The Southern record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1897-1901, April 08, 1898, Image 1

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SOUTHERN RECORD SUCCESSOR TO (¥Fn*I: Established 1890 1872 / 1 VOL. XXV. Blue Ridge 8: .Atlantic Railroad, Time Table, No. 36. In Effect Tuesday, Sept. 8,1896. no n No 12 1 I’ass. STATIONS Mon’y and Dai ly, Sat 'y Except Sim’y PM Lv Ar P M 5 45 Tallulah Falls 1 05 6 05 Turnerville 12 451 6 25 Anajndale . 12 25 6 40 .Clarkesville 12 10 7 00 .. Demorest.. 11 50 7 15 .. Cornelia 11 35 P M Ar Lv A. M. W. V. LAURAINE^ Receiver North-Eastern Railroad Time Table No. 2 Between Athens and Lula. ir ; 9 | 12 IO Daily. Daily. STATIONS Daily Daily P. M A. M Dv Ar |a. M P. M i 8 15 11 05 W Lula N| 10 50 8 00 8 32 : 11 22 Oil Is vi lie 10 33 7 43 8 46 11 36 ! Maysville io 19 7 29 9 02 11 52 ; Harmony io 03 7 13 9 17 i 12 07 : Nicholson i 9 48 6 58 9 25 12 15 Center 9 40 6 50 9 40 ! 12 30 IW Athens Dj 9 25 6 35 J . M. P. M. Ar Lv. j A. M w M I I 9 12 IO Druggists and physicians’ labels printed in two colors for $ 1.00 per 1000 at the Record Job office. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. J}IL Ol\ i I Condensed Schedule of Passenger Trains. In Effect February 27th, 1898. I Ves. No.18iFst.Ml Northbound. No. 12 No. 38 Ex. No. 36 Daily, Wally. Sun. I>ally. Lv. Atlanta, C. T. 7 50 aji2 00 in Cl W M Atlanta, Norcros#..... E.T. 850 a j 00 p P. “ 9 30 a P. 9 " Buford....... 10 05 a P< 9- " Gainesville.., Lula.. 10 35 a 2 22 0*0 7 P< “ 10 58 a 2 42 9 ........ Ar. Cornelia...... 11 25 a • 8 P* Lv. Mt. Airy..... 11 30 a *099999999999- Lv. Ar. “ " “ ** ** " ** “ *• " Gaffneys.... Toccoa Central...... Greenville... Spartanburg. Seneca Gastonia..... Charlotte Westminster Blacksburg. Greensboro King’s Mt ....... ....... ... 1231m 12 11 3 2 0 5 9 1 4 4 5 52 37 56 34 46 20 03 52 38 25 30 p p p p p p: p p....... p a p .... 10 : 0 6 3 5 7 4 8 ......... 00 30 22 22 15 44 10 43 p p p p p p p ... ... ... ... MtOCD-tM-lOCHtlkilMkCO Lv. Greensboro. .......10 60 a A r. Norfolk..... ....... 1 7 85 is Ar. Danville II 25 p 11 51 p ; 1 So i' Ar. Richmond 6 00 a 6 00 a 6 25 p At. " Washington. Baltm’o PRR. 0 42 a SB'd’d 8 00 a li “ " Philadelphia. New York 12 10 15 a .. 43 m so Southbound. No.’ 35 No. *37 Dai,y * 1 Daily. Dally. Lk N. Y..P. R. K 12 15 n 1 feggs “ M Philadelphia. Baltimore.... 8 50 a Washington.. 6 31 a '* 11 13 a Lv. Richmond .. 12 00 m 12 00 nt. 1200 nt Liu Danville 6 15 pi 5 50 a 0 05 a Lv. Norfolk . —rrffloTp - T". Ar. Greensboro . .... 6 50 ai______ Lv Greensboro i 7 82 El 7 05 » 7 a- Ar. Charlotte .10 00 pi 9 25 a 11 a Lv. Gastonia . 10 49 p ........ P “ " King’s Blacksburg Mt P 11 31 p 10 45 a ” Gaffneys 11 40 p 10 58 a “ ” Spartanburg Greenville... 12 20 a 11 34 a 1 36 a 12 30 p ** Central...... i'33 P x»i7. “ Seneca ...... 2 80 a p P Ex. " W eetminster “ Toccoa...... 8 25 a 2 18 “ Mt. Airy .. - Cornelia..... “ Lula......... 4 15 « 3 18 p “ Gainesville 4 35 a 3 37 P “ Buford P “ Norcross.. 6 * Ar. Atlanta, K. T. T.j 6 10 « 4 55 Ar. Atlanta. C. 5 10 * 8 55 ••A” a. m. "P” p. m. "M" noon. “N" night Nos. 87 and 88—Daily. Washington and South western Vestibule Limited. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and New Or- leans, and via also Washington. between New Atlanta York and and Montgom- Memphis, ery, vjiWashington.Atlanta Birmingham. First and class thoroughfare coaches between Washing- too and Atlanta. Dining cars serve all meals en between route. Greensboro Pullman drawing-room and Norfolk. sleeping Close cars eon- nection at Porfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT, arriving there in time for breakfast. Noe. 36 and 85—United States Fast Mail runs solid between Washington and New Or- leans, via Southern Railway, A. & W. P. R. R., and L. & N. R. R., being composed of baggage jw^ge^of^ail^cialses.' sleeping between 'puiiman New York diSwing and room cars New Orleans, via Atlanta Wednesday and Montgomery, and Sat- Leaving Washington each la-PuUmM deepippear. “tMi*. Ben. Cornelia, Ga., daily tween Atlanta and ex- fSank s*G annon. j.m.ctlp, Traffic M Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr., gr. . Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. ^ W. A. TURK, S. H. HARDWICK, GenT Pass. Ag b, Ass t Gen3 Pass. Ag b, Washington, . c. ----- —— 0 1 M SNPI SON ? I®' / * Office in Davis Building, Doyle street. Toccoa. Ga. W. H. Sanders Contractor and Builder. For further information call at The Record office. TOCCOA, • ■ ■ GEORGIA. be u Bargains! You might have heard of Bargains and cut prices, but when you come to our store ou can see them without strain i n g your eyes. Our petitors say they can not see how we sell goods so cheap. We know how to buy is one reason, and the other is, we don’t care to make all our profit at once. Others may give you a rebate of ten per cent, but when they do they lack 10 1 per cent at least of coming any way near OU1* 111*100 A Gej, their ten per cent cut and then see ns; we’ll do yon good. RUSSELL, MULKEY CO COMING I A. K. HAWKS, The Famous Atlanta Optician, th / i / ^?[RADE MARK direct from the home office of this great optical house, or one of his prac¬ tical opticians, and will remain in the store of his agents, -wmhm r , _ ^^0 m m M ■ g 'wr w ■ ^ ■ ■ AaM gmmtL ^ jff w _ W ■ % ^ 1 V ^ / V L. M -ga T m -w- ■ m ■ I | B ^ / J ■ W /—% ¥ 1 V I ¥ I fl I m/ ¥ ® ® ^ ^ a 1 A N 4 ^ m Beginning April 25. This will give the Citizens of TOCCOA and vicinity a rare opnortunitv or c na\ i ing ; their 1 J Ly L2? TP'r’Tr' IbSlED rv FREE r^l~ar^g-« by one of the most renowned and successfulas well as reliable Opticians i?.'* 16 t -’ nited of glasses Hawkes the has There the modern appliances for scien- to eye. Is no optician in the Unit- ed states who enjoys the confidence ot the people more than Mr. Hawkes. This firm was established in 1S70, nearly 30 years ago. EYE STRAIN is often the cause of headache, dizziness, nervousness and dimness of vision. This can be cured in many cases by the correct fitting of his L^hrystalized lenses to the eye. Call early as he positively remains but three days. CAUTION—I would caution the public against buying spec- tacles from peddlers,^oing from house to house with a lot of spectacles representing them to be Hawkes’, or selling the same grade of goods. Hawkes' spectacles are NEVER peddled. Many ot the inferior glasses tiie are positively injurious to the eye. A. K. u A k b received GOLD MEDAL, Highest Honor for Award Deploma of superior lens grinding and excellency in the manufacture of spectacles and eye glasses. Sold in 11,000 cities and towns in the U.S. Most popular glasses in the U. S. Established in 1S70. WAIT FOR HA WKES, and not only get glasses scientifically adjusted to your eyes. but*secure a pair of Crystalized Lenses,the most brilliant spectacle lens- es in existence. A. K. HAWKES, inventor and sole proprietor of aw es patents. He Posit.vely Will Remain But 3 1 • m “I Know Not What the Truth May Be , I Tell the Tale as 9 Twas Told to Me.” TOCCOA, GEORGIA, APRIL 8 , I 898 . sn at v X/ A V/A f m / ly fm. I IS 4 ; ■ ¥ V,. m • j. 1/ PB I Ovlliy! never in Better strictly been values tailor offered have Going! - made garments suitable for every occasion at prices 60IK! for moderate purses than are now shown by THE INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO„ CHICAGO, through their local representative. Russell, Mulkey & Co Over 2000 samples to select from, and we never fail to fit or please. The price? Too low to talk a- bout! A Few Upper Cuts: « 4 13 Pounds Good Green Coffee, §1.00 19 Bars Laundry Soap for 25c. 2 Pounds of Soda for 5c. 1 Pound Package Klondike Coffee 10c. 2 Spools Thread for 5c. Best Apple vinegar 20c per gallon. Genuine Cuban Molasses 40c a gallon. We call your especial attention to our new line of Laces,Ribbons,Embroideries,Or¬ gandies, Mulls, Schiffons, Silks for Waists and skirts, Embroidery silk, Kid Gloves in every shade and style; 10 dozen, full size, ladies’ bleached vests to go at 5 cents per pair; we have the largest and prettiest line of embroideries and insertings between Toc- coa and Atlanta, which we offer at less than many merchants paid for theirs, because we purchased in case lots. MESSAGE DELAYED AT LEE’S REQUEST President McKinley Receives a Cable Dispatch From Consul General Advising That the Lives Of Americans in Hav= ana Are in Danger. Washington, April 6.—The mes¬ sage did not go in today and' will be delayed until Monday. Shortly before 2 o’clock President McKin¬ ley hastily summoned congressional leaders of all parties to the execu¬ tive office. He showed them a cable dispatch just received from Consul General Lee, dated Havana, saying that if the message should be sent in before Monday he would not be responsible for the lives of Ameri¬ cans in Cuba. The consul declared, however, that he was making every effort to get the American citizens together to leave at the earliest possible mo¬ ment, the delay being occasioned by the difficulties in getting all the American interests safely protected, A further delay has been occasioned, he stated, by the difficulties in get¬ ting a sufficient number of boats to bring the Americans, desiring to return, away. The hasty cable message from Consul General Lee is believed to indicate that there is serious trouble ahead in Havana and that the American feeling is so strong a messacre of , Americans, . following the message, is not improbable. A feeling of the greatest disap- pointment was manifested in con- gress when , the . word went round Member, in <he lobbj- diecbe.ed the cause of this further dela^ in groups, Some of them, knowing that Gen- „i t CS u * a Ca ,, ° e , ior time ’ haran g ued , their an g r V colle agues, wbo seemed to believe there was a trick in the proposed delay. Congressmen are willing to wait on General Lee’s request, declaring as he does, that Americans are in danger, but on no other condition would they delay action, and dent McKinley assured the leaders who were called to his office that the message is withheld for the four days absolutely on no other con- dition. Thenavy depar , ment has been informed of the departue of the Bache and Mangrove from Havana with a large number of Americans on board. Consul General Lee will remain until the last life is safe, it is stated. SHIPS SENT FOR GEN. LEE. He is Asked to Get American Citizens Together at Once, so as to Leave Island. Washington, April 5.—Members of the house have been informed today that vessels have been dis¬ patched to Havana to take off General Lee and our consul officers as well as all Americans who desire to leave the island. Consul General Lee cabled the state department to- day that, in his opinion, it would be impossible to get all the Ameri- cans together, preparatory to leave the island before Sunday, and he advised that complete preparations be made to this end. Will Buy 5hips. Washington, April c— ‘The navy department this morning concluded to purchase four of tbe ten sbi P s contracted for yesterday. 1 rp. I he four (• vessels , selected and which are now property of the govern- ment are the Morgan line El Rio El" Xorte ''e’i have as yet been sent to naval authorities at New York I orK as as to to tne the disoosition aisposiuon of 01 these vessels, but it is under- , , , , f * / in g th e m for - duty as auxilary cruisers wil1 be g in immedi- • _ Visiting Cards of all kind at the Southern Record Sta. Store. Hess Shoes 1 \ { 1 **^ A i" 1 d Here we have a sample of an advertisement placed on the public walls of an ancient city 3000 B.C. Learned sci¬ entists have been unable to deciph¬ er all of it, but they think it the an- nouncement of a shoe man who was at time closing out a job lot of sandals. No shoe has ever been made as easy on the feet as the sandal, but the Hess Shoe which we sell comes pretty near it. They are the best in the world and come in all sizes, and the latest toe and colors. We can fit in any kind of a Shoe, Slip¬ per, Sandal, Oxford Tie, Nullifiers and Brogans—any size, width, col¬ or and price. Wm, :iS SPAIN’S REPLY AN INSULT; 0 f»i L Y SHREWD DIPLOMACY The Government evades the Ques¬ tion Directly and Contents Itself With a Desperate Fight For Time. Washington, April i.—The re¬ ply of Spain to the demands of the United states is said, in effect, to be : The independence of Cuba means the parting or cession of Spanish territory which cannot be done without the consent of the Spanish cortes, which is not in session and will not be in session until April 24, and consequently no definite answer can be returned to the de¬ mand of the United States until the cortes assembles. Then a counter proposition is submitted that the Cuban matter shall be settled upon a basis equita¬ ble among nations. The United States is asked to give Spain time to treat with the insurgents, and ascertain what can be done in the nature of a peaceful settlement. Senators who know the nature of the reply say’t is a very shrewd piece of diplomacy and made for its effect upon t.he world at large. It is said the reply is unsatisfac¬ tory to the president and that he does not believe it will be satisfac- tory to congress. Record office, April 6.—Since the reception of this note, the Uni- ted Sute , government has closed negotiations. It is now with con- gress to say whether we shall have war or not. The president is ex- peeled to outline a policy in a com- i i .'.,ne„ ; , nl JU n t -r„ ar sgein.t 6 war. . l11 found nt ^ lsSUe ^ the announcement of L. C. Edwards of Clarkesville as a candidate for Tax Receiver. We are not person- ally acquainted with Mr. Edwards, but he would probably make a good officer should he be nominated and elected. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 A YEAR NO. 21. HAT5 New line just arrived this week for caster) The latest shapes and styles in derbies, A1 pines, Straws and Crushers. All our Straw had are new, this season’J product, nobby, new and up-to-date—none of last years’ stock here. Easter Ties, Collar^ foJ Cuffs and Shirts dandy dude or the la boring man, at price! consistent with t h q hard times. flisfit Clothing Wrinkles in the back of the coat a shortness or longness of th sleeves, a tendency of the collar ti climb up the neck, a bad fit arounej the armpits—those are some of th results when the wrong clothier bJ i| picked out. Try us and you’ll pleased, for we’ll fit you. I Collusion Charged. Cuban New York, Junta, April through 6.—Thj it counsel H. S. Rubens, gavl a statement today to the publ lie. He says the Cubans wil not accept anything with the from United o| co-operate thil States in anything unless country first recognizes Cub! as He a free further and sovereign people! says :• aul “I have it from Spanish thority high in official circle! that the whole course now prq posed by the of president understand is i| persuance an ing Madrid, between the Washington object of whicj anj is to secure peace in Cubl through Cuban acceptance ol Spanish autonomy, withod the shedding of a drop cl American diture of blood or the expenl ol another dollar American money.” It is now given out that th pi recognize esident does Cuba, not in propose his mesj tj sage, as a republic, which ha tJ brought great uneasiness the friends of Cuba. It look like down. the If president McKinley has backej doe ever anything it will be because q coercion by the Democrats. S ASKS ARMS FOR GEORGIA TROOPS \y ishes tfTExchange Arms an tO Secure _ OuHS For „ " h -''f’'' A ; ’i' a- s’ tl the request 01 Governor A , kinson, . Senators Clay an Bacon have made the reque of the war department th; he exchange old arms in th Georgia malitia for new one and to furnish guns to the a tilleryin preparation fora coi dition of war.