The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, September 22, 1893, Image 2

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The toccoa news. hOuEiij k 1 ? £..d TOJAe.OrS. j i i'uWished Every Friday Morning. mured a* oa Po t officii a? Mattes*. Mi 9,: fine year, 'Z ut* 50 a*.; tli roe A .I 1 i A ‘ WM r nplimiom )f' f '0 \ G'A., Friday, Sept. 22,1893* TO S ISSCIU F The News re O' bleated bondholders. They imblisliitift U>i« paper, not for fie a , not as a stepping stone to Oil tee, no n'f a charitable insti- uti n. and not olely for the ben- exit of the pill }(* Kit principally to make money. The circulating medium la what wo mu st have to circulate Tiie News. As wo have rib large bank account io fall buck on, we cannot afford to 8ond hundreds of papers to r iom, Dick mid Harry, hoping to reap sometime in the '"‘sweat by and bye” *a pecuniary harvest from such individuals. Wo do not purpose sending out three or four hundred pap' i\s a week “on time” to people that we know nothing - bout and whom wo are not likely to see. For these reasons we shall en¬ deavor to do business on a., cash basis. When we get pay in ad¬ vance for subscription we know whore we’re "at. Each man who desires TitE News can better af¬ ford lo pay for it iii advance than Tan wo to send it to four or live hundiod people and wait from one year, and in some instances till doomsday, for our pay. To-day we send out to many subsciibers a circular letter. If you desire The News send us some money ; if we don’t hear from you iii a week v,e shall presumo that you do not want Bur paper, and we will not impose cm you by send¬ ing it to you. This is 1 nidi ness. Miii. Cleveland is spoken of frequently as the “first lady of the bind.” Doubtless there are thous- A lids of women in 11 le United States who are her superior intel- i ictuaily, her equal in refinement, rr.d v ho are much more useful, Vo every womMi an opportunity is yivmi to .occupy a more lofty jKwiiion tlsan that of “first lady of the land.” Ter action of tho II. & D. road in ( iff mg down tho wages of only th< employes who receive as inuc.t as $100 per month, and making tho greatest reduction in the salaries of those who were beat paid, is to be commended. Those who wage a continual war ( n tho railroads should note this fact. Tan state senatorial question of O".’ d’-t rut m still unsettled, 8ine > his departure to the Chero- kce strip 1 Ion. Louis Davis has not been heard from as to his- inten- (ions. I( is not known bt'Viil , . . iill ...... his . oo a no io toim , 111 tho senate, or some one will have to bo elected in his stead. Foor Brunswick ! Just when it fceemou that she would escape a yellow fover epidemic, and those who had fled froffi the city wore returning, that dread disease broke out ..gain there and is slow- , ly spreading. .. Brnnsiv _ , ick . dosen-as . not only sympa thy, but substau- thil aid, - There is no ecrrtllty use _ fib us ing the administration, for no cood can be accomplished by such « course. Yet certain editors who liave to derive . grievances- seem <ry oa biitibitvCti.01* I*.OTii beitiling President Cleveland and other Democrats. The Cosmopolitan magazine is a record breaker. While the ther first-class magazicTS cost from $0 to $0 per year, the Cosmo- polltan IS . issued . at $1.50 . per ff annum, and US contributors ar> the 1: t wriiors ill this and other countries. Really there has been nothing in the wp.v of legislation trans icted in M’asbington in a week or two. The people are growing tired of this delay, if the Senators are not. Tils governor of Georeia -• *" f V 1 v. ... , *. x i * 1 ....... * : Moiir iiBKi;*tvrr Y-wv many strung and wohiU-r- ftil thing- are on exhibition at the World fai r and lnativ if -table gatherings have tcctirred , there. But of ail these convocation*? the in oh t important and remarkable m some fespeete, according to pur view, was the religious convention a^-.nWed thore • ^otnng x . of the kind has lion purred before, for hot at only tHiS the conven- were present rep- resentatives of the Various branches of t lie Protestant church v nit Catholics, JewSj Mormons, B ud d h i s t«, - Mohammedans, thv disciples of Confucius, of Zoroaster an d 0 f various other sects. .And the uniqueness of this assemblage was increased by the native cos- tumes worn by many of the delegates. Upon the same platform sat men- the representatives of beliefs differing as much or more than did their personal appearances, and yet all met on an equal foot- ing, and each expressed a fraternal love for the other delegates. The narrowness and , seMshhess c cre eds sank into insignificance when each one recognized the fact that h is associates weie honest men who were striving to attain to that which is good, though in vkrious ways. To have gazed upon this scene and heard the addresses of men of widely differing views, but all agreeing as to the brotherhood of man. am. an xepiessing a common love for that which is true and noble and for each other—to have soon and heard this must have caused some to think that the mil¬ lennium is at hand. For a lofig, long time it has been a source of sorrow to broiid-min- ded Christians to see the petty pp/.t-'q' jealously and lack of charity ex- py those professing to believe certain religion” creeds. The members of one church say plainly by actions, and some¬ times by words, “We only are right, and all others must be wrong.” But this convention marked an era of more liberality and more vital religion, and may result in much good. It showed to the world that the time has come when the more advanced thinkers among religious people have discarded many of the super- stitious notions and contracted views of former days, and by so doing have become more charitable and more useful. God speed the day when the Catholic and the Baptist, the PreS'- bvterian and the Universalist, the Methodist and tlie Buddhist, the Episcopalian and the Mohamme- dan may say, the one to the other, “My brother!” Col. J. AY. Kenfroe has been tendered the position of secretary of Alaska. The salary is not less than K',000, and it is thought that he will accept this place. Duhing tho past two or three days yellow fever has spread slow¬ ly in Brunswick, but tire city needs aid. Where igrorance is bliss ’tis - 0 f teu folly to be blissful, We call special attention to our club- i '" the S reat southern weekly. The Atlanta 1 Consti- tution, which enables us to ofTer both papers for the remarkably low sum of $1.50 a year. The first duty of every good citizen is to patronize bis home paper. He wishes to become thorou rffi- |y conversant with his county news, which is of the closest interest to him. After he lias provided himself with his home paper,’the next consider- ation of those who are not in easy | should rea.-h o( be a to fir select s ,-..!as s first-class daily K-« S paper a weekly newspaper supplying allof the general | news o* the world, and paying special to features which are of parti mi r interest to the household and of the farm. SU ‘ h par f f Th f Weckly Con ' sti tution,- publisbeu at Atlanta, Ga., , havin „ , eirenation of 1M,000 copies a 01 <1113 WBclvIy news- paper published in America. It is essentially « a farmers, paper, ‘ y and stands at the head of the weekly press m . this country. Its agricultural department alone is worth the rrbse'ripticsr tfrice of the paper, while it numbers among its contributors such well known names as Bret Harte, Mark Twain, Joel Chan- dlerllnrrff dier Harns, 8nro»' barge PiVnket i mnaet, BUI Rill Arp, and a hosts of others, whose repute- tions are world wide. Its women’s and children’s departments are’ prepaid wit Da special view to please the little folks and the women, and ifs news columns Hterrdly cover the face of the earth. M e are enabled to ofier both of the papers at pratically the price of and we will take great pleasure in for- warding to TheConstitution any names U "V" !"»" »» bmg offer at the remarkably low price above given, o*Axn jrntY ruESEXTMFVrs, Okorgia. Habersham County. We, the grand jury empaneled for September term, 1803, of Haber- sham bupenor court, submit the following ... . presentments ...... \ Having through our various ec’ffihtit- tees examined the public affairs and public buildings of the bounty, we fiHd as follows: "> '“™ <™«l«- 1 ' the books ot ordinary, *, sheriff, clerk and treasurer. and flm tbe books and p{ ,^. rs of all the above officers kept in a neat and business way. The treasurer’s report shows a balance on hdfid of $1,899.20: the ordinary's, a balance of $29.00. We have examined the dockets of the notaries public and justices of the peace, hnd end them neatly and correctly kept. We have examined the court house and And it in a very good con- 'lition.witlbi Hie csception of some re- P“' rs m ' cdl f th ".’fft -lass needed in some of tne window sashes, and some of the blinds are missing. We have examined the jail and find that it is kept in a rathe** ’.thcleanly way; the floors need scrubbing and the flre •>"“** “<*« «>”“>•« »«• are a great many window panes broken out which need repair; also the bricRs at the window facing in front, of the cell have been removed from the wall 8hould be replaced. The jail needs whitewashing: the stove g pipe, where it . bolted u together t from the ■ ., to . is msiue the outside of the cage, should be cemented together tb prevent the smoke from filling the cells to the in¬ convenience of the prisoners. We find the sheriff guilty of criminal negligence in not looking after the jailer who, by his carelessness in leav- ing the doors open from tliecage to the street, allowed the two prisoners, Tims and Van Hughes, to escape; allowing the planks to be knocked off, leaving a way open for outsiders to furnish the p r j SO uers with whatever they desired; in not searching the pris oners eaeli **d every time they enter the jail, thereby letting them have kni ves, clubs, files and a pistol in their posession. We hereby censure the sheriff for al¬ lowing the above, and request tfie re- iiioval of the jailer. We have examined the paupers’ home and find it in good condition, with the exception of tile mill,which is in a bad condition, the timber being decajed. We do not think it will pay the coun¬ ty to repair it. We would suggest that a new mill be rebuilt when the lease of the tenant in possession expires. The roll of the mill for the past 15 months lifts been 3G5 bushels of corn. That it be left to the discretion of the ordinary whether lie continues to let out the pauper home as heretofore or to employ a superintendent at a stated salary and furnish the uiKiC to run the farm. That a graveyard be laid off near the Hazel Creek graveyard, of one or more acres, in the discertion of the ordinary, and that the bodies now buried on the farm be removed to said graveyard. There are now Being taken care of at the paupers’ farm 8 paupers. We, having examined the roads and bridges, find some in good condition; others, owing to the heavy tv'ins, are badly damaged. We recommend that the commissioners have them reworked and put in good order as soon as possi¬ ble. We find two bridges in Fair Play district in bad condition; one at the widow \\ aldr^ep’s and tlie other at the field of Mary Harris; also one Peep Creek, near G. W. Wheeler’s. We call attention o v the road commission- ers to the fact that the* have them repaired at once. We find some of the sills in the Clarkesville bridge decayed; also the rock pillar needs a sill on top of it to help support tbe bridge. We hereby instruct the ordinary to see that the above reccommendations in regard to road and bridges be carried out. We find that the ro.Kl and streets inside of the incorporation of Clarkes¬ ville are in a bad condition, and recom¬ mend the proper authorities to have them worked. We Yecommend the road starting at the cross road the other side of Gabe Sisks’, on the Clayton road, and run¬ ning about one mile across to the Clarkesville and Toccoa road, coming into the C. & T. road ne’ar the switch on the Blue Ridge & Atlantic railroad, be made a public road. We, having examined the insolvent list, find the following names we believe the money can be made out of: G. C. Boggs, John McAvoy, Sanford Purcell, Richard Thacker, J. W. Pruitt, Robert L. Dill, Isaac Kenriy, Frank Ray, white; Dick Cobb, John Peyton, Jim Sisson, colored. We recomnYcnu the dieting of priso- ners to be reduced to forty cents q X y. w e recomWnff tlve following bills to be paid: Hayes A Ramsay, for livery, $5.00: Dr. j. Nv West,Tor expert testimony, R. A. Ramsay, for taking evideuce in Deaton case, $5:00. . We recommend the pay of jurors and for the year 18Mbc $1.50 per day. 0 rpcotnoiGiid t.our dork \\ Loggans, receive $2.00 per day. recommend rewamnenu ur.j.A. Dr -T N West nestas as a a mem- mom ber of the school board, to fill the va- caney of W. J. Hayes; Dr.J. A. Ket- ron,tfo"ffll the vacancy of G. B. Elder; William W. Grant, to fill the vacancy of P. J.Shorfc * We recommend that Mrs. William * ' * ‘ McCracken xr <• l be > allowed n , $2.)0 , per month until her husband to be removed to the paupers’ home. The thanks of body this is due and hereby tendered to our buffi If, William Free, for the faithful discharge's! ° his duties* Yffffesire to Dm (Ter ft.'his Honor C. J. Wellborn and Solicitor Howard Thompson our sincere for the kind manner in which have had our body attended during t«m of the court. VV> a „ the faithful and efficient man- In which they have coedhctSKi the b u<iness of tl:e same. We recommeud the grand jury pre • sentments be published in the Clarkes VJ be Advertiser anti The News. Edward Schaefer. Foreman. h tli.UM M. LockiIns, Clerk. John ('. .tESKivs, C. O. I> t*TEE, 'fffffffffg RUsier’ i\VvfU l!f»ks, m hS"”* Joiln H. Lovw "' »•«*«». Jkf; lb SuiroN, .uamkl, D. N, Edmonds, H * H alford.Wm. W. Grant, * Joseph B. Black, Thos. G. SEescer, Sam’l; !». Smith Ordered by the court.that the within general presentments be received and spread upon thtjhainutes of the court, and that a copy be furnished the news- papers for publication. Sept. 14, 1893. O; A. Wellborn, J. S. C. HowARb Thompson Sill. Gel’n. Georgia, 1 f a Dersha in’cou ff ty. I by certify that the above is a true copy of the general presentments of grand jury of the September term, 1893, of superior court of Said county * nessrny hand anil seal this Sept, 18, lw *- J. H. Addison. C. S. C. Uittn'* Want to lie Fined. The old saying, “Where there'? a trill there’s a way,” was aptly illustrated here a few days ago. Three ot four of .on •* colored citizens \Vere summoned to appear as tVH ness¬ es in the United States court in Atlanta en Friday last at 10 o’clock a. m. The darkeys intended to beat their way on a night freight, but failiiig to do ihisj they decided to take the fast mail, which reaches Atlanta iii the morning - ° clock that night they learned that, on account oi a washout, the train would be delayed live or six hours: Dnly one chance remained to get to court on time, and that was to reach Cornelia by 6 :!5 and take “The! Belle.’’ Now, Cornelia is i7 miies from Toc¬ coa, and the distance had to iff traver¬ sed fn four hours; but tbe darkies set out dii foot. With the fear of being fined heavily if they failed to arrive at court 0,1 fiine to tl,ein ol b tho J' put their ll’s in rapid nioXlon over the post oak crcSs tier?. Just about G o’clock several footsore and Weary negroes arrived in Corne¬ lia by private conveyance. They were tired, but they felt -happy; there was no danger of their being fined. m f COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an oil mdhtMu physician. Successfully used lie Is the by bady thousands perfectly of safo La- s. an d reliable medicine discov- ei druggists ed. Beware Who of offer unprincipled lfi'fvitb'sl medicines in place of this. Ask for Cook’s CottoS Root Compoukd, take no subst itute, or inclose $1 and C cents in postage In letter, and will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed partl0»tar» In plain envelope, Address to ladie3 only, a stamps. Company, Ko. Fond I.iiy 3 i isher Block, Detroit, Midi: For sale by W. II. & J. DAVIS, and all DruVTfcts. LOST. A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY. Is lost annually by parties purcha¬ sing Worthless fruit trees, Loses etc. Get them from a firm that grows their own trees, sends out nothing but good s ( 0 ; k and Selfs at reasonable prices, We want the address of every farmer or gardener in our section and will mako you a liberal offer. Write for particulars and price's at once. Agents wanted everywhere, Address Cherokee Nursery Co., Waycross, Ga. (Mention this pripevvt A Good Tiling to Keep at Hand. FROM THE TROY (KANSAS) CHIEF. Some years ago we were vefy much sub¬ ject to severe spells of cholera morbus ; and now when we feel any of the symptoms that usuaby prtfteed that ailment, such as sick¬ ness at the stomach, diarrhoea, etc., we become scary. We have found Chamber- lain’? Colic, Cholera ajftd diarrhoea Remedy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases, and always keep it about. We are not writing this for a pay testimonial, but to our readers know what is a good thing to keep handy in the h-ouse. For sale by W. II. W J. Davis, druggists. Among the incidents of cliiklhffod that stand out in bold relief, os our memory re¬ verts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than Severe sickness The young mother vividiy remembers that it was Chamberlain’s C’Cugli Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn admini-ters it to her own offspring and always with the best re¬ sists. For sale by W. II. & J. Davis, driff gists'. ELECTRIC BITTERS. t,, . r . . . . who have used Electee Bitters sing 1 lie smile effrt Ln!I ff 1 uLt’t K all claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all dise.i- dons caused bi l>loo<i.—Will and olh.'/TfioT-- impuie aee. bitters Consti,.ation .Entire, satisfaction and Indig|ti<>u try Eieetric STu guaranteed or ^ ^ Vcv?or '* Doubled with chronic diarrlud-i £h°«W Diarrhoea try Chamberlain’s Remedy many Colic, cases Cholera have been and vured by it af er all ulsehad failed and skjiled jq 1J & Vorsahlh ! w - ‘ --- A ,fr£!5 ^ of U g‘ McDonald’s, living near l] ere, fell against a red bo* stove and was f f\ rfU l! y ff* 1>a ‘ n WaS ter ' rible iln<1 ’ d ^as thought the burn was so severe asto scar the diild for life. 1 solffthe lady a bottle of Chamberlain's Pu n Balm, whub, after g^ as Ing the sore, she applied. It soon removed :,H Bx-ffi.eand eased the pain, and in ten days ie k°- v wa ’ we *U no trace of the scar remain- ing ‘ J D * M cLa,en * Keysport, Clinton county. III. . by W. H. &.j. Davis,* un ‘ K ;r ' : ' (d\_ L;Vu A BOON TO V* n JP I} am-*pLrt r the“bodv. ^ aUU eVe ° p Dice of Veffiy hffnffcss. Sent by TwT ti 'DI r 'I 7 '4" ?5 ' ww< A *? Q-ja. ffhe ifoMi S'oil ts a large affair. (But if yen g*> then dud pay four railroad fare, for ■your hotel fare, your street c'irfare ; and other hills that you don't care to particularize, you wiU-.fl&l confided 'that ft is perfectly fair for ycii to stare while there. ~JfS a Siii Phorik / tBut if you can't go-, dud whni to know how to drake a better showing for your money, we will desist from speaking aWtcrally and tell you. Step kJii •At KBWAttDS & DANCK’S with a roll of the needful or a hand ful of the silver that aids! is not free enough and exchange some of U for softie bf our ( Dry Goods (Bargains, Cheap Clothing, Fresh Groceries or ci hand-son:t Piite of Furniture-. We keep most anything in the irtzy of General Merchandise, and it don't take much money to buy a waged wad nf goods at our store: Yours to sell, at low tariff prices, SdwaUU f Sauce. Sciveca.-u.le Hartwell 'Bn FI. No t. Leave . TTtirtK’ell 7 40 a iii Arrite Bowl-i svil’e 830 No. 2. Leave BOver-ville 900 a in Arrive Hartwell 9 50 No. 3. I.eitve Hartwell 299 ci m Arrive Bowersviffe 25 Z. ■n No. 4 Leavei Bowers vihe 330 p m Artivo TIartwell 4 20 All trains daily exetj j Sunday. E. B. BENfcON, JRcceivbr. BLUE RIDGE! I ATLANTIC RAILROAD. Hi/tic Httble A o 21 Taking effect Sept. 1, 1S93. P. M Lv. Ar. r. m. 5 35 Talluliih Falls * I * '7 5 55 Turnerville 55 6 15 A:inandnle I 35 G 30 Clarktsn illo 1 20 0 45 liemore-l 1 50 7 ' 05 Cornelia 12 45 1 • Ar. Lv N'n. — W. V, Lauiiaine, r.eccivcr. A MILLION FRIENDS. A f iend iii bleed is a friend indeed, and hY less than one mil ion peop e have found jn-t siieh a friend in Dr. Kind’s New Di cnvery for (’oilsittffpRop,,eouirhs and colds —If yon have, never used tnis GraaxCorgh Medicire One trial will com vinee .von Mm( it Las wonder ftjl enest curative andj.ufigs., jioweis Eaeli in all diseases guarantee of Tl.roa to to:tie .is do itll that is claimed or hiop'w will l»e re funded. Triu: bottles tree at W II & J Davis’ WHISKEY AND OPIUM HABITS C'JRED jL A ff "x our home, WITHOUT TAUT OR COOTIHEHaM. Patients continue business while under treatment. Whisky and all other drugs —(Iff stopped hot immediately on beginning treatment heed them. No treatment yet ilis covered to compare vyi h it. Have give## special study and practieff io these <1L < ases for the pa-t twenty years, with conlinued sftul successful is,crease in practice. WRITE M MY BOOK OF CURES, FREE. 13* M. WOOLLEY, M. ID., Office, ATx»JLira'jy, Wluteliall a- a. 104J street. ROYAL •• (lEllllETIll not of long only cures all bowel troubles, whether or short duration, lint builds up t he general system in old add y oung; It is a splendid summer drink and CONQUERS Flit ERS! quicker than any other remedy. 1)11. .l.W NELMS SAYS* Fof . - h'ffpast , Atlanta, Ga., August 14, lso3. . ( two years I have used King’# Royal Gcnnctuer in my practice and with inost satisfactory results. I have need it and in Typhus, always Typhoid! and Bilious Fever *. with the speediest and best ef¬ fects. It lowers the temperature and breaks up fevers of all kind.* common to this latitude more expeditiously than any remedy within my knowledge. From m? others own experience in its use, upon myself and' to whom I have recommended and administered it, I belieVi j;i Would be a good remedy for Yellow F£veW It is a most excellent Antiseptic, cures CafariMi/ all Insomnia, Night Sweats and Eczema in’ its forms. King’s Royal Germetuer is injurious emphatically effects a safe remedy and leaves no in the system. John W. Nelms. M. D., Mayor West End, Ga. For Nervous Troubles. Teetlimg Cbil ffhfrlf , eni^nY di-ugists.' ni 'rT ^ ° f«r #5. All ^i —1- er for!>.“c r ems 3S ^ ® dB8tipation ’ 50 in 8 TMliJ (Incorporated.:' lltfSSTITXJTE! OF GEORGIA, —-FOR THE CURE OF-- WHISKEY, MORPHINE, OPIUM vl M/S -AND — TOBACCO HABITS. * Since the KEEj.^Y ^ „ REMEDIES have , become known and stood tile f^sts of 13 years succ^sfullv, and Seen endo^cV ' buT n’f sprun S Up thecountry like iiiushroons. t MOBemMS^ld ovcr so be not. *t *■*“« For Terms and Particulars address Qiimer St< --* 4 - Thb Keelsy lirsnrtJTB.* v Atlanta, aau CHEAP CASH NEW YORK STORE (D. W. Edwards’ Old Stand.) Gentlemen’s and I^a^dies’ Qlioes, IvTiln’s a^iCLd. Boys’ Clotlrin©*, Hats, Collars. TDry Goods. Big lot Of CHEAP PANTS and manv other tilings at very reasonable prices. Come to see us. SILVERMAN & GOLDBERG o TOCCOAi C£A4 V FOR THE hifvE OF THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR Cash down i on tlie delivery of Goods, I will sell my entire Stock of j; JdiTy Gcjo^s, Noticns, Boots, Slices, Hats and Caps Cheaper than they iii were ever sold at r* Toccoa. HAVE ALSO A BROKEN LINE OF m MB mi fl.9TIII.lG fo close Out at wholesale cost. U Nctw iff the time to get Ore? Skirts, Under .Skirls, 7)rcsS .Skirls, HHanZ els and (Juills, and, in fuel, any!kin// I in Ike jbiyy Goods line ckea/ier ti/un eye?\ I If you have the Eagle Dollar I will give you the closest prices on. . GROCERIES + and 4 HARDWARE you have heard of in a long time. COME AND SEE WffAT I HAVE AND HEAR MY PRICES WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY. MACK- * PAYNE ’ TOCCOA, GA. SZaiimi