^. }• Agency for WyZ* I m i 9 CAVEATS, i a. TRACE MARKS, ms DESIGN PATENTS* COPVftSCHTS, etc. For information and free Handbook write to , X it CO^ 361 Bkoadtvav, New York. ! bnreau for securing patents In Amenc{fe. patent •lie by taken out by U 3 is brought before ! a notice given free of charge in Lac fcknltfif ^nmicau LsrsrfiS% worla. clfcnlatiofi'of Splendidly illustrate;!; r.nv scientific Ko paper’in intelligent the * man should be without it. VVeeklv, k.'i.Oll a FuBUSUEEg, rear; ?1.50six months. A<ldtess JIuSS k CO, 301 Broadway, New Yor* City. ~ W. L. DOUGLAS S 3 SHOE cent f l° e W And other specialties ?.r Gentlemen, Lauies, Boys and Slifrij arc the s£f£.in the World/ See descriptive advertise¬ -t*L ment which will appear in this paper. Take no Substitute, but insist on having W. I*. DOUG I, Art’ rt.HOKrt.with name and price stamped oc bottom. Sold by W. I.T. KllyOO. EDWARBS "& DANCE are rtcjf^hl the ufc«s\ keck of ' 1 i - r I * ^ \ ^ * 4 y "tn NOTIONS tTAm? autA tYT' CT~' vmugftt ft r xjoc'cm fT ' n IE YOU WANT A BRAND NE\V V sUIT 0F OLiOTUMES CHKA3P *s£j AND SEE US. -- :<$: Nwe' KEEP EVERYTHI NG.^ Age r L -, ft 1 ? I'J TT-TT 1 HL £ AKMJlKo A DTUTCDO I : mis/ J'h> / II will til' /Vv hp. X/ fa'/rthn’fpf? t' (op/rmitl FVW vt k vU . > 11 , . I u~ {f 0 ^ iC Ul^llUl ^ d'lUtUlzttt , aW , / mailUfudUteH. . I c foH He take < 5 / the Ji/lmHJitij I Ba6U a) oil at down on the deliveUj of BoodS, cJ will 6eU my entire Sio&l of GOODS, NOTIONS, EOOTS, SHOES, HATS arid CAPS vheajjel than they mete end Sold at in dfoceoa. w / •« I hare also a broken lot of MEN’S AND 1507 \S CLOTHING lo close cul at WZf 0Lld2ATfJj COS'l* Aon’ is lhe tiriie to gel your OVER SHIRTS, TJJNDER SHIRTS. DRESS P533IP* 1MISSS8 QHS&SS » and, and, in Jact, airpthing in ihe Dify Goods line cheapo than ever be J ore. If j ou have the Jlagle Dollai\I n ill give you some - oj the closest prices on { \ ROCERIKS Adftyy TELA.-RJD-WJLTI ' - S' vou hare he aid of in a long lime. Come and fee irhat I have and hear my prices ?vhen yon ?vant lo buy, taken , , Produce of aH kinds tlie tame as CasS: MACK PAYNE YacccA,' a.Ar