Newspaper Page Text
ED. h. COBB,
kinds of Portraits.
Englargtng Specialty, and Copying
Gallery just aocross bridge.
Toccoa, Ga.
Boot and Shoemaking and
Toccoa, Ga
SHOEMAKER. Repairing a
All Work Guaranteed.
Toccoa, Shop in Capps’ Basement.
Shoes repaired in the best and most
workmanlike manner.
Toccoa, Ga.
Dealer in Groceries, Cigars and Soda
Water. Ice at all times.
Doyle Street,..........Toccoa, Ga.
W. Westfield,
Groceries, Produce, Fruit,
Cigars end Tobacco.
Toccoa, Georgia.
Sign Painters and Decorators,
Toccoa, Ga
Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing and Altering.
All work first-class.
Toccoa, Ga.
Confections, Fancy Groceries,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Fresh bread and cakes daily.
Blacksmithiug Work. Horse and General Repair
style by Quilhan Shoeing Jarrett. in first-class
Toccoa, Ga.
J. W. Anderson, Pjoprietor,
Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Soda Water,
Lemonade, Fruit.
First-class Restaurant in connection.
Toccoa, Ga.
Oak way.
Miss Emma Gaines, of West¬
minster, spent last week with her
sister, Mrs. James Rodgers.
Mr. Julius Haley and Miss Jo¬
die Haley visited friends at Fair
Play Sunday.
Ivlr. Sam Bearden, of Royston,
Ga., spent from Friday until Mon¬
day with his mother, Mrs. Eliza-
belli Bearden.
Mrs. TT II. T }. Myers ,, and , daughter, , la
Miss Dohnia, , visited .... the family c 01 ..
Mr. ™ Seab 1 Prichard • i j at .. m Tokeena, 1 S. c
C., bunt ay.
Mr. Arthur Finley and s.ster,
Miss Minnie, ot Cross Roads, S.
C., visited the family of Mr. J. W.
Bearden one day last week.
Rev. Clayton, of Central, filled
his regular appointment at the
Oakway V esleyan church Sunday.
I. J. B.
A Widow’s Love Affair #
Reeeives a setback, if she has
offensive breath through Consti-
pation. Biliousness or Stomach
trouble, but Dr. King’s New Life
Pills always cure those troubles;
clean the system, sweeten the
breath, banish headache; best in
the world for liver, kidneys and
bowels. Only 25c at E. R. Davis’
drug store
Last Monday was salesday at
the court house but only one tract
of land was sold.
Mr. J. H. Barnett, of West¬
minster, was here last Monday
disposing of some of his own man¬
ufacture of canned goods.
We regret very much to know
that Mr. W T . H. Barron, is not
improving. We hope to hear of
him speedily recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Bibb, of West¬
minster visited the family of Mr.
Barron, last Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Alma Nash, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Nash of this
city boarded the train on last
Monday morning for Atlanta
where she will engage in the mil¬
linery business.
The grip has made several close
calls for the past week all through
this section of the county.
Mr. T. E. Alexander spent last
Monday in Anderson, attending
to some business matters.
Mr. Ballenger, of Walhalla, is
now in the business house of L.
Bloom. He is in the grocery de¬
Night Was Her Terror.
“I would cough nearly all night
long,” writes Mrs. Chas. Apple-
gate, of Alexandria, Ind., and
could hardly get any sleep. I had
consumption so bad that if I
walked a block I would cough
frightfully and spit blood, but,
when all other medicines failed,
three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King’s
New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds.” It’s
absolutely guaranteed to cure
Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bron¬
chitis and all Throat and Lung
Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00.
Trial bottles free at E. R. Davis’
drug store.
Fort Madison.
Mr. Breazeale, inspector of gua-
no, from Clemson College was in
town during the past week.
Mr. Cooh, Mrs. Fricks and Mrs.
Word are all suffering with la
grippe, We hope for them a
speedy return to health.
Rev. Mr. Vermillion preached
three very interesting sermons Sat¬
urday, Saturday night, and Sun¬
Mrs. Paul Sullivan had as her
guest Saturday and Sunday, Miss
Mamie Ramsay, one of Toccoa’s
most admired young ladies.
The little Misses Gilbert are
with their sister, Mrs. Warren
Pogue Johnson came over Friday
afternoon and staid until Sunday
night among his friends here.
Mr. and Mrs, Pickens Hunt, of
Fair Play, are visiting Mrs. Sulli¬
We hear a lot of compliments
on the Times “new dress.” Long
may she wave !!
S. de C. C. V.
Strikes a Rich Find,
‘ lI was troubled for several years
with chronic indigestion and ner
vous debility, ,, writes .; F. „ T J. Green _
of Lancaster, N. H., “No remedy
, helped until T I , began .
me using
Electric Bitters, which did me
more good than a „ the medicines
t ever used . Thay have also kept
my w jf e j n excellent health for
years. She says Electric Bitters
afe jugt splendld for female trou .
bles . that they are a gratld tonic
an d invigorator for weak, run
down women. No other medicine
can take its place in our family.”
Try them. Only 50c. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed by E. R. Davis,
^ ru ££ ,st *
Richland Dots.
Spring has come, and the farmers
are making the best of the fine
Miss Emma Gaines is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Rogers at Oak way.
Mr. W. F. Jaynes has gone to
Washington to attend the inaugra-
Miss Carrie Stribling is very
sick at this writing.
Cadets Pickett and Bleese, of
Clemson, were with the family of
J. B. Pickett last week.
Mr. J. B. Ballenger is now
home very sick.
Mr. \ ictor Miller, ol
Ala.. has returned after a pleasant
A Horrible Outbreak
“Of large sores on my little
daughter’s head developed into a
case of scald head” writes C. D.
Isqill of Morgantown, Tenn., but
Bucklen’s Arnica Salve complete¬
ly cured her. It's a guaranteed
cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers
and Piles. Only 25c at E. R.
visit to his sister, Mrs. E. E. Ver-
Miss Nellie Duffie, of Westmin¬
ster, spent a few days with Jier
little friend Beulah McDonald, last
Mrs. Annie Stribling was severe¬
ly injured by a fall from the bed
last Sunday.
Mr. M. B. Gaines made a busi¬
ness trip to Anderson last week.
Miss Lily Hughs has returned
from an extendel visit to her rela¬
tives in Cornelia, Ga.
Mr. Marshal Dendy had the mis¬
fortune to get his smokehouse
burned last Friday.
A Superb Grip Cure.
Johnson’s Tonic is a superb Grip
cure. Drives out every trace ot
Grip Poison from the system.
Does it quick. Within an hour it
enters the blood and begins to neu¬
tralize the effects of the poison.
Within a day it places a Grip vic¬
tim beyond the point of danger.
Within a week, ruddy cheeks at¬
test return of perfect health.
Price, 50 cents if it cures. Ask
for Johnson’s Chill and Fever
Tonic. Take nothing else.
The farmers in our section are
preparing lor another heavy cotton
Mr. Allen Isbell is confined to
his room with the grip.
Miss Lula Hayes, of Carnesville
Institute, is spending a week with
home folks.
Mr. Rufus Crawford, a cadet of
Cornelia Institute spent Saturday
and Sunday with home folks.
Mrs. G. W. Looney is visiting
relatives in Anderson S. C.
Mr. E. M. Fulliam one of our
most successful farmers, made a
business trip to Toccoa Wednesday.
Prof. R. F. Terrell has quite a
flourishing school at this place.
Mrs, Ben Cleveland, of Avalon,
spent Saturday and Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kay.
J. S. Crawford spent Monday
and Tuesday in Lavonia on busi¬
Our new mail carrier, Mr. Stan-
ny, is becoming very popular on
account of the extreme polite and
accommodating manner in which
he discharges his duty.
Mr. L. H. Coe, of Eastanoliee,
was in this section this week sell¬
ing guano.
Mr. Martin Stancil, of Red Hill,
was happily married to Miss Sallie
WTiiting on last Thursday evening
at the residence of the brides pat¬
ents. May their path be strewn
with flowers.
The Record is always a wel¬
come visitor in our section.
An Honest iledicine for
La Grippe.
G. W. Waitt, of South Gardiner,
Me., says : “I have had the worst
cough, cold, chills and grip and
have taken lots of trash of no ac-
count but profit to the vendor.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is
the only thing that has done any
good whatever. I havo used one
bottle of it and the chills, cold and
grip have all left me. I congratu¬
late the manufactures of an honest
medicine.” For sale by E. R.
Davis & Co.
Clarkesvilie Locals.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Asburv are
taking in the city of New York
where he will purchase all the late
spring styles in stock. Mr. As-
bury is a first-class business gentle-
man and will select something that
will meet the wants of the most
Mr. C. W. Davis, of Toccoa,
vvas the city Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Calxin Crow, from
Seed, were in the city Tuesday.
Col. Abb Wofford, from Homer,
was among the legal profession.
Mr. Ben Free, from near Seed,
is visiting in the city.
Mr. William Free was among
the visitors in town
Mr, James Walker from near
Turnerville, was in town this week.
Col. Hubert Estes, of Gaines¬
ville was in town Monday.
Col. Gariand Pryor, from Gain¬
esville, was in the city this week.
Col. Pike, from Jefferson, at¬
tended court in the city this week.
Judge J. J. Kimsey, fromCleve-
and, was attending court Monday.
Col. Barrett, of Toccoa, attend¬
ed court this week.
Mr. C. W. Gakes, of Nacooche
valley was visiting the city.
Col. H. H. Perry, * of Gaines¬
ville, is attending court.
Col. H. H. Deans, of Gaines¬
ville, is in the city.
Col. Joe Underwood, of Cleve-
and, is in the city.
Col Wm. Charters, from Dah-
lonega, Sol. Gen. was at his post.
Col. Hurshel Gardner, of Cleve¬
land, was in town Monday.
George Slaton will leave in a few
days to make his home in the far
west. We wish him and family a
pleasant journey.
Rev. R. E. Telford preached an
excellent sermon at the Presbyteri¬
an church on last Sunday, to a con¬
gregation of attentive hearers.
There was a little social at Mrs.
Addisons on Monday night, which
was more attraction to the boys
than brass horns.
On account of the shortage funds
of 1900. The board shortened the
free school term for 1901 from 100
davs to 90 days.
There are 39 white male and 16
female teachers with 5 male and 4
female colored jteachers in our
county with flourishing schools.
We are sorjy to learn of the
illness of Judge Jones. He is
suffering from the grip. We
hope he may soon recover.
Mr. William Stewart, of Seed,
was on the streets Monday shak¬
ing hands with the boys he has re¬
recovered from his fall to some
Mr. C, W. Hunt took a snap
judgement on the folks and was
married to Miss Mattie Rodgers
on Sunday evening by Esq.
The grand jury at the request of
our wide awake county school
commissioner, Mr. W. C. Grant,
recommended a special tax to sup¬
plement a free school fund.
Dr. James West, of Toccoa, was
at the bedside of Mr. Goss, his
grandfather, on Wednesday night,
and on his return stopped with h?s
mother, Mrs. James West, in the
John Martin, of Nacoochee, is
improving his mining property by
building some neat cottages. Mr.
Martin has had some pretty high
bids for nis interest in the gold
belt. He is not in a hurry howev-
er to dispose of it as he knows he
has a good thing.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Frank Lucas J. Cheney County. j ss ’
the makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Che-
ney & Co., doing business in the City of
Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and
that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before and subscribed in my
presence, this fith day of December, 1886.
and Halt’s acts Catarrh directly Cure the is blood taken^tfrually and
on mucous
surfaces of the syteui. Send for testimo-
nials, free.
Headache often results from a
disordered condition of the stoin-
ach and constipation of the bow¬
els. A dose or two of Chamber-
lain ’ s Stomach and Liver Tablets
will correct these disorders and
cure the headacne. Sold by E. R.
Davis & Co.
Leonard Beaeden has about re¬
covered from the grip.
Clever Jake Barnett was among
our visitors here last week.
Miss Hattie Duffie is now at
home. She has been teaching
President Cheswell, of the Cot¬
ton Mills, is now in New York on
Erin Epting, a brother of Miss
Bessie’s, has returned to his home
in Williamston.
L W. Williams, of Hartwell,
Ga., visited his daughter, Mrs. Car¬
ter, on last Monday.
We were pleased to see Mrs.
Sloan Dickson in town on last
Mr. M. L. Cox, of Seneca, was
here on Sunday. We are always
glad to see Mr. Cox.
Tolin Jarrard, traveling sales¬
man for an Atlanta house, was
here Sunday and Monday.
Tom Pedeir, of Fort Madison,
spent Sunday with relatives and
friends here.
Miss Bertie White, of Green¬
ville, is a pleasant visitor to our
city. She is with Mrs. J. H.
Owing to a severe illness, Rev.
Mr. Holland did not 'preach at the
Christian church on Sunday as
announced. *
Knox Anderson has purchased a
kodak and will ere long rank A. 1
among the amateur photographs
of the Palmetto state.
John D. Hull is quite sick at
the home ot his. father, two miles
from here. He is suffering from a
relapse of the mumps but is getting
a little better.
Our friend, J. B. Dorsey, of
Gainesville, was on a visit to
friends here last week. We are
always pleased to see oui boy
Mcjunkin & Co., have placed a
sign over their drug store door.
It is the handiwork of Frank Wil¬
liams and a neat and substantial
A big deal has abont been com¬
pleted for all of the timber on the
Allen property. .$5,000 is the
price paid. We will tell you all
about it next week. Westminster
is booming.
Little Miss Bertha May Cox, of
Seneca, spent Sunday with her
friend Myrtle Zimmerman, and
was accompanied to her home by
Miss Myrtle, who will remain for
a week.
Mr. Dunnie I. Gaines and his
wife are now in our city. We are
pleased to know that they will lo¬
cate here, and congratulate West¬
minster upon her accession of these
estimable young people.
The registration books of West
minster are now open for the reg-
iitration of voters. They will
close on April 15th. The election
for intendant and wardens will be
held on the fourth Monday in
George W. Davis, from Ander-
son county, has been up on a visit
to friends in the vicinity of West¬
minster. Mr. Davis is quite an
agreeable, up to date young farmer
w ho is alive to the scientific side
of his profession. We have been
Wd that he has persuaded a pretty
young lady to farm with him.
The house of Rev. R. L. Duffiie
three miles from town, was burned
Tuesday. The house was occupied
at the time by Mr. Gaines, Nate of