The Toccoa record. (Toccoa, Ga.) 1901-1995, July 18, 1902, Image 1

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Per Year. Vol. XXIX. How to Boar Burdens. “And bearing his ernes he went fouth.”— John xlx :17 “The heart knoweth his own bitter¬ ness.”—Proverbs xiv :19 A cross is part of the household furniture of every family, It is the^aecree of Providence that it shall be so. It would be vet' strange if you could find an ex ception to this rule. M There are many sweets in life, but there was never yet a heart that had no bitterness. There arc- pages in every book which are never read except by ourselves and One Other, The rest of * in volume is oDen to the world. God a and we have many secrets which are not confided to a third party. He understands us ; no one else can, That is a peculiarity of our human life. And fortun ite it is that the veil which covers our beans c.«n not bt lifted. If we could see ill that our neighbors suffer and they could see what we suffer, the revelation would be very painfui and life would have an added agony, We are graciously, permitted,therefore, to have a place of concealment where we keep our special disap pointments and our private griefs, the key to which is never lost or mislaid. The true and noble make the best of life and refuse to increase another’s sorrow by the recital of their own. Small souls, like the babbling brooks, tell everything as they go ; but souls that see the plan of God tell all to him alone and find a certain comfort in their reticence toward others. The degree of happiness we en¬ joy, therefore, depends largely on ourselves. Our environment has less to do with our happiness than we think. • The important question is : whether we have the necessary elements within the heart, and if that is decided in the affirmative it makes no difference what our sur¬ roundings are. It is hard to believe this for we are living in an age of show and shame and display. In the decalogue of modern society the first law reads : “Thou shalt wor¬ ship no other god but gold.” We spend our lives in a scramble for cash, and prove that we have suc¬ ceeded by an exhibition which is little less than a personal advertise¬ ment, and the object of which is to 'Thousands Harve Kidney Trouble and Don’t Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set¬ tling indicates an m unhealthy of condi¬ kid¬ tion the neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid¬ ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad¬ der are out of order. Whit to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often ggvessed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp- Root, aie great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra¬ ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won¬ derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery fC and book that tells _ a absolutely more about free it, both by mall. sent^fi^W^R^^^ Address Dr. Kilmer & Home ot ftwwnp-Root. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men¬ tion reading this generous offer in this paper. ■ The Toccoa Record Toccoa, Georgia,. July 18 1902. In every town and village may be had, 1 the z (8 m Grease Made that makes your Standard OH Co. horses glad. excite envy and stimulate averice But we are making a colossal blunder. Happiness comes not from the pocket, but from the heart. It can not be created by wealth, nor destroyed by poverty. Where love is there is contentment and when love is perfect, mere surroundings are regarded with something like disdain. It is when the heart is not satisfied that the nature of the environment as¬ sumes undue importance. Two rooms would do, if nothing better can be had, when love would build a house, but a palace is too small when the heart is aching. A rag carpet on the floor and a single flower in blossom on the window sill, if contentment sits at the tire- side, are better than splendor, with distrust and suspicion as your guest. Here, then, we have two facts which you must meet : First. There is no life which is not burdened with grief. It is a hopeless task to search fur one, for it will never be found. This grief may come in anyone in a thousand shapes, but in some shape it comes to all of us. Its mission is to teach us that there is One wiser than we. and to search till we find Him. There is nothing in all the world that draws us to heaven so gently and yet so irrisistily as the sense ot helplessness. Make life a round of pleasure, and the Lord’s Prayer would never be uttered. But the smitten soul seeks shelter as the frightened child rushes into its mother's arms. We may not un¬ derstand why this so, but true it is that the best elements of human character have been developed by sorrow rather than success. Second. The happiness' of life must greatly come from the way you look at life, if you put down the things you want but can not have, it is easy to make yourself miserable. Yuu can be envious until you become morbid and melancholy. If you believe that in being poor or afflicted you have been robbed of your rights, no ray of sunshine will fall on your path¬ way. A man may look at nature though a smoked glass, and lie can use smoked glass when looking at himself and his surroundings, Do but reckon your blessings instead of your miseries, and you halve the weight you carry. From the habit of looking lor a silver lining to every cloud, and the cloud itself will seem less dark. Some cun be happy with s. farthing candle, while others mourn under the glare of an electric light. And religion comforts and con- soles because it furnishes a cheer- ful view to every change that comes. There is no ha'd fisted and relentless fate, but a Father “Good Wilf to All Men.’ in the upper air. It is not chance which rolx the loved «>ne, hut PaovidenCf, hich does what is best whether we will or not Slender mean are not i he synunonyints of misery, for this world's goods ;tre not :o he com¬ pared with the other’s goods. You in iy have the *»arth and yet have nothing. But if you have heaven you have everything and no man can take it a wav. Therefore, reeognize the fact that you are to have disappoint¬ ments and sorrows, but make the best of them, and speak of them only to your best friend. Believe 1 here is light even in da.kness, and look for it until you find it. Make your life great and noble by making your soul noble and great. s Then you wiil be glad that you have lived, and many will be sorry when you go. CURES RHEUMATISM. Uricsol cures rheumatism and all bladder and kidney troubles caused by uric acid. It has performed hundreds of remarkable cures in Los Angeles, Cal., where it is being manufactured on account of an urgent demand caused by the re¬ markable cures it has made, and it is now being introduced in this section. It is highly endorsed and is destined to have a large sale, lr cures these diseases easily and per¬ manently. Druggists sell it at $i.oo per bottle, or six botiles for $5.00. Rear Admiral Crowninshield has again demonstrated his fitness for command of a naval vessel by run¬ ning the Illinois aground while en¬ tering the harbor at Christiana Nor¬ way Monday,and staving a great hole in the ship. Several years ago while in command of the battleship Maine he grounded her, and came near sending her to the bottom with all on board. For that he # was threatened with courtmartial, hut of course Teddy will overlook anything he does now. ou Know What You are Taking When you take Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic beoause the formula is plainly print¬ ed on every bottle showing that it is simply I cm and Quinine in a tasteless form. No re, No Pay. 50e. , —----—- f A man by the name ot Fred Schmidt at Bowling Green, Ohio, have fallen hier to $1,000,000 left him by an uncle in Germany. The will however, requires Schmidt to marry some worthy woman before he can obtain possession of his wealth. Here is a chance for some enterprising Toccoa maiden to make a haul. <0 This sign;yure is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Outtiine Tablets the remedy that cor*es a cold in one dem¬ Teddy wants to go to Mississippi on a bear hunt. Why not go to Atlanta ? They could turn loose the bears now in the zoo at Grant Park and Teddy could have a big t . He might also time. get a shot at at the lion and the elephant. He coulden’t hit ’em, and beside,think what a big time CoL Lowery and Mr. Rucker could have following him about. Even if he should ac- kill one of them the hon- or of entertaining Booker Wash- ington’s * chums would offset the damages. "T A thrifty Kentucky woman placed some eggs in bed with her husband who lay ill ot fever and hatched out a fine brood of chick- ens * There is one woman whe will never need a man to scratch foi her Successor to Toccoa Times and Toccoa News. P LES “I suffered the tortures of the damned with protruding piles, brought on by constipation with which I was afflicted for twenty years. I ran across your CASCARETS in the town of Newell, la., and never found any- thing to equal them. Today I am entirely free from piles and feel like a new man.” C. H. Kxrrz. 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la. m ySm BEST FOR KMcauto the bowels ^ ^^^^^CANDY CATHARTIC Good, Pleasant, Never Sicken, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do Weaken or Gripe, 10c, 25c, 50c. CURE CONSTIPATION Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 312 N0-T0-BAC * n <^, ^ra nteed by^aUdrag- Wearing of Combs. Combs are still as important as ever in arranging the coiffure; in fact, it may be said that tortoise¬ shell combs, both sides and back, have come to st iy- Women of a’l stations wear them, though they differ in quality and ornamentation, and one would ;is s« cn think of at¬ tempting to do up ones hah w itliout hairpins as without these conven¬ ient combs : The two sides piece*, are rather long and curved, while the one which is intended to hold up 11 scolding 17 locks is shorter,but has large teeth. Whethor the coiffures is high or low, a set of three is used, the only difference being that in the former case the back comb is is thrust in rather low across the head, while with the latter style this comb is placed at the crown of the head, and is used to hold the pompadour roll in place. To Cure a Cold in one Day • Take Laxative Biomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails tp cure. K. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25 c. How to Adjust Shirtwaists “Dear me,” said a much-flurried young woman as she mopped the perspiration from her brow; 4 4 I have stood in front of this glass hall an hour trying to adjust my shirtwaist properly. Work as I may, pinning ft here and there, it never looks smooth or neat. How in the world can I overcome this pinning process and avoid tearing my gar¬ ments ? > 7 It is very simple to have a shirt waist set properly in the back and be as smooth as possible,if one will follow these directions. At your waistline sew a wide piece of tape across the back to the under arm seams. Then take three hooks and eyes; sew one eye on at the center of the tape and the »e- mainder two inches apart, one each side of he center eye. Then, cor¬ respondingly, sew the hooks on your skirt band, and there you are, as trim as possible. Always say a kind word if you can, if only that it may come in perhaps, with singular oppotune- ness. entering some mournful! man’s darkened room like a beau¬ tiful firefly, whose happy con vo¬ lutions he cannot but watch, for¬ getting his many troubles. Stop the Cough and Work off the cold. Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets cure a $5 oold in one day. N Core, No Pay. Price cents. In his “History of Philadelphia j > (1884) Thompson Westcott says that the first wire suspension bridge in the Uifited States, if not in the world, was thrown across the Schuylkill river, near the falls of Schuylkill, in Philadelphia, 1816. Its use was necessarily re¬ stricted to foot passengers, and only eight passengers were allowed to be on the bridge at once. No. 27 A great many oranges are ship¬ ped ea«*t in what are known as cars." There is no fruit the price of which fluctuates as much as does that of oranges; con¬ sequently thousands of carloads of the fruit ate started east with some uncertain destination. The car may be consigned to Kansas City, but in the meantime there are agents watching in »h»* ra-t f i> • ihe {)c-.t markets, and »n telev'a phic information the c »r m tv be »»t*den d on to Chicago or New Y »ik. Unions cut both wavs. Roanoke, Va., physicians having formed a combine and raided lees, ihe mechanics have united lip >n two doctors whom thev pay a monthly salary to attend their families. Woman’s influence is,oil the whole, elevating She generally holds a felh w up on payday. Cures Blood Poison, Cancer. Ulcers Kczema. Carbuncles etc. fledicine Free, If yon have offensive pimples or eruptions, ulcers on any part of the body, aching bones or joints, fall¬ ing hair, mucous patches, swollen glands, skin itches and burns, sore lips or gums, eating,festering sores sharp, gnawing pains, then you suffer from serious blood poison or the beginnings of deadly cancer. You may be permanently cured by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) made especially to cure the worst blood and skin diseases. It kills the poison in the blood there¬ by giving a healthy blood supply to the affected parts, heals every sore or ulcer, even dealy cancer, stops all aches and pains and re¬ duces all swellings. Botanic Blood Balm cures all malignant blood troubles, such as eczema, scabs and scales, pimples, running sores, car¬ buncles, scrofula, etc. Especially advised for all obstinrte cases that have reached the second or third stage. Druggists, $i. To prove it cures, sample of Blood Balm sent free and prapaid by writing Blood Bal : Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Never judge a man by the clothes he wears. Look at those he has to buy for his wife. Perfect and Peerless 2n / SB ^tures^: Rheumatism and all Liver, Kidney and Blad¬ der troubles caused by uric acid in the system. It cures by blood, cleansing sad removing vitalizing the thus the cause of disease. It gives vigor and tone and builds up the health and strength of the patient while using the remedy. URICSOL is a luminary in the medical world. It ha9 cured and will continue to cure more of the above diseases than all other known remedies, many of which do more harm than good. This great and thoroughly tested and endorsed California Remedy never disapp oints. It cures in- fallibhy if tax en as directed. Try it and be convinced that it is a wonder end a blessing to suffering $1.00 humanity. Price per bottle, or 0 bot¬ tles for $6. For sale by druggists. Send stamp for book of partic¬ ulars and wonderful cures. If your druggist cannot prepaid, supply you it will be sent, upon receipt of price. Address: UKICS0L CHEMICAL CO., Lm AaplM, CaL iff the LAMAR ft RANKIN DRUG CO.. AH—. 0a. DUtribstlag Af—tt.