The Toccoa times-news. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1896-1897, October 02, 1896, Image 1

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v ^rilfe DEACON" Will he produced at the house October 0th. If want to see the “Deacon." B • The Toccoa Times=News NEWS ESTABLISHED 1 X 72 VOL. XXIII. Here are Facts and Some Pretty Figures For You! DRESS GOODS OliY- prices on Dress goods are exeeediug- by ib w; Ndte these prices: J all Wool fit) inch wide; old pried 75 bdit’s, our pride 45 cents l Pidec y ard wide, all wool, old price 65c out price 40 cents MANN E E. Mitchell’s Old Stand, XOCCOA, GA Edwards. Si® ons k mown. The Big Merchants; fat'd bffering shine exceptionally low prices to tlibiv customers in in Hoods i T n r' Boot ■’iid Shoes v ahJ in fact everything kept Ill first dclSS Stored. New Goods arriving daily, cbme hud hxaiilihe them: it does not cost am- tiling to get our prices and they will please .you: rOGCOA; £.1 THE CITY LIVERY STABLE )\ WrB. McCStiie, Propr. * Oposite Si pson House. IjoolI Vehicles and Horses and reliable , drivers 'always ,-i on hand and at the service of the the public Hostler at the stable day and night; charges reasonable ; special rates to parties of several persons br long trips Toccoa, = =r 2 T lj£OrQ"I£ ^ # 3 .. You are that Told Nickels are Trifles! Hre youf trlfiing They are We’ll not trifles! But if you ♦hink so, we after trade. pist give you the same good treat¬ ment in your nickle trade as voiir dollar trade. If you’ll give us the first whack dt yoitr nickle trade’, our word for it, we’ll get your dollar frade. One thii}g we've learned, your nickles and ditties are worth hiore to us than bars ot' gold that we cant get. , Llttfe W itch. -- Yes \\ itch Hazel is a good thing to have by you: It bures larneness and stiffness of muscles and joints, cau rj) 0) d -J ^ihs > bd Ougltf or oyer fexsreise, to Paint sun You^ bfirn. House— etc. Any quantity any price. it looks mighty bad ; we've • thfe fs’kiht anil voff’ve got ths price—let’s trade, \\ t xeep al kinds fin prices In our store are never high. WRIGHT & EDGE; Druggists ; STAR LIVERY STABLE. Hogsed & Garland, Proprietors. HORSES , —AND— IY 1 U 1 -ES Bought, ^ , Sold and Exchanged We have a new lot of Bugories Phaetons and other firef rTt«- tice, and for weddings, funerals, picnic^nd*excursion & parses we guarantee entire satisfaction. Parties desiring to visit Toccoa and Tallulah Falls will do ' well to see us before nvikinrr G^\R tnents for the trip HOGSED & T 4 “I Know Not What the Truth Nay be, / Tell the Tale as It was Told to Me.” TOCCOA, HABERSHAM COUNTY, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1896. DRESS GOODS mam Piece all wool, yard wide* real bargain at 60 cents, our price 49 Piece yard Wide wool filling, well worth 50 cents, our price only 35 edits Piece 32 inches wide we will tun off at tiie low price of 25 cents The Jackson Argus refers to Mr. John Temple Graves as a “para¬ bolic phrase monger and polyglot.” Attorney-General Joe Terrell paid the Times-News a short but pleasant call Tuesday evening, while awaiting his train for Atlan¬ ta. Mr. Terrell had been to Cur- nesville to speak, in the absence of Gov. Atk-nsofi, who was billed to speak at that place. From all ac¬ counts wuriri Joe Terrell made it quite for Yancv Carter and some others who tried to interrupt him with questions. Mr. Terrell says he is of the opinion that Gov. At- kinson and the State ticket will be elected lyy 50,000 majority, as there have been about 290,000 F 0 t- ers registered in the state. A Change. Next week the Times-News will be again enlarged to meet the de¬ mand for advertising space to 6 columns 8 pages'. Mr. W.M. Kil- go takes one page to tell his feus, turners of his bargains, and Mr. J- R. Mann, the hustling merchant at Mitchell’s old stand, will increase- ids advertisement to one-half page, and others say they want space. With the proper encouragement Toccoa could always boast of a first class country weekly. We do oilr part and it only remains for our citizens to do their part, Populists Will Share, As there has been a large-sized hurrah made in almost all sections of the state for a “fair count and full vote” by the Populists, and as Rev. Sain Jones has publicly ad- mitted that he,as a democratic elec¬ tion manager, chewed up and de¬ stroyed votes of the opposition can- didates, so as to give or increase the democratic Majority, the At- Hnta Journal sent out a letter to the county chairmen asking them if they intended to heeci State Chairman Clay’s recommendation to divide election managers with l b e populists. All the replies say that they will. The following two answers will be of interest to our readers : lhe Journal: c'ornefia, Sept. 26. An arrangement will,in all probability, be made to divide election managers in Habersham county. C. L. Bass, Chairman Ex. Com. barnesville. Sept. 26. The Journal: There has been an arrange- meat agreed upon between the parties in tes county as to managers for the election, S. M. Ayers, Chairman Dem. Ex. Com. One thing we are glad of: The democratic party has no more self- confessed perjurors—as Rev. Sam must have certified on his returns of that election that they were true- Ttte returns were not true because he cnewtd up some of the ballots. Sam’s now a populist-prohibition Good riddance to bad rubbish, \ e say. _ Photcgrapbl! Photographs ’ HliLMich'. Mr Geo hi! I M & this we^k with n complete outfit fordoing photographic vi^'ws. ivork, such as cabinets, etc. Enlarging in crayon or India ink or MriMatteson has had long and varied evnerience artiL Torthen in his as in and western cities, and guarantees his work to be excelled bv none. He will be located for the present with C. P. Friar, in the gallerv op- paste the Crawford house. afid see his samples. t u 7 1 - t pull th'rou^h’^nd wofk ’ 7 anag ° U . lSO ed ™ to nrettv P ett > ^ ora - Me duplicate t At- ant f P nces and do better work, as 51 r,, e GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS. A Pretty Good Showing ail around for Habersham County. Georgia, Habersham County : To the Honorable Superior Court of Habersham County : We, the grand jury empanelled to serve at this, the September term ) 1896, of the Habersham coun¬ ty Superior court, respectfully Sub¬ mit the following presentments : We have examined into all the affairs of the county and find as follows: We have examined the ordinary’s books and find them correct. The treasurer’s books show as follows : Amount on band at last report... .^8,171 53 Amount paid out since last report. $4,264 05 Commissions for paying out 105 00 Report to ordinary........ 1 00 Report to grand jury...... 1 00 Total. $4372 05 4372 05 Balance on hand ,13798 88 We find the tax collector’s and tax receiver’s books correct., We have examined the records as kept by the clerk of the Superi¬ or court and find them correct and well kept. We find the sheriff’s books cor- rect- We find the justices’ dockets cor¬ rect and well kept. We find that the court house, jail and Soque bridge in need of repairs. We recommend that the ordinary take such steps that will keep full supply of water at the jail. We find fifteen inmates at the pauper farm, who are well provid¬ ed for and the homes neat and well kept 1 nr We c find 1 plenty j of c stock <. 1 on vv We C find IT about sixteen “ aches COnCht, in corn ° n - winch , • , is • cultivated u - . j the ., halves . . on ana and about aoout five five acres acres cultivated cultivated hv by good, 1 I’ also good f crops 7 of T, potatoes J and turnips. We find the mill dull and water very low, which causes slot* 3 o-rindim?. The books f -how that . i . there has 1 been sixty-nine bush- 1 els of toll corn received by t^e mill. We find money received bv the countv school commissione*- has been "properly disbursed and records properly J kept. u- vN e lind rrost of p *.i the roads a • in good cond.tion except that there are some narrow places, and return Deep Creek, Goo Currahee, Fair Play, Ratesville 1 Snrino- fn and Polo Cat District, as partly bad con- clition and therefore present the comm i S si on er S , we also find all a \ Van ti n g sign boards and mile posts throughout the counttv. We recommend the county com missionefs to have the miles ly measured on all the roads, and mil e posts and sigh boards proper- Clarkesville placed, beginning iAtrict, with +- 1 he and to h ej ve roads thorough lv worked as re- u ^ ed hv la-giving 16 feet width to ,l ne road bed *’ he [ e possible: ^ e, recommend that the county co,n ^ loners bu,ld a new road across Toccoa mountain , on the best route ', at th f '««“ «P*»«e to the ? oun ’- v > _ t,ie grade of the old road ,s [?? ^ e stee recommend P- , that the , Ordma- „ 7 l!e ta YTMT ^ e the P ro P er fete P Y s to h request be tween Bi * nks and ?. e - ties property located. W. Whitfield three dollars a mo nfh ’ untl1 they receive their . from the State. pensions We recommend that ■*-> he Ordi- narv pav T. F. Coker five X ol'ars CLOTHING We still closing . ; . . ■ N ‘ C are out Our stock of \ k clothing at tind lielow cost: Suits that weld $12.50, now 88.00 Suits that were 10.00. now 6.00. Suits that Were 7.00, now 3.75. Jeans Pants 50e, Tod and $i a Pair. his services in guarding John Key a crazy negro. that , We recommend the authori- . ties of Clarkesville be required tt> have their corporate limits properly located", and the ClaVton road lead- ing from tIVe Co'lrt House properly wnrlfpH : * After . further . . of a invest,gallon the cases of the State vs. Savannah Hicks, Timothy^ H cks, l pson Miles et al, bills Found dt the pres- ent term of the court; we fincUhere is nothing m said cases which recommend a trial. We therefore require that said cases be settled or nol prossed without Further cost to the defendants. We recommend Y. S. DaVis as Notary Public of Toccoa District We fix, the pay of Jurors and . Bail ills for the next year at $1.50 per We day; . recommend that the clerk of this grand jury receive 50 cts. per day. extra for his services. We take great pleasure in com- mending all of the different officers of nest, this county intelligent lor their faithful, and manner in conducting the business of the county. The thanks of this body are ue and are hereby .tendered to bailiff, J. M. SoSebee. for the faith- ful discharge of his duties. We tender our Sincere thanks his Hon. Judge J. J, Rimsey and Solicitor General Howard Thornp- son for their kindness to our body, and endorse them as faithful arid efficient officers of the court. We recommend that these pre¬ sentiments be published in the Clarkesville Advertiser and Tob- coa Times, and that they divide the advertising fee equally. Tyre S. Davis, Foreman, William W. Koliock, Clerk. ... Thomas J. Gastle-k, William W. n Grant, -tir-n- William M. ; Hardy, T j rr>. Thomas J* T Hardy, tt • ■ j James t J. t Harris, tt • John t u B Ki yi n H McClain, Jos. *4 J. SlcConneU, Uavld C. Wheeled Porter, Virifi--’ - t T t Richard TL,, M “ w ^ ooda H ll, hrt- T? W ilharn '“ft J. , Ayers, Tfl Jabel H. Bell, ITfigh vIt?,, M. Childs, j James v H tt Chapman, - ^ YY lll 1 . , S1 . am T °;. ^ Cannon, ree Elisha X. J ' . wtthin genera presentments received and ordered spread upon the minutes of the iL court and that * f Wrni nish. - Ilpr d r .he l paper, hpr . for lcatl 0 J 2 - . % J- J- Kimsey, J. _ b. C. Howard TT I iiompson, Sol. Gen. Georgia—Habershaifi County. I, J., A. Erwin, Clerk of the Su- perior Court ip and for said county ] do certify that the above and for.e- griing minutes a true .transcript from the of said Cdurt at the Sep- tember term 11896. . f itness my I his hand and official signature. Sept. t9th, 1896. J. A. ErwHJ, C. S. C. ^ Toccoa ■ ,, s Loss. -■ Maj. J. M. Freeman and ceilent family expect td leave Toe coa to-day for Black (t> . burg, S. C„ where they *111 mak J 5 their future holrtei Maj. Freeman’, two sons are in the banking business at that place, and , Q be near them he has decided upon this move. . . , Their friends,'and they are legion, ' vin be ’ indeed ’ sorr vto ,earn - the departure of the Freeman fam- ily, for thev are prominent in church C. E. Mason will give you ten per cent, lower rates on insurance than anybody else can. Insure your property with him. He is pot if! the combine TIMES ESTABLISHED 1890. NO. 48 MADE A GOOD CHAIRMAN. _ A 'Strong; Endorsement of A. G McCurry. b P? aker ° f ~ lhe , T Housc , . - • H * ^ „ leniing, Augustdj recently o wrote A. G. McCurry, the Democratic candidate for the Senate from this district, the following letter, which we pleasure in producing: “J am glad you are going to make the race for the Senate from your District, instead of for the Judge! ship of y 6ur Circuit. I do not n i ea n to question at all your fitness ‘ f 0 r judicial work but your activity profitably of body and brain could be more occupied in the ac- tive contest of public life. I re- member the first speech you made when you came to Athens from one of the up country counties, and I took pleasure in giving you my vote for the Sophtnore Medal for the best debator. For many years after our college acquaintance I saw nothing special of you until we met again in the Georgia Legislature, In appointing you Chairman of the Special Judiciary Committee, I felt that I was barely doing you justice and your record in that capacity could not have been surpassed by any one. I do not hesitate to say that no other Chairman of any Committee of the Legislature did more prompt and faithful work than yourself. Bills that might naturally have been given to other committees in order were that frequently there sent tc- yours, delay in obtaining might be no a report. As Speaker of the House, I always felt that I could rely on you for prompt and official service, and there is no part of your your public in which you have a right to look back to with more satisfac- tion. Yours very truly, Wm. H. Flemming. PERKINS TO THE PEOPLE. He Urges all Democrats to go to the Polls and Vote. bellow Citizens: . The 7 th of „ October next is elec- t.on day for Governor, State Offi- Cers, Members of the General As- semblyi and County Officers, Now, I beg that each and every person who calls himself nniseg a a Amn demo¬ crat will come out and vote for the democratic nominees from Gov- ernor oown to Coroner. It is the duty of every one who voted in the primary on the 6 th . of June, to abide the result of that primary, gether That,primary in was to get us to- order that vve may “snow under, as it were, this dissatisfied element Now let known down as the “pops.” us come to reason. was defeat^ii, j° of Mr. the Bowden get- and a ma r fiy votes, now we are in honor bound to sub- “« to ‘ he ‘ h « majority, ai Bowdens friends did two 8 ^’ ^Wthlt df "not L 01 ^ 16 -° f f “A friends [u wTl f J? tn thlT » “"1 h e oiher 3 O mi mnrr^l P ' P. ort ' Will ” ,U .‘ t “ 3 <U d d mocrats carry vourfcflf 4 ?TT-' 18 V, ^ rfam r * Y- We all know win ? ? sho u .TC t f WdlnTpS^ f TJt ?°me out aJain ? P ,™ ‘J* rUrf. n t A , : Respectfully, M. T. Perkins. C. E. Ylason will insure yoi if residence for per cent for"ff- v W \’ear>