The Southern record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1897-1901, April 15, 1898, Image 1

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SOUTHERN RECORD SUCCESSOR TO (Si; Established 1890 VOL. XXV. Blue Ridge & Atlantic Time Table, No. 36. in Effect Tuesday, Sept. 8, 1896. N O H i No 12 STATIONS Mix ed: Mon y, Dai ly, j j and I Except SaUy_ _ Sun’y j P.M. Lv Ar P M ; 5 45 Tallulah Falls I or. * 6 05 1 Turnerville 12 45 ! 6 25 Anajndale . 12 2r. 6 40 !.Clarkesville. 12 10 7 00 Demorest II 50 7 15 Cornelia 11 35 ; P M Ar Lv A. M. *Jk Wm V ‘ t.AUR 4 INE, Receiver Nortli-Eastern Railroad Time Table No. 2 Between Athens and Lula. ii j 9 ! 12 io Daily. Daily STATIONS Daily Daily P. M A. M Lv. Ar. |A. M P. M. 8 15 11 05 !\V Lula N j 10 50 8 00 8 32 11 22 ■ Gillsville | 10 33 7 43 8 46 11 36 Maysville ! 10 19 7 29 9 02 11 52 Harmony 10 03 7 13 9 17 12 07 Nicholson 9 48 6 58 9 25 12 15 Center 9 40 6 50 9 40 12 30 ! W Athens I) j 9 25 6 35 J . M P. M. Ar Lv A. M P. M 11 9 12 IO Druggists and physicians’ labels printed in two colors for $1.00 per 1000 at the Record Job office. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Olv Cradtnwd Schedule of Fassengrer Trslaa. In Effect February 27th, 1898. No.13 j Ve». No. 18 Fst.Ml Northbound. No. 38 Ex. No. 36 Daily. Sun. Daily. Lv. Atlanta, C.T. SS a 12 00 m f g 11 50 *3 •' Atlanta, E.T. a 100 p J 285 12 60 SB ** Norcroaa..... 88 a & 1 27 P ** Buford....... . 8 a • “ Gaineavilla... S@ a 2 23 p ggfe 2 20 9 “ Lula.......... a 2 42 p 2 40 P Ar. Lv. Cornelia...... 88 a » Mt. Airy..... a ::::::: w ’dtPPPPPSBPPP**' “ Toccoa....... Westminster £fegSS a a 8 80 p 03 ** n........ ....... 4 *’ Seneca....... p 4 15 p 4 23 ** Central...... P 4 52 ** Greenville... .... 6 45 p 5 22 p 6 87 - “ Gaffneys..... Spartanburg. 83 p 0 10 p 7 15 Blacksburg.. ggSg»* p 6 44 p 7 35 “ P 7 00 ** King’s Mt.... p 7 58 ” Gastonia..... 8 30 Lv. Charlotte.... Greensboro p 8 2& p 9 85 Ar. p 10 48 p.......12 10 Lv. Greensboro.. ... 10 50 Ar. Norfolk...... r K Ar. Danville.....11 20 p 11 61 p 1 85 k > Ar. Richmond ... 6 00 a 6 00 a 6 25 p Ar.Washington " Baltm’ePRR....... ...... 6 42 a 9 85 p 8 00 a......11 35 p " “New Philadelphia....... York 12 10 15 a . 2 23 50 a ........ 43 m . 6 a Southbound. |Pat.Ml| Ve». v °“ t No. 35 No. 37 D Dally. pally. 5 LvTN. y. p.r.r. {!} ir a 6888 “ Philadelphia j 8 50 o Baltimore.... a “ 6 31 9 “ Washington. a 11 15 a 10 Lv. Richmond . 12 00 m 12 00nt 1200 nt Lr. tv Norfolk Danville .... 0 15 pj 5 50 si pj 6 05 a Ar Greensboro ... ,...| jlOOO 6 50 ai... Lv Greensboro i 7 32 *o :i 5 » : 38 » Lv. ar. Charlotte 110 00 9 25 a ll » Gastonia . .10 49 n : aS c'G'Z " *' Blacksburg King’s Mt :S2£2 I *' 11 31 ”3 2 2 ’ “ Gaffneys Spartanburg . 11 40 5 T :» ’a'G’avvwGW * . 12 20 9 34 a 5 Greenville.... 1 25 55 P i&* “ Central .Seneca..... ..... 8 N. 17. “ 2 30 s: a V Ex. “ Westminster 58 Sun. “ Tocooa...... 8 25 a 2 IS V ** Mt. Airy .... &fe *' Cornelia..... OS “ Lula........ 4 15 a 3 18 p! 8 S&S£S 6 h « *’ Gainesville 4 35 a 3 37 pi 8 ■cotjuu 7 « “ Buford .......|........| 9 7 08 ** Norcross. 6 25 a....... 19 8 « Ar. Atlanta, E. T. 6 10 a 4 55 p 10 9 <e Ar. Atlanta . C. T. 5 10 a 8 55 p; 9 8 8 <s ___ “A" a. m. “P” p. m. “M” noon. “N” night. Nos. 87 and 38—Daily. Washington and Sonth western Vestibule Limited. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and New Or¬ leans, via Washington, Atlanta and Montgom •ry, and also between New York and Memphis, y'-es via Washington, thoroughfare Atlanta coaches and Birmingham. between Washing- First - and Atlanta. Dining cars serve all meals *n between route. Greensboro Pullman drawing-room and Norfolk. sleeping Close cars con¬ nection at Forfolk for OLD POINT COMFOBT. arriving Noe. 86 there in 80-United time for breakfast, States Fast Mai) and runs solid between Washington and New Or¬ leans, via Southern Railway, A. <Ss W. P. R. R., and L. d? N. R. R., being composed of baggage ear and coaches, through without change for paseengars sleeping of all classes. Pullman drawing room oars between New York and New Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgomery. Leaving urday, Washington tourist sleeping each Wednesday will and through Sat¬ a car run between Washington and San Francisco without change. Noa. 11,87. 88 and 12—Pullman sleeping cars between Richmondand Cbsrlo te, vis Danvil e, south bound Nos. 11 and 37, northbound Nos 88 and 18 Ths Air Line Belle train. Nos. 17 and 18, ^ be tween Sunday. Atlanta and Cornelia, Ga., daily ex¬ cept FRANK S. GANNON, J. CULP. M. Third V-P. & Gen. Mgr. , Traffic M g’r. W ashing ton, D. C. Washington, D. C. W. A TURK, S. H. HARDWICK. Gen'l Pass. Ag’t, Ass t Gen’l Pass. Ag’t., Washington. D, C. Atlanta, Ga. D.M.SNELS0;> JDeijfisI. Office in Davis Building, Doyl street. Toccoa. Ga. ♦ W. H. Sanders Contractor and Builder. For further information call at The Record office. TOCCOA, • . • GEORGIA* Is otttlefn ftofl. Bargains! You might have heard of Bargains and cut prices, but when you come to our store u can see them without strain ing your eyes. Our com¬ petitors say they can not see how we goods so cheap. We know how to buy is one reason, and other is, we don’t care to make all our profit at once. Others may give you a rebate of ten per cent, but when they do they lack 10 per cent at least of coming any way near Olll* 1 )1*ICO. Get their ten per cent cut and then see us; we’ll do you good. RUSSELL. MULKEY CO COMING I A. K. HAWKS, The Famous Atlanta Optician, — w / t K ^Ttrade’ mark direct from the home office of this great optical house, or one of hisprac- ical opticians, and will remain in the store of his agents, EDGE & CO *5 3 DAYS ONLY 3 Beginning April 25. This will give the citizens of TOCCOA and vicinity a rare opportunity of having their EYES TESTED FREE by one of the most renowned and successful as well as reliable Opticians in ttie United States. Mr. Hawkes has the modern appliances for scien¬ tific adjustment of glasses to the eye. There is no optician in the Link¬ ed States who enjoys the confidence of the people more than Mr. Hawkes. This firm was established in 1S70, nearly 30 years ago. - otten the cause of headache, dizziness, nervousness and dimness of . tsion This can be cured in many cases by the correct fitting of his Jhrystuiized lenses to the eye. Call early as he positively remains but tnree days. CAUTION —I would caution the public against buying spec- t teles from peddlers, going from house to house with a lot of spectacles representing them to be Hawkes’^r selling the same grade of goods, .awkes spectacles are NEVuR peddled. Many of the inferior glasses vlnch flood the market are positively injurious to the eye. A. K. HAWKES received GOLD MEDAL, Highest Award Deploma of ionor for superior lens grinding and excellency in the manufacture of pectacles and eye glasses. Sold in 11,000 cities and towns in the U.S, Most popular glasses in the IS. S. Established in 1S70. WAIT FOR HAWKES, and not only get glasses scientifically adjusted to your eyes, but secure a pair of Crystalized Lenses,the most brilliant spectacle lens¬ es in existence, A. K. HAWKES, inventor and sole proprietor of the Hawkes patents. He Positively Will Remain But 3 Days “/ Know Not What the Truth May Be, I Tell the Tale as f Twas Told to Me ” . TOCCOA, GEORGIA, APRIL I5, I898. ■ fjk m J y ■PI '!! '4m m fa - Pl'W n» i - (jOIttQ! never In Better strictly been values tailor- offered have 00j||gl suitable occasion made garments for at prices every UOM! for moderate purses than are now shown by THE INTERNATIONAL TAILORING CO., CHICAGO, through their local representative. Russell, Mulkey & Co Over 2000 samples to select from, and we never fail to fit or please. The price? Too low to talk a- bout! A Few Upper Cuts: Ml 13 Pounds Good Green Coffee, S1.00 19 Bars Laundry Soap for 25e. 2 Pounds of Soda for 5c. 1 Pound Package Klondike Coffee 10c. 2 Spools Thread for 5c. Best Apple vinegar 20c per gallon. Genuine Cuban Molasses 40c a gallon. We call your especial attention to our new line of Laces,Ribbons,Embroideries,Or¬ gandies, Mulls, Schiffons, Silks for Waists and skirts, Embroidery silk, Kid Gloves in every shade and style; 10 dozen, full size, ladies’ bleached vests to go at 5 cents per pair; we have the largest and prettiest line of embroideries and insertings between Toc¬ coa and Atlanta, which we offer at less than many merchants paid for theirs, because we in case lots. HOUSE HAS AN EVENTFUL DAI Passage of the Majority Re= port by the House^of Representatives. Washington, April 13. — The house of representatives today, aft¬ er one of the most exciting and memorable days in its history, by a vote ot 322 to 19 adopted resolu¬ tions which nine-tenths of its mem¬ bers believe make war with Spain inevitable. The resolutions adopt¬ ed direct the president to intervene at once in Cuba, to restore peace and secure to the people of the is¬ land,‘a staple and independent gov-’ ernment of their own,’’and author¬ ize him to use the army and navy to execute the purpose of the reso¬ lutions. Only 40 minutes were given for debate, and a special rule %vas re¬ quired to get the resolutions before the house. The minority resolu¬ tion which declared for the recog¬ nition of the existing government of Cuba were voted down, but they secured the votes of three re¬ publicans. Some stirring and pa¬ triotic sentiments were voiced dur¬ ing the debate, which lifted the galleries and the members to a high pitch of enthusiasm. The following are majority reso¬ lutions which passed the House and only needs the senate’s action to make them a law : “Whereas, the government of Spain, for three years past, has been waging war on the island of Cuba against a revolution by the inhabitants thereof without making any substantial progress towards the suppression of said revolution, and has conducted the warefare in a manner contrary to the law’s of nations by methods inhuman and uncivilized, causing the death by starvation of more than tw’o hun- v i 1 ; / r iGSi v WM E b?:* iggsi rf. m m. ;• v B b'‘*.i. -2 ll • » '»” •' f f i •SO ^.... ARMORED CRUISER NEW YORK, The New York is smaller but faster than the Brooklyn. Her speed is 21 knots, her displacement 8,200 tons, and she cost $8,000,000. She carries six 8 inch and twelve 4 inch guns and 16 guns of smaller caliber. dred thousand innocent non-com¬ batants, the victims being for the most part helpless women and children, inflicting intolerable inju¬ ry to the commercial interests of the United States, involving the de¬ struction of the lives and property of many of our citizens, entailing the expenditure of millions of mon¬ ey in patroling our cost and polic¬ ing the high seas in order to main¬ tain our neutrality; and ‘‘Whereas, this long series of los¬ ses, injuries and burdens for which Spain is responsible has culminated in the destruction of the United States battleship Maine in the har¬ bor of Havana and in the death of 266 of our seamen, “Resolved, etc., That the presi¬ dent is hereby authorized and di¬ rected to intervene at once to stop the war in Cuba to the end and with the purpose of securing per¬ manent peace and order there, and establishing by the free action of the people thereof a stable and in¬ dependent government of their own in the island of Cuba ; and the pres- Hess Shoes i / I _ Vx' 1 "’ 35 jl Here we have a sample an advertisement placed on the public walls of an ancient c ity 3 oooB. C. Learned sci¬ entists have been unable to deciph¬ er all of it, but they think it the an- nouncement of a shoe man who was at that time closing out a job lot of sandals. No shoe has ever been made as easy on the feet as the sandal, but the Hess Shoe which we sell comes pretty near it. They are the best in the world and come in all sizes, and the latest toe and colors. We can fit in any kind of a Shoe, Slip¬ per, Sandal, Oxford Tie, Nullifiers and Brogans—any size, width, col¬ or and price. Wei 9> ident is hereby authorized and em¬ powered to use the land and nava’ forces of the United States to exe¬ cute the purpose of this resolution.” Some of the leading senators on both sides seem to think the senate will adopt the resolution passed by the house, while others feel confi¬ dent that any resolution that the senate adopts, in it there will be di¬ rect recognition of the Cuban re- public. A vote may come up in the sen» ate tomorrow or it may be put off till Friday, When the senate adopts a report there will be but little time lost between the two houses in coming to an understand¬ ing as to the exact language. Should a recognition resolution come from the senate it is doubtful if the republican leaders could con¬ trol all their followers, and it would secure enough republican votes to insure its passage. It may yet take that shape. Whatever the result of the action of the senate, it seems very.clear that we are to have war. This fact SUBSCRIPTION, $i.00 A YEAR NO. 22. HATS New line just arrived this week for easter. The latest shapes and styles in derbies, Al¬ pines, Straws a n d Crushers. All our Straw hats are new, this season’s product, nobby, new and up-to-date—none of last years’ stock here. Easter Ties, Collars Cuffs and Shirts for dandy dude or the la- boring man, at prices consistent with the hard times. nisfit Clothing Wrinkles in the hack of the coat; a shortness or longness of the sleeves, a tendency of the collar to climb up the neck, a bad fit around the armpits—those are some of the results when the wrong clothier is picked out. Try us and you’ll be pleased, for we’ll fit you. has a strong hold upon the mind of everybody in Washington, and explains why it is that there is a general tendency toward speedy and decisive action. In the face of this certainty it is not beiieved that there can he any filibustering in either house or conference. Any unnecessary delay is now regarded as aimed not at either political par¬ ty, but at the country, whose inter¬ ests demand speedy action. If war is inevitable, it is the feel¬ ing that the sooner we unchain the dogs, the better it will be for the success of our arms. ARMISTICE PROCLAMATION. In Full of the Order Sent Out By the Spanish Crown For the Suspension of Hostilities in Cuba. Washington, April 11—The state department today received General Blanco’s proclamation ordering a cessation of hostilities in Cuba. It w r as delivered to the Spanish min¬ ister here and by him delivered to the state department. The proclamation is as follows : “His majesty’s government, ) ielding to the reiterated w ish ex¬ pressed by his holiness the pope, has been pleased to decree a sus¬ pension of hostilities with the ob¬ ject of ‘preparing and facilitating the restoration of peace on this is¬ land, in virtue whereof I believe it convenient to order: Article i—From the day follow¬ ing the receipt in each locality of the present proclamation hostilities are ordered suspended in all the ter¬ ritory of the island of Cuba. The details of the execution of the above paragraph will be the ob¬ ject of special instructions that will be communicated to the several commanders in chief of the army corps for the easy and prompt exe¬ cution according to the situation and circumstances of the case. (Signed) Blanco. Arch Deacon Walton will preach at St. Matthias Episcopal church next Sabbath afternoon,at 4 o’clock All are cordially invited.