The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, October 20, 1893, Image 2

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1 T* T& V O A :.. • zrzr-rr 1. fc HALL and froprietOPS. VnblLr.c i Every Friday Morning. Yi.t ^ed at t ie T • >a Post office a= Feeo^d-clf! Matter. . - l r; r r* ON FA 1 S: One .War. f LOO? j IX mont « 50c.; threi- > '.ntii- 'J.V‘. ADV KHTi- i VO RATI? !iiad«* known <m Mpn-jcation. l'OC , O N., Friday, Oct. 20,1*9”. H ELI’ Bill sv, kk. j ib'unswi'Ck gi'Ci t destitution ol-ow fever may In* i to there tor twe or i! roe w<;< ! n< r oefure cold weather can kill tie* gorms of disease. live h an time k peepb, Shat 311V Si £ in j n cd of food and 1, which cv cas'-not procur I . ilcir own exertion. They are depen- d-'n upon (ho gener< I y of others for c( rnfort for life*. 1 • *umei 1 m ciik ; and towns of { ft... n o :-m-heurt<‘d people bon ser mtvibutions of ic v and food to tho stricken city, but moif ssi-itauce is needed tll<U‘e, The 'd ■.]/• h *f TticiSia, ns yet, ) tu. i i aided in relieving the >V VI >t li'- condition of these suffer¬ mt t.w.iau .... opportunity v, j; ; b<> olii-rr 1 tlmm to show that tlu-ir hearts an lot cal'otis, ? nd that. I hoy are charitable. No subscription list will b e passed around ; ,. 0 onf Ay -]j p e ».sked to give anything, but all or- e. rner-lly requested to attend tin c*onc( rt to be given to-night for the benefit of the destitute in Brunswick. The entertainment, we doubt not, will !.-e fully worth the price of admission, 25 cents. every lover of music, every g< no rou 3 hearted person in Toccoa and its vicinity be sure attend the concert. Humanity and town pride de¬ mand that Toccoa shall not turn a deaf ear to the cries of distress v. ):e» sho can relieve these by a slight effort. Help Brunswick by attending the concert to-nigh*. a ! custom. We dm not presume to dictate to (lie l nit; d States si vhnt nil shall regulate the actioiis of <hafc body of men, but Wf i have the privilege of <* uu 1 ,net, ai d of !his wo shall avail ourseti c&. l! lookei {<> us a8*if the nnwrit- f <l law of them nato w Inch allows a quostum to bo discussed as long ;i an von do? ires to abolish speak on if. should ho proiuolv tl. F fn - sovoru' wet !;s we liavo witnessed lie spec Inch of a minority, wiio, by lung pow< r and piiysiea! strength, have prevented r. vole's being taken on a financial quo-iion, w .n.e lh!' •omlition of atiun loudly calls for relief and tile business interests languish 1 ccause o: nooded logi. hit ion. Tlio extra so. : was called .11 so I iio IVY-'L ill -mil other v’i nun t the t *1 tat do i'.iug in th e way i a clone q icklv- if1\ vk . as nar.q sen-. ■ s w UI;, 1 «e v : for the ntiy to . t lie iloni_ ion kov-vv s i\ cannot \; i say thill touid pass, Silver * till sboul'l 1. A' ’util does believe urovould be prefer- ?\. r ; i 0 14 „ u ' i.O * ' V ° UKt l!i tb a it would ke the 1> ! g w yarty the ding st ,\M 1.>r the K publican the P. 1 Hi 1.SI I: ii* 1 Croat lv in* • the sir- - gth of these tv, v can w> expect any ts enacted us lony as there -headed, long-winded, sleek- ■d men in the senate who these measures? How cun ft that the tariff can «>e re - 'hat l ho ton b*r cent, tax AU-vs n L. be removed ^ , , or . income tux law cun c.. . when we know there are .iii* senate whoxwill liglit -bitterly'? ? custom in the senate e-oi.- *erhaps it would bo well to c^htHoiA oft account of their loquacity and physical powers of wdnr<in?;e instead of for their mentni ability and integrity. What is a majority ^6r, if not to rule ? The Georgia legislature will convene on the 25th. Iris a pity thftt more of the rascals who get advertising for nothing can’t be reached by the law. The actions of the Georgia law me pc- .-; will soon bo attracting attention of the press. May they do sonv thing when they meet. '1 he Augusta exposition ha;' been postponed until XoVrdbbbt’l4th, so as not to interfere with the World's fair. It will be a big show. Toe American yacht Vigilant was too fast for the English vessel Valkyrie, and the cup remains on tins side ot the water. Samuel Spencer, onh of receivers of the Richmond & ville road, is a Georgian. But he 13 believed to be the one who is responsible for llie recent reduction in wages of employes of this road and he has received the maledic¬ tions of many other Georgians. Vfrrli plenty of corn in his crib, fat hogs in the pen, peas, potatoes, peanuts and . sorghum . in . abundance , , and “mountain dew” iii the jug. what matters it td tHo Northeast Georgia fanner it the price of cot- ton does fluctuate between 7 ahd 8 cents and silver is not vet free? ______________________A We should like for that *- r ” gen ids, Montgomery Folsom, | to come to Toccoa soon, take a look at the falls and then give vent to his poetic impulses. If the sight of this lovely cascade doesn’t inspire him sufficiently an j additional source of inspiration 1 ‘night be found in the mountains. Come to see us, Folsom. Lavuitia. Some rarcal stole Billie Frank’s bay horse and Robert Cauthen’s buggy Tuesday night and left for parts un¬ known. They went in the direction of Toccoa. Any information them will be gladly received by our chief of police. Lavonia sent $15 to Governor Xor- !hen for the yellow fever sufferers in Brunswick, but we have seen no account ot u ,n ,lw ,,al| y papers. However, Gov. Northen sent it to them. The missionary celebration at the Baptist church Sunday night was one of tiie most enjoyable occasions ever witnessed in Lavonia. The songs, recitations and other parts of the pro¬ gram were almost faultlessly rendered, Miss Lula Chandler covering herself with glory by her excellent recitation, Six dollars and thirty cents was collec- ted, and the children have nearly ten do!lars more in their pyramids. Ray and Cook, a progressive grocery firm of Bowersville, will move to Lavonia in January. Lavonia gives them a hearty welcome. YL A. Stovall is now with M. Craw- ! ford and Earnest Young with T, F. Allison. These are excellent young men. Miss Rilla Sewell is at the Al¬ liance store. Box Aik. Tugalo. Mr. B. Banks, of Carnesville, visited our little tuWti recently. Jesse Duke is making up the syrup j n our neighborhood. Jesse is a boy t ,f a great: deal of energy', jfnd don’t Hka but little flattering. He is not afraid of hard work; so come on, boys, with your enne. The new gin in our section which ims just been opened up, and is run by -Jack and Clem Scott, has proven a -vjvat success. It would be wolf for the farmer boys to patronize them. Peart,, X oot and His Wtesl. Moot has a Vtcycle. The front Wheel of this machine wrexsfires 5 ft. 11% inches, and ^.loot’s height is 6ft. 1 3 4 inches. They are nearly of a And tiie similarity between them does not stop here; the prevailing complex- ion oi , ootn . is . dark—quite , , , dark. ," , Bur their dispositions . . are very unlike. .... Moi i is c.ieertiiLcairdid and obliging; tiie wheel is morose, sly and contrary, like a mule. Very often when Moot tries to mount his lofty steed the wheel rebels, and both lie down on the ground—to rest. Some- times they start off nicely and all goes well for a time, when the cycle shies and Moot lies—in the dust. The wheel has run him into ditches, gullies and fences, and once when coming down a hill at a high rat-e of speed it threw him from Mr. McLaury’s to Mr. G. W. Edwards, about one hundred yards. Uut in spite of all these mishaps Moot never Kisvs his temper, and has neVt r ri 0<1 his steed1 ' When the two are m harmony and Moot’s long legs are working Jfk* tlx* piston rods of an engine, tiie- bicycle maxes a loud , , rattling noise . somewhat , ? 5, ,,ilar to,lhe sound of a fast running job . press ill motion. M hen this noise i? heard it will be well for vou to pre- pare Moot to dodge. and his wheel area 1 unique P air * r,, his rl v,i., B _ The New, a Monumental Rotary job press in good order. 8x12 chase. that it will exennnge for a good pai>er culler. Fall Time in Georgia-. Oil. U’s good ter live in Georgy Intherfall time er ther year. When (tier sugar cane netds chawin', a* U’ there’s lots er’ ’eliVtmon bevr. When therehes'nnt.< brown isdrappinS An’ '.her scaly barks is dry, An’ ther apples in tlier orchi l Nods and smiles as you pas? by. When t ber hickenmts an’ wanmts la er\Vii'i'.*n’ ter be hulled, An’ ther {T/pcorn in ther gyardin Is jes' ready ter be pulled. An’ ther ’po-surc fat an’ sas.*y, That's er-grlnnin’ up ther tree, When lie’s baked with *wcct pertaters, Ls jes’ good ernulf for me. Oh, it’s good ter live in Georgy At jes’ any time, VYr sed, But .somehow emuther fall time Is tlier best of all ter me -J. J. II. SKKTtHEi). To master the English language in a ii it s details, is nearly a hopeless task to most foreigners. The other day one of our Hebrew inhabitants, who came from Germany about two years ago, was giving a very vivid descriptive of d possum hunt in which he bed participated, and caused a loud lavish by saying, “Den der dorg smelling der footsteps of a fox.” ”Oh,” said he, when his voice could be heard, “dis Ingleesh is der worstest ^ der wold.” *** A little group of acquaintances was sitting on a hotel piitifiza discussing literary characters, when a traveling man drew near, Someone mentioned the fact that Hawthorne had a very high opinion of Emerson as a man; when the com- mercial tourist chipped in by saying, l>1 tion 1 l ia Y muclt attention to \'hat Hawthorne says since tie preached Jay Gould to hell.” “Oh,” replied a young lady, “we speaking of Julutri Hawthorne, the novelist;” Andtlffiti , the young man who had e(l at L a V ie ti,ne pla< 6 his abode and his ignorance in regard t9 literary affairsj proved himself in favor of a single gold standard—by his Silfenbe. “That’s just like an Atlanta young man,” remarked one of the party, when the drummer had withdrawn. *-**■ The other day, meeting an acquain¬ tance from the mountains whom I had not seen in a year or two, 1 began in¬ quiring about the people in his neigh¬ borhood. After asking about others, I said: “Did Jim Smith and Nancy Jones make a match of it?” “They sho’ did. Youuns jes’ orter been thar to er seed ’em hitched. They wuz dressed fit ter kill, an’ that night they give er big ter-do at ole man Joneses.” “Did they take a bridal tour.” “Well, I’ll her doggone! How in ther dickunce did youuns hear erbout him er lickin ’er?” “Why, I didn’t hear anything of the kind 1” “Youuns axed me erbout him er takin’ er bridle to ’er, an that’s jes’ what be (lobe. They hadn’t been mar¬ ried more’n erbout ’er mnnth when Jim got on ther outside uv too much corn licker one day an' went home ez tight ez Dick’s hatband. Well, Nayncy she got ter quarlin’ at ’im, an’ airter while he got tired ’erher jawin’ an’ tuk his bridle down, which wuz er bangin’ up in ther house, an’ laid it onto ’er. Who tole youuns ’bout him er takin’er bridle to ’er? Youuns said youuns didn’t know they Wuz married.” 1 was notable to explain to him sat¬ isfactorily what J meant. He departed, wondering how I heard about Jim Smith whipping his wife with a bridle, and I laughing to think of this novel conception of a bridal tour. Notice. We have been compelled to place ac¬ counts due US on The Toccoa New s in the hands of an attorney for collection. Col. J. B. Jones holds the accounts. Call and settle with him at once, and save cost. Edwards & Keese. 10-20. 4w. O. E. Horton, John P. Shannon, Carnesville, Ga. £lberton,Ga. >L C. Horton, Carnesville, Ga. HORTON, SHANNON & HORTON ATTORNEYS. €arn«svili.e, Georgia, Emigrant Kates. To tkose'ctmtcmplnting a trip to the great western country, Texas, Arkansas, Indian Territory, Oklahoma Territory, Kunsax, Mis?ouri - California, or any other western state or terntorv, Wi - beg to&ill attention to the _ old reliable ,, and qux;k Geoigia . T I , aulic ... l0tVte vifl Birmingham, This route has been iwoperation over eight years and has shortened* the trip to the West many hours. Choice of three routes is given; via Memphis, via bhreveport or via New OrtenAs ; a*rf emigrant rates entitled the pas- ^ge<s to gi-off accommodations on fust through express trams. First-class-tickets gorff i# Pullman also sold at the very lovfest rates. Country maps of-Arkansas and Texas will be furnish 1 - ed free upon application, and 1 wc guarantiee to those uffrg ot» line that the trip will be the quickest and" wil? not cost on* cent more than any other rauSe: Elegafsrt coaclie> and connectioiis; Write or cal! on VV- II- T ayloe. M. A. Veunov, Dis. Pass. A gent. Passenger Agent. No. 10 Kimball House, Afftrata G-a. Positions CIuarMntced'.- Money am be deposited in bank, for ftSlion, untrt position is secured. Send fbr80 page cafalocuc | of Draughon's Consolidated ^‘ f . c l , Nashville. Temv Alt co r U, an „^ No vacation*/’fiMer anytime- * (Me?*?**?iGirpapei*:-)' -———=- For bonds for title, warranty <fe*ds criminal warrants, J, executions etc., call at The News office; -- When needing anything In the way fega* blanks call at The News If Wt> haven’t irt^tock what you w'a«t we will print them, Cadets and American Girls, ihie h^nU ideal of an American girl and the pride of his family and friends is a military or naval cadet; but there is a substantial basis for the estimation in which he is held. Not one can enter our National Academies, and everyone who does has to work hard to keep up his reputation. “The Naval Cadet at Work and at Play,” a prize! article written by a naval cadet pub¬ lished in Detnorest’s Family Magazine for November, tells all about the life of the cadets at our NsVvnl Academy at Annapolis,—their dutie?. their trials, and their pleasures;.—tihd to read this paper, which is enlitblished with numerous and handsome illustrations, is quite equal to a visit to the Academy itself. , ... “Our National Nut” is a unique and interesting article, and from it one may learn many points about the toothsome peanut that will astonish the majority of readers. “Wedding and Engagement Rings” tells many peculiar facts and old legends about rings ancient and modern; “Within Prison Walls” is a pathetic story about Thanksgiving; “Cholly’s Last Sere¬ nade” will be appreciated by all lovers of genuine huilior; “Society Fads” gives the newest ideas about the train¬ ing of children in fashionable society; the numerous departments are full to overflowing with timely matter; and the pictures are numerous and lovely, introduced by a colored panel-picture, “An American Beauty,” which will be Gharming in a white-and-gold frame, and just fit that high, narrow space which it is so difficult to find some¬ thing for. Decidedly, it is an exeel- j lent number of an excellent Magazine which costs only $2 a j ^ar, tttid is pub¬ lished by W. JKNNlNOS Demorest, 15 E. 14th St., New Ytffk. “I e^psider Chamberlain’s Ccugli Remedy a jiSjSS&JS specific for cioup. It is very pleasant to “f a was saved by the «se of Chamberlain's Cough R enu ><iy.” J J. LaClrange, druggist, Avoca, Nub. o0 cent t-o’tks tor sale by W. H. A J. Davis ’ dru ^ lst "' > COMPOUND. f A physician. recent dls30Very HuccessfiiU]/ by a vionthly by thousands of ydies. r reliable ls thuonly medicine perfectly dis i atKl ism&^»5as«. % cents lit poistagfi In letter, and we will < 8ss2sssi send, nested, by envelope, return mail: ladles Full sealed particulars in plain to only, .tel&fsss&fadi 2 stamps. 4Mr ““ No. iV 3. .DAVIS, and all Druggists. LOST. A LARGE AMOUNT OF MOREY. Is lost annually by parties purcha* sing worthless fruit trees, fuses etc* Get them from a firm that grows their own trees,- sends out nothing but good stock and sells at reasonable prices. We want the address of every farmer or gardener in our section and will make you a liberal offer. Write for particulars add prices at once. Agents wanted everywhere. Address Cherokee Nursery Co., Wayeross, Ga. (Mention this paper.) Dr. P. A. Skinner, ofTe’xarkana, Arkansas is an enthusiast in the praise ufCliainberlain's Pain Palm. He used it for rheumatism, and says : “‘found it to he a most excellent local remctly.” druggists. For sale by W. 11. «te J. Davis, ELECTRIC BITTERS. Th> remedy is becoming ?o weli known and so popuhir as to need no Special mention, All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer medicine does not exist and it fs guaranteed to do «!1 that is Claimed. Electric Bitters will Ciire all diSfc.i- se; of the LR'Ct and Kidneys, will remove tions Pimples. caused Bo? s, Salt Rheum and other Will affec¬ Malaria ffofti by impure blood.— drive the system and prevent as well as cure all malarial fevers.—For cure of Head- ace, Bitters—Entire Coftsttiputhm and Indigestion try Electric satisfaction guaranteed or money ii refunde 1.— Price 50c and $1 per bottle at IV & J Davis’s drugstore. Amours the incid -nts of chiidhd d that stand out in bold relief, as our memory re¬ verts to the days when we were young, none are more prominent than seven? sickness. The young mother vividly remembers that it was Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cured her of croup, and in turn administers it to her own offspring and always With the best re¬ sults. For sale by W. H. & J. Dav’.s, drug¬ gists. -— NOW TRY THIS If will cost »rm nothing and will surely do you good, if foil have a Cough. Cold or any trouble with throat, Client or Lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for CoiwmniptiO'D. Coughs acd Colds is guarraftfeed to give re-- lief, or money will be paid back. Sufferers from La Grip] e found it just the thing and under its use bad a speedy and perfect recov¬ ery. learn Try for yourself a sample just bottle at our expense and how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at W. H. J. Da\is drug tore. Large size 50f. and $100. “During my term of service in the fanny I contracted chronic dfcirr a-a,” sajs a‘. E Bending, used of Halsey. Orcg.n. ‘Since then] have a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me relief erlain's they would Colic, injure Cholera my stomach, until Chamb¬ and Diarrhrea Remctly was brought to my notice, i used it and w^il say it relief is the and only remedy that gave follow.” nic perma irent no bad resu ts For sakr by W. ii. W J. Davis, druggists. Fcttiaps wliat some of our readers would like know in resjiect Charuber'ain’s 1 Cou^li Remedy is When lietterthan this Remedy any anv other other We tell you. is taken as soon 1 cold ly bwnomtrai t^and it luor become settledI in the sjs em. it will counted- at ? ?»i*' effect of the cold and greatly lessen rts days’ severity, timc.^rd ifnofcflfeetuslly it the only cure tliecold in two do this. It feln is perfect remedy that wnl and aid«r a reieviug harmony with na¬ ture nattrrev the longs, ihelun^JSri^ffic^tim opening tliFSt-Chdiotis, liquefj ing the mucus aiK | markef healthy cb'idition.- No other remedy in the p^»ssesscs the^e remarkable ‘-•riles. No ertier iFdl curea cold so 4 m kiy or ieave'the sysdena ip aX sound aoMKhtiOto. For sale by Vr.-H. A. J. Davis, dru^ia-s. -------- /L\ yrAI^TVTU 7 I DIES A BOON TO ?,A- MEN.-rGrthAAteed to enlarge and Cit me boov. price. Inclose ffain on rocei] t of stamp for particulnrY. ACME MEDICINE J^trlSbTVt3-, Ga. She fifonld’S Sail Is a large affair. But if Vo\t go therb nhd pay your railroad fare, your hotel fare; yoUr street car faro, and other bills that you don’t care to particularise, you will feel confident that it is perfectly fair fbr yoU to rtare while there* a Si§ 3 /icfv, Bftt If you can't go, atid Want tb know how to ihake a better fehoWibg for you* money, We will desist fro in speaking Ml literally and tell you, Ju 6 ( Si eft zjtt AtKDWARDS & EAXCE’S With a rbll bf the iiebclful handfull that, or a bf silver alas! is not free enough, and exchange 9oine of it for some br bur Dry Goods Bargains, Cheap' Clothing, Frenh Groceries bt k handsome suite bf furniture. We keep most anything ill the way of General Merchandise, and it don’t take much nioney to buy It wngoil load of goods at store. our Yours to sell, at low tariff prices, SdmitdS & fiance. SdiedulS Martwell TL. H No 1. I.erfve Hartwell 7 -10 a ni Arrive Bowel sville 8:o No. 2. Leave BowcroTle ~r ss a in Arrive Hartwell CO - No. 3. Unve Hartwell s m Arrive Bowersvide ]> in No. 4 Leave Bowersvilie 330 p m ArtiVc Hartwell 4 20 All trains daily except Sunday. 'E. , B. BENSON, Receive BLUS RIDGE & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. lime 'labte A o 2/ Taking effect Sept. L 18f*5; 1*. M Lv. Af. I* M. 5 35 Tallulah FalltJ « 15 5 55 TunurvillC h 55 fl 15 Aanauilale 1 35 6 30 Clarkes^ifte 1 20 6 45 nemore-t 1 56 7 Oft Corneiid 12 45 p. *L At. LL N’n. W. V. LAUKAiSffe, Receiver. A million rnlfcYfbs. A friend in need is a frielid dftdeed. and not lef*s than one mil inn j»-«p e iiiitt found ju-t shell a friend in Dr. Kind’s New Discovery for have CtVnsuiiiptiiin, nsetl tliis eomrlis and colds—If you onetrid njever wilt convince Graa:<'o»igli Mi At Medieipe you it !-.i»s wonder ful curative powers in all dis-ascs of Throa chest and Lungs. Encli lottle is guarantee to do all that is claimed or m6ney will, he re funde l. Trial bottles tree at W II A f Davis’ WHISKEY AND OPIUM HABITS CURED YYAT YOUR HOME, without paim ob W&miiizm. Patients cunfifitie business while under stopped treatment. iiifiwediately Wlnsky and all other fMitmeiit drugs —do not need them. on No beginning treatment jet dis¬ covered to compare wirh it. Have given special for the study* and praetice to these divtases i>a<t twenty years, with continued and successful i. crease in jifaetiec. WRITS FOR MY BOOK OF CURES, FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, B., Office, ATLAMTA, Q-A. 10-11 Whitehall Street. wot only cures all Ixiwel troubles, whether of fiWg or short duration, bn* tmiUls up fh^general is system in old anff It a splendid summer drink and- CONQUERS FEVERS! quicker than any rem edy. 1)R. J. W. :'EI.MS SAYS: For the Atlanta, f?A., August 14, 1803. Royal past two years 1 have used King’s Germetuer in my practice and with in most Typhus, satisfactory res«4*». * Ira^e ueed it anil always with Typhoid the speediest and Bilious Fevers, best fects. It lowers and ef¬ the temperature and breaks up fevers of all kinda common to this latitude more expedithrhsly than any remedy within my knowledge. * Fftrth itiy others own experience in its use, upon Wyself nnd to whom I have recommended and* administered it, I lielti^e it would lie a? good remedy for Yellow Fever. It is a most excellent Antiseptic, cures Catarrh, #11 Insomnia, Night Sweats and Eczema in its forms. King's Royal Germetuer is emphatically Injurious effects a safe in the remedy and leaves no John W. system. Nelms. M. D.. Mayor West End, Ga. For Nervous Troubles. Teething Chil¬ dren and Summer Complaint, Germetuer has no equal. Try it. $1 per bottle, six for $5. All druggists. tfal, Germetuer Pills for constipation, 50 in a for 25 cents. OTJQE KEELEY INSTITUTE (Incorporated.) OF GEORGIA, ^—FOR THE GYRE OF-^-^ m WHISKEY, MORPHINE, OPIUM Wr TOBACCO HABITS, ffiribe . . ........... the KRrAfKY RKfftDIES have become knoWn'and stood the tests of 13 yearr sffce^wfullv. -id 1 J by the UniWd St^ft government, Imitators and Imposters have prung the and Seen i rsea *. up over couu tft like mushroon« not Treatment. Ihe most desperate c^Mfs of MOKIHINI8M and IN INEBR1TY o LBRiTY cttffcd SrtSYf in from T> 4 to "l* P f ient * Vhile undcr * 6 weeks.' K-eeley lifwTirYXE, Cr£? NEW YORKSTORE (R. Bryant’s Old Stand.) Gentlemen’s and Ladles* Slroe§, Men’s sind Boys’ Clothing, Hats, Collars. iDry Goods. Big lot of CHEAP PANTS and many other things at very reasonable prices. Come to see us. SILVERMAN & GOLDBERG, 0POC GOA, HA* *4*1 FOR TUB SAKE OF TIIE almighty dollar Cash down on the delivery of Goods, I will sell my entire Stock of ...... IDry' Goofls, ^Slices, Notions, Boots, ITa.Ls and CSiTos —' A ; • Toccoa. were Cheaper ever than sold at they in - ( HAVE ALSO A BROKEN LIN* OK ! i II i\B BOYS (LIITiili -■ to close OVt At wholesale cost, j ^ W \l Now is the time to get Ore? S/iirts, Under I 2tianA els ttnd Quills, A'/z/r/s, /act, *7)? ess Shirts, the tZiry Goods line and, in anything tn cheaper than ever* If you have the Eagle Dollar I will give you the closest prtcos on.. GROCERIES * ad * HARDWARE you have heard of in a long time. : - COME AND SEE WHA'f I HAVE A$D - k HEAR MY PRICES WHEN f YOU WANT TO BUY. MACK » PAYNE, TOCCOA, GA.