The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, June 23, 1893, Image 3

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THE ToreoA news TOCCOA, GA Aridity, Juno 33, SHORT HEWS MOTES Ahotlt loccoa, Kspcciallv, and Ollier Topics. IKTFRJoTISG COiiUMH . *h M$0R . . -' A Tersely Treated, So As to i rgeiit and \void Taxing the Patience of <tur Headers, Centle or Otherwise. W~f‘ are still hoping to have a new school—some time. The brick work on the store of Math¬ eson, Mabry and Payne has been completed. A communication from Eastanolle * reached us too late for publication thi.- week. A small party of youn- people , fror,. , . “!rnU '".•....'ko.l at locroa falls •, «rta>. tVe are no flirt, yet vve long to break the heart of pnC sweet and the watermelon. All of Miss MeLaury s niusie requested to meet at her home after noon, at lour o eloek, sharp Inquiries as to board kceji H. I Cs a pity that our town is not; better prepared to accommodate SUJU- 1 hoarders. The-e has been eilti*,' iv too much suit the farmers of this! ‘. '"ion. Glass is growing rapidly and 1 getting the upper hand in some ; Crops that have been properly are looking well. Much is said about tin* excellence ol Georgia watermelon, but if any of South Carolina friends should see to send us samples of melons promise to give the same our per¬ investigation and due praise. ‘V.vntkd—T en thousaViH t'ushels o\ Toccoa ( 'axni.vo ('<>. The Toccoa youths are practicing these hot days, to get in shape to match gHm’-s. They propose a game at Lavonia with the boys, Tuesday, and hope to out victorious. Our money—that expect to get—is on our boys. The little daughter of Mr. John Tawford, wlm li ves in Franklin county or eight miles froth Toeeoa. fell a wagon Wednesday afternoon ■ broke a bone of o?*e of her arms. was brought to Cm' il tjiaC night Dr JetF l'.nis set the broken About two hundred colored excur- and several of our white left here last 1 i iday forflreen- S. C., returning the next day. report a big tin'ic.aml no fusses* are glad that oitt colored cit izens themselves in so when a Way oil ail t ex white tie >ple—a gdod n'.any of s oil izens. ft b instance—don’t have so well at picnics, always. The News is linder obligations to W. It. Bruce for a waiter of fine The waiter, though a one, could hold only i\G) mam¬ beets aju three or fdurvery large the finest we have seem Such 'tables serve to show the fertility To va soil an 1 the result of proper iltivatioiv. The girdeiler of Mrs. is Walter Westfield, a colored who evidently kiidvvs lii ? thisi- Every day traiiis loaded Vitll water¬ ami peaches pa ss here going it dbtjS no good to east a eye toward the green-vitided protected from loving Jands hy bars, and flue’s mouth wait is in B it wiili a steadfast hope that will not always be thu^we impHtient- wait for that time to conib when meat of the nielon : n this section become crimson’ succulent- and harine and a niekle will buy one. that time soon tome amt we the niekle. Now is the tiiqe to and pay cash iii advatice. Oiling to Work. At a meeting of the directors of the t'oeeda Falls I and Go., a day or two it was decided to sell stock, make small fb'sesstn »nt itport tue same arid with the money realized I a lake at the falls Work orithel will probably begin in a week or and not many days will be required complete it. We suggest that the bitilci a large pavilihii at tlie this sum die r and nuike other that will render this more suitable for friends. jtore New Hens, - Despite the stringency llie of ttfc times j the dullness of season, improve- !. still continue in Toccoa The | residence of Mr. Miles Rollins is j finished; Mr. II. L. Goode is ] a neat four-room cottage near j canning factory; aud Mr. J. L. is building a good hyo-room j on the corner of Gurrahee Alexander streets. The two houses ! last w'tH be for rent. Toe-1 lacks a good deal of being a dead M ill (jo to M ot Point. In the recent examination at Games- stocJ first. George D. Jarr^tt j and J. U. B. Allen third. But was ineligible . for , appoint; > , j < being, above^t he proper age and a* Lhp, .resident of this district. bWq The j l jc*r-eft; therefore, has awarded -i ’ • a kit kt who lives in liabersham dix miles from Toe- c . Mr. MrTif ( 1-1 .a fine specimen of physical' nVa’niiqod and is intelligent popuriu-' .Ifir/ friends are glad to ! that he has obtained the cadet- i Which’ is ih Jeed an honor. OIT. CAVNINO F ACTOEI CAN To. 3ft tV M in ilfset erv r. Nc i' s m iua Do you know bow a canning factory If you cannot answe this -i-i the affirmative, goto the Toe a Canning company’s piant and S,M ' llow tK work is done. It is very simple- ihd ?n . l!i< l stood. : Hearing the stekm Vftist'e Of tht factory blowing lun’r and vociferously last Tuesday af- e-r* oon We decided to 'To (A * r and look around some 3 he work I f s going on, and rite scene was a busy on**. Blacliber- ries we He being canned, and S his is the way it is dorcv ; The berries ar piled on a table. n,af h* so as to hold several bushel -S. Around this stand boys who put the bet Tic ' into empty crus which art* nearly filled. I’hw cans are then carried toanoth- er place to have &yrup poured on the ,„. rri e 8 . This syrup ismatle hy plu.-iuy, in ‘ t„i truin-'hp.m sugar a „•! t it. through a pipe, hot water After the j has been put in the cans are full, J Then the tops are put on and srnear- vvitfi muriatic acid by flop of ; a a ump. This is done to aid 'He soldering a »nl a little pieee of solder is p'aeed l on each ear. The cans then go to th'-‘ “capper." With a sol diet on g iron made just the right Sti;e to lit iiito ? be indented r ing the aio fastened on. A iron bask; 1 is t hen filled with < ■a ns. basket is attached by a chain .to a beam, which is joined at right angle ^ a horizontal post. By the use of a the iron basket is made to swing uiitjjl i‘ comes over a targe zinc of b,oiling water. The cans arei then let ubwn into the hot water and to remain th-re a very short | ■ j j. The basket, wiD* .ts WmCents, , f= then ] up and swung aVobud to. \\s , rigVt in tbositiofl: Theii the little hole j the center o J the tops of the j is stopped up v ith zinc- This is | The can 0 arl , then put into boiling again and allowed to remain] twentv minutes. The canning is flow ('oiflplete. All that is needed to prepare rhe berries shipping !s to paste the labels on theeMis Hnd them. a uu.v pretentious * but \ e be.ieve it vi.l be a^good i [ tiling lot cm town and its viemity. j It w ill gi - e employment^ to about Ivtitv j.ei Mins, t lie id oet o! v- bom will I { be le’.ialo and bojs. It creat *s a toi li ii!t> and vegetables an i l 'Rs J into circulation money at the Very tin" 1 of the year when eiVsli is seat ee. 1 Il .0 >ks insigiiiu**a»d t) some peop'e : to t, ispo.-e cl a pc. » o' peaches 01 a ■ j or t \\ o <;•■{ Vlht!,berries, brj inapy ] child and obler person, too, \\iil be j to make a few cents this way. Success to the Toeeoa Canning com¬ OUr I'«>V;S H e copy the follow.-ingextracts from j Milledgeviile Cfifo'diele, . 1 refer- 1 1 to the reeeilt ( : bntpienccment of the Girls’ Normal and Industrial college at that place.. The per.sdc.s lUehtioiied are tile editor’s brol her aiid sister. Mr. Henry Howell, of Atlanta, G eor- ipiisieal wit ii genius, dejigiue;! line the pce some very nyusic at the close oft lie exercises on Monday night •. and if this bad Vieen the only . feature . of Monday night’s the large assemblage of men and women would have been amply repaid for their presence t o t lie occasion. 1 Tt U a matter of common occurrence I for .t he “sweet girl graduates,’ who delight hei’ore Georgia amipence-, to ; theifl hedrers learned! elaborate essays that the most school girl could not have t 1 lie Normal and Industrial wisely discountenances graduating such : and reqii.ifcs »ho 1 to be prepaieu b.\ the graduates themselyes. AH the essays were beautiful 111 aud diction and honored the ; liieli young graduates. But the essays i especially charmed us i:i its j of conception and eha-Uo • of expression was “Isabella-1 a Dream,” by 4tiss ITowelh ot i bee tie count V; Tugalo. The weather is warm and still con- | to grow warmer. Mr. Asa Dooley was around last Sun- shaking haiKis with his old j Bailiff Janes and several of his crew d raid in Habersham county a few days ago. lfe went to arrest a little man by the name of Press Duvall, of his own county, and calls up for Jim Scott, Henry ( amp and several other noted deputies, Henry J arret t, (col.) lost one of his nmles last week. This is the sixth he. has lost in six year, seems that the hand of fate has turned against him. One of Freeman Westmoreland’s tittle children has been very sick for t he pa<t few days, but is improving hat. Wheat and .oat crops ironed out splendidly. There wiil be more bis¬ cuit in the neighborhood than corn crops next wee k. I laki„ *- u. : W htr*.needing anything m . the . way of, legal blanks c^H .at The News office. If we haven t in stock what you want we will print them. We have just received a big line of clothing.’ L ail and see ns. Edw ards & Dance. Come and see cur stock of men’s and boys' clothingbeforebuying cisew here: we will save you money. Bi^owK 4 iTiTcnn t v ?! m/r HI ftvpwiil lyy^iflu ; J J. Deaton Sliools T. T. Johnson FaYilly. « THE BASK f? TSOI* Em l^ie Pads in tjir Ca^ie 4» Developed at the ^ 1’eiimWHri Trial, W hicli Ilesulted in ih'aton’s Having to 'lake Bend. I/v-t Saturday afternoon Mr. L. B. Deaton, who lives seven or eight miles from Toeeoa. oil Tugalo river, came to town 1 iiere was nothing about his appearance to Vi- note that anything unusual had happened, and no one suspected that he v- as one of the prin¬ , cipal actors in a, Tearfc.l * ragedy enacted a few hours before. After consulting Col. Louis Davis, Deation began sen ref ing for Deputy Sheriff K dlar. In answer to questions he said that he had gotten into a fuss with a man by. the name of Johnson, who was farm hand of his (Deaton’s( place, and in self-defense he had Johnson with a shotgun, at short Immediately afterwards I ; left and came to Toeeoa, and did know hov. badly Johnson Was hurt. wished to surrender to ad officer of he law. The man seemed so calm as he made statement that people dorbted aintlHi g serious had happened; ; Saturday night his story was sub- i by men wlm came here to 1 burial clothes for Johnydn. 1 Mr. Kellar took charge of Deaton ; his preliminary trial, which; on Monday afternoon before - ! E. I . Cdode, J. P., on Hie charge tile J trial was hugely attended and until after nightfall. A good witnesses testified, but no one them had seen the whole occurrence. ,, fauts . a3 nearlv as can be 3 scer-, . . about, thus: are Jobl ' son was employed by Deaton a farm haild . 0 n Saturday Deaton £ n ' t ar , 0 ^ tht , rivor [1 . in . yino . shotgIJI1 . Sometime afterwards John- beffan nii st rcat i-v t hr Dot ja, ] plowing, Mrs. Deaton came to | field <’0*1 expostulated with him, Johnson paid no attention to her. then attempted to unhitch the but Johnson struck her with the and pushed her aside. About time Mrs. Deaton saw her hu.- across the river and called to to come over, lie did so,and she 0 j ( j j,j m of Johnson’s flonduet. Deaton pis gufl to liis wiFe and went up Johnson and attempted to unhitch b e horse. Johnson objected, and tlfl* j wo inen began quarreling. Deaton 1 5 , 11 s that he retreated, Johnson upon Dim. That lie went until lie reached his wife, and j 00 R his gun. He then warned John- to come no further, but the lat ter to advance and reaching band behind as if to draw a pistol had shot Johnson The muzzle of the gun was not more ten or twelve feet from Johnson, the load, consisting of squirrel and buckshot, penetrated liis some of them coming out at liis He was carried across the river the home of the Lit her of L. B. Dea- but died about the time he arrived twenty or thirty niiiiuib after had been shot. I As tlie shooting was done in Geor- | and Johnson died in Sofith Carolina, i inquestAVas held; | Three or four witnesses W tlo were on !ie Soul li Carolina side of the river that they heard Deaton and having a “mens,” and soon saw them go down the river, in front aiid Johnson a few r behind Suddenly Da lton Wheel- ‘ * ’ ound , anU . h,lot , . j0l,llhO11 , <u r ' Other witnesses testified that it impossible to see distinctly across lie river, that Johnshii i?ds considered ro ,K n- n, ,i tuat nMl n. , bad hail lb,-o-u tt.uat- carried tb kiU . Deaton and that he usu- j - a pistol. gun* A year or two I ! Johnson took a away * from | .iiio Knot ktu , U, him down , ri ii it. . Hon. Louis Davis represented I>ea- and made a clear, strong- speech 1 i u U , 1w , , f - 1 .: I , be ait decided to hind i I < 1 eaton for the offense of voluntary man¬ and fixed the bond '$500. This was made without diffi- L. B. Deaton is a brother of W, J. of our town, and is regarded a peaceable riian; | -...,...1 u 10 ; ”” ’ Died, June 1st . the infant daughter ! Mrs. Duke. Slie has our earnest in her sad bereavement. Robert Westmoreland has been very i is improving. Itf; B. A. Burns, the depot agent at .d olsoir. , has . gone , to Athens . .. to T tak- , of the water ta"k at that Mrs. Judsori Mi Co p riel 1 of A! f. Airv. ’ visaing thel&mly , . ., of Mr. McConnell r r,1 ” alb Marshal Gribble. of Toccoa, visited little town recently, L Miss Lillian Turnbull has returned e from school at Gave Springs ■ There veil 1 be a picnib at Brick Creek ; h on July 8th. The people aro mied VU-stt,. Thcie ^ ill be v. preaching at Whiten school house oil the 2d Sunday in y , by Rev Mr Smith of West min- Ister, S. t Charlie Higlismith and lieorgfl Bow- are ;*'i smiles when they return visiting certain places. They of singing “Nobody's darling mine' TIV. A i.o ft 1STf tF. We have just received our spring they are the prettiest in town. Ldwaeds a iuyc£ 3 4 SSOl'T P?OPIF We. Fa,. ti ami Out of Toeeoa ano Other "• the lte^ions Hound About. Mss Dollie Knox, of I,re o*'ia, is iting at '»r. D. W. Edwards. Pi f Cohh. of Lavonia, wtb? one Foecoa’s vVitw-s this Week , Miss Annie ftnd Ella Matheson j gOllO to, visit friends in Hartwell. Miss I Illic Doyle, of Seucca, S. C.. is the guest of Miss Maggie Q iUtles. Miss Mabel Brumby,of Athens, is guest of her friend, Miss Marie Bruce. Miss Sallie Sherard, of S. <is visiting the family of Mr. \V C. Simpson Ml¬ 'S. Sloan, of Anderson, S. Ch. is a guest at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Simpson Mrs. Dr. West, of Clarkesville, spent a day or two in town this week with her son, I>r. ,T. A'. West. Miss Ida Wright, of Anderson. S. C. lias been a guest of the family of Dr. J. MeJunkin for several days. Mrs. Tom Payne who has been visi- ting relatives near Carnesville for leveral weeks, has returned home, H‘. E. Hopkins has moved f' is stock of merchandise jo a .store-house just opposite the loccoa Hotel. Our blo ; k misses him. Mrs. T. C. Vickery, who has Wen in Rome several mouths for medical treat- intuit, has retOrged home much improved in health. Mr. Walter Moore, of Paint Rock, X. C., arrived Tuesday to spend a few! weeks visiting his sister, Mrs. W. M. Kilgo, and friends here. Rev. J. F. Edens, of Atlanta, was in town this week looking after the infer¬ e st of the Ciinstian Index. Mr. Edens ls an art;lb i e gentleman and a good ., re . l( .i ler D ^ ; J - J^ Ju h k .n r C r ,H. Da W e. and . T D. iV r . Edwa’ats \ l or Met day for Chll . i l»ey ‘ a o°- intend spending about or ten days in viewing the won- ders of the World’s fair. We wish for theni :l P leasant tri P* Mr. Frank, of near Lavonia, was in town Tuesday and made Thk News a pleasant call. He had started t° Athens, to be present at the com¬ mencement exercises of the State b diversify, but not being able to, make connections decided to return home at once. In the election of Rev. A. E. Keese the presidency of John Gibson Ii.- the natrons and friends of that are to be congiatulated. If are not very much mistaken he will prove to be the right man in the right place. As pastor of the Baptist at Hartwell and Toccoa he is known and appreciated not only as a preacher of ability, but as a. gentleman of education and great personal mag- netism, to wliiqh are allied eiiergy and enterprise.—iTarlovell Sun. * A. Atuslcal Treat. Thetal given by Tdiss Marjorie MeLaury’s music class on Tuesday veiling last was a real* treat to the levers of nielody as.evolved from ivory- keys by skillfully trained fingers? The recital was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A.Ma } heson, and the handsome parlors were Well idled with tie* punils, their relliMves. and a few other guests, The selections were all of a high order of muAic, and every number of program was well rendered. The little ones whose feet could not reach 1 ^' e pedals, played n i'h an ease and accuracy that showed eareiul lflstrne- tion and faithful practice, and the older on«s executed finer selections tastefully. The rendition of several very difficult numbers woiild have been creditable to the pupils of any music class in the state, I he viol in music .- of ..... Miss , T Ida , Matlie- , r .. s on, w lio Ins letmned lecently Irom Agnes Scott institiife, Decatur, was a pleasing f«’hDire of the evening, 1*» .-ho.t, ., , the reeit.,1 .... was . emoyed . , h> . a ^ P 1 esent, w lio t» isli that such musi- caltreats occurred more frequently. Miss MeLaury is a most excellent t-eac-her, a? is clearly shown by the progi ess and prolicieiiej of liei pupils, The program was as follows: Part 1 . Here cl’ Ariel—Piano Duct Prudent Misses Annie Matheson, Jessie Mu. tin Anthem—Wake, Vo. the Simg ...... ...Clio’r Value, Op. .Mis^ in, Bird j. ............. Jems. • Chop 11 . e Mae Melody, arr. bv, ............ E. Wm. Mason . Mi-rS M. Sdiaefer, RondoCupriecjqso, Mis# Op. 14 ...Mendelssohn. Pifcs’cati, fr Bullet Annie Mutlieson. 'Silv a”—Duet—Delibes. Misses B rdie M.te Jones, Gel-tie Keese. Mazurxa Caprice.............. Bende 1 itecolletlions Miss Jessie Martin. of theO.vra—arr. by Melndfte. Misses A. Matbes »n, B»Joiie>. Part 2. Violin and Piano Duet. •i;i S - f- Ida an l Annie Matlieson. La Papblo.i...... .....lloffman M Ge re Keese. Marched! Eraviira-Tno.....Wo’leuhaupt Misses i>. Joins, US, A. Matheson, J. Mai tin. Y’a s.- &oi.t.mei U1 (iade Grande Miss Ella Mathcsbi Polka deConcert....... .....Bartlett Mi-s Birdie Mae Jones Ts v dentine! Am I—barytone Sole—Watson * Mr.s*. A. .VV-Alhster. rievoPs Him;; irande Fa utasitL... Bartlett . Miss Annie Matheson. ft Trava'ou', Potinnirri—Duet .......Vcrffi Mi s s A . Matheson, B. Jones. If in need of pure Gofn Whiskey, made especially for medical purposes. get my prices and save money. s. S.' Weir. Kings Mountain; N. C." Call and examine our line of dress ebal- Iitte henriettas. Brown* y Mitchell. Dr. J a?. N. West sells the best Paints, Oil Turpentine, White Lead, etc., in Toccoa. Nothing but strictly pure goods carried in clock We are better prepared than ever before to execute good job work Bring your Joh woik to The New s S\re. . Be-t $2 ano ladies shoe in the city. Every pair .guaranteed. Eriwiidv & Dance. W. li. WARF, Vice-Fretr. W. C‘ it W.'Hi S, S( 11. A. T; ? T. T- or - < 3 21 : i j -wr;* a <K \ V p fl 9 ,H 9 tj” YkrfT I y- , .. - 1 . - i \ / - y 4 •ssv r i \ ;•> s i fp^'iS S , _ Z. ; r?Tf SEeBwJi/'.' V.*t -r>\ eft i l j-Kr; % r^3 JV- - v* I£ it;.; i r-: ‘VV.-aW- —c; Ip' V : - } pi EL If; i k i* I JfSii I iH _,v . Mo, M "■— V ^ - ?: 'r / N \X- TOCCOA FURNITURE AMD LUMBER CO.! —MAN U FACTE IIE RS 0 F— 6 B& PE fubmitose 7 ~ ill* - ALSO DEAL LARGELY IN— DRESSED LUMBER, FLOORING- CEILING (WEAtrffei! BOARDING. MOULDiNC. BRACKETS. 1 V 3 ANTELS, Steam Dry Diln capacity f 2 > 000 feet per day ; Oi 'do's p? • XjJL'V is, Fra.ct,icln.g: IPlcysician. • WOOD'8 PIIOSPlIODINEi; The Great Enslish IReaieJy. MgSggi $x Tromptty and parmaefint- ! 3M *C7 years In n thousands thousands cf of eases; cases; nl tr Reliable a /id Hon • More Gitdylper, \Yorthless worthless medicine xaealelne in inplaco placo this, leave will his dishonest send store, mai!._ inclose I. Price, Price, price ia and we by return ono one SI; six, ?'5. One Will vlctise, s six ix mill cure. amphlotin in plain plai sealed envelope, 2 stamps. Address TUG WOOD OHiMUlCAG CO., 101 Woodward avenue, Detroit. Kick. & J . DAVIS, and all COURSE BY MAIL WITH THE T.E A VENWORTII BUSINESS COLLEGE: TO ADVERTISE OCTYL COLLEGE We will give ; a thorohgh, course of instruction in double and single entry Book-keeping and Ckrniffiebeial Arith¬ metic by mail Ffifl-E op Charge to a limited number of persons. This course will be completed in forty lessons. Nb charge for Diplomas. Address: Frof, F. 1 Y A N r EBBETtG; PIJF3:. 302, 30i and 306 lislaware £t. f Leavenworth, Kan. SUCCESSFUL FRUIT CULTURE Sot Possible witSi Giieap Trees. None but first-class Southern grown trees ho planted. Procure them from a nurserv that burns all poor stpek and genets nothing bet good trees carefully rocked in damp moss so. that they will reach you in perfect condition. It our agent lias not cKlled op,you wtite (or before you buy elsewhere. .Puting the fmiiu'g sea-on samples of fruit will lie free to any addie-s on receipt often to p iy postage, \gents wanted every- where - c.italogue free. Address CHEROKEE NUUSpRY CO., W/.V CROSS GA. AHD OPIUM habits cured YTOUJIY HOME, W f TS0Ur ?LIT 6$ CCr+I?T£li*!TT. iV|iienE 1 Contitiqe Wlusky bnFinctu and while under all other drug* fo imiuediy'ely need them. on beginning trejitnleiU not No treatment.\et d't; to eonqure wi ll it,. Have given #p cgil study and practice to these di * use* . for the pa-t twenty years, with continued successful increase in practice. WRITE FOR KY BOOK 07 CURES, FREE. B. l.t. VTCOTXEY, JJt. Hi, ATLAIITA, Cr-a.. Offi ee. 1C41W l'.e :;P. Street. S<!bbLciv.!le TTa.rt.well 'IT. H. No 1. Lea-e, BowcisviPe •Bart Well 7 ~~ a m Arrive 845 ij'-jire B- vt-rvi i'le 0^0 a m Arrive Jlartveil 9 45 . No. 3. Arrive Leave I Ifarlwxl! t — ®’V' o m Dowers ?i* le --o r 1,1 . . : No. 4 L'aye Arr 3 Hartwell o.v« rsiilrii 2,49 f fa ‘ e All trains daily except Sunday. , . f. FKED WIEBEN8, Hu. criatcr.dent. B. B 8 N 80 N, ---GC TO-- B 1 DWM a MlWMteHjICj -----FOR BARGAINS IX---- GOODS, CLOTH* INH . HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, •: ?• , , IMPLEMENTS AND IIIGii GRADE FERTILIZERS. Shtates a Specialty, You will save money by trailing with in Money Shved i made. m ji It is an easy matter to keep Vuol in the hottest weather if you go to TCCCOA YALLS. But everyone can’t go there every day, because we have’n't yet liiiiit our DUMMY DINE. t Under the circumstances the next best way to i.J*V com¬ fortable is to come to our store and put yourself oii the oii side of bur COXvlD DRINKS, Huch as Soda Water, LeinpftHde, Cider, Bon lions, .and n‘m er- ous other refreshing and healthful beverages. And if a on need a brain stimulant, and you know you do, just try Coca-Cola. Ami although we have in town a net you can’t CANNiNGr Factory, T.°US buy there Corned Beef, Potjted Ham,, l otted ,,P * Oysters, etc., but the place to purclias * smdi goods and inaity-ojdiet; and aniity things that come in Cans is at our store. Our Fan *'"y x Groceries are continually fetil like aOirjCr SOMEWJiEHE, *T' } the,widow’s meal, the supply sfleitis to he undiminished. moisten tpe f are parched very aecinhinodating and will feed. Ibe,hunfry, T>nd' fix Watch boo!. tongue, and cool the perspiring f'ov. your to Gome to see YICKLRY BRG TLIKFL3, Toccoa, Georgia. f-* *<REflD THIS; IT'S SOIL’ You may not have seen it in the New York Sun: but !‘it A bo’* that wo liavo bought the stock of merchan¬ dise of T. C: WRIGHT; .- It is. Fo, also, or also so, t]*at ^ wi .Lave got to b <*!1 a good many of these goods to make a living, and wo an* not anxious to kick the bucket *001! Moreover, hand likewise and also it is so that w<* .have on ceries. a pretty good line of Fancy and Family < * ro- Hardware, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hat- Xoti- His, and so.forth and so on, that w, want you to have, because you need m vT rse than we do. If you Now want if anything weVe got come and get it—clu ap you believe what wo say is so,* amt so it is, * you are needing anything in our lino call 0:1 BRIGHT. .It r.C._ \J-Bishf» McJUKKiH & CO/ r: b;.—It’ Old don’t .Stead.. believe what . TOCCOA, oT. you wo say conic any¬ how. Seeing is believing. Ain’t that so? W. M. KILGO; - HEADQUARTERS FOR— Gocfls, Notions, Shoos, Hats and Groceries/ '-© ** «'*' A * V S * 9 P »I IlAk i; SET MY STAKES .Z I moan to do the lm’k of the shoe business in Toccoa. I have the stock to iir 1 \Y:- t rad< I the large-t and t» st selec ed i of shoes <-o - carry ie ever oi*enM in "lo 0 , 4 I ban- ;; n-.dote stock of M sses Fine Himes. #»m< thing-r-,.re for a town like lWc.« Beil . ami SJ tK»_ Ladic.s’ Shoe-in the city—fon nine Fmh; h Kid JIand tjewrf' Hht-cs c-i<le by the \V. L. DotigTH Hfloe e-bri-p-tni. every pair warranted tag:re sitisCw tioir or m , o;icy ■'-• riur led. W." lot of Ladic ’ Oxford 'Pies, I -keej > the finest lihe of Gem’s Sli ces tb.ii <-;in be b>u;lit--Finj HAND MADE DOUGLAS SiiOK*, . you will be pleased in Kangarco, Ccr<fnan and Calf . Try a j»air and ’ In Dxy (moils I can show tfieb st st.-ek-Jn the :<?*}- Bcjufifvd fine of tine Satins. -MdlK-ffiiv Dotted Swiss, Dotted Mill. Crepons, Wiiite Goods, China silks. Laces grid Embroidery. , y.'iitn vo want Fine C ng <i:u t /ail-to see my st.»k before you Jw:r Can have suits nj ide lo order on short im!n •. I carry no'hing l:utg<>«l -tu<T ih sfn k J .1 k'-c 'p the Ih!U st; :k ofGr.M-eue* in l’occ >a, 8 leas;*’ Fancy. *VVhcn it comes to tine Flour 1 can H1I f l’ Ol i’all my cotii petit->r?-wi 111 1 P. H. 1D--TELL. ,,ELFXiAN t.” tlie I e.-t Flour <-n earih Fry ->oaiiU>i(‘ sack aud you will i!»‘ no other. , . I wiil unders) ■F ofly fur the ~}i >t sli. 1 have a lave .tS ck ii:sxt n.u^t fa ty Seplember 1st t. make t o f->r fall moves »i ID gnake vLtflu-stcuarkct-fi it i;.terr.-t r v l’rodare- Come rrj <_:n Trie I CV to your t *-J Ua*?