The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, July 11, 1902, Image 1

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Subscription $1 Per Year. Vol. XXIX. Current Comment. The Norfolk (Va.) Landmark (Dem.) says : “And now the Geor gia Democrats have abandoned Bryanism. Good!” The Charleston (S. C.) Post (Dem.) says: “Even the Georgia Democracy refused to endorse the Kansas City platform or to boost Billy Bryan. If the South takes this line then indeed is the cause of the Nebraskan lost. »j The Nashville (Tenn.) Amer¬ ican (Dem.) says: “Georgia, one of the most progressive and thor¬ oughly Democratic states of the South, has clearly indicated that it w..nts no more of Bryan or B:yan politics . ’ > The Montgomery Advertisef (Dem.) says: “It is now in order for Mr. Bryan to denounce the Georgia Democrates, because in their state convention last Wednes¬ day they failed to s.iy anything about the Chicago and ^Cansas City platforms. He will he the great denouncer of the day if lie lam- basts all the Democrats who think that it is a good time to let dead issues stay dead.” _The Memphis Commercial-Ap¬ peal (Dem.) says: “Now comes the State Convention of Democrats Georgia. The goober-grabbers of Georgia are good Democrats, but they paid no attention to the Kan¬ sas City platform, Brvan or imperi¬ alism. One after another of these Democratic state conventions have ignored the Philippine question, and still some Democratic office¬ holders fancy it is an issue.” The Philadelphia Record (Dem.) says: “The Georgia Democratic State Convention adopted a plat- rorm dealing entirely with state issue and neglecting any mention of the Kansas Cityplatform or Will¬ iam Jennings Bryant in this de¬ parture from ordinary procedure the Georgia Lemocrats follow the lead of Illinois, Indiana, Pennsyl¬ vania ar.a other important states. This does not indicate that Mr. ’Bryan’s friends have forgotten him •or neglected him ; but it does show that they, an least, are willing to .turn their faces toward the settle- mient of new and immediate prob¬ lems upon aiding in the solution of which the Democratic party can go into battle with a solid front.” / The Birmingham (Ala.) News (Dem.) says: “The platform of The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this coun try most dangerous because so decep- ^" , 1 I |!ii | YV \ tive. Many sudden * vj ; deaths are caused by k-V heart disease, it — p* pneumonia, heart £ failure or apoplexy - are often the result m of kidney kidney trouble disease. is al¬ If 1 lowed to advance the _ kidney-poisoned will blood attack the vital organs or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scald¬ ing pain in passing it, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won¬ derful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sired bottles. You may have a sample bottle of |M*| this wonderful new dis¬ covery and a book that tells all about it, both Home of Swamp-Root, sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton. this N. Y. When writing mention reading generous offer in this paper. The Toccoa Record Toccoa, July 11 1902 . f/A mi m A good looking horse and poor look- ing harness is the worst kind of a com- bi nation. Eureka Oil'll Harness not only makes the harness sad tbs I? horse look better, but makes the • leather soft and pliable, puts It In con- I JjjU/mJ/A i / j/ dition to last—twice as long as it ordinarily would. ^^111 i I, Sold aims. everywhere Made fa can*—all , . by l STANDARD OIL CO. i Give iMm ft Your ill mi, % Horse Chance! a I WM the Georgia Democrats is signific— net,not for those declarations it con¬ tains, hut for those it failed to con- tuin. The time was not longsinee when everv Democratic convention considered it a bounden duty to endorce Mr.Bryan and the Chicago and Cansas City platforms. Having said that the horse was fifteen feet high it was considered the part of virture to be insistent. Recently, however, all over the county., the Democrats have shown a disposi¬ tion to break away from the explo¬ ded theories and entangling allian ces that have for almost a decade brought embarrassment and defeat to the organization. The Georgia platform very discreetly deals a- long with state issues.” Cures Blood Poison, Cancer, Ulcers Eczema, Carbuncles etc. Hedicine Free, If yon have offensive pimples or eruptions, ulcers on any part of the body, aching bones or joints, fall¬ ing hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itches and burns, sore lips or gums, eating,festering sores sharp, gnawing pains, then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginnings of deadly cancer. You may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. MH t kills the poison in the blood there¬ by giving a healthy blood supply to the affected parts, heals every sore or ulcer, even dealy cancer, stops all aches and pains and re¬ duces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sores, car¬ buncles, scrofula, etc. Especially advised for all obstinrte cases that have reached the second or third stage. Druggists, $i. To prove it cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free and prapaid by writing Blood Bal r. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. *~Chicapro has identified in one of her parks the oak, supposed to be seven hundred years old. under which Father Maryuette establish¬ ed the first church for the Indians. Here’s a pointer for some ambi¬ tious Georgia city. DeSota, you know, passed through this state. <SW& rbia signature is on every box of the genuine Laxat/ve Bromo-Quinine tbs remedy fchai cat a a a eeM la <•> Mrs. Flyup: Oh, dear! The worst has happened. I’m going home to my mother. Mrs. Dingo: What is it, dear? Mrs. Flyup: Why, my husband was talking in his sleep last night and I heard him say he wi*s going ^ to , bu >’ some ribbons ... r for u- hia . type- writer. “Good Will to All Men.’ Personal attacks by Democrats upon Grover Cleveland are an old story. They are the same to-day that they were ten and fifteen years ago. Then as now the Democrats who declared him to be selfish, stupid, gluttonous,arbitrary and indifferent disclaimed any per sonal rancor. Not one of them was disappointed in the matter ot official preferment or in questions of personal consideration and hon¬ or. Taking all such at their word, the fact remains that Grover Cleve¬ land stood for something and stood manfully; that he was strong, courageous and true; that he never ab mdoned a principle ;that he was one of the greatest of the Presi¬ dents; that he was not afraid to do right; that during his incumbency the Presidential office was mort¬ gaged to no man ; that he lutd high ideals and sought manfully to at¬ tain them ;and that never in Amer¬ ican history has there been a Presi¬ dent more sincere,more trustworthy more patriotic, more capable or more independent of petty cliques and unworthy influences.—Chicago Chronicle. -------— » All the newspapers which have undertaken to maintain that Rear Admiral Schley was sent to Santi¬ ago as a mere spectator of what went on after Rear Admiral Samp¬ son got there naturally find fault with the Louisiana Legislature for for passing a law which prohibits the use in the schools of the State of any history which does not give complete credit to Schley for the naval victory of July 3, 1898. But the belief that, if anything had gone wrong on that day, the parti¬ sans who are so anxious to deprive Rear Admiral Schley of any share of the credit for the success of our fleet would have loaded the respon¬ sibility on him, is very strong in the minds of the American people, and this feeling is not likely to change. CURES RHEUMATISM. Uricsol cures rheumatism and all bladder and kidney troubles caused by uric acid. It has performed hundreds of remarkable cures in Los Angeles, Cal., where it is being manufactured on account of an urgent demand caused by the re¬ markable cures it has made, and it is now being introduced in this section. It is highly endorsed and is destined to have a large sale, it cures these diseases easily and per¬ manently. Druggists sell it at $1.00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. ou Know What You are Taking When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly print¬ ed on every bottle showing that it is simply l on and Quinine in a tasteless form. No ie, No Pay. 50c. T^Some of our Northern exchanges are relating as an excellent <l bull > > the reply of a negro to the query as to where he was going : “Ain’t gwine nowhere ;I’se done been where I was gwine.” There is probably not an adult Southerner who has not heard precisely the same answer from darkey lips a half dozzen times. Tint’s Pill This popular remedy never falls to effectually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion aad The solid natural flesh. result Doae is email; good elegant¬ appetite ly sugar coated and easy to swallow. Take No Substitute. Successor to Toccoa Times and Toccoa News. BEST FOR THE BOWELS It you haven’t a regular, healthy movement of the bo we la every day, you’re ill or will be. Keep your bowela open, and be well. Force, in the shape of violent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean is to take OATHARTIO CANDY •E % EAT ’EM LIKE CANDY Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe; 10, 25 and 60 oents per box. Write for free sample, and book¬ let on health. Address 433 Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN It ill becomes Mr. Bryan to at¬ tack Mr. Cleveland, Mr. Cleve- land has done what no other Dem¬ ocrat has done in many years. He has led the Democratic hosts of the United States twice, while Mr. Bryan lias led the sanje people to defeat the same number of times. The peoplejof the United States will not stand for the principles repre¬ sented by Mr. Bryan, and there is no getting around this, We need something entirely different from what Mr. Bryan has given us. The Democratic party could, in our opinion, win with Mr. Cleveland leading the party ticket, and this is the man we want.—Anderson Intelligencer. It is announced that the New York Central Railroad is gradually going to give up oilihg the road¬ bed of the Boston und Albany, as the officials claim that the oily dust rising from the track ruins for more things than the ordinary dust. They say that the dust rissng from un oiled roadbed settles on pasaen- gers’ cloths and will not brush off, but leave a greasy stain which is not found in the dust from un un- oiled bed. Stop the Cough and Work off the cold. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold $5 in one day. N Cure, No Pay. Price cents. 4 4 My darling little wife,” says a husband, “you will be pleased to hear that I have just insured my fife.” . “Yes, of course,” says the wife, 4 4 there it is again—another proof of how utterly selfish and incon¬ siderate men are. Always think¬ ing of themselves. Naturally, it never occurred to you to insure my life.” “Our pastor said a good thing in his last sermon.” “What was it?” He said the wings of the dove of peace are lined with the tender sheen of effulgent good will to men, while in his beak he bears the olive firanch of pereniaily blossoming love. ? J “What did he mean?” “Blest £ if I grapple it myself ex¬ actly, but it sounded good while he said it.” “I reckon,” mused Mr. Medker- grasf, “that about the most ener¬ getic reformer we ever had here was old Bill Duddles. I remember once when he tried to cure Hi Milligan of smokin’ by givin’ him job drivin’ a gasolene wagon. > » a “Did it cure him?” asked Mr. Fadoogus. “Blamed ef I know. He stopped smokin’ right short, though. Y’see, they never found nothin’ after th explosion hut one wagon tire an’ a a piece of Hi’s vest. No. 26 Here is a woman who doesn’t trade in her home town. She is a female knocker, but she hurts worse that the other kind. The home milliner's hats never suit her, and she can’t ffnd any dress good at the stores. So she sends to At¬ lanta for mo.-t of her supplies, and wonder why her husband cannot make money in the town where they live. Childrc*’, '\ four « five women out of everv un must buy all they use away from home,w here will the monev come from to make their husbands prosperous? Will it come from At lam t? Well, we don’t see any coming from the IV I once knew a woman who couldn’t make good biscu i out 01 her home flour till her brought home a batch of Hour that was made by the local mill but was done up in a bag labeled *• Adaiisville.’ Fhe biscuits she made out of that sack were prize winners Lilt her cruel husband told her the truth about it. She never forgave him. Lit t le girls, when you grow up always do the best you can with home products, and you will live about as well and be as nicely dressed as most anybody else. You will get credit for having a level head. The Brci ze is authority for the statement that a northeast man who chewed 30 cents* worth of tobacco a week, took a “cure.” In two weeks he ate up a $1.50 worth of candy, 5 cents* worth of peanuts and 5 cents’ worth of cough drops per day, during those two weeks he also consumed two large erasers ate rubber tips from fourteen lead pencils, chewed up a dozen pen¬ holders and browsed off his mus¬ tache as high as he could reach. He is now chewing tobacco in the interest of economy.—Greenville News. 4 t Thd Devil was first coacher,” says an exchange. “He coached Eve to take first. Adam stole second. When Isaac met Rebecca at the well she was walking with a pitcher; Samuel struck out many times when he slew, Ca ; n made a base hit when he kill¬ ed Abel. Araham made a sacrifice The prodigial son made a home run. Moses shut out the Egyptians at the Red Sea. The game was called when the flood came on ac¬ count of wet ground and Noah had all the rain checks.” These are the days when all of us would “like to be the ice man.” Marietta had Ben Tillman to make a speech there on July 4, considering him far ahead of fire¬ works for creating enthusiasm,and decidedly less YourHair “Two years ago my hair was falling out badly, f p.’vhased a bottle of Ayer’s H . / Vigor, and soon my h?ir r t~ ru : n® rut.” Miss Minnie t • Perhaps J 4 trier had thin : X * no reasot* • l , *i.l ii. go throtujh ;. U- starved L-l e :: WdU long v thi ! haw, f r ou it with Ayer’s Hair « Vigor, and make ii rk?t, dark, and heavy. $1.M a kettle. All dnqgisir. If your druggist cannot »un .y you, send us one dollar and v.o vull -*xpress you a bottle. Be sure and ofhee. give the Address, name of your nearest express I.owell, Mas*. J. C. AYER TO.,