The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, May 26, 1893, Image 3

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THE TCffOA TOCCOA, G-V:. -iL_j5*iZ .-------- m %W WS DTE!) Al>ottt Toccoa, *t‘ id Other Top ICS. *iii IV* Jrt nj’rrt)t*n*r»ife hill w, Ttlllt 0? W& EVENTS i uuiibi \jv c -- remeiy Treated, So \h to Piesei.t ht*«i Avoid Taxing tl«‘“ Patience of Our It aderu, Oentle or Otherwise. ■How do-j dP like ur new dress? 1 n . he mayors court , did ... a good j, , J ® . ^ , . ’ • I here is no doubt about this being •irrrr mer vy . it her. i,ot eve* v man whose brow perspires these days earns his bread ... f.iW-e nmst have a cotton 7 ike ' ■ n li’-’ le boy’s gopher,“it’s got to come/’ Office on first floor for rent.. Apply • i I) it. J as. X. 'Vest. Ripe peaclies are being shipped from •Southwest Georgia. < tfia The News had a crate of them! , H. Tbeeoa lacks-a good deal of beT ga “'load town. Ho keep up with ti e news here readTHK News. Best $2 ami $2.50 ladies shoe in the - 'ity. Every pair Etc guaranteed. \ . A!U»S > v.lievi. The newspaper business is a j 'tying one. Recently The News sold $5u worth (|f subscription accounts for $3.95. The brick work on the store of Matli- eson, Mabry and Rayne in pearing com¬ pletion. If will be i ‘iarge, handsome house. Save money by buying, all pa*-ft remedies at oltlce of liu. Jas.N. West. ’• *fith new material and renewed en¬ ergies, we hope to improve The and make it a more welcome visitor to many homes. The citizens of Toccoa arc much in- terc'-Vd in the f itur * growth of the town, ami it may be predicted that something is going to happen. j t'apt. A. II. Ramsay and Mr. II. E- Jfopkins are luxuriating on beans, the first of the season that w 4 ha* c heard of. :• WiheP Il ' rays of old Sol beat down most fiercely one can soon become'<k*- lightfully cool by allowing the mist of Topcoa falls to be wafted upon him. l'he public schools close to-day, and )he small boy will shed no tears when Tie carries his books lion ?. Vacation i< a happy time to t; * average child. foods: We have just ‘reived oor spring they are (tie prettie in town. Edwards & Dance. j It reminded one of winter time to lear ♦yunpress running a day or two this v ek. But the weather was not at all suggest i' h'ir.zards and : ,'Ve desire to use our new type on correspomlence from all the principal points in tin* county. Sand us the fl-'ws. <iN,oiids, end we will send you TiikN. s J ust received a new lot of $9.00 $1.00 and $5.00 Douglas shoes—the best shoe t»n gjrtb.. Try a pair, W. M. Kilgo. ' ■ i. f <*ole -hould remember that the tnu»Uboy.nd vestibule, passing here at 2 :21 p. m carries m.i** - from here A letter sent, by this train will reach Mtmta before night. lishUg party went out to rauthei creek Monday with the int nit'dif of opening a fish market on theic r; turn. Me doviJbf not that they will bring back many Fsh—Tories! ! Several letters have been received 'i* 4 ? from parties who desire to buy the School bonds, It is likely that there will be no dillieulty in disposing 'yf the bonds at a gx.H>d price. We have just r.ecivee llig line of clothing. Call and see's. r * . , Edwards & Dance. Li a. who wish to attend the rein¬ terment of Ex-President JelTerson Da¬ vis’ remains at Rielnmuul can buy Mind trip tickets at ’lYjr for 1S.25 Tickets w ill be good ft -m May 30th to June 2d. The.bicycle fever is spreading. A *bic;,e!e agent sold six w heels here Sat¬ urday, and they are all good ones,rang- ^Ijg.fn price from $1IM t*> $1T>9. They ifrrKTHL and t i e boys are enjoy- ing riding. An effort is being made TV some of ,’*Tf citizens to effect a trade that will have an important. bearing upon Toe- coa’s future grouth and improvement- \t the hour of going to press (lie mat¬ ter had not .been fuJtT$ decided. Call and examine our line of dress gmids. consisting of' chambrays, chal- iies, percales, white goods and fine henriettas. BLbown A Mitchell. » With two new public school buildings a canning factory-# cotton factory, a large hotel at the faffs, a? ‘d electric fights, in addition to ciu* ■b v her advan¬ tages. wouldn't TtX'ioa b> •' daisy?. Ami it is likely that all these will come within twelve months. • The sudden disappearance from town sf a certain young lady caused some surprising and much anxiety to her relatives for ? day or two this week The suspense was relieved by a letter from the young lady, stating that she vas with relatives in South Carolina *T*re you going to the World's fair? If so you can buy a round trip ticket nere good on any passenger train of the*Tt. & D. railroad until November For further iuiormafion apply to J. Nelms, agent. - . The cotton factor} *ro*c t for Toe- coa seems to lie meeting with and several gent ’efr n have signified their willingness to -ubscribe liberally for this purpose. The town should be *■ b^roughlv canv.issed to see howmuCb maney secured to build a fsc- 1 >py The Sew# think,* Vv tcfcn %ou!<* Ur proper tlffrg ' buy Marshal Gf Jn "' e ,llSS!e Will LiMmjr- Vfe fewity of HsllM.- - coat a^oittVd brass S’i wa* Mwtly marred. V e will start the subset ipttttp will. ”fty cents. others speak. .<• " e would be glad foi our inet "bants fc6,&dopt the early fusing plan. It \, ! tlld be pleasant for Hr clerks and. t fur them too, to have a little time for recreation in the cool of the lor j; af- t«.*rnoons, ami no trade worth speaking- of would be lost if nil the stores closed at 7 or 7 W Our mail facilities have Teen improved oflate. The R. & D. Matt •>., gives „• . us papers atid . , letters . ., from , formerly came, and the fouthbound vestibule now leaves, mail here. The mail that reaches lie 'if o« the fast train at 10:20 p. m% through the areommo- dation of Postmaster Bright, is uted immediately, and we can read the Atlanta Journal and letters before bedtime. Until the pest ^.y days this mail could' bbi be obtaii ed until the morning following its arrival.Our mail facilities are now excellent. ABE llDDXXGS \ttemptN to raint th<* Town and Comes to Or:<‘f. Ask ten persons in this and one or two adjoining counties to name the most powerful man, physically, in this section, and it is likely that nine of them would reply, “Gabe Eddings.' This well-kn r *wn individual lives on fugalo river. . Jle is a Goliath in statue, a SamfsohiVi trehgth, and is perfectly fearless. Ordinarily lie is a quiet,peace- able man, but when under the influence of whiskey he is a holy terror. The announcement that Gabe Eddings is in town, drunk, is sufficient to cause some of our male population to re- member suddenly that they are at home immediately, and our if u U' Als to wish they were gal babies for a little while, or that Gabe were v^-v where. Last Friday afternoon Gabe arrived in ToccoH ky^ded for bear and deter¬ mined to do the ftiir/sdn paint-ng aet. About dusk he began to indulge in noisy profanity on the streets, and when requested by Marshal Gribble to cease he heeded not advice, but continued to let roll loml oath-. Gribble attempted to arrest him, and of course Gabe resisted. Several gen¬ tlemen came to the officer’s assistance and a mighty scuffle ensued. Gribble received two or three sledge-hammer blows from Gabe’s ini:’,' fy fist, but like the plucky marshal lie is, he hung on. It was rough ?ml.tumble, now on the ground, now up. Dree Gabe shook himself loose from the others and got Gribble by the throat. ! hen the mar- shal stopped bi^f -ning,and liis Adiim s- apple was almost converted into i here was an eart hquake when Gi ib- ble managed to trip Gabe up and the giant, fen lekvily upon the ground. In the row the whiskey in a Turtle in Gabe’s pocket ran out. He thou* ht the yyliiskev ^Ss blood, and that he was Udiy cut. Lc called out to his assail¬ ants to stop, but when convinced t hat he had lost no blood lie renewed the conflict. Finally he was overpowered ry num¬ bers and dragged to the calaboose. Ilis route was marked by pieces of torn garments, a (>oaf"sleeve being her?, a coat tail there, and a section of vest elsewhere. Gribble’s coat suite red, too, so much. Next morning Mayor Hayes “stuck the Jobbings” to Gabe to the old “blind tiger” tune—$25 and costs 4 with the remark that if this offense were repeat¬ ed the fine would be doubled. Gabe hadn’t that much money about his old clothes, so in lieu of the circulating medium he left a gold watch. Just before going home Gabe re¬ marked that he believed he wod’rt stay away from the “d—n little town.” Should he do so it is thought that there would be no grieving among- our citi¬ zens on this account, and that the town would menage to survive his absence. T'ulu Kaisers liaise*!. Four sons of Ireland appeared before Mayor Hayes Saturday. Three these w r ere peddlers, and the other was a brick mason who has been at work here for several weeks. These four countrymen met at Crawdof^-J.louse Friday flight and de- cided the t the proper thing was to be Of course it was neccessary to take, a "dhrop o’ sum pen,” and the ofterAr this was done the more mate and noisy they became, They sueeeded not only in raising Cain, but in arausiug all the inmates of the house. l or this night's enjoyment Mayor Hayes decided that C s cy ought to pay. and he estimated that their fun was worth to each, including costs of court. $5.3(4. One of the men, for using a little profanity in court was fi'n- d $1 more The fines were paid, though not 'wil¬ lingly, and the three human pa;k-horses shook from their ntHnber 9 7 s the soil of Toccoa and'waddled off, willingly but regretfully, • ■-* *r Baptizing. For scvc-ra*- weeks a protracted meet- ing has been in session at the colored Baptist church here, nud the result has b ^ n a great revival, binee the begin- nin'g of the meeting there lune been about thirty-six additions to the church. NestSuntlay ^terots,n -.1 3=50 o’clock the ordinance of baptism will be ad- ministered to seventeen persons. Tlie baptizing will occur a* ftr ford of Toe- eoa creek, one inik fi^ic town. 1 he opening service will b r conducted by Rev. E. A. fceese ahfi the pastor. Rev. B. F. Porter will bartize the cand:- date-. The baptizing w ill doubtless be wit¬ nessed by many people, KlOAClOIIS WSSK Maku ‘ . Times XdveJh at Tallulah. \ v Falls * ,, *’’’ HVI * •• . b;g Bov. m\w ct:;s aid vswrs. : l>( 1‘ A Ptenlc I&Csr/iNrted into a Free F.ijfht. and the Kesult is Many Badly BieiseO People ami Two Seriounly H rt- • The picnic at Tallulah Fait* Tut sday, " iv " n l) .y the ftrotheriiood of I.ocomo- tive Eng'rnH-Ps, was a big affair, eight or nine coaches."plvclyed with people ’ frjm u.iiig Atlanta consti the greater pa oT the cVowd. It resulted in a big row ‘ Judging from what we :'h?v ; heard there must have been irany toughs among the picnickers. These consid¬ ered a picnic a dull affair unless one is braced up by stimulants s:nl acts flS* fool, and they proceeded t0> patro¬ nize the barrooms liberally. It is said that the RobVtisoT House tot 1 !: in over $600 on that day, and nearly ; tl of ti Its ampupt was expended for liquid refreshments*. •■•» • '•-As a matter of rears? the the crd\vi got the more boisterous it became. At last; one man acted so disorderly t’tat 'T^ was arrested ajid placed ! ih the calaboose by the police. This enraged the picnickers and surrounded the little lockup, ami liter- y ^6 j t to'pieces and libenAed '^eir companion. ‘ Tallulah Fail* is quite a small place, afnd the police force, which had been provided for tl$t occasion, consist^ii G f only a few men. These attempted preserve order by arresting general some of tlu u‘ , excursionists, and a fight j 0 ved. The policemen used their and the picnickjpbs pulled oft p t mgs and assaulted tl c ‘officers with tj iese am \ with stones. Fifty people tyr p, ore were bruised in the fracas, and jy - strange that only two or three o4 ^i, ese were seriously liurf r . q j ie drunken excursionists wore too numerous for the citizens of Tallulah Falls, and put to flight some <;f the latter. One policeman ran into a house to escape the mob, and his pur- suers attempted to follow him*. The man-oU,the house came to the door with a V inchester rifie in hand and warned the crowd not to attempt to enter. They swore they would 1'tve ttifi' pbliceman, and started in. Put they didn’t get far. A rifle bullet pen ¬ etrated the neck ef one of the men, and the attacking party then r'*t«v?at- ed. Th*i hame of ne wounded man 'k Alex. Donald, and he lives in Atlanta. It was reported that he died ou* llie return trip, but the Atlanta papers iay j ie j s no4 dan^erourly hurt, John ShihFj, who was beaten] acting as a I)olic0 man, y as severely and is ^ irfi<a critical comlitioitf He U : young man, and is well know n in Toeeda." * .> , So tar as•’*■<? can ascertain the Doub¬ le was caused by soma drunken toughs who thought they could bulldoze*,the town. Their conduct at Tallulah ’ alls and at other stations along the road is ifi^crltUd’ as disgraceful. If a few others hail been perforated with h’F’^n balls they would have gotten their de¬ serts, if their conduct has been reported correctly tb r’s. For Sale. Corner lot 5i)xfi)0. Has on it aVyfiye room hoqsg.auct a store house. TeriPs easy. Apply at this office. Fqr bondk for Mtle, warranty deeds, cr'minal warrants, J. Pr ex-xuitions, etc ; call at Tiie News office. Last Call. W. M. Jordan, tfeg ..receiver of state and county tax returns, will be at Toc- coa May 26th; also at Clarkesvilie June 8tb, 9th, and 10th This is his last call. We are better prepared than ever before to execute good job work. Biing your job work to The News office. A 'ftad Fall. A serious accident occurred to Mrs. Rollins, Wednesday afternoon, standing rtf ber' door a dog ran past, stri kfug and kno.eking her down. She f e p on tf^-flehr £,' heavily, * and was bad'^ ^ urt .^^tigation 1)r av j s was summoned and decided that thigh was fract«#ed right at the hip Mrs. Rollins is an old lady and ^kely be a good while she recove rs from the effects of he? - ’ —-AA-----^ > W_hcn needing anything in the V'itj of cbgal blanks call at The Nft^s office, If we haven’t in stock what you want we will print them. Stifi in J ail. The jail’s the swelfest place iu town, For they’re coming every day ; . And the people come for miks around From every piaccand-way. Y'es, every we:k deesbrinff them in, In bracelets tirade of steel ; Some are in !or stealing hats— Yes, ’tis- said that they did steal. As for eur-elf we cannot see JtiA why or how it is - lhat hoosiers ceiuc for miles around Uspmo lers for to quiz. They come by twos, they come by threes And hasten to the jail ; They asb each one, the? a-k us all To please te l them cur tales. Bv.t T am giad to see' them, And hope they will nef cease; I hope they’ll come to See me Till 1 gaiH' n:v release. Fo~ they rre'vtn* bind to me, - And tre;it me mightj' well : Aud why I am In prison, . y : ,*cr*? than they can tell In Jail, May 25. —II. B. V.’tji ts. Co^' ' and see our’st'oek of men’s and boys ichingbelort^g^wh^; we ' iff save you money. : Brows & Mitchell. ---- Mortzarre notes and plain ffotes for sale at The News office, tBOl’T PEOPLE ’" r < «** t _ "Xho Pa**, I Li an j Out of Tor^an \ Others in the JRk'srlons Roih^ Ahout. . Mr. F. E. M.'eheH is tl*-“ proud parent oi another daughter. , Mrs. C. V. Hudson is rfeftinf h>r parent in Palmetto. Mrs. Has AVilson has returned a from visit to Charlotte X C. ' i ten \\ est, of ffarkesville, was in Toccoa last Thursday. Mr. \ aiuliver \ ickery, of Hartwell. ' v;ls in towr Wednesday. Horace CheV-k^ of Bowersville, spent the first of Vh * \ve*ek in Toccoa'. a Mrs. Gertrude Manly has been p<»n- ding >he week w ith relatives in Eiber- ton. \ Mr. and Mrs. Adorns, of Seneca, S. C\. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. I). J. Sinip- SOU Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramsay made a brit-l visit to H-'iuony Grove las'* week. Miss Laura Cmig recoli tl spe-Vt se ' er *** l * ;l vs ' n f larkesville, t he guest . o1 f 11 rr Miss Birdie Mae Jones and. Miss Coralic McAvoy spent several day' j„ Royston 4his weeJk. 3lrs. T>, p. Cook returned Tuesday from a visit to friends m Augusta and other places in tlD state ‘ ‘ AGauta'sp Ar „_ wr ,‘ *, _ , 1 V part ; of 41 * hit asr XUeK 1 ... . . P .t f-tci, Mrs. New. Mlss . Mot ion Brewer, of Elberton. S ) H l’ a1 ^ week in i oce<»a as °f Miss Annie Lee tree- <n * R*“v. T^. A. Simpson has been a*teml- * n ST the general assembly of the 'South- ern ITesbyf rian church in Macon this week, Misses Willie qnd C’oralie M*AVoy, have returned ’from Augusta, here they represented the Toccoa Juvenile society, Miss Bessie, .. Davis returned c ii Wednesday from a pleasant visit to friends in AValhalfa aiid other places in South Carolina E. R. Davis leaves to-day for Young Harris, to be present at the commence¬ ment exercises of Young HHVriS col¬ lege, of which he was a student year. ' ’ Mrs. Frank Hughes, who had a terri¬ ble experience witli vitriol two or three weeks agoj is.nearly well. It is not thought that she will lose entirely the sight of either eye. Gus Nichols, who has been sticking type 011 the Milledgeville Chronicib tor several months, Fefurned home on Tuesday. Gus says Milledgeville is a right good town, but there’s no place 1: ke Toccoa. Thu Great Fast Mail. Fastest t ime seems to he Ur motto of the day in railroad circles i.f the New South, and the Richmond and Danville, it appears, has reached the climax. Since January, 1891, that company hak been operating three through passen¬ ger trains betwen New York, Atlanta and New Orleans, one of these being the justly celebrated “Washingtdii-’Hril Southwestern Vestibule Limited. making the run from New York to Atlanta, Ga., a distance by its line of U^out miles, in 23 hours, or an average 49 miles per hour. The great New York and Chicago Limited, of the Pennsylvania It. R. makes the run from New York to Chicago, a distance by its rails of 87(5 miles, in 24 hours; thus you see “The Greatest Southern System” (the R. & D.) is giving t he “New South” a service that is equal to tbat of the “Standard Railroad of America” (the Pennsylvania R. R.). . But with the spring changes comes the second wonder—the establishment of the It. & IX’s “Great, Fast Mail,” composed of new and elegal postal cars, “coin post offices on wheels,” new and luxu- rious coaches and magnificent Pullman p a j. lt . e vestibuled sleepers. The South- bound train (No. 35) loaves Washing¬ ton every morning at 11.10 o’clock. New* A ork, Philadelphia, Balti* ”iore and Washington papers of same date and distributes them through Virginia, North and South Carolina same day of issue, putting them hito Atlanta at 6 o’clock a. in, the morning after issue and distributing* them through Georgia, Alabama ai d Mississippi, through the medium of the seven railroads radiating from At- laiffca, by noon of the day after publica- tion,whichisbymanyffoursthequick'- est and most complete service given fj ie p n ited States mail to and from the South. These fast mail trains make the run frn*r> trom Wachino-tmi Washington to to Atlanta, Atlanta south- hound, in eigliteein hours and fifty minutes, while the corresponding ^ 0 northbound train,No. 3C, .• leaves Atlan- ta at 7 :39 p. m., arrives in AVashington 2 =55 P . m. following Jay, making close connection for Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston, arriving in Bal¬ timore 4.17 p. m., Philadelphia p. m., New York, 9J9 p., m. next day Boston 7.30 a. m. Time to Wash- Ington nineteen hours and twentyfive minutes and to New York twentyfive Lours. The management of the company Intrusted to men of ihtellTgeC&e and high character—broad anti, liberal in the if Views, “strictly business” in their me floods and rules of conduct, just and reasonable towardards s II patrons show- ing no favoritism, making no promise broken, g’Lf&ranteeing nothing they cannot accomplish"; Such a 'sys^ tern, with-such A management, is justly t he pride of the people it serves and" Tncipf-fence tlje.sect^f^i through its progressive which it passes. of Las become contagious on every mile tii^peonle in every state it touches wltxin its magnetic power, from Wash- tost. D. C.. on the Potomac, to its wes- rerh terminus, Greenville; on the Mississippi ri -r—Tbe Republic, >■ t. sstSHi&ss, Tt«r - V 5 v w. r- w. e- boty/smh, a a«r '-~ •' -v. "* i ? l 1 ' - N j ; 1 r j | ____• ,gji_9ja_!£ - - - J y *, ; r . a.a. i s.^ I ... SJL *' y i / / s/sC f wT r'A 4;V. S S 5 * l X:- IlSitiLyls®^ s> • / i i- T- ' d__. r—~ ' .'<v?o Z:) * T - T r* TOCCOA FURNITURE and LUMBER CO.) —M A X UfrACTURERS OF— ’ flf I f""M m GRADE ^U«HiTUR E,~tf t € 1 Z' —AL^O DEAL LA POD T.v* LV-. il ' ■ ; r «*t» PRESSES LUMBER, FLOORING CEILING WEATHER BOARDING, ‘,V MOULDING BRACKETS, ' ^ MANTEL mu: I * * • ‘ s Steam - 'Dry liilh capacity 12,000Jeelp?r day, 1 Orders proriplfr F. C. IDA VIS, Procttcing PDiyciclan MIZE, (3 JL. look’sCottonlloof ft COMPOUND j •j’ A physician. roccnt Ul3corf>r7 .Vucccss/aTfj/ by "no old * «.*c* vionthty Is hi* by thousands of La¬ 'jfff ddies. t only medicine porfootiy safe and reliable ilissov ereU. druggists-who Uewaro of unprincipled mcdlclnos offer Inferior In place of this. A sk torifTooK’s COTToa 3 iRiO'r cents Coupound, in takero In Letter, subsMO'tfcToWWctot-.eSl^nrf an<l wo-wiSiJcmd, soalea; by postago Lull ftAaled iuplali return matL par*I* nars envelope, Addreud to ladles only, I'und 2 stamps. Lily _ No. 3 i-Ldicr Clock, Coriipany, Detroit, klluh. 1 ’ Tor sale W. II. & J. DAVIS, and afl Druggists. COURSE BY MAIL WITH THE LEAVENWORTH «“■ BUSINESS’ COLLEGE. TO ADVEKTISfi OUR 'GOLLEGE We will give a thor%gh course of instruction in double and single entry Book-keeping and Commercial Ari'tJW metic by mail Fkke «f Charge to *i limited number of persons. This course- will be completed in forty lessons. N * for Diplomas. • Address: PROF. F. J. VANDERBERG, PRE”. 332, 304 sad 303 D.'Uwarj St., LoivesTcrti, 2ia ri SIICCSTOI. FRUIT CULTURE Is Sot Possible n'iib Cheap Trees. .None but first-class Southern grown trees should be planted. Procure them from a nursery 1 hat burns all poor stock and sends out nothing bid good trees carefully packed in dam p zo that they will reach you iu perfect condition. v ., r - . It our a sent lias not called on you write f3r prices before you buy elsewhere. During the fruiting staeon samples of fruit will be sent free to any address on receipt of ten cents to pay postage. Agents wanted every¬ where - catalogue free. ..Address CHEROKEE NURSERY CO-, W/.yckoss Ga, WHISKEY AND OPIUM HABITS CURED AM YOUJ3. home:, ... WITHOUT ; r R COKTOfXXEKT. Patients continue business while under, 4p<jafi|Vfint yvipsky and all other drmV stopped immediately on beginning treatment d;a —do not need them. No treatment yet covered to compare with it. Have given special study and practice to these dir cases. for’the pa-t twenty years, with continued “««»“» i "“ ca8e m WRITE FOR Uf Wk OF CURES, FREE E. IwT. WOOLLEY, M- AT LAX TA, OfV. Office , 104IWitchall Street. _ STLied-ule Hartwell TL. TL. No 1. Leave Hartwell 7 55 a tn Arrive Bowes v. ifle 845 No. 2. Leave Bowens ifle 550 a ra Arrive Hartwell 9 45 No. 3. Lc.v’c rfartwr'.I 1 35 u ni Arrive BuwersvJ'.e 225 “ no No. 4. I>a -, 3 — To-verLviha 2 40 p m Arrive Hartwell 3 m All trains daily rxrcpt Sunday. FRED WIEBENS, Superintend?at. X B. BENSON Receiver, ----GO TO- . illDWI & M.ITT 1 MBSIL 1 L -- V , R BARGAINS IN— A *L GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTH¬ ING; HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, ti 1 ' FARM IMPLEMENTS i?. AND .HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. if Shi files a Spec/ illr. You will save mowcv by trading with us M' liey saved ic money made, i*i i w I X VICKERY ■ ■ _ * ■ brothers; FANCY GROGER BES FINEST CANDIES SN THE MARKET- -Largest Z,ot and fine si Grade Gigarp in toccoa, Flour Canned Goods Fruits- - -t l JEWELERS? *■, - Repair Watches and DScksi Orders foe. Jowefry, Watches a-id UUcks ^pomptly attended to. *; Sen’lup Machines,--11/0 'JJcsl,- - Idhceter <fi o«R:EAD THIS; IT'S S0!^ You may not have seen it in the New Yor'c S;i i, h it “it’s so” that we have bought the stock of ir:«‘rduui- diso of T. C. WRIGHT. T t is so, also, or also so, that we have got to s<‘il a good many of these goods to make a living, and wo are not anxious to kick the bucket soon. Moreover j. likewise and* 1*0 that wo have oj* hand a pretty good lino of Uancy and Family Gr<- ceries, Dry Goods, Boot , •Shoes, Hats, Notion-*, Hardware, and so forth and so on, that-'we want you to have, because 'anything you need ’urn worse than we* do. If you wSuf we’ve got come and g<4 it—chea,p Now if you believe what we eay"is so,* and so it is, when you are needing anything in our line call on BRIGHT, MCJUNKIH * r* CGo At T p. AY right’s Old Stand; TOCCOA, GA. P. 8.—If you don’t believe vnat wo "say come any¬ how. Seeing is believing. Ain't that so? spring g»»bs. I am now ready for the Spfiug trade with.: line of good- than was ever before offered to the Toccos rade. I ha e tbo finest : - ■*=: i WRITE GOODS. LACES. EMBROIDERY AND ,f'vj;r brought to Toccoa ^ ft ,»t i-/ .My. line of C&3K3STM* CliOTSIlfg and UAf B cant be beat. I sell nothfhg bfc* firhtvclass goods I make a.spe-x^ t:Le ehoqs._ I am for the c** : T.rahd •s? w. Za. My Stock of STAPLE TYITD EATTCY GR 0~' CP^PLIPDS complete, My prices ?rpek bottom. Corns to^e r?o> \Y. M. KILGO,