The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, September 08, 1893, Image 1

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VOLUME XXL COUNTY directory. Ordinary—W. D. HILL. Sheriff—M. FULLER. Clerk—J. H. ADDISON. Treasurer—L. WILBANKS. Coroner— ALLEN I) 1XON. Surveyor—BURGESS SMITH. County School Commissioner—J. A. BLAIR. COURT. Ordi.wry’s Court —Meets first Monday in each Month. Superior Court— Meets first Mondays in March and September. CITY DIRECTORY. M ay or—W. J. HAY B S. Recorder—G. T. GOODE, Justice of Peace—L. P. COOK. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Meiiodi.vt Episcopal Church^ South — Rev. B. P. Allen, pastor. — Preaching 11 a. ua. and 7:30 p. m. every Sunday. Sunday-school 10 a. m. every Sunday; J. B. Simmons, superintendent. Prayer service ev¬ ery Wednesday evening. Pkksuytkiua.v Ciiuech —Rev, L. A. Simpson, pastor.—Preaching at 11:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. on 2d and 4th Sabbaths in each month Sunday school at 10 a. m. every Sabbath. J. E, Greene, superintend¬ ent. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. every Wednesday. Baptist Church— Rev. A. E. Keese, pastor.—Preaching at 11:30 a. in.ami 8 p. m. on 8d and 4th Sun¬ days. Sunday-school at 10 a. m. every Sunday ; \V. J. Ilayes, super¬ intendent. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. eveiy LODGES. Masoxic — Meets Friday nitrht before the tliird Sunday. Knights of Honor-*—M eets first and third Monday nights. Royal Arcanum — Meets second and fourth Monday niahts. 1— FROFLSSIOHAL CARDS. Dr. JOHW McJUNKIN. Office in 1 truer Store of W. H. & J. / Pavurf Dr. JEFF DAYIS. Office in Drug Store of W. H. & J. Davis. 9WK Established39 years. Treatsmaloor tenia!*, married or 6lnglo, in cases of exposure, abuses, excesses or Improprieties. SKILL GUARANTEED. Board and apartments furnished when desired. Question Bla nk and Book free. Call or write. ptt-AfW NEW n ■LhWlib'-- SUTC r i-yC- d »«“>. I n \ r k THE OMLY PERFECT st vim MEGiAmsM fAMlbY USE. ^C^ncer Question asd MALIGNANT ths ornx* use cf Ttnift Blank aud Book free. Call or write OR. H. B. BUTTS, 622 Pino St. fit. Louis, Mo. Advertise! It Will PAY YOU. THE TOCCOA NEWS. : O0R LATEST DISPATCHES. mL 106 Happenings „ of _ Day Chronicled In a n Bnel • . ati „ , Craw „ . Paraaraplis _ * And Containing tie Gist of the IteWs *- AH I'arts „f ,he World. The Dumas Woolen, Warp and Bag- ging mill at Westbrook, Maine, was destroyed loss by fire Monday night. The is estimated at $100,000) insured, A New York special savs: The last trace of acute stringency in the money market disappeared Tuesday,there be- ing no premium on cash. The banks are now paying out cash freely. The Richmond, Ya., local optionists won in Tuesday’s election by 142 ma¬ jority, in a total vote of 3)509, there- by carrying the city against licensing ell Manufacturing company at Lowell, Mass., started up Tuesday. The cot- ton department of the Hamilton mill also started and the print works will start in a few pays. Advices of Tuesday from Moscow, Russia, say that thirty-five students eight professors and'five women of rank have been arrested there on sus- picion that they were implicated in a nihilist plot against the czar’s life. Five car loads of negroes passed through Kansas Memphis, Tuesday, on the ham City, Memphis and Birming¬ railroad, making 1,200 in all. I hey came from around Birmingham and were destined for the mines in Kansas. Monday the National Tube Works Company, at McKeesport, Pa., re¬ sumed operations in another puddling department, comprising twenty-two furnaces, and Tuesday morning the continuous rolls of the finishing de- partment resumed. ° Leidy & Co., retail hats, and one of the oldest firms in Memphis, Tenn., made an assignment Tuesday. Liabili- ties, $31,185; assets nominally, $12,- 000. W. Ij. Cooper is the assignee. The creditors are principally New York hat houses. ' Two .Memento were made i„ Nashville, Tenn., Tuesday. Cohen, Collier A Co., wholesale clothing and notion dealers, failed for $55,000; as- who sets nominally the same. S. Mason, is attorney also failed owing- $30,000; n assets $23,000. A boiler connected with A1 Brun- field’s grist mill, at Hart’s Creek, in Lincoln county, V... exploded T„<*- day morning. John H. Bovd was in- stantly killed and the wife of‘ Brunfield received injuries from which she died later. Six other people, whose names are not xT given ’ were badly hurt. r s ,fperin?ende 1 e n r t . ... his resignation to the state board of chaiitable institutions Tuesday to take effect at once. Dr. Hooker declines to h rrivo Vii« * 1 Ti. t was one oi # the +i best i conducted t asylums i m the whole country, and has a national reputa- tion. The American National bank , lt Nashville, Tenn., re-opened its doors Tuesday after being closed nearly four weeks. Only $7,0U0 was w ithdrawn, w hile the deposits amounted to $360 000. Tlie First National will also open on Monday and has promises of support. Both of these banks were absolutely sound, but closed because of a threatened run. The free bridge commissioners Tuesday rejected all bids received for the building of the free bridge across the Arkansas river at Little Rock, the bids being considered excessive. The lowest bid was $545,000. This prac¬ tically defeats the free bridge question in that city for some time to come. It lias been a bone of contention be¬ tween prominent rival factions for several years past. A Nashville special of Tuesday says: J. J. Pryor, assignee of the Mechanics’ bank, has brought suit to collect the life insurance ou three policies trans¬ ferred by the late defaulting cashier, John Seharat. The suits are against the Pennsylvania Mutual and Phila¬ delphia for $12,500; the United States of New York for $20,000 and the Mu¬ tual, of New York, for $30,000. Innumerable dispatches received at Washington indicate that a general re¬ sumption of business in the manufact¬ uring plants in the north and west has begun or is in preparation. This is particularly marked in the cotton fac¬ tory section of New England and iron working plants in Pennsylvania and Ohio, also in the miscellaneous indus¬ tries of Philadelphia and New York. State Comptroller James A. Harris . and Captain Keller Anderson met in consultation at Knoxville, Tenn.. Tuesday regarding the funds necessa¬ ry to remove the standing army from Coal Creek. Everything is now in readiness and it is understood that the move will be made in a few days. There seems to be no fear of further trouble, though no one can tell what a day may bring forth. A Houston, Tex., despatch of Tues¬ day says: A reduction in force has just pone into effect aloner the Southern Pacific from El Paso to N ew Orleans. The reason is that there is very little business being done and a smaller force is competent to handle it. The reduction effect a large number of men. however, and is applicable, for the most part, to telegraph operators and men doing clerical work in the general office. The republicans, who are prohibi- tionists, the most important political question before the people of Iowa, held a state convention at Des Moines, Tnesdav, and parted companv with the regular republican organization TOCCOA GEORGIA, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1893 . for the remainder of the o, ; „p»ign to fof gofrtno* and repudiating the liquor plank adopted at the August convention. Three delegates and 1,500 visitors were in attendance. A Norfolk, Ya., dispatch of Tuesday states that Amanda C. Kibble, an in- mat \°f the Richmond TTm alms house, Mrs. Riddle has been an inmate of tlie almshouse constantly since May 23 > 1891 - The suit was for the pos- session of real estate near Norfolk and had beeh ih the courts for several J - Tears ea * s - ( J ,^ *** r8 anc - ^. J* iddle as 5? is Ge about brother: sixty-fire he\- f ral of JU mster , 8 cblldl:en are also liv¬ in ^‘ The case will be appealed; SOUTHERN NEWS ITEMS, Tltf Drift Of Her PrOflTBSS „ M PM’ Perlty Briefly Note! Happenings of Interest Portrayed In Pithy Paragraphs. Charleston announces to the world 18 read , / for , . business . again, a11 t /. ac ® B ° th u * ^ reat storm bein « P ractlca11 Y cleared a ™7- & 1X skeletons have been found on President’s island, six miles from Memphis, Tenn., supposed to be those of the crew and passengers of the ill- fated steamer Gold Dust, which was butned a few years ago. Stuart W. Walker, of Martinsburg, W - ^' a -» law partner of Senator Faulkner, has announced that he will contest with W. L. Wilson, chairman of the ways and means committee, the democratic nomination to congress. The Panola cotton mills, located thirteen miles south of Atlanta, at the villa £? e o f Panola, have been destroy- by fire and over sixty people * hro ^ n out oi: empEyment The loss « H estimated at over &>0,000, partially COVered insurance - A Savannah, Ga., special of Satur¬ day says : it is now certain that the offic ial report of the loss of the steam- et City of Savannah will severely cen- s,,re .* he ca P‘““ of TT “ d a schooner sighted , at the time the ship lay aground off Hunting island. Dispatches , from 1 ort Royal state , . that no more dead bodies were found Saturday about Port Royal, Beaufort and the outlying islands; at least, none reported. .mi I he /am,- - which i_ - i began alhllg n J ght ’ continued , } “ ot brave enough to row r ° m ° ne lsland ■ to another - A V.eksburg, Miss, dispatch of Alonilay says. The cold nights ana dl T weather have been serious to cot- ton iivrnany localities. The crop in Uor ‘, h b°ew“f’ from the the bad bad weather wcathei, worms worms have have rle de- R ie pl ft ot on scores of planta- tlons. Wilmiurr+rm \>ilmington, N N. r C., dispatch JionuiAli says. eoro. rr ^- , be Al ' 1 i 18 b steamer, Erie, from Hamp- ■* ton roads, arrived at Southport Friday baik ;norning Linder, having supposed in tow to an be abamloncd Norwe- gian, picked up at sea. The bark is loaded with mahogany and is water- f l* e captain of the steamer reports having seen two more aban- doned vessels near the same place. Cohen, Collier A Co., of Nashville, Tenn., wholesale dealers in dry goods a,lt l notions, made a special assignment Monday afternoon for the benefit of their creditors. The liabilities are about fifty-five thousand dollars. The assets are not stated, but are large enough to pay all debts, unless a sher¬ iff’s sale is enforced. The largest amount is due H. B. Claflin & Co., New York, being $25,352 in notes and open accounts. A Jacksonville special says: There is no yellow fever in Florida. The state has a clean bill of health. A dis- patch received from State Health Offi¬ cer Porter at the state health office Sunday states that the sickness of Newmann, at Port Tampa, announced , on the 29th as yellow fever, is not yellow fever, as a subsequent diagnosis shows. He has since declared all re¬ strictions off and the people may go to Port Tampa and come as they please. A disiiatch from Rome, Ga., says: j Chester Scott, the noted train robbei and desperado aud convicted of mur¬ dering Sheriff McGinnis, of Gordon county, along with five other prison¬ ers in the Floyd eounty jail, escaped Saturday night shortly aftei^T o’clock. | The escape was most daring Jailer Copeland was knocked down, his wife . and mother were run over and with crowded streets within a few feet all ma t | e good their escape, Several deputy sheriffs of Birming¬ ham, Ala., with a number of blood¬ hounds, arrived in Clarke county Sat- urday night, where they went on a telegraphic call from the sheriff of that county. They say they have found the trail of the Meachain gang of outlaws. The sheriff of that coun¬ ty anticipates serious trouble in cap¬ turing them, and has called for depu¬ ties from a number of counties. It was given out a few days ago that the gang had made their escape and left the state, but the renort was untrue. QUIET AT COAL CREEK. Governor Turney to Remove the Garri- son of State Troops Stationed There. Governor Turney, of Tennessee, after an examination into the situation at Coal Creek, says he has decided to re- na<we within a week the garrison of state troops that has been for eighteen months stationed there. In their place will be stationed a civil guard of twenty men, and at Big Mountain half as many. He thinks there will net be any mpre trouble. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. , g U. p, W , HtlMekoper v, R Fo6te f. Receivers ■ Atlanta & Charlotte Air-Line Division. Condensed Schedule of Passenger Trains in Effect Aug. 13,1893. j ^ Lv Atlanta Chamblee (E.T.) lOOpmi 6 45piu 9 59 am .... . ............... 10 28 m Norcross....... ....... 7 ~ 3 pm 10 39 am Duluth........ ....... ........| 10 50 am Suwanee....... ..... 1 ........ 11 01 am Bufotd....... . ..:......,... 11 13 aiu Flowery Gainestille... Branch . ............. 11 26 a m 2 22 p 5 8 20 pm 11 46 am Lula ....;..... ....... 8 40 pm 12 12 pm Bel’ttin.. ....,■.......... 12 14 pm Cortielia...... . ..........12 89 pm Mt. Airy...... j. ....... 9 05pm i 1 02 nnt Toccoa......... ....... 9 27pnv 138 pin Westminster.. . ............... 2 21 pm Central........ Seneca........ .......j........) .......; i0 15 pm j 2 87 pm 3 03 pm Easleys. ....... .......jllOTpmi 3 32 pm Greentille. ... 5 23pm 11 2Ppm 4 05 pm Greers........ ....... .......!........ ........ 4 3l prti Wellford...... 4 47 pm Spartanburg... 0 12 pm 12 22 uni 5 06 pm Clifton........ 5 22 pm Gaffneys....... Cowpens....... 5 26 pm 12 59 am 5 50 pm Blacksburg ... 700 pm 113 am 6 07 pm Grover........ Sing's 6 18 pm Mo'rtt'n 6 35 pm Gastoiiia...... ....... 153 am 7 00 pm Lowell....... ............... 7 12 pm Bellemout.... ........... ... 7 22 pm Ar Charlotte 8 14 pm 2 30 am 7 45 pm SOUTHWARD. No. 37, No. II. No. 35. Daily. Daily. Daily. Lv. Charlotte.;.... 9 85 am 12 00n’n 11 25 pm Bellemont ........| 2 2? pm GaSonkt'' * *" * ! ii!!!! 12 50 pm 12 02 am King’s Mount’n ........ 1 19 pm Grover,................ 1 87 pm Gaffney............... Blacksburg .... 10 48 am 1 07 47 pm 12 .2 44 am 2 pm 59 am Cowpeus.............. Clifton................ 2 2 35 3-(pm pm Spartanburg ... 11 37 am 3 00 pm 1 35 am Wellford..............., 3 20 pm Greenville..,.., Greers,...,,..,........ 3 36 pm 12 28 pm 4 05 pm 2 28 am Easleys......... ....... 4 35 pm 2 48 am Central................ 5 40 pm Seneca................. 5 45pm 3 40 am Westminster........... 6 03 pm Toccoa................ 6 36 pm 4 26 am Mt. Airy........... 7 20pm Cornelia............... 7 25 pm Bellton................ 7 50 pm Lula................. 7 52 pm 5 13 am Gainesville..... 3 33 pm 8 20,pm 5 31 am Flowery Buford Branch........ 8 40 pm ............ .... 8 54 pm Suwanee............... 9 07 pm Duluth ........... 9 20 pm Norcross.............. 9 30 pm Chamblee.............. 9 4 2pm Ar. Atlanta (E. T.) 4 55 pm 10 15 pm 7 10 am Additional trains Nos. 17 and 18—Cornelia acc ., mm0 dation, daily except Sunday, leaves Atlanta •> 85 p m, arrives Cornelia 8 40 p m. Koturning leaves Cornelia 6 15 a in, arrives At- ianta 915 a m. Nos-15 and 16 leave.At)anta a 50 p m, Sun- days only; Cornelia arrive Cornelia 6 50 p in. Returning leave 8 00 a m, arrive Atlanta 10 50 a m. Between Lu...udA 1 h..„._Ko,tU n d 9 d»l,, leave Lula 8 50 p m and 1215 p m, arrive Atb- e “ 10 *>J> mand 2 °0 P “• Betnming leave , 15 'Tm MdlfssfS. Between Toccoa and Elberton—Nos. 63 and 9 daily, except Sunday, leave Toccoa 7 00 a m and 1 40p m, arrive Elberton 10 55 a in and a m, mood and Danville Fast M«il, Pullman Sleeper b . tweeu Atlanta aud New York. Nos. 37 and 38—Washington and Southwest- rrn Vestibuled Limited, between New York and NewOrleans Through Pullman Slerpers betwein New York and New Orleans, and between New York and Augusta, also between Washington and Memphis, via Atlanta and Birmingham, coveting with nla-pertor . ad from Column,,, jj„ 8 . n an( j j-j—P ullman Sleeping Car be- tweeu Richmond, D invillo and Greensboro and b® v.jen_G ee^boro and Portsmouth via Atlan p ot . f [ e al | e d information as to local and tin ough re's< time tables,rates and Pullman sleeping car dress rvations, oonfer with local agents or ad¬ \V. A. TURK, B. H. HARDWICK, Gen’l Pass. Ag’t. Ass’t. Genl. Pass. Ag’t. Washington, D. 0. Atlanta, Ga. J. W. A- H. DODSON, Superintendent. Atlanta, Ga. GREEN, SOL. HAAS, Geu’l Manager. Traffic Manager, Washington, D. C. Washington, D C. THQ OLD DOCTOR’S W LADIES’ FAVORITE. i"Y- e o^Pe C ;i?? S uft" vatemal1 pracUce ’‘° r38year ’’ e8 particular. repieser ’ ted - Send * c " niI Ofl. WARD INSTITUTE. 120N.9th St.. St. Louis. Mo. J. T. CARTER, BlAGKSMITHIHG, . REPAIRING, * ! ■ W AGON-IDYKING. Ail kinds i f l)l») kr tisi»It work ('ukac WLs^D!! FQ eurvfiinOTiePAna-xsstr.almect It I I LluO fyom°'businesi. 'Fitful” Ulcere’ etc., also cured. 30 year6’ ex. Question Blank and Book free. Call or write. DR. H. B. BUTTS, 822 Pine Street. St. Louis, Mo. M. J. Milliner and Dress Maker, Y/RIGHTS HALL. B edw»a is toss pound, per month. WINSHIP MACHINE CO., ATLANTA, G--£>-. Cotton Gins and Cotton Presses. Up-Packing, Down-Packing, Self-Packing. Steel Screws, 4 inches and 5 inches in diameter. , jt OUR COTTON BIN WITH NEW PATENT REVOLVING CARD, >jr Straightens the Fibre and Improves the Sample 4 that it commands the Highest Market Price. so ALL THE LATEST IMFE0VEMEHTS. GINS FURNISHED WITH REVOLVING JH HEADS, tGF WJUTK FOR CIRCULARS AKV PRICKS, TOCCOA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. vjtxz, n sco'jyr, Barbef* Shop over Drug Store. 25 Tears’ Experience lit treating all ' rari¬ ties of Rupture enables us Blank to guarantee and Book a positive cure. write. Question froe. Call or VULTA-MEDICO APPLIANCE CO., 32 a Pine Street, - - sx. Louis, MO. T. a DAVIS. SAW MILL, GRIST MILL SHINGLE MILL AND VARIETY WORKS. IUI1HCK JOINT STOCK COMPANY, JDultt Gooes, Ghocshi»®, FARM IMPLEMENTS. R. A. XAVES, Mania** m. TT. J-. W. HITT, MEAT MARKET. Rock House Near Depot. E. L. GOODE, (Successor W. J. Hayes.) GR0GERIES, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Cloth ; ng, Ehoes and Hats- De push’s Belts & Appliances An electrojaIvanic^battery em« Belts, Suspensories, Spi¬ nal Appliances, Abd om- Inal Supporters, Vests, Gaps, Drawers, Office Insoles, etc. Cures Rheumatism, Liver Errors and of Kidney Youth, Complaints, Dyspepsia, Sexual Weak¬ Lost Manhood, Nervousness, Male J'emale. ness, and all Troubles in or Question Blank and Book free. Call oc write. Appliance Volta-Medica Co. r 823 Pine Street, » ST. LOUIS, MO. :e\ c. is," Practicing P^laysicia-n., MIZE. GtJL. DK. DODD’S gtx re for OLIC IN HORSES. GUARANTEED. f£ ‘Every it hand, owner it ol a hor«e should the life keep on may tave of a * valuable animal. One package will 'V, cure eight by mail to ten cases. Price Our C 1.00. Ac¬ Sent o.- express. count Book, w. ich contains hint* to ,r stable keepers, mailed free. H. BENJAMIN & Co.. 822 Pine St. ST. Louis, Mo. NETHERLAND &BLACKMER i MILLINERY, Call and see us if you wane bargains. Q-OCOD3 BELOW COST1 H. E. HOPKINS, GENERAL * MERCHANDISE. With all bad consequences, etranguary, loss of unnatural energy, dischargee, nervous excitement, nervous debility, lost manhood, despondency, unfit* ness to mt fry, watting away of the organs, certainly and rapidly cured by safe and easy method). Cures positively guaranteed. Question Blank and Book free. Callor write. -ii, DR. WARD INSTITUTE. 120 N. Ninth St.. ST. LOUIS. MO. HAYES & RAMSAY, LIYERY, SALS AND FEED STABLE. G<5<5<4 Te&£r|iS, Reag&ti- able Rales. | Mrs. V. M. APP. CO. I 809 PIVK STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. W. H. & J. DAYIS. Drues, Ivle Aicinsa, Padnts, Oils, Books and Stationery. V/ T Q I I | LlWtirelj The vontfonniporf- 111 cured. 38 yeerx* j mail ffuc?ei*fulpractice. office. Terms Treatment low. confidential. Corea by Book or Call at writ*. DR. Question Blank and fpto. or WARD INSTITUTE. 120M.9th St.,SLL 0 ttis, Mo. j NUMBER 34 «»\ nil ♦ j > * • {(Dh^ia&.tt. ■0'aj&$eiiQ£L <22cfred-) islotcon, 6a. i* Our Hotel is the most convenient stopping place for traveler®, beinsj iot more than 100 feet from the Depot. Our rooms are comfortable atd ■ ur table is kept supplied with the best the market affords. Rates, 32 pci lay ; regular boarders taken on reasonable terms. E* P« IMF SON & QG,„ ■HEADQUARTERS FOR naiLCM:! mmTL I MACHINERY SUPPUES AND REPAIRS, Peerless Engines, Groiser Saw Ivlills, Oeiser Separators, 3 RENNAN SHINGLE MACHINES MCCORMICK REAPERS Sc MOWERS 11 ulcCormick Hay ETalxes, Kentuiclry' Cane Mills, TZ^riiite Sewing Machines, Estey Organs. S3S3 aSiaiSfiSMEB & Agents for LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE, HOME OF NEVY YORK, CONTINENTAL OP NEW YORK JARTFORDOF HARTFORD. CONN , QUEEN OF AMERICA, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. 9 -DEALERS IN— MACHINERY AND MACHINERY SUPPLIES. All hinds of Machinery repaired quickly and in first-class mauner, Part* duplicated. dt/tn/s for JVcit/le Engines and buckeye Mowers . Agent For Pratt Gins. Highest market price paid for Shingles. LrZ/ii 1 WPP I Have Moved r t 1<2) ->i * Into the store recently occupied by L. B. NOWELL, Goods. As having I have bought hand his big stock lot of of ^ d General Merchandise on I have a determined ij to Gi] r ">l VD Keep 'Things Moving I: By need pricing the goods, goods I need at panic the money, figures. so come You 3 along and let’s trade. .......... (< h Get a. Move on Yourself, to Or will lose bargains. I : you some mean * business.............................. ^ D. W. EDWARDS. I L. B. Nowell’s Old Stand, TOCCOA, GA. C» WINKLE GIN and MACHINERY CO., ^ ATI * uni't A NT i A GA MANUFACTURERS: Cotton Seed Oil Wind Mills, Mill Machinery, Pumps, Etc. Complete. Cotton Gins.Feed- Fertilizer ers, Conden- Machinery sers and Complete, j Presses. Cypres Tanks j The best system for elavating cotton and distributing same direct to gins. Many gold medals have been awarded to us. Write for catalogue, and for what you want. We can save you money. VAN WINKLE GIN and MACHINERY COMPANY, j30,4m ATLANTA, GA. Advertise Nov/ It will Pay 0