The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, May 24, 1901, Image 4

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THE RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY SOUTHERN PUBLISHING CO. INCORPORATED. A. H. MECKLIN, j / Editor. II. E. McCRACKEN, North Georgia’s Strawberries. The Record lias seen many straw¬ berry fields, and have sampled strawberries from distant shores, but it rises to cry aloud that there is no strawberry on earth that can touch tlie North Georgia variety. The Record indeed is startled at the size, flavor and elegance of the strawberries being raised right here by JLoccoaians. I hey J are larurer than . , .. the i beriy further r south, and , better every way. There is a fu¬ ture for the business here, and we hope 1 to see such berries raised for the , markets. t . Tt If not _ • we are mis- taken a finer strawberry can he raised right here in northeast Geor- gia than in any other section of the country, where fortunes are made out of the business. A Bad Place. The bridge East Tugalo f on street near I)r. Edge’s residence has been in a bad condition for a long time and should have the attention of (he street committee at once. Only last Saturday night one of our citizens was painfully, if not seriously injured by falling through it. The bridge should be fixed, or a red light placed over it to warn passers that they cross it at their own risk. If something is not done we may wake up some morn¬ ing and find a suit for heavy dam¬ ages entered against the city. Electric Light Kindling The electric light people are hard at work this week laying the pipeline which is to bring the water down the mountains. It w ts expected that light would ap- pear by the first of June, but it will be a few uays laterjthan that probally. Manager Simpson says there is a gaeat deal of work con- nected with adjusting the machin¬ es at the Falls, The wires are all pretty well strung and as soon as the motors are started electric lights will be with us. A New Organ. The Baucis' church has about closed ne-- ti.tiions with Compton, tiie weli known music, de.ilei. fora new make of pipe org.m. known as the Newman organ. This in- strumun! *, Tide not is huge as a pipe orgio and not so costly, gives all the service of a much costlier one, and is n» many respects a su- perior insi ument Mr. Compton L to place the organ in the church in the near future. A new Presbyterian Divine Rev John Simpson left yester¬ day for Royston and Comer. The latter place named will be Mr. Simpsons home for the summer at least. He will have charge of the churches at Comer, Royston, Dainsville and New Hope giving one Sabbath to each. Mr. Simp son is a young man and greatly liked byj Toccoaians. lie has two years yet at }he seminary before he come a full fledged divine. A Broken Rib Mr. J. I. Greene, of the ten cent store met with a painful accident Saturday night while on his way home from the store. He tell throuh the foot bridge on Tugalo street near Dr. Edge's residence, and broke two ribs and otherwise shook himself up so badly that he has been confined to his room since. We trust that his recovery will be both rapid and complete. We Have Moved. Our new stand is in the bank block between Horn’s and Kilgo’s. We have our new drug store nicely nicely fitted up and furnished and will carry in the future, as in the past, an up-to-date stock of pure drugs, patent medicines, sc^ds and holiday goods. We are pie airing to give better serce than ever. E. R. Davis & Co. Kansas is a great farming coun- try, but old Habersham county will hold her own with the world, Some ot the finest upland rice in wdrld is grown within her borders, and the finest and sweetest ribbon cane syrup we ever tasted is made here. A few more such farmers as A. P. Johns and O. Ryals will make the county absolutely inde- pendent. They are thorough f ** r - mere, and thev are not al use. Others lire fallowing their lead. And more the better. LS - ~ V — A Gallon of PURE LINSEED OIL mixed with a gallon of 0 cun makes 2 gallons of the very best Paint in the would SCt/tHA SL&exZh of your paint bill. Is far more durable than Pure White Lead and is absolutely not Poi¬ sonous. Hammar Paint is made of the best of PAINT materials— such as all good ^ painters use, <£°w d 1« 1 ^y j£E T^ 1 V^ K otrouble ^: mix. House any boy Paint. can do it. It is tho common sense of No better paint can be made at ANY coat, and is not to Crack, Blister, Peel or chip. F. HAMMAR PAINT CO., ’ St. Louis, ' Mo. oold 0 ,, and , guaranteed , . by ^ 11 trey 6 i Simmons, Toccoa. ■stab. ’ 1872 . TILLMAN FUNK, Tinning and Plumbing, GAINESVILLE, GA. Tin, Slate ami Gravel Roofing, Skylight and Ventilating Work, Hot Air heat¬ ing and Heavy Iron Work. Work done in a first-class workman-like manner. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Buy Your Life Insurance in Toccoa. What is the use Buying your Life In= surance elsewhere, when you can get better policies in the Penn Mutual 10 to 20 per cent cheaper? -All policies issued by the Penn Mutual are from date of issue, without restric- l ion as to residence, travel, occupation, cause or manner of death. All policies participate in the profits of company, bividends may be used annually or to accumulate, at option of insured. For 1ul1 information call 011 or write C. L. MIZE, Agent, Toccoa, Ha. / ~x La, I , ■/ 'FF'L lip , V- mu. £ IF YOU ARE TIRED AND WORRIED Drop by at Ramsay’s get you a big ice cream for 5 cents. Summer JTarket. Air. Hitt,the butcher,is complet¬ ing quite a large cold storage plant in his shop where in he promises to keep meats all the summer long This is something Toccoa needs and if Air. Hitt will redeem his promise along this line his mar= ket will be appreciated. Are You Gy \ [/ W0RR |tD And hot and tired ? Drop in at Horn’s and get a nice Ice Cream or Pineapple Sher- bert. Childrens Day at Allens Church Childrens day will be observed at Allens * Church Saturday on June 1 st and it is expected that a most enjoyable time will be had. An enteresting program has been prepared and there will he old folks there as weJi as children ; all are wanted and all are asked to fetch along their basket for dinner will be served on tlie grounds, The good people who have this affair on hand never do a tin* g halfway and the Record knows the t-vent will be an enjoyable one. W e w • d y 'O on 1 hu¬ .1 .1 > . - a \ e ?; > ; L L lit i le to eat in it. Stop the Cough and Work off the cold. Luxativo Bromu Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. N Cure, No Pay. Price 23 cent*. THIRD ANNUAL Cornelia Normal Institute. Cor- nelia, Georgia. Program: Sunday, June 2, 11.30.—Annual Ser¬ mon, Rev. J. F. Eden, D. !>., Monroe. Ga. H p. m. —Exercises Institute, T. M. C. A. Monday, June 3, 8 p. m.—Exercises Preparatory Department. Tuesday, June 4, 8 p. m.--Inter-So¬ ciety Contest. A. JC. Booth ana J. T. Grover Literary Societies. Wednesday, June 5, 10.80 a. in.— An¬ nual Address. Pres. E. O. Branson. State Normal School, Athens, Ga. 2 p. m.—Class Exercises, Address by Pres. A. E. Booth. ami aduate in Scientific, Normal mess De- part merits. AH are cordially invited to attend all the exercises- No cure no pay, that is the way Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil in sold for Barbed Wire Cuts, Burns, Scratches, ( r ked Heel, Saddle Galls, Old Sores, and all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. Price 25 cents. E. R. Davis & Co. To Cure a Cold in one Day, Take Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. ‘25c. When there is sunshine in the soul there will be flowers and fruit in the life. nOTHERAND CHILD Let the Mother take Scotts Emulsion of Cod liver oil for the two; it is almost never supeofluous* One can eat for two; but nourishing two is a different thing it implies a degree of interior strength not often found in women of eithea extreme. Luxurious people are not qery strong by habit and over worked people are weok from exhaustion in some of their iunctious. Between the two is the happy medium ; but how many women have plenty of life for two? The emulsion is almost never super¬ fluous. A man is not a champion of truth because he howls at all who differ from him. ITte Btst Prescript!®*! for malaria. Chills, and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tatselkss (Tiili. Tonic, tt is aim jply ir on and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, 110 pay. Price 50c. Mr. T. R. Glenn, of Toccoa, U. S. Marshal, captured on Zum Log Monday morning, Gip Wooten, who was wanted in South Carolina. It appears that some time in August of last year a party of 1 evenue officers were riding along she road in Oconee county, S. C., when they were fired on by Woot¬ en and one of their horses killed. Mr. Wooten took refuge in Geor¬ gia, on Zutn Log, where he was surprised and captured last Mon¬ day morning by Mr. Glenn, who was assisted by Mr.C.V. Mahoney. The prisoner was taken by them to Knox’s Bridge and turned over to the proper authorities in South Carolina. woman’s r.L •••• is hard enough as it is. It is to her rhat we owe our world, and everything skoulu be made as easy as possible for \ her at the time of childbirth. This is just what ^OTHER’S C Friers / IL =^ baby's will do. coming It will make \\7 and painless, and easy that without tak¬ ing dangerous drugs into the sys¬ tem. the muscles It is simply of the to abdomen. be applied'to It penetrates ing through the skin carry¬ It strength and elasticity with it. strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. The mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: “ I have used Mother's Friend and can praise it highly.” Get Mother’s Friend at the Drug Store, $1 per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co., ATLANTA, GA. Write for our free illustrated book, “ Before Baby is Bora.” Sale of Unclaimed Freight 4 Southern Railway Company. Office of Agent, Toccoa, Ga., May 24th 1901. By direction of the Freight Claim Agent, I will sell at public auction on Thursday June 27th, 1901, at the Sou- them Railway Depot, in the city of foccoa, Ha., for tieight and other charges, the following unclaimed and articles of freight, also a large quantity of unlocated freight of various kinds. Sale will commence promptly at 9 o’clock a. m. Terms cash. J. G. Nelms, Agent. No 1 On Monroe Clements .Towns Ga ........ 1 Washing Machine ... ............1 box drills No 2 Benton B .... ......1 boxen tel No 3 II B McQueen .... ... Hazelhurst Ga ...... ry No 4 J H McGinty .Atlanta Ga ..... 1 cast tray ... shoveljl No 5 MS Moore K ......1 pc screen No 6 J T Wells 4 t ......1 lot h h goods No 7 Clarke Hdw Co 4 i ......1 ert ax handles No 8 V E Huff i t ......1 bx meat cans No 9 Mrs G A Garmon ic ......2 bx li h goods No 10 R O Medlock Norcross Ga 5 lulls s trees 45 plow points No 11 On II J Villipigue Grifiin Ga ......1 kg cider 1 bx gl sses No 12 Win R Handlulin ......1 bbl kraut No 13 N D Smith Brunswick Ga ......1 bx hdw No 14 S M Roberts it ......1 book case No 15 Harrison & Simmons Zebulon Ga ......2 cs w powders No 16 On Jennett Howard Sandersville Ga ......1 s machine .... No 17 On M Bivins .Cox Ga.... 1 k^ syrup 1 bx sugar 1 bx crackers ... No 18 On A Jvindie .... Woolsey Ga ......1 s machine No 19 Holt Bro .... Samlersville Ga ......1 bx drugs .. No 20 On MS Rogers .... ..... 1 ort s machine No 21 On Brooks & Tabor ... .Royston Ga ......2 s rice No 22 Bowen bros .... ... Gainesville Ga ......1 keg cider No 23 c D carr & co .... ... .Augusta Ga .... 3 cs toys 3 cs p caps No 24 On E Van Winkle & co .Atlanta Ga ......1 bbl compound ... No 25 Dr J R Hall ... .Martins Ga ..... 1 kg salts No 26 Mamie E Phillips Cl ......1 bx e ware .... No 27 Broom & Son .... i i ......! bx drugs No 28 Halls Kinnon .... ... .Roswell Ga (O’Dell) ......1 pc cs tg ertd No 29 E J Broad well .... it ......1 lull irons 11 irons No 30 J M Brooks & Son .... ... .Molena Ga .1 show case bxd l table No 31 W K Wescott .... ... .Graham Ga ......1 pa wall paper No 32 OP Bennett & Bro.... .... Buford Ga ..... 4 cs shells No 33 On Herrington .... ... Graham Ga . .1 bx cstgs 1 roll w fence 1 bdl pipe i ert fence post 1 w 111 gate No 34 T B Bradshaw .... .... Atlanta Ga ......1 bx d goods No 35 Dr W A Jenkins 4 4 ..... 1 ert maps .... No 36 J H Henderson & co Cornelia Ga ......1 bbl candy No 37 Will Hughes Braswell Ga ......1 lot. li b goods No 38 Fred Morton supply co Athens Ga ......1 bdi candlesticks No 39 M H Patterson .... t 4 s ......1 bbl m water No 40 Mattie Duke .... Dalton Ga ......1 old trunk No 41 Manly Mach co i 4 ......I ert. iron pulleys No 42 H H Fonda .... ... .Atlanta Ga 1 ert castings 1 bbl f brick 1 bx cstgs 1 bdl s pipe No 43 H E Murry ... .Macon Ga ..... 1 brl paper No 44 Dr W II M(’Master ... .Maysvllie Ga ..... 1 bx paint No 45 A P Urquhart .. .cochran Ga 1 show case 1 bx glass 1 p e duster No 46 On c B Griffin .... I . .....2 bx Royal scrolls No 47 On c B Grifiin .... 4 I .....2 bx Roysil scrolls No 48 Walter B McCarthy ... II ......1 chair 1 trap No 49 On D J Gray .... «l ......1 sew macb No 50 D O Wynne .... it ......5 cs snuff No 51 James M G Wav man 4 C ......5 cs snuff No 52 PA Hay Macon Ga ...... .4 pa signs 1 box No 53 Agent ti 1 .... ..... No 54 Merritt Hdw 00 .... Macon Ga ......1 stone No 55 W M Becker .... • 4 ..... 1 kettie 2 pans atfcd No 56 J c Valentino agt .... tt ..... 1 desk ertd No 57 c P Lively .... ... .chamblee.Ga ......3 p e marble No 58 Mrs McBee .... .... Aragon Ga ......1 lot h h goods No 59 On W Reiney .... .... Avera Ga ..... 1 ert. sew macb No 60 On Mary Bray .... ... .Martins oa (carnesville Ga) ......1 sew macb No 61 On Robt F Perkins .... Royston Ga lsew much No 62 Supt B F Pickett ... Tal lapoosa Ga 1 bx crayon No 63 A B Bush .... .....1 fbed No 64 W B Hemphill . Helena oa ..... 1 cs sheeting 1 cs notions No 65 On N A Freeny .... Yatesvi lie Ga ......1 bx marble No 66 c R Pringle Samlersville oa 1 show case 1 bx glass 1 p <• ral No 67 On Summerlin Bros t « .....1 bx whips No 68 On W E Hay good 4 t 1 cigars . .. os No 69 On CM Ilellett .... Luella oa 1 bx grapophone 1 tin born No 70 On c M Hellett 4 t ... 1 stove No 71 JM Mcconnell Hoodenpyle .... . Brunswick oa ......1 i>ag h boxes No 72 J R .... Rome aa ......1 spring cot No 73 R & M t t ......2 No 74 chas Stoopser 4 4 bx pag 1 ers .... ,1 clothing No 75 chatta gas It co 4 4 ......1 bbl Bass .... tar No 76 J L .... 5 bx r glass No 77 LS Ingraham 4 4 .1 bdl 2 chairs 1 board .... . s No 78 M M Hutson 4 4 3 drugs .... ..... cs No 79 Whittier Mills .... ... .Chattahoochee oa ... . 12 RJs roof paper No 80 J A Pitt ... .Atlanta oa ..... 1 cs wire No 81 Mrs A Pearson 4 4 ......1 bx clo .... No 82 Southern grain co . 4 ......1 sk .... 4 4 oats No 83 Oklahoma Vinegar co ......2 bbls cider No 84 * 4 2 bbl vinegar 1 bx No 85 4 4 4 ( ......2 1-2 bbl g ware No 86 it 4 4 ......2 kegs phosphate phosphate bx 1 glass No 87 Paul Barnett 4 4 .3 bxs 1 shades ... No 88 J B Daniel 4 4 ......2 bxs drugs .... No 89 W H Dickson 4 4 ......1 bx hdw .... No 90 T M Edwards 4 t ......1 bid g ware No 91 c L Green tt ......1 bid bed ... 14 c sprgs No 92 Gste city m s co 4 4 ......1 bdl wire sprgs No 93 Ellen Horton ..... 1 lot h h goods No 94 L A Holly 4 t ......1 ert jug 4 c \v are No 95 L A Holly 4 .....1 ert jug c ware no 96 L A Holly 4 4 ......1 ert No 9f Huston Biscuit 4 { e ware co ......1 bx crax cans No 98 A V Logan tc 1 l>d 1 No 99 A C Wooley i 4 .... 20 bag s pipe 100 Mess Warten & Hays ..... feed no 1 bx books Walker ..... no 101 Sam ......1 bdl moulding no 102 R M Tearl .1 bbl g salt 1 bbl sai soda 1-2 bbl 103 J Mi 11 4 t soap stock no g sop ......1 bx books no 104 F g Powers 4 4 .1 derrick 1 derrick frame der¬ .. 2 S D Zaehams rick handles no 105 1 bx samples ..... no 106 P Sansane 4 t 107 Narl Comp scale Co .. . :’»coil no 1 bx scales Clarke Hdw Co t ..... no 108 fc bx 4 ......4 scythes no 109 • ......15 bx scythes no 110 4 t tt 111 (4 4 4 ..... 1 bx axes no 2 rls roofing 4 ..... no 112 « t 4 113 4 4 ......1 anvil no • • :;8 P k 8 P point • • • no 114 i 4 .2 bu plow L W Coa*es Toccoa ..... z no 115 .... «a ......1 c c r. FULL CREAM CHEESE, Uneeda Biscuits, U nee- da Wafers, Water ground Meal, tine Teas and Cof¬ fees, all kinds Garden Seed, tine Salt Meats, Best grade Hams, Fresh Candies. Fine line of Spring Pants, Shoes and Dry Goods at first cost. Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Florida vegetables, Heinz’s can- ned Goods and bulk Pickles. Fish every Saturday. GIVE ME A TRIAL ORDER. I mean fair dealing to every customer. W. T. BOWLING. Goods Delivered Free. Phone No. n. t STAR LIVERY STA ES, M- , .If 1 Noah L. Garland, Hfc dsl Successor to housed & tlarland, Pro| letor. 1 Fashionable Turnouts, I | Experienced Drivers, 11 # Courteous Treltment. —^~ " iiw- "C < * 5r liorses and Mules Buggies and Harness Jcpt for Sale. Agent ^First-Class Line 01 Plows and Harrows.