The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, September 22, 1893, Image 4

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MU if MM fig H 1 P g!____ 1 S a 1 [REMEMBER"JiftKH'&SSS careful investigation as to onr responsibii- ^ mM «S BS tuSmS , | aud 1116 merits of our Tablets. Double Chloride of Gold Tablets ^ '• !!i complete! ? d fegtroy the desire for TOP A CO'* tr> from 3 to 5 davs. Perfectly harm s; cause rt> sick nefw, and may be given hi a Cup of tou. or coffee without tne knowl¬ edge o. the patient, who will voluntarily Stop smoking or chewing in a few day 3 . 7 MUfflEHHlSS ad D8PHISE HABIT SS&fSt&tfS’SS.-g&'T-X •Ij I> tlu;i ;rlng :UcRt, treatment by the patients Use of our are SPECIAL allowed the FORMULA free u?e GOLD of Liquor CURE TABLETS. Mor- XjO ^ f? j? ~ j? A FEW ph: until pucti time they shall voluntarily or vgSi % ;<• as give them up. .7 4sgy a We scud particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall vBL Tcsiincaiais bo g':i«l to place sufferers from any of these habits hi commnnica- S Wjgk Va * r tion with per*:ons who have been cured by the use of our Tablets. druggists , HfLL’S at $ TABLETS | .OO Per package. arc for sale bv all first-class ^ NKigv vagv jr from persons if your druggist does not keep them, enclose u=s S f .OO ^ vfsx xy * who have been and we will send you, by return mail, a package of our the of vfcisk ^ cured by use whether Write Tablets your name are and for address Tobacco, plainly, Mornhino and state or /T flk ’S m 98 Hill’s £ ablets. 1 DO NOT BB DECEIVED into purchasing ^ any ol the various nostrums that are being A' v%T-a ifcfy. S' THE OHIO Chemical Co.: offeree lor sale. Ask for HILL’S ^ • ^S WaHE^ srgk. mg; Dear Sir:—I have been using your I $4 T-A.33X»IET’S and take no othei. / /_ tat ,< fegv / cure for tobacco habit, and found it would Manufactured only by A'/ifcWk N '§H*. Sx"/ do what you claim for it. I used ten cents a —tiiid— /r ^ ar^fk w '•/' ,/ and worth trom of the strongest five cigars; chewing i tobacco would smoke a day, ‘m, one to or a I 1 flTTTfl flTTPTf AVjtSjL ’C-^ 'iF ^ -7 and from smoked ten to for lorty twenty-five pipes of tobacco. suit! Have packages chewed I 011)0 ImJllAL Tft A T frn CO., vfkvjk / years, two i « El, 53 & 55 Opera Block, . ,■Ms* vfty Tchl. w|k a The Onto CnEMiCAt, Co. :—GEXTLEMEt-:—Sometime Doses Ferry, N. Y. LIMA, OHIO, vi?K ago I sent x - Ais. vR, ^Sa, for $1.00 worth of veur Tablets for Tobacco Habit, i received wpafev jP them all right and, although 1 was both a heavy smoker and chewer, particulars RKSt y gjs '■’£££*& .-7 they did the work in less than three days, lam cured. FRFr. Truly yours, MATHUSV JOHNSON,P.O.Box45. w w m fr. jkti jT Pittsburgh, Pa. 77 The Ohio Chemical Co. :— Gentlemen :—Jt gives me pleasure to speak a ^ts ih P&r^ W N word of praise for your Tablets. My son wa3 strongly addicted to the use of >a« /✓" T TABts^ igyg^Pv. ’^61*g3|3*K Sjj Sr liquor, and drinker, through but a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and - B BC r constant after using your Tablets but three days he quit drinking, vSh. and in will order not to touch know liquor the of any kind. permanent. 1 have waited Yours four month before writing you, cure was truly, MRS. HELEN MORRISON. TBA. Vfk. The Ohio Chemical Co:— Gentlemen:— ^Your Tablets have performed Cincinnati, Ohio. BHk I have used morphine, hypodermically, and a miracle in my case. for seven years, have been cured by the use of two packages of your Tablets, aud without any effort on my part. W. L. LOTEGAY. Address ail Orders to ”' ^ 5 'AGENTS RE3PONS1BLE WANTED: THE OHS© CHEMICAL CO., li iiwimiiiiiiiiaiiiMiMiHw 51, 53 and 55 Opera Sleek. LtM&, OHIO. (In writing pleaso manHon this paper.) NORTH GEORGIA Agricultural College J AT DAHLONEGA. A branch of the State University Spring Term beg in» First Monday in Feb¬ ruary. Fall Term begins First Monday in September. Be»t *chool in the aontb, for stu lents with limited means. Tho military training is thorough, be ng und<r a U. S. Army officer, ^•tailed by the Secretary of War. BOTH SEXES HAVE EQUAL ADVAN¬ TAGES. Bind n s are prepared and licensed to teach In the public schools, by act of the legislature Lectures, on Agriculture and the Science* t>y distiu ;nishccl educators and scholars. For health the climate is unsurpassed. Altitnd t-5237 fret. Board f '.O per month and upwards. M ssing at lower ra'cs Each senator and r pre-eiVat ve of the ►fate Is entitled 'iid u-qn. s ed ro .pp >int one pupil from hi- distric <> coui'y, wi 4 lr>ut paying matriculation fee, dur ng I i* t> rm. For o .:*! r or ;:;f.:r:nati it, • address Beer* turv >n- 1 r itnr r .1 Tristf*v» WANTED. $15 each. A day. WEEK, Balar. any c "com. i. a^dy^, sio employedorunpmpiovpdj s'aLpie»™ree“ r “ wor yo 2d.H BINJAL'IN b CO., S22 PINS £T„ ST. LOUIS, UO FOR DISEASES OF THE K YS ^Vtf^jjfefcROZAL JOHNSTON’S ENGLISH i)J RUSHTA j Will cure all diseases of the Kid- neya, Bladder, irritation of the UHne,Gleet, GonoffiafnaHtt! stages, Sus^Dopositl^iaiwtls^inflam^ Mucous Discharges, Con- & * niatii'n LYrn? r B?omly of the f Kidneys J ra?a and Iiftho Blad- Bark,’ Urine of’ Retention l line, Fre- f 3 quent Urination, Gratol in all its forms. Inability to Retain the :g padvanced Water, particularly life, it in is persons Kidney in n Investigator which restores tho Urine to its natural color, removes the acid and burning, and the effect o£ the exces¬ sive use of intoxicating drink. PRICE $1. THREE BOTTLES FOR $2.50 Sent express charges prepaid. la^-Send for Circular. Sold by all Druggists. W u. JOHNSTON, Detroit, lUicli. T OIH I A pacfca-Q cf our treat- Sa YB 8st 1 g I Kill I . ment for weakness and ■ | Si Ba I w» and lo»t vitality decay, nervous debility sent freo for 12 cent! 9R. WARD INSTUtUTE, postage. 120 N. 9th St, ST- LOUIS, SO. PHOSPHATE MINERS BLUE. Governor iiihnan and the Commission- ers Cannot Aid Them. A Charleston special says : One of the state phosphate commissioners made a tour of the phosphate mines Fridav in the steamer Catherine. The Catherine first went to Williams is- land, where the Pacific company has been carrying on operations. Then she steamed across to Buzzard’s island, where what is left of the quarantine station is to be seen. Out of nine buildings there only one is left. Irom Buzzard’s island the commissioners went around to the works of the banners’ Mining Com- pauy. Besides having lost considera- ble in its floating stock, the Farmers met u ith mncli damage at the works. The expensive loading and unloading apparatus hai been completely destroy- ed, and there were other losses more or less serious. Ihe next objective point was Coo- saw. All along the line wrecked res- sels high and dry were to be seen. At the Coosaw the commissoners had ft convincing spectacle. Governor Tillman, arrived in Char- leston Friday night. At a meeting of the phosphate commission held after the governor s arrival, it was decided te no arrangement would be made with phoshate companies which would uot guarantee an aggregate royalty for the year of at least §75,000. Train Robbers Get $70,000. ; v-r'b *■» <“ A. §<0,000 ^"0 000 of .V Calumet rT 1111110 and i U Hecla it e, mine ° money. There Everything is in a turmoil. w*s no bloodshed. _----- Prince Bismarck Worse. — * Private telegrams received Friday at Berlin from Kiseinqen state the condition of Prince Bismnrftlr ^^marck becomes W 0 rs<}. m HEWS IN GEMEAL. ConOensefl froi Oar Most Important Telegraphic Advices - And Presented in Pointed and Rcada* bie Paragraphs. m, The tt United States • -rs Detroit l t. cruiser after adjusting her compasses, at 7:30 I hursday morning, sailed from Fort Monroe, Va.,for Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, under orders to protect American in¬ terests. A Washington dispatch of Thurs-* day says: Rear Admiral A. W. Weaver of the navy, will soon be re¬ tired and Commodore George Brown, now in command of the Norfolk navy yard, will be promoted to the vacancy. The steamer El Cid, broke a record on her maiden voyage from New Or- leans to New York, where she arrived Thursday, having made the trip from South Pass bar on the Mississippi riv- er, to Sanday Hook in four days, two hours and twenty-five minutes. The suspected train robbers now in jail in Oswego, Kas., have in part been identified by the engineer, fireman, conductor and brakeman of the pil- laged train, who reached the city Wednesday and immediately proceed- to the jail for that purpose. The conductors on Pullman cars on the Rock Island road report that in passing through the Cherokee Strip, Friday, the cars were attacked and the thirsty homesteaders robbed the cars of all ice Rnd water. The men were frenzied with thirst and the crew bears the mark if of rough , treatment. . The sixteenth Mexican congress was formally opened at the City of Mexico Sunday morning at 5 o’clock, Hon. Jose de Lopez presiding. Nearly all the members were in their seats when President Diaz entered the chamber of deputies and read his annual mes- sa " e * which was an able document and well received, The Chicago Tribune of Friday morning says: “Evidence of irregu¬ larity or perhaps fraud has come to light among the minor employes in the transportation department of the World’a fair.” Despite the assertion that the amount taken is small, a state- ment has been made that investiga- tion so far shows a shortage of §108,000. The Steamer Alvo, long overdue at Kingston, Jamaica from New York has been given up as lost by con- signees at Jamaica. No doubt is en- tertained that she foundered during the severe hurricane of August 20th. The Alvo carried a heavy load of rail- road trucks for Central American, and it is probable when the hurricance struck her she capsized, Dispatches from Guthrie, O. T., state that a courier from the Pawnee reservation who reached that city Monday says that a terrific prairia fire is raging in the reservation and hun- dreds of settlers have been compelled to abandon wagons, tents and outfits and flee for their lives on their horses. Several dead bodies have been found, and it is feared that many more will perish. Representatives of the Lawrence Cement Company, of New York, were before the ways and means commit- tee Thursday morning arguing in fa- vor 0 f the protection of American ce- ment against foreign. It is claimed under the operation of the McKinley, law, that the price of Portland cement is lowered to consumer fifty cents a barrel and the amount of importations and revenues increased. At a meeting of the mill agents at Manchester, N. H., Friday, it was voted to introduce a general cut down averaging 10 per cent on all wages of their employes. There were present me<d ing agents of the Amos k ^ Manchester, Stark and Emory ^ Th tat d th t although reduce°wages^ they r e reluctant at first to thev fonnd thcmse i ves obliged to do so. The cut-down will be graded ac¬ cording to circumstances. K«-«* ra and yiciniiyjs snf- X". . iSM S 1 citv Thursday. Wholesalers are unable, ’ * ., . fiil more than n an ten +OT1 per °^ nt of their ° rde f 8 ' shortage is chargeable K 1 directly to the refiners and is particularly exaspera- ting just now on account of the fruit cannin g and preserving season being at its height. The scarcity applies only ^ refined products SOUTHERN NEWS ITEMS. Tlie Drill of Her Progress anJ Pros¬ perity Briefly Noiefl, Happenings of Interest Portrayed in Pithy Paragraphs. A Knoxville, Tenn., special says: For tho firgt time in its history of eighty-seven years, the University of Tennessee wa8 ed to , vomen ThurSll and hereafter members of the fair sex will be admitted to this institution on the same basis as men. The board of Inland quarantine at Wilmington, N. C., held a meeting Thursday and quarantine restrictions against several southern cities, which had been previously removed, were re-established as to Brunswick, Ga. new quarantine will be rigidly en- forced, Lucy Blair, a negro woman 112 years okl, died of old age at Atlanta, Ga., Friday morning. A certificate of her death and age were filed with the san¬ itary department. Lucy was born in 1781 before the end of the war of in¬ dependence. It is said of her that she never claimed to have been the body servant of George Washington, After suspension little over two months ago, the First National bank, of Winston, N. C., will resume busi¬ ness. J. C. Buxton, who has charge G f the institution as examiner, was elected president; John G. Miller, of Danville, Va., cashier. Tho bank re- organized. The People’s bank, which suspended a few r weeks ago, will reopen before October 1st. steamship Rappahannnock, the initial steamer of the new ocean line, operated by the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company, sailed from New- port News, Va., Friday evening for liverpool with a miscellaneous cargo of freight equal to 250 carloads. Included in her freight was 2,275 hogshead of tobacco which is the largest single shipment of tobacco ever made from a Virginia port, The Wilmington, N. 0., cotton mills, after a suspension of four weeks, will resume work September 25th. During the stoppage the mill has been thor- oughly repaired and a new engine and boiler for additional power are to be added. The mill will not work full time in all the departments for the present, but the resumption will give employment to a large number of needy people, A special from Beaufort, S. C., says : The Red Cross party, consisting of Senator Butler, Governor Tillman, Clara Barton, Dr. Gardner and George H. Pullman spent Saturday on a tour of the islands, viewing the destructive results of the recent storm and beeom- acquainted with the suffering and destitution resulting therefrom. Sun- day the party extended their investi- gation as far north as Charleston, A Savannah special says: The naval stores buyers Friday notified the factors that they would receive no more goods from the Central railroad yards unless improvements are made by September 30th. The yards were inundated dur- ing the storm and have been overflow- ed by every heavy rain since, daraag- ing the naval stores there. The fac- tors transmitted the letter to Superin- tendent Kline who says he will do what he can to remedy the situation. A Columbia, S. C., dispatch says: The board of regents of the state luna- tic asylum acted very decisively Thurs- day on the demands of the Southeast- ern tariff associations, which has been after the board for months in regard to the wiring of the institution for their electric light plant. Some time ago th e regents went to great expense to remodel the wiring in accordance with the demands of the association. An- other demand was made. The regents at their meeting said to the associa¬ tion that, if it wants to, it can cancel every insurance policy on the prop- erty. A sensation was caused , at , Jackson, _ , Mis.s., Thursday, when it became known that 31r. VV. H. Gibbs, ex-post- inof , ta d been arrested on a w- Thomaa^ehartring with the embezzlement of §392.58 The alleged , , embezzlement , „ , _ , took . , place . du ^ g the J^. months of A P r \ ^/ a v - and June of this year, or just f before Gibbs went out of omce. Major Gibbs appeared before commissioner Mosely waived examination and was placed under a §1,500 bond for his appear- acce at the next term of the federal court. Some Singular Custom.?. The Tartar take a man by the ear to invite him to eat or drink vrith them. The Laplanders rnb their noses against the nose of him whom they would honor. In many parts of Java the bride shows her subjection by washing the feet of the groom. When meeting his friend the China¬ man shakes his own hand instead of his friend’s. The Chinese have an academy of manners that prescribes etiquette for the whole empire. The body of a dead Chinaman is often kept in his late home for three or four years before burial. A Roman bride was carried to her future home and lifted across the threshold by her husband. Japanese ladies of the olden time gilded their teeth; in the East Indies black teeth were the fashion The Tiraetiee nf lmincr tlfe eo-trs e^o- n.t Faster is of Hindoo origin immorfality. beim? in India an emblem of A+ +ho nf rli^nTOTv nf might be determined by the size of the rim? ah ft wnrft in hpr nnaA The Dyak head hunting has a reli- fir?±; bi Af&zx&x ‘ will his slave in the next. j „ i . y ™hbfrXtV„7.„v , , «reftt feant or vie StZt.IitZr torv „ r 7 M kmd Fn China white is the color of mourn- ;n^tiioWown Tt-Vi’i+ft W ii T Euro e ^ B y e S ^ thft mi ArHo a tL Tinmn tn nwno P fl ni’ n nTtt„ X <> no ^ _, » ,, . ° e in arriage ceremony m ungary consisted in the groom giving the bride a kick to remma remind her ner of OI her ner euD sub- iectioii. L im„n„+i,oi.aaj of a man i»°uot permitted to offer mar- taSX’M brings her the head otama^ of a man killed baled £ by irase * A Work of Years. An Englishwoman has employed 85 poor Irishwomen sr^ce 1885 in mak¬ ing a copy of an old piece of Bayeux tapestry. The linen and silk were woven and dyed especially for it. It is 227 inches long and 20 inches wide, contains 623 men, 202 horses, 505 other animals, besides innumerable birds, trees and flowers. The original was also made by women, Matilda of Flanders and her court having worked a long time on it .—New York Sun. The vain man knows it all, but peo¬ ple would rather die ignorant than hear him tell it. Don’t Laugh At people who are nervous. It is brutal to do so. Their affliction is very real and distressing. It can easily be remedied, however, with Hos- tetter’s Stomach Bitters, a nerve tonic of long leading stand merit, in indorsed by physicians and of cultivates dig« ng populari y. It restores and stio i, regulates the liver and bowels, kidney and prevents malarial, rheumatic and trouble. It is pure and efficacious. The editorial pocketbook is a money ar.icle, but the dollar isn’t in it. For impure or thin Blood, Weakness, Mala¬ ria, Neuralg a. Indigestion aud Biliousness, take Brown’s Iron Bitters—it gives ►trength, making o d per-ons feel young—and young persons strong; pleasant to take. It is not now the land of the sweet buy and buy. _ Th<- True Lnxutive Principle Of the plants used in manufacturing thapleas- ant remedy. Syrup of Figs, has a permanently ben. fit i.u effect ou the human system, while J, tions, " usually P v " geta sold ? e as extra medicines, °, 8 and mineral are perma- solu - nently injurious. Being well informed, you will use the true remedy only. Manufactured ky the California Fig Jsyrup Co. The mar -h of progress has gone into quar¬ ters for awhile. Ip your Back Aches, or you are all worn out, pond Brown's for nothing, it is general debility. Iron Bitters w 11 cure you, make you strong, cleanse your liver, and give a good ap- octite—tones the nerves. The honest dollar is the one secured by honest work Deafness Cannot be Cared by diseased local application-*, as they cannot reach tho portion of t he ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by constitu¬ tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in¬ flamed condiiion of tiie mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in¬ flamed you have a rumpling sound or imper¬ fect hearing, the and wuen it is entirely closed Deafness is result, and unless the inflam¬ mation can be taken out and this tube re¬ stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ten are caused flamed by catarrh, which is nothing bnt an in¬ condition of the mucous surf We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of D afness (caused by catarrh) that can¬ not circulars, be cure free. i by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for F. J. f’nESKT & Co., Toledo, O. FSfSold by Druggists, 75c. The Greatest Southern .System. South In aY in the wonderful progress bas been made by the recent yi-ars, none more re- mar., aa.e than the improvement of its railroad systems and service. Richmond in the advance guard <>f this progress the & Danville Railroad system occupies tbo South unchallenged position a< th e Greatest rn Syst m. The wonderfu suec ss of its famous “Vestibuled Limited’ trains is attested by its patronage. Ds fame is almost as fomidar in the foreign lands of Mexico, Canada and across States the European countries as in the United And in al- ditioa to this th>- “United S ates Fast Mail” train of the Richmond & Danvillo has like- v. 1 -t< become aa tabl shed succes- 1 . This syst- m aff rds the most rapid aDd lux¬ urious iransit Ea between th Atlania,New New Yor-t, Washing¬ Orleans, ton and the t, w > emph s- Texa and the West, and also Sa¬ va inah, Augu.ta and all Florida points. Mornings—Beecbam's Pills with a drink of water- Beeebnm’s—no others ‘25cents a box. Hood’s sa P r > Cures “A few years ago iny health failed me. After much persuasion J com- mecced to take Hood’s mk Sarsaiarilla, and am much improved. From an all run down con- dition I have been re- 'jjs&sii stored to good health. Formerly 1 weighed 135 Mr. G. W. Twist. pounds, now 17 6 . Hood’s Parsaparilia has Leen a great benefit to me.” Geo hoe W. Twi t, Co'oma, Wis. N. B. Ee sure to get Hood’s. Hood’ I’i :ls Cure all Liver Ilia 25 cents. wM 1111 BS BS png gjs a B fp I U iffJlJil PH ■ May depend upot theway yoi treat ^the warn " mgs which nature gives. A few bottles ol IS IMPORTANT that nature be assisted at the right tinae.;g jilWIS% nev-r fails to relieve excellent the system of im- ^ is an tonic He Wants to Add His Name. „p erm ; t me to add mv name to you- many othe, certificates in commendation of the great curative “ “John \V. Daniel, Anderson,S. C. ’ Treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed: ree. SWIFT SFfiCIFIC CO- Atlanta, Ga. AN EPIDEMIC DECLARED. Eleven New Cases o{ Yellow Fever AimkO Snnaay lnd Brunswick’s Board of Health Says the Disease is Now Epidemic. Eleven new cases of fever were an- Uounced at Brunswick Sunday and an epidemic declared, The announce- ment, which was made by the board of health, Bent a thrill of horrer to the grief-stricken Brunswickians. With heart-breaking sorrow hundreds hurriedly rushed to the trains Sunday afternoon, and it will need no military force to depopulate * the city. affecting scenes. T' jDurino- during the the hurry imrrv and nu bustle of f i ^ avin ^ many nailed their stores and ^ ®. ecb up en Weeping mothers, wives as &s if lf tW their he-ir^w hearts ■«ould uhi ^ break, ^ ns they LTptb.bir.he°Y»\ „f h ^ 7 loTe "1 f, one *?£ “ S 1Ye V e - strong men men turned aside with Viewed “ the^cW^ ^ ss. ^ “a ^ b '>‘ “leat and sm- cere. Sixteen eases are under treatment, bnt ,he board ° f •><*'«> «« «ot to give the names for publication. All th ® t * U ? 1 ’ Mr ' warns the people from allowing citi- zens to spend their days in Brunswick and go out to their homes at night, He says _L.i. such people x will carry J infec- * th ii. them 0 „ * preparing CAMP HUTTON. is being rapidly ar- p“?er peonie oUT'an 6 ! ^ ^'th d^y, ‘h 6 Preparations for establishing a cor- don around the city and moving peo¬ ple have been made. Surgeon Guiteras left Sunday after¬ noon for Philadelphia, after doing no¬ ble work. He was called to the bed¬ side of a sick wife. MONDAY’S DISPATCHES. I our new cases of fever developed Monday making the total number un- der treatment nineteen. Hie Cox child has been discharged. Only one case is now serious and that is John¬ son, the tailor. Dr. Faget visited all the cases and pronounces the other eighteen mild and likely to recover with good nursing and proper treat¬ ment. The hoard of health met in execu¬ tive session Monday. The sessions are not secret, but are merely execu¬ tive to keep out the crowds. Repre¬ sentatives of the press are admitted but ordered not to publish the names of patients for fear of unnecessarily alarming relatives and patients now not dangerously ill. The board passed a resolution calling the attention of all physicians to the fact that they must report promptly at noon daily all cases of fever under treatment under penalty of §25 fine for non-compli¬ ance. Grave apprehension is aroused from the fact that the disease has spread to all quarters of the city and no spot is uninfected. Surgeons Murray and DeSaussure arrived in the city, and members of the hoard of health and Surgeons Fa¬ get, Geddings, DeSaussure and Mur¬ ray met in consultation. It was de¬ cided to put men on horseback and set them taking a census of the city and all after that who desire to leave can go through Camp Hutton. No one will he allowed to stop at Camp Hut¬ ton over ten days and must then con¬ tinue on to their destination. Surgeon Geddings reported that he had thrown a cordon of armed men around the city and that no one will be alloAved to leave town without going through the camp. A CORDON ESTABLISHED. Surgeon Geddings instructed Sheriff Berrie to throw an armed cordon around the city and many who were leaving by the public roads were turn¬ ed back. The impression seems to ex¬ ist that Camp Hutton is a refugee camp but it is only for detention. “Move on,” is the order after ten days expire. Only one out of twelve prisoners at the jail wanted to leave the city and he has been sent to the convict camp. Camp Hutton has been opened and everybody will have to go through there. Only workmen are there now, and it will take ten days to complete it. Surgeon Gaddings will have charge and says it will accommodate 1,000 at a time. All the poor who cannot pay for prescriptions will have them filled free by the relief committee. The weather Monday was hot and muggy, and favorable to the spread of fever. Most of those who are able to leave have already gone and those re¬ maining are principally of the poorer classes who cannot get away if they would. It is estimated that there re¬ main about 5,000 iu the city and of these the greater number are without means of livelihood. Camp Haines, near Waycross, was ojiened during the day by Surgeon Murray, the expert from Dry Torfcugas. REUNION POSTPONED. -- Geuerai Gordon Announces iliat the Meeting is Put Off. Headquarters United Confederate Veterans, New Orleans, September 16.— General Order No. 108 : I, The general commanding, deeply regrets the that an almost uniyersal request for postponment of the United Con¬ federate Veteran reunion, which was to be held at Birmingham, Ala., on the 2d and 3d days of October next compels him very reluctantly to issue this order. It was sincerely hoped by him, and it was his earnest wish, that no impediment would arise which wou ] d hinder the veterans from meet- . AixixVa S 4 .AU* n\ • ; SXor po pi.erty Vas d“upon inlhe g ~ and an ry, m .^es j 1 -onmeu im peratire, & hereafter. the date of the reunion to be ed J. B. Gordon, General Commanding. Georg£ Moorman, Adj’t. Geu’l. and Chief of Staff. The ram in nsval warfare is be¬ lieved now to be tbo thing. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE Buying on Credit. ^ Going . into . , debt . . , is . not , necessarily .. un ^ 18e pr improper , de vt isneu neces- san1 ^ ? n ev ,1 : « th ° ha blt of run ' ? ln » s ^re 1 bills i that often lands 1 J a ^ lextrioab e pondage and misery which , makes a debt an inevitable nm- sauce. Many a man will buy that which is not absolutely necessary when * [ unni “ g a st ° re ^ount, who would hesitate to . make 1 a similar purchase if hc, ry° r vth t c u h oat his ? OC ^ et on the *P ot How lllrtn v bave » . lor the sake 1 of possessing a machine ^ ic > they C ° ulJ not " b Se S , ° ed l \ G "\ onth ir ar debrr ,,oe e oi hundred, of dollars, when by nwo- ciated effort one such machine would have served the purpose of a neigh- borhood. Again, and on the other side it has paid many a young, thrifty “ nd l energetic man to buy a farm on ments essentially necessary. Thous- ands of men have succeeded under such circumstances in earning a farm in a few years J who would otherwise have dra ^ ed , their ,, . wear J wa J alon , ° as farm laborers, earning but little more than enough to live on. Buying e ooda °“ credi J " nd r “ niu 8 8tore ac ' ““ 0 ^“ ZHwT What Girls Should Cultivate. An unaffected, low, distinct, silver- toned voice. The art of pleasing those around you, and seeming pleased with them and all they may do for you. The charm of making little sac- rifices quite naturally, as if of no ac- count to yourself. The habit of making allowances for opinions, feelings or prejudices of others. An erect carriage, a sound body. A good memory for faces arid facts connected with them, thus avoiding giving offense through not recognizing or bowing to people or saying to them what had best be left unsaid. The art of listening without impa¬ tience to prosy talkers, and smiling at the twice-told tale or joke. Petroleuin to Cure Diphtheria. Paris medical men continue to give their opinions vaguely on tho treat¬ ment of diphtheria by petroleum as carried out by Dr. Flahout, a pro¬ vincial physician. All unite in testi¬ mony as to the fact that such a treat¬ ment is by no means original. Dr. Fauvel, a celebrated throat specialist, says that in pulmonary maladies the application of pure petroleum lias pro¬ duced splendid results. Moreover, during the American war of secession wounds were dressed with the oil. The doctor, however, counsels mothers whose children are affected by the dreadful malady of diphtheria or croup to put their trust for the present in pure lemon juice, which should be sponged or brushed over the throats of the sufferers .—London Telegraph. Breadmakiug. In an article on “Breadmaking aa an Accomplishment” an English con¬ temporary refers to the scarcity of breadmakers among cooks. Says the writer: “It is astonishing how com¬ paratively few professional cooks will nowadays undertake domestic baking. I was staying with some friends in a furnished house at an out of the way place where the village bread was so sour and bad as to be pronounced un¬ eatable, and they were obliged to have a supply twice a week by train from a town 40 miles away, their coachman having to go seven miles to the station to fetch it, and this because their Lon¬ don cook—an expensive and otherwise efficient specimen of her class—did not understand the mystery of set¬ ting the dough to rise.” $10 A Day Free 1 Enclose in a letter containing your full name and address, the outside wrapper of a bottle of Smith’s Bile Beans (either size). If your letter is the first one opened in the first morning mail $5 of any day except Sunday will be sent you at once. If the 2 d, 3 d, 4 th, 5 th or 6 th, $ 1 . Ask for the SMALL size. Full list mailed to all who send postage for it (2 cts.). Address J. Smith & Co. No. 255 Greenwich St., New York. “ Not a gripe in a barrel of them” Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies — OR — Other Chemicals are used in tho preparation of \ W. BAKER & CO.’S llBreakfastCocoa i if i which is absolutely pure and soluble. ! I LUffi t* It has ttrmyth more than °f Cocoa three mixed times LLF'll i e Pai with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more eco¬ nomical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily DIGESTED. _ Sold by Grocer* everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. &i'N Stove Q S polish Do Hot Be Deceived — '- with Pastes, Enamel* and Paints which stain the bands, injure Snn the Stove Iron and burn red. The Rising Polish U Brilliant, Odor- leas, Durable, and the consumer pays for no tin or glass package with every purchase. Inculcating Consideration. Teach a young child to wait upon itself and upon its parents. Let it bring father his slippers, cane, hat or gloves, and mother her workbasket, thimble or book. Encourage it to perform any little offices that come within its powers ns a tiny child. It will be proud to execute these small commissions, and as it grows older it will form a fixed habit of considering the wants of others. Improvement of the character is likely to make the body more beautiful. Mind and phy¬ sique are closely allied. Noble im¬ pulses, high aspirations and unselfish character are indicated by a high chest, well poised head and elastio footstep. He Was Born Lucky. A Long Island man fell into a well a few days ago and found a §20 gold piece while he was gathering himself together in two feet of water, He is alive and well, and a flesh and blood example of the old adage thnt it is better to be born lucky than rich. — Exchange. DR. KILMER’S SWAMP-ROOT CURED ME. La Grippe! Grippe! Grippe! After Effects Cured. Mr. Bilger writes:—“I had a bad attack of the Grippe; after a time caught cold and had a second n attack. It settled in my Kidneys and Liver and Ohl such pain and misery in my back and legs I The physicians’ mcdicino and other things that I used p made no impression, and until I continually grew worse I was a Physical wreck and given up to die. Father bought mo a bottle of Hr. Kilmer’s SWAMP-BOOT, and before I had used all of the second bottle I felt better, and to-day I nra just as well as ever. A year has passed aud not a trace of the Grippo is left. Swamp-Root Saved My Life. D. H. Bilger, Hulmeville, Pa., Jan. 10th, 1893. At Drnccists 50 cents and $1.00 size. “ Invalids’ Guide to Uealth ” free—Consultation tree. Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Dr. Kilmer's FARILLA LIVER FILLS AretheBesi 42 Pills, 25 cents. — All Druggists. “German Syrup” Justice of the Peace, George Wil¬ kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co., Minn., makes a deposition concern¬ ing a severe cold. Listen to it. “In the Spring of 1888, through ex¬ posure I contracted a very severe cold that settled on my lungs. This was accompanied by excessive night sweats. One bottle of Boschee’s German Syrup broke up the cold, night sweats, and all and left me in a good, healthy condition. I can give German Syrup my mostearnest commendation. ’ ’ <D Uatoits Cured At your home without pain i r confinement. Patients continue business while under treat¬ ment. Whisky and all other drugs stopped immediately on beginning treaiment—do not need them. No treatment yet discovered to compare with it. Have given special study and practice to these diseases for the past twenty years, with continued and successful increase in practice. Write for my book of cures, free. B. M. WOOLLEY, M.D ■» Office, Whitehall St. Department A ATLANTA, CAs YOUR OWN HARNESS WITH THOMSON'S PIT SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No too'.* reqn. red. On 1 j a hammer needed to drlre an.i c Inch thrm eaeUjr and quick.)', leaving live cin ch ab«o utvly Mnonth. lt.qalilns no hoe to be mxde la the leaiher nor r.nrr lor the Uiveta. They are tlrong, tonerh lenirtTu. and dnrahle. Millions now in use. uniform or im rted, put np tu boxes. Ask yoar drnler for them, or send 40c. fit stamps for a box cl 100 , aseorteJ .izes ilau'fd by JUDSON l. THOMSON MFG. CO., ; WAI.THAM. 51 ASS. Ian ■ S3 -mas;:!'!**! :mwm ■ For Indigestion, ideal family UiUoafffW. medicine! f Hlfeadache, Constipation, Had . — . M g ^Complexion, I Offensive of the Hre»U), A | and all disorders Stomach, fact |Lirer and Bowels. L ? digestion pr follows yeppmmpity. their Perfect Sold ■ use. ?by | vial* druggist* I'a/ikage or sent by mail. Box ('> >, iM. (4 boxes;, J2. - = I For free samples-address ‘ i RII'AJiS CHEMICAL CO., New Tort 1 za «• a. 3a im* ia o n mm ^ CANCER CLUED WITHOUT THE KNIFE Or use of painful, bur ling, poisonous plas¬ ters. Cancers exclusively trea ed. Dr. F. B. Green’s Sanatorium, Fort Payne, Ala. O JL ngleside ^g,etreat. ?< r I i-i as-s of Women. Scientific treatment and cures jiuaran ee I. Elegant ar artrm nts for !adi< s be- fi n- ami during confinement. Address The BesP dent Hi.>-;■»«• Ian. .l-T-t Baxier Court. Ka»kville, Tenn. O & O R Cnred Permanently NO KNIFt:. VO B. I'OINON, U Ni» PLASTER. JXO. ARK IS, Fort Pjo-, A!a. 1 Crmuuijillres and people ¥ who hare weak langs or Asth¬ y* ma, should use Piso's Cure for n. Consnmpijon. It has eared tb aassacd*. It has not injur- | 1 eJ one. It is not bad to take. It is the best coaga syrup. Sold everywhere. ZSe. £>. COHSUhfFTlOW. A, & U. Thirty-eight, ’83.