The Toccoa times. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1894-1896, October 26, 1894, Image 8

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M wmm -■ * m Walter L. Main’s Big Show "I ■’u. Exhibit AT TOCCOA, OA., NOVEMBER 5th, 1894 1,000 MEN AND HORSES EMPLOYED! Travelling in it's own grain! special trains, First visit South of the World’s Greatest Amusement enterprise Beyond comparison! Beyond Comprehension ! Main, the inventor of Wonders creating furor In the Sunny South by his world astounding features. Price of admission to all the shows is but 50 cents. Everything presented as advertised, No false representations. Truthful, inoral, instructive. 3 GREAT CIRCUS COMPANIES 3 BIG RINGS COMPLETE f/RCUSES Giant male gorilla. Only living American born Monkeys. Ga/.a, the Electrical Wonder. Lions Highly educated Elephants'. Only live rooster orchestra. Den of baby born July 4, 1894, at Glenn Falls, N. Y. m ^ n j x. \ \ Si V M .V> NX i- ■f II Re; 'JC! j" ! - . 1 1 ±\ Ct s&at-sSiL. H A n W Si ^ "pi . X j % III I I pw u mmmm ■■zjsQJ*- m m mm t SE3 % The Grand, Triumphant, Street Parade nt ten o’clock, u. in., presenting myriads of great features, elaborate golden chariots, open dens of |H*rfonning animals, postil lions, horses,elephants in grand und costly trappings: a sunburst of glory, hands of music. Grand Military Band Iinmediatidy after the parade don’t forget to see the free exhibition at the tent lic tlie ojienhtg of the big diHirs. Ucduced rates on all railroads. About Town Mr*. J. J.. Martin is visiting u sick sitter at Valley Head, Ala. Mr. J. K. Livingston o^S neca, S. C., wa* in Toccoa FfcWay. 1 WvB. Frqzelle /of Demo t paid our town a bdsines. visit • *, Lee King, of the Spoke and works, i»on a vittt to York. Bill board*, have been put up in mt of the park for posting show M r * Christian has opened up a wt&urant in the old postoffice utiding. _ Frank Morgan, special agent of le Germania Life insurance com any, was in town thifc week on tatties*. Fon Salk-— 10 Reams white * cents , 3 per J l f. o. b. Toccoa. Address K Pratt,who has been i in Toccoa for some V. WA the “Bell” Monday T-Ji, in Alabama. V •ing to go to Chicago A and December 31, can ■ wwm m - & r ill, Q. H. Dance, W* " * L Vickery * ' - - Davis - 1 ek at the Vvr Mr. Gus Nichols, who lias been in Washington for the past year, is at home shaking hands with his friends. Mr. Nichols holds a government position, by the cour of Hon. Carter Tate. Rev. D. H. Baker, from North Carolina, will deliver a lecture Qn ,, In fl uence >» at t h e ‘Baptist church next Tucstlay eveni ng a t 8 o’clock. Mr. Baker is a p rcac h er and never knew one let ter f rom anojjiwr—in fact has never gone to school a day in his Mr. Baker will sing a song of his own composition. It is highly gratifying to us to know our exertions in trying to give the people of Toccoa a good paper is appreciated. We made several new contracts for ad vertising this week and Job work 1 ms crowded us. Thanks friends. We will show our appreciation of your encouragement by giving you one of the best country papers in Georgia. A. A. Acre, Habersham’* efficient tax collector, was here Monday for the purpose of selling tax receipts. He reported sales very light, but will renew the'sale Nov, 17th. Don’t fail to see our pffer in another column announcing the splendid Thanksgiving gift which will pretent free to all our reader-. We give particulars in another column of tke greatest work of art recently published, a firtt-prixe >k>r picture, which we will til our readers as a Thanks of Caroesville, J bj hi. canning. - t i MB -XSrm ■ • w\ f % m J JP ■ * : •M i •V A, % m W r.vf * r) if m "TimtSfr. \sT' 7 m r. % 5 cr 5 w j u>i#*sx> GENERAL ADHISSION • • 50 cents Children under 12 Years Half Price I)«f>rs open at 1 and 7 p. in. Performance one hour later. Avoid the crowd by purchaa ing Tickets in advance at Edwards & Busha’s Store. fp ? ' '.V r> r r* A certain “J. IV in this cowi throughout his district ju-st be fore the last election that he would hold the election at the regular yo ting place, and on election day w’ent to another precinct to vote, ‘hereby depriving the voters of his own district of voting, as they gathered at their voting ground and waited for the“J. P.” to come d the - election * *....... until it aR open was too late to go elsewhere and vote, Such conduct on the part of “J. 1>v ’ is not very commendable, though he be of 4 he high moral stripe in politics. We have the largest stock of clothing in town.—Simmons Brown & Co. Try Christian's for good board; cheap and good. - a * Jk Free. Any one or more of the follow ing standard novels will be sent absolutely free,, any ajdre^ in .. the „ United .. j States or Canada ~ . IkiU. op re¬ ceipt of 14 cents for each book, in stamps or otherwise, to cover -the actual cost of postage and packing: Ships that Pass in the Night, That Passing Show, The Man in Black, The Maharajah’s Guest, The Leal of the Van Slacks, A Lover’s Fate and a Friends Council, What Peo¬ ple Said,Mark Twain; h» life and work, The Major, Rose and Nin¬ ette, The Minister 's Weak Point, At Low’s Extremes, By Right,not Law, Dodo, a detail of the'day; A Holiday m bed and other Sketches, • - id Gahm N , ' " See our new line of . . ClOSKS < 111(1 CflJ)GS. Kilgo & Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Burns, of Banks COU nty, are visitin in the city this week. The familiar and lengthy form of Sheriff Fuller was noticable pn on the streets of Toccoa Wednes day. Coh.J. B. Jones visited Bow¬ man on business/Wednesday, Mrs. W. M. Kilgo returned the first of this week~from Franklin, N. C., where she went to visit her father, Dr. B. W. Moore. Cousin Tom and Mrs. Williford, of Rock Creek, were in town Tues¬ day. Major Young Davis came over from Currahee Wednesday and spent a few hours in town. The Major is quite feeble and his visits so rare, that his many friends are delighted when lie does come, Miss Lily Thurmond who has b«n visit in K byr ,i S Ur. Mrs |-. W , Whitehead for several months, re turned to her home near Watkius ville, t^a<v Thursday. Miss Lily is a very pleasant ludy and made many friends in Toccoa, that te gret her departure. Rev. B. P. Allen wen, doyen *° a ** 18 ^___^ V ' J* that^fdac* a Pr ° traC . mrxKC at J. B. Simmons was in South Carolina a portion of this week on business connected with the Fur¬ niture Factory. |§|§;; " * fi R. A. Ramsay has purchased the dray and mules from the Furniture ■Ft ^ cl iy io ggff P «... A,” 36 q, : c, ■ The Horseback Riding Lion. The only Riding Lion in the World Today 20 Funny Clowns 20 ^Reproduction of Paris Hippodrome, With its Coloseum Sports, Olypiam Games, Sword Contests, Boxing and Wrestling Bouts. 21 horses ridden and driven by one man. Reman chariot races, two and four horse tandem. Standing^and Hurdle races. Elephant and Camel Races .h mm* P if 1 752 j [f'h C-'-rj m? ;--v M i §®s 5 n i-j a m )} it'irt A ill ) ,1 u IIj , A Five Continent Menagerie Too big to catalogue. The new additions this year alone making a most complete Zoi - logical gathering ever attempted. Wundr-msly easy to see but ha'it to count. Ample time to examine to all visitors. Increase in everything ex'opt the price of admission. Absolutely water proof cimvillions. Seating eupacitv 12,0X1. 3 Times as Large as Heretofore The only brand new show on the face of the Earth Truthfully advertised, honestly conducted and the finest show in the world: worth coming miles to see . 0lJR thanksgiving picture Every subscriber to Thk Times will rc eeive absolutely free of cost and at a large one to us a fine water color picture the first Friday after Thanksgiving day us our thanks offering to our subscribers, The original of this picture cost thousands of doliarN and we give it free to our readers. The picture has heel) reproduced from a prize picture painted by one of the most successful artists in water colors—water colors, by the way, arc the present fad in pictures, and the reproductions are as per¬ fect as the original, almost. The size is 12 3-4x17 1-2 inches and is called “Which is the sweeter?" It is really the'stately, hard to decide which is the sweeter, rich pink tinted roses or the golden haired beauty in her qnaint blue dress. The picture would be cheap at i*r> if bought from a dealer. Tell your mends of onr offer. Good board at the new restaurant; low 1 prices (LS.Christian. ~ Election Tickets. j Candidates can get any number of election tickets at very low rates by applying early to The Times. Notice. Job work is always cash : Sub¬ scriptions are cash. We can’t af¬ ford to collect small debts of $1.25 and less, as it cost as much to get these small amounts as it is worth. I’lease do not ask for credit. -•= R. R. Tickets. Anyone desiring to go to Chi cago can get round trip tickets of the Timks cheaply. 0 „ ofthe Hottedee.upaign* no,v being carried on in Georgia is that of Hon. F. C. Tate,of the 9th con gressional district, who is now preparing to .plant the political hopes of Hon. Newt Twitty be¬ neath the daisies.—Athens Banuer. i. d. McCollum, -0EA1XR IX- Fruit & Groceries . (All Kinds of Fruit) ?*ar, c •y'u ftfmliE AND IT IS ABSOLUTELY SAVE 1 -. The Best SEWING MONEY MACHINE _ MADE or ovb Calebs can nu you m a chin e* cheaper than yon can get elsewhere. The HIW HOIIB U our best, bat we make cheaper Unde, produce n SKTTKB $50.00 Oowinn Machine hr $50.00, or a Setter $00. Sewing Machine fhr $00.00 than yen can hay fron u, er ear Agents. THE IKI HOB HIM UCHIIE CO. rog SALK av L- C. FURR, Clarkesville, 6%. '■/. C. M.^ GUILDERS, ' Watchmaker and Jeweler. 24 Years Experience. ' - Sewing Machines Repaired. Davis Drug Store ToCcoa,Ga. —* D. M. SNELSON, * DENTIST . Office over Matheson Merchandise Co’s, store on Doyle Street. > Toccoa, Geowha. LIVERY, SALE AND Feed Stable. • IIochED & Gablaxd, Propriety’s, TOCCOA, GA, ' ^ The best rigs and teams alwa on hand and engaged at re rates. Dpunraers taken ai desired. Special rates made to ' Dmyage done and ered to any part of ■