The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, April 19, 1901, Image 4

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THE RECORD PUBLTSHKD KVKltY FRIDAY BY SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO. incorporated. EJntered al t 1 »e |><»st office as second-class mail matter. A. H MECKLIN, l Editor. R. E. McCRACKEN, | Rates of subscription: ftl.oo per year; 50 cents foi six months and 25 cents for three months. Obituary notices of ten lines or less free; over ten lines 5 cents per line. The. editor is not responsible for sentiments expressed intended for by correspondents. publication Articles must be ac¬ companied by the writer’s name, not nec¬ essarily for publication, but for pro teetion to us. Toccoa is Broad Guaged. A correspondent from the upper end of the county writes suggest¬ ing to the Record that, as there is no prospects of the people of Toc¬ coa having a fair of their own, that this city should take an inter¬ est in the fair that is to be held at Tallulah Falls this summer. Toccoa is not so narrow guaged as to be prejudiced against.any en¬ terprise in which the county should be interested, and we are sure our people here will do their share to¬ wards the Tallulah Falls fair. Any- ujing that will help Tallulah and Clarksviile will help Toccoa, and Toccoa will be found always on the broad guaged track on such propositions. So our up-the-county correspon¬ dent may rest ?asy, assuring him¬ self that Toccoa will do her pait towards the success of the Tallu¬ lah fair. It will not be too lute ut¬ ter that event for Toccoa to have a fair of her own if she should take a notion to. To Improve The Park. The Record is anxious to see the park made a thing of beauty, be¬ cause it then becomes a jov and the Record wants to see plants grow¬ ing in the park, flowers and plenty ol grass and it wants to see the park graded down and made level. There are two feasable ways of doing this. One is for the people to go down into their pockets and by subscrip¬ tion raise the money. The other way is to have the convict labor of the city of Toccoa to do it. Let the negroes who are now being sent to the county seat and who work out their fines for the State be kept here and made to beautify the park. To do this a calaboose is necessary wherein to keep the convicts, A calaboose can be be built for less than $300. The Record thinks that amount can be raised. What say you? The Athens Presbytery. Athens Presbytery met in Gaines¬ ville April 10th, at 8 P. M. and was opened with a sermon, by the retiring moderator, Rev. J. A. Black. Rev. R N. Abraham, was elect¬ ed Moderator. The usual routine business was despatched. Rev. F. D. Thomas and Capt. W.M. Wilcox, of Elberton were elected Commissioners to the Gen¬ eral Assembly. Presbytery endorsed the overture of the Synod, to the General As¬ sembly asking the Assembly to rescind its order to print the fam¬ ous “foot note” in future additions of the Confession. Rev. R. E. Telford was made Chairman of the committee of Home Missions in place of Rev. L. A. Simpson resigned. I ime and place of next meeting Maysvilie Sept. 23. Peaches in this section are not hurt and a good crop is confidently expected. building \ "‘11 where had in Dr. Frank Davis’ I am prepaied to make you up-to-date Photographs, Cravon Por- r.> ts, Pony Pictnr. 1 , Photo Buttons, will in fact any kind of Picture work, also I repair China ware, Vases or any kind of earthen wares that is not broken un too hail. Give me a trial when you ne ui any¬ thing in my line. Ed H. Cobb, Photographer. Tom? ’oa • : : C--»rg'a. Letter to Mr. W. S. Whitmire, Toccoa, Ga. Dear Sir: It takes numerous visits from salesmen to establish a paint agency in a town. Several well-painted sample houses do the business quickly, and theiefore in your town, we intend to spend money in FREE PAINT, rather than on salesmen’s visits. Any house-owner who sends us the measurements of his house, will at once receive tasty color combina¬ tions, and at the same time we will tell him how many gallons of paint we will give him “for nothing. >» Our house was established in * t 57- 5 1 Been making L. & M. Paint 30 Years. Sold Five Million Pounds last year. Ask any Mer¬ cantile Agency or Bank about our Capital and Reputation. L. & M. Paint needs the addition of linseed oil, covers better, and lasts longer than white lead. You will be glad that you investigated. Very truly Longman & Martinez, Paint Makers, 207 Pearl St., New York City. A Stone Polishing Plant. The arrival of Manager Troy of the new granite mines is daily ex¬ pected. The grading of the track progresses well considering the weather, and a portion of the quar¬ ry machinery proper is already here. Manager Troy will at once up¬ on his arrival, begin the erection of several houses for the plant. In connection with the granite mines, we learn that some Atlanta parties are arranging to open up a stone yard in Toccoa, when tomb¬ stones, table tops and building material will be made. Sueh an establishment here will be eminently peop le. Early Closing. Toccoa, Ga., April 17 1901 — Beginning May 1st. we,the under¬ signed merchants, agree to close our place of business at 7 130 p. m. except Saturday nights and pay days, until September 1. C. H. Dance, trustee; Mize & Tabor; Kilgo & Edwards; Geo. P. Erwin, assignee; W. A. Math- eson; Autrey & Simmons; W. C. Edwards & Co.; H J. Busha ; H. M. Payne; T. A. Capps. For Saleor Trade One square piano, price 75; easy payments or will take good milch cow in part payment. Also one new, upright, cabinet (Kim¬ ball make) piano; price $325, worth $390. Easy payments. Also one 4 room house, and lot onJSum- mer Hill, $350, $50 down and balance $50 per year until paid. I have some elegant business lots, vacant, which I will sell, also one 8 room residence, $1,100, and one 6 room cottage, $1,500. I will make terms to suit purchaser if he means business. W. A. Fowler. More Soda Water. The soda water people are get¬ ting ready to do the fizz act with a great deal of style when the long hot hours have set in, and the in¬ ner man seems to feel the need of cooling things. Horn, the grocer, has his new fountain arrayed for the trade, Dr. Mcjunkin’s soda stand is out in new dress, and Ramsay is laying the foundation this week for a big marble soda fountain that he says will take the cake. Each promise extra accommodations for the thirsty ladies, tables, new chairs, etc., and the soda water outlook is very encourageingly indeed. Gentlemen here is to you : Mav your coco cola keep cool and your soda fizz forever, A new line of Fur¬ niture and Baby Car¬ riages just received at Autrey & Sim¬ mons New Furniture store. RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE T0CC0A FALLS LIGHT & POWER CO., RULES AND REGULATIONS Section 1. This Company will erect necessary wires, etc., to ft. a t- to the premises of ft. ft -j 1/ V h JC r & e - c n erect, ft t their rc xp (t lse, the necessary wires j m c3 c/T to re ft dwellings, premises or c c o cur_ rent is cr^ried. Sec. 3. And such private parties shall keep the same in repair, except such damage as may be done thereto by the use of electricity thereon. No changes additions, alterations or extensions to the wiring shall be made except by consent and under the su- pervisioti of the Company. Sec. 4. All appliances, furnished at the expense of the Company, (except by special agreement) shall remain its property. Sec 5. The Companv shall keep in repair and maintain its own appliances; provided, however that if damage is done to its property the consumer shall pay to the Company the value of the property damaged or destroyed, or cost of repairing same. Sec. (j. The consumer is strictly forbidden to in- terfere with the meters and other appliances. In case of defective service, notice ot the fact should be sent to the Company’s office immediately. No allow- ance will be made for failure to use current, on flat or fixed rate, unless defect is reported to the office of the Company. Sec, 7. The Company agrees to use reasonable dil- igence in providing a regular and uninterrupted sup- Ply of current, but in case the supply of current should be interrupted or fail, by accident, State or municipal interference, or any other cause whatso- ever, the Company shall not be liable for such inter¬ ruption or failure. Sec, 8 . Consumers are not permitted to use the current for any purpose or in any place other than is provided for in their agreement, without having first received the written consent of the Company, No contract at annual rates will be made for a term less than one ye?r. Sec. 9. The Company reserves the right to enter upon the premises of the consumers, at all reasonable times, for the purpose of inspecting, repairing or re- moving all appliances in connection with its current and removing its property on termination of its con. tract. Sec. 10. The Company also reserves the right to discontinue its current, Without notice, in case the consumer is in arrears in payment of the Company’s bill or fails to comply with these rules and regula - tions. Sec. 11. In case the Company discontinues its current, for any of these causes, or is, through the fault of the consumer, prevented from supplying the current, according to the provisions of the agree* ment, then there shall forthwith become due and payable to the Company as stipulated damages, and not as a penalty, for each month or fraction of a mouth of the unexpired term of the agreement, the sum of seventy-five cents per month for each sixteen candle power lamp covered by the agreement, or a equivalent to the monthly rental as per agreement. Sec. 12. A minimum charge ot seven and one*lialf ( 734 ) cents per month for each lamp or meter to be paid in any event. THE HOITE GOLD CURE. AN INGENIOUS TREATMENT BY WHICH DRUNKARDS ARE BE¬ ING CURED DAILY IN SPITE OF THEMSELVES. NO NOXIOUS DOSES. NO WEAK- eNING OF THE NERVES A PLEAS¬ ANT g^ND POSITIVE CURE FOR THE LIQUOR HABIT It is now generally known and understood that {Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body tilled with poison, and nerves com¬ pletely shattered bv periodical or constant use of intoxicating liquors requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for intoxicants. Sufferers may now cure themselves at home with¬ out publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful“HOME GOLD CURE” which has been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates. The faithful use according to di¬ rections of this wonderful discov¬ ery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case, no matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transforma¬ tion of thousands of drunkards in¬ to sober, industrious and upright men. Wives cure your husbands’! Children cure your fathers! ! This Sec. 13. No promises, agreements or rerpesentations of any canvasser or representative of the Company sba n be b j a a nless tl ill have been in- corporated 1 c he c c itract i before the same is signed and accepted. Sec. 14. The Company -5 the right to amend, abridge, modify or 2 S- to anv of these rules and regulations, as experience and public interest may require. RATES FOR LIGHTING— Fixed Or Flat Rates. Arc Lamp, 1000 candle power-each per month 36 .t'O Arc Lamp, 2000 candle power,-each per month 10.C ) 1 to 4 10 c. p. incandescent Lamps, per month each .75 5 to 0 10 c. p. incandescent Lamps, per month each .r> 10 to 24 10 c. p. incandescent Lamps, per month eaeh .40 25 to 40 10 c. p. incandescent Lamps, per mouth each 50 to 100 ” incandescent Lamps, per month each Every night, not later than midnight. For all-night service, add 25 per cent, to the above. A discount of 5 percent, wiU be allowed from the* • rates for payment of bills by 10 th of month following use. FOR LIGHTING— Meter Rates. 20 cents per h lowatt hour, with discounts as follows 1 f paid by lOtli of inon*li following use: On monthly bills of 31-00 to o.ix - o pei cent. On monthly bills of 5.00 to 10 . 0 C -10 per cent, On monthly bills of JO.OO to 15.00—15 per cent. On monthly bills of 15.00 to 10.00 —20 per cent. On monthly bills of 20.01 to 25.00 -25 per cent. On monthly bills of 25.00 and upward—33 1-3 per ot FOR POWER— Fixed Or Flat Rates 1 Ceiling Fan Motor, May and Sept ...... per month S4.00 2 Ceiling Fan Motors It ......per month 5.50 3 Ceiling Fan<Moto..> ......per month (>.50 Desk Fans (12 inches) ......per month 2.50 p, en t of Desk Fans, ......per month 1.00 1-2 h. p. Motor from Sept 1 st to June 1st per month 3.00 1 li. p. Motor .. per mouth 6.00 2 h, p. Motor.... .. per month 10.00 3 h. p. Motor.... ..permonth 15.00 5 h. p. Motor.... ..per month 25.00 10 h. p. Motor.... .per month ‘' 0.00 20 li, p. Motor..... .per month 60.00 10 li. p. Motor_____ .per month 75.03 40 li. p. Motor..... .per month 85.00 50 lx. p. Motor..... .per month 93.75 ICO h. p. Motor..... * • .per month 103.06 FOR POWER —Meter Rates. Per kilowa t For less than 50 kilowatts per hour .....0 cents For over 50 and less than 100 k ’ow. per month 7 7-2 cents For over 100 and less than 2001 low, per month 3 f* cents For over 200 and less than 400 iGlow. per month 3 : 3 (* 011 * - For over 400 and less than 500 k ’ow, der month 3 ceiP For over 500 and less than 1,000 kilow, per montb2 3 4 cents For over 1,003 end less than 2,01 > k. w, 2 1-2 cents For over 2,J<~) and less than 4,0 k. w . 17 8 cents For over 4,0 > and less than 6,0( 0 k. w. 11-2 cents For over 6,000 and less t than 8 , 0 CD k. w. 1 1 1 cents For over 8 ,f 0 and less than 10,000 k.w. 1 cent For any other informat ; on not herein given, call upon or address, E. P. Simpson, Prest. remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for + ’>is only, and is so skilfully devised and prepared that it is thourough- ]y soluble and pleasant to the taste, so that it can be given in a cup of tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it. Thousands of drunkards have cur- ed themselves by this priceless remedy, and as many more have be, ; n cured and made temperate men by having the “CURE > - ad- ministered by loving friends and relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of tin ir own free will. Do not wait. Do not be deluded by apparent, and misleading “improvement.” Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The “HOME GOLD CURE’ is sold at the extremely low price of one Dollar, thus placing within reach of everybody treatment more effectual than others costing $25 to $50. Full directions accom¬ pany each package. Special ad¬ vice by skilled physicians when re¬ quested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of one dollar. Ad¬ dress Dept. Edwin B. Giles & Company, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadrlphia. All correspondence strictly con¬ fidential. HAVE YOU FRIENDS? Here Is Vour Chance To Do Them a Favor. As The Record is desirous of inducing strangers to make their homes here, we will mike this proposition:—While the regular price of the paper is $i .00 per year, yet to all of our people who want to send the Record to friends and others outside of the state, we will make the price just half, 50 cents, provided it is paid cash in advance. Hand us the addresses and we will send them the paper regular- iy. Special Bargains. 1200 yards fine cambric Embroider¬ ies Remnants. 5 yd. pieces, at one third less than regula mm • price. Kilgo & Edwards. Exceedingly inclement weather prevented a full attendance at the Woman’s Literary Club Saturday, consequently the program for this meeting will be presented at the next regular meeting.