Newspaper Page Text
Toccoa Times=News
n\ lUTfVIAl/r'T i\Ml 7M\T\
1 i ** |
Will open the session of 189ft*-7 feeptom-
ber 7th. Pupils are prepared for the
omore and Junior ehisscs in our standard
eol leges, One hundred dollars xvill pay for
board and tuition a full year.
Send fov Catalogue.
H. L. PARKER, A. jyi ^ ^2 ft jiv T
'*=' -
Till; (in LIVE!" TAB! < i
Win. McClure, Propr.
Oposite Sispson nOUSe.
Good Vehicles and Horses and reliable drivers always
on hand and at the service of the the public Hostler at the
stable day and night; charges reasonable ; 1 ..... rates to
parties of several persons or long trips
Toccoa, zz — Georgia.
^»-()iir Mr. E<iwards will leave in a (Vw days tor New York to lay in large supply o :
seasonable g<«nls; before these goods arriv e \vv must get rid of our present stork- '
Therefore we ore. prepared to offer some
Extraordinary Bargains
Edwards, Simmons k vfciriansr V l/VV 1
The Big Merchants.
There's money savod when you trade with us. u Wei; do to ti ust.
You are Told
that Nickels are Trifles!
They are not trides! ITiit if you think so, we
ure alter your trifling trade. V e ll just give von the same good treat-
ment 111 your mckie trade as your dollar trade. If you'll give us the
hrst whack at your nickle trade, our word for it, we’ll get your dollar
trade; One thing we've learned, your nickles and dimes ate worth
more to us than bars of gold that we cant get.
.4 Little W ltcn -- Yes, Witch Hazel is a good thing to have
by you. It cures lameness and stiffness of muscles and joints, caused
by strains or over exercise, sun burn, etc. Any quantity, any price.
\ ou Ought to Paint \our House— 'It looks mighty bad; we've
got the paint and you've got tbs price—letK trade. We keep all kind tas
and prices in our store are never high.
WRIGHT & EDGE. Druggists.
HogsetJ & Garland, Proprietors.
[A \ —AND—
: : 3 s MULES
Bought, Sold and Exchanged &
^ e have a new ;ot of Buggies, Phaetons, and other first-class
hicles , hand the ve¬
on tor summers' business, beside some new and stylish
teams, and are prepared to accommodate our emtomers on shortest no¬
tice, and tor weddings, funerals, picnic and excursion parties we
guarantee entire satisfaction. Parties desiring to visit Toccoa ana
Tallulah Falls will do well to see us before making final arrange-
inent? for the trip/ HOGSED & GARLAND
“/ Know Hot What the Truth May bc> I Tell the Tale as It was Told to Me.”
“Xo matter what might be the
action of the convent on upon the
financial question, all Democrats
should support the nominees. This
position I then believed to be cor-
rect, and I ant prepared to sustain
it with equal sincerity. Now, the
Democratic party does not contine
itself to this single itesue, nor will
it? powers to serve the people cease
with the solution of that issue. It
stands for just taxation, for sup¬
pression of monopolies and trusts,
for government according to the
terms of the constitution, for the
rights of the plain people of the
land. With us Georgians it also
stands for honesty and the capaci-
ty in the management of our State
and county affairs, for the defense
of property, home and person.
The Democrat who fails to vote for
t | ie Xational Democratic ticket
-stlikes a blo\V at Democratic State
organization. I urge each Demo-
crat to vote for Bryan and Sewall-,
even though he in no wise partici¬
pated in the Chicago convention.”
—Secretary Hoke Smith.
There lias been some little criti¬
cism of Judge Kitnsey, it is under-
certa * n actions over his
appointment of revisors of the vot¬
ers’ list. Judge Kinisey made no
mistake in his appointment of T.
Davis of Toccoa, D. Jarrett of
Tugalo and I. T. Sellers of
There are no better men in
the county. The position these
gentlemen occupy is not a political
plum. They are members of ihe
three different political parties and
of course, in the nature of * things-,
cannot be partial to any one party,
thereby insuring justice to every
voter in the county.
The goldolators and Hannacrats
made themselves ridiculous at In-
dituiapolis Wednesday. They will
probably nominate Senator Vilas, of
W isconsin for President and Gen.
Buckner, of Kentucky for Vice-
President. They only claim that
they can possibly carry four States. ’
Kentucky, Texas, Florida and
abama, We will bet them a
of jewsharps they don’t carry one
state. If this is Patriotism we
would not recognize it if we met
it in the road.
Col. Robertson, of Habersham,
one of the electors of the state at
large, has commenced his
Noit<i Georgia. Re is a ' ei X
able man. and has the confidence of
the people because they know he
is not an office seeker. He has
ready macie a number of speeches
wiil continue through the cam-
paign. He is probably (lie l>est
posted political speaker in the state
on the m \ei question. lie is a
walking encyclopedia ot figures.—
Gwinnett Herald.
The Times-News is in receipt of
ot Voi. 1 . No. of the Piedmont
Sun, publislied at Piedmont, S. C.,
by John R. Dortch, formerly^ of
the Larnesville T ribune. The Sun
is chock full of
which shows that Piedmont is
good town and , its . citizens appre-
ciate a good thing in the way of
public advertisement of Piedmont’s
many advantages. Success to the
b» un -
The Republicans are trying to be
of some force in the coming election
in Georgia, but of course will make
a miserable failure state’ for Georgia is
a Democratic and her people
are Democrats. The programme
is to throw the election of electors
into the legislature, hut this would
do them no good.
1 hose who can t down the
ances ot ! he Iimes-News ‘*can
P our it back into the jug." We
are always ready to pay back any
unexpired subscription to dissaUs-
bed subs cribers.
The weather prophet has given
it out as Ins opinion that the back
bone oi the hot weather has been
boken, and that hereafter one can
sleep with cover, if he needs it.
Good '^formation.
Congressman Tate will speak at
Clarkesville next Wednesday and
Hon. A. G. McCurrv will also
speak at Clarkesville next Tues-
jno. Dean, Esq., the youthful
; and brilliant editor of the Standard
Gua & c » was in town Wednesday,
but snubbed us. We are mad,
d iie d imes-News has no enemies
to fight or friends to shield, hut
■ tells the truth regardless of conse-
Court convenes next Alonday at
Cure for Consumption
From Elberton Star.
Dr. John S. Christian, of Elbert
county,is preparing a remedy
chronic catarrh, bronchitis and
e r diseases which are first cousin to
consumption. Dr. Christian has
great faith in bis remedy and wish¬
es to make a practical ‘he test of it
In order to do this invites' ail
physicians J to join him in testing
. .e rci , 1. 1 u ■' nrnvp ‘ *
success he will achieve 1 great . f lame
, nd ^ , Tive to humanitv the k. Greatest
The r toilet*„ ■
ooon peer known g .
card iron. Dr. Christum explain,
his remedy more tally :
it. -Di 1 oh . ea e -e '-
through your valuable paper that
am preparing a remedy for chrome
catarrhal and and other diseases of
t ie respiiaiorN organs, mi a.
c itonic jtonc 11 at ' .’
a lections o tnc ti,.oa a.u ^ pu
monar\ consumption.
in 01 c x 1 t ait 1,ia ) 1 * 1<l c a iwr
oi’g 1 test *> -ie mu .* ,n.i 3 11 ues
of the remedy ^ 1 propose to furnish
an\ person hii ttingwi 1 o .ci o
the above named diseases enough Y.
of the . , .. .
Iree, lemet y 01 one mon is tj a ed -
meut onapp nation, pio\ u
that those w 10 e.mno a PP > 111
person will send me with their ap-
plication a diagnosis made out and
signed by a physician, and will
f e P“ rt to me the changes, if any,
m their condition after the
cme has been used as directed for
one month.
* , ^ . not secret pat-
J 1IS ' v )e a 01
entXH * nos trum, but just as soon as
} in have ^hcient had opportunity number ol to casc-h test to it
a su
satl ‘ f y me that the remedy is what
1 ho P e ’ and bave reaSon to believe
it will be, namely, a cure tor r con-
sumption in its early stages, 1 lien I
will give it to the l'nedical profes-
sion, and will now furnish any
physician with the formula who
will take the same means to test it
that I am doing.
Very respectfully,
.Tno, S. Christian, AI. D.
Rock Fence, Ga.
P. S.—Any paper that will copy
the above will place an humble
physician under lasting obligations
and may help some poor suffering
one into the road to health, all for
the sake bf humanity. J. S. C.
September Moves.
T he rst of September saw several
changes for winter quarters. Tom
]\j; ze anc | f am jly moved into the
Davis house on Knob Hill. Alan-
gQn Buslia anc l family into their
<iwn h otise< recently occupied by
rj. ^ Rainey and Mr Rainey and
fam ilv ' into the Presbyterian par-
Mrs. Skrine vacated
Gapnp’ store and will go into the
Malheson Merchandise Co.’s store.
Another Blind Tiger.
Frank Willbanks was arrested
last Alonday ^ for selling liquor.
wa§ - y n a preliminary trial
aild bour)d over on $ IOO bonc i to ap .
r at Superior Court.
Willbanks’ mother. Airs. Laura
Kinney, was also arrested and car-
r * e( j b e ‘f ore Mayor Matheson on the
charge who fined her $2^ ° or
thirty d avHn the calaboose.
------WAT atent Rope Pull.
has invented what
will likely be a paying patent. It
is a rope pull, a contrivance made
so that cotton rope may be* pulled
from its original coil without the
tangling snarling so much to
tlie dis g u st of the retail merchants.
M r - HiU has his P atent pending
with . good chances of its being
through at an early date.
Won a Medal ’
Air. \Y __ . B. Haddock, a .
nent farmer ot I occoa creek, show-
ed us last week a silver medal
him for mentonous pat-
j ngton . each roonth send out a med-
a i to the inventor of meritorious
last'ffiorith placed in their hands, and
Mr. Haddock was one
Q f the successful ones.
Mr. Haddock’s invention is a
are not to hand J yet. "t
Republican Convention. --_
Thursday a number of Re-
publicans of Habersham
met at Clarkesville to elect dele-
gates to the Congressional Conven-
tion at Gainesville, which was held
in that city yesterday. Tom Scott,
of Toccoa and AI. C. Wilcox, of
Alt. Airy were elected delegates,
with CoL Crane, of Clarkesville,
and Dr. Zeither, of Demorest as al-
The meeting was a harmonious
affair and all seemed satisfied;
Habersham County Will
Two Representatives at
Cornelia. Ga., .August 31.—P.
G. Bowman and W. S. Erwin left
this morning for Indianapolis to At-
!: ft e sin S le standard convention,
There has bee,, no convention ,n
this county, and it looks very
much like these gentlemen take
U P°« themselves to represent the ,
few gold B men of Habersham conn-
at Indianlis ^ . Th ,, v are con .
- .
, wi(h 'this At
lantic Railroad Co., and
} le case they f could Constitution. easily afford to
!Utend ._ A lan t a
The Rev isors.
Xho revisors of the voters list,
Messrs. Sellers, of Cornelia, Davis,
0 £ r p occon and larreft, of Tugalo,
will meet about the 13th of
month to revise and prepare a list
the qualified J voters for each
lot box in the county, which will
^e guide ° to the election managers
to who . . entitled .... , , to vote. , Tf
as is a
you j iavc no t already
this year, you had better do so be-
| ore t q e j- t q or you cannot vote in
ra] e]ecl j on .
---- ----
List of Letters.
Remaining in Toccoa, Ga.,
office Sept, 1st, 1896, to be sent to
the Dead Letter office if not
for in 30 days.
Mr Wilburn Black,
Mr John Brownlee,
Mr IT Humphrey,
Air John Hunter,
' Mr G T Osbon,
Mr J W Pool,
Air John T AI Murphy,
Air Jimrhie Loyed,
Air M F Keilaf,
Mr A K Jones,
Air Dock Williams^
Air S AI Woodall,
Air Henry Wiley,
Dr W J Waddington.
Miss Clarice Alurphy,
Miss Nora Daniels^
Aliss Mamie Robbins,
Airs Alartha Murphy.
Persons calling for these
will please state that they were ad¬
vertised. One cent due on each
letter. J. J. Bright, P. AI.
September 1, 1896.
Candidate tor V ice~PresfdcinL
Tom Watson passed
Toccoa last Thursday night from
Clarkesville, where he made
speech to a large crowd,
estimated at from 500 to 1500
In a recent letter to the manic
facturers Air. W. F. Benjamin,
itor of the Spectator, Rushford,
Y., says, it may be a pleasure
you to know the high esteem in
Chamberlain’s medicines
held by the people of your
state, where they must be best
known. An aunt of mine,
resides at Dexter, Iowa, was
to visit me a few years since, and
before leaving home wrote
asking if they were sold here,
ing if they were not she
bring a quantity with her, as
did not like to be without them.”
The medicines referred to are
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
mous for its cures of colds and
croup ; Chamberlain’s Pain Balm,
for Rheumatism, lame back, pains
i n the side and chest, Chamberlan’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem-
e dy for bowel complaints. These
medicines have been in
use in Iowa for almost a quarter ot
a century. The people have learn-
ed that they are articles of great
W orth and mefit, and unequaled by
any ot hfa r> For sale by Wright &
Ed Druggists ---*- .
MarVe,0US ReSU,tS
From a letter written by Rev.
Gunderman, of Dimondale, Mich.,
we are permitted to make this
trac t: “I have no hesitation in rec-
emending Dr. King's new discov
or of
at Rives Junction, she was
down by pneumonia succeeding
grippe. Terrible paroxysms
coughing would last hours with lit-
tie interruption, and it seemed as if
she could not survive them. A
friend recommended Dr. King’s
New Discovery ; it was quick in its
work and highly satisfactory in re-
suits.” Trial bottles free at
Wright & Edge, druggists. Reg-
ular size 50 cts and $1.
Constitution and The Times-
New? $i.=o a year.
NO. 44
Frank Hughes, Zeb Nix and Lum
Heaton Charged.
\\ ednesdav evening warrants
were sworn out by the Furniture
Company for Frank Hughes, Lum
Heaton, the former night watch-
man. and Zeb N.x for taking fur-
n,hire from the factory.
It. seems' that these men had
lormed themselves into a club to
turmture .. without . , r lot
get . paying
it, as several bureaus, bedsteads,
„- a shstands. etc., were found in the
houses of Zeb Nix and Fr.-.-k
Zeb Xi,\ is a voting man v *
has worked at the factory, and
knows all about the place, and it
seems through the connivance of
the nightwatchman, C. F. Ilea-
ton, he and Frank Hughes, who
has been working for Ed Harris at
the Southern repair shops, would
go to the factory after dark and
get just what they wanted of unfin-
died goods and take them to
Hughes' house and put 1 them to-
The way CoL Jones cross-exam-
ined the trio, it was plainly seen
that each tried to make it seem that
the other party gave the material
to him. but Zeb Nix virtually ad-
mitted his guilt and incriminated
each of the other men
Judge Cook bound each of the
men over to the Superior Court in
bonds of $150.00 each,
Goods to the amount of about $501,
found in the houses of Zeb Nix and
Frank Hughes, were recovered.
There has been considerable pet¬
ty thieving in this section lately,
but between Judge Cook and Judge
Kinisey it is likely to be soon brok-
en tip•
Free Scholarship.
If there is a worthy young inati
in Habersham Qr Franklin counties
who is not able to pay for a schol¬
arship at the North Georgia Agri-
cultural and Mechanical College-
will apply to the Times-Nkws, we
will be glad to give him a free
scholarship at this well-known col'
* e ge.
ms MM. m
Ayersville Dots.
Special Correspondence to The Times.
Ayersville, Ga., Aug. 31.
Aliss Sallie Hulsey returned home
to Pelzer, S. C., last week after a
visit of two weeks in Ayersville.
Air. Ah and Miss Sallie Massey
have gone to Pelzer, S. C., to
work in the factory and the rest of
the family will go soon.
Aliss Amy Reynolds has gone to
La Grange, Ga., to attend College,
Airs. G. II. Mulkey and little Al-
ma have just returned after A
week’s visit to relatives in South
Mr. Johnson Reynolds, of the
the Southern, was at home last
Airs. Robt. Hulsey, of Atlanta,
i s on a visit to relatives near A\'ers-
vii M.
We learn that Air. Henry Alas-
S ey will take charge of his mother’d
farm and get married soon.
Birty Walker visited relatives in
Alto Saturday. Red.
On Sept. 17 , 18 , \g, 1896.
w jn se il Excursion tickets to DAL-
LAS, TEX., and return, account
mee ting of Grand Lodge of the I.
0 . 0 . F., at rates of ONE FARE
e ts good for return passage until
October 1st, By depositing ticket
with agent at Dallas, Texas, the
limit will be extexded to October
ro H Full 1 ‘ , information . . . will .... he furni6.i- , . ,
ed by any agent of the Southern
Railway or by
A. A. \ LKAU 1 1 as,. -Vgt.
^'iL'li^DWICK A 6. 2* • A
Atlanta. o w
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tlie world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped
hands, chilblains, corns, and all
skin eruptions, and positively cures
piles or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfac-
tion or money refunded. Price 25
cents a box. For sale by Wright
<Su Edge,
Oid papers for sale at this office
20 cents per hundred.