The Toccoa times. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1894-1896, October 18, 1895, Image 1

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— MISTAKES, made (HD THEY? Got thing* spelled wrong and all mix¬ ed fashioned—press up—awplay *»i work poor—type bad old nothing it ought to be? —paper c hea p— as nd your work to THE TIM ES and __ be done right—Phone it Will No. 10. VOL. IV. THREE GREAT ESSENTIALS WE CLAIA ENTERPRISE, PATRIOTISM AND RELIABILITY. . > \ THE MODEL, Leading Clothiers, Hatters id FURNISHERS. a — . 1 si Buying what you don't want even if it is cheap, is downright extravagance. We have heard of m chants who paid a bonus to clerks whenever they induced a customer to buy unsalable goods. That v y extravagance for the merchants, too. They lost customers by it. m Us Hitt We depend more on the goods themselves than on elerks,and we depend on prices most of all % & not try to get all the from customers. We try rather to make the cost small money we can as as sible. Comeflfihand see us. Yours for low prices, flATHESON MERCHANDISE COMPANY, PROPRIETORS. Wanted 10 cords of on subscription this paper. Apply to The T i mes. Wanted SOL ICITORS and agents for the best insurance company in the world. At the end of 20 years we psy you back twice as much money as you put" in, and your life has been insured free. W. A. Fowler, special and agent for Hart, Habersham Frankin counties. Address Toccoa, Ga. WANTED-AN ts«r!^ IDEAKZiSSS °?5gr*® r v^ , Washington, , bSK BURN* CO., PatraA Attorney*, It CL tor thalr 11,800 prise offer. _ J. N. West, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Toccoa, Ga. » OSes: Corner Safe and Tagalo street*. /), M. Snclson, DENTIST. over Math<$pn Merchandise Co’s, store on Doyle Street. Georgia. - * (Jeorge P. Erwin, .ATTORNEY at law, Clarkesvilie and Toccoa, Ga. Will practice in the Courts of the N. E. Circuit and elsewhere by special arrangement. Special attention to Collections and Commercial law. A. Fowkr, REAL ESTATE AND LIFE IN¬ SURANCE. Times Building. TOCCOA, GA. O, w. HM, Contractor and Builder, TOCCOA, GA. IM g lass work in every respect. My ref entices arc the business men of Toccoa Jao. W. Own, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Toccoa, GaorgU. THREE FOR $1. We will send The Farm News, Woman¬ kind and The Times one year for $1.00. ■M 3 B 2 s — TO AGENTS «s set rich Blkiy^o y tsisf* ■d •* MM The Toccoa T1 m f W. S - ’U TOCCOA, HABERSHAM COUNTY, OA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 . 1898- ■Vv.: * Mr . MCiimiiA •• v*. . . v i ✓ \ ;; •1: a Are yon taking Simmons Liter ulator, the “Kino or Lima cines?” That is what our want, and nothing but that It is some old friend to which the old pinned their faith and were never appointed. But another good recom¬ mendation for it Is, that it is than Pills, never gripes, never weak¬ ens, bat works in such an easy and natural way, just like nature Itself relief comes quick and sure, and foela new an over. It never lhfla. Everybody needs taka* liver remedy, and everyone should take only mons Liver Regulator. Be sure you get it. The Bod is on the wrapper. J. H. Zeilin Go., Philadelphia. WE’RE NOT ALL ALIKE. It is vain to treat Printers a* if they were equal. They are unequal by methods and ac¬ tions as men generally are unequal by nature and circum¬ stances. It is the distinction you make between one Printer and another, and is not the most trade-favorad the one you expect the most of? Is not trade a recognition of merit over mediocrity ? Per Cent Discount A. Fowler Stationery Co. Toccoa, Qa. The blind made to see, at Dr. West's of¬ by using Kel glasses. Bucklen’s Arnica Solve. The Best Salve in the world for cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap¬ ped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all skin Eruptions, and positively It cures Piles, or no pay perfect required. satis¬ is guaranteed to give refunded. Price faction or money 2< cents per box. For Sale by W. H .4 J. Davis, Druggists. Evfcry mother should know that croup can be prevented. The first symptom of true croup is hoarse¬ ness. This is followed by a pecul¬ iar rough cough. If Chamber¬ lains Cough Remedy is given freely « soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the cough has devel oped it wifi prevent the attack. and 50 cent bottles for sale by H. k J. jy. — * • in SOCIETY’S DOMAIN and Personal Paragraphs About People You Know Prof. McLaury and his sister and daughter Misses Mamie and Marjorie McLaury left Thursday afternoon for Atlanta where they remained a day or two taking in the exposition, after which they went to Waycross, Ga., where their home will be in the future. The removal was made that the family be with Mr, McLaury'a son, is mail clerk on a railroad in that part of Georgia, and is three days of each week in Wayctoss. Toccoa sustains a great loss in the McLaurys departure, for no one was more appreciated for intel* lectual, spiritual and material help rendered a community than'they have been. We wish them alt happiness and success in^heir new home, but hope some day to have them back in Toccoa. Professor McLaury’* home hereafter will be Charlotte, N. C. •*0 We regret to note the death, on Saturday, Oct. 1st, of Mrs, J. Miles Berong of Hiawassee, Ga. She was a sister of Mrs. T. A. Capps and had several friends in besides the Capps family who are saddened by her death. Mrs. Berong was 33 years old was considered by all wbo knew her a most beautiful cbarac ter For many years she was a member of the Baptist Church. Her husband and three children are left to mourn her loss. » • • Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Simpson and Miss Carrie Davenport went to Atlanta to see the Exposition Saturday and also to have Dr. Eikin examine little Sarah Simpson’s arm which was discovered to have a green limb fracture though for some time has seemed only a very slight hurt.' The Womans’ Literary Club a most pleasant meeting with Mrs. W. M, Kilgo,on Tuesday, the 8th instant. The next will be held at the home of Miss Ola Jones, Saturday, Oct. 9th in¬ stant. •% We are glad to note that Mr. W. C. Edward’s lovely little daughter, Helen, who acci¬ dently hurt herself right by falling from a table Sunday af¬ ternoon is improving slowly. Mr*. McDowell of Fraaklin, N. C.,k • guest of Mm. W. M. on Currahee street. J. P. Vickery and Will Bailey took in the exposition this week end now enjoy telling bow big “the thing k. ” Rev. C. H. test Fri j MrS. B. P. Brown, Jr.,and chit* visited last week with rela* fives and parents at Ayersville. Mr. Alfred Creasy of Lynch¬ burg, Va., is visiting his brother, Mr. Jack Creasy. Miss Nelms is the guest of her brother Mr. John Nelms at pres ^ Mr. Will Vickery who is buying cotton at Gainesville, Ga., this fall, made his weekly visit to his fam ily at this place last Saturday and Sund *r Last Saturday afternoon Miss fc.nkin . beautiful young tad, of Franklin, N. C In Toe, w.iPC - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schaefer accompanied by their little daugh ters, M. E. and Carter, visited the Exposition the first of this week. Mrs. Schaefer accompanied Mias McLaury to Macon. Mrs. W.M.Kilgo’s mother, Mrs. Moore, of Franklin, N. C.« is a guest at the home of the former and wilt probably be in Toccoa sometime to the delight of her friends; becoming The Biblical Literary pleasant Society and in¬ is a most structive organisation, and is sure to become one of the leading clubs in Toccoa thi* winter. Charlie Dance and wife wers among this the visitors to the exposi¬ tion week. Miss Mattie Harris is on a two week’# visit to friends in Atlanta. Mrs. Jno. relatives Tabor, who in has Franklin been a guest of county for some time, has returned home. Rev. H. C. Fennell, pastor of Presbyterian church at Toccoa, preached twice in the Presbyterian church. He is an able divine and sn eloquent preacher. His sermon in the evening was anti-doctrinal, and was a scathing rebuke Heaven— to those who but one road to and that thei ir own.—Clarkesvilie Ad vertisef. Mr. T.\J>. >. Kemp, of Atlanta, is in, town for the purpose of organiz¬ ing a camp of Woodmen of the World, a popular social and benev olent Knights order of Pythias. something Mr. like Kemp the is a pre pos s essi ng young gentleman, and toe order he represents is a moat excellent oae. Like the Knights of Pythias it has an insur ance feature attached/—Hartwell Sun. Clerk of Court Erwin was in the city Monday and while here left oil us some for running of Use necessa printer's ry machinery. lubricating Joe k well liked by our people wbo appreciate hk flying visits, if they are abort. The editor of Tn Times made a busioese trip to Atlanta, Saturday tion. The exposition k a display of the world’s ot products, south. especially those the rMt'yv very favorably with the world’s at Chicago in 1893. The end grounds are magnificient, and the fire works given free at the ex position grounds were as good, or better than any we saw at the world's fair. We think it the duty of every father that can in any way, to take his children to see this fair. We want to recommend our friends to tho Victoria hotel as a good and comfortable place to stop. The hotel is only a half block the depot and charges are very sonable. Mr. Golucke, the ^ My# he g^rontm* to please bis guests, and we think be will, We recommend the Victoria hotel to those visaing the exposit ion. Tbit T«. * wuil. i. «■- a ............ . g"* txtzfw d & ‘L, T „ Tni ,. 9iP " mM MY i| | .wessmenU is $113,000 and d2 nur y will build fifteen Justice of the.Peace court houses in the conn ty> M recommended by the grand jury, which will cost about $100 eachjaad the difference in the faulters list this year is $30,000 more than last year, also the total taxable property this year is only $1,505,633, and then too, court ex¬ penses this, year were $700 more than last year. Look at Kilgo & McAllister's ad for their great slaughter prices. They last on¬ ly another week. Rock House Market, R. J. W. Hitt, Proprietor. , I handle nothing but the Finest Quality of Meat*—from 3 to 6 cents per pound. Give me a trial. Epwortb League. How long before Christ was the Baba Ionian captivity ? What dis¬ tinguished youths were there car¬ ried captive? What name did Ashpeaac give Daniel? What to Hananiah? What to Mi shoe l? What to Axariah? What would the king,have them to learn? What did be appoint them? What did Daniel nf A.hp^aaf What were Daniel? the feelings of Aspenaz toward Why did he fear to grant bis request ? Whom did be set over Daniel, Shadrach, Me shach and Abednego? What did he request of Melaar? What did wish him to give them to eat to drink? How did they ap pear at the end of that time? What did God give t ? troubled. For what did he cal! I What did be say should be < with thorn if Daniel thsr i did do it? Wbot did say wtu beard of it? why did Daniel when hr made it k L m ■m to th« king what did he do. id the king say of Daniel's t b what office did be raise icJ' whom did Nebuchadn image command he had to worsbip the what g< set up. he say would be done with iu would not. who refused t» it. whom did they «ay would ta to deliver them from of fire. What became of those w hem into the furnace? wi A hadnezzar looked into! . what did he see. S jJ, thanS£*i L. who interpreted Nebuchi dream, what was of »*• For bo time. How long after W pretation _ did this take p his undwstanding^rrtur P iou » unto his ten did he command to b* '% t O: him, what did was. what is « Mone. Or T what became of Be took the kingdom Whom did he a ident preferred over the prii above tte he Why him could What they not the find ? was ot they thought him ?' they cot against what Darius dec re What princes did persuade Daniel do when this ? when the king heard i he feel? For what did I Till what time? They what with Daniel? Hoi king pets the night? did fa morning where said God bad done u How was the king commanded what to 1 the accusers of Dai future condition of D w said? Tocsot Cottas I Ti I Good m ______ 7 Middling...... Strict Low Middling .... Market active wish «; as wm Thursday, Me Jarrett and A. J. tstrars’ Court i in court is held unda t ration law. 1 failed to pay rax their taxes since v ot V "!—• K . U Some to ta th C o v . m M m