The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, October 20, 1893, Image 4

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— ja U 18 11 B 1 {REMEMBER w WSiin.$S 2 S A | investigation as to our responsibii- f” | TESTIMONIALS READ OUR I KHUMI MmMtHtMU 11| Will completely destroy the derire for TOBACCO in from 3 to 5 davs. Perfectly hafm- DEMMES AM MOEFHIHE HABIT EY&* 3 &nS°KI’JKW‘’ the patient, by tbenscof our SPECIAL PDRMUU GOLD CURE TABLETS. phine During trattmentjpatients ere allowed the free use of L’quor <*r Mor¬ , O' r A FEW uv.tlI such time as they shall voluntarily give* them tip. be send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall frsliMatt m iiou glad to place, sufferers from any of these habits in conamnniua- with persons who have been cured by the use of our Tablets. tlxcggiatsat HILL'S Sl.OO TABLETS pcrj»ckage. are for salo by all fiest-class from persons If ' your druffprist durst not keep them, enclose as § | .CO — who have been and we will ecu'! you, by return mail, u mckage of our >y nr ^JgwiSJS Tablets. Write your naire and address plainly, and J ^ nS||5^ cured by the use of whether Tablets Tobacco, Alornhinu state ^Ssfei.. ya. Hill’s Tablets, t arc for or Jf Cfca anyoitlM* DO NOT various BE DECEIVED nottruuiS tbutarebrong Into purchasing yf Y&JPgS' ffinSa s /P y THE f“.iSa!S OHIO CHEMICAL E'AKf.d Co.: b Manufactured only by ^SoL y do what rod claim : for ?S„5l"t s wS?i I y/ ^ worth the it. I used ten cents Jr fjfek vKSt sr cf strongest chewing tobacco a day, -THE- y abd trom one to five cigars; or 1 would smoko a /pycSst lax ^ from ten to iorty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed OHIO CHEMICAL CO.. K ^ ^ Fgk Jr Of and your smoked Tablets for cured twenty me so five I have yea rs, no and d.-sii two v for packages it. I 61. S3 & C5 Cpera Block, * - ve *- B.M. JAY LOUD, Leslie, Mich. B jr SSL ^ i W&ug& The Onto CHEMICAL Co. Dobbs Ferrt, N. Y. LIMA, UfilU. yf. TO* Igs for $1.00 :-OTXTtEMEx .--Some time ago I sent jf #So raS, yy them worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received PAETICULAES jr 4 _ A3s yr all right and, although i was botli a heavy smoker aud ehewer, J they aid the work Truly in less than three days. I cm cured. FREE. yours, MATHEW' JOHNSON,P.O.Box43. The Obio Chemical Co. Gentlemen :—It gives me pleasure to speak' a ss word of praise for your Tablets. My son was strongiv addicted to the use of .ft. ^*?3Siv^SsK T/ jr liquor, and through a friend, 1 was led to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and ‘ Jr W constant drinker, but. after using Tablets butt X. K waaf > V4& and will not touch liquor of kind, your lbavo nree days he quit drinking, .r J&. vSL. ua m y X in order to Lno’.v ibc any waited four month before writing Vo ® you, euro w as x:crta&ii(-nt. Yours truly, < HELEN MORRISON. r 1 hav*^used Thk Ohio Chemical morphine, Co:—Gentlemen ^hyptxiernncaUy, for Tour Tablets have nerfornuHl havo been amitachfm my^case, t seven years, ana eared by the use of Address all Orders to l.gsay THE OHIO CHESyUOAL GO., 6i > 63 Knd SS °>> ora LIMA. OHIO. CONGRESS IN SESSION. Hie Daily Mine of Both House; Briefly Epi'.mizei. What is Being Done to Allay Gal Depression and Bring Relief. 57th Day.— At 11 o’clock ‘ Hridn^ I riday a quorum was present in the senate and the dreary debate was drag- ging along without any p particular iu- terest. Mr. PeffdV was speaking. The galleries were practically deserted. The failure of the thirty-eight hour session, that broke up early Friday without accomplishing a sin- gle result beyond a demonstration to the country that the silver men were capable of staving off a vote on the Voorhees bill indefinitely. At 11 :"5 o’clock Friday evening the senate ad 58 08 IH th Dav Day. —lhe Tim session of nf the th,. ate Saturday lasted for only six hours. It was a session of much interest. \ arious important amendments to the rules were offered aud went over till Monday. I he silver purchase bill was taken up at 12 :45 o clock and the vice president Ret about disen- tangling the parliamentary twist into which the senate had got itself Friday night over the point whether Mr. Du- bois should be «xeused from voting on the question of allowing Mr. Peffer to d‘ 8 V t.‘ to 37 he th C e't,;: ! Themvitf, ll ! T"h hnft y M JfCK i r ‘ y"lT W T ingfy l I r ~ ( m““ rX; ; P ; sprech. Mr. Peffer then yielded the floor to Mr. Jones, of Nevada, who Htblressed the senate in opposition to the bill. l he chamber was crowded, After about an hour spent in answer- ing questions and meeting objections, Mr. Jones reverted to his prepared speech, but was soon again involved hi an argument with Mr. Aldrich. Taking advantage of a break iu this discussion, Mr. Voorhees asked per- mission of Mr. Jones to make a mo- tion to adjourn, which was granted Continuing Mr. Voorhees “In the last seventy-seven seventv-seven this body has been in session fifty- eight hours; we have been discharg¬ ing a great public duty. With the concurrence of and upon consultation with friends of the pending measure, 1 have a motion to make at this hour. If there is anybody who thinks that the friends and advocates of this bill have surrendered, or have it iu con- templation, I desire to answer in the language of the immortal hero of salt seas, John Paul Joyes, that we only ‘begun to fight’and with this I move that the senate now The motion was agreed to aud the senate at 1:05 o’clock adjourned till MouJ.v at 11 o’clock a. 59 th Day.—T he eleventh week of the sessiou of the senate opened Mondav morning with a lar"e attendance u ‘f senators, all the leaders of the forces on either side of the silver fight being in their places and holdiu" confer- vl » a . y * I-r U P c>t .> /? silver x .' ' purchase repeal , lull was delayed by ae- tion on the house joint resolution ns to the suffrage at the first municipal elec- t.ons in t kiahoma territory. It was amended by a proposition that no one shall be authorized to vote or hold office who is not a eitizeh of the Uni- tea btates. An amendment to strike out the word “male,” so as to allow tbe right to women, m. voted down- nays, 40. After some ron- tine business the silver bill was taken up and Mr Jones of Nevn.l© oontinned continued the. the speech he ’ ^ began batur- aay. 60th Day.—As soon as Mondav’s ^omiay c innrnal woe wo 1 ” i } n tue senate, lues- . *•. to Vf*Y Dolpb, f ’l because oct:oa it was roll made call by Mr. on one it did not show the presence of two senators, Messrs. Allen and Kyle, although they were in the chamber and although he called attention to that fact. Discus- sion immediately sprang up ou this point, Mr. Dolph pointing out ridiculous attitude presented by tbe senate drifting along in the current of endless debate. He declared that the committee on rules ought to present to the senate a reason- ble rule limiting debate; that the presiding officer should, after a dis- enssion of two or three days, put it to a vote, and, if it were adopted by a majority of the senate the presiding officer should put it in force. In the course of the d bate, Mr. Morgan and Mr Washburn got into ^ personal controversy, and Mr, Morgan ,,7 ’ turning ° .O Ills opponent, said. i . 1 urn rospon- si ble for every word T say, either in this chamber or out of it. Do you understand that?” At another point Mr. Morgan said: “f intend before this debate is over to move to strike out the enacting clause of the pending bill and insert one repealing the en tire Sherman act. 1 will see where you repealibts then stand.” 57 th Day--A r ff t 1 I HO o’clock, , t 7 f E ‘ Friday the house resumed consideration of the j j McCreary bill to amend and modify the Geary Chinese registration and ; exclusion act, after having agreed to j vote on the measure and pending j amendment at 2 o’clock Monday af- j ternnon. Intervening time will be giv en to debate. j 58 th Day. _ At no time during the j day Saturday were there more than one hundred members present in the ' house, and the discussion of the bil for j, the 1 suspension uspensioti for' toi six six months,, months the provisions of the Geary Chinese J exclusion uninteresting. bill was rather dreary and | It was participated in j by IMessrs. Maguire, of California | Outhwaite, of Ohio; Everett, of. Mas sachusetts; Herman, of Oregon; Sil> j j ley, of Pennsylvania; Mahon, s 1 Pennsylvaniag Williams, of Missis sippi, and Hilburn, of California Without disposing o’clock" of the bill, ' the house, at 5 ’assmbling adjourned. 59 th Day—O n Monday morning the house resumed the con tliy jr wy '• lU Ui ':-- Th f*" va f 11 e oud at ' tendaT,oeof membors 111 t,u! bonfio proceeded eonsider -A 1 : 0 a,/"' to the l.ill diepene mg with proof of loyalty as a prereq- uisito to being rest.,red or admitted to the pension would rolls be entitled bv persons who oth- erwise to pensions, Mr. Burrows claimed that the bill would repeal the section barring from pensions all who engaged in the re- hellion. Mr. Oates denied this. The most important feature of the bill, he said, was the clause permitting survi- vors to secure the bounty lands they had earned. Mr. Burrows cried: “Call the hell hounds off the track of the Union soldiers before vou restore men to the pension rolls who are false to the Union.” Mr. Oates replied that the last republican pension committee recommended the pending bill and that Mr. Burrows didn t understand its provisions. GROWTH OF THE SOUTH. The Industrial Situation for the Past Week. A review of the industiiai aitua ion in the ^r‘of south F or n‘wlV tli past eTta'fished'plants“b we- k -hows that the wmewh“t umn- less hail the average of lhe pa-t three months, a ,l1 t,,at n " i,ic ease of anpor ance is and o be .I. K“ met preven n g advance in , r.ces. T..e a,(! n 't pressing sales, and until tne n,arket i* more ae ve. other 1 ne* of industrial, ?o" 4 alt a, ' d I,,fcroaUtiIe bus,ntfcs Wul c ” D,imi ' rwent.v-eight new industries were established or illC0 porated during lie week togeth-rw, h three eiiiaruements of m nu HCtorks and ur j m p r , in t n w buildings. Among tha m st impmtau new iudusi’ts of tbo week a e the E H r **£%«%*« .: ’ \r. £oo#> M.mVaJtnr- % . n)() an , T uiii . r the s mg and Supply conn-an-, widi a $20 OJt) capi- *»'. a r C .ar n. \V Va , bv i.C Madden and G 1 ™ Lnmh $ “J. c %^ . pie’s Marnifaemr t 1 $ 100 ire 0 ) anl’ Ricbmond, lu.prmUiem" cum- puny, c»j» , 0 . at Va. by Joh " s Harwood and others; ths Macon Si-h. M?Do,’..I, Wx’Sl’.'.uftMil' “ J teVoib. I .III e„ pit R ar Mt. Ct»r!>on, W: Va.; ibe Coosn-uer’s O l company, 1 $.15,000, at Richmond, Va ; tbe Pr ‘ 8t,, " p a ” M- 1 c mpo.v, c p nat *20 00 ’. a’ Dm-viii©. Kv Cot,on com- pr< ss comp tines at Greenville, M as., an l Chat- ,an s ill|;s Venn.; a s ave company at Min ,„ all d iron wurkiiiK plant at M ridian, Miss.—Tradesman (Chattanooga, Ttuu.) GEN. MCMAHON DEAD. He Was One of lhe Greatest of the French Gen rats. A special from Paris announces that Marshal MacMahon, one of the great generals of the Franco-Prussian- war ant ^ once president of the French re- Public, is dead. He died at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning at Chateau La Foret, on t * ie Loire. He was able to partake °f food until Monday. During the night the sufferer’s strength gradually declined, and he grew weaker aud weaker until the end came peacefully a * hour mentioned. The family of deceased soldier were present at death. THE BODY AND • ITS HEALTH' _ Lime Juice.— Lime juice is very simi- ar to lemon juice In its nature, says a nedical writer, ar.d is sold in the market !>y the bottle. It is generally ackuowl- sdged to be an antidote for scurvy, and LV English law it is rendered compulsory -or every ship to take on board lime or emon juioe. For the navy the admiralty use lime juice only, lhe constant use •>f lime or lemon juice of good quality will rreatly discouiage a variety of c >m- plaints, ^ stich as dyspepsia, bilious tlisi.r- etc ^ which present luxuaous j tH te of living on libera! ■ flesh alcoholic iiet, without'Atj s corrective aid. greatlv fosters, This vegetable acid should be placed on the dinner and table regularly im-tead of the vinegar bottle, as as salt. While, as an kind ingredient food, for it sauces, has for a!- most every of no equal. As a salad dressing, to mix w ith oil, it is more wholesome than vinegar. Don t Worry. Every movement of muscle, whether it accomplishes anything or not, whether voluntary or-iu voluntarv, c<,sts an outla - v °f ^ xll!y stren ~\ h Everv * thought also involves an expend:- tur0 of stre ngth. Therefore, ail thought i nV olvm«» Is fret, worry, fear, or bo: rowed trouble. so nu:ch strength wiiprotitabl.v ex p, ndid. You inay :Uwa\s tell a mm or woman whose existence’ has been a lifelong fret by their ca.ewoi n, euun i >t ed faces. They ate never healthy. Fret kills more people than cholera. It leak- away strength constantly. At last the weakest organ of inn ton gives way. This we call disease. The doctor comes M " d g .' v< ‘ 8 the disease a Lam mum. T“ e th8ease “ ay s,ttack tlie bear, liver. it tie ’-Mlle.V auto'iiaiio'niiD'l or body action, or aotoa.atic exhaustion a ro ", , , rr«7w Lie . m«rh of being bt.ih ori-dual ” and sit« ; »le. While e.VBiu- 5nil ,„ OI d(iy a , at i Pllt complaining of atroeious he *d *che he us> d p 'rcussion of the cranium, just as is done tor the chest to nseermin whether there was any appa- rent material lesion. Two or three min ute8 a f, er finishing his examination lie was greatly astonished to hear his patient say that his headache had completely disappeared. This method of treatment has succeeded in his hands whenever there was no material cause tor headache. The percussion must be tinners, maae lightly with only one or two wit mut producing any disagreeable sensation *> llt increasing gradually the ijtensi y of idn!iui 9 l*?ed,"which removes t(je dUtrt , ssi svmiitora . It is evident thftt this reUef can on i y be momentary and that the cause must be discovered in order to be sure to cure the headache. The same means is efficacious iu muscu¬ lar pain in nervous, impressionable people. It is at any rats easy to try, and according to the old saying, can’t do auy harm, even if it don’t cure. Thk Food Value op as Ego.—S ix large egus will weigh pouud about a pound. As a fiesh-piodiicer one of eggs is equal to one pound of beet. About one- third *““ of »' the weight of ““oT? an egg lanT is solid nutriment, which is more than can be said of meat. There arc no bones and tough pieces that have to be laid aside, Practically, au egg is animal food; and yet tnere is none o t e .^agreea e work of the butcher necessary to obtain it. E^cgs at average prices are articles am^ng the cheniiest and most nutritious u £ jj L . t L; kt . au eg«* everything is complete food iu itself, containing that is necessary for the development of a per- feet animal. It is also easily digested y jf no £ damao-ed in cooking. Indeed there is U o more concentrated and mmr- isbing food than eggs. The allmmeu, oil and saline m dt^r are, as in milk, iu the right li(c pr< porti n for sustaining ani- m “ l - The yolk._ami salts arc contained in the bene, this portion of the egg is most useful in some forms of disease. A weakly per- 8 , D , in whom nerve force is d ficient and fae u ^ im p f 0ver j sb ed. may take the - yolk of c an egg with . , advantage. , .... The iron and the phosphoric compounds are in a condition to be easily assimilat’d, a!( fl although hoinceopathic in quantity, nevertheless exert a marked influeuc • on on tbe system. Thetoks of eggs con- tainiog/ injuriously as they do, affected less albumen, are not so hard-boiled by heat as the whites; aud a yolk may u*u Uy lie eaten by invalids without in- convenience, Forest Fires in texas. -Reports of Tuesday from eastern Texas say that fiiteen miles of pine timber, reaching Montgomery county toward the babiue rive*, are a seeth- iug mass of flames. Tiie whole couu- try is dry, and unless rain falls it is eared that the loss to the yellow pine section of Texas will run into the millions. Several fine milling plants and towns are ia the path of the fire, wud gruve ieara are entertained WISE iSI> OTHERWISE. Ref. Ulatto Monszarro. a native Af¬ rican evangelist, contends that both Solomon and David were black. The sigu “lb” or “lbs,” which is often used instead of pound or pounds, is of ancient origin and is simply a contraction of the word “libra,” the Latin for pound. The armchair once owned and nsed by Dr. Samuel Johnson, the lexico- grapher, writer and brilliantconversa- tionalist, has been sold at auction at Denbigh, Wales. It brought £53 7s. India has perhaps a greater variety <>f plants than any country in the w rid, having 15,000 native speci* s. wh !o the flora of the entire continent o. Europe only embraces about 10 JJ0. The “nova constellatio” coppers of 1783 ; so highly valued by collectors, were made in Birmingham, England, for Gourerneur Morris. Forty tons >f copper were used in the mannfae- tnre - Many of the Hebrew wedding rings were “tower lings,” the set hearing die shape of a smaller tower in which was inclosed a slip of parchment con¬ taining a prayer for the happiness he couple A Practical Litre Miss. Little Girl—“Mamma, we is goin’ to have a elmrch fair, to get money for the heathen. *’ Mamma—“That’s a lovely idea, my angel, hut what can. you get to sell?” Little Girl—“Oh.we is goin’to have the people to bring their own things, an’ sell them to theirselves, an’ give us the money.” Vila Energy is Renewed, When strength and hea th have run down, by a traiel* resort to the he pful, bram- g tonic. Ho t tter’s Stomach Bitters, particu¬ lar y adapted to the wants of nervous, -.ys- peptic, bilious invalid . 1 worn out ly meat ! stra u, the care n‘ business orover- nihil work, seek itsq ro i pit and benire ai!. It an* t'-s mala ial complaint and i- an < fll- cient remedy icr incipient rheumatism and neur * 1 « ia -__ I" you cannot make money these times try and make happnno s. When Nature Needs assistance it may be best to render it promptly,but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most s mple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the Cali¬ fornia Fig Syrup Co. Bu-i e-> men «ho Lave lost their trade should advertise for it. IP your Back Aches, or you are all worn out, ;-o<'d for nothing, it is eenenl debility. Brown's iron B tiers w II cure vou, make V Oil strong, cle inse your liver, and a g >od ap- oetite- tones the nerves. Toe wage-of sin is 'eath, an l tis the only wa e-s a person is willing to have redue d, •‘Teach your boys that \v ich they will ract ce when they bet om men.” 'I his re¬ mark of Plut reh, th ■ ancient ph losopher, shows that the oe ds of l.isday vv re imilar t- those o th pres nt. We are g ad o note that m r.y of t lie more i ro rressive. schoo s are providing place- wh re the young men and wo in n ma\ lt-ar ' that wli ch they wi 1 prae- t ce 1 ter in ife. Our old frio d, the North Geor a Agr cultu al Co lege D hi >nega, Ga., ha ma e s ch an addition to th ii already tliorou h litera yao military c u se. .Splen¬ did r nuns h ve been tit ed up, exp rien c l te hers enga ed, spe ia f r it ir • put in, a d everything p, si -le hasb en Ion to make the department eq ial to hat >f any first- ass bn ne co lege a d at much lo>v r rates of tuiiion. Any desired information w II be cheerfully id L> hlo give • upon app ic-ation to th • pres- it. egaisagieai ealth r ■» >rt a od a ve’ > clieap p ace in w ic whichare to live. It is also free from t e temptations a ways to be fou id i i our large cities. You > an boa t of i oble blood when you aro the hero of noble d ds. Ladies n edi ig a tonic, or c ildren who want building up, sliou d take Brown’s Iron l itt rs. It is pi asant to take, ur s slalari , r digestion, Biliou ness and Liver Complaints, makes the Blood rich a id pure. The love for mon se?m to be r eip- roc t d just no a, is shy and keeps at a d -tanc -. Deafncfm Cannot be Cured by local ap 1 cation , a-s theyca mot reach the diseased portion nf ho ear. lueroisonly one tional way to remedies. cure Deafness, aud that is bycon titu- flamed Deafne s is caused by an in¬ cundi ion of t e mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets in¬ flamed you have a rum ding sound o” imper¬ fect hearing, and w .en it is entirely cl >red Deafness is tho re-mlt, and unless the inflam¬ mation can bj taken cut and this tube re- stored to i s nnrraai condition, he tring will be caused destroyed forever; nr e cases out ten are flamed by catarrh, which is nothing but an in¬ condition <>f the mucous surfaces. We will give On'* Hundred J> dlars for any ease of l> afnesstcau eii by catarrh) tlia' can¬ not lie cure l by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, Send for c.rcuiai s, free. F. J. r ’HKNVY & Co., Toledo, O. t3^“Sold by Druggists, 75c. I Am Truly Thankful For Hood’s S irsaparilla. During t le war I contract© 1 typhoid fever, aa i fever and ague, leaving me "* -■ malarial and mer¬ curial poisoning from which I have suf¬ fered ever since, in neu- UjiS ralgia, rheumatism, nervous prostra¬ tion and general debil- J; gl'* it have . Much teen of the time I unable to work, and the doctors’ Mr. Stillman. treatment failed to do me any good. Since I began laking Hood’s Sarsa; arilla I have not lost a day’s work in t ree month?, weigh ten pounds more Hood’s Sa />Cures than for years and am in better health than any ime since the war.’’ J. H., Chelte ham. Pa. G t only Hood^. Hood’s Pills l>ecome the favoriie cathart e with every one who trios them. 25 cen.s p^r Lox. Unlike the Butch Process No Alkalies — OR — Other Chemicals are nsed in the preparation of W. BAKER & CO.’S r reakfastCocoa m which is nbsnlittelv pure and soluble. £[ i the with It lias strength Starch, morethnn of Arrowroot Cocoa threetimes mixed cr Sugar, and is far more eco¬ nomical, costing lets than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily DIGESTED. _ Sold by 6rocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass. m I I a Do Not Be Deceived with o a «tcs. Enamels and Paints which stain the hands, injure the iron and burn red. The Risinff Sun Stove Polish Is Brilliant, Od or- less. Durable, and the consumer pays for no tin er glass package with every purchase. THE HEWS IN GENERAL. COM from Our Most Important TelejrapMc Aim And Presented in Pointed aud Reads* ble Paragraphs. A fire Sunday night destroyed thirty buildings in the business portion of tiro town of King Citv, Mo. The loss is SI50,000. The United States man-of-war Mohi- enn arrived at Port Townsend, Wash., from Behring sea Friday night with live officers ami seventeen men sick with grip. The Mohican put in for re¬ pairs. Advices from London state that eleven new cases of the .choleraic dis- order were reported at Greeuwick workhouse Monday. 1 bus far, though upward of 1G5 cases have been report- ed there, only eight deaths have re- suited, One of the most disastrous fires which 1 has raged in Detroit, Mich., for many years occurred Saturday evening on Champlain street, a whole block of business buildings on that street be¬ tween Brush aud Beaudien being com¬ pletely swept awav. Loss estimated at 8200,000. A London dispatch of Friday says: A mysterious epidemic of diarrhoea prevails in the Greenwich work-house. Over 150 of the inmates are affected. Two inmates of the Greenwich work¬ house are already dead and others are in a dangerous condition. The symp- tons-are in many respects similar to cholera. An unknown steamer was run down and sunk in Boston harbor Friday night, and many persons who were on board were drowned, the vessel sink¬ ing so rapidly that it was impossible to rescue them. The accident was caused by the inability of the officers of the respective crafts to see any dis¬ tance ahead, because of a heavy fog. The New York Evening Past says that the Valkyrie will be laid up on this side of the Atlantic for the winter. Discussion of the result of the race was very warm Saturday. Yatchmen were very decided in opinions about the true results of the yatch’s great race in its bearing on the old contro¬ versy between kneel and centerboard Bursting w ater dams in the territory of Tcpuca, Mexico, have caused great loss qf life on several haciendas. Twenty-four persons are known to be drowned. At Santa Inez, in the state of Oxaca, the town was inundated and the town hull and many other build¬ ings were swept away. There were similar disasters in other towns. Information comes from Valparaiso, ( bile, of the marriage of Miss Amelia l’ojas to Francis W. Egan. I be groom is the eldest son of Hon. Patrick Egan, formerly United States minister to Chile. The bride is a daughter of the late Don Jordge Bogas, at one time a member of the Chilean senate aud one ot „ the . . best and . most . respected . . lami- .. . lies in Chile. During the week ending October 14th 2,121,794 people paid to see the World’s fair. It was the banner week ot the exposition thus iar, and far ex¬ ceeded the attendance for alike period of any international fair ever he d. Of this number Chicago day contributed over 700,000, a greater crowd,perhaps, than ever before congregated within an enclosure. The big schooner Minnehaha was beached at Stark, ten miles north of Onekama, Mich., at, noon Saturday to save her from foundering in deep wa¬ ter. The seas soon overwhelmed the wreck ami drove the crew into the rigging. Before the arrival of the life-saving crews from Manistee and Frankfort, the schooner went to pieces, and six of the crew drowned. A cable dispatch of Monday from £an Jose, Costa Bica states that Pres¬ ident Rodrigues and his cabinet will hear argument in the case of Francis II. Weeks, the New York embezzler, on the question of his extradition to the United Mutes, lhe organ of Don Felix Montero, the democratic candi¬ date for president, prints an editorial strongly defending Weeks and oppos¬ ing his surrender. The British steamships Glenlivig and Dartmore, which sailed from the Charleston port Sunday—the first named for Bremen and the other for Liverpool—carried 17,250 bales of cot¬ ton. The Glenlivig took 9,137 and the Dartmore 8,113 bales. These are lhe largest cargoes ever shipped irom this port. These ships will run regu¬ larly from Charleston to Bremen and Liverpool during the cotton season. The bonded warehouses of Jacob F. Shaffer at Lancaster, Penn., were to¬ tally destroyed by fire Sunday night with their contents, consisting of over 1,300 barrels of whisky. The buildings were set on fire. In the distillery the incendiary placed hay in and around the vats and saturated it with kerosene, 'lhe bung was also knocked out of a barrel of spirits, which ran over the (lour. The loss is $80,000 ; insurance §58,000. The supreme council of the Scottish Rite of Free and Accepted Masons met at St. Louis, Mo., Monday,Philip dicker, of Galveston, Tex., acting commander presiding. The proceed¬ ings were of course of a secre t nature. l he deputies came from states and territories west of the Ohio river aud south of the Mason aud Dixon’s line, nd comprise many leading Masons of ie country, the supreme council be- tg composed only of Masons of the hirty-third degree. Dcnmcralie Negroes Issue an Address. lhe executive committee of the negro national league has issued an address urging the workingmen in New Turk, Massachusetts, Virginia, Iowa and Ohio to support the democratic ticket in those states. lhe address attributes the prevailing distress to the Sherman law and the McKinley tariff and the extravagance of the Reed congress. A Whole Train Crrw Killed. An accident to the Pennsylvania limited at Wellsville, Ohio, Tuesday morning, at 6:15 o’clock, resulted in the death of the entire engine crew aud fatal injuries to three men who occupied the baggage and express car. The limited ran into a freight train, whicl) was crossing the main track. ^ | A HE ROYAL Baking A Powder surpasses all others in leavening power, in purity and wholesomeness, and is indispensable for use wherever the best and finest food is required. 411 other Baking Powders contain ammonia or alum. ROYAL DAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. To Clean Turbid Water, Dr. Leffman recommends to house¬ wives a simple means of precipitating turbid water by the solution of alum. One hundred and thirty grains of chrvstalized alum dissolved in one pint of water will produce a large quantity of the purifying liquid, as it is only used in the proportion of one to two grains of alum to a gallon of water. That would require three tea¬ spoonfuls of the solution to every two gallons of the water. After stirring it in let the water stand a few hours, and it will be perfectly clear and ready to be poured off from the thiek deposit in the bottom. If it is then filtered it will be iu good condition for drinking, Even without filtering it will be safe to drink the water if it has not stood very long, as it has be< n found that the addition of the alum greatly re- duces the number of bacteria. The taste is not affected, as the alum de- composes the water and sets free com- pounds that attach themselves to the muddy elements in the water and cause them to settle. This remedy is not for contaminated water, which should always be boiled .—New York Post. Innocent Enough. Mother—“Phew! Horrors! You’ve been smoking.” Little Boy—“Only corn Bilk.” Mother— “Theoodor is abominable.” Little Boy—“Yes’rn. Corn Bilk smells worse than tobacco, but it’s only corn silk.” Somehow, this tinkering with the currency and the great fear that, our dollar wasn’t an honest one reminds us of the epitaph found on an old tombstone: “I was well, wished to be fo e tter, took physic and died.”— Ex. SEVEN IN ONE BANK. A Nashville Hank show. It*. Preference for ji'iinitigh’ stndenin. F urth Na ional Bank. Nashville, lias , iu its enip-ioy seven o the g a nate- of Jen- nings’ T Bus mss Co lege. NaslivilK Te n. eyare scat’eio all the way .rum the Tcil- er s < esk ba k to hat of co ■ etions. Some of them recehin sa aries a-» high a- $1,500 er y ar. Tli re ; re many other B nk ad; rom- me tfiirn in Na h* iile and in tue South who have with them graduate- of i his not dsci.oo. Beecbam’s Pills with a dri .k :o ua’f r inorn- ings. Peeeham’s—nootiier*. 25r>(*utsa hot. German I Syrup” word must say a as to the ef¬ ficacy of German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most ex¬ cellent success. I have taken it my¬ self for Throat Troubles, and have derived good results therefrom. I therefore recommend it to my neigh- bors as an excellent remedy in such cases. James T. Durette, Earlys- ville, Va. Beware of dealers who offer you “something just as good.” Always insist on having Boschee’s German Svrup. fit Will You Marry Soon? If <o. you are obliged to have a solid IS karat gol ring. You wil want to tec Mire that it IS IS karat, pure and genui"©. W rite to us tor our catalogue of weddi g ring*. J. P. STEVENS & BRO., Jewelers, ATLANTA. <JA. $io A Day Free ? Enclose in a letter containing your fail tame and address, the outside wrapper of a bottle of Smith’s Bile Beans (either size). If your letter is the first one opened in the first morring mail $5 of any day except Sunday will be sent vou at once. If _ the 2d, 3d, 4th. 5th or 6th, $1. Ask lor the SMALL size. Full list tnuiledto all who send postage for it (2 cts.). Address J. F. Smith & Co. No. 255 Greenwich St., New York. m “ Not a gripe In a barrel o£ them ” How isYoor Blood? I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, and was cured sou nd and well with two and a half bottles of j S.S.S. j Other blood medicines had failed ___1 to do me any good. Will C. Beaty, YorkviHc, S. C* I was troubled fromchild’ o'-dwlthan ag- erav - ted case of Tettc’% i< nd i hree bottles or curedmejormanetl^ ^ Our book on Bleed an l Skin Diseases mailed free. Swirr Seecihc t o., Atlanta, Ga. lfifL||CXr ■Will Jill V AND OPIUM HABITS CURED At your home wit. out pain r nnfinement. Patientfieojitin' e busines while under treat- menf. immedia Whi.-ky and all other dru-rs stopjied cly Xo on )>egin)iin trea ment—*io not need them. treaimeut ye digt-ovt-red to compare with it. Hav - tfiven special tudy and practice to these diseases for the past twenty years, with continued and sncce sf d increase in practice, Write for my book of cures, free. r.M. WOOLLEY, :II. D., lirp’t A Office Nq. 104>i "kucbtdl AUselx. Qa- Embalming in Egypt. It is estimated that the number of bodies embalmed in Egypt from B. C. 2 , 000 , when the art is supposed to have been tirst practiced, to A. D. 700, when it ceased, amounts to 420,000,00 a A nother estimate places the total number of mummies at 741,000,000, but this is based upon the extention of the beginning <>l the practice to a much earler date. The traffic iu mummies is very profitable to the modern Egyptian dealers.— Exchange. Began Work at Once. ond Mother—“And so my little nn g e l joined the Little Defenders tu- t ] a y ? nn J -will always be kind to dumb animals?” Little Angel—“Ycs’m. Cornin’home j niP t a man wif a bag full of kittens ’at } ie was goin’ to drown, and he promised to bring them here for us to be kind to .”—Street dr Smith's Good News. A Careful Boy. Mother—“How iu the world did you ge t your coat sleeves so dirty?” Little Buy—“Walkin’ ’cross the puddles on my bauds, so’s not to get Uj y feet wet.” " is largely Tiie Bugged Child an “outdoor" ^ product. air \r Fresh and exercise fT" usually duee sound pro- appetite and ' • sound sleep. chil- Mr dren Sickly obtain great benefit from Scott’s Enuilsion of cod-liver oil with Ilypo- phosphites, a fat-food rapid of assimilation and almost as palatable as milk. Pn»t>nr-rt hv Scott. & Bo«ne. N. V. All dnurgGtg. _ MEND f YOUR OWN HARNESS ,Js thoSsWs^ “ IIID “ CLINCH RIVETS. No tool* rpouiied. Onlv a hammer nee-le<1 t • drlvs nn c .n<h >h m east.y and ui ick.y. i«-av ng he clu ch ai-xi iii- lv -mouth. K • iui lug n . hoe ■<• ix> m <!e in h- ca her u,i -ur- mr the Kivets. Thev me atrong- tnif.'h end <tnraht(*. Million. n«« In use AU cn th- uniform -r ass Tte.l. i>ui no I.i iMjze-. A*k your <lral«>r for fliotu, or .end 40c. in stamiis for a oox .>i loo. aisorte-i sues Man'td by JUDSON L THOMSON MFG. CO.. WA1.TIIAVI. jHANN. gp^ §1 |P l 3 OISA, | | ^ - b I E _ w i * ^ ^ 1“ The Beat for Either Hea'lug or Cookinx. Excel in Hy'e, Comic t and Durability. 260S!SM'® ASK YOUR STOVE DEALER To show ym i>u SHE. PAP.D-S LATEST CATALOGUE. If iio dealer near you wr te to ISAAC A. ‘■HEPPARD A CO.. BALTIMORE, HD. LARGEST S1a.\ It A CTVUtAiS i.V TBE SOUTH. mnrrr „ a 25 POULTRY YARD 105 Pag;eB 46th Edition. Writ- ■tE&Ji ten five ysar* tftor 1 hrxt learned to make iiogs and Poultry a suc¬ cess. A learned; plain, practical system, easily describes all of their disease* and their remedies.: How to make livua iwy F.ut Cholera, and lloup you ' need not have. Price,Sc.; one cent a year for my [experience. FREE Catalogue; You can P-arn 25 varieties It In one Illustrated, day. aithlt a a i sketch of my life, etc. A. a. LlM, CDT1 DALK, XT. JUititMUliW '■■nil s*.T*:!«B--t«r t A N IDEAL FAMILY MEDICINE; Complexion. Offensive lireatli, I 1 ■ 1 5 and ali disorders of the Stoznae-L, Liver and Bowels, I RIPANS TABULES Perfect ! | act gently yet promptly. i ■ f digestion follows their use. Sold ff, by via!- drufpr:-is *5c. Packat?*- or sent bypiail. Box ' guy 5 I _ For free , sernples adiliess ■ 4 boxes;, *2. = Bll’A.VS I'llLMlOAI. CO.,5ewToik. J ■I.- nvwnu%aa :Mu. '«■ PHSLA Tj »A '* tt • f tto lostb. BIRD FOOD C° ,8 CK 23 WiEaBJ I D ttw, mixed with the drinking wete.* wtHeroto aficod cfnweet mel&diee. hud will infuse new BITTERS life and ▼iteiitr into the lionsefiold • t«t. Very oU-n their ef- facts h?% produced ia a fvsw seifioteo. Sent hr merl fr>r 25«. Bird Book Free. Bir d Food Co., 400 N. 3d fet., Phii&d’a, Pa. CANCER CEDED WITHOUT THE KMF •: Or use of painiu , bur i >g. poi-ooous pi ter.i. O lit er? exclusively trea e<I. Dr. I’. B. Green’s Sanatorium, Fort Day e, Ala. 5LT!1 O lECnglCSicle '!■ E5.Ctreat. F- r f s of Women. Scientific treatmen: *n<J cure* iu>urau <-e i. Elegant »i.»rtim nt* for i*<lt- b ■*> fore and during confn.e i>eut. A litres* The K«bJ- dent Fb;. .ician, .1-7^ Baxter Court, Nubv .Ue, Teua. ! I O A ^CER tilled Permanently NO km FI-:. NO 1*01 NON, No 1*1. V* I’ .txo B. HAKK1S. Fo nf ji Aib. . m •TT (bsinmptlvei and people who have weak lungs or Asth¬ ma, should use Fiso sCure for Consumption. It has cared j thousands, ft has not Injur¬ • ed one. It is not bmd to taxe. It is tbe best cough syrup. ! Sold everywhere. *5e. i ON-SUMPTION. \ _P*_ 4 >. L -....... ....... Fwi t>-.VIo,