The Southern record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1897-1901, February 18, 1898, Image 1

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SOUTHERN RECORD SUCCESSOR TO (Sffig; Established 1890 18711 / VOL. XXV. Gen. R. E. Lee, SOLDIER. Citizen and Christian Patriot. A GREAT NEW BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE. Live Agents Wanted Cwywhre to ah.w sample pafea and fet up Clubs. Extraordinarily Liberal Terms. Money can be made rapidly, and a vast •mount of good done in circulating one of the noblest historical works published un¬ ring the last quarter of a century. Active Agents are Now Reaping a Rich Harvest. Some of our best workers are selling Over One Hundred Books a Week. Mr. A. G. Williams, Jackson couuty, worked four days and a half and se¬ cured 51 orders. He sells the book to al- mo*C every man he meets. l>r. J. .J. Mason, Muscogee first five days county, Ga , sold 120 copies the he canvassed. H. C. Sheets, Palo Pinto county, Tex., worked a few hours and sold hi copies, most ly morocco binding. J. H. Hanna, Gaston county N. C., made a month’s wages In three days canvassing Callahan for this book. S. M. White, the of county, Tex., is selling hooks at rate 144 copies a week. TH* WORK CONTAINS BIOGRAPHICAL 8 KKTCHK 8 of all the Leading Generals, a vast amount of Historical Matter, ami a large number of Beautiful Full-Page Illustration. It is a grand hook, and ladies and gent lemen who can give all or any part of their tune to the canvass are bound to make immense sums of money handling it. AN KLIOANT PROSPECTUS, showing the different styles of binding, sample pages, and all material neccessary to work ’"ith, will be sent on receipt of 50 cents. The magnifleient gallery of por¬ traits, alone, in the prospectus is worth double the money. We mrnish it at far less than actual cost of manufacture, and we would advise you to order quickly, and get exclusive control of the best territory. Address Royal Publishing Company, 11th and Main Sts., Richmond, Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Olv 0 mImh 4 ftcfc.dala of PMi«gf«r Train* In KffWot afn.iuarjr 16 , 1898 . v>». N«* 18 Fat.M North bo and. No. 19 No. 38 Ex. No. 30 Daily Dally. Sub. Daily IfV. * Atlanta, Atlanta, E. O. T. T. 8 750 50 a 12 oo m g8tiS88Z v 12 11 50 50 •' Noreroaa..... e a l 00 d tj 1 27 80 a........ t> a •• Buford....... 10 05 a........ ts H OaiuMTillo... 10 85 a 2 22 p 7 -a 2 20 a ** Lula......... 10 58 a 2 43 p u 2 40 a Ar. Cornell*..... 11 25 a e Lr. Mt. Airy..... 1130 a : : “ Toceoa ....... 11 56 ft 8 30 p 8 25 a ** Wcmtmiastor 12 81m iib 4 03 a “ Seneca 12 62 p p 4 22 a ....... - Central...... 1 46 p 4 52 a " weenvUle 234 p 6 22 p 6 45 a " Sportanbm 887 p 6 10 p 6 37 a ** aaffneya... 4 20 p 6 44 p 7 15 a ** Blaefc.bnif 4 88 p 7 00 p 7 85 a " »tng'* Mt. BOB p 7 58 a . tv. •• Charlotte Qaatonia..... 625 p........ 8 20 b 6 80 p 8 22 p ft 35 a Ar. Danville . 11 25 p 11 51 p 1 35 p AT. Richmond . 600 ft 6 00 a 0 25 p Ar.Waehinftoa "TT prp «*o«eo £ a ft 85 p •• 658 > 11 83 p York phi* ■ 2 56 28 a •w 3 0 • Baathhaaad. r«t.Ki Vm. No.ll V*. 86 N«*. 87 Dally Dally. Dally. TTTTS -ran; M -.e 8 50 a 0 66 p 6 81 a e» p 11 16 a 10 48 p BMuaead ... 12 00 m 12 00 at 1200 nt In! iNUa * P 5 ft a $ ’a Ml. 40 16 S’ ft l P M SV*2: 82$fe-‘ P II * ft D M hurt 11 v m 12 ft It ft « U. 1 ft P M itral 80"ft CTT. 2 1 88 p Ex. m eetmlnster 2i8'p ss 8 18 • Sun. n a a a *• GftlnMTtlle... 4 16 ft I 18 p a " Buford....... 4 86 a 8 87 p - N orcroaft... 5 25 P Ar. Atlanta, B T a a Ar. Atlanta, 6 10 a C. T 5 10 a 8 55 a "A” a. a. "P" p.m. "M" uoou. "N" night Boa. 87 and 88—Daily. Washington and South- sreetern Vestibule Limited. Through Puliman •Jfteping ria oar* Washington, between N>w York and New Or *•*•>*. Atlanta and Montgom "V3T« aat^Mau Sd ,( >^X 0 o^^iiy « rr - W. A. TURK. AH HARDWICK. •m'l P*w Ag’*., Am'iO ftx'i Paaa. Ag’t.. Washington. D. C. At lasts, Gt* _ D.M.SNELSON. JDepfist. Office in Davis Building, Doyle street. Toccoa, Ga. Toccoa Liverv Stables. vf McCLURE & ROTHELL ’ C on»« enga^nd^^sjeets, proprietors; aer.«N •o Horstsi responsible boarded parties. by the day, week or mofit h. Some beautiful Bibles at The Record Stationery Store, very cfceap. - > be onthefn You Gan Hear It Talked On Every Side that Russell, $\ull<ey gotrjpatyy, CP m !// mi I % 4 IS , f f l a m AH Wool. The very latest idea in fabrics and fashions are plaidsand stripes. All wooL rich and elegant in de¬ sign, jaunty, chic and knobby effects, but made to wear. This is what the local representative of Che International tailoring Co. of CHICAGO is now showing over five hundred styles of. Call and see their sample line which will be gladly shown by their repre¬ sentative. Russell, Mulkey & Co RUSSELL, MULKEY sna CO. D. W. EDWARDS J. B. SIMMONS. Edwards and Simmons, * THREE DEPARTMENT STORES, Twelve Thousand Dollars’ Worth of Goods Covering Over Ten Thousand Feet of Floor Space. Department No. 1.—On first floor we carry Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Fancy Groceries, ail of these in great variety. This department is under Mr. Harry Burgess and Mr. D. S. Wommack. Department No. 2, second floor of our building, you will find Clothing, Hats, Crockery, Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures, Coffins, Caskets, etc. In this department we can show the largest assortment of all kinds of Furniture that has ever been opened Toccoa, consisting of Fine and medium graded Oak Bedroom Suits, Side Boards, Book Cases, Chiffonieres, China Closets, Hat Racks, Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Safes, Mattresses, Springs, etc. We have these in many styles and at prices to suit 0u r money. We manufacture most of these goods and can undersell all competitors. Mr. Henry Hopkins manages this depart- ment, assisted bv Mr. Simmons. Department No. 3.—Our large’warehouse in rear of our store is filled with seven carloads of Heavy Groceries. Such as Flour, Meat, Meal, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Corn, Hay, Bran, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls, Buggies, Wagons, etc. These goods were all bought for spot cash and at lower prices than they can be bought in market now. This department is under Mr. Flem Smith, assisted by Mr. Edwards. Besides all these we sell High Grade Guanos and acids at prices as low as they can be bought in Toccoa or any adjoining towns. We wish also to emphasize the fact that we intend to meet all legitimate competition here and elsewhere on any goods we sell we will not be undersold, and we don’t propose to make a few leaders and sell them at cost or less and charge you two prices fw some other goods. We want your trade and will do all we can to make it to your interest to deal with us. We buy your pro- { j uce ^ Lumber, etc., and wish to announce now that we expect to buy cotton largely this fall and at prices that will make it to your to buy your goods of us. Come and see us and get our prices before you buy. We can save you money. Respeet- /» ii IU1IV. * EDWARDS St l SIIVIIVIOJMS* TOCCOA, GA. “1 Know Not What the Truth May Be, / Tell the Tate as ’Twas Told to Me,” TOCCOA, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 18 , I898. Are selling goods cheaper than any other house in town, So it nmst be true, or you wouldn’t hear so much talk about us. Gome in and get our prices and you will come to the same conclusion. Received. » IO .25 up; Boys’ Suits from 50 cents up. OF SHOES. Are to go room e-» Stock, as they have already come 1 . — n. 1 ; 5 Papers 7 5 ; 100 Couter- panes to go at from 50 cents to $5.25. When you want anything you can’t find elsewhere call on us we have it. We carry everything from a toothpick to cooking stove. When you once try us we will make a customer of you. Best Glade Red or White Oil, 15 cents per gallon. Remember we carry the best line of Fancy and Staple Groceries that can be had. Prompt delivery, small profits. V Cotton Seed Meal $1.00 per hundred pounds; Hulls 25 cents per bale. It will pay you to trade with us if you appreciate bargains. Yours for low prices, SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 A YEAR NO. 14. Wm 1 mm mil m mm it mm vVIIIN# Better values have never been offered In strictly tailor- made garments w m9W ZJ* suitable for every occasion at prices V for moderate purses than are now shown by THE INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO., CHICAGO, through their local representative. Russell, Mulkey & Co