The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, April 19, 1901, Image 6

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Ob' '>jiV i* M0f< m '■*v‘ A, i * ■^rp. 4S r/S S -’•V m m I a 0^ > f 4 m m ygs a ''iMl A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALL! 3FFFT If you went to buy lion a r « c whelp 1 you would’nt accept a 0 /✓! N kitten substitute, u % SKI c: ;■ as a even if I / the dealer urges you. i ‘ re // V 1 ) ¥ vr A!> a * ./ 1 Now, don’t accept a snbsti- W ^7 f (Q 4U V %s : \ / tute Lion for SfUFFEE. V' / \i n Af / It is bound to turn out i ^ i a com¬ I mon yellow cat, with none of Watch the strength of the lion. our next advertisement. You Want LION COFFEE because it Is LION COFFEE. If, on the other hand, you want a coffee which, in order to hide imperfections, is “highly polished” with eggs and other preparations, then do not buy wg 1*2 s* If LtC OIM OOi^S* were common, ordinary stuff, coffee drinkers would’nt insist on hav¬ ing it. It is . used in millions of homes because it is the best coffee iff the world for the price. L you doubt this, take a single package home and try it. y ™h}ruZ-u° . U ^Aage +*u P *i r 'l n of *i LSQN Ct n COFFEE boy you Will girl will find fail a fully find illustrated and descriptive winch will contribute to their ? happiness, i° wo , man » comiort man > and or convenience, and to which in they the list some article sim P Iy cuttir \g out a certain number of Lion Heads from may have by packages (which the only form which ihe wrappers o our one pound sealed is in this excellent coffee is sold)* WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. A iL g < ■' y ' ij 1 r* ■/- bd £ <?■ vu illlfiiillk mm. g! ns? S-JI WF • 2Sa “ a ^ u ® sa v\j > R Y'JA m A <A vr\ tug ciross represented is or parma violet muslin, finely plaited with appli¬ cation designs of ecru gtiipure. The lapels of the corsage are of the same m ^r- VkL. x v tV dA < ^ A 4 i 1 l A UP 1 MUSLIN EVENING DRESS. guipure, edged with a drapery of pink velvet. The draped waistband is of the same velvet, and the sleeves are of muslin—Paris Herald. Fashions In Millinery. Toques and hats trimmed with feath- ers are more seen now than they were earlier in the season, and there are more hats worn off the face than on, with the brims turning sharply back and covered with feathers or wkh a spray of artificial flowers beneath the brim. One reason why so many more hats are worn off the face now is that the forehead is so much more covered in the new style of hairdressing that the hats off the face are more becom¬ ing. The toques are smart little af¬ fairs. but without exception are very soft. They are made of velvet, of cloth The best blood Purifier. Tlie blood is constantly being purified by the lungs, liver und kidneys. Keep these organs in a healthy condition and the bowels regular and you will have no need ot a blood purifer. For these pur- pose there is nothing equal to Chamberlain‘s Stomach and Liver Tabtects, one dose of them will do you more good than a dol¬ lar bottle of the best blood purifer. Price, 25 cents. Samples free at E. R. Davis & Co’s drug store. or chiffon and silk combined and are either black or some color that accords well with the gown. Light gray felt hats trimmed with ostrich feathers the same color look extremely well with the light gray feather boas that are worn with the black gowns or with dark blue or dark green, for that mat¬ ter. Gray and purple do not look well together, so it is better to use the biacl boa and bat or the purple hat to match the gown and black boa.—Harper’s Ba¬ zar. A Stylish Toilet. Light gray, satin faced cloth is the material selected for creating the styl¬ ish toilet shown in the sketch. The skirt is gathered over the hips and across the back, the front being quite flat and trimmed at either side with two spaced bands of chinchilla fur. The bodice is adorned in front with a _ Twenty Years Proof. Tutt's Liver Pills keep the bow¬ els in natural motion and cleanse :he system of all impurities An absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, con- • tipation and kindred diseases. ‘■Can’t do without them” R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don’t know how I COuld do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured. Tutt’s Liver Pills wme aouDie oox piait, wLucn pouches slightly and has both edges bordered ^4, pig AV ^3 1 :tj« < o.-, % I m I * 11 5 \\ t f I I |! “Re* t» i w h I I . » C- GRAY SATIN FACED CLOTH. with a narrow band of fur. A deep, pointed yoke of white ince trims the front and back, and the bands of fur are arranged down the stretched back to correspond with the tiout. The col- lar band is of lace and the belt of gray cloth. Large epaulets of chinchilla adorn the shoulders, and large, turned up cuffs of the fur finish the sboit up- per sleeves, the undersieeves of cloth being long and untrimmed.—Philadel¬ phia Ledger. Novel and Attractive. The illustration pictures a gown in light tan cloth with tlie long skirt plait- ed over the hips and across the back, the plaits being held in form for the depth of about six inches by lines of gtttemng, Doiow winch the cloth flows out graeefuiljk The bolero is rounded out at the neck both back and front, Si^k m J ,u '|| /> '- u "\ y asSSM .. - a Of Bf j <±?~r • > \1 MADE OF TAN CLOTH. the lower edge reaching to the belt at the back, while in the front it is sloped upward to the bust, where the right front is lengthened Into a strap, which fastens over on the left front with a large metal button, from under which comes a knot of black moire ribbon. A prettily shaped collar of stitched cloth piped with black moire borders the bolero and frames the upper part of the vest of white mousseline de soie, orna¬ mented with white silk frogs. The col¬ lar band matches the v«st, and the belt is of the moire. The long sleeves are stitched at the wrists and adorned with the frogs.—Philadelphia Ledger. The New Hats. The spring hats are all flat as pan¬ cakes and with but little trimming. Flowers are seen everywhere, and they were never so beautiful. Big roses are the popular thing now, red and pink being the favorite shades, but for later wear there are tiny little roses in clus¬ ters, pink chieflj\ These are the genu¬ ine little “button roses,” and they trim tl ese flat hats very sweetly. Foliage Is immensely popular. The velvet leaves are lovely, of course, but the frosty effects are the latest. They come in shaded reds and browns and pur p?es and greens, real autumnal tints, but ever so pretty even now. These an- tumn flowers are a relief from the gay¬ er shades of summer, in itself a recom¬ mendation for the vogue. A Testimonial from old England. “I consider Chamberlain’s Cou¬ gh Remedy the best in the world for bronchitis” says Mr William Savory of Warrington England. “It has saved my wife’s she having been a martyr to bronchitis for over six years bejng most of the time confined to her bed, She is now quite well, Sold by E, JR, Davis Co, silk ribbons were used in the court of Victoria to hold newspaper clippings designed for the royal perusal. She never saw the papers in their original state. They were carefully perused by an official, who cut out what he thought would please her, pinned the clippings oa the ribbons and laid them on her ta- ble. Central America is the tramps’ Mec*- ca. There are many “hoboes” who drift down there and none who come back. In Nicaragua or Costa Rica, for example, all they have to do is to mar¬ ry a native wife and settle down in some little banana or eocoanut grove in the interior to a life of peace and no work. Leading architects desire to have their profession given fb n same stand¬ ing as that of lawyers and doctors. No man can practice law until he has been admitted to the bar or medicine until he has passed a required examination and received a certificate. But anybody can call himself an architect whether is qualified o** not. Oregon has been known as the Web- ^ GO |. g| a ^ e During the rainy season th e precipitation is so constant and heavy that it is humorously said the climate of that state is best appreciated ^ an j ma ] s having webbed feet. It is ca u e( ] the Beaver State, from the former abundance of these animals a jong its wafer courses, An experiment farm is to be started 200 miles from Manila by the United States Philippine commission for the purpose of ascertaining what seeds and plants from this country can be suc¬ cessfully cultivated on the far eastern islands. The University of California will send from its experiment stations the required seeds and nlants y- 1 PILES _ __ a cure guaranteed iT to\» ub, S X XJJJL44J B"K« Suppository p. Man. Thompson, Snpt. Oraded Schools, Statesville, >. ( writt I c i saji they do all you e.alm for them l»r. 8. M. Derore Raven Kock, W. Va., a rites •• They fire unlTersal satis faction. Dr. H. D. Mctail, Clarksburg, rem» write» -In a practice of 25 vaais. I have found -.o rerne-.y >< e jual \ours." Pmies, 50 Ca*TS. Sampl s l ree. Sou* b; Uruggiats. MARTIN RUDY, LANCASTER, 8A Sold in Toccoa, Ga., by E. H. Davis Co.—Call for Free Sample. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. JAMES A’. WEST, TOCCOA , 04. F. C. DAVIS, Physician and Surgeon, ce Doyle street, near Methodist church Toccoa, Ga. . H. P. HANSARD,* -Dentist,- Office: Matheson MdstBldg., Doyle street Toccoa, Ga. Ii. B. SMITH -Dentist,-- Office: Davis Building, Doyle street. Toccoa, Ga MONEY TO LOAN On improved farms at 6 to 7 per cent. Fermor Barrett, = Att.-aMaw., Toccoa, Ga. ^yiLLBANKS HOUSE, Clarkesvilie, Ga. Mrs. C. Deadwylek, - - Proprietress, Special attention given to the traveling public. 4fflF"*Rates reasonable. FERMOR BARRETT, -Lawyer, Toccoa, Ga. JxNO. W. OWEN, -Lawyer,-- Toccoa....... Ga. BERRY GAINES. ---Blacksmith,-- Repairing ialty. of Wagons and Buggies a spec¬ All work Making and Filling of Wheels. guaranteed. Toccoa, Ga. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The firm of McClure & Willbauks has been dissolved bv mutual consent, L. A. Willbauks retiring. J. W. McClure will assume ail obligaions and continue the business. This February 7, 1*1. J . W. McOLURE, ,T22-t4 L A. WILLBANKS R. A. RAMSAY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, a ^\xU, Vvwe. o\ 4 , VvabVe atti ^TomvD\=\ia^Vx\^ compaxvves. * ♦ Your Business Solicited. Your Interests Garefuuy Guarded. Toccoa, Georgia. H. L. LODEN 9 Boot and Shoemaking and Repairing. i’oecoa, V THE Toccoa Barber Shop is now in its new quarters in the iron Building where the publicare invited to call when in need of work. Everything is well arran- ged, neat , comfortable and attr tive. Our shop can always be foundopen, and sober expert work- in e n a re a 1 wa y s in at te n d a nee. CURTIS & CO., Sign Painters and Decorators, Toccoa, . - Gil . 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE •J a vs * Trade Marks FfWv Designs Anyone Copyrights &c. quickly sending a sketch and description ascertain onr opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica¬ tionsstrictly free, eldest confidential. Handbook on Patents sent agency for securing patent?. Patentsi /aken through Munn & Co. receive •pecxaX notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, culation A handsomely of illustrated weeklv. Largest cir¬ any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year; four mouths, |L 8oltl by all newsdealers. MUNN &Co.f New York Branch Office. 025 F SU Washington, D. C.