The Toccoa news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1893-1896, October 27, 1893, Image 3

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THE TOCCOA ''OGCOA, G.V., Friday, c t. 57, SHORT IWS HOTES ARout Toccoa, Kspccially, and Other Topics. AS 3T2STOG COtSSS OF KSOB TVrwly TrcatH, So As \o T’rctfnl Variety and Avoid Taxing the Patience of Our Headers, (iontie or Othterwlse. Monday night was as lovely a night ns one should wish to see. This pleasant IndianeuiWmfr weath¬ er is inducing fruit trees to klovui There have been many bushels of eldest nuts eaten in Toccoa this fall. ocr oa is not asleep, by Av.y means but she may become more lively ere long. The lads and lassies enjoyed party at Mr. J. A. Burgess’ on Friday night last. We can rent you a house or sell you n desirable building lot. Call on us. Howell Tc B.VLh i large crop of commercial tourists is being harvested in Toccoa these au- l nmii days. In our issue of to-day appears•vnotV - cr very readable article about the World's fair. There <=eems to be considerable sick- ness in this neighborhood. Most of it is of a mild nature, though. If you have a to rent or for sale, or if you desire to rent or buy town property, call at Thk Nnwsofiice. I lie last two weeks of bright, weather have been most favorable for tie gath- ♦ ring of crops, and the farmers have not been idle. \ look at the cotton platform here of ti. M. Inman & Co. would cause one to think that I he cotton crop is not short in l Ins section. S<*m,o day Toccoa ill In' a populous and prosperous town; and if indica- Yi us count for aught, thal day is not i n the distant future. . A spirit of charity is one of the no¬ ble qualities that distinguish man from t he brute; and it causes oases to dot 1 he des -rt in many lives. We have three nice rooms for rent in a house partly occupied and in a most desirableloeation. Justthe place *or a man and his wife. llowEi.i. & Ball, Agents. Cau l Toccoa do sonletliing for the yellow fever suiferers? If an enter¬ tainment cannot he given perhaps so me money could he obtained by subscript ion. The tax collector is ab^‘ d in the land. When tin* editor hands over to h ; m his small amount due the ond county, then does the quill ijriver ; ejoice in Poverty. This week only one of the four teach¬ ers in the white school—Miss Jones— lias been sulticiently well to teach. Rev. B. P. Allen, Mrs. Lawson and Miss Willie MeAvoy are taking the i la ‘as of the sick teachers. Parties who have real estate in Toc¬ coa for sale or for rent should consult Tun New "T* will take the same in hand and charge nothing for our ser- v t»‘s un T’ss we ell'eet a trade. Moonshiners in the vicinity of the Klberton Air-Line road seem to be iu hard lurk of late. Ever* tw(* or three days for t he last week or two revenue men have passed through here with one or more mountain dew manuf?!c_ t urers. T 'c covered mountain wagons are lliick on our streets these days, They are laden with cabbage, apples and cjiv'stnuts, and many of them come Horn North Carolina." Saturday we noticed in one of these wagons some of the finest cabbage we eve.t sa\V. Oue of these weighed 23 pounds, and the others ranged from 12 to 2 !) pounds. Though Toccoa . has contributed nothing for the relief of the yellow fever sufferers, a few of ohr citizens have given time and Fiber to devise means of securing money, for the needy in Brunswick. This fact does not lessen tile sufferings of the destitute, but it is sonic little consola¬ tion to tlie citizens referred to. The individual who has boeii 'drueting the colored band at this place has hied to greener pastures—W«st- minster. In the hall that was \vbnt to reverberate with the melodious strains of “Ta-ra-ra.” “The Mockina Bird” and other classical airs, as evoked by sau¬ sage lips through brazen apertures, a K .,Ul.,, silenoe r,i s n 5 ^ autumn nights, and the neighbors are glad on this account. This is the season of tlie year when the minds ot some people are perplex- ...I with qa.-stionsor fashion as portaln- ing to the wardrobe. Much rest broken miktn in in dehat debating imr the tlw inirsortani important t. i ' i question as to what kim. of wearing apparel to purchase,and there are those \vho are troubled to decide rs to when to put on heavy underwear. At such time blessed is the editor, for stern neeeessity relieves him of all this anx¬ iety. But bring us that load of wood. To the regret of manjr, t!re concert which was announced to he siv.Mi lu-rc - 1 st n.a> ni„.t or in. u !■' 111 Brunswick, failed to materialize. preparations P for this entertainment were attended , , With .... many difficulties. ,. , . , but ^ . musical . , would ,, , have a nice program , been presented, , j could ,. piano - . have , been a .A • secured for tlie. occasion; o-fAY '1 hose who . , . . . , , . the last hour, this was ascertained, there was nothin 0- else to do but to declare e the conceit off. It may be given later. TWO BAD NEGROES Who Arp loginning to Ilealizi T‘«»t Wny of the Truitsgrenrior Is 11 aril. Two i)'-groes.j)*imed John 'Vail ifnd John Teasley have been seen around Toccoa for the past two or months. They were pot here long at a time, and fe*. - kne v them. It has developed i hat these darkies are bad ones anf* that they have teen steal- irig around through the oounV-v and ,r,n * ••»** >» » h «"* s < in locccoa. Tuesday night of last week the house of Mr. 1). M. Kellar, in Wolf Pit dis¬ trict, Franklin county, was robbed a good many articles. On 'Thursday night the residence of Mr. Tom Williams, who lives in F'ibts- ville district, Franklin county, was burglarized. Twenty dollars in money, some jewelry and several other articles were obtained. ; Wall and Ter.sley had been seen in the neighborhoods where these had been committed, a few hours before, they were suspected of being con- cerned in them. Deputy Sheri If Kellar, of this place, on SuimaV last them on suspicion. He then secured a search warrant, and with one or others went to the house where Wall and Teasley made thei v ’iV? dollar ter It was soon ascertained that this house was a depository for the stolen plunder. Concealed in bed ticks, mi- der the eaves of the house, and in al- most every nook ai'd.^ranny, Were gro¬ ceries. dry goods, wearing apparel, j’“"'dry, etc. Under the door sill was fou,,d !l P° ( ket book containing $ 1 . 00 , a finger ring belonging to Mrs. Tom Wiliia hs and a breastpin of Mrs. i). M Kellar. They even hid a razor or two in a sack of flour. Mr. Kellar carried Wall and Teasley Wolf Pit Monday, where tlivy stood preliminary trial and were commit- ted to jail in default of bond. They are ibfltv safe belli ini the bars In Carnes- ville. The two negroes Inve confessed to burglarizing the houses of Mr. Kel- lar and Mr. Williams, and say that they stole also an umbrella from the house of Mr. l it Collins, who lives about three miles f**ohi here! i\Ir. Kellar is returning the stolen property to its rightful owners, when¬ ever it can he identified. Most of it belongs to Mr. Tom Williams and Mr. D. M. Kellar. The two negro Women who pass for the wife and sister of 'Tail are still here. They should be promptly arres¬ ted and placed in jail. We cannot af¬ ford to allow such people to remain in our town when their guilt can be clear¬ ly established. Good Farmers, Lie Females During the past year or two many farmers in the South have been com¬ plaining of monopolies and oppression and demanding relief. Some of these :,rt ' ha\e good plantations comfoitable homes. In Habersham eounry, not far from Toccoa, there is a family that has been making no fuss about, hard times. White others Hate been attending po¬ litical discussions, the individuals in questions were working their orops or harvesting the same. And the result is that they are oil of debt, always have plenty of hoir.e-raised meat am! other provisions, and live well. They are not in the least concerned as to whether congress passes the free silver bill or hot. This family consists of four women, all of whom are past middle age. One of them is an invalid, but the other three are hale and are able to do their own <vbfk. They seldom hire any help, but do their own plowing, hoeing and gathering. This fall they have picked live bales of cotton without assistance, and raised corn in abundance, besides potatoes, peas, etc. They own a good farm and cultivate it well, paying particular attention to food crops and the raising of hogs. The result is that they are m easy circumstances, These industrious, level-headed womeii are an honor to their sex and ah tixainple to many of their male neighbors who tickle the soil for a livelihood. Will Not lie Hanged, Berry Harris will escape the galjows On Monday Governor Norther, granted the petition asking that Berry's sen¬ tence t be commuted to imprisonment for life. Berry’s condition justifies the belief that the governor's clemency will not grant him a long lease of life. At present he is confined to bod a greater portion of the time, and ’*5 hut expect- ed to live many weeks. But even with prospects of early df'Ath staring him in the 1 ice.. Kerry 0 riA; on the gallows to-day. Led Mon. A new lodge was organized in Toe- coa last ntcl.l. . This fe Ut, 0p , 1er o( K( . d Men . About uvonej -flvc me,llbtPS mpm i».> r s " were ere initiated initiated l*v bj M..,. Fv' emplifier Bradley, and to»ifcorrow ^ vera l Bod Men from Gainesville will be on hand to assist in training the fresh braves in the way they should go. This lodge is composed of some of our best citizens, and ic gives promise of becoming a flourishing organiza- tioili A hush of work at my gallery will necessitate mv staying tlirougii nest 4 to finish Sittings will be , v\ee& up. - made , as usual. , The urzens of Toccoa will please 5L. accept ^ mv ' sincere thanks .. , for , their r liberal ... . patron'iare. ^ 1 - A. . T. ._ Lyon. T -—-- Ali parties notice indebted to debtor. to f? fit m of BriglA. MeJunkia < >>. are Hereby. ad vis id to make immediate payment or thf Jr aq? c,!nts will be 1 .-laced in ti t hands of 2 attorney forcoRection Tuga!". 'fWre wks preaching at church last Sunday by Rev. W. er. The far v u a* r busy hauling their corn off the Tugalo bottoms, for of another freshet. George Jarrett, who has been atten- ding college some time, has returned to his home for a short visit, Pleas Walters has gone to S. ('.. to work for the R. & D. Co. Misses Rosa ani Mattie 'Vestmore- land are visiting Mrs. Cheek, of Ben Cleveland, S. C. Quite an interesting sermon was preached at Whiten Gap senpb! house last Sunday evening by Re\ W. A Cooper, of Avalon. John Mills has quit shingle and gone to making syrup. F. W. say as long as meat stays a P j high as it is. he will 'possum hunt till dogs get hoarse. We aro sorry t( i i ea rn that Miss Ma¬ mi(J Turnbull, the school teacher of Toccoa, is quite sick. We learn fch at Jesse Duke has gone West. These cool mornings make one inink that winter is near. A protracted meeting will begin at Providence church on Thursday before the fourth Sunday in November. There is Sunday-school at Rock Creek every Sunday evening at 2 o’clock. Died. October 1?, 1893, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Morton. Father and mother,he of good cheer: Dm little son awaits you in heaven. The little child was taken to Duluth for burial. Miss Maggie Ward accompanied the father and tlie mother to attend the burial. Soft and easy Was tliy cradle. Now tliy bed is hard android; Yet we feel cur blessed Savior Will thee in his arms enfo d. T'eV" and stiort liis days on evrth were, Ycl van loan ed tolaveldni w< H : How you in s< your l'tt’e darling None but p rents toll. To the falhcr and the n other, Who w 11 shed the si’ent tear ; To thelove’y litt’e sister 'Yliow.ll mourn sweet brother, dear May the kind and loving Jesus Come to comfort and to cheer, Till beyond the shining portals You shall meet the loved one there. Hustler. LAvunia. Capl. W. M. Addington, one of our most excellent old citizens, has been quite unwell for some time, but is now slightly on the meml. Dr. A. It. Jones and wife are spen¬ ding a while with relatives in Hart¬ well. Dr. Cornog has greatly improved his dwelling by r.uuning a veranda all round three sides of it. Miss Clara Brooks, of Gainesville, is visiting Mr. Cornog. Miss ’ aura Hudgens, of Pendleton, S. C., is visiting her sister, Mr. F. KITOX. 'The mission collection at the Baptist church on missionary day was about $15—very good for this worthy body. Our D. B. Jlill interest if for sale. Give us Stephenson for president and Morgan of Alabama for vice-presi¬ dent. Rev. F. L. Cantrell is visiting bis father, who live in the country beyond Gainesville Capt. McAllister, of Abbeville coun¬ ty, E. C.. has been visiting his, daugh¬ ter, Mis G. F. Blackwell of Lavotlia. Dr. T. B. Bonner will leave for Macon Saturday where he goes to attend the grand lodge of Free Masons. B. P. Cleveland has turned his back on us and faces toward the wild, woolly 'Vest. Billie Franks, v ho had a horse stolen last week, found the kaine near Five Forks, Ga. lie had betn traded, to another man. He is still in pursuit of the thief. Bon Aik. To tlie Public. 'Ve have a statement to make and will endeavor to put it in a few words; : namely:— We all going into the real estate business. We propose to handle property for sale or rent, and to do so at such reasonable rates of commission, that any one having 1 bus¬ iness of this kind can afford to patro¬ nize us. We already have a number of houses for rent, and some property to be sold. Anyone desiring to rent a house or contemplating the purchase of property, wi.ll perhaps do well to call on uS and hear v, h«t v e ha-e to say. Remember we mean strictly bus- iness. Yours to please, Howell & Ball Caught. Deputy Marshal A. C. Dunlap brought into town Sundry Bill Smiih. Kill is an unbleached citizen from Fliutsville. Franklin county, and he is < with bei„=: v ith a moiintain He carried dew inantifwtqr, * Uantf , la have . was to an opportimity O fk»ofc!r.g upon the fa- ru r ” ' --- I’iiuis II' ' k t AHTf T, . °' r , ho. h»vis , church rr t bince “T then we ueen m- formed that the Methodistcnurch spire. -aiso.isoSco.^h, there bees, whic have been sox or seven years in undis- j phted possession. * It is likely that this is a ' breed , , of f bees of , a religious ... turn of j mind;. .... 1 he the Presbvterian . A- swarm 111 ' cnnrch , perhaps , moved . from , the , Mc f a- . ■ odist .. . church , . wbe« . they . becametoonu- . merous. 1 i-u hey might- • - . have . been , easccn- eed . . the BapRst w , church , , I:*jhL^L.;r j in steeple too, rows alrca, n " ‘ 1 ' ‘ ls jK , 1-1 ,e lon “J tK . rtlt?se pious bees is of unusual purity and aw^etneas, but no one knows, or is likely ! to know soon, just how it tastes A BOUT i'EOPlK V\ no Pa^s In and Out of Toccoa ar.a OthVr 4 in the Itegions Hound About. Miss Annie 1 Freeman is ill with fever. Mr. IT. I.. Roden has been nuite sick for the past two or three days. 11. M. Payne, and 7'. II. Kali made a business trip to Atlanta last Satur¬ day, ' >'> • and Edgar Hughes, of Lex¬ ington. Ivy., are visiting their sister, Mrs. R. L. King. Mr. Henry Holley has purchased the new house of Mr. .1, L. Martin, near the depot, and eoved ; nto it. Mrs. 'V. R. Bruce spent last wee?: i ' Athens with her daughter, Miss Marie, who > » pupil at the Home School | Mrs W. L. Vickery has returned-to Buford, after spending a Week here with her mother, Mrs: 11. W. Jones. Miss Mami*, Turnbull ha been sick for several days, and has not been able to fill her place i t n the school room, Abbott ha been cbnfinett to his bed r or several days. His place in the schoolroom is filled by Rev. B. P Allen. Misses Rida and Willie Ramsay have returned ! rom Seneca, S. C.,after spend¬ ing two or three weeks in that place with relatives. Mrs. E, A. Jones, who was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C.S.Christian, ot tliis place, has returned to her home in 'Vest Point. Prof. Z. B. Rogers and Mr. Harry Cleveland, two popular young men of El her ton, came up ,Epiday night last, expecting to attend ncert here. Rev. S. J. Cart ledge, of Gainesville, preached at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Both of his sermons were earnest, forcible and practical,and were heard by attentive congregations, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Matheson on Mqyday left for Chicago, to take a peep at i he World’s fair. They expected to visit New York and perhaps some other Nor then cities before return¬ ing. Col. J. B. Jones and his family have moved to our town from Clarkesville, and are occupying the residence just west of Mr. J. A. Burgess’ home. We welcome them as citizens of .Toc- (Vet. Miss Abbott, a sister of * ro 1 '.'V. L. Abbott, arrived in Toccoa last Satur¬ day evening to attend school here. Miss Abbott is a bright and charming young lady, and during her sojourn among us she will doubtless make many friends. h y at Greenville. A drummer who came to Toccoa Sunday night reported that a man was killed at Greenville,S.C., while the R & D. train was standing there. According to the Atlanta Constitu- «o». T- N. Haney, .1 rail.-,an* formerly chief of police of did the killing, and his victim was Janies Batson, of Clifton, S. C. Ilaney went into the coach where Batson was, when the latter began cursing the detective, followed him out of the Gain and shot at him several times. Hanvy fired two: hots, both tak¬ ing effect. Haney claims that he had never seen i Ba'son before, end that the latter must have mistaken him for some one else. Batson was supposed to be under the influence of whiskey. This is the Constitution’s report. A gentleman who was on the train when the shooting occurred informs us that it is believed by some who were eye witnesses the affaii, that Haney s pistol did not do the fatal work. Several say that » man on the s, a s. Batson reeled and fell. If is not gen- erall.v known who this man is, but ht is supposed to be a friend of the detec¬ tive. police, Ilaney' surrendered himself to the and at the coronerinquest lie was acquitted. Mr. Haney is well known in Toccoa. D. E. Horton', John P. Shannon, Carnes- iMy, Ga. Eiberton. Ga. M. C. Horton, C-arnesville, Ga. HORTON, SHANNON & HORTON ATTORNEYS. C.1KXES VILLE, Georgia Uiielai:ned Letteis. The following is a list of letters remaining in the Toccoa r-ostofiice ovei 30days, unclaimed : Alr s. Elizbetli Gibbs Mi-^s Iyeola Dugins, J. W. Simmons, Mr. John F Brock, ML Y. W. W ilson. Amanda I. Williams. When calling for these letters pleas say that they v.eib advertised. J. J. Bright, P. M. October 1, 1S03. Positions a a, ; .nt«*ed. , . Atih.-ue'of ' hr ‘ oi, : « Yen -lidau ' d hr" t;c:il Be: n-s> Cgioge, >. esbville, I ei:n A- , co;nrl. braie .ie-ta.ugkt. No vara i ion. Elite anytime. (Mention tlin paper.) - T JT TPIJI70 & V .king, HIMff WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ROLL PAPER, PAPER CUTTER A - PAPER BAGS, TWINE, ETC. i L.-rr^Vn ■ DEALERS IX t ry Goods, ^lotions, /-*» f r? - - J O, -r-rn* "Vi -A- J ga cj ^ ! I-Loito, Car 3 , Cicalair> pc, If:tO. .:<aj , .<* --z-~rA Az >- L " ; Ofoceries of all kinds Flour M mt. Lard. 3Ieal, Tobarcb, Cigars, Snuff, Tinware and all at the very lowest price. We won’t stand and a.-k -you \ve a loner price if vou have the money. Give u* a trial and be convinced sell cheap. Yours to please, HUGHS 3 & PIILTO'- 7. B. SIMMONS, Prcst. W. K. WAKE, Vice-I’rest. LBAVAIILSjSt ■ - it. A Trens, J. E Gr.FTNS«p?v - _ . "Tj * v I®*! V r*’ t? ’ ■*! . S- ! ~ ^ v^: ;y ajuuAr^. ..y .....% r >"it ZDS : , i . r*“ u w & a 11 iA A ' rr~ J : DT,- Mr IIE f • -- - Ns®? ' A sf*®-. ,T psm. a ili ■SP^ 18Si r* *„ £ir rv.__ FURNITURE AND LUMBER COMPANY.; —M ANIFACTCRERS OF— MEDIUM GRADE FUBNITU mr iA 3 —ALSO DEAL LARGELY IN— D£H.E&SE!0 SLU _________ 6*^ O E j §* l»OOR 1KG; ‘ CEILING .WEATHER BOARDiriG, MOULDING^ ^RACKETS' RSAPJTELS, Sieam Dry JUhi capacity 12,000Jcciper dap, Orders p? 'ompf.ty piled. SiEK A'NB TTOMEH HELi DR. HATHAWAY & CO., SPECIALISTS. (Regular 1 QraduatoSe) Ackncwlttdgea to bs> the leading and GUooesbf ui ot all succialieta aad Will give you EKLK VOtTHG MISHVI.E.- ’ ***%• a«ki> Aomirtablo men- Ps&GjgiSj: r ro ■AjjS§§V \ \ R lowed ’ta hiwo Jall' our ff Vl'aBS M any id of varied and hXPE B UISCE in ' J ** ’y-iNk. tboukie of cura- tive me thods that 4m rGriPMEN. who la.vo l,v,VAv-i'#A fi f j suffevitg or'who or T. faoHio nerv- cur and iMBO rrVT. the ccorn of their follows and the friends and companions, leads ua to GUAR A N- a ED to ?dt bun patients, if they c m po-sib'y XiJEdTMENT be RE- ITOREU OWN EXCLUSIVE v. lil AFi OltD a CURE WrlAEN.USS ’.VOMENJ with Don’t you vrant that to get cv.rod of that a treatment you can at S£“?S tATARit-gu djsasaoaof a L°mS u.cskia. 1 ;S“ Blood, bh*i Heart, Liver » id Kldaeyr! 31’ C'iSLL — Tlio most rapid, fciifo and effoctlvo rsniedv. SION A complete Cure Oiiarsatesd. cured vrUcrs S>!SKA 8 Bi» of all kinds Tnr-.r.y orhars have failed. USKATUEAL IHSOHARGE8 promptly ■-.ired iu a fevr da ays. Quid;, aura tied cadi). TLiu Deludes Gior.t r. nd Ocuorrlit ;.a. TRUTH AHD FACTS, Wo havo curad cusss of Chrenlo Diseases ttat have failed to pit cured at tiia hands of otlicr epsoialista, X3*K.K9SS3SIBJ£8i phyaioians aSd th’it rued Otero i sal ia iustiiutos. Lope YpTT/ for Consult sio oilier, as you may WASTS VALUABLE TIME. .Obtain ovr treatment at once, SiiGWA Itil of frre and ebeap treatments. Wo glvo the best knd most Eciontifle treatment ai moder¬ ate prices—f.9 low ao can bo done for safe and skillful treatment. Frea -8tsnsrJt9*lon at the oCics or by mail. Thorough esamiaaticn and careful, dicitnosis. A homo treatment can ba givfa ■ - iu a- majority of cases. St-ad f. for Symptom To. li’ank iio. 1 tor filon; Jtc.- 2, for Wc-iccn: 3, for Skin Lisor.ics. Fend Idc for lief croaco Book for Men ond Women. All corrospcnd onco answered promptly. Busineea ttrictly confi¬ dential. Entire treatment gent fr63 from observa - idiireja 400 . liefer to our patteata. banks and businosamen. or call os Bit, UiVUIAWAV l<. CCi 2254 So. Broad St., Atlanta, U*- -^,^0 a ep !L P40T R1P# Da you wear them? When nb* : :t In need try a pall. Ees4 in the world. imte' iwaso. #2.50 W$2.O0 I2.0S 73 If you want a fine DHE33 SHOE, made fn ffo fabet styles, don’t pay $5 to $3, try my $3, $3.50, $4.CG or $5 Shoe. They tit equal to. custom made and look and wear ao well. If you wish tc economize In your.footwcar: do so by purchasing VV. L. Douglas Shoes. tf a mo am! price stamped on the bottom, look for it when you buy W. Li. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Sold by NAT. M. KILGO, \ n EK TALI HE THE ORLY .Vi GUARANTEED M CURE FOR T.oss of Maniio.Nl, Impo- t n •>-,8-niinai and F ma’e Weakness, F ; etio~ J aiSg Yoithful \Z \ dis- s . i u . ; nitv an<» all DC; i • s n' ‘ fr ’T s '‘ xl P ! exce^zs. P ice tl . L«; f bjnt securelv )>acke<l m pla n wrapper, on reeeijH of price. Full jiarticujars hlent)aL >;• imp. All correspondence str^tiy 1 T - LIeeicitie Cx, .4 DAXlcxUnta., C a.. GO TOA j BROWN (£ o MITCHELI • Ift -FOR B A RG A1NS IN- , C-r:csris, Dry C-xa nothing. Hats. Hosts, Steos: | —--> “ Am n Ja t7 : IMPLEMENTS --AND---- 1 HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS. .SSSliifiglessL Specialty, > s ' JUk r f( \r Money To'i will saved sa ve is money by made trading with us. v 'iW f fSp nionev .... Sp\E)ME}MBE)l A> THAT WE- ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Confectionery *1 Canned Goods, Fruits * vwrd * Tobacco, —and— mm MM gBL : t Cigars Family—, : v ppsfeg 9~ ' m h % -Etc.- —Groceries. S fi cn \ AVAVA!»SV.%V,Hi!.VAV.W*V«Vi VICKERY BRO 5?^ a. iccxa, n ua. iLJLi IT TT *_a]T Jill FT: Ms RT i' A PH ^> WiU ^ u 1 i \GGB$ *. ---- EVERYBODY COME/iJ'DCET YOUR. GOODS CHEAP. During tho dull Summer Months I.have tak«-n .'uivnnlago of the Hard Times and Have Bo ght a BIG STOCK of GO; BES CHEAP, and, I mean to.give My r i’rade the adva’itage of it. I am going to *-011 thorn CHEAP FOR CASH. If You Want tc mo tlie BEST STOCK in Toccoa, just walk into my store. We will take pleasure in showing and prying goods wheth- cr ) 'O' ll h\yj or not. My STOCK of CT OTHING Beats ANYTHING ever brought to. Toccoa. I have the LARGEST STOCK and t!ie FINEST GOODS in the City at PRICES that are EXTREMELY LOW for the Class of Goods that I aiF • id-ring ° T J have . , been making , . a p.irm SPECiAL * r I .or f crrnrt- SHOjv>. and i l have , bo-' - - i h SUCCESSFUL lievond my expectations. J ttm NOV>. i‘ ad .- for- th* FALL TRADE with aline of SHOES that wiil StRPRIS.E the peo- pie-; l can ;/iv< you just ANYTHING you want in the SHAPE of a SHOE, from a 25c Infant's Shoe, up to the Finest KANGAROO and CORDOVAN good Big 3iue of Boys and M Schooi Sl oek Fine line of Ladies’ French Kid Hand Sewed Shoes; -1 al so sell thuCEI.E- BKATKO W. t. Dooglasr- Sli-.—Til.. Fin«-l ..-Iho.. on Kanl... Am- I have a line of Drers Goods that vou can t Kiv from ativ other , hAAAh“A“AS ■ n g;;.T: u v^r , u ’■* ,, 1 c V ■ i i - H< jiriettaa ami l anr " If J haven’t w Iff it you want in tic way () j)iv-s Goods, I will order it for you. I am agent for several large Dry Goods Houses and can sell you v. hat you want as cheap as you can Huy the sanio in eifcief. I keep a large line of Notions and the Finest tHock of Hats i:i the city. liauH A good s^ock of - Groceries always on -and as cheap *js |iny one can ?o)\ tbein.4 I pay highest prices for country produce. i W/IJIT YOUR TRADE, fiHD I NEED IT Come to seo me and I will idler great inducement' fo~ you tc ^pend , caGi , .villi you me. • T- \ * f i t n Y- 1-1 r*/\ k’ i-u\j vy* —* k k 1 4 4 ■ a v 4