The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, September 29, 1893, Image 2

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Al) \ i.i.Tt,! N i-.A L..5 made knowr on application. — TOCCOA, GA., Friday, sept. 23,180: A DAXGF.r.O'.^ CUSTOM. For months Tnr: News Isa3 been Speaking at frequent intervals ot i*v:da arcs of Jvnch law and con- ■ I . . .. , fill , . tice. nnm;^; !«H3 uroav . 1 * - . r it has oeeuniod alim.-dt an isolated position oil this question, but on this account lias not refrained from *peoking plainly nnd boldly. V/e lay no claims to the gift of prophecy, and yet do assert that our predict ion that, unless popular opinion should condemn mob vio¬ lence, crimes would not decrease fend crowds of men would become rnorb reckless in disregarding the laws of the land, seems to be com- ing true. When lynching for oUo crime is Winked at by grand juries, it may be expected that mob law will dis- >'P° ' f <*“* 0f “° therdaSS ; whenever a considerable numoer or Ihose people who arrogate to them- bolves tbe right Tad power to decide questions of life and death without hearing evidence, shall bttme toget her and so agree. ’Twere busy to give proof of this, but it is mini ecessaiy to do sd. To be convinced that lynching is demorttllzing One lifts only to remember the instances of the Imr- ning of a negro rapist in Texas and h negro murderer in Georgia, and tnoro recently of the hanging of a negro in Roanoke, for robbing and beating a woman, and of drag¬ ging to the river and there burning his lifeless body perforated with numerous bullets. Such deeds are horrible, and make a thinking man rishrmed that lie lives in a coun¬ try where they are committed and where these out rage s^aro allowed to go unpunished. The action of the mayor of Roanoke ahd the military com¬ pany stationed in the jail is to be Commended. They swoto to pro¬ ject the law, and they kept their oath. It is to be regretted that in pro¬ tecting the prisoner they killed had wounded Several men, even though these go'i their deserts, for 1.ho loss of life is a serious affair under almost any circumstan- (M“H. it' mobs wore reasoiirlble the Roanoke mob might have been {aught a lesson by t heir experience; but a more salutary effect could bo produced by sending about Fifty of them to the penitent : ary. Our boasted civilization seems i o be only a veneering, under which are concealed instincts evSn more cruel than those of the brute, and which are brought into play When passions are excited by reck¬ less men. Even if mobs always executed niOii deserving death—which we do not believe—wo should protest against them, for their example is a menace to good government find dangerous to society. It would be well to realize this and take some steps to punish lynchers before this lawlessness becomes more wide-spread and more dangerous. We have reveivecl a copy of a handsome pamphlet entitled '’Min¬ nesota : A Brief Sketch of Its History, Resources and Advanta¬ ges,” which is issued by authority of the Minnesota board of World’s fair managers. It is finely illus¬ trated and seems to be an excellent advertisement of the North Star staie. The PRESS will very much regret to hear of the cfeath of Editor W. T 0. Gunil, of the Cuthbert Liberal- Enterprise. Ho was among the loroiutvi foromo«t LTtor Georgia e ia Culiors editors lnaoillty, inability and even those’who did not agree with him politically will miss ” i • I . , , Drignt ana strong paragrapns. M ITILE the gubernatorial que-S- tion is being discussed in tho State, Colonel J.W. Robertson’s name is mentioned frequently in ion with his suitableness for the position .rosi.loa of or obiof cmei PVfV'ntivAnf executive or fienr- ueor gia. Colonel Robertson is honest, level-headed man. The Brazilian* vidi 4 \ re mqki rx ' T things lively a WUr vvar- rroN •weries Hint •nlly bring ‘tugs. • prietors of in ures claim f 1 heir “treat- >P of coffee cl v a \ tli uth’i ire for stini- s 8 «!*t some old r.,probate who delighted in fre- jags should suddenly die cover that the cocHail 1 Y 0 longer was a source of satisfaction to him, and that even “peach and honey” had lost its charms, and should as- certain that some prohibitionist fl1 f . n<] ha(1 nionkeyod A , his - (the .... ‘ old toper's) coffee. If this hard- . ^ . f ’ n<>( ‘ oit * SiImer that we have pic- tured should feel aggrieved that bis appetite had been changed by chemical means without his con- sent, could lie go to law and ob¬ tain damages? Pedhaps it would be a good plan to have a board composed of able men of the Democraicfc party, whose duty it would be to explain just what the Democratic platform means, and from whose decision there would be no appeal. There are men who can’t run a one-horse farm successfully, and men Wh0 c f?’ t set 0Ut a ,leCent country weekly, who honestly be- lieve that they knotv just how the financial affairs of this government should bo conducted. We have received the initial number of College Echoes, a neat little sheet published by the stu¬ dents of Elbertdn Institute. The editorial work is done by young ladies, while one of the storner sex is business manager. It seenis that part*' platforms, like most laws, can bo construed in divers ways. Would that ceftaiii senators could be convinced that silence is silver! Tvigalo. There was preaching at Providence church Sunday by Rev. SV. A. Cooper, of Avalon. There will be an all-day singing and a basket dinner at Whiten Gap school house’ on tiie second Sunday in October. Everybody is invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. Mf. V. A. White has raised the lar¬ gest apples we have seen. Some of them weighed 19otinees. Miss Lula Davis’ school at Whiten Gap closed last Friday. A large croivd was present to hear the exercises and to attend the picnic, ’ which was very / enjoyaole. I wo of the smallest ,, , sehol- , are, little Arthur Mills and little "Wiley Collier, did the best speaking. Mr. Bailey, who has been sick for some time, is getti ng better. The high water did not hurt the corn on Tugalo river as badly as \va S thought. After the water had subsided it was found that crops were not very seriously damaged. On the fourth Sunday iri October, at 4 o’clock p. m., Rev. W. A. Cooper, of Avalon, will preach at Whiten Gap school house. Cotton has opened fast since tiie rain stopped. Mr. Burns has moved liis family to Athens. When you’re 1 old and cannot se* Put on your specs aud tbi nk of the Hustler. Newspaper subscription taws. Few readers of papers fully understand the laws governing subscription. Tbe decisions of the United States Court are: 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wishing to renew t-lieir subscriptions. 2. if subscribers order*the discontinuance of their periodicals, the publisher may con¬ tinue to send them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to ta ke their periodicals from tbe posto ffiee to which they are directed, they arc responsible it itii they hare settled their bills and ordered them discontinued. 4’ If subscribers move to ctlier places with¬ out informing the publishers, and the papers are sent tef the former address, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to’ take periodicals from the office, or remov¬ ing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud, 9. If subscribers p:i^ fn advance, they are bound to give notice at the end of the time if they do not wish to continue taking it; otherwise tbe publisher is arborized to send it, and the subscriber will be responsible until an express notice, with’ payment of all arrearages, is sent to the published Tlie ,alest law * are S !cl ‘ tiiat ne ' w ^ a ^ r p^LUshers am arrest anyone for fraud vvno takes a paper and refuses to pay for it. Filler this law the man Who a rows his sub. scripfloit to run along for some time unpaid, aod thca ort1ers it discontinued, or orders the postmaster to nrark it ‘ re fused.” and have a postal atrd sent notifying the publisher, leaves himself liable to arrest and fine, the same asfor thcft ' NOW TRY THIS It will cost von nothing and will surely or’ Ypu good< if yon have a Couglt, Cold or any trouhle w r th throat. Chest or Lumrs. Dr. Kbtg’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs a:>d Cclds is guarranteed to give re- lief, or money will be ]Ktid back. Sufferers from imderjts La Grippe had-a foffud it just and the tiling use speedy perfect recov- 1 rial bottlesfree at W. II, A J. Davis store. Large size54c. and-* loo. L«ivo»ia. fe. FVsje Cleveland Las boffglf: Cor- . MRs Gilmer, a el,arming yonag lady from , is stopping for some weeks with Mrs. Sarah A -. C-ornog. She has made friends quite rapidly si "ne she has been here. „-S. the g¥#.nd jurors drawn to make pre- sentfnents for our town. Tlie two former are serving, and the two latter oa account of the.r ‘ ' Tbe Uran<1 ^ ot >[a3ons al Macon on Ootoliier TaMi will be com- of such fellows as J.K. Meredith (L!£m?A. i; jfKeefe ortwm, and ueumnth!'y.”‘ LaVU " ,a ' " tlsver ‘ n The Lavon j a canning this,“their Co. **v> ffeme a *P od business first year, and their goods are of a superior qua!- i ty as a man who has made a reput a- tion with the prince of eanners, J. Baker, has had charge of the work. We hope all such enterprises in our town will succeed. Jas. Harrison stib nurses liis ampu- X'h dtvns S.SSSa 1 " " a "‘ 1 fr ° m The Methodist Sunday-school gave a missionary entertainment last Friday night, which was well attended and Mexican, greatly enjoyed. The Chinaman, the the Jap and the Ameri can Indian were nicely represented by boys and girls in their costumes. Above ail the collection, as well as the other part of the program, was a complete success. Giles Henson, an escaped convict from North Carolina, stopped here awhile last week, but the sight of the sheriff and our marshal caused him to take ‘*leg bail” Saturday night, and he lias not been heafd of since. Itis crime was raising trying a check from $3 to $3,000 and to collect it. He was too green, and was arrested on the spot, at Salisbury, North Carolina. Without deceit we ean «y that The Toccoa News is the best country newspaper we know anything about. 0. L. Moore, our efficient depot agent, is the best railroad man we have ever had. He adheres strictly to the company’s rules, but is so polite and suave that every man pays his freight before removing his goods, and feels good about it. The company should feel proud of him. propriately The Baptist Sunday-school will ap¬ celebraib Missionary day on the evening of October loth. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Sometime ago Rev. L. T. Weldon, the Baptist pastor at Central, came down on ing. Captain Manley’s train one morn¬ The captain had considerable business to.attend to here, and while unloading freight and shifting cars he used an unusual amount of Sunday- school words even for Captain Manley; whereupon Rev. Mr. Weldon blandly asked your correspondent if the cap¬ tain was aiiy kin to Dr. Charles Man- ley, president of Furman University. 1 ventured to ask the captain that question the other day, and to my sur¬ prise found that they were kinsgien. Box *Aiit. Turnerville. We are glad to say that yon ran still see the low country people roaming about our streets and hear their clutter chatter from dark till 10 o’clock at night in the hotel parlors. Among those still remaining at Turnerville are Mrs. A. Mel). Shley and daughter, Miss Arnold, Miss Martin, Mrs. P: T. HasiHlP, urlths son and governess, Mrs. Wil- dren, and all children, Mrs. Jones and chil¬ of Savannah. We have liad quite a crowd this season. We are glad to say that Turnerville has come forward and entertained as many of tbe health and pleasure seekers this 'L? Taking a ,' J . >n R s at D consideration r her Pieter villages. into her age, etc., she has far surpassed any other place in Northeast Georgia. All have ex- pressed themselves as being highly pleased with the fare, and especially the country and water. The beautiful Panther Creek fall, three miles away, is fast becoming a noted place and once seen is never for¬ gotten. A few days since I w as hand¬ ed a photograph of a beautiful fall and asked to name it,whereupon 1 exclaim¬ ed, “Beautiful Toccoa,” not thinking of tbe falls of Panther Creek. They re¬ semble Toccoa falls so much that you can scarcely detect the difference from the photograph, except by the height. Our merchants are looking healthy and are expecting a very heavy trade this season. It is the people that make the hard times and not the government. Go to work, improve your lands and make plenty of hog and hominy at home, and you Will never hear hard times, and scarcity of the bright, shin¬ ing metal any more. T. M. Foddrill has moved up on the public square In a few hours after tils move there arrived at his mansion a a boarder. It is a girl to gladden the hearts of the two little brothers. W. F. Ballew has an extra grin on his face. When asked what it was he said, “Billie No. 2.” W. H. says he ex¬ pects to educate him thoroughly in music if other branches are neglected. David Fry and family, of Atlanta, have just come id bur city. They expect to make this their future home Mrs. Nancy Taylor, of Tallulah with Fallls,- has been spending a few weeks her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Shirley. W. D. Burch and Arthuf Rurrill passed through the city last Friday en route to Cornelia. Court has passed, and so far as we can learn the grand jury did not find a Creek single true bill against anyone in Deep district. This speaks well for law-abiding Pay Deep Creek. running up The your dues; it is a new firm News. Success to the new firm; SXAP. Avalon. Farmers are getting along finely gathering. Mr. Jno. Caifif' rind Miss M. R. Wil¬ liams were unit id in marriage Sun¬ day; W. M. Bryan, who has been attending Garnesville High school, was in this place Saturday and Sunday, ,^ ton f,el * ■- white; . are , the fleecy „ a P L, is opening, ast. “ - Syrup cafie was good in this see- tion. Ur ?; Vickery visited her daughter, Mrs. Simpson, near iu^alo, last week. W M. Bryan will .each school Martin next jear. There was quite a large crowd at Red Hollow preaching Sunday. The writer was m Toccoa Saturday ori* business. ' week. The Toccoa News gets better each Win. Morgan will teach school at Eastanollee next year, Cot “ in !»«’• Times seems to be getting better. Uncle Ftt-' United Confcdprate Veterans. Editor News : General J. B. Gor* *»• United ' «•*«"*,» »»«<"« that tile on showing progress made in organi- zing _ camps in this association given to th« pfiiiic with the hope And belief that ft veil! st !«“*’•< 1,a -h^-age those veterans '° n °t «* et organized to do so at once and send their application for necessa- ry papers for membership immediately lnt0 the3e i,., ad(1 „ arterSi su „ w rej,resented tc ’ at rentfion at Birmingham at the S xxfi October 2d and 3d, nest. Applications will be received “‘1'" L'* 1 '*”"' “* ^ "* Will you kindly aid tbe old veterans % publishing this letter and date in your valuable paper, in this week's! , SS ue? The summary summary shows snows, 3A c « am am ns D s al- al rtat , 4 registered; applications in are now for necessary papers to form at least T& 'ov more, so that if nothing prevents there will be nearly or quite f*> liam -nips reunion. marshalled at the Binning- Summary of camps by states ’: Texas, 12$; Alabama, 50; Mississippi, 37; Louisana, 31; Florida,26; Kentucky, 2 ->; Arkansas, 21; Tennessee; ,15; South Carolina, 19; NortH .Carolina, 10‘. Georgia, 8; Virginia, 7; ‘Oklahoma* 4; Division N. W., 2; Indian Territory, 2; Missouri, 1; District of Columbia*. 1. Total, 391 camps. Very respectfully, Gko. Moo km ax, Adjutant General and Chief of Staff. emigrant Rates. To ilicne c uiteinphiting a -f to the great western country, Texas, Arkansas, Indl an Territory, Oklnlioma Territory, Kansas, Missouri, California, or any other western state or territory, we beg to call attention to the old reliable and quick Georgia Pacific loute via Birmingham. This rout i Pas been in operation over eight years and lias shortened llietripto the West many hours. Choice of three rou‘ es is given; via Memphis, via Shreveport or via New Orleans ; and emigrant rates entitled the pas¬ sengers to good accommodations on fast through express trains. First-cta^s tickets good in Pullman ears are also sold at the very lowest rates. Country maps of Arkansas and Texas will be furnish¬ ed free upon application, and wc guarantee to those using our line that the trip will be thequickest. and will not cost one cent more than any other route. Elegant through coaches n.nd connections. Write or call on \V- H* TAYLOE, A. A. V k aft o'v, Dis. Pa<s. Agent. Passenger Agent. No. lOKimbiill House, Atlanta Ga. i m 9*1 COMPOUND. A physician. reconidiBCoverY Succns fully by an jised, old % xr monthly dies. Is tho by thousands of La¬ and reliablo only medicine perfectly safe ^ discov- A SSi*^ ered. BowRre of unprincipled medicines - in place of druggists this. Ask v>’ho for Cook’s oiler inferior Hoot Conir’otJjtr, substitute, cotton take !i\ ixo or inclosoSland c cent n nostaye letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars in plain envelope, Addros to ladies only, Pond 2 stamps. Lily Coriipcuf’; .. , 3 Ko. 3 Fisher Block, Detroit, Mich. For sale by W. Ii. & J. DAVIS, alid nil Drutgisto. lost. A LARGE AMOUNT OF MONEY. Is lost annually by parties purcha¬ sing worthless fruit trees, loses etc. Get them from a firm that grows their ow n trees, sends out nothing but good stock arid sells at reasonable prices. We want the address 6’f every farmer or gardener in our section and will make you a liberal offer. Write for particulars and prices at oncei Agents wanted everywhere. Address Cherokee Nursery Co., Waycross, Ga. (Mention this paper.) ------ — « o w - - ■-- -— A Good Tiling to Keep at Hand. FROM THE TROY (KANSAS) CHIEF. Some years ago, we were very much sub¬ ject to severe spelts of cholera morbus ; and now when we feel any of tbe symptoms that usually proceed that ailment, such as £ck- uess at the stomach, diarrhoea, etc., wc become scary. We have found Chamber¬ lain’s Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy the very thing to straighten one out in such cases, and always keep it about, Wc are not •Writing this for a pay testimonial, but to let our readers know what is a good thing to keep handy in the house. Fur sale by W. II. «& J. Davis, druggists. Among --—-;- the incidents of childhood that stand out in bold relief, as our memory re¬ verts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than severe Sickness. Tilt young mother vividlj' remembers that it was Chamberlain’s Ccugli Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own offspring and always with the best re¬ sults, For sale by W. II. & J. Davis, drug- gilts. -- - ELECTRIC BITTERS. This Remedy is becoming so well known and so v?bo popular used as to need no special mention. Ail have Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise-— A purer,medMne does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Eleetric Bitters will cure all disea¬ ses of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boi’s, fca’t Riieum and other affec¬ tions caused by impure, blood.—Will drive Malaria from tiie system and pf£veilt as well as cureall malarial fevers.—For cure of Head- ace, Bitters—Entire Constipation and Indigestion try Electric satisfaction guaranteed or Money refunded.— Brice 50c a fid ?1 per bottle at \V H J Davis’s drugstore. Persons troul>le<l with chronic diarrhoea should try Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy many cases have been chrpd. by it after all else had failed and skilled physicians Were powerless. For sale by YV. H & J. Davis, druggists. — A little bcV of Mrs, McDonald’s, living near here, fell against a red hot stove and was fearfully burned The pain was terrible, and IKhiM f?r fife' VSld lh”My a tottleTf Chamberlain's Pa!n Balm, which, after greas tiie boy was well, no trace of the scar remain- in S- j' D. McLaren, K.ysport, Clinton county. Ill. For sitle by W. H. & J. Davis, druggists. /A) r . „ 1 - R )1 A Jit. DIES AND OENTLE- MEN.—Guaranteed to enlarge and develop an pJ ,ar L, of nL he Price ?1.00.- Perfectly Harmless. Sent c , by , mail. Sealed in plain wrapper on receipt of price. Inclose stamp for particulars. Acme Mkidicjitk Atlanta, G-a,- She iVoidd'S Salt j Is a large afiVir. But if you go tnere ahd pay your railroad fare, your hotel fare- your street cat Tare, and other bills that you don’t care to particularize, you will fed confident that it is perfectly fair for-you to stare while theto, eMi u oEm Sho 0 -. / But if you can't go, and want to know how to make a better showing for votir money, w*» will desist from speaking jdlitetally and teh you, Jf uM Skfc i hit A tKD \V ‘A RI3S DAXC^I’S with a roll of the needful or a hand full of silver that, alas! is not free enough. Anti exchange some of it for some of our Dry Goods Bargains', Cheap Clothing, Fresh Groceries or a handsome suite o r Furniture. We keep most anything in the way of Ger eiai Merchandise, and it 'don’t tako much money to buy a wagon load of g-Ws at out store. Tbitrs to sell, at low tariff prices, SdwaUH Venice. Solve civile Hartwell Tli FT. N*<j i. ft r.eHve Ti art well 7 -1C a m Arrive Bowersril'e 830 No. 2. L-ave Bowersi i'le 3^6 a m Arrive Hartwell 9 50 r No. 3. Leave ITartwcll 200 » m Arrive BowersviUe 25 -r in No. 4 Lr.ive Bowrrsvilu 3 30 p m A rove Hartwell •1 20 All traliis daily exeeHt Sunday., E. B. BENfcON, Receiver. BLUS RIDGE l ATLANTIC RAILROAD. lime 2able Ao2/ Takin<r effect Sept. 1, 1S93. V. M 6 Lv Taihilnh Ar t- M. 5 8 Falls 5 55 TnrnurviPe — 55 G 15 Aantvndale — 35 0 :;o Clarkbs! iile 1 20 6 45 netuorcst 1 50 7 05 Corneia 12 4 ”> P. M. Ar. Lv. N’n. W. V. Lauraine, Receiver. A MILLION FRIENDS. A fiend in need is a friend indeed, and no’ less than one mil ion jvope have found ju-t such a friend in Dr. Kind’s New Discovery for (?onsuinptiofi, comrlis and colds—If you have ncve.Mvied this Graa:(’ough Medicine one tri il will convince >ou M at it lias wonder fiil curative poweis iq all diseases of Tliyoa chest and Lungs. Eticli lo’tle is gearautee to do all is claimed or tuotiev v ill he re funded. Trial botiles free at W II A J Da\is’ WHISKEY AND OPIUM HABITS CURED YYGF YOTJB HOME, WITHOUT PAIN OB CCMFI1TSUE1TT; treatment: Patients continue Wlnsky business and all while oth^f under stopned immediate'y beginning uefriment drugs on —do not need tiieffu No treatment,.jet dis covered to compare with it. Have given special for tbe study and practice to these dbease* successful pa-t twenty years, with continued and increase in practice. WRITS FOR MY BOOK OF CURES, FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. ID., ATLAXTA, Sitfcet. o-al. Office. 104-i Whitehall ROYAL - GEMIETBER not only cures all bowel troubles, whether of long or short duration, but btiilds up the general system in old and young. It is a splendid sumni'Of drink and CONQUERS FEVERS! quicker Than anv other remedv. 1)R. J. W. NKLMS SAYS: For Atlanta, Ga., August 14,1893. the past two years I have used King’s Royal Germetuer in my practice and witF most satisfactory' results. 1 have used it in Typhus, Typhoid and Bilious Fevers, and always with the speediest and best ef¬ fects. It lowers the temperature and breaks up fevers of all kinds common to this latitude more expeditiously than any remedy wit hin riiy knowledge. From ihf own hers experience in its use, upon myself and ot to whom I have recommended and administered It, I believe it would be a good remedy for Yellow Fever. It is r most excellent Antiseptic, cures Catarrh,’ Insomnia, Night Sweats and Eczema in all its forms. King’s Royal Germetuer is emphatically injurious effects a safe in the remedy aud leaves no' svstera. John W. Nelms. M. D., Mayor West End, Ga. For Nervous Troubles. Teething Chil¬ dren ami Summer Complaint, Germetuer has no equal. Try it. $1 per bottle, six for f5. All druggists. Germetuer Pills for constipation, 50 in a vial, foe,25 eents, THE St. J J (Incorporated.) INSTITUTE OF GEORGIA, FOR THE CURE OF WHISKEY, MORPHINE, OPIUM M -AND- TOBACCO HABITS. V M~o. li OilmerSt, - ^ HE Imstitutb. ^Atlanta. asr GHEAPCASHNEW YORK STORE (R. Bryant’s! Old Stand.) Gentlemen’s and I^a.dies’ Places, Mien’s and Boys’ Clotiring, Hats, Collars. Dry Goods. Big lot of CHEAP PANTS and many other things at very reasonable prices. Come to see us. SILVERMAN & GOLDBERG, trilecoA, » ux ?•- S FOR TIIE SAKE OF THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR I Cash down on the delivery of Goods, I will sell my entire Stock of ...... CTy ! .Boots, Goods, IT ot ions, Siioes, HsLts _and Caps Cheaper than they were ever sold at in Toccoa. BW - - »> •tt ! I HAVE ALSO A BROKEN L*N^ OF TO CLOSE OUT AT WHOLESALE COST. Now is the time to get 1 Over Skirls, Under Skirls, 7)ress Skirls, lllanlcets and Quills, and, in fad, anjylkinr/ in Ike Goods line ckeajjsr than eve?'. If c*- you have the ip.agle Dollar I will give you hi? the closest prices on. . GROCERIES 4 and * HARDWARE you havejieafd of in a long time. COME AND J3EE WHAT I HAVE AND HEAR MY PRICES WHEN YOU WANT TO BUY. 1 MACK » PAYNE, 5 TOCCOA, GA.