The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, May 24, 1901, Image 8

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PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR, JAMES N. WEST, TOCCOA, • * C. F. C. DAVIS. Physician ami Surgeon, ce Doyle street, near Methodist church Toccoa, Ca. H. P. HANSARD, -Dentist,- Office: Matheson Mdse. Bldg., Doyle street Toccoa Ga. R. B. SMITH, -Dentist,- Office: Davis Building, Doyle street. Toccoa, Ga. FERMOR BARRETT, -Lawyer,- Toccoa, Ga. I JNO. W. OWEN, -Lawyer, Toccoa, Ga. MONEY TO LOAN On improved farms at 6 to 7 per cent. Fermor Barrett, - Att.-at=Law,, Toccoa, Ga. yyiLLBANKS HOUSE, Clarkesville, Ga. Mrs. C. Dbadwyler, - - Proprietress, Special attention given to the traveling public. pl^-Rates reasonable. SIPPIX VA » DIRECT LINE TO THIS West, Northwest and Pacific Goast. THROUGH PULLMAN BLEEPING CARS DAILY ATLANTA to ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO. Via Dixie Flyer Route. Ror rates and information address FRED D. MILLER, Tray. Pass. Aft., No. 1 Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga R. A. RAMSAY, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, a ^vtW. Vvcie 0^ o\A, te- \\a\As &t\A \>Tom\»\.-\>a^vvv$ cowvpaiues. Your Business Solicited. Your Interests Carefully ' Guarded. Toccoa, Georgia. 4 The Richmond Locomotive \\ orks of Richmond, Va., recently shipped 12 ten-wheeled passenger locomotives to the Finland State Railways, Helsingfors, Finland. These locomotives are duplicates ot ten engines built by the Rich¬ mond works for the Finland State Ralways last year, and is the third order received from the same source. ou Know What You are talcing When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly pnut- M* d on everv bottle showing that it is simply on and Quinine in a tasteless form. No re, No Pay. flOo. Rain! Rain! Rain! Since last Friday we have had rain iu abun- it is expected in me near rurure or¬ anges will be grown in Washington as palatable as those of Florida. The trees are now bearing, but the fruit will not be ripe until fall, so the real flavor can¬ ■ not be determined. The experiment has been carried on by H. J. Weber, an ex¬ pert In plant breeding, who obtained hybrid from 12 of the hardiest oranges known in the world, and the prospects are promising. A solid silver cross was recently re¬ ceived In Montreal from Michael Clt Coi, an Indian, who had found it while digging in the Lake Lemargarningue district. A Jesuit has recognized the cross, which has two bars, as one of the 50 silver crosses presented to the Huron Indians in the early part of the sixteenth century to bribe them to fight for France against the Iroquois Indians, who were then friendly to England. _ The Usual Way. Ethel—1 think that vase is awful fcomely, don’t you? Maud—Yes. I have dropped It on the floor three times, but it won’t break.—Somerville Journal. He Knew From Experience. Miss Wilkins—Ah, what a change one little woman can make in a man’s life! Mr. Smithers—Exactly! And what a heap of change she requires while do¬ ing it!—Stray Stories. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F J. Chkvnby & Co., Props., Toledo,O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Ckeyney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations & made by their firm, W»»t Tkaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldjng, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot¬ tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials Hall’s Family Pills are the best. H. C. OWENS, -DEALER IN- Confections, Fancy Groceries, Cigars and Tobacco. Fresh bread and cakes daily. TOCCOA, GA. B. JARRETT & SON, Work. Blacksmitbing Horse Shoeing and General Repair in first-class style by Quillian Jarrett. Toccoa, Ga. J. H. JOHNSON, TAILOR SHOP, Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing and Altering. All work first-class. Toccoa, Ga. SAH LEWIS, SHOEMAKER. Repairing a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed. Shop in Capps’ Basement. Toccoa, Georgia. BARGAIN GROCERY, J. W. Anderson, PJeprletor, Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Soda Water, Lemonade, Fruit. First-class Restaurant in connection. Toccoa,............................... R. E. JONES, Dealer in Groceries, Cigars and Soda Water. Ice at all times. Doyle Street, Toccoa, Ga. THE Toccoa Barber Shop is now in its new quarters in the ► Iren Building where the public are invited to call when in need of work. Everything is well arran- ged, neat , comfortable and attrac¬ tive. Our shop can always be found open, and sober expert work¬ men are always in attendance. H. L. LODEN, Boot and Shoemaking and Repairing. Toccoa, Ga. CURTIS & CO.. Toccoa,...................... Sign Painters and Decorators, Ga. JACK TILLEY, Shoes repaired in the best and most workmanlike manner. Toccoa, Ga. You will find me in Dr. Frank Davis’ building where I am prepared to make you up-to-date Photographs, Crayon Por¬ traits, Pony Pictures, Photo Buttons, in fact any kind of Picture work, also I will repair China ware, Vases or any kind of earthen wares that is not broken up too bad. Give me a trial when you need any¬ thing in *iy line. Photographer. Ed H. Cobb, Tocooa : : : Georgia How’s Y our Horse? If he’s unshod, he's not well. Call at my place, and have him cared for. Bring your wagon too. I’ll fix that cheap BERRY GAINES. ESTANOLLE. 1 The drouth was broken Sunday by a very heavy rain. The stand of cotton and corn Is very imperfect in this section, but wheat is very promising. Mr. T. L. Hays and family, of Toccoa, spent Saturday and Sun¬ day with relatives and friends here. An all day singing is annunced for Estanallee on the 5th Sunday in June. Profs. Vaughn and Locke are expected to be on hand, every body come with well filled baskets. Miss Estelle Hays, who has been sick quite awhile, was able to at tend church Sunday. Mr. E. H. Coe went to Royston Sunday. Rev. W. W. Stow preached at Mr. Keslers Sunday afternoon for benefit of the old people who were not able to attend church. The whopping cough has been raging in this section for some time but has about subsided. Mrs. J. C. Mosely is very sick at this writing, but we hope not serious and that she will soon re¬ cover. Squire D. S. Hays made a busi¬ ness trip up near the Currahee Fri¬ day. L. H. Coe has lately moved into his new store house and the post office is located in the same build- ing. Old Soldiers Experience. M. M, Austin, a civil war veteran of Winchester Iud., writes: “Mv wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor’s treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King’s Mew Life Pills, which worked won¬ ders for her health” They always do, Try them, Only 25e at E. R, Davis & Co, drug sto-ie Thomas Sidney Cooper is the oldest painter actively engaged in the pursuit of his art, He is 98 years old and as early as 1820 was making a living as a theatrica scene painter. Since then he has exhibi¬ ted 230 pictures at the English Royal Academy. Knigbtsvilie, Ind., April 22nd, 1898. Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticello, Ill. Gentlemen:—I have been selling Dr. Caldwell’s Pepsin Syrup ever since it was first introduced to the trade. It is the best seller I ever had on my shelves and gives the best satisfaction to my customers of anything I ever offered them. Where I sell it once they invariably return for more. As a laxative or as a physic it is par excellence, the most pleasant and satis¬ factory preparation I have ever sold. Yours, otc., G. H. Came, Sold by all druggisis. Royston Locals. Mrs. Jans Turner is at Carnes- vilie attending the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Neal Little, who is quite sick. Mrs. Bates and Mrs. Strange- have returned to their home in Har¬ mony Grove, after spending a few days with their father, Mr. G. W Gordon. Miss Nela Agtiew, of Oakdale, was in town shopping last week. Messrs D. A. Baker and W. D. Bovvers went to Harmony Grove last week on business. Rev. Joe Mundav’s lecture at the jhull last Tuesday night was well attended and very enjoyable. Misses Ossie Burruss and Lillian Manley,two of Carnesville’s charm ing young ladies, were in Royston last week shopping. The Royston High School clos¬ ed last Friday, Prof. Cobb and his assistants have acbeived won¬ derful success this year, they have won the esteem and love of patrons and pupils. Every effort will be made to secure the services of Prof, Cobb for next year. Mr. Lei and Little,of Curnesville, was iu town last Thursday. Dr. John McCrary has returned from New York, where he has been taking a special course in medicine for a few weeks. Hyacinth. We would like to have a cores- nondent at everv post office in t| ie (h univ. Com to urn cal 10 ns must 1 cac*► us not laid than Tuesday. A tramp stole a bottle of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. When he appeared in court lie explained that he saw in the advertise¬ ment that it was “easy to take,” so he took it. “Discharged,” said the judge. “I will go and take some some myself.” It is easy to take and is a perfect laxative. Sold by all druggists. Court Proceedings. The State vs. Bud Gables: Tres¬ pass Demand. Bates, Kingsbery & Co. vs, w. P. Brown and W. P. King : Suit on note, verdict and judgment for plaintiff. The State vs. Alex Wilson : As¬ sault and battery. Plea of guilty. $50 or 12 months. The State vs. J. P. McClain: Assault and batte,y. Verdict, not guilty. The State vs. Thomas G.Roberts Cheating and swindling. Verdict not guilty. The State vs. Henry Eallen : Misdemeanor. Verdict, guilty. $25 or 12 months. The State vs. Will Mills: Car¬ rying pistol. Verdict, guilty. $50 or 12 months. The State vs. Earnest Parks : Misdemeanor. Plea of guilty. $25 or 12 months. The State vs. J. M, Loudermilk : Retailing. Verdict not guilty. The State vs. M. F. Taylor : As¬ sault and battery. Verdict, not guilty. American Book Co. vs. A. E. Booth : Suit on account, Judg¬ ment for costs. E. P, Simpson & Co. vs. WAV, Loudermilk and F. M. : Suit on nate. Judgment. J. G. Nelms vs. W.C. Edwards : Suit on note. Judgment. The State vs. Frank Hollifield : Riot. Verdict of guilty. $25 or 6 months. The State vs, James jKnight : Riot. Verdict of guilty. $10 or 6 months. Beware of a Cough, A Cough is not a disease hut a symptoms Consumption and bronchitis, which are the most dangerous and fatal diseases have for their first indication a persistent cough and if properly treated as soon aq this cough appears are easily cured. Chamber¬ lain’s Cough Remedy has 'proven wonders fully successful, and gained its wide rejfir. tation and extensive sale by its success in curing the diseases which cause coughing. If it is not beneficial it will not cost you a cent. For sale by E. R. Davis & Co. The following is the first fish story of the season appears in an Exchange and will do till more are cooked. A gentleman near Dur¬ ango, owns a bird dog which is es¬ pecially good in fetching things out of the water. In order to show a friend what the dog could do, he threw a fifty cent piece into the water and told the dog to fetch it. The dog dived and brought back a two pound cat fish and 35 cents in change. A Cashier Testifies. Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticello, Ill. Gentlemen:—After twenty years of aches and pains caused by constipation brought on by sedentary habits, I have found more relief in two bottles of Dr. Caldwell’.** Sy¬ rup Pepsin than all of the hundreds of oth¬ er remedies I have tried, I take pleasure in giving you this testimony, believing you have the finest preparation made for stomach troubles. Very truly yours D. F. Lange, Cashier Wabash R. R., East St. Louis. Sold by all druggists. The next Democratic state con¬ vention in Virginia will, perhaps beat the state’s record in the mat¬ ter of membership, as it will be composed of about 1,440 delegates, The basis of representation is one delegate for every hundred votes cast for Bryan at the election last year. It Saved his Leg. P. A. Danfortli, of LaGrange Ga., suffer¬ ed fer six months with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days For ulcers, wounds piles, it’s the best salve in the world. Cure gmuanteed, Only 25c. Sold by E. R, Davis & Co. Occasionally a man wants his pa- per stopped, but fails to remit the amount due us. Fay that and we’ll stop u . . you desire. Don't take the paper a year, then say you don’t want it. That’s not rignt. CLARKESVILLE Mr. Joe Morrison, of Soque was in the city Monday. Mr. John Martin, of Xacoochee was in the city last week. Mrs. S. L. Fuller, who has been quite sick for sometime is* 'able to be up again. Also her little daugh¬ ter, Mary, has been quite sick bqj. is better. * .. * Mr. J. H. Hix has been very sick the past few’ days, but i.' - able to be out on the streets again. The new Methodist church, is al¬ most completed now and services will very likely be held there next Sunda >- Colonel Edwards went to Bates- ville on business last Saturday. A franchise has been granted by Judge Franklin to Mr. J. N. Oliver, of Ganesville, to erect a long distance telephone line along the public roads in the county. Work will soon begin. Mr. Pope Erwin while mounting his horse last Wednesday was thrown and received a severe cut on the head. Mr. p. P. Erwin attended the annual convention of the Georgia Local Underwriter’s Association iri Atlanta last week. Mr. M.C. Wilcox of the M . Airy Protec ion ist. visited Judge Sutton last week. Mrs. Clinch has returned again to occupy her summer home near here. Mr. Hayward and family, came with her. A Superb Grip Cure. Johnson’s Tonic is a superb Grip cure. Drives out every trace of Grip Poison from the system. Does it quick. Within an hour it enters the blood and begins to neu tralize the effects of the poison. Within a day it places a Grip vic¬ tim beyond the point of danger. Within a week, ruddy cheeks at¬ test return of perfect health. Price, 50 cents if it cures. Ask for Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic. Take nothing else. Montezuma, eldest son of the fa¬ mous Sioux chief, Silting Bull, is a prosperous bootblack in Philodel- phia 11 is wife i> Winonali, also a full-blooded Sioux, and the pair are known in the Quaker city as Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker. The hus¬ band is a graduate of the Indian School at Charlise, Pa. He has saved considerable money and own's a pretty home. All Eyes on Texas. Great is Texas Her vast cotton crops and marvelous oil 'discoveries amaze, the * world Now follows the startling statr.u-ut of the wonberful work at Cisco, Tex, of Dr King’s New Discovery for consumdtion “Dy wife contracted a severe lung troaole’ writes Editor J J Eager, “which caused a most obstinate cough and finally resulted in profuse hemorrhages, hut she has l»een completely cured by Dr King’s New Dis¬ covery,” Its positively guaranteed for coughs, colds ane all tfiroat and lung trou- dles. 50c and SI Perfect satisfaction guaranteed by E. 11. Davis & Co. Summer boarders ard sending in their applications for rooms and as usual our town will be full and more accoumodations wanted than can be supplied. SHERIFF SALES FOR Jim GEORGIA, Habersham County, * Will he sold before the court bouse door at Clarkesville, Habersham County, Ga., between the June, legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in 1901, the following de¬ scribed property, to-wit: One certain tract of land in the 440th dis¬ trict, G. M. of said county, Ga. Levied - m and to be sold as the property of Ben Field for his state and county taxes for the v«*ar 1900, by to K. satisfy McMillion, a tax fifa T. issued against‘him W. c. Also at the same time and place. Part of land in the 18th district. Levied upon as the property of Win. Baker to satify a tax fifa issued against him by W. II. McMil¬ lion for state and county taxes for the year Also at the same time, and place one lot iu Toccoa city in the 440tli district G. M, said county block seven (7) lot four. (4) ac¬ cording to the plan of said city 102 feet back with a three room bouse. Levied on as the property of Mrs. E L Cawtliou for state and county taxes for the year 1900 to satisfy a tax fifa issued against her by W II Mc¬ Million ; T 0 Also, at the same time and place part of lot of land No. 145,in the 10th land district of said county. Levied on as the property of J. A. Landers deceased , to satisfy a fi¬ fa issued from the Justice court of the 752d district,G. M. in favor of A. W. Berry against Mrs. L. Landers, administratrix <4 .1 . A . Larders deceased . T. J . GASTLEY, SL aiff.