The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, June 23, 1893, Image 2

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5 \w« J U A:\'J S & jSlih*JeJf ti * j. hOVioLL, Lt.ior. t*nt»iished EvcVe Vl \\tiy torn ing Kntetiil ;.l the Toccoa Rostoflice a- r'econd-class Mal*.er. EBSETtlPTIOXYtA ! V ES ^ One vear. fl.OO; six months, r> 0 <'.; months. “2tr. • , ADV KRTlSiYG R A V ES i>d^ known on a pp lii-at id to i’OCOOA, GA., Friday, June 2H, 189H. Tit APR KIWTXO.*-' I BE Nfx- ... has . decided i-ii to p-.-uo J.,lv 14th a trad - 1 edition. I his is* lie - is Hi tended , \ . to give tI k i best account of Toccoa's enrlv history, its subsequent m,. : .l, iO pment »t.',tu S . pocmlly. ‘•ommercipllv nnd otherwi-e, that ) „..n 1 >uUM,,l. it will make a splendid showing ^T,'" > 1 .1 Vv-ral thcushml copies, and besides ti..„rgm ami South Car......a, will he wmt in lame packaK- up North nnd out West. This will insure Its being a flnb ad vertising medium f The expense of this issue will lie Considerable. It will bo a good- '-ized sheet, will be printed on nice paper and will be profusely illus¬ trated. The cuts for this issue will cost over if 100; and will edm- P’i- ■ several residences, most of the important business houses ami manufactories, and scenery in and near Toecoa. The publishers do not hope B> make expenses on this issue, hut will publish it mainly for the ben¬ efit of our town. They can ill afford, however, to lose much, find hope that tho citizens of the town will advertise or contribute in olher ways as Bberally as pos si I ile to d. It wili be d ffood issue ariyway, but the more patronage wo get the hotter w'C will make it. Help its A ll you can, friends. VKltV A i*f HKJI’OI S, A recent editorial of ours about certain very stringent la^s in ref- erf.mce to the sale of fluids, enacted by the town council of Bowersville, seems id have stirred up tli<' citizens of tHat place. The council hastens to explain that the word “♦ntc'xrcatinK” was tinin- tont-ionaliy emitted Before “fluids by their secrotary, and begs that r.Il who have coiiim^tlted <di the poculinr soitndtng ordinance will correct any false impressions that may have befn produced by sucli articles. As corrected the ordinance pro¬ hibits tho sale in Bowersville of “rice beer, Aider hop soda, hitter®, or other stimulants or intoxicating fluids, except standard patent medicines' which contain only medicinal This i? about a8 clear ns mud. The use of the'word “other” before stimulants and intoxicating fluids includes patent medicines among these jag producers; and yet they say these medicines must contain “only medicinal properties.” Is an into'xTF’athig ptnvtr a medicinal property? It stems that that the town council of BowersF-ille coli- aiders it so: Toon why forbid the sale of any fluid? Section 2, as copied from the Bowersville Free Press, reads: “No ic, or,-am, soda water, lemonade, or any dnnks dial! not be sold or delivered a v „ ■» on the av streets x the or m Corporate limits oi Bowersville, ex- A, ‘Pt in the regular established places for snle and delivery of the ' Above mimed articles.” Did ti- SH-rotnn- •nccidontally I twin, litu* word • According to the rules of gra mmar too negatives in s' sentence aro equivalent to ail afirYmative. and tun ., leal , meaning . ot e Section '2 is t ha r tho hevernfift^S mentioi ^4 *' ,». ha!l i< r 00 ■ sold ,1 everywhere i 111 . Bowers- .. villo except in the “estnblfshed ;>n.e«= • for c sale , ar.ll , dMlvery I,* «aul article.- Strikeout not. and • . - t is con , traiv to the , laws of Bowersville to give a mair n drink ot r watt. ? vn. . . the ,? streets . of „ that town. NYe notice the wo r'dinof tliU ordinance closely fo the city fathers of Bowersville ‘ saoum 1 l.v ■ lUDTe , . careful .. . Tmfs ;f fhtV I e ‘ - D >f' n ^ U > “' i u'It he* Bowers- H S? — leFroe Fruas S one 0n ° -*-hn ?"° " ntes ”Mider the ^igmitUD* • of “One of the other thing. aya: “As io theedftoriTl of The New < ti ill-timed and rt Acs l am informed b y a gen- > service tbd no st’Hg in 1 Ilaberpiim c i ”-am arW Gabo Eddings. Fame • D- nlmrn V-r Mar¬ Gribble scrapes; IiVuVee the « • rdinante.*’ As to the comparative ‘ number of moi’mtai <tv w hi a mi t actor ins fO.Sov L.aoi. 1 -lie -Vi n o-.vl .mu lT.,-s .last „ ri -a..! „,d 0fl wo are orttitclv ignorant. NVe slip- “hue sire mooiislui establishments in thisicoimty. •ir l-M. '* '• n-U-ifr. "s (lw. “ ‘*o‘>Vul " * ’ diallv invite the said "gentleman til- rcv.mue P'rvlei- ’ to come to llabershattl find break them up. T) Llli , whr , , tins . n moonshine i • •> i buM- ■ ness has to do with the peculiar prohibition law of f iiowersville TJ we know not. And we -are at n loss, also, to see the ,W_«»y «t tho Musu*. ‘® “Galhddings, Fannie Denham Marshal Cribble scrap,-.- Gabo came here drunk Urnl got Thi* wmilrt h«v« in our town the sale of “all other pat-nt medicines that contain only medicinal properties.- Mrs Denham is accused of throw- ing vitriol. Whet in the name of commonsenso has that to do with illicit distilleries? As . to what , is meant 4 . by the , UAT “Mur- . slial siial Gribble GliDOie scrape” scrap., wo wb are at scd. If BotVersvilie had a marshal or l\u> like cribble th® would be no need of such rtimgont laws in that little town, and a man could be allowed t-G soli lemonade on the Streets with impunity. Gribble is a good oiio, and we are proud of hull. The article over which some of the citizens of Bowersville seem to ho exefeisod Wo S written in a spirit of fun, and not intended to give of- feiise .We assure tiie august town fa 2 t iters of that placet-hat, in their ef- fortsto reform the perverse Rnd too festive BotversVilli ans, tlioy havebur best Fishes for their com¬ plete success. the Atlanta Herald s Sititday edition contains what piirpdrts to bo two arguments m reference .. . . to lynch law, tiiat B. M Blackburn con- tending lynching is right and Josiah Carter taking ° the other side—partly. This . subject . is . treated in a very J narrow manner, and are.quite tamb, reminding j one of a stag!* fight. Almost hvery paper contains , . accounts of bank failures. It is getting monotonous find alarming too to hear of so many banks going to the wall. lias the wdrst come? The sketch artist of The co v AT rsEvvs is going to make . a name for himself in the field of *—A tlanta Constitution. Let us he thankful that this if, not the conimonceuffent of the commenceilihnit season. Martiii. Martin is lively now. Farm pi's are tcry anxious to see the rain et*ase to fall and {lie glass stop growing. Mr. Edward Cason visited Atlanta last week on a pleasure trip. The Tiigulo Baptist Sunday-school convention will meet at Marti n Oil the Uth of July, and Will continue through and Three young men (n 6 t a hiiiidred miles from Martin) Oil last Saturday “«">'»* -f'* «*•»*■*« •« then- ‘ l lil k ll V > atul 0,11 \ ei J early . to attend a A picnic on Tu&alo f. - ai After they had ■■-. n\er. . , arrived , they found the sleepy buzzards on the roost , 5nd were compelled to return hoiiie "Bh an empty-. Thor, i 5 to bo r, wedding in town s00n ‘ "‘hoisltf He has shaved those hiake hiin look reflgious? V,., -Hiss Myrtle V; t- x A ofv, a i has just -‘ j. returned l • . home from Athens, vv here she has been in school at the Lucy Cobb. Tue watermelon crop is gowl this J ear ? especially some patches we have m eve on 5Ir; B. A; Dean , iias been sick for nei< days, but is improving “l.e^ very f(W . G it is because he eavv nn ‘ ^umlnv *’ A. , G. Cason is „ iiis spending awhile wilh parents in town. Blackberries < . So if yotf . are ripe, have any syrup ycTi can nuike vou a ' Pi-wh,:,, like. Mis Belle Congo, of Carnesville, has been spending several davs in town. * V . , • e regret to learn that I/ick , „ gras seriously cut tie other day.* towards South Carolina * last Sunday 7 mwn ‘“? riding r a small yearlmg; . Me ? Ut ' ss ; - F«>t fhere safe. weeily. Pixtw Bont For Saie, Corner lot 50x100. Has On it a five roomhouse and a store house. Terms easy Apply at this office a “Cotopaxi” Showed I p. Koitob Xf.w«: Several weeks ago on becoming disgruntled at the Moun- lieermsr ;-ryre of *he articles of a eertaiv leiUf-witKftni “CotopaxiI correspondent wlfo himself I th'OUglitles-slv das. lied off a few lines to Thu News a not Very complimentary nature, morously criticising hrs bigotry the self-important Wa-v in which he <,i,taU *‘ l his masked opinions to eorre-pondenis. 1 o one correspondent in particular he was very and knowing the sex of the fair writer , <v j 10 j, ad incurred his displeasure, 1 , : under the impulse of the moment, let aut | gave' his liunship’s tail a sharp twist in the shape of an article to The - sK 'T 8 headed “Compliments to ‘Coto- paxi.'" The article in question was published in your issue of May ,!* pulse, and contained a few jot a sarcastic nature bearing on some of “Cotopaxi’s” views on educational matters that would, on more mature j > deliberation, have been left out. p u t an”oneVnature if was only a satire and one of sm such .11 an opt n naturt that - -at a a child could i tb»"'V.J£ S3, xi « an(1 one in t j„. s{ime vo j n in «!■•* ^ I)( .,uded that all was serene, and arena,.,. ie^-Hduae., ,, wL /Budo iVn'wliri'.m. ,i,e ..evil nn.l"f!’oi7a vn gl ve his smiL'l standnaint, very e t „ er , a ; uil . gl ^’^ 2 ^!; (rics to make me .appear, 1 know that anything can be done *m timet” ‘ • implement, 1 llo f as Cil “Cotopaxi” k .!, ‘J would ‘ l , doubt- . . jz less do, neither do I rail he a paxp says that l‘am not 'in'favor of of i, av i„^ go(;( i eductioi. belter than 1 do. Jvilacation is the lifc-bloo<l, _llie r through 't\ life ,, without *"« y tins in. port re. ant passport. My only regret ni rev w- mg the past is, that I let ^.olde opportunities tor securing a good '=ass^ :7 « society, the prop and mainstay of all his te wW sliouUI «nvr nnd agree to grant any one request to eac and every inhabitant ot the earth, and ,1 it did not bar an entrance into heaven, when life’s temptations and trials are over, my request would be, j “Lord, give me reasoning power and understanding; give me educatkh i i enough to understand all things.” j And yet “Cotopaxi,” like a venomous | snake, is striking at every straw in j sight, and in liis blind anger is junip- ing to the tabrical coneiusions ol a j disordered brain in order to obtain i revenge, j “Cotopaxi.” Personally, l have nothing against The hallucination under which he is sintering is merely the result ot a disordered liver, caused, possibly, by over-delicacy in choosing l ! ie “bigrediments” ot r J le “lnspira- tion under wlneh be wrote his long- | winded article with which lie tries io wipe up the floor with lloratius. My [ advice to him—%uid it won’t cost him anything -is, to cddsult a physician: olu . w ho makes diseases of the head a specialty. “Cotopaxi” says that I am opposed to all educational advancement, Mr; Editor, this is untrue; for when the election of a few weeks past was held to decide whether or not to issue bonds for the purpose of erecting a suitable school hduse, I did all that I could, in an humble way, for the school house, which I venture to say did more mate- r j a j g 0od than all of tlie bulldozing “Cotopaxi” ever wrote on educational matters: The names of the poets whose say¬ ings “Cotopaxi” handles with such ease would, alone; convince anyone that he is well read; and that Id* has been to college, the profusion of his unnecessary without adjectives conclusively proves, the necessity of having to prop up his own doubts as to tlie veracity of the information, by the statement that Ife has a diploma. He tries to make it appear that I am out of my element in old Habersham. I assure him tiiat I am thoroughly sat¬ isfied with my sojourn here, and can make as good a citizen and he as pro¬ gressive as he can, and help that great cause df education irf a surer, more suitable and appropriate way than tlm plan lie adopts of setting hiuiself up as a brazen idol to deceive a few who are dwrrled by the glimmer and false glit- ter of his gift of gab. I assure him J OCCOH is the Mecca ot my exist- ence; the one garden spotot all that life here is S n dream of joy? of bliss perfect contentment; iMil Cotopaxi wild'y w tears h?« his i,o,v hair as «- he f l B' es ,n v la< t, ? refinement * hVidelpf occurs anion^'-Ul (diss^of people, and it the refinement, ot which ,^,Ldh.^ntof Wnr^^SSm' mpaxi” means that 1 do m.t admire beau iful women, he is surely wrong j-f means that I do not love the aroma, the delicate color and the ennobling virtues of which they .are emblematical, he is wrong again. I « an see as much .beautv in a rose, find as much pleasure nr mimlnrg its sweet- ; ness and it will produce the same feeling of joy. the same admiration on Upholding tin* heaui iful that he feels; If be means that f am broking in the art «I .ppreeiating in the ritd- beautitul scenery, lie prevaricates. go into ecstasies of delight on viewing beautiful scenery; thar is my hobby.- and »«e that “Cotopaxi” would fin’d very agreeable H> cultivate. If lie j means that lacking in that acute- ness of conception in discriinimfting! grand from the sublime, the beau- tiful from’ the grand, the common from the beautiful, ami the divim? from them &lu ; But to drop from the sublime fo the jackass. ‘h.-.m^uishing acknowledge Cotopaxi - rou - * I that I would be puzzled as to Wbrch was who. “Cotopaxi,” iir your higfv-Ton<»<T sense are a nuisance fo everyone hut yoiir own sweet sell? If not. put the fact smoke your curls pipe and -moke it. and as the around your empty uoo- & GOWER MFG. CO. GainesTills- Ga. *■ toikges, ]r _ lis=!;t'S C~Yfri fj ~ C m, ' wagons; Etc. tatalbgires furnished on nnplicutibli. StdnpWs of work ‘it HAYES & RAMSAY S. ■Agents. die, %Ha as a sthvv tlfohgbt a \fhtii- ful nature occasionally startles your reveries .engrave it on your inemorv. and when vou write again surprise the KLInlw roi??W tKh! ,0n ^ “ M ing Thanking imposed you, Mr Editor, for hav- upon ‘ vour liberality and patience, I remain Horatius'. —--——--- m Lavonia. « Mrs. J. 7 Osorios, ^ „ .... whd . has been , art . invalid • tor months, died at her steer’s, ^ ss -r sss^i te ’ ifs- mothtr. hht was f "g^V^r"' atoit _o jtar.-, of of P,£hcOmlS Hurhig a si- v J7 » tta< * k of Pneumonia. Every '3^ a S£j.piKVM* . ?K 2% * 0rt ““' M bJf Tj.e space „7Srtlm,.«?» ".•.•uplwl in Thu Jtr.w» CinS lt| jty, 1 i} « w.'MX, spending Et , the M( .y Wav , t) f Avaltin, is dr’ckers week ih town playing with the hoys-, Miss0 .U r j e Addingtod, femies^e who has Inedd been teaching viStiSn’^ in a ^ college. h01 **’ Wi " ii'i'mE’fl i ^ oR W # ^ r J '' ',. biiV .il-, Jm* l|ay tll verdi( . to f the coroner’s jury was, that the Child Was murdered' bt it.4 father, He vvas 8U tVly f lodged ^ in* Cnrriesville . u Tut sday He is , . Vu e x-conyict tak e U , 5 Uf n of our boys, ainong ,£$**£*?V^i f 'Zn^l S*hh nledi( , a ( . dll( . ati( ,d at the Atlanta schoo j ’ th j st y inter . Seve ra | |- ( ,ts [ of cottHn have changed hands hiA ^ efe * k . Bon Air. /^TS, Save I 3? Mi m r 7 Bills t -f m W U SSL t i s:_'s P 9 *» A' i* S*j O £ h. THE mmmsas,es?“ GREAT REMEDY g - M - Incut iji fiiivsieiaiis anil tlie iinyplQ tv' jca.'-s, and never falls to SCROFl'rA. cuj-c duickly i*LC£f!o andj*t'fs.!»nent!y SCHEMA, . . .» g. x . t X f RHEUMATiSM, PIMPLES; a , EP.UbTtONS. 3 and n“ ta*h*rr-*>* r*TTru. and $ J W \ loatbronie RUXXIKG SOKES. blood (Msam*.? Tnvarfahl.v if dir'.'-?fy.yjs eai^ft. thp.niORt fol- \ lows?!. for pro t Price #1 per Settle, 6 bottles $>. Tor ^ v sale by druggists. . -. j ^ ^ SENT f RE^ F.fix dvit i'i u’lrnrs BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga < HEN ANDi WOMEN HELi* DR. HATHAWAY & CO., SPECIALlSTft (Regular GradHYtes-*) . Aofenottledged C(5U to be the ISe-dlxig yoEHELP. and .most DUcoesaful * give 0 «$! D AGEI) MEN; “omarkablo ro ip*Ha lbJ.-od buvo fot- o J ar treat- Y LARS,o£,varied Mary the use ol eura- fe**s*i. (jvo nJPp?' DMthods that . aA we own W and 55atfol for MEN, all disyfdera Jtfeo have ot m wea?;g5 ubdDval- nr ■Us £rbm ▼Aith tittfitH, ?ttYering 5 errors bd Who of excess JfTis cr who' are nerv- and IMfO- VENT, tfc*: scorn oompftnio&. of tbf-ir feHoivs and the GuAra'S- contempt frieaas *aa iea<jp *3 to WEAKNESS wo.nictfx voxi ctired at that withtuif. can use at home frBf wonderful treat- men t has cure<r ethers; sotyeu? Try it. catahkh, anacuca^sof woo* skin diseases of m k(ada «?ired where 382^5^2^5" if. - «»"*?» * ““ ^ metUealinstittikis. ^p ^rkSie'mber, CC iaiist«. pbvsicia'Mand that ft* YOU. there is hope CowraU Sbfs^rh>\-^tment once* V *^' ABLB bkVabk ei 'ftw«w« at give tho best and most soientiSc tre»jmoiit '5t»o<Ser. and cffice Q f aisgStlH: tim ttorouA A e.xafcu Atm fend careful ^ ho^5 trtgimep. 5 «n ercnc-eCS-ifi'f Scad' loc for ei-pago H?f- Zgjg*^&S±»lgg!l women. Aheonef^ohd- g&SSt ^ on . r . e fcrtobankssnawfiessmen. Addrcs* or tail ec ! ; ro ***** “ F-^u. '* ' ~ . , ___^-- forty * Barrels a iGy, ’’ __ 'F? ... t _ 7 . . . One' of'YlYett^pfinciral S 'sld up with Illie'tfrfiatism L*gV?diiR until to l Ke Daiimnonds Rtreely. "ork.artd After taking two bodVs iHakfn- 0 ha- s-dw l»eei fo ;-n *in4'0(». Viil 4S-50 seifd Mriide full i I/a«c. paitivulars... New York, aud * you gamble sufferers. sent ___ "mam -• ifort^e note, and otfeU pM. -tows Hr sale at T„ E Xvw 3 For _ bonds for title, warranty deeds, criminal warrants, J. P. executions, call at Thp Nbws office.* j ‘ ORuixANC'fe.-Ektendin* Fir* LiWitk Q v : .. C . ’■} , L 1 ' 11 • or( , l» . ed , by the Mayor ; - 'rT m aim JiiXS , U }A’. a “r^ 1S !lt ' reb y» r c and M read 30, so that said section as amended s»Ml\ as follow*: No wooden building. iVousv. shops store- house or framewdVk lhiilt of wood shall be elected'vitlnii the tnnitGjf the town of Toe coat ity herein de3cni.«i, to Wit.; Iteginnlnv at the cornier of Alexander and North Rail. r ad streets, theivae along Said Nor li Railr.iai\ Ilf ^ '^ s:.,r(t ,sj\ , ge xPeotyo the S 5 soi h sidepf Dovie k Vasi, ^etto '* ^.th Railroad to}”™** Street tl.o J SS^ od » to ! '“ ordo1 ’ ^ fent^Wny... WJror froT«U. - Arc you insured? If hot hcW; is tlie time to provide yourstlf and family with a bottle of Chamberlain’s Cliolio, Cholera and l)iur- rif-' a Remedy as an insurance against any serious dtirillg remits from an attitek of bowel c-nii plaiht tlie summer month?. It is almost certa’n to be ;j.eevle l and sliould be pi’ ieured at om-e. fry other remedy can take its place or do its work. 25 and 50 edit bottles for sale by \V. II. & J. Davis, d' llg- gists. - —i • -- — GUARANTEED Cl RE, We authorize our advertised druggist to c etl Dr. King’s New Discovery for CopsuinptfUui boughs afflicted and coldr, w.itii b upon Uollgli. this condition. If Liihc yoq are Throat Coh.1 or vfsethisrem- ahy edv dit-k. ofc yhest ted; trop.b'e. givilig it a’id A (jfir Will tyial. et* and not make lliis oiler (1 .d tvd not kno. tlmt Dr', King’s wdisapiwiutis, Netr Discovery could bodies here jcil f ix. ivJI It A nev ’! Davis’s Driig Store: ,,'Trial Large size free 50c a} and Si: Dr. VI. J. Davis is a promineid pliysiclin bf Lewis, Cass tiounty, Ioiva, aiid has beeli aeliVely engaged in the practice of medicine et that pace fir the pdst thirty-five years. On the 20th.t'f May; while Hi lies Moines en ro'Hte o cilioago, diarriiira. lit? wa5 suddiiienly ken with an attack of Having sold Cham¬ berlain’s diBiic, Cholera and Dlarihcea . RtiiiedyfB - tlie past seventeeii yen Is, iUid knowing its Eel lability, he procured a 25 cent lured b-t ie, two doses of v. li’eh completely hiiii:, Tiie excitement and change of Voittir and diet iitdideut to traveling oftrti produce a diarrhiiia. Every one should pro-- cure a b tile of this Remedy before home. Fof sale by W. II. JSz J-Davis, drug- g’sts' The i*«isihous Aeitfs.' felRoved Ih the, idtotl should d»e iaken up a ful hifansjit*t !'y put Hit* of Liver b'rder—fail and Kidneys do llio but wofk, tln sk i? to and the result tlieitfilatlsiu : There art; d piuusind blit there rvmedi.-s is Only for the .citrb Livef fdi «lid rheumatism; Kidt evs; one and that is lir. Dfiiiiiiiiouds Liylitni ig Remedy. A large buttle ftheipt trill be sent by expre.-s to any addfe<B ?>fi of j rii-e, bf may he ordered groiii tlie dnt^fii t;., A,hv. one Rlieu who iialisnt is having will ltel an fully ttfginuetil fi:’t>;dtU»f .ijiUiil.F the ft:at hose Drummond Medieiflu , 48-50 Sufferers. Maiden Lane New Tbrk. Sftin'ple Sen} Fifty cerAs is a smbll doetSr bill, hut that is all It wi.l cost you tb cif.; any ordinary case f rhedmatis'.n if you use uflambAlain’s Paid Balm- T/y -t and you will be ihiprbed ;lt the prompt relief it affords. The first aj>- Fieatiou will quiet the pain. 50 cent bottles lor sale by W. II. & J. DHvls, tlfllggists, A MILLION FRIENDS'. A friolid iu need is a fficnd, liidecc] aiid no' t -Ss tlibi) .oi'i'e mil ion peop e have i'oiiud ju.-t amVi a fflend in Dr. Kidg’s Nclt Discovery for Consumption, coughs and colds—If you have never bottl this Graa;(’oigh Modi cine, one trial will convince you ' hui it lias wonde: - fti! curative po\*cts in all ffisoas *S Gf Thtoat yhest do all and tl'Olt Lungs is Jauned Ebhh lodle is v.i j^ijtfanffeecl to Trial c or money l he re¬ funded. bptHCs tree at W 11 it J Davis's Drdgstort. LaVge hot ties 50c and*?. -- riiamberlain’s Cough itertuHlj 1 Is famous as a Preventive of pneumoifia. Famou?asa Preventive and cure for croup. Famous for the relief i* affords in }asc of Whooping cough. Famous as a safe and pleasant Medicine for children. Try it. 50 c*nt boftles for sate by W. if.' $ J. Davis, druggib s aa» 5DG5 t tiiMfic liriie Icibte Ao 1& fakiiVg effect MSy 7, Di.ily, except Sunday. m X. M Lv. At. 4 45 0 TaliulU) Falls 2 20 5 20 5 < Turin :’ril,!e 2 00 5 40 ! 5 15 A:tnanfTY!e 1 5 55 :5 50 C'larkesii'tte 1 25 0 10 5 45 l < hiorei-t M 0 0 30 0 00 Cornelia I*. Mb A. M Ar. I.v. Nfi. r. Sunday Only. v. M. > , Vi. i.v. Ar. -- IT'w 5 00 a 30 Tallulah Falls tv 515 Ji 45 Turner?' 116 5 30 OP Clarke Anandale 5 45 r-i 15 ville o oo -m -.r, Demore-t 6 15 7 *5 Cornelia P. M. A. M Ar. Lv. N’n. m W. V; LacraiXe, Receiver. . W. Lv DOUGLAS 9 89 SHOE GENTLEMEN FOR JCfi d other specialties for Gentlemen,. Ladies, Boys anr*’ Misses i/e the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise,' , 1 I njent which will appear la L ieia paper. ^ % fSfce no ffftWstftutc,' Ull but In si A on. joying XV. J,,’ DOl’GU's' name and price 6s ® bottom. Sold by W.' Ivl. KIDO©/ EDWARDS ^5 ,© DANCE are receiving ih? nicest stick of SHOES, HATS, DRY GOObS and Notion D eWfi brouohl fo uotcc<i> ii’ you Want a brand new SUIT ©F CliOTHEl CiFnidAF 9 COME AND SEE US, fcrfVui WEKEER, EVERYTKiHG^i ^g.) ' ’0 the Farmers i ri'e H'itt be pujjuicd to furiiuh you the hUhett grade SeiUtkeiA the: bake ojZ t: kE ALMIGHTY f DOLLAR m •^"""T.-ash I will down on tlie del entire iv« qr of goods; & *... sell hi f stock bf GOODS,!NOTIONS. 1 BOOTS, SHOES,- HATS ar.d tATZ Cheaper than they NY re ever sold at in Toccoa. Jhave also d broken lot of BSftfi v\r . . Va tIEiSS AND BO PS CLOTHING m iiV- lo close cul at WfZObkldSkL COSfi iA'OW ts the lline lb pci four OVERSfllRTS, UNDER SHIRTS. DRESS a fid; Mltl; in fact, tinjtbihc/ in the Dry Goods Hitt the ape? than ever bifo/'Vi ijyoii have the JZajfle Dollar I ?vill //ire yoti so?ne of the closestp?'iccs on §p:ocbriSs HARD YftZLA Ti M vou have hea? d of in a loot/ lime: Cane and see ivhal I have a?id hear my pi feeo ivlleti yon leant lo bay, Goiuitry PrcJuce of all kinds taken the sacs as Cask; MACK PAYNE, TOCCOA, o A