The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, June 16, 1893, Image 3

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FH £ IOCCOA rOCCOA, GA Friday. Jun«* 1 SHOUT MS KOH ro Alton! -, Toccoa, K pccially, aiid Ollier Topics. n imsksm column of minor events Yc-wly Treated, Sr. As to Pre-rent Variety and Avoid Taxing th<- Patience ol <)-r Headers, fienlle or Otherwise. Several s miner boarders will arrive in To. • oa about the first of July. Several of onr citizens attended race it Scijeca,S-. i i>t F riday. The bicycle brigade was out in full force Sunday, and paraded about tow aud in the rural districts adjacent. A party of nine from this plac-- spent a jiortiod of Saturday last most pleasantly at Tallulah Fall.*, 'Vlie colored Odd Fellows’ excursion leaves Toiaroa to-day for Greenville S. C. It promises to be a big affair. A party of excursionists from tanberg and other pointw-*tn South Carolina picnicked at Tallulah Fail: last Saturday. fi. i rig-. receipts for valui "eceived, t no iiioi e • pleasant duty falls t o the lot of ye editoi i than acknowl- edging presents of fruits. Remember that Tax Receiver Jordan will be in town to-morrow, It vou haven't given in you’d beitei st t-lui.i, as this is his last call. i’hose apjilying for license to teach in the publi schools of Habersham will have to-stand an examination in darker;ville. on the 2-llh. l! may be remarked that tie > ting medium is not doing any great .'mount of circulating in this section at the presenl \ v rllipg, Seed ue large ad. ox the OhioLVeLffea? Co » his company premises much am. 1 heir remedy is cheaps Those HtHictCd might do well to try tiffs treatment. A party of lour or five of our citizens intend leaving., next Monday for 'Chicago. They will be gone two., or three weeks and expect to see much of the World’s fair. The protracted services at the Pres- hyterian cluirch on Sunday night, Rev. Mr. II illhouse preached some clear and very forcible seriqons which were heard by attentive jolts. 'The bond of Mrs. Fannie E. Denham, who is accused of vitriol throwing, has been reduced from ,jt750 to $500. Her relatives are endeavoring to ipake the bond and secure her relei ,se from prison. : . Our trade edition vviff have r big circulation in this state, and many eopies of it will go north and west, toe-. If we get suiTir’em pdti Vffi'n ye we intend to make it a large, handsome and readable paper. The kind things said of The News not only by neighboring papers, but by citizens of 'Toccoa, encourages us |o renewed efforts to improve our paper. It is gru' ifyiiig to be apprecia- Led The News regrets that the busy season, or some other cause, prevents our con'cspemVenG V'iting oft nor. We want the news from the country and from neighboring towns, and we can’t get it unless someone sends it to ffs. .. ' Xkws was Hie recipiren/, .this peek of a basket of fini rosy-ei e. ked peaches and juicy plums, a present from our esteemed corresponded!. “Pearl." Such communications will always be nppreoiaivd at thisofiice. The News returns sincere thanks to “ Pearl." Waxi-kd—'P en thousand bushels of t !ack’> ‘erics. Toccoa ‘' \ nnixc. Co. A -ir. J. F. Price, who had such a thrilling experience with a coacluvhip yn Jtocky creek a few wey.'-ff^ ago. was (lie town last week. He said that report of this as published by us was true, and. carried off a copy of The News containing the same. , Several t>f our boys went over to I.avonia Monday to assist the boys oi that town in a game of ball with the Hartwell youths, on t**e grounds of the latter. They returned Twsday and unfolded a tale of woe. Hartwell was vie torious. the score being 24 to i(>. A strange negro attempted to steal a hat bi Matheso -*s store last 1- riday Major Christian caught him id the act ami turned him over to an officer of the jaw. He was put in the calaboose ami k G»ere .a day, but as no war- rant was sworn out against him he was released. Ought rogues to be treated thus? A meeting of the board of education in*-, the town council, to settle sonic questions concerning the new school buildings to be erected here, was set for yesterday afternoon. Vt the hour yf going to press we had not heard he result of this meeting, but hope that something was done. The people are impatient to see w ork on the . school buildings begin. We heartily favor the plan suggested by “Athlete” to form an athletic asso- cia' ild hefe and fix up a hall for various gymnastic exercises;... Aside from the pleasure to be derived from sjuch amusements as could be ibVce the exercise would be healthful and strengthening. \V hile it is bj no means a -treinty that the wiUclosetliehstrwcsat fhe matter be agitated, anyway. 6 ochyk Last Monday was, perhaps Dearly warmest day of the season. Tuesday morning, though, there came a severe thunder storm, which the atmosphere. The electrical display was remarkable, tlie flashing ot light- ping, followed by loud thunderclaps. ) ffng almost continuous loran hour t ,vo. All the window pains in a h >nin the wed part of the town were broken, by lightning, it is supposed, bur non-» of the in marcs were hurt. (} dinar} ^ i*i aUx of ihreutia; Actie of ''iiulh {'aro'ftt* Officials. W ai.ha li.a, S. 0. uuc S, 1S0? Her.. W. D. 11 ito-.dim.ry iarke^v Q& Fkar Sir: lam instuctcJ l>y tire bornl of commissioners of Oeonce say fo since they parted with you yesterday, they baVe come to lire conclusion that, as there is great doubt in their minds as to whether they hare a legal‘right to do any work on tlie Prather and Jarrett - bridge, they have concludtl to dc nothin**- towaiA rebuild i ig«*r repairing eic er f them for tire present. S-> you need not depend on any he!]' troin Vos e©enty on eitli r of these bridge - at he ire it time; li »r v ill they join you in advcr.isiug the s me or either ol s aid bridges Yours truly, J. \V. S 'EELOR, C.erk of the Board Editor Ak’s:, pttldiVh Sh.dor's letter in order tl.f t i.e people on each side of the river may know who is to blame about the Tugalo bridge ‘S, l was notified;by the clerk of th Oconee coniiniss'ocers to meet tlrem the Prather bridge-one day early in May. We met there on the day appoint- ed, examined the pillars and agreed to go on and build it. We then went down to the Jar reft bridge, and agreed to meet ther** again on the 7th e rV his month We all met promptly on that day and agreed to go back to our respective offices and adverti tor the letl ing of contract to repair the JnVrett bridge, with the understanding that we build tin- Prather bridge later. So you see now by the accompanying letter who is kicking 1 shall f o on now and repair the Jarrett bridge at the expense of our county, as the bridge belongs to Habersham county. But it does seem to me like r 'V >nee county ought to bear her equal share of the expense of those crossings. Habersham county and the citizens on each side of the river built the Jfrr.ett bridge and have kept _ it up now lor five Or six _ yw*. and L lbought that our neighbor • minty in the Palmetto Stale Would °erfainly liejp do tlie little r epairing necessary* on it. f i’l*i' commissioners led me to believe all along that they were ready and willing to build bridges, and seemed to be anxious to help keep up one, at least; but the wind changed sn’idenly apd now Mr.Shelov’s letter shows which way it 1 low s If may he a politieial wind; I cannot tell about that: but it must be very strong to stay the promise of so good a body of officer >. 'Those officers are ^genuine clover fellows and very wat» Ifful over the welfare of their constituents, which is commendable, and all right; why we should have spent so much time looking after plans, and inspecting bridge sites and the best way for repairs, all to find out that the law does »«)l authorize the building of 'hose bridges, is- v lial I don’t under¬ stand. Very respectfully yours, W. 1). Hii.l, Ordinary \ thlcttc Chit Well, A .ir. Editor, as that contagious and dangerous disease, “the bicycle levet ’ has struck the town, with the probabilities of making a clean sweep ii not arrested in its progress, how would it dp to suggest some way. .in V'Die:lx it roirld be clH*clje.d before nu'k'.ng q financial wreck, «hose who are n ji fortunate enoikgh to sport a long pocket book? For instance, how would an athletic association “fill the bill”? The cost would bo insignificant when compared to the amount of amusement and bene¬ ficial exercise to he derived from such an organizaUffn., Its organization would be no trouble whatever. I'O" instance (with your permission) a dozen of Toccoa s progressive young men ould call a meet ing, elect the nccccssary officers, etc., and by paying an initiation fe* of-aay ♦5.00 meniht-i>—would Bud they w«.!4 have on hand a snffleient amount of capital to purchase all neccessary equip- ments. Tin v re are a couple ol halls in the city spaeious enough for all purposes of such an assdt iation, including space in which the members v, iio owned wheels could practice fancy riding. \< the town is booming in other ways p would be a good idea to keep step march of progress, in the amusement line, There is a certain class of people a-* much impressed by tl,c amusements in a city as by other in- dications of prosperity. “That all work and no play make - a dull boy o’ Jack. ,as the saying goe.'-, cannot be truer that when applied to a town with no attraction on the amusement line. spirit Nothing of indicates ing the e’G» progressive athletic a go associa- * ’ more than an tion. If the merchants adopt the plan of closing at tl o'clock the clerks will most certainly b:>-v« to have some ,way in which*|a.vpass leisure time, and there is no wuiy that would be more appro- priate dr beneficial than passing an hour or so pleasantly in an athletic hall. Asit is excusable in one beingbrrezy on such an airy subject. I v-'ould sug- gest to the cyclist and those inclined f<) be bnshfdU especially, that they cou pf display their taste in the hosiery j* u)e to better advantage in a hall, pf.^pcse the young ladifes cl Ayp;Up'occasional’y. to .see viiat prog- rfas Lthe t . boys * ’ were making, and they (the bo>o’ ffnrmed dozen f .r. , Imagine a . > ’ ■ having ; * horefuls doing thegmntswmv. exo ,;ting boxing contests, fencing, etc.. sm i alHn tights—and such beautiful r ' es _ a , u {—well they could make it .' interesting, After practicing y few weeks boys could give exhi cr t ions occasional- , G j br charging a smalt admission fee • v make , * the ^ club V sell . Misiamub,. sustaining Whoop it up, Mr. Editor, ami if it c' no go w.c fan * ? on a hand organ and a monkey. Athlete, T»<P 'In -rhool i “T>», anday-school !IS*C f a * S Sti * 1C 3 at more f , l ' n a passlnir . Eloquent orators, portions of the gtate, di-cnre* d .inter- eating t^"‘‘Ares. a’id reports frftVfi .'lie field showed ■a ruhek^d development in Sunday hool work. For *ire past twenty years, this as ; Q- ciar ’on ha- r'>„n holding annual meet, jngs. s interdenominational ii’;**harac- ter, and lias for its object's, at tin name implies, tlie advancement ot Sumiay-school interest s. Mr. Jobp M. Green, of Atlanta, has discharged she i J uti of President as ptably, for foui j - ars. and receive ( i a fifth election at the ii conven¬ tion. .•It. 1.. 1». Reppai d.oeAngm !a,< hair- man of the executive committee, taken an active interest in Sunday- school matters tor many years, lavrsh- ly giving time and fiVols to the cause lit* has espoused, One year ago, Col. Fred T Lockhart f August# »cet pted t ile cdsiUcn state or p a 1 Mci '-['.Sunday-schools, under his skillful engineering, the work has made a giant stride during the past twelve months. One hundred and twenty-three eofinties are now in organized ranks, •Mid organization is the keynote of all success. Recently* a corresponding secretary |, as been added to the corps of officers in order than Sunday-school work may * be kept constantly before the people. Statistics show that in every county- in Georgia, save one, the pujffie schools are move largely attended than the Sunday-schools While four hundred thousand of Georgia s children woruip in Sunday- schools every Sabbath, three hundred thousand are yet to be initiated. These figures are startling, and only combined and determined effort can accomiihsh a t ha: gv Only thirty-seven counties were represented at the Athens’ meeting, j.,,,] a hundred more should have been added to the list, that every ejjy, town and hamlet in the Empire State of the South might be enabled to feel the pulse beats of this representative body of Christian workers. la li. P. A Goad Woman Gone. The news that Mrs. T. 1). Xichols had been st,ri.cju*n with paralysis, on Saturday himning last was heard with profound regret in Toccoa. Medical ’’'k*** tender nursing were ot no m * on ^ 0,u * : '*y aiteruoou she ' <le 'b Her burial occurred on Tuesday alt- ernoon in the cemetery here, the funeral services being conducted • by Rev. A. E. Feese, in the presence of a large concourse of relatives and friends. Mrs. Xichols hAd been for many years a mem.brer o f t he Bapt ist church, and was regarded by all who knew her as one of God's greatest’s works—a noble, useful woman. Her death has qqq desolate a home new occupied by a father and three sons, who have the sympathy of the entire community. She is gone,■■but her memory remains . and will..eyi b >relh • ished by her hus¬ band Siid boys, whose lives have been, and will continue to be,.made better by her prec. pis anc example. Fine Country for .Strawberries. This is a great section for berries, 'fhe soil seems especially adapted to their full development in size and Mayor. •> r . On April 20th Mr. Sam Davis, who lives near tiffs place, found ripe straw¬ berries in his patch. Since that time he has been feasting on this luscious rr..Jt »nU selling- it, too, ...4 still the ls »ot c X h.»»t«, Only a cr •*» »S» «••>' to this ofhee .a strawberries containing both green and ripe ones. To have strawberries to eat fop about two months is a privilege that cannot be enjoyed everywhere. Northeast Georgia is a grand section. As Otlie; - See Us. A syndicate has been formed at Toc- eoa, Ga., and bought a considerable tract of land around the beautiful Toccoa falls. They contemplate build- ing a magnificent hotel at the falls. ft!so a n p, e i ak e un a cable r?ih*ea 4 bt9 the falls, put in an electric dynamo, and light up the little mountain city w pj, e ] ec tric lights and run consider- a pj e nuichinery by electricity, Where is another town of the same size that has got the get-up-and-get that Toccoa hag? ..Youcan’t find it.—Bowersville Free Press, 1ft~r Iterry rrarj-js. Marsl al* Jackson made atrip last week to Tennessee in search of Berry ^he negro murderer fbr whose arrest the governor has ffereff a reward of $100. Mr. Jackson found that Berry had been living in v il,e under aij ss&nied name, but had disappeared? few days before, |,een w T ariied to leave by some of his friends here. The marshal spect sev- eral *iys in trying, to track him put failed to find Him Canning Factor>. The canninsr factory fa now jerdy to begin operations. The machinery has all been putin place and the cans have armed. On 1 uesday anojlier assessment was made cn tlie s*eckhold- ers, ^ one of 25 ^ per raise money con(}uct the busines The factory will soon be running r*fr- we suppesf*. Wlen needing anything in the way- 0 f legal blends call at The News office. If we ire ver f ip stock what you wan f we will print there ; We have just received a big line of clothing. Call and see us. Eowauds fr Dance. *, :<l> (KOi'LV W u, i id O > Tmct j.ii> * Ot- « in the Ke grions Found About. -s Mt *“ *ic B e is home A O speB (I Ui va-.atroi. Miss I.ula Ramsay, of TiigalO vv a > visiting relatives in town the first 01 the W eek. Mr. IV. R. Brnee a! tended meeting of the Georgia Bankers- elation held in Savannah last w \ k.- rieil 1\ r i - on came home Wednesday, the Patrick Miliiary Institute, Ander- -on.S'j* havrig ef s d for the summer vacation. ... Misses Ida Matheson and Reppard McAllister returned Tmhsday from Decatur, where th/ey »ia\e Ocren students of the Agnes Scott Institute. 'd r - T. A. Capps was present at the • ommencemerit exercises of I.aCrange Female college lastweek, and;ret*irned i-hursday night; accompanied by his daughter, Aliss -BJonUe. Miss Blonde ( app.~, \>ho has student of I.aGrange Female the course of study at last week, and has returned 011!e> Her many friends here gladly her. The Rev B. P. Allen, of Toccoa, delivered the X. G. X. com nience- ment sermon at tiffs place Sun 's ; i . 11 :d0 o’clock, lie also delivered one ( , bis most able sermons in the Methodist church Sunday night.— Bowersville Free Free. sKfirmo VV TT “It's a goodt lffng they haven ‘Star’ in Elberton," said a gentleman to t he XEwa man, “for that’s all they have to give light at night. I Fad read so much of Elbertffn's being.a progressive town that 1 expected to :see electric i lights there; but not even a solitary street lamp was visible, though the night was pitch dark. Elberton ought either to quit blowing so much or have her streets lighted at night .” % “Say, Doc,” remarked the customer from the rural ‘ deestrict” to a Toccoa drug store man, “does youuns. keep er good many diffrunt kinds er pills?” “Oh,yes,” was the reply; “what kind of pills do you want?” “I wants some pills that'll worker bawky horse—to er buggy.” The druggist was just out of that kind. The high p’fieb of ii>eat has worried not a few of the inhabitants of Haber¬ sham county. The price of this greasy commodity and the circulatingmedium both-being almost “out o’ sight,” have caused molasses to be more popular than usual, as lias been remarked before in these columns But meat is regarded a necessity at this season, and the following **'!an has been adopted in certain parts of the county, so w' are informed: Tlireb or four neighbors form them¬ selves into a joint stock company, with a capital of .from 2-5 cents to .50 cents. Ail of this amount is invested in meat. This lvuak of meat is then carried, in turn, to the home of each stockholder, whose wife “biles” it with beans or “gfeens” and sends it to her neighbor next daj It goes the ' dumis until its lubricating properties have been ex- haustel. This plan is said to be giving entire satisfaction where neighbors are dis¬ posed to “tote fair.” Ked Hill. The-crops are looking fine in this section. Wheat is getting ripe enough to cut now. Mr. G. L. Ffedricks lost his only horse last week. This is discouraging to a young farmer.. His neighbors shonly help higi with plowing, The eldest son of Mr. John Vandiver got his left arm broken last week. It seems that it was an unlucky week. Blackberries are plentiful now; the wheat threshYrs may come ahead. Several of the Red II iIlians attended the commencement at Carnesville last week, notwithstanding the rain, which fell in torrents. Vashti. Unclaimed Letters. The following is a list of letters .re¬ maining in the TrsJFoa postoffiee over 30 days, unclaimed : E. Y. Nesbitt 1 Reg. Receipt Mr. Jasper Humbres 1 Freme Ha Ik man 1 P. C. Mr. H. J. Mossey 1 Mr. G. W. Mucker 1 P. C. Mrs. Fannie Loftin 1 When calling for these letters please gay that thej were advertised. J. J. Bhigut, P. M. May 30,1893. If in need of pure Corn Whiskey, made especially for medical purposes, get my prices and save money. S. S. Weir; Kings Mountain, X C Cal] and examine our line of dress consistiug'of white chambrays, chal- lies, percales, goods Mitchell and fine lienriettas. Bbowx & I> r . Ju-. N. W«et. IhIIb the best Paint ^ Oil Turpentine, White Lead, etc., in Toccoa. Nothing ; j J 1 ° ls carrie<T stock. *w T e are better prepared than ever before to execute good job work., Brini* 5 VOU ° Ur r J job ° b work ^ to The News office. ^ Cfinre KpV see our stock of men’s and boys’ clt.ihingbefore buying elsewhere; w 7 e will save you jjioney. I koivs c Mitchell. Mortgage notes and plain notes for sale at The News officN For bonds for title, warranty deeds criminal warrants, J. P. executions, etc- call at The News office. J SIMMON'S. S'! W. K \Y, t :i.l V DC . J. I t J ] i TTr MKttKt <: r ~. » a- m \ €p a o ts s f; - ~ DJr _gL\ S Z ;*±) \ RiTif d r *' o'". .JLLL /A _£L 1 I I ! X 1 EMT U St (Tt h^mtT „ s., “ & -■ iv~ I & * - /<£ _ • " l - - . :‘i- .-'i, ■ J ,y'_ ; , ; i Ifer ! —'-.—‘-L: jr re®* Mg j >. A > K / j***? •sj K. ■ rOCCOA FURNITURE and LUMBER CO.\ —M AX V FAGTUEERS OF - maE ALSO DEAL LARGELY IX— ft^ESSED LUMBER, FLOORSRC CEILING tAfEATHEfl BOARDING. MOULDING^ BRACKETS. MANTELS, $!eccm ‘Dry A f/n capacity i2/JOG teel per dav. Otj'dc? % s p) 'opypllj- filled jT b c. DAYIS, r^ra.c*Licir .g F=lT.^Glcia.n, MIZE, a A. WOOD’S PlIOST^UODINBi . e She Great EnsJU’.i Remedy. gSSssNtak !y Promptly all and permanent- T Af, cures forms of Kervout Hr g|f Weakness, Emissions, Sperm- Pin p**la e&atorrliea. Impotcncu and a .I ( e Z- Sc effects Ueen of Abuse or Excesses. ic prescribed thousands of over 85 ^3 years Is the ly Relia blc and cases; on Hon¬ est Medicine known. Ask ------------- -Wruypist for Wood’s Pegs- Before a* After. “"Si.ttdteffiiXSSS V't. tills, leave his dishonest store. Inclose prieo In letter, paekaire, and we will send by return mall. Price, one Pamphlet 81; In six. t j. sealed One will please, six will (jure. Address TUB plain WOOD envelope, CHEMICAL 2 stainca. 181 Woodward Detroit, CO.. illch. avenue, & J. DAVIS, aud all Druggists. 5SSS3 COURSE BY MAIL ’* WITH THE pa LE A V E N WORTH 23aSESi3Hi.i5-2a BUSINESS COLtEGE. TO ADVERTISE OLTF2- C OLI/EG-F Me will give a thorough course of instruction in double and single entry Book-keeping and Commercial Arith¬ metic by mail Fkke Of Chabge to a limited nUflfbcy of .persons. This course will be compiet d bi voriy lessons, Xo charge for Diplomas. Address: PROF. F. J. VAXDERBF.RO, rRF.S., 302, 304 3C6 Dslawaro St., Lcavooocnh, Ean. SUCCESSFUL FRUIT CULTURE Is Rot PossiLIe with Cheap Trees. XoHe but first-class Southern grown treer, should be planted-. Procure them from a nursery that burns all poor stock and sends out nothing but good trees cnrefill'y packed in 'damp moss so that they will reach you in perfect condition. ■ It our agent has not called on Wi ( rite for p t i-ts before you buy elsewhere. During the fruiting seasonreatnpies of fruit will be sent free to any address on receipt often (jpptsto pay posta^ci Agents wanted every- where* catalogue free. Address CHEROKEE NURSERY CO., Waycuoss Ga. WHISKEY AMD OPIUM UULBITS CURED YUT YOTJH HOME, WITHOUT FAIN OS COlTFIlfSHEST. * r.uients business while under treatment V- ! ;sl:y and beginniiur .all other clrng- —do stopped immediately need them. on No treatment dig not treatment yet covered to compare with it. II ive, ciyoji sp eial study and practice to, these dire f aY fortlie pa-t twenty years, v i-h continued ami successful increase in practice. WRITE FOR MY BOOK OF CURES, FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. C., ^ T.IV TTTA, OrffL, Office, 104iM’ itc all Street. ''7 3cH.eS.vxlo Hartwi-ell XA. FI. No 1. Leave Bai t well 7 m a ui Arrive Bowei svillc 45 No. 2. Leave B .'.ver-vi le 900 a m Arrive Hart w ell 9 45 No- 3. Leave Hart wet' 1 35 m Arris e Bowers’i'-lc ‘225 ra _ No. 4 Leave Bowcrsviha & JO p m Arff-e Hartwell 09 i’J All trains daily excel t Sunday. ... FRED WIEB.EXS. imperre . ndeut, F B. BENSON. n- . O-r, - -GO TO--- iBIBDWW MIWMffiJIDii --FOR BARG ilXS IX l GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTH¬ ING, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES; FARM IMPLEMENTS AND HIGH SRaDE FEirhl.I/EIiS. Shi tiles a Specialty, You will save money by trading with uh Money saved money made. it •at- vrmsmsxn m It is an easy matter to keep cool in, the liottest vat her ii you go to TCDCOA FALLS. - But everyone can't go there every day, because V,e bave’n’t ybt built our ” ' DUMMY DILIK. Under the circumstances tlie ficxf best way lq‘ keep com¬ fortable is to come to our stor ami put yourseii on the outside of our COLD DDIUICS, Such as Sofia Winter, Lemonade, Cider. Bon Rons, and numer¬ ous other refreshing aiiU healthful.beverages. And if < 0:1 deed :T brain stimulant, and you kno v job "io- just try ( uea Cola. And although we have in town a j CYLLIISTTLIC- F ACTORY, i Yet you - buy there torn ~ Feefv-Potted Iiany, Potted | L V to pur base such goods and \ ihaey other things that come in Cans is ai our store. Our Fancy and Family Groceries are continually GOING SOMFY/HERF, I But like the widow’s meal, the shpl-H. •-ems to be undiminished. I l We are very accommodating and will feed the hungry’ I \ moisten the-parched tongue, and cool the perspiring brew, an’d * " : hx your \i a’reh to boot. Come to see ! VICKERY I3FICITKEF U‘, > Toccoa, Ca io. m m «!READ THIS; IT’S S0!tx xoii may not have scon it in the Xow York Sun, but' so” that v.a* have bought the stock of mcrchan i-Uo of T. C. WRIGHT. It is so, a.Loyor also so, lb fit wo have got to soil u, good null 1 ;- of those goods to make a living, and wo are not anxious to kick the bucket soon. Moreover, likewise anil also it is so that we have on hand a pretty good line of E.- iYy ?;«d -. Family* Gro- corn Hardware, *s, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats; Notions, and so forth and so on, that w want you to have,.because you need ’em worse than we do/ If „ Now ou want if anything we've got come and get it •:ioaj) you believe what we say is so, and ; k -i when you are needing anything in our lino call < l BRIGHT, .J^CJUNKIN Sc CO, At T. C. Wright s Otd Stand TOCCOA. GA. P. S.—If vou don’t bolieco whet we say come auv- how SG hig is Itel.o -ing A m t that so? VV. M. KII .GO —HEADQL AETERS l Oil— Dry Goods, Notions, Sfoss, Hats and Groceries/ < 5 * «-« ♦ f t I f •' r,**# —I HAVE SET MY STAKES. x I mean to do tlie bii'k ot-tJie^iOC business in Toccoa. I have the s ek to con rol ih< tr'Gc Ti-a ry the largot and !k-a re Jected tire of shoes ever oiwiicd in ’{p pt*. 1 havoc icie stock of Misses l-i -c.Sh c: . something rar^ for a town like r.rec m. Best *3 oo and § i.Ott Ladas’ Shoe in tire city—genuine Fien Ji Kid Hand Sewed Shoes, made by the \V L Dougla- Shoe company, every pair warranted to g ve 3itisf:u r C;on pr money refund-d Bi In' Ladic ' Oxford Tie-, f keep the limst lin<* of ' oi Gent’s h res ffiat can be b.udit—Finc HAND MADE D(X.'CLA3.SHo£i, in Kangaroo, Cordovan ant. Calf. Tn* aG-air a -1 you will be p-k.-s to. * In Dry Goods I can show ilie b *sl sice . r | -q the city Beautiful line of tine Savins, Persiarf*Muffs, tine Do ted Swiss. Dotted Mul s, Greirens, W Lite Goals, Ciiina tilks, Laces aud Embroidery. V. hen you want Fine C cthing don’t fail t > sec niy st->k h -forc yoifVuv £a : have suits m ;de to order on short notice-. I curry *(f>tbing l>ut gixnl ttulfijii sto 7 1 kc*e *p the be-*t st-rek «f Gnx erics in foecoa, ix>UcS aj»!e ;n <l f am-t Will) it c om to fine Flour I c;»n SIIU I. Of'T efi my c<mq>etit-hi V*T;h fire I*. JI. | OsTK '.L>* ,EKKGAN r.” the tin ere FG>ur «>;i earth. Try a sample sec* and you wifi i., ( no other! - 1 a iil undersell an., body for the a '3*r •! cash, i has e a large stock tire! nu-t i e iG v l, by September 1st for fall ^ Vlil • t» make room (1 cask** Highest it market in f> ice pair S ( ry Produ e Come and sec me I CJJ1 nr I' o, roar Je : fTi