The Southern record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1897-1901, April 01, 1898, Image 1

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SOUTHERN RECORD SUCCESSOR TO (SFr."!: ;&) VOL. XXV. lllue Ridge & Atlantic Railroad, Time Table, No. 36 . In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 8, 18%. j yQ 11 No 12 | Pass. STATIONS iMoiFy Dai ly,j ■ ! and Except j Sat’y Suu’y | P.M. Lv Ar P M I j 5 4. r > Tallulah Falls 1 05 « 05 Turnerville 12 45 ; 6 25 Anajmlale 12 25 ; 0 7 40 (X) .Clarkes ville. 12 10 ! Demurest., 11 50 7 15 .. Cornelia 11 35 P M Ar Lv A. M. _ W. V. LAURA/NE, Receiver North-Eastern Railroad Time Table No. 2 Between Athens and Lula. I I ! 9 12 IO Daily Daily Daily Daily P. M A. M Lv Ar. A. M P. M 8 15 11 aft W Lula N io 50 8 00 C 32 11 22 Gillsville io 33 7 43 8 40 11 3t> Mayaville 10 19 7 29 y 02 11 52 Harmony j 10 03 7 13 9 17 12 07 | Nicholson j 9 48 (i 58 9 2 ft 12 15 ! Center 9 40 0 50 y 40 12 30 W Athens D 9 25 6 35 L M P. M. Ar Lv A M P. M 11 9 12 IO Druggists and physicians’ labels printed in two colors for $1.00 per 1000 at the Record Job office. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. “SR* Cradtm.d Schedule of Eiuengflr Train* Iu Eff.ot January 16, 1898. Ves* No. 18 Fat. Ml Northbound. No. 18 No. 38 No. 30 Dally Dally. Sun. Daily. Lv. Atlanta, C.T. 7 50 a 12 00 m 11 B 0 p “ Atlanta, B.T. 8 50 a 100 12 50 a - Nororona..... a » 1 27 a “ " Buford....... GaiueiviUe... 10 a ......;■ 7 7 os p 2 20 10 85 a 2 22 p 48p a “ Lula.......... 10 68 a 2 42 § 06p 2 40 a Ar. Cornelia...... 11 25 p 8 86 a ........ p Lv. Mt. Airy..... 1180 a “ Toccoa...... 1156 a 8 9) 8 25 a - Westminster 1281m p 4 03 i is ’!!!! a " Seneca....... 12 62 p 4 22 a - Central...... 146 p 4 52 p a - Greenville 2 84 p 622 6 45 a ** Spartanbui 8 87 p 6 10 6 37 a “ Gaffneys. 4 20 0 44 p..... 7 15 Blaoksfmrg p p..... a - 4 88 p 7 00 7 35 a - King’s Mt. 5 03 p..... 7 58 p a “ Gastonia..... 5 25 p 8 20 a Lv. Charlotte : 6 80 p 823 ■bd 9 85 a Am. Danville..... 11 51 1 35 p Am. Richmond ... 600 6 00 a 6 25 p Ar. ** Washington........ Baltm’ePRR....... 6 42 a 9 85 p 8 60 a 11 85 p “ Philadelphia....... 10 15 a 2 56 a “ New York 12 48 ni 6 28 a ....... •euthbound. Fst.Mt Ves. No.11 No. 85 No. 37 Dally Datlr. Dally. Lv. N. Y..P.R. R. inn TSTp ** Philadelphia. 8 60 a 855 - Baltimore..,. 6 81 p *' Washington. a 11 16 a 10 48 p LV. Richmond ... 12 00 m 12 00 nt 1200 nt Lr. Danville .... 6 15 p 5 50 a 6 05 a Lv. Ar. Charlotte ... 10 00 p 9 25 a 11 15 a • Gastonia.... 10 40 p 108 p Rina’s Mt... ii'ai 185 p • " Gaffneys..... Blacksburg . p io 45 a 2 06 p “ Spartanburg 11 48 p 10 58 a 2 25 p “ Greenville.... 12 26 a 11 84 a 8 15 p “ Central....... 1 25 a 12 30 p 4 85 p “ Seneca Tw 5 46 p N«.i y. “ Westminster ....... 3 30 a p 616 p Ex. “ Toocoa ia 6 83 p Sun “ Mt. Airy..... ....... 8 25 a a p 7 15 p - Cornelia...... 7 42 p “ Lula.......... Wp 7 45 p 635 s - Gainesville... 4 15 a 818 p 6 57 a - Buford....... 4 85 a 3 87 p 8 40 p 7 20 a • Norcross. 9 11 p 7 48 a Ar. Atlanta. B. T . 5 25 a ........ 9 43 p 827 a ^Lr. At lanta. C. T. 6 10 a 4 65 p 10 30 p 980 a 6 10 a 3 55 p| 9 80 p 880 s "A’’ s. m, “P” p m “34’’ noon. ”N’’ night. Noa. UT and S3—Daily. Washington and South Western Vestibule Limited. Through Pullman sleeping leans, ears VYashington, between New York and New Or and via also Atlanta and Montgom •ry. viaWashington,Atlanta between New York and Memphis, •lass and Birmingham. First Ion and thoroughfare Atlanta. coaches between Washing •n route. Dining cars serve all meals Noa. 35 and 96—United States Fast Mai’ funs solid between Washington and New Or mens, via Southern Railway. A. & W. P. R. R.. and L. <& N. R. R., being composed of baggage ear and coaches, of alt through classes. without change for pasasugera sleeping Pullman drawing room New cars between New York and Leaving Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgomery urday, Washington each Wednesday and Sat a tourist sleeping car will run through between Washington and Sau Francisco without change. Nos. 11, 87 and 13—Pullman sleeping cars be tween Richmond and Charlotte, via Danville southbound The Nos. 11 and 37, northbound No 12 Air Line BeU« train. Nos. 17 and 18, be tween Atlanta and Cornelia, Ga., daily ex eept » Sunday. GANNON, J. Third M. CULP. V P & Gen. Mgr., Traffic M’g’r.. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK. Gen'l Pass Ag't , Ass t Gen’l Pa*s. Ag’t., Washington. D, C. Atlanta, Ga _ D.M.SNELS0N, JDeijtisL Office in Davis Building, Doyle street. Toccoa. Ga. Toccoa Livery Stables. McCLURE & ROTHELL. en^e^d^stteets, PROPRIETORS. Corner act.** Railroad irom Bank. We keep on hand at all hours day or night, first-class Horses and Rigs, for hire to responsible boarded parties. by the day, week Horses or uionth. Some beautiful Bibles at The Record Stationery Store, very fheap. he fl fUfi u fh. Bargains ! You might have heard of Bargains and cut prices, but when you come to our store ou can see them without strain i n g your eyes. Our com¬ petitors say they can not see how we sell goods so cheap. We know how to buy is one reason, and the other is, we don’t care to make all our profit at once. Others may give you a rebate of ten per cent, but when they do they lack 10 per cent at least of coming any way near our price. Get their ten per cent cut and then see us; we’ll do you good. RUSSELL, MULKEY saa CO . rs v ' fill, .* ! \ ~i/Mh HL 'V: ’!//! 5 * N h'l ?':a l /> t 0 /j ! K* y. • • • • • i —n *77 -^ TT ^ 53 THE BATTLESHIP TEXAS, The Texas can steam 17 knots an hour when doing her best work. She dis¬ places 0,815 tons of water, develops 9,000 horsepower, and she cost $2,600,000. Her main battery is composed of two 12 inch and six 6 inch guns. Her second¬ ary battery consists of a dozen smaller guns. MAINE REPORT. Board of Inquiry Say that the Ship Was Blown up by a Mine. Tuesday of this week President McKinley sent to congress the port of the Board of Inquiry, which had for the past month been at work placing the blame where belongs : The following is a brief summary ~ : When the Maine arrived at Ha vana she was conducted by the reg- ular government pilot to buoy No. 4, to which she was moored in from five and one-half to six fathoms of water. The state of discipline on board boilers* cod bmrke^'Lnd borage compartments are passed in review, with the conclusion -hat excellent prevailed and that no indication ot cause for an internal explosion existed existed in in anv any auarter. qi At S o’clock on the evening of February 15th . everything had , ,7 been reported secure and all was quiet. At forty minutes past nine o’clock the vessel was suddenley destroyed. There were two distinct “/ Know Not What the Truth May Be, I Tell the Tate as ’Twas Told to Me.” TOCCOA, GEORGIA, APRIL l, I 898 . K mm v, m ZMM mm M \i 'i J * going! never In Better strictly been values tailor- offered have going; suitable occasion made garments for at prices every gOIK! for moderate purses than are now shown by THE INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO., CHICAGO, through their local representative. Russell, Mulkey & Co Over 2000 samples to select from, and we never fail to fit or please. The price? Too low to talk a- bout! ions, with a brief interval between them. The first lifted the forward part of the ship very perceptibly; the second, which was more open, pro- longed and of greater \olume, attributed by the court to the P ar * tial explosion of two or more of the forward magazines, The evidence of the divers estab- lishes that the after P art of the shi P "*as practically intact and sank in that condition a very few minutes af ter explosion. The forward P art was completely demolished. Upon the evidence of the concur¬ rent external cause the finding of the court is as follows : .Jrt.pZma f polnTeleven ’‘anl one . ha f feet from tbe middle liu e ofthe r ands . xfeet abofe (he keel when . . . . m its normal position, had been forced up F so as to be now about tour feet above the surface oi , the water; therefore, r about , . 34 , feet r . ' above where it would be had the i I ship sunk uninjured. The outside bottom plating is bent into a reverse V shape, A Few Upper Cuts: j 13 Pounds Good Green Coffee, $1.00 19 Bars Laundry Soap for 25c. 2 Pounds of Soda for 5c. 1 Pound Package Klondike Coffee 10c. 2 Spools Thread for 5c. Best Apple vinegar 20c per gallon. Genuine Cuban Molasses 40c a gallon. We call your especial attention to our new line of Laces,Bibbons,Embroideries,Or¬ gandies, Mulls, Schiffons, Silks for Waists and skirts, Embroidery silk, Kid Gloves in every shade and style; 10 dozen, full size, ladies’ bleached vests to go at 5 cents per pair; we have the largest and prettiest line of embroideries and insertings between Toc- coa and Atlanta, which we offer at less than many merchants paid for theirs, because we purchased in case lots. tipait) (aiiVen 0t)ly bO flours! McKinley Demands the Independence of Cuba and Must have Answer in that Time. Hostilities May Follow. Washington, March 30 . —The Presi :ent assured a committee of Senators this afternoon that he had given Spain 60 hours to make reply to his note demanding independence. Spain has certified her intention of responding by tomorrow afternoon. This will give plenty of time to intercept the Spanish flotilla should the answer be unfavorable. The Spanish government wired this afternoon asking this govern¬ ment if it would consider any other plan than total independence. The president wired back, “No. 5 ? Mr. Porter, the president’s private secretary today said : “It is natural that all sorts of plans should be discussed. Of all the propositions which has been entertained from time to time, the pres¬ ident has not given a serious thought to any which did not have as its basis the cessation of hostilities in Cuba and the absolute independence of the Island.” Even should Spain intimate her willingness to subscribe to this pj an ^ con gress will grant very little time for its culmination. There Jis no temper of compromise in congress. Eliminate the Cuban question anc j there still stands the Maine disaster growing blacker and bigger the longer congress looks at it. As an evidence of the president’s de¬ termination to let congress handle the matter and make it responsible for the result, he has asked the committe on foreign affairs to appoint a sub-committee to confer with him. The president is asking for only one more day. He sent for Re¬ publicans last night and begged them to hold congress until Thursday. It is not the question of the day or the hours now, but of the minute. Advices have been receive here that, two battleships and one more torpedo destroyer left Spain for Cuba this morning. This is not taken as indicative of any especial desire for peace on the part of Spain. after win * of ' vh ‘ ch - » bo “'; « f “* broad and 3* f <*‘ '» length (from frame .7 to frome 25), is doubled back up m itself against the con- j ioQ f the same p r i at ing ex- tending . ° forward. „ , At frame 18 the vertical keel is broken in two and the flat keel is bent into an angle similar to the angle formed by the bottom The break ,s now about feet below th « s “ rf “ e * f the Wat " and about 30 feet above it. normal po..t,on. In the opinion of the court, this effect could have been produced only ... J by the explosion r , . of a mine situated . under the bottom of the ship at about frame 18 and some- what on the port side of the ship. Visiting Cards of all kind at the Southern Record Sta. Store. Hess Shoes * % ; |Tt- ^ i .. ^ — r'"“ 'r^ 0 = 2 -" _ tfcfyftZ&rcifgyjuit Here we have a sample of an advertisement placed on the public walls of an ancient city 3000 B.C. Learned sci¬ entists have been unable to deciph¬ er all of it, but they think it the an¬ nouncement of a shoe man who was at that time closing out a job lot of sandals. No shoe has ever been made as easy on the feet as the sandal, but the Hess Shoe which we sell comes pretty near it. They are the best in the world and come in all sizes, and the latest toe and colors. We can fit in any kind of a Shoe, Slip¬ per, Sandal, Oxford Tie, Nullifiers and Brogans—any size, width, col¬ or and price. ipl ,■ v-. -.. . / z w m I p r iL warn m w/f. m F- % m f'i; m Th * ■» —u S \ s • • • « • / * THE GUNBOAT HELENA, The Helena is a 18 knot gunboat. She has 1,600 horsepower, and her dis¬ placement is 1,392 tons. She cost $280,000. Eight 4 inch rapid fire guns and ten guns of lesser caliber compose her armament. A BIG GUN PASSES THROUGH. Another 12-Inch, 67,000-Pound Monster En Route to Gal¬ veston. A twelve-inch,67,000 pound gun, en route to Galveston, spent a few’ minutes in the city Monday evening. It was the second of this size that has passed through Atlanta since the present defensive preparations were inagurated. The arrival of the monster was known to but a few’. It arrived over the Southern and went from Atlanta via the Atlanta and West Point railroad to its destination. Two cars were required to trans¬ port it. The Best Liniment—“Chamber- Iain’s Palm Balm is the finest on earth,” write Edwards & Parker, Plains, Ga. This is the verdict of all who use it. For rheumatism, lame back, sprains, swellings and the numerous slight ailments and accidents common to every house¬ hold, this liniment has no equal. With it in the house a great deal of pain and suffering may be avoided. For sale by Edge & Co. SUBSCRIPTION, Si.00 A YEAR NO. 2o. HATS New line just arrived this week for easter. The latest shapes and styles in derbies, Al¬ pines, Straws a n d Crushers. All our Straw hats are new, this season's product, nobby, new and up-to-date—none of last years’ stock here. Easter Ties, Collars Cuffs and Shirts for dandy dude or the la- boring man, at prices consistent with the hard times. nisfit Clothing Wrinkles in the back of the coat; a shortness or longness of the sleeves, a tendency of the collar to climb up the neck, a bad lit around the armpits—those are some of the results when the wrong clothier is picked out. Try us and you’ll be pleased, for we’ll fit you. Baldwin, Ga. From the Southern Field. Baldwin, Ga., is located on the Southern Railway, between ville and Atlanta, seventy-six from Atlanta. It is a new quite progressive town, It good stores aud has a growing in cotton, lumber and shingles. Eighteen families from the North have located in Baldwin. A very comfortable hotel, with capacity to accommodate twenty guests, just been erected and opened. new stores will open this It is proposed to start a factory at this place, as the regior around is particularly adapted t< the culture of fruit and vegetables Baldwin is located in the Picdmon^ section of Georgia, and is with the superb climate and othe advantages of that favored region This tow r n offers especial induce^ ments to G. A. R. men for settle!; ment. h 2 Baldwin is only 16 miles froi Toccoa and deserves all the goo d things said about it.