The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, June 09, 1893, Image 3

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THB rOCCOA TOCCOA, GA.. Frid&v-, June 9,189^. SHORT HEWS lOTlS A Lout Toccoa, Kspccially, and Otlicr Topics. AH INTERESTING COLUMN OF MPR EVENTS 'Ternely Treaberi, So Ah to Present Variety an«! Avoid Taxing the Patience of -nr Keadern, Cicntle or O^'T^ls^.. Peaches are begiririiiig to nden here. We know whereof we speak. People who have mumps always of that disease as “they.” When the price *>f goed hir-ycles gets down to $25, on a eredit, we intend to Huy one, but not before then. Mumps is or are becoming common in town, and it or they hn u fffi have been quite severe in some cases. '’bring chickens are ripening, but most of those that have been sold here this season were pulled too soon. The ladies of the Methodist chureli will sell ice cream in the park this (fTHay)afternoon,froin2o’clock unt il 9. Far mers report short ’But full heads of wheat. The grdirl crop is said to be pretty good iri this see- time Two or three others of the boys ba^e purchased bicycles. Nearly a dozen wheels have been bought here in three weeks. The painter’s brush has wrought a declihri* iffiprovement in theappeai'ance of Miss Willie McAvoy’s residence and of the depot. The trade issue of The Xews will Hale ari extensive circulation and b; a fine advertising medium. Merchants should patronize it. \ ickery Brothers have something Say to the public,and they wisely t»se of our columns for this purpose. Ri*ad their new ad. )*ve change of schedule of tlm fi'ue Itidge and Atlantic road. Two trains bach way arc riilff run dally, and on Sunday there is a special schedule. CV Th usd ay night of last week a Vor> pieasiutt social entertainment was given at the II at el Union, and enjoyed by several couples of young Indies find young men. ritlninier boarders are beginning to arrive In Toccoa. If there were proper accommodations here \G> might have a fciTitt many of them dtiring three or four months of the year. “The Belie” now niii.l do^fi !o bot* : Bella instead of stopping at Lula, and . makes connection with the Blue Ridge A Atlantic road. This is a great eon¬ 's H ence tri Tallulah Falls. There was no preaciorig in tov^ii Sunday morning, owing to the absence bf rlio pastors. On Sunday night at the Methodist church services were conducted by Sir. J. H. Kenney. A good many citizens have agreed with us as to the stand we took in *v ft* re nee to the town council. In fact, so’ftie members of the council themselves say we were fight. Of course we Oik* hundred and twenty-five soldiers ivlio were being transferred from Fort McPherson, near Atlanta, to Vasili ngto ii I>. (’., passed through Here fill li day. As they left the depot they fcheered lustily. Ivtiin has ceased to be refreshing in (.his section, During several days recently the rainfall was very HelGy. Farmers afe hoping ^eeks, for dry weather for about two as the Lfriin crop is about ready for harvesting The days are long and hot, but the Toccoa merchants persist in keeping their stores opt*n sixteen hours a dav anil burning twenty-five ccfits worth of oil to catch a stray nickle. Give the clerks a little time for recreation. '*’be newspapers report that the bicycle trust has been broken and that wheels which have been selling for $159 can now be bought for $85. T If rise who have purchased bicycles during the past few weeks wish they had $.P*ed a little longer. On Thursday afternoon the ladies of the Methodist church held a festival i n the park. The weather was unfavor¬ able, ami the sum realized from the sale of ice dfeafrti, etc., was not large. The festival was gotten up for the benefit of the Methodist parsonage. Tfiere is in Toccoa a negro WhV has but one,foot the other 6’ne having been .amputated right at the ankie. But despite this disadvantage he is a pretty ff.'i'Cv’i bail player, and takes part in match games, lie runs bases with a hippety-hop, but he i?*ek* - s good time. C. II. Dance has earned a ticket to the World’s fair by secii^irig fifty subscribers to the Atlanfa Journal. It took him only about d week to do this. Mr. Jasper Busha, also, is working for the Journal, and a day or two ago had a list of forty subscribers. The Jour¬ nal has a big circulation in this sec- tion-7 A fishing party returned from Pan¬ ther creek Saturday afternoon, after spending a day there. The amount of t ..‘eir captur* is variously reported at , from a peck totwo bushels. The crowd seemed to b\> tDei* :md hungry, the formal condition of returned anglers, and some iff their statements v**ete *fuite "fishy." The people cf Toccoa have another big enterprise on friot, which if well Carried out will ptofe' Sr jVeat addition to that part of the county; Toccoa falls, with five hundred acres of land surrounding it, has been purchased by a stock company of the citizens and a handsome hotel will be built near the falls. $25,090 will be invested in the qoasc and grounds.—Clarkes i ille a v)»r H ■•r The pro:, pee* s foe ^ r 'urge graj*! i fop in this so faf, are very ing. And the grap- cY< 3 p in Hnbersham is a very important off:*. When he \ine.^ j-iiail He laden \Viih ’he grapes npe artt, purjil j, w* intend visiting Mt. Airy ami irtji^rting some of Ifcv h* r ge vineyards ttear that place. I^.oui he'\ issue of to-dav will be fmind extension the VJdinanre In Reference tjn n'Jy nr M\e fife limits of Toceo* rece passed l»y the town tbuneil We publish this free Of charge K the town cm >HH» is toVuriisH Thr S Ki- 8 isn't. This is an important and the people should know of it; this is why we publish it. An excursion frym Tbccoa tofireen- 'iHe, S. will be rui n . ol’J v .. under the auspices of the lodge ored Odd Fellows at this platY- The train will leave on Fr^diy and return on ,Saturday. As round trip will be quite low it is likely that a large crowd will avail t he ill selves of this opportunity to make a cheap trip. i he boys have mri’ue a base ball ground near the fan yard, after much labor and epnsjiy.rable expense. Gul- lic;s had to be filled, stumps dug up and hillsides graded, hut. after spending about $25 for labotj find doing a good dt al of the Wr?rft liiempehes, the. l)oys mi< deeded hi (omerting till' bid field into a pretty good groitriill They should practice often am! get lit ^Hape rT1 to play , • match „ games as soon as possible; 1 The Richmond & Danville railroad f>ut on a new schedule Sunday between Charlotte and Atlanta. This is the third change made during the past three or four weeks. i He List mail ai rives here at 3:1S a. m. instead of 4:13, going south, and on the return trip comes at 10:43 p. m., twenty-three diinutes later Iliac formerly. No. 10 runs the old schedule, but Xo. ii comes at f>:r>6p. in., over an hour earlier. We trust that the R. & I), will get a schedule that it likes, Dt'fode a great V !M!c. W e went out to Tuccoa^alls the other day and found that wonderful Cascade still doing business at the old stand, though it was Sunday. It looks prettier out there than it did before this prop¬ erty changed hands, and it will continue to increase in beauty. Xeat the falls the sun is scarcely able to penetrate tin* dense shade, and a good breeze plays below when there is lint a leaf stirring ori the trees two hundred feet above. A cooler place is not desirable, even when the mercury is liibst asp¬ iring. In the near future Hundreds of people will seek its refreshing zephyrs and spray and rejoitL' Ifi the beauty of the scenery, which will ever Be a source of pleasure, though one should visit the falls thousands of times. AVID <»«• to llvirinsn. On Thursday Rev. F- A. Keese was elected principal of Johri t*ibson idsti- tilte; lit Bowman; This is a fine scliHol: having enrolled during the term j list closed about 250 pupils. Mr. Keese is an experienced and skillful instructor, and will doubtless prove to be the right to have at the head of this flourishing school. Toccoa regrets to lose the citizen¬ ship of Mr. Keese for nine months of the year, for he lias been one of her most useful and most progressive men. Lie will remain the pastor of the Baptist church here, however, and wi!! *l?lt tnir Until ttfifT tt tiib‘ nth. Mineral Springs. Within the vicinity of Toccoa are several springs of mineral v^ater whose medicinal properties lriaj make our town more desirable as a summer resort, someday. One of tlffse is known as Garnet spring, and is beautifully situated aboiff a mile from town. Its water is not very unpleasant to tWe taste, but has a decidedly mineral flavor. About half a mile further, near the lion.; of hr: Littleton Edge, ire two mineral springs whose waters leave a decidedlv disagreeable “farewell" in the month.Oneofthese is strongly ini- pregnated with iron, and the other tastes like sulphur. The water from om- Of these springs is used bv some of our citizens, who find it quite beiiell- cal .... for mdtgestion. . .. So tar as we can ascertain, none of this water bee Been analysed, Perhaps it would be a good plait to get some competent chemist to lllak> . an analysis of the waters of these for their medicinal . . springs, : j 0 ..,, found • > . . ties might . , ^ Be valuable in the .. treatifieut of certain ^ diseases. Moonshiners in Franklin. There were lively times in Strange district, Franklin county, last week. The revedrie men made a raid upon an illicit distillery there itr.'ti destroyed' the “moonshine machinery, but those who were operating the mountain dew Manufactory escaped. The olheers determined to am- these irieff, and swore out warrants against nine or ten persons. They arrested Ellie Thomason and placed him in jail in Atlanta and wefe pro- ceeding to nab several others when , Albert MeFitrlaritf sent them a message. McFarland said Fe Was the ow ner and operator ri? Hie still, arid that no one r v -e was liable to the law except him¬ self. He proposed to surrender, if the' officers Would a’gtVe to fr*£at liiiff Tight and allow him to make his crop before brin-in- him to trial. His proposition w as neeemed 1 and he was carried “ ****•**£?%Albert . . . A few McFarlands succeeded in making- ; . Albert has is son s e . - theTall Xtkiits In he will likely return !o (, ' r Ellie Tf&r&asion has been released from custody, aud the warranty agams? fhe others have been WithMfaw. _ ISSMSf’a CalVand'examine our lint' of honr:?ras. *.' »«’»'* ****«““• j Born in a *ri ABLi . » t> of Fecun<*it> bevelop«n Ciller I’»ruUar Cfrc--e>stances. A rSMtef remarkable circumstafice, but wVik h f* well authenticated; is reported froh» the lidftheri! portion of IIatri»r*hain coilnty. A little river a year ago % moiihtain ir ’ in tUt ^ tion be, * an,e t,U ' «^ V her of Poth dir*i . soon afterw r«s. A fe * d Vv* sin <V she again b5rth ^ t* ins, and one of them, a b,, * v ’ is sti " liVi, ‘*:. And plfart ? e torciatethey were in * ctab ' T ' A tew weeks t the . House iVhich ago in tHis girl lived vt** burned—by iiieen- diaries, it is supposed—and having „T “ k f/" abode W b a barn, 3 d re,na,,ied li * re urttil after the birth of her children: The only other instance of the birth of 4 child amid like surroundings that remember Biiile M H,,« o!. U Jhile quit, familiar to rea,l.-r s , and there is much difference in some fea- tores df these two events, in other f’espfhts thefe a similarity " that i s striking. tiling FuperstititbM people are iddlined to Uiat til is babe who first saw the light in a horse stable will become an extraordinary man. thuf thiuai w his ht s v,„rr ioice, And lea« a Crowd ;• i of Men —*v— in Toccoa ,, statelier! tor " a „„ Man tryiii" “Murtlpr.” . ,, “Murder! Murder! Help! Police! Polirb!” These cries rang out on the air in our tow,1 > about 10 o’clock on last «rday night. , „ The cries secified ti) jirocted from be- t " , ‘ en "• Edward’s and L. B. Xow- e,! ^ stor « s , «i“l thither rushed Marshal Jacksoil; followed by a number of ex¬ ' itetl meti and boys, Xo iiiltn strug- " lin e in grasp of a powerful assail- ant could be found there, and then the cries for help, in agonizing toiibs, seemed to come from the other side ol the bank: The crowd , rushed , !fc . that direction, but their search was rewarded by no discovery. Bdt they were dtLrmined to solve the mystery, and continued to look. While the search for a badli' v outtded man was proceed!lig two strangeis were standing near the postoifice looking on. One of these was a vbtitriloquist; who was exercising Iiis power for the amusement of himself and his compan¬ ion. Add he succeeded admirably, for the crowd was On the other side of the street excitedly iobkidg liaii arourid’ Before the trick beeii discovered the ventriloquist had disappeared. He is agent for a patent plow. While in town he gave some other exhibition of his skill in “tHfowinghis voice,” which shows him to be a line veiftriloquist. Some of those who had been took big for the man in distress didn’t seg much fun in tlie trie!?, but the joke was enjoyed by otbeivs. Well It’presented. Habersham county, though not large ly represented in the > n nnffticethent exercises >j( Young Harris bbllege; was well represented. One of the speakers duringcoinmene- ment was Col. J. W. Robertson, of Cornelia. His speech was pointed, practical and witty and was heartily enjoyed. And no other student received more applause than did Miss llennie Turn- bull when she sang a song, playing her own accompaiiintcrif dpbti fB“ giiifar. In fact, she captured the audience, and i„ response to an encore repeated the song. And even tiled Her hearers were not satisfied, but by thunderous ap¬ plause attempted to indude her to render the song a third time. —-—- - - . _ . . A . yard conductor .. of ... Atlajtfa who baara S" “entitlements," » f ChW ' k " ' vas t0 TaH«- tal> MU last week to appear before the towncounc.lof that place. Chuck was charged with being the leader of the riotous pu n,ckers who tried to clean up lallulatl Falls - P olice toK * » r weeks ago and he was h net! $25 and costs. This airfount lie -chucked” into trie town treasury and „ ‘"hnged . > Ins buck td AtlanU. w»y But the festive Mr. Chuck It mgo of l«'m" notortety may not be out of ro ubli ^ "Ben the grand jury of Rabun , , county *’ convenes indictments will likt v Ty . be found , dgauist .... ^ .. him and r, ° about ^ forty . . of , . his . . . City companions. \ toughs can f always bulldoze , a country town with impunity. Jii-h like a 3foilier ' Mrs. W. C. Edwards issutferirfg w’fth a seveerly sprained ankle* Last Yoridav her little son Claud was (.utting wood irf the yard'when a piece flew up and struck him in the forehead. The blood began' to flow, and the littF fellow, thinking he vLas bad , y WOUIlde( g ca iir ( r in ?rear distress for hig nioflTer< In her excitement afid haste t0 ^. t to Claric! Mrs. Edwards jumped out of the porch and wrerichriff | ier an kie bailly. She is still confined to bed. Soliool Census. From the ClarkesVille Advertiser we copy the fcTfoWic'g figures in refer- ence to the school ceffsus of Habersham county : No. whit* male children, lbJo; ..... white females, 1454; total whites 2089. Xo. colored males, 207: females, 192: total? » I»* al "bites anti eo.ored, Outside of Toccoa, which has a special school system"the net increase over fi?ft census is 259; including Toccoa th, .ill be something ris. is * ^ f o- - Large Cabbage.' ThV fiffest head oT cabbage feive jfjjjj H„t*eTl Kits bv'xn^Wv'x.^SSunS *' 11 " eigbcd lcn 1 ATfSVt rtltl’LK PaSr» in »nd Out of Toceo» and > n tbe Unions Konml About. Miss Birdie Mae Jones, is friends ift Bowersville Miss P’ttie Lou Burton visited friends in Voystbn this week. Mr v < *. ; . v , Hi!* , . ,» • eeVwit v’Tie! , c'" the pa P -t v h famR e ;j «lenp, f GAsJohia, * *: .\“ r A ° X. C.; !s ' ,wt,ng her sons ’ ' • A. and ChArlie Rev. IJ’. P. Alleti Cached lhe commencement sermon at ^oyston Sunday. Mr. Will I>oGe. of s’-lieci, S. C.. was circulating among fluents in town Saturday St¬ Mr. Js.S. McJunki?’, -T fiigaioo: £. C\. is visiting the family of his sou, Dr. John McJuukin. Mrs Arthur Craig An** children, of V'“ ,, • i. ," re " pr " ,, ,. "f <*»»»' 5 ? h, UW la, “" y Mr ' J ‘ »• raip ‘" , Miss Heiirlie Turnbull, who has l?een student of Ydiing fTgrris college, has home, near Toecoii; to spend ac«tfoi»: MrJ.nd Miss Gran; H'om New Organs, have come to Toccoa to spend the summer. They are stopping at the Simpson House. . Mr. Harry Scatcfer, \ of ^ Baltimore, Md.. , r , arrived . Wednesday , short J on a visit to W- brother, Mr. Ei Schiefer and family: Mr. A. Y. Davis, : freight a condu< ‘t or of t,u> R* & D., is spend- ing a vacation of fifteen days aifiOnf b ille lolk£ ill toccoa. Mr. George Tlioin ason lias been quite sick for some time at his old home in Franklin county, but we are glad to know that he is improving. Rev. E. A. Kecsl*. Laves to-ddy for Senoid; Ga", al which plai'e he will preach the commencement sermon of the high school Oil Sunday. Dr. W’. I). Haynie, a plif-Bieikn of Bowersvi „ e , is «Hid to fie insaile. Dr. Hayni ^ ^ieiids deraiigembdlteC will be soAv tii Hear 0 *LMi 8 mental W e liope that he will i oon i ecoV er: Mrs' Phil Davis, one Of the teachers in Yoting Harris college, aiid several of her pupils, passed through Toccoa Friday iifi their way to Eiber- ton and otlLr j>oiills ?buth. Rev. Mr. Hillhouse, of Gainesville, Ga., is assisting Mr. Simpson in the series of meetings being held in the Presbyterian church. Mr. Hillhouse is a ver£ interest 111 g Speaker and all are cordially invited to attend the services. Mr. C. M. Morcock, one of the pro¬ prietors and editors of the Elberton !-!t«r, passed t hrough fVay Toccoa fb MiicBii: Saturday afternoon on his We were pleastsl to make trie K-qualnta net of a brother qii-ftl driver v ’nd is pub-’ lishiug such ;V a progressive paper as is the Star. ■ ^ Edwards, ?■* of Atlanta, has been in Toccoa .foi l he past two days fokii!^ views of niK>*ufacturing indus¬ tries, residences, sceiuiry r , etc., from which will be .made cuts to embellish the trade issue t>S The Xews. Mr. Ed¬ wards is an expert in his line and these pictures of Toccoa w 1 ill doubtless be first-class. Thrown From a Mule. Mrs. J. J. McConne!l 5 who lives on Tll? . il{f river , six or seven miles fnitfi q\ K .(. oa . ; received a severe injury a day or While-ridlii’g on a mule she was violently thrown to the ground. One of her knees was badly hurt arid she frieeived several bruises. Her friends' .ire sorry to know iff this accident, and hope that she $ill not be long disabled' Mrs.' McConnell is the mother of Mr. Bob McConnell, of our town. Too Much AVlttsk»‘y'.' Out at Toccoa falls last Sunday afternoon two men engaged in a fight,' and one of them was pretty badly beaten. Their names are John Hughes and Holt. Hughes is a nephew of Mr.' Mat Hughes, and has been around here for two or tEree weeks. Holt is a car periter, ami has not beeri living tff’fe long. it is said that both men were under the influence of whiskey. Hughes came out with slight damage, but Holt was sobacfT^ hurt that it was not deemed advisable to bring him home until Tuesday. He is still confined to bed, but it is not thought that he is seriously wounded. Fux Sale. Corner lot 50x100. Has on it a five room house and tt strife house; Terms ea^y.* A*ri'rfTy af: this _offfve’ Dr. Jas. N. W’.vt Seas tho best p a i u ts, Oils, Turpentine, White Lt T l ' f . • Toccoa Toccoa. Xotliino Nothin^ - but strictly . pure gooffs carried m stock.- 4Ve are better prepared than ever before to execute good job work. Bring your job w ork to The Xews office. WhefffrYedinVf a'nytrurig ?ri the way of legal blanks call at The XeWS If We haven’t in stock what you want v*e riMff print them. Come and see our stock of men’s and boys’ clotlnngbefofe buymgelsewhere; . . , we Will save you money. Brown & Mitchell. Mortgase notes and plain notes for sale at Tff Xfws office' We have Jnsf received a big line oT cfothing; Call and EmvxKDs see us. Dance. <Sc Ye have iusf fec 4 \;’4tl oii'r spring goods; they are th a prettiest D’£*fc*. in town. Einv arP's ft Bost *2 and »2J#‘ fidies shoo in' tile i,3r ' Iwr, ' a L 5 SSTi to a J. B. StMMOXS, jurist. W. it. Wake, Yirtsrrwt. XV. € El V.’/l l F.fid. ‘ Tier?. , J < 1 i 1 .* 3 -A ___ _ / * Ir-*v ' t '~ sm i _ \ 1 04 .0^” ■A r •i SMliI ;Kr r?il 1 v&r- I •! i! Mi Hr •II 1., t M- m. - IBi* •«' tj IRK 'Wm - ' *'— m a - . s> r<: i dp p - : ii. 9Z, / •</ :.y& TOCCOA FURNITURE and LUMBER GO 1 1 • s —jiix l FACTURERS OF- f^H lEWEPIB W SMDE FURKITURE; —ALSO DEAL LARGELY IX— PRESSED LUMBER, FLOORING CEILING WEATHER BOARDING; MOULDING; BRACKETS; MANTELS, 6team 3)ry Ailn capacity 12//(JO feel per day\ Orders protnpl/j' Jilled\ F»C. DAVIS, F’rdL’S'Cicing FliysiciS.ti^ 7 MI2E, CtJL m a I Bompound. P=1 H J Y A physician, recent discovery tiuercssfutly by an used old Ipjt \alj\ / y X .(lies, monthly 1 tho by only thousands nerlectly of safe Lru b and reliable medicine dlscov- ered. druggists :Beware of unprincipled medicines y who offer inferior In place of this. Ask for Cook’s Cotton Boot Compound, take no substitute, or indose$l and 6 cents In postage in letter, aud we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars la plain envelope, Address to ladles oaly. Pond 2 stamps. Company, _ No. 3 Lily Block, u Fisher Detroit, ailch. & J. DAVIS, and all Druggists. in COURSE BY MAIL WITH THE LEAVENWORTH BUSINESS COLLEGE. Ei advertise OUR COLLEGE We will give a thorough course of instruction in double and single entry Book-keeping and Commercial Arith¬ metic by mail Fbkk ok Charge to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed in forty lessons. Xo charge for Diplomas. Address: PROF. L.,.J. ^iXDERBERG, ErES.. 302, 301 »nd 305 Dsliwira St., LHveswcrtli, Eia. - m ■ * n n SUCCESSFUL FRUIT CULT Is No> Possible with Cheap Trees. None but first-class Southern grown trees should be planted. Procure them from a nursery that burns r!li p’ror stock and s£nd$ out nothing but good trees carefully packed in damp riibssso that they will reach you in perfect condition. It our agent has not called on you write for pi fees before you buy efsevv hfere. During the fi iiiting sta.-on samples of fruit will ^be sent free to any Caress on receipt of icH cents to pay por tage. Agents wanted every¬ where - catalogue free. Address CHEROKEE NURSFltY CO’., Waycross Ga. WHISKEY AND OPIUM habit# currmib A.'t' HOME, WITHOUT PAIN as CON^INElffiN*.' Patients continue business while under treatment. Whisky anfi uK otl^qr. ilfur- stof ^ed.immediately on beginniiu; irfettmebt —oe not need them. Kp treatment yet die covered to compare Wkh' it. Hate given special study and practices to tbesp ase> for the past twenty y^irs.'. vrstfi continuctf and successful i..crease in practice. raft M tit vt tans, ml B. M. TYOOIEEY, Mi BY* JS'TX,JUirTJL, CrJL. Office, 104*W itc all Street. ScKedvk 1 ? HarUrcn 7?. FT. No 1. Lekvs .1 jar t wolf a rn Arrive B'jweisvihe Xo. ?. Bov/ersii I'd a m Arrive Ilart^ell y R Xo. ,3. Arrive IX!.I Vf gi&M. 2 1 25 31 a pm m No. 4 1°'. L-avg. j^rersvile tj- ril Arrive Hartwell Ol All trains dailv except Sundav. S.,k*U»*, FRED WIEBF.NS B. FtXSL’N, Receiver, -GO TO- BROWN & MrCCUtllEILlij -FOR BARGAIN'S IV GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTli- ING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES. FAtiM IMPLEMENTS AND HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. Shinies a Speet&llj>\ «»-»V You will «• safb money by trading with us. 2 -t- - CUJ. money made! I I • m INDISTINCT PRRint 0 It is an easy matter to keep cool in the hottest weather if you go to TOCCOA y^t built But oui everyone can’t go there evfciy dat, ijecatikl* tie liave’n’t JouriiMY ixirS. Under the circumstances the next best wav to keep com¬ fortable is to come to our store and f>ut yourself on the outside of our COIvC DRINKS, Such as Soda Water, Lemonade, Cider; Bon Bons, and nwmer- ous other refreshing and healthful beverages. And if you need a hriun stimulant, and you know you do, just try Coca-Cola. And although w r e have in town a CAiiiiiNa tIctory, Yet you .can’t buy there Corned Beet, Potted Ham, Lotted Tongue, Oysters, etc., but the place to purchase such goods and many other things that come in Cans is St blir store. Our Fancy anti Family Groceries are continually aoxxxc^ v^qmbwherb.4 Blit iike the widow’s meal, the supply seems to be undiminislied. . We are very accommodating and will feed the hungry, moisten the parched tongue, and cool the perspiring brow, arid fix your Watch to boot. Come to see VICKERY BROTHER^, TdSc oa, CTStffgia. : % <IREAD THIS; IT’S S0!^ You may not have seer it in the New York Si n, but ‘•it’s so” that we have bought the stock cf fnerchan- of T. C. WRIGHT. It is so, also, or also so, that we have got to sell a jEfoott many of these,gooris to make a living, and we are not anxious to kick the bucket ho^I, likewise and also it is so that we have * >:i Ihliid u ]>rottv good linp of Fancy and Family Gro¬ ceries, Dry and Goods, Hoots, hljoe’s, Hats, Notions, Hardware, so forth and so on. that we want you to have, because you need ’em w orse than we do. t* fo\i want anything we've got come and get it—cheap Now if you believe what weysay is so, and is; 7hen you are Feed ing anyth ing hf our line call on BfiiGHT, :KTcauisi' ki ri ii <53s At r i. C. Wright's Old Stand. TOCCOA, GA. P. S.—If you don’t believe what we say come any- h'ow, Fec'ng ts believing. Ain’t that so? w. M. KII.GO. --IIEADCiCARTERS FOR— Dry loads, - Notions/ Shoes,- Hats and Groceries. - • • • • ♦ • « t • - , IIAYR SET MY KTAffES. — z. ■ _____ — T mean to do the f.u’k of the she business in Too oa. ? hare.tlic s'clk to ••o^trel ihr tr^de. ccmipiei/e 1 carry the of M largest Fine and Kh best seleciol Ii >c of shoes ever ojicned in .o eoa. I have a stock sses -es, som- thing rare for a town like l m c m. Ik-st an*; § ;.00 Lad es’ Shpein the city—genuine Fren h Kid JIand Scared rilioesRuade bv (tie W. I Douglas Ladie islioe 1 r/ittp.yij, every I jwir nani*nted finest t'» give sitisfactiou or money lef.uided. lug. lot oi Oxfofc Ties. keep tbe line of G’euiV Shoes that cm ire bought—Fine HAND MADE DOUGLAS SHOE ?, in Kangaroo, Cordovan anu Oa f. Try a pair and you will ix? ple-s.-fd / J»» Diyr G*K)ds I can show the best rtOHsjff ihe.cityv Beautiful line if , line ?e . : ^ Tiii Mtiile, fine Bo.ted Swiss, Dcifcd Mulls, Crepcita, IVfiTtc Goods,'Clriru Satins, &d Embroidery. i •!!:£, Lae. s ... . . : * . . , i V/htn you want Fine C otMng dhiJ’l fail. i<> sec my sf »k before vf^l-luiy. Can have suiL made to order oa short n'rAce. I carry notijtng but gof»*l stuff m sue, Jf. ... i kee*|» tbe bc-t stuck oif-ris erics in Dicism, both s fi£;*|e a «Jl Faery. \V!ien it .-o nes to fine Flour I can SHC !’ OPT ail my com petit r? with the fair) & H. Pt>&TELL‘S ,,ELEGANT.” I wiil undersell the finest anybody Flour < for n ear the n. ,-p.t Try^i cash. sample I ha> siipi* large and vo : will use no;er. , • September f fall c a -lock .hat must Lc mr ve 1 by 1st »•» make reo n n g<X;(E - ^$0 Pr<>Ja ' me a nd re j liVc. I cia arix*