The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, July 12, 1901, Image 6

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4 a JCD HAN §33? ID “To wear” Tli« finest suspender on earth. Harris patent. See them 25c. 35c. & 59 c. Kilgo & Edwards. II \ opics. Mr. Frank Greene was in the city Sunday. John Mosley made a business trip to Atlanta Monday. Rev. C. R. Nesbit of Kirkwood Ga. was in town last week. Maurie and Ralph Conally vis¬ ited friends and realitives in town •Sunday. Miss Pearl Brown, from Carnes- ville, visited Miss Willie Mabry last week. Rev. Harrell returned late last week from Hartwell, where he held a very successful meeting. Why not buy your meat at Hitt’s and run no risk of getting spoilt meat and the sickness that may follow. We keep our meat in a refrigera¬ tor where there is no possible dan¬ ger of its becoming tainted, others have no refrigerator. R. J. W. Hitt & Co. Mrs. C. E. Mason of Gastonia, N. C., is in the city with her par¬ ents, having come down to attend the funeral of her grand mother, Mrs. Capps. jt'H not providentially hindered, Uncle Billy Bowers will preach at Toccoa, Ga., on the second Lords day, July 14th, 1901 at Brother Whitmire’s Chapel, 11 o’clock a. m, sun time. Call and see our immense line of hankerchief extracts and Tappans Floral Gems. We are overloaded and are closing them out at half price all odors, STAR LIVERY STABLES, Jjjggggfo Noah L. Garland, :7 Successor to hogsed & Garland, Proprietor t Fashionable Turnouts, Experienced Drivers, Courteous Treatment. Horses and Mules Buggies and Harness Kept for Sale. Agent for First-Class Line of Plows and Harrows. J. ft. BUSftA, $Ucbii)WY» ■ ^bit)g;l«s,. ai?d j$bif)§ 1 e Mills. Repairing a Specialty. Toccoa. FULL CREAM CHEESE, Uneeda Biscuits, Unee- da Wafers, Water ground Meal, tine Teas and Cot- fees, all kinds Garden Seed, tine Salt Meats, Best grade Hams, Fresh Candies. Fine line of Spring Pants, Shoes and Dry Goods at tirst cost. Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Florida vegetables, Heinz’s can¬ ned Goods and bulk Pickles. Fish every Saturday. GIVE ME A TRIAL ORDER. I mean fair dealing to every customer. W. T. BOWLING. Goods Delivered Free. Rhone No. 41. Huy your ice these hot days from Hitts. Mrs. 'J\ W. Rogers, of Dah- lonega. is visiting her parents Rev. and Mrs W. W. Brinsfield. We keep Flies away from our meat, others do not. R. J.W . Hitt & Co. Haddock Inn tsfilling up rapidly. The spray at the beautiful tails cools things off, and people like the spray. Messrs.Charles Green of Boston, Mass, and Harry Green of Savan¬ nah are the guests of their parents in town. Just telephone Hitt for your meat and you will get it just as cheap as it is possible for him to sell it. Phone 56. The base ball park is now on a fair way lo completion, and the Toccoa team will at once get in readiness to whip anything that comes along. Every cash purchase at Mcjunk- in’s carries with it a trading stamp. These stamps are worth money to you. Mcjunkin & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wright have decided to move on the first of September to Oxford, Ga., where Mr. Wiight will be able to reach Atlanta easier than from Toccoa, Atlanta being his principal point of business. £ aby, Mr. of II. Savannah, H. Greene, Ga.. wife were met and by Mr. Charles E. Greene of the Boston Record Boston, Mass., yes¬ terday at the home of tlieij father Mr. J. I. Creene in Toccoa, where they will enjoy a pleasant sojourn of two weeks. Before returning to his respective homes the party will visit the Vale of Nacoochee with its ome cladhills, silvery lakes and fertile valleys, and upon retur¬ ning here, they will visit the cas¬ cade of Toccoa. This beautibul fall is on a stream of the same name. In perpendicular heighth it surpasses anything to be found even at Niagara, and Toccoa Falls forms a beautiful link in the Scen¬ ery ot Northeast Georgia. Auction. I will sell at Public auction on Saturday, July 13th, at B. P. Brown’s warehouse, the remnants of the stock of Vickery Bros., con¬ sisting of various small merchndise and fixtures. Sale will commence at 3 o’clock p. m. C. II. Dance, Trustee. Miss Belle Watson is on a visit to friends in Buford, Ga. Miss Laura Ramsay, of Tugalo, is visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. Rev. Robert McClure, ot near Clarkesville, is visiting her son, Mr. John W. McClure. Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Gale have returned from Brunswick, Ga., where they have been spending a month. Miss Kathleen O’Rear, after a delightful visit with Miss Annie Kennedy, has returned to her home in Rome, Ga. Mr. E. E. Mitchell and daughter left Thursday for Asheville, N. C., where they will spend the summer for their health. After a visit of several weeks, Mrs. Rhoder, who has been the guest of Dr. Mcjunkin, left today for her old home in Wekes county. Ice Cream this afternoon; Pineapple Sherbet Saturday afternoon at Mcjunkin & Co Drug store. A jolly crowd of young people visited the home of Rev. Cooper, at Avalon, last Tuesday evening, and spent a few hours very pleas¬ antly. Spence Mcjunkin, Mert Lawson and Gus Cooper, left last night for Ft. Reno, Oklahoma, where they go to take their chance at the big government drawing for lots. The trustees of the Methodist church have arranged to use electric lights in lighting their church. The lights will be ready by Tuesday evening when the district confer¬ ence convenes. Mr. W. A. Fowler left Tuesday for Athens, to attend the State Press association as representative ot the Record. He will accom¬ pany the association to Buffalo. Now is the time to have your eyes care¬ fully tested and glass¬ es properly fitted at McJunkin & Co Drug store. Death of firs. Capps. ^ Mrs. Eliza Capps died at her home in this city Sunday morning at 7 o’clock, after a short illness. Mrs. Capps was in her 81st year, having been born June 20, 1820. She was converted in 1836 and for more than 65 years had been a con¬ sistent, faithful member of the Methodist church. The funeral occurred Monday morning at 9 130 o’clock from the Methodist church, being conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. W. Buns- field. The interment was at the city cemetery. Mrs. Capps was the mother of our fellow-townsman, Mr. T. A. Capps, and leaves besides him, two daughters to mourn her 1oj»s. To the surviving relatives we extend our sympathy. Fowler Feeds No More. / Fowler the hotel man is no long¬ er a hotel man. He sold out the Edward House lease last week to two ladies, of Greenville, S. C. Mesdames Little and Mosley, who will look after that holsterv’s destinies in the future, These ladies are learned in their profession and the Edwards house of the future, we surmise, will su.-t.uu its past reputation of being the home of good things to eat and «*tle»‘ comforts. A goodly number < f people now rest beneath its hospit¬ able roof, and others are coming. Cartiesville, G.i , July 9. — Dr. L. K. Burruss of this pla^t* died this morning at 2 ah: lock, lie was a prominent physician aad school commissioner of tins coum v for several years. He was stricken with paralysis several months, ago He partially rallied, but never fully recovered. He was about fifty three years of age. He leaves a widow and four children. * 5 \ie SVvvxVMDmL These show a diagonal direction of the fabric from the shoulders to the lower front. This effect is secured without cutting the fabric bias. Our lady.patrons can see pictures of these styles in our 'Paper TaWerw T)ef\>ar\mew\ AS THE T)e\uvea\or, Just received, contains several illustration ot this newest effect. Another style of shirt waist is that called the “ Svecvatv 'Po\xc\v," In which the front is very long, and by being caught up in the belt produces t he pouch effect. T}otv\ \o see o\xt Vax^e assot\«vetv\ *5axvc^ £>oo&s. You can see the Delineator at our store. KILGO & EDWARDS, Toccoa, Georgia. Bring Us Your Produce, Chickens, Butter and Eggs. THE TEN GENT STORE f\oi % id'etne hut a Treatment. \ 1 \ ? / Hti'- buy Ramon’s Liver Pills - VV 1 & V TO PELLETS you do not buy a med- f i inc bu »mplete Treatment for Bilious- 1/ 1 i 1 res* G lion and Headaches. It is two * r jst Ct es, but sold for one price—25c. The Pi! •; immediate relief; the Pellets on up .rvous system and invigorate. FOR SALE BY E. R. DAVIS & CO. Three times the value v of any other urn ,pastime? One=third easier F MS/ 7 /NEWH00K / THE1 One-third faster r \ J f SIMPLEST V%M T 1 Tin* only sewing machine that NsNoiriO] dues not fail in any point. Ro¬ m make tary motion and ball bearings it the lightest miming machine in t lie world. Send for THE circulars and terms. if NA61C ’ WUENT WHEELER & WILSON MFG. CO. Atlanta. Ga.