The Toccoa times. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1894-1896, December 14, 1894, Image 8

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Town —__ *\ Simpson left yestetday for Mam trip below Atlanta. . Levis of South Carolina is m the city. ...... ^ i Matheron Co., are receiving lots of fine goods. Better see them be¬ fore buying your Christmas trinkets Miss Mattie McConnell of Cor¬ nelia was visiting in Toccoa last Wednesday!' Ordinary Hi!!,from Clarkesviilc, was in the city Wednesday shak ing bands with friends, Mr. T. R. Isabel, of Tabor, was » pleasant caller on The Times this week. Mrs. T> A. Creecy and her sister Miss Corric Alexander, left Sun day for Lynchburg,Va., for a visit to Mr. Creecy'» relatives. C. S. Christian bought a lot on Doyle street laat week from C. H. Dance, upon which he is erecting his bakery. Glenn Davis show ed us this week a very elegant box of candy from a certain Tugalo young lady. Leap year (?) commences early for ’1S95. Rev. E. A. Kecse delivered two excellent sermons at the Baptist church last Sabbath morning and evening. Both services were well attended and highly enjoyed. Send us vour order of w fine for some those Indian River oranges Kilgo & Cook. Dance, mother of Charley Dance, did not get off to Macon Jail week as stated in The Times. She was taken suddenly very ill and had to postpone her trip. Wc are glad to state she is about over her illness. Constable Renney is the busiest man now in the whole, universe. He is hustling from early morning 1 ill late at night serving papers; lie captures everything in sight from a game chicken to a Steam Sawmill. ■ Kilgo 8 Cook doing perhaps c arc ie largest and best business in this “"t of Georgia, and they owe a rod share of their success to rioter’s ink. They ought to suc *d and wc dare say they are liming the eyes of more older etchants in Toccoa. rill certainly pay v ou to in in Toccoa Real Estate. ty is steadily advancing, ire some bargains. Cottages aying cheap ten per cash. cent can Strike be for . iroperty is on the rise,—it st safe any when leper buying and you Toccoa are lot and the lowest mas for goods ever Davis’ seen sale at xoa News haa suspended a. The town, however, sout a newspaper. Mr. »wler, of Demorest, has re the publication of the very readable six-column d.with contemplated im *, it will be one of the tntry weeklies of north i a.—Kellogg's Auxilary. mw. dolls, books, toys, (oAi etcganc worewtr *» than first cost at Davis’ ncil took a step de discard (tow too. A. M. Gribble, the Democratic nominee for Sheriff, U out among “the bqys” this week. The Toccoa, Bakery has opened up and is doing business in the rock house, near the depot. The city Authorities had the Cemetery cleaned up last week and it now presents a much improved appearance. Toccoa is rapidly improving; two bakeries added to her enter¬ prises last week ; Real Estate look¬ ing up a bit, and residences in all parts of town being renovated and repainted every day, helps ^the looks as well as the business of the city. The Atlanta Journal, always one of the best newspapers in the south, has recently added the As¬ sociated Press franchise to its al ready large news service, and will hereafter, it is claimed, print as much telegraphic ncv. s as any other paper in the south, morning or evening. The Toccoa Council, uoS, Roy¬ al Arcanum on Monday night elected tire following officers: Regent J. B. Simmons; V. R., W. M.Kilgo; Orator, N. A. den; Secretary, J. J. Bright; Treasurer, T. C. Wright; tor, J. B. Craig; Chaplain, J. E. Greene; Guide, W. M. Warden, S. J, Busha; Sentry, B. P. Brown. Mr. Clarence Mason The* Times that he is in pondence with the Red Star strel Company of Westminster, C., a superb organization of teur minstrels and musicians, a view of getting them to give performance in Toccoa some next week. Clarence them very highly and no they wotrid have a full house they decide to come. • The people advertise in TIMES are the cheapest firms to deal with, because they sell more goods on account of tising and they can afford to sell cheap * Try _ er. OUl HUA CT tisers and see. Agent Nelms of the Southern has gone to Washington on raik road business. Mr. J. B. Simmons, the popu¬ lar president and manager of the Furniture factory made a trip to the Carolines this week on busi¬ ness connected with his factory. At the regular meeting of Toe coa lodge, Number 309 F. aad M., on Friday night,December 7th. the following officer* were elected for the ensuing year: U‘. U.,ji 390 Wikon; S. W. f J. S. W«t; W., J. G. Nelms; Tneasaenrr. M. Payne; Secretary, ). J. Bright. Tylor, S. J. Hab ha r d; S. P., E L. Haros; J. D , J. H. Bosfca; Stewarts, T. C. Wright sad L. P. Cook . IF TOC WATT TO GET FAT FAT-TEN-U » OATS O* set i JF. SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS Every suit of our large stock of clothing will be sold at first cost. Now is the time to set a winter,, suit cheap. V We have , gotten in the finest line of hats and 1 caps cr ■» brought 1 j tn 200 men’s caps a err 15 cents, worth 35c. Our fire works are about half* the usual price. Get them now while they are cheap. We received today 25 boxes of the fam¬ ous Indian River anges. They are the finest ever, brought this market. We have 96 pair Douglas’ $3 shoes ladies; we arc going close them out low— $2.60 cash. They are the best shoe for monev ever sold jn - a Toccoa; this offer fiot good 0 after Kilgo & Cook, The flerchant Princes ----------- 1 ■ - Photographs. I am now prepared to do all and anv kind of first class Fhctograyhic work. People desirous of only first class work done had (er come ««>.—*«!« is propitious—Any kind and size of Photograph—Ail work guarani teed. C. Will Fisjiek. Lyon*s old gallcrs’. w >\ e , have some three and ro ©ni cottages with the most beau situation* in Toccoa that we will cell cheap. They have ten ants in tbeaa now and can be rented the year round. We want the money for them and will .give some -extra bargains in them for They are now paying ten |ier cent. Toccoa Real Estate Ex CIAXSC. In Memoriain. Johnnie P. Moore was bopi in Franklin county, Ga., July 18, sS&j and died November, 34, He had been in bad health wmetime, but was able to about the house until a few before his death. He seemed suffer the last few hours the excruciating pain., yet he murmured or complained at providence of God. He was not a member of L church, have that . yet we a hope hss gone to rest. He leave* behind a lorfog ,„d .nd sisters who deeply mourn fck death. ha U*m t *0 w*tt. i OttAuntn SssALtur. Atm an « f , Fk.. . - *AD. , ., > , f |L. V-' I m ps t&mw&f Wmm JStriiF mngm MMR -v Real Estate. Parties who have rbal estate which they desire to sell at a fair price will do well to list same with the Toccoa Real Estate Agency. We have been appointed agent for the country immediately surround¬ ing Toccoa by Gov. Northen, who is conducting one of the largest Real Estate businesses in the whole country, and who will certainly do Toccoa a very great deal of good. Following is the letter : s = W. A. Fowler, Manager Toccoa Real Estate Exchange. You - are hereby appointed to r6 p resent this bureau in the section of vour countv immediately around Toccoa. I will be pleased to list any property you may put with me and anvertise it thoroughly. Very Truly, w. J. No nr WEN, Manager. Wolf Creek fledal Contest. There will be a Demorest Medal Contest at Wolf Creek Baptist church in Rabun county on Satur¬ day December 22. Exercises will commence at 10 a. m. F. D. Hahnenkratt of Demorest, is expected to be present, and will make the closing speech ; his sub¬ ject will be “The Importance of National Prohibition,and the Chris¬ tian's Duty at the Ballot Box.” This will be a treat that the good people of the mountain region will long remember. Everyone is cor cfiall invited. Council Proceedings. Toccoa, December 6, ’94. Council met at a regular meet ing; present \Y. J. Hayes, Mayor; Counc,hmri - Dance » Kil g°. Vv ,l * son and West. The following acct’s were read jnd ordered paid : Mavor &^Council to Edwards & Dance dr. to mdse acc’t, $68.71. Mavor & Council to Nowell & Bryant, to mdse acc’t,$3.50. Mayor & Council to Toccoa Furniture & Lumber Co.,' to lum ‘ 34r acc L $6.34. Mayor & Council to Simpson LumberCo.,to lumber acc’t,$76.13. M & Counci i to W . H . & J. ^ mdj)j ac( ., t fn o8 . Mayor &. Council to the Toccoa Times, dr. to printing fees, $11.00. •Mayor & Council to Edwards & Dance,dr. to mdse acc’ Mayor & Council to J. N, West dr* to Dr. bill $5.00, Mayor & Council to E. L. Goode dr. to lumber acc’t $7-75' J. N. West andC. II. Dance ap¬ pointed a committee to buy gasoline lamp* and have them up. Glenn Davis had several stolen from hi* barn last night by people who stopped his shelters (rom the rain. way to pay a man for bis kindness. Os* can hardly ClirUtmMgUt tor tui Umu DmmsIms aarotwr ot Tss Aar A* It iUm 1 mUtre u* It Mem* indeed treasury Art, *wtl» (or tlie art to It la a naeeMity-snd the reader. On opening it we And two ing color plat#*—absolutely (acHlmile* cortiy puittUng*: “A Bummer by *. (Saw iMW-IVrrier, and “Purple and <M&" <r*MU»), by Maud Stuimu Then there la a vary terga lf(e atudy iu charcoal, prlnladoa gray-blue |«|*r,*ix! eight at Working Daalgaa (or China and Glass Wood Carving, etc. Bfwrial etteutidn Is paid ujtbe n««ia ^ Warning to Imcmna IHostratma. n«i4* > '’*‘Flowor drawing In Pen-and-ink," -Portrait Painting,” “Landscape Painting,” “Paaigniug (or Mthograpbm,’’—an excellent field. China Painting is covered by such expert writers dr;« overflow with pretty d« tandea. For The Hoiuft d “SuaxesUons tor a Li » omA Sfo* ■- 9 “Z & %• LIPPINCOTT’S MAGAZINE I895. The special feature of LIPJNN COTT’S—A COMPLETE NOV¬ EL In each issue, in addition to the usual SHORT STORIES, NOVELETTES, ESSAYS, PO¬ EMS, ETC., Ail combined, make it one of the most desirable maga^ zines now published. We avoid the objection held by so many readers to(a continued story*. During the coming year novels may be ex ,ted from CAPT KING, AMELIA RIVES, GER¬ TRUDE ATHERTON, MRS. STICKNEY, MRS. ALEXAN¬ DER, MISS TRAIN (Author of “The Autobiography* of a Profes¬ sional Beauty.”) Price $3.00 per year. Single copy 25c. * Send five 2-cent stamps for specimen copy. LIPPINCOTT’S MAGAZINE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. BIG FOUR Route Rest Line To and from • ' CHICAGO Solid vestilsnled trains with buffet cars and parlor cars, dining cars and coaches, Wagner sleeping cars and sleeping improved private magnificently compartment furnished cars, toilet accessories in each compartment. ST. LOUIS. .Solid vestibulcd trains with buffet cars, coaches, dining cars and Wagner fet sleeping cars. BOSTON. The only through sleeping car line Cincinnati. Elegant Wagner sleeping NEW YORK. The “Southwestern Limited” solid tibuled trains with combination buffet and smoking cars, Wagner cars, elegant coaches and diuing ing passengers in New York at the depot. Positively NO FERRY Be save youv tickets read via “Big E O McCORMICK, D B PasMster Traffic Masarcr. Oea’I Pus. k T. Cincinnati, 0 . Warwick if •J ----a... I; - BJPvv >~-y- 1 Bicycles LEADER IN BICY¬ CLE CONSTRUCTION The Warwick I* the wheelman’s favorite. It represents his ideas. It is the strongest of the light wheels and lightest of the strong wheels. Every rider wants it wkti ONCE HE SEES IT The ’94 models are rigid,hand¬ some light running and liber¬ ally guaranteed. fail ask them Don’t to to sec You will be reasonably sure to purchase. The goods which please are already half sold. Catalogue free. Cycle Manuf’ng Co... Mass. WEBSTBR’S INTERNATIONAL .J^J^ DICTIONARY A Cod BAmmmr, r “C ,** -— I ! <*. all Wi Ot 7 1 - 9 m wWtb the eye j* •« ■» • ..—A — *v-#r tF SALE AN Feed Stable. & TOCCOA, Garland, Proprietors ] GA. The best rigs and teams always hand and engaged at reasonable Drummers taken anywhere Falls. Special rates made to Tallulah Drayage done add trunks deliv¬ to any part of the city at very reasonable rates. 1 3 Parties desiring teams for Sun¬ day will please make arrangements for same the day before. Horses and mules always on hand for sale and trade D. M. SNELSON, DENTIST. Office over Matheson Merchandise Co’s, store on Doyle Street. Toccoa, Georgia. THE Art Amateur Best and largest practical art magazine and the only Art peri odical awarded a medal at the World’s fair. Invaluable to all who wish make to make their their homes living beauti¬ by art or to ful. For ten cents we will send to any one mentioning this paper, a specimen copy with superb color plates, Jor copying or framing, of and 8 suppfimiutary pages designs, regular price 35 cents. Or foe 25 cents will send also “Painting for Beginners,” 90 pages. MONTAGUE MARKS, 23 Union square, NEW YORK pi ,,r„ NEW It U: Ppi-AfW . l 4 SHI r fr m m J Ct.' \\ THE ONLY PERFECT 5 0im FAMILY meciwu^ USE. Seud (or circulars and pries Atlanta, list to Wheeler & Wilson Mfg. Co., Ga. Fur sale by ' T A CAPPS & CO., Toccoa, Ga. Hartford Are the best for the money, and represent true economy., - They are honestly made and lv guaranteed. Ask HARTFORD riders they think of them and^you get but one answer. these They qualities ride easy and wear well are what you quire . If there is no Hartford agent your town, write for a catalogue. jrf r