The Toccoa times. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1894-1896, March 25, 1896, Image 1

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MADE MISTAKES, DID THEY? Got things spelled wrong and ail mix* «d lashioned— np—display was poor—type old press work bad —paper cheap—nothing Send as it ought to be ? your work to THE TIMES and it will be done right—Phone No. 10. By W. AL. FOWLER. VOL. IV. A Long Felt Want at Last Supplied by Us. (m m *' dry w& : I It is not necessary for tlie ladies to send off for anything in the dress goods line. We are prepared to offer them a line { WM go&ds equal to almost any city store. diseription, Our from store 1 is one of the 90 most attraetivee yard. places in Toccoa. Come in and see our display of iff * fancy goods, line laces of every cent to cents per S' . ’ The biggest line of embroideries ever brought to a town the size, of Toccoa—200 different patterns, ai*l all grades in Cambric, Swiss and the finest Nainsook edgings and insertinsg; all the latest styles in Brown Linen Embroidered bands and Edgings; everything imaginable in Colored Embroideries; all over tucking and embroidery for yokes, etc., our prices are 20 per cent cheaper than last year. Our line of white good* i* the finest that money can buy, in all grades from the common checked Lawn up to the finest quality of Nanfsooks; a beautiful line of fine Dimity checks and stripes, Linen Lawns, etc. Our line of summer Wash Goods are simply elegant. Every conceiva cr le color and shade in Domestic and imported Dimities, Organdies, Lawns and Dotted Swiss. A very fine line of wool dress goods in all the new spring effects, light colors/ Cream, Pink and Light Blue. We have al kinds of linings that the dress makers need ; all kinds of Silk IJtuids and Buttons for tiratnings. We are still selling remnants of Calicos, Satteens and Ducks at half price. Those celebrated Rockland Shoes for gentlemen are the best on earth ; invest $5 in a pair and you’ll have rrt^ otk£rX Ladies should try our Paden Shoes if they desire a perfect fit together with finest quality ,$2.35To V ty j " ’ T j , ; Our cut price sale on Boys’ Clothing will last only two w s longer. We are selling suits from 95 cents to $5, winch are? worth fully one-third more. We have but one price and that is the lowest. M’ALLISTER Sl KILGO, One Price flerchants. IT IS INTERESTING: The announcement that we are about to inaugurate our annual Spring Mark p down sale w ill be of interest to everybody » w ho purchases Clothing and' Furnishings for men and boys. It isn’t necessary t$> 7 speak of the quality of goods we offer. U \ handle Every no citizen shoddy of goods, Toccoa and know the s following that we prices: Boys’ clothing from $1 per suit up; Men’s clothing from $5 to $15 per suit; and they are daisies for the money. We also have some odds and ends in Gents* furnishing goods, which are w orthy of inspection. Theae broken lots are going at broken prices—broken exactly in two in many cases. We are receiving invoices daily of new and seasonable spring goods for our lady customers, which we will glad to show them. We pry^ogA-to save our custo me rs money—the y know what that Jflgans. EDWARDS & BUSH A, The Wreckers of High Prices. Toccoa, Ga* My Kidneys. Yes, your kidneys are on* of the roost vi¬ tal parts of your body. They are the great Blood Filters and must be kept pure, clean and in their norma! condition it you want to enjoy good health. Tie Weak And Nervous have their kidneys affected. They need cleansing and restoring to a healthy state, then thehlood becomes purified order and the, bloom of health returns. In to your kidneys use STUART’S GIN AND BiillU, It is the one reliable remedy. Sinir le, cheap and effective. Itis^an iirfalHubic remedy for kidney, biaddeir - nd .dlav-u.-i-y disease. It has CURED THOUSANDS. Mr. E L. D. Mobley sufiV-. for v« - from excruciating pain the h idei- s'i’' . ABT’8 GIN ANDBUCHU ":.irts im '• well man.” Mr. W. A. Bulver“considers ST U • RT*f <J IN ANDBUCHU the t,--t ki !-i-" n.t nary and bladder remedy n the wori.I. Sold by all druggists. WEIGHT & EDGE, Toccoa, Ga. -» SICK PEOPLE Can’t afford to take any chances when having prescriptions filled. The best physicians in the world can have no success unless the reme¬ dies prescribed are made of pure drugs and put up by competent phar mecists. We take particular pride in keeping our stock pure and in giving extra care to the compounding of prescriptions, There’s noth DU ing fancy about our prices—a fair profit is all we want. medicine. How’s your blood? Better see us about a good Spring We’ve got ’em all. \ „ h Paint Your House I f in Argument is unnecessary; it is a demonstrated fact that wc are of N. /• ^ jlh If ers' fering supplies exceptionally generally. attractive Pure prices Linseed on Oil Paints. Mixed Oils, Paints Glass and at the Paint- low \\ a | j \ ,ty est possible prices. AM tints, shades and colors. The spring is the j time to do your painting. Come and see U6 about it. WRIGHT & EDGE, Druggists. RY very kinds Times’ Low of Stationery and writing Goods material. very Department Good. Prices Try for us. are all ; •/ ' S K' ; v ■ >• i i , V ' ■ Times The Toccoa • J m N. West, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Toccoa, Ga. Office: Corner Sage an<l Tugalo streets. £) < At. Snelson, DENTIST. Office over Matheson Mercliandis Go’s, .store on Doyle Street. Toccoa, ONE GIVES RELIEF. _____ _ bring D®f you wealth. Writ* JOHN vn ODER * WaSUi “* TOCCOA, HABERSHAM COUNTY, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 , RIP-A-N-S The modem stand¬ ard Family Medi¬ cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. mm “/ Know Not Wbat the Truth May be, I Tell the Tale as It was Told to Me." SIMMONS »-■ r i \ REGULATOR 4 THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. Don’t need^it'most'to'wake°up Liver brings yo^Uvn.^A Malaria, Fever sluggish Rheumatism, on and other ana ills which Ague, shatter the constitution many and wreck health. Don’t forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIMMONS LIVER Regulator you want. The word Reg ULATOR distinguishes it from all other remedies. And, besides this, SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR is a Regulator of th« Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system may be kept In good condition. FOR THE BLOOD take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR. It is the best blood purifier and corrector. Try it and note the difference. Look for the RED Z on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other Be sure you get it *■ H * CO’ Philadelphia, Pm. THE TIMES THE TIMES Is the official paper of Habersham County and City of Toccoa. ^ When you want to buy gobds with the merchants who your home paper. ' IF IT’S NEWS THE TIMES GETS His Platform. An up-the-county candidate The Times of his platform, and says he is willing to go before people on it: . i 4 I believe in an honest every circular dollar being as as every other dollar of the diameter and circumference. understand that some of my petitors say they are opposed to 35-cent dollar, a 17-cent dollar ora o-cent dollar. I insist on sound ey and denounce the crime of ’73. Every dollar ought by all means p _e stamped with the words dollar’ or ‘QneDol.’in clear, bold, handsome type, and no sophistry should be sufficient to wean away from that principle, which the bulwark and likewise the bin¬ nacle of bur financial scheme. I be¬ metals lieve in employing p^serving agood the parity sharp of to do it wkh. Every dollar ought be interchangeable tor two lars or four quarters, and any tempt to change this ratio is mis¬ chievous and intolerable. I do not believe in allowing the money ques¬ tion to settle itself. Red Thomas owes me $3. 75 and I insist that shall do the settling. As to my views, a cheap coat makes a man and a public office is a trust without waiting for the sent of any other nation on Protection to American interchangeable value for value an economical administration of government make the rich i'^id^lifore.^ public trust and Columbia is 0 f the ocean. I hope you p rlnt t j 1 j s j n y Qur paper, so Bk: people , may , know my. e<a- t views. It was perhaps not ;r ,^y record is an open " , l,erc f , - ln d j j ,,or8es lorse . come come to to water ttIer ' i I believe thai a candidate to his constituents to take ople full) Yours into iiis confidence. C.’” truly, H. B. Our friend has a good J we hope he will be able to <i!!i on it, at all (wizards. Abyssinia seems to have abie to enforce her own kind Monroe doctrine with success. Death of E. L. Goode. The death of ’Squire E. Goode occurred at his home at place Sunday afternoon, March Mr. Goode had been a constant ferer for some time with trouble. He was a young man leaves a wife and three little dren to mourn his loss. For a number of years was a member of the Baptist here, and was a consistent, Christian. Blessed is the to the loved ones he^e on earth he has gone beyond ihore to better where there is no and sorrow. The burial took yesterday at New Hopecharch. large circle of friends their sympathies to the family. - Hiott preached the Rev. sermon and Grand Master Mason of the State Shannon the Masomic service/. THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL CLUB XIV COPYRIGHTED. 1896 5 / | | fin sL * ■ * . , f.C II If Doings of the Club at Its Reg¬ ular Weekly Meeting THE BALLOT ON WOMEN. “Dis klub will come to order,” said the president striking the table with his gavel. “Dar has been much talk mong de members of dis club, pon de feasibility of permitting ladies to confiliate wid dis club. De question am now open, an I am now ready to ascer¬ tain any motion relating darunto.” “I-makeser motion Mr. Presi¬ dent, dat de ladies be received as members of dis club,” said Bro. Gilyard rising. Cupt. “Mr. President,” said Andy Butler, “before dat question am put, I would like to ask de club whot dey wut w.d her. D„am» man. club, and,fa man wants to sociate wid wimen, he meat a* well May at home wid hi» wife. I move dal we dont low ladle, to jfne di, club ” “Tuch erstonished at Bro, Butler, lor dewny ^ he talk. It do strike me he , women ..n flying - remember to «.t , u Bro. ... , „ Butler ^ . your m P was or woman, your w 1 c is a woman, an you ii not in de right temperment when you talk dat way. it fwas not tor dc wom¬ en What would you do, whar would you be at. She is the first one dat comes to your assistance when in trouble, she tends you when sick in bed, she washes your grub and J_ I - 1 1 ft; ' lY Hi S f f “Yob’s* «r Lyar,” Cried Bro. Gilyard. cooks your clothes, she am de first one up in de mawning. and de last in bed xt night, she mawning, gives you and a kiss when lef ip de one when you return at night. She am ma'b's treasure and reliance in timds of preversity. Yes Sir I’m for de women.” Bro. Gilyard took his seat. ‘ Bro. Butler now rose. PttHudcot. I adriinf d** of . r if 1 'JyP « SUBSCRIPTION, $1 PER V NO. j Bro. Gilyard; much he say is true, do I didn’t know it before, for in¬ stance dat my mother and wife were wimmen, dat is if Astonishing he news to me, however say so I spose it’s so, and us to de question whar would I be at if it was not for de women, lean only answer de Lord only knows, all dat he se<§ bout her coming to you when ini trouble is so, she ulso come whenf in need, she give you-, a kiss in de mawnin when you leave, and comb' your head wid a three legged stoof if you come back widout any, money, all dat Bro. Gilyard sed' I, was true, but one thing, which cunt ergree to, dat is dey dont„ wash your grub nor cook your clothes.” ‘T didn’t say dat,” cried Bro/ Gilyard. did.” said Bro. Butler.' “Yesyou Bro. Gilyard “Do advanced toward Bro. Butler. you say I sed' de wimmen washed my grub and cooked my clothes,” he cried, pret*' ty hot. “Yes you did,” satdBro. Butler.' “Youse a liar,” cried Bro.Gil yurd, shoving his flst under Bro/ Butler’.s nose. “Come to order, here,” shouted the president, ?‘come*to order yotl hear, make dem men sit down dkr you fellows. Dis meeting cant, purceed in dis way. All in favor, of not having I.\i^Ali dd, wimmen say I.” some said in favor of bar¬ ing dem soy noT” some said no. “De I’s have it,” said the pt**i-' dent, *‘ai\d dat throws de wimmen ; out/’ Some other business was attend¬ ed to after which the club adjourn-' ^ Lonny Peyton, \ Secretary. Doings. ''yfiy Demorest 8pec j a i correspondence to TbbTimm. w.'.tmorland ud M * g ^ b /, R n _ F t M T T , tn “* at ay , Milo' ' yl’g Hahnenkratt , w„ pmviou”.^ gtven - a delight-, 1 people 7 hi. dl quarter ’ . meeting ? of th, M m 1?- E y church for the year waa. held last Saturday ^ and Sunday. Rev. R. ' ' H Rq tfae p fei idi E!def p rcac f appreciative jed ver y acce ptably to and congregation*.' Car! Adam; dislocated his ankle by stepping Mr. on a log, Burroughs one day anti' la*t week. E. wife from New York state are vis iting Miss E Burroughs, bis sitter/ W,. K. Nix had moved , hi* wagoir shdp to Cornelia. Mr. H. Conn has rented his home to Mr. A. Andrews of Nashua, N. H., for a year. Mr. and Mrs Coan will spend the coming summer in *•— 35 North visiting relatives and friend» The post-office has been moved to' the Bank building, and in the store; room of J. C Rogers & Co. Prof. Frye is tick with the meatles.' A number of our people Stillwell, are having’ the “grip.” Methodist Rev Episcopal church pastor of the South, at Cornelia, hap made ar¬ rangements to move to Demorest to - place his children in school. Mr., Stillwell’s family will be welcomed by all the citizens of Demorest. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jennings Mrs of Al*-' A bama, are visiting Mr. and a. v * Hampton. The ladies of the M 5 E. church delight***! If*. gave a most so- - cial at the residence of a Willett on Thursday night. -i ■ ’ rw?* mm , :/■ X v Notice.'.^ Ten cent* w .... Th* Timf* an j 1