The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, June 02, 1893, Image 2

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rnh I CH ( Ui >HLWS ©S1SD3 : i.HES, iv »;>?.■: J* v, * * 1 it 41tJi~, - (Uu/i. _ Published Every Friday Morning. Entered ____ at the T foet;oa ’i'oLtoffiee .Decor, d-d ass Mami - r BSC It IPTI OX It A i ES : One 3 ear, $ 1 . 00 ; ix tnbiuhs. $A * 1 three months. *2V. Alt', ERI’ESL'vG KATES made known on a lU calion. lOt CO A, GA., Friday, -.June 2, ls93. ■rr"r~ A Ml NI( IP AI. MATTE" TheXkcvs intends to avail itself r»f the inivik^v-of criticising wiien- “V T er it deems criticism needed. And it will b<- no r< specter of ]>er- soiis in office nor of b<ali* • of men v< sied w*th legal authority. EcoPfuny, when practiced by in- livid u: l i T or by corporations, is admirable; but parsimony, or to 1 e plainer, downright stiilginess, is df to*table; It she iV .S a s< lfish spirit and a littleness of soul. When a newspapor labors faith¬ fully for the welfare ot A town, devoirs 1 o'umns to the advocation <>f public measures that are calcu¬ lated to be advantageous, publishes the doings of the town c >uncil Avhenover it can ascertain them, praise? the acts of the city fathers whenever it can do so truthfully, and in numerous other ways aids the progress of that town, it doe fe seerri that a spirit of appreciation would be manifested by the town (•ouncil. But, as F r. I.engfellow very truth fully 1 marks, “litmgs are hot whrt th< x see a.” This is why wo complain. At j ^ first of > the year the editor " than member , ■ ,, mon i one ot the town qouncil say lie was in favor of having tho proceedings of their body published. And tliis expres¬ sion came without any request on our part. id we feel confident that a majority of tile citizens .Wire to top i.-»te<l u* to the Actions of tho council. Never have »» ton'ttekod what - ciuirges , , our would , bo . for , , ug tho ,, conned ... proceedings. .. \\ bile ve tlmugut ,, , , these ., should , , be . printed, . . , for the benefit | or r the public,' we have shown no resentment because tho advertising v-‘as not given LIS. Butuhen wr observed one day this week a notico of a row tow n ordinancs'stuciv , up on a store, , we felt forced c , to . speak; , hence . these ,, f ow lines If there be a more d-rect proof ■ c • ot picavumsh, • , one-horse . policy a ‘ \ of , town , v-ouncil than that of a using a Xx■ oxciusi’relv lor advertising Rirpos s when tliereis a papei’ l;; hcd in that town, we don’t \»ro to 1 -now if. Now flu’s is the proposition we rtiako; If tho town council is willing lor its ac' s to be made public, intd is not able to pay a small printers foo for publishlhg tho s:\mb, we w ill print these proceedings FREE of cVarOk. This article is written;’ mat be '.vise Tiie News is an ‘ino-rv o 1 .' nil MO count of its iAit geti dig a little uu*nc» outof the town_this would MUUI U - amount amount io to a a men meto trhV_hut tne Out f toi ni . the reason that wo are ashamed of such g infer methods on tho part of the men who preside over the uFurs of an auger town 'and be unset he citizens of Toccoa should know what the town council is foing, especially wherTa new ordi lienee is enacted. Wc like all Oli r city fathers, pi r- sonally, but we don't admire ail their public w ays. Now, doer-ii t it look r-Fovunish io publish i n important town or¬ dinance only on the side cf » house? T’tr Tim "’ A 1 i* hohr-.l v _ ■» x.i • f'! avion, Rabun conn tv is the lal , joonMhsnc ... -* >«. ventare we have ■-™. ItisalFothoBmaUetl being about (>x 8 nnd containing eight dimirtutiv pages It 2 CCIDs .....' r " 1 ''>■ sorae 1 :,r >•;; b >: ” " ,I,c hM ' riv?0 ‘ >■« d «« ;,, - prosperdy The Toccoa News is out in f new dress, ami presents a fine ap ~ ptMirance, Editor Howell and the proprietors ate to be congratulated oil this great iinnrovement. The A ... kw s . i> an excellent „ weexh , • , news- w ,. r -Atlanta Constituti n I hf.rb is no»eed in dodging the jhestionby talkYg'of Tardy' and tiucerta jud • o - . n . -e >naii we take -ne lew lnt< our cwn hands ox ka trts continue? * 48 V^iC. STi IT ^ very popular firc-me ttinpng a certain cluea of nowmap^s ft “tardmesa , u. astiee . j,,!-. \ne m * ana _ uncertainty of the law.” In fact, tiny are inclined to lay more blame on that inanimate t'hing, “the law,” for crimes committed, ill an ’ r ( the of O i This is „ r0I1 „ The lto> ,a not pel feet’ a.-? \\< all know, and can b- improved; but if the we have Were properly executed I hi r would not be so much crime. To blame the law is rather indefinite; ’tw r* better to be ftAore sptwtific. Let us first aseertain the exact cause of tha trouble, and tlici attemjA refonw. Tot: News incline's to tfrd'dpimon that judges and linscriimiloim 1 lawyers are not so much at fault whoa * the courts Y. fail .1 to • i ' a * out mete i ustice as are those who serve on juries. Our juries often consist of'ignorant prejudiced meb, and sometimes of iVnscTUplilotis one's. t a: ! Ana , > the.s are t.if men who , make , -' 1 . the most fuss about corrupt judges and unprincipled lawyers and who take leading parts in i vn „ h : nt * , “ bees. \\'e ne d , bettei , petit J ur< *«- And then the grand juries . . are not much better. Too often, through relationship or friendship, unlawfulness unlawfulness is is winked wmkul at at bv ^ Af* Hie men who have taken a solemn oath to execute tlie law’s All of US, perhaps, know of cases of law' bi leaking "Inch happened umjer the noses of grand ju”oto air< which wr-reentiiviy ignored. It is our opinion that the need of the age is not so much laws as lhon. We need coscientious men —men of courage but who are afraid ., to do wrong—men ” who , are no respecter of classes or races, so far as tho law is concerned— men who regain duty«s X -i; sacred than the ties ot - more friendship or consanguinity— men who endeavor to.inbuilt public ... by wrong doing because of defteto in the law ' but " ho oxa “l’l° . precept obey , and respect the law 1 • . ffiiort, good . —m men. And , while . we are willing to admit . . that such . and « . men are rare that the average jury ?§ composed of much ignorance and prejudice, we do not say when juries . fail to bring it a just verdict, fet the people take the law into their own hands ; for this borders on anarchv and . sets a precedent , , that „ , threatens . - the , foundation „ . of .. our government. Incompetent juries are less danger- ous than too competent'mobs. The Atlanta Evening goenis to be prospering, if has ad- ded to its editorial staff B. M. Blackburn arid Glen Waters, two well-known young newspaper men. And last Sunday it departed from its former custom’ by issuing a 16- page, edition. The Sunday issue will be a regular thing, *- According to Secretary Hoke Smith’s interpretatFrn of the law, the , pension . roll -should be reduced , i' about $20,000,000. If Mr. Smith succeeds , . cutting ... down . the ., 111 pt'iisions that amount many thousands ot iieople m the xSouth will ... rile . up and -f call ,, , him . public a 1 - oentiacioi. _____ __ cf . •- The _ trial Hr/Bnggf? ? before the ... Presbyterian . . general assembly ,, ip Washington, ° has been going Ol) this week. This . has attracted • 7. , case wide-si>read-lfterertyaiidThYlisands , , of P lieople , are wart ... trig . to . it ... ., 1 V see „ I resbvtenan , . church , Will consider ‘ tl>e ., preaching .. of . the . doctrine .... ot .. evolution here»v, ____*_ TllE m GATES of P the Worlds ... , -.. fair . . were \ Sunday, and ; t- is es- tlmated tlma SO,000 people - , i- : through 1 1,1 then All .4. the .1 i . over COim- . ,1 bth' • . sHOlig *• , -j, ..Lilli ui or ..if «« opposition 1 1 to keening -T the fair open oil the cabbath; Willie , Others . tavor . tn01 , , W ; xiAVK received an‘invitation (o attend* the 1 commencement ewvcises of North Georgia *i«Mriend college, P»l.lone»^h*h the 21st. Addresses will be made by Governor Northen, Col. R. T. Nesbitt, Col. R; J; Redding' and Hon. V. 8 . Claw. ». tt;—~ ~ :-- a B. M. BlacFo^ : T?N seems'*’to been pretty ‘-well provided without the aid of President Cleve- land. But perhaps the hflps those who help thfeBSselves. The 5 - Ld^'Roresford,' ox -vdney FYscelles, lias been .. earnC-d , ,-- v to a convict at ^ lumber i i camp a vaid iiiFoulliwest'Georgia. SkV Tf irKD, . , ,, v - T , y . ‘?*’ n 1 y°o*cure ipeat'? a Toccoa clerk of «, f.-male customer from'the country. “Meat!” exclaimed She customer; itfcat*? *o high we take it at our hou— j u *t like we do sacrament—f >i.r time: a 5' ear * No ^ ir ree! 1 want to buy no Inear, * * •iW^Aoo ««>» »"I «e W gi,, curry combs?” asked a *uui of a Toocoa merchant the <}tber ; day. “I don't know ” repliedthe Vt ore keeper. "I ve gc?. several kinds. Mliat sort “Its is the made i Ge0 WitT ^| la scallops patl “ nt i* 11 fit „ . so in between a feules ribs this time of ‘ year,**’replied A^Mik the man. the cigars “ Wr'e brought. *■ * A colored woman of Toccoa calls one of her boys “merlasses,” because, s * ,e sa y s > he is so black and sweet. !>** M'e heljpjed to Itiil-a sfiUk> tine other day. "We Ian tlfe vicious reptile down by keeping^, ;^t vards ahead of Vi it, and then a boy d cll ^ it wit rocks. There ain’t much fun in helping fab snakes this way. a * * A certain newspaper proprietor who might live outside of Toccoa, but he doesn’t, was looking over a bill for new type not long since. Now, this g en t le m-an lias never served a shi P” in a Vtinting office, hud, con,e- quently, is not acquainted with tne mjHeries of type. J he bill was made at fordmg- 1 <» the pointy systeiiG and {lfter ea< ‘ 6 Gt tMn ‘A’ 1 T. 1 “ 1 • or put, so^^Jiey according number the , size. - of pends wcre to “Goooct gracious!” exclaimed the proprietor, ‘AVhat do we want wiili » of ^ veral kiiHis, twelve and eighteen pints df some, ami even twenty-four and thirty-sijy pints of other sorts. Why, tliis will make about twenty-five bushels of type.” And when the matter had been ex¬ plained to him the “devil” smole sweetly and softly 'murmured, “I’ll take coca-cola ” TIGALO. A bright-eyed baby girl has jpade its at the home of Mr. and Mrs. n„fns * •,* * One of Ella; Collier's,small boys got liis arm broken a few days ago by an unruly mule. John Mills has been quite ill for some little while. Jess James war put vDjtipg his friends this week. TVe aye glad to see him improving rapidly in health. Misses Bell ajki Saljie Dooley, of near Toccoa, visited here m-t v m'k. Freeman Westmoreland found {> well-filled bee t- ee near his home a few days ago. Communion day at Rocfi Greek was last third Sunday, Farmers £ce getting along nicely. something, Th ^ decid and ? d to work little havt eat but of the razor-back hog. The chil?f amase ments are the noise of the hoes and the rattling of tin plows to settle bees, Picnics ; v .are talked of a grc>t deal, The one fnW at Confidence’, near Avalon, was enjoyed by a great a few days ago. The weather has b*>f r” scdfiPwlrtT su! try for two or thrke days, amt fain is much needed.'— Pearl. An Apology. Doubtless I am due the Red Hill cor respondent an apology for the. niaiqv things I hav^ said against , her, *4- Tin News—“V ashti.” (Aug-usti' J. Wilson formerly Augusta J Evans.- tke S re ( novelist.) : I i wouitin , * ,. t 1 have said . . anything ., . to . wound her feelings for the world. No man has a higher regard for ... ladies than the writer, .. and . . for , not, A1 the gold of Opliir would J be «fuil r y 6 f let- ting my pen stain the paper with a word ti,at would ,, prove unpleasant , to them. ..They arc the clinging of . happiness to #very narlof I*ir j < . * a I>-! pA»--e 1 e I V- 1 ixf Ot /,,*nrv every mother s utve.- the goddess ol purity mother virtue, Christ. and wcli’might if I sav, the of If were not for them I Would go alone ,ift the wild w-eecls of the desert and (’le of a broken hear' If o. I eOHld IOH 11 offer oner orAv J one °nt nraver pia.ur tor .y, on la be tor,every hour ol their moTffei^’ixuveled uves to be rich in love, anti every with iov * momeil .Itweiea Wir n J(>y. So l H take back all f rave ^ said, and wislrthat I had said'more '•O take back. ii„t tin article l.fur-nJstoa.TBK Xm, enth ied fiAdvice u? was would to your interest, and ; I >fbought meet the wishes spd receive the hearty support of all the conespornl- en Fi * out in J' ou t repiy you stepped from I To erhs 31; 26-—^'She operpth her mkith with Wisdom” and 5 n .; I tr.tongiT . a 5 -the . i„ law . - o! t i.s kindness, j • a,,d attempted to throw off on my edu- cation. A:.d you the famous American formerly novelist, “Vashti” (Augusta-J. Wilson, With Augusta J. Evans.- , regard* mWm.v Cot.vp Gxi Fannin. 2 a < ’ oor K* a: HjU. J. Aortaca, Governor o* ,v 1IKBKVJ . „mri»| information bee, ravrfveU at .hisnl^amnen, .toi. ted upon the bucy of Louisa Moultrie hL^Sd4*oo^>rstlce; V’ haTe^tbought proper, tfcerefor^, to issue this my Froela.iBatiop- feci ebv offering a reward of Uue.IIiu.d* t-q Dollars for the appre- hension and delivery of said Barry Harris to the sheriff of said county and quire all Ho officers M.iwwr.ctorev'W’re- this in state, civil and order tliat he,may -he.brougHr to for the offense with which he snsi)ds ct ?i^;h-WA 4 -d d Gucii-ur.cer r n n > ,-. nai.u u and ana ?te^. oi the State, this the 30t’n day of May, 1893. . ‘ .. W. J. Northe.n; Governor, ' By the CT(Vvernor Cook, Secretary . , Piui-ir of Mate WELL & OOWE Id MFGk CO., Gainesville, 7.... Ga. _ >. ,. ■ . . . . • , M Grade Carriages, B-u.g>gies, Watoca, E to. ■ Catalogue.- furnished on application. Samples of work ai H A YES A ilAMSVY S. A -4- Agents. a Literary station. “Uncle locse'Y Toil’s Cabi n” has certainly broke The copyright on this ... . , ... . ,. « f • re ,, * * • " • H '< }* ** „ . l>«b to. .on from the mo, the highpneepublishers,and though in anticipation, of tliis fact they have within a lev months greatly • reduced its price, now th^d it is r.all'y “un- chained” the consequences are some- thing suprising. John B.Aldqn, Pub- i**ier, of Xew o .... . , * s .-t . „j: - tion?,. sel ing t lem on v « irce (no through agents or book-sellers); one in S^i\ type, paper covers, for, 5 st>!,t P ost P a hb ov the same bound in lotn for 10 cents with postage . also an exceHent Hr.g type edi- on fine paper, handsoniejy bound i n «ioth for the price of 25 ceits,, post- age 10 oeuts . Suiely a copy of “Toole Toin * s Cabin” wiH soon be found | n every<ho ,b e where it is not already. Mr. a . }( jY sends a 32-page pamphlet de- wril)ing lliaiiy of his publications free, or a catalogue of 128 pages of choice b 0 O ks, a veritable “literary gold mine' for book-lovers, for 5 cents. Address John B. Aklen, Publisher, r,7 Rose 5^-, x<?w y y --- T —— ■ t , —- T'nciatmed teti rs. 'The following is a list of letters -,to- over 30 day% unclaimed- E. T. Nesbitt «. 1 Reg Receipt Air. Jasper llttmbrcs Freme Halkman 1 P. C. Mr. II. J. Mossejr, . 1 Air. G. W. Mark'- r 1 P. C. Mrs. Fan r »ie LoHin t When calling- for these letters please say that tiiSy wer;advertised. J. J. Brighi, P. M. May 30, tS93 Citli . ami examine our line of dress goods. lies, eonsistingUjf chambrays, chal- henrieitas percales, white goods. Ichell. and tine Brown & Alf 15 UOO Fox’ a ItoU’e. * Mrs S. I> Windiip, .115 Wasliiagton St., Providence. It. I., afer usinr olie bottle of Drummond’s Lightning Remedy fts? rheuma- tism, w otc to the Dncuuiomj* Medicine Co,, 48-50 Maid n line, NeW Yc-;-k. sa\ iha s!i« would net fake One IIc-N'ired Do; i .its for the berefit re ed. If you have any form .of F.beunv.ftisin, and wish, toy get rid . of it, write to the mmuficture's for pu? ica.urs. Sample rent sufferers. £IEK AKB W0M 'M HELP , Kx, jm: hath aw.a:t & SPEClAlMSTff. (Regular GradusteSkf Arlrno-wlo.dgc-d to bo tho leacltQg and raoet Eucoeastul of all specialiats and wiH-givoyou EFXP. lousa AND i mimZ KinDLE- m: A&Ki> MEW" I'nrL'Vrkc'blo re,. wait®-- have fol- our trsat- I fitifet. Many VK-VRS of varied art- rtficeesful a *XPERXSNCE in t/thiisc cun- tire methods that Vo ftlaiie own control for all disorders ox }g^ ^fe v.ho have r" |-a-«ah.orunaovcl- or diseased j 1 | f Wf!i jrgans, cr who •w. ^« aro 1 eu fforing «u errors of i ,V youth and excess V hr who are nerv- v-v ous -and IMPO- : Art? fellovkr .. She rENT, the ecr 7>, of ttad contempt friends and companions, leads nr. to GUAR AN- .EE to all patieute..if-4h-cafi'^ossib y be RE- STORED. OUR OWN JlXOLUS.VS TllEATMENI " ivoMicon^ you wA*t to get cured of that WEARNESS with a treatment that you con use at homewit^ufrdp.tjwnetsttff-'Oxj^wonderfui treat Heart, li v*.r*sid Sidney a. SYPHItps-Tbe most rapid, safe and , effective „ . remedy.. A Complete C» 1 V® Guaranteed. sKi^msE asks of ail kiads cured where usnatural dischaugei promptly mred in* few days. Quick, 6 ure ie»d sale. Thu aciudaa fiteetand* < : . TRUTH AWt? FACTS. We hare sufAd eases of chronic Diseases that have failed physicians to get cured at the haUdsof other gpeciallstB. and medicallastlTutea. /> 5 vkeme>iber, that there is fctyvfor you. Consult no Other, as you may WA*IE--VALUABLE w e Rive the best cud moet scU at. a«!-tf«itmont at modern vte prices—as low as cam- be done <or safe and -sWM*at treatment. Fre*.eonsuKM5m ■ .Rt the office or by mail. Thc-wuh setauyaetion and careful -diagnosis.- K .home treatment car be given in a major** •<* Send for Blank- No. 1 for Men; No* is, ?l-page tor Women: No. S, for Stir Dineascs. Send 10c for Rcf- erence Bodiwar- Mon tmd Women. All correspond SS^ttSSS^SSS&SSSSSa&SSSS. ence answ> «4-pro»pUy. Buslneoa confi Address or rail ca dr. -Hathaway & co. 22 Vi so. Broad s;.. Atlanta, o* A MILLION FRIENDS. A , nen . '- . uhiiwlis . a friend indeed-. «nd no 1 un 1011 jy.'o,je have found ju t Tien a le end in Dr. Kind’s New Discovert or Ceimimptionccouirlw and cold.-f-ffWu Rave nererMiscd this Gran; (jotifdi Medicine one trial will convince von Pint it hr.s wofider- ful curative powers in ;ill diseases of and Lungs. Eacli Fottle is' g-iaranthed to do all thatss <’lai’>n&y will *:&■ re- hrr^. u-p, foe "'*T ana,,. J D “ vi5 '- TT cUARANTEF.D.CTKE, cov-skaml'i’*'’. WeaudoTizc-oura<lvei'dms^'st to«el u,..-,i,in,Ti.mi.-.o. ifyo i tie aiai heyv your money refunaed. We could n c make this off. r d d wc ret kur, „•> that Dr K«ig’s New Discovi. v'cm.ld Ixcre iwl on. Jt v J 'DavV^lTu^St L,av b “ ^ ru o--"--e. 0 <. bize oa andVl ana r .1. 1 ; uumh ir? uyionaBi; c, ., Because the liiglier they rise in society aids nature in her various firhctions druggist Las not got it he will order it for you for $1 a bottle, from f'has. F * lanm New York. Druggist, fig st.. r>end tor a de- certificates scri pave pamphlet-, with directions and from many ladies who have used it and can'l say enough in ofttislev’s l'liiliotoken, °f Dr. Lewi*, M. J. Chss t Pavls is a prom:.^ Iowc, And fei. ian county, has beeff enga-od in the praqi <-0 of medioinr- nX that p'ace for the past thirtv-fire vents, 0l * ’he -Cthjjif Jay, while qi Pcs Monies or. roue to (A ,,o, he wassud lenly taken with an alfc ,ck cf.m.rrtoa. Having sol.l Cl,a,„. beilain’s Cholic, Cholera and Diarrha> 9 P.cmcdy for the past seventeen years, and knowing its reliability, he procured, a ‘ir cent b t.le, tvp dases of which completely cured b in. .The excitement nnd change of water nnd dipt, indigent to traveling oTten produce a dir.rrhcra. Every one should p:;o- cure :l b , tt j e ,. p f t |,i E Remedy before leav'cA- j llMn „ FofsalebyW. II. & J-Davis, dru><-- ' gsts . -------- i>r. f-rtunmamis ijgfctning Remedy for; ltVu.nafsm is used by chans every v?,her,g aivl is known as a ably effleipreparation &*x the rc speedy cure of .tha*. Its work isso that benefit .js felt from the flrsl ca d.>se, -“®- and So ’D>7 : o^e b^ ^nggfstj 3 >Ul cure in large any bottles, ordinary or ^ hy expres^ fc awy address with special Srino sTnpie s*ent 4 s!w Vni ’n t’""! * nL i; t \ V York. siifr*rer-' ' _4 rc you insurer If not now is the to provide yourstlf<lnd family with a of Ol.ambarlahi’s tCliolie.Cholera an.l rhoea Ro:n dyapaq iranej against any serious remits from, an attack of bowel c m ! plaint during the summer months. It almost cerlan tc be nee lei and should 1 procured at once No other remedy can hike its pieco or,do i’s work. 25 aiul SO cent bod es for sale lA \V. II. & J. Davis, d ug- g-sts. AO' Fifty cents is a,sn:;fil doctor bill, blit that ic j all it wig CQ<t you tc cure any orilipary case < f rheumatism if j you use Chamb.rlain’s Pain Ik’-bn", Try Yuid you will be supo-isol at the prcui pt relic!it aff rd-. Ti,e li; st ;q>- plication ,will quiet the pain. 50 cefit bottles for sale by \V. II. & J. Davis, druggists, F. II. Hickey, lg)3 Main street, Lynchburg;, Ve,,, wfi e “I ves broke pvt all over v/i i seri’fc and iiij- ,hair w.xs tV.lliiig out. Alt'-’i usinfja.fev’ bottlespf Botauiq Bj,Qpd Balya my | luiir quit falling out and aM the sores got well.” Chamberta’:i ’3 Coegli Remedy Ts famous as. Preventive cf pneumonia. Famous as a J j . Prevepjive.and core,for croup. Fa uict-s for .tap relief it siffords in casa of TVhPoujM" cough. , Fain )i’s as a safe ai; I p'e sant Med.t ine for c i.drei. , T yjt.. 50 c nt tot.’.es for saL l»y W. II. f J. Davis, druj* a is s. . BitiRidge&Atk nt.cRR. 2/Ae table A o 72 < Takiagcffe t .May 7 , ISO? *• ! No. 9 STATIC N3. j No 12 I Daily M is 7 At w- ((j 00 T dlAuJi'h Fails 'M 2 u 20 T u -ierville ?1 (Ml in Auandale 1 . 1 4U • • ('BtrksvflVe* j. 1 25 y Debiorevt I 1 10 30 Cornelia j 12 50 ,r. m Ar I.v ' noon W. V. Lauraine, receiver. K Savs 1 |,-A V Paying I I BOTANIC £ # BLOOfi BALffl 1 THE (srl'EffcT RE W TOY'-’ - FOR ALL eiOciB f3«0 5KIN - inerii H-a« been thorerr -tested by ern-. for p^vysscians ond fuTd the fails peop*A- lor 40 40 yeai*s, yea2*R, on oever cure enure ipiiekly ctuickly ULCERS. and and permanently pern SC&QFUUV RHEUMAT'Siill, ECZEMS, •- PIMFLEf*, ERUPTION and all manner S^jES. of EATT?4T A DING the and llUNNING diseases . Invariably cures most loathsome i~d od leases if ir directions directions are an fol¬ lowed. Pnr-i $1 per bottle, 6 for %>. For n* e by druffiipsts. ^REE BOOK OP * oNini.-Kii. cniEs. $ vlg) ^AV^^CO., Atlanta, Ga. Scientific-American ; Agency fer ^ ! wm% m & 9^ CAVEATS, 4r^W TRACE MARKS, j DESSCN PATENTS, For and COPYRICHTS, etc inforniatiov free Handbook write to hcs.v ssi bkoauwav, new yohk. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. the Every patent taken out l»y ns is brougbt before public by anotice:/<-yr5o Smmptt tree of chaflie in jffie S>tut r ian fe’»f«rtiu •??* •aiibiJjR It.- Weeklv, S.‘1.0.t i year; axiiSHEHS, FLaOsix 3U months. Address MUXN & CC-, Pi l Broadway, New Fork City. ~ W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. FOR ), nd other specialties for G?at4einrn. Ladies, Boys and Slhc-esara the Best in the World. V3% V fee descriptive advertisc- mi- mcr.t w hich v.ill appear in - ; thUpaper- f q rf . v ? Take no Substitute, J Aik but insist- on hav-np W. I„ xj^’ LAS’ SHOTS, with [. Y" name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by T n r T- T/- T T ' < - • -4- « -A- -k---- k -w - 0 ‘ EDWARDS ‘A & DAM 4j 'W' ik=J TPn K; t ^ ? * - - - ^ fit receiving ths nic:A stock cf 1 L SHOES, HATS; DRY GOODS 1 '*1\ NOTIONS j vV'Cfi ~ ^. hirougla fo ‘Souoa j | ; 1 h?j': ^ YQTT W A TV T A A HH-AYTA H uLlt \ l VJ . =• ' A ; WTSTTYT^n . , ■ ^Arn . J jl 1 /TATI 71 ti /TV?r ij |! GryncA ||t A ‘ ’ a jH V 'H 2 AXA.- 1 ,«.^ i.- jTA ili/jDm V\ ID 9 ' ad r~, rjn . r S TWE tVERYTKSKfic^' /« KEEP — * ------------—A/., the Farmers vi-s 1 e wifi he pupated to {vFntth ihe hiphett grade tfeiUlmli manufaduied. £ FOR TALK S FA TOY: OF i ru I t k i I i sr I Gash w’i Town 1 sell on the delivery entire rto“k of good of HIM mv n;- - DRY! GOODS, I NOTIONS. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS zM CAES Cheaper than they were ever gold at in Toccoa. Jthave also a broken lot of MENS AND BOYS CLOTHING »Wi - <<*9 lo close cul a l 7 \ HO Lid XAZ, Id COdh\ A o?r ts the time to r/et your SHIRTS^ UA3EK SHIRTS. DRESS iansgfei mmmm aw and, and, in /act, a?/j’ihifi// in the iDrgy Goods line c/ieape? than ever bejere . Jf you have the //ante Pboltar J n itl give j oie ,' of the / ;• closest f -> - f st me /trices on » A Oj ^J^F* jr ' T~* X Tq . '~2J FLTID HAHCWA F£ K- voh hare heat'd oj in a long times Come and see trhai I hare and hear Jay prices n’hcn j’ou tranl io bitpy* pi ^ . Country Produce of all Madsla'ken the tame as Cash. MACK PAYNE, X CCOA, -GJY