The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, February 11, 1869, Image 1

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jfic Southern fuu. JOHN It. HAVES, LpUoppi 10 t o n - -- l A,.WAVS .X ADVANCE. ° n, ‘ - V °*L* *’’* 150 •»* "‘ 0 " ,h * j 00 w o ,j,y, three months K;«t« of AtlwrlUiu*. ti to l>o, published for a less period V Month insetted at $1 per square fbr feath t ,t!..|l »,h ortisenientMlT cnntlmifcd fbr one liionth . rr t |, t . ,-harue will be m follows: t i M-i 12 MqsJU M»»s_ OJdos I2Moa , t no $7 001 $9 oo SU 05 S2O 00 'V xx —'l 5001100140020 00 30 00 ' ul> '' " I * on 1 15 00 20 00 26 00 400 o t« 00 20 Of)' 26 00 33 Oo oO do 'l 1 ' 1 "'" ‘4 00 :tl on 39 00 48 00 70 00 ‘l h 0 37 *>o 45 00 50 00 80 00 ! 32 00 43 00 52 00 64 00 Os) Ot) ' *".* .1 36 0-6 40 00 60 00] 72 00 100 <>o 40 m 55 00 68 On 80 00 110 00 44 00, 62 00 74 00 89 00 1201 Oft .. ~:v. nts if n«»‘tnai-kni with the number desired, when banded in. will be pub (i ~,1 until Advertisers order them out; and they }| lie charged for accordingly. UveitisenientF sent tons for puWU'rtilbto should h M .,i with the IWttber of insertions dWired, IjH'- hal to l*e publisher!, and accompanied with Mount required for payment. i.«»ani AdVwliMtohni». k the information and Riddance of Ordinaries, giifli., clerks, Executors, Administrators, Guar [ - tnd Others, we pnldish the following, (a rule I event to Ih* departed from.) L ~fj! Sales are required by law to bepub’ished Lk; x f,» r tour weeks, and the charge per levy, o , liiKtot leSs, will Ihs $2 SO. I lltHiqp S** ***** P® r square $5. / Fusions for letters of administration and guar- Liohip, $3. . . j Lesion from administration. ixtOhthtf for six J , Laths, sfi. i v , ,«i„n from guardianship forty days, $5. A|Hdi,ations fu leave to sell land, sixtyi strators' sales of laud, forty 'j ' * perishable property, per ' '• k to debtors and cm days; $5. Istiay notices, tldrty days, per square $4. / Job Work. \ \i n description of Job Printing executed I'o which. for neatness, cannot be surpassed in pth western Gconrm. AND bANSIENTB.GARDf.NG! IRS. A. N. JOHNSON ■' i 1 the i oinfortahle. Elegant and Eligil Djji S M :ot J K. Dickinson ou Pladt j|j B lb :> to the public lirst class aocqfTfinfy ■ ' lay and Transient. bi&Ot » > B •' ■ . dole, servants polite and ace.* mo ■ 11 Hi- not to be surpassed id the cisyi B ‘ lS‘« 3- ts. |& 0 PRwell&(8 Jt fiwwaided to all Newspapers. I *u r .■« rii on Publishers’ prices, cr New|««)ier kept on file. ;< Cost of Advertising furnished. 'i< :w careful attention. ' ‘ T Mail answered promptly. r i iuled Lists of Newspapers for sale’ “ s prepa»*»l for Customers. 8 ments Written and Notices secured. B • :n Business Men especially solicited. 1 M-e Ga.. Sept., 2. 1808. 22—ts. I PARK HOTEL, •\ inn \mm m ei plan, KGEKHAN and NASSAU STS, oar City Hall Park, HEW YOBK. I OHOE U tOIIT, Proprietor* h. 1 xva fed fn tlw very heart of the whole ' -ss. this is one of the bortVCiMfently ‘5. ' for Merchants, Business mViA' and * vCitV.c the city. tfft June 16, ’69.-*6tn. AGENTS WANTED Sto SSOO.per monthff! *Commission from which twice that amourit T w»a4c by selling the lvtrstko improved COMMON SENSE py siwm mm PRICE $lB 00'. [ and Terms adress €\ BOtVERS Jfc CO, H tail} 4 Tkird «**. PhitvdAphh, ra. removal: ~ P ASB SHOE MAKING. :Sg IR fjm .’ S | Tt r t 'ii n new building iihinc | * * *yet & Co’s store. Bain. iai,2J 44 ly Devoted Particularly to tire Interests of Soutliern and. Sontlrwestern Georgia. YOL. TIT. JOHNSON, WEEKS K GO, General Commission MERCHANTS, 135 Pearl Street) hekt Wall) l NEW YORK. SAM’LM. WEEKS. J Farticular attentlou paid id OidfefS. ; Liberal advatiteS hiide upon Bills Lading and T&)+ duce in hand, y [t 1 Sept, 23, 1808. 'f Telegraph Publicationr 0 1 ,v,. i U lUf fife* -CMff dp heavy uieulaffgfcir s rjK I ft||li|T front ,at >k of So*T a and coxt V »*_ * UMUIS I Latest -^ e ws-—Donjßfc . Jtr tlSknewk. f’JP "in evej^yß nfesg Anti t *'*lnitli*• rn Smith fljr flfun.v of thcin.wjtfy -2^ on 1,1 jH usK tie ». ’ ™ ,K "«»'•>• " > , Uul \y , I Mjt Saussy Way- j lotion, and waid that it was am !'* wot* very important. If^.ihew e l*W sl! f r , sl le »ti„b v he - t jLff I W'H tree same cifrti'hruneistics a^the r same size and c&sfogjH ot no®- 1 * The .first number will be issued °Q fiff&jjni, —pStl *• January. J f) PRIOJEt $4 a Year, or $2 for Six mouths.' ■ A (jEORGIA WeMly telegraph. This Splendid. Sheet is among the Largest in the World It fs ci.mposed of EIGHT PAGES and FIFTY-SIS CCJlftiMN.S—fffeai'iy rill readliig Matter. We shall accept for fi hut few short advertisements. It is a complete epitome of the Weeks History, and as a Family Journal, lias no superior in the world. PRICE: $3 a year, of $1 5$ for Six Months. ,. . CLtSBY & REID. v ~ Macon, Ga Jan.# 1. 39-ts. cnmAt, T 1 . FORT _GMNES, WA The proprietor of the above named journal has spared no labor or expense to make It one the fijst weekl es of the State, and he Is graTTficd to announce that his liaYe froferallV Awarded bv a generotfs piiblic. In point of interest and general nfc'Ws the Mirror will be excelled by few. As an advertising medium it offeis superior-inducemenls. The Mii ror has now a circulation that reaches nearly every point in Southed Georgia afrit also extends through many Counties'of the South-eastern portion of Alabama. AdvertlseuTfen'fK afr'ef subscriptions solicited. Address . . ME; TI'CTSF,R, Editor & Publisher Fort Gaiues, Ga’ VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1869 The first edition of One Hundred Thousand of Vick’s Illustrated Catalogue of Seeds and Guide in the Flower Garden is now published. It makes a work of 10b pagfeit, bhafrtif filly illustrated, with about 150 Fine Wood Engravings of FlovVftrs knd* Vegetables and an. COLORED PLATE. A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS. It is the most beautiful, a*s well ass the rrfoift in struCfiVe Floral Guide published 1 , jbl'aifl' aiVd' thoYbug h directions/or the CULTURE OF FLOWEfW Mb VEGETABLES. The FfcVaf Guide is published for the benefit of my to, whom it is sent free without ap plication, but’ tfill be forwarded to all who by mail, for Ten Ceuts, which flf not half the bust; A drifts, . , JAMS VICK, Sobhbstei', N. Y. Jan. 13. 1869’- 2&-2iF JdU’mmah ffepuMkan, HAILY AIVD WEtkif. BY j. rTsneed. THE undersigned is pleased to annotrtl’bb Id’ hik friends and the public that he has again bottife ib itbssesskm of this time-honored yournaly ftTid'ejfpbbta to demote hfcs entire ffihie to iVihking it, ak a’ ri'btV'spa pef, sbbbfid'fd’nbtie in the South. The liberal pa tVonagbiof ppst and better years, whits the Republi can Wasf under his charge, enco.urages him to hope that by prompt and continued support the public Will enable him to carry this purpose into effbCt. To the Merchants of the atUdf .especially of hife oh State, he looks w'itli confidence for a gencrotis support, prrtrhislng them, in return, the best news, commercial and political journal that his experience and Capabilities ban produce. Ihe Htfcrhlg §fjmMkau, Designed more especially for the planting commu nity, and othbhs \rtib hkye nbt the privilege of a daiiy mail, will be found'to Contain all the news of the week bondensed into a small compass, and by the close of the year we expect to issue it on a large imperial shbbt Os eight pages to contain more read 1 pig muttbr tHkti' any other paper in the Sotith. terms. Dally Glib" year.. , v.v...... $lO-00 “ Six months. '•••" O : Qp “ For a less time (per ffibnth) 100 Weekly per year...-. •' 3.00 N>. B- Payiififfit fa adithXke for bithbt edition will bb feipiirbd, -without exception 4 .’ All 1 lCttCrt slibuld be addressed as below. . ~ .... J*. R. SNEED. Republican Office, Savannah, Ga‘. Novembea 4 ; , 1868. 31-ts: BATNBBIDGl?, GA., THURSDn/) TBIRUARY It, 1869; Agents Wanted for the v. GRAY JACKS: r.' A “T w lA^ HoVb ihty livbd. fotigh' wtipply and A^fc/tes »'fKp iJgan DfirilJUp in h, ‘ t ijjE, j.. H.i-ria Hmnoi j . ‘•-•YMvgetl-#f'wrth pen.l a* fffß MB Bst. ' bb, .ii!tsft;SsSr ' v i 1 !• w- Jr *.. .pnra. \\ &* m fe-tf ■1 ‘ s,f mM fflg|a antL ith a id in tli b «u -Cl propel 111 Alnusi c-nUhold J /"i-athos of« ' 7 , . ( I. -bYAverF . the JU&llee..; “W hßrdshi P 8 of th el. ... TT./tristfi in BA IN biITDGE » . D,a “COSTAR,” 10 Cr2\f wid Pa#Hen rvjsoccesors to)Demaa Barnet 1 .? her* ,w ' !»at oncI^ AINBIIIDGE . GA • b 7 Dr - J - A. BUTTS most am Deb, 25th, ’69.-44-ly. that *6. r - - , ms A mu* ~ nd | [ in eveiTCAGK SHERIFF’S SALE dj i! > Jv vdd before the Court House door-i liS a f * the of Bainhringe between the us f v { 1 Earfitl SigpfV ■ i s ‘i ,ni prluri itjontl t hours of 5..,' idti the first Tuesbay in May nex* following property to wit: One tot of land number 248 in the 14tl n^a< { containing 196 acres. Levied on as U * James D, Smith to satisfy one BurfS¥T , T¥#\ gage fi fa. O M. Petit iTIOU Ilw property point! Also, one !o BY THE 1 containing F,.sr -<v. Metropolitan * en j c —SlI GIFTS TO THE AMOtfeSPA! Jth ' '\M MQ r hin' Every Ticket Draws a Pi " j 5 Cash 1 Cifts Fach $ 0,000 10 “V “ “ 5,000 2ft “ “ “ 1,000 40 “ “ “ 500 200 “ “ “ 100 300 “ “ 50 450 “ “ “ 25 6QO “ “ “ 25 So Etfefrihl RuffeHdb'cf Firittos..Eafch s2ooto $5(»0 55 “ “ Melodeons.. “ 75 to *SO 150 Sewing Machines. “ 60 to 175 250 300 Pinc Gold Watches “ 75 to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches........ “ 2h to 50 Eine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, and a large assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at 1000000 DOLLARS. A Chance to Draw any of the above Prizes by Ptfrehasing a Scaled Ticket lor 25 Cents. Tickets describing each Prize are SEALED to En velopes and thoroughly mixed 011 receipt of 25 Cents, a Sealed Ticket will be drawn, without bhoke, and delivered at our office, or sent by mail to aliy ■address. The prise named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of oxr; Doi-LUt. Prizes will be immediately sent to any ad dress, as requested, by express of leturrf mail. . You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it. Any Prii'e may be exchanged for another of the same value f$W" No Blanks. Our Patrons can depend on fab- d‘>a‘T?ng.* References.—We select the few inflowing names front the many, iVho have lately drawn Valuable Prices and kindly to publish them. S. T. Wilkens, .Buffalo', N. Y., $1.00u; Sirs. E Stuart, 70 Nelson Place, N* Y., $500; Miss A Mon roe, Chicago, 111., Piano, valued at S6OO;"'W. Curtis, New Haven, Gold watch, $200; Robert Jackson, Dubuque, Sewing Machine, $100: Philip McCarthy Louisville Ky., $500; Jas. Rogers, Washington, D. C., Musical Box, $150; Miss EnVma Wall Worth', Mil wauke, Wis., Piafi‘6, $50o; S. T. Ferris, New Ur kart's,: Gold Watch, $250. We pulisli no names without permission. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. “They are doing the largest business; the firm is reliable, and deseive their succeess.” —Weekly Tri bune. Feb. 8. “We have examined their system, and know them to be a fair dealing firm.” — N. Y. Herald, Fib : . 28. 18G8. “Last #ebk a frib'nd of ours drew a SSOO prize, wak proibytiy rbcffiVeck ’ ’ —Dhily News, March, . Send /or circular gWfiVg ftlany tb'ofb rbfbrences and favorable notices from the press. Liberal in ducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaVaWtbfed. Every Pitekage'of Scstferf Envelopes 6ullftiiiii»i Oii<; Caisli Olfl. Six - Tibkets for One,Dollar. 13 for Two Dol laVs, 35 for Five Dollars. 110 for Fifteen Dollars' - . Ahl letters siiould be addressed to PAKKEK, TlOOIti: A CO. 165 dRO'A i DWAY, N. Y. t)bc. 2, 1868. 35-2 tn WATT* PRACTIOAi GUN SMITH, »a'inbrid6e,- (?a\ Gan* k \VnrrfinfecL Satisfactory. ALWAYS ori hand, a fine lot of Deuble and Sin ,glb BkVreled Guns, Rifles, Colt’s Repeaters, & Wesson's Cartridge Shooters, Powder Flakks, Shot Pouches, Cartridges, Caps, &C., &b. In fact, anything to be had ifi ji\ fiVst'blass'G'iih Store. .Also, a fine assortment of Fishing Tabkles. July 16, 1868. 15-3 m. A. M.Sloan,Rome.Ga. | A.T.Mclntyre,Thomaßvillb. C. F. Stubbs,Macon. j C. E. Groover, Brooks Cos. SLOAN, GROOVER & (XL, Cotton factors —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Claghorn & Cunningham's Range,' BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. o gif 45 Libblal Advances on Cotton consigned to our correspondents in New York and Liverpool. Aug 26 21—6 m IMu - . ‘Ti- »' gi-Hrinting j _ f oeMTpieprflPr , fXe'tl in a ro»< / 'W' £ . ~ /lbs. Th -lr ?ir tt» and Jo.,Pi nll tig AU Single L- 1 Mk * w '-f "“ nd “ “ '-fV Vl a 1 hrranted, and wijpl. ~ bo'uV'Pf- , ; Each V’; e rtl,nn r * oVC, '>Xfeuired for giv»«ntl ll< '^ I ‘|! | V,' 1 ''Vlplate Print v ' Stereoty W JWlilOlju.,i„on Sectional is. ' a v., w : p. /"«. Patent Lin { . W „ Cabinets of ill ,?/•«», Standing Galleys, Patent “ Knives, Ac, ' ’lO y p Ut -h'. of our own importation and J I 74 Y, tir Newspaper and Cylinder II v *es. ' timatea in Detail Furnished. f if’ CATALOGUE, containing cuts and de. jf! of many new Machines, not before rliowij rtl *£eir book, with directions for putting, working, • and other useful information, is just completed, jean be had on tipplication. R HOE & CO. New York aria Boston, Mass. Publishers of Newspapers are at liberty to insert this advertisement, displayed as Above three times n their weekly paper, with this 7. tie and not without, any tune previous to January, 1869 but not later, pro vided they purchase type or material of our manu facture for four times ths amount of their bill, which will be allowed in settlement, of ours, on receipt ot a copy of their paper containing the advertisern'enf Oct 14 1868. 28-t PROF. M. CUMMING, B\INBRIDGE, GEORGIA. Tunes and repairs Pianos. ’Melodeons, Organs, &e. Orders 1 ft at Cummiug’s Photograph Gallery. febs <?5-Gm priHrmsi r (MUSE Or SGriEOIILE. GEREftAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, ] Atlantic and Gfitr RAiLiioifh, \ ... Savannnu, October 28th, 1868. ) ON and after Sunday November Ist., the Bfthti de le for Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: Leave Savannah (Sundays Excepted) at 7.00 a m Arrive at Bainhridge at 10.20 i\ M. Leave Bainhridc at 7-00 c. 'St. Arrive rit Sa'^atmah'at a. m. H. S. HAINES, General Superintendent. Nov. 4. 1863. 31-2 m THE PLANTATION knowij as “ROSFAAND” four miles from Bainbridge, containing 1,000 acres—6so cleared. The Imiuoyenients are a very comfortable Dwelling, containing 7 rooms—all with fire places—a'nd eVefy Convenience needed by a Housekeeper, as we,l as out buildings —DitiTy, Store houses, Servants’* bb'uses. Kitchen and a laVgeCistern, siiftiuibht capacity for a large family. The grounds about the dwelling are too well-known to need de scription. A fine orchard attached of bh'oibe Fiiiit Trees and Grapery. Farm buildrngS aViVplb.' also; lW at' ptese'ht oWiVpf^d Thompson and several business lots in the »»iost eligible part of the city, as well as a number of the lilost desirable residence let*. JOHN M. POTTER. tfov.'2B, 1867. * 36 “ tf EXCELSIOR PHOTOGRAPH GALteUT West Street, Rear of the Masoriiß Hall, BAINBRIDGE, GTfiOlnS^A. Having pmvi#bd tm entiVc iiiterbst or. Messrs'. Jeffers & ,MBHNIfBZ7!F Starbttine, in' PHbtbgr’apli' and ATibUetypb' G'allbi'y, I* ;ibW an - nonfibe to the citizens of Soutwest erh Georgia that I am at all times prepared to takte Photographs, Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, &t Or any style of picture known td’ tile art. Call and examine specimens, and I <o el satisfied hat you will be pleased. Pictures Taken in' any Kind of Weatte fjf Particular attention paid to CHILDREN’S PICTURES. j j Prices Chbapbi' thafi ever 1 fbbs‘ 4^-6faa i PLANTATION FOB, SALE' IN JACKSGN COUNTY, A. A GOOD : HAMMOCK' PLANTATION, wltb’all'tHfe appliances for planting on a large scale upon it, can be had chfcap by applying at this office. The stock also, together with all the planting utensils, cun be half dptm liberal terms. August 26, 1868/ 21 ~ U NTERS. HP t-ure Typb Rbvoj.vikß \pr Printing Machines bees, for News p.t rl ’*s iittentiml. SPBwK d . esi ,? n «f’ be mi* JY“tion with ns per Bfe . 4«nd one..uo per‘l. |jPn»»descr.j* (R cd., af frjpii; '-res DOiVT MtiEl ME. * BY FANNY WILDWOOD. i)on’t forget me when you’re happy* . Keep for me one little spot j in the depth of thy affection t’laiit bile sweet forget hie-not, That will i)loom in pleasure's moments Like sweet incense in the heart; Sweetly then I'd be remembered ililie the starligot's tiny sparks. m boil’s forget me when you’re happy; ( btiier smiles mav be more dear; Iljjy Though the sunlight is far greater, Stars may shine with radilfifi# clear, \ .Hi lifU thi(jnight. when the heavens Otherwise were clad in gloom, bht tiiefefe' little rays of glory Hvfcf tliere is welcome room. Don’t ffitgkt me when yoii're hnppy; Likk the little golden thread, Silently beneath tub heaft-strings I would move with geutie tread. And ir moments when you’re joyous Would I touch one tender note That would thrill thy soul with music Howe’er near, howe’er remote. Don't forget me when you’re happy, ’Mid the scenes of joy and mirth; Let one thought of me give pleasure And to happiilcfr* givi* birth. Don't forget me when you’re happy, fc.eep for me one little sjiot; In the depth of thy affection Plant one 6#eet forgbi-mb hot. Lboft After Your Hogs. Planters this Section of the country would do well to Dial*} exertions to raise a meat crop, during the present year, if the following from a pork backiug firm in Si. Louis &ftf be relied on: Evidence daily accumulates; going to show that the present year the South will demand and consume double the quantity of provisions tlidi she did last year* I" view of this fact, what is the condition of the trade in the hog product of lhe West at at this time ? The South is consuming meat of tin* new crop, while the old stock was consumed long before new cured could be got forward This is unusual! for the season, and is of great importance. In the face of this fact we have the evidence that there is at least an even chance for a small crop of hogs to give ns the meat for the coming wants. Could we come up to hist year’s crop we should then be deficit#*, for that only met the necessities, wicli were cramped by tire tack of means' to pdy. Now; with increased facilities for payment, and a con sumption so f;ir of the new crop astonishing and unusual, and yet legitimate, as we have before this remarked, the ‘hog product’ is to be snort tins year in any event that can now occur, Some writers arc discantiiYg up on the fact llrut the present high prices are checking the exportations. To oifr niind this is of l‘ittie concern; for, lroin present appearances, West Wist lidve no provis ions to'send out of the country* fho home cd’nsumpticn will be as much as we ia i meet , s aud nYay not be able to eveu do that; if the hogs do not come forward in larget s'Upfdy than 1 they ha'vu th'u’st laV, an that a majority predict that they tv N' i. Re lative to high prices; wcjstate,* without fear of doMScthn, that he who buys hogs at gr6'ss, alnd {fells the product at the pre s'ent iha'rkdt Yates- loses money on every hog slaughtered. One thing is palpable, either hogs must come down in price or the pro duct must go higher thA'A' vny price we have yet seen. It is estimated that at the prc&rit time the stock of lard is only about half, and that of pork only about one-quarter of the stock of last year at Chi cago, and' othej points also sbbrt. Vfttert iW all this trash about reducing- the armyf Away with it. ioes this look like a reduction? $300,000 for recruiting this year to SIOO,OOO on the same account last; $500,000 for clothing comm nation this year to $290,000 last ; $5500,000 for horses and • nifilfes to last year’s $5,000,000 ; in excess; arid finally, $43,195,500 total, called for this year against $33,0^2^093^^81 —u*ri inciease of $10,113,407. Reduction, indeed ! Why, here are ten millions' increase at thfe first blush,'and* rfbfibdy Klio’Ws' hbw rHkny more millions toconifei like thieves in the niglK in the shape of deficiency hills, “to eorrdct an error,” aiiff s'o on,’ itrtd 1 fib 6h.* Arid 4 yet these impudent rtiichfers'dkte to prate about reduction.- — Wdrld!. - . ■ «* ■ ■ An 1 editor, describing a church in Mlnrieso ta/saVs'. “No velvet, cushions in our pews: we don’t go in for style. The fattest per son has the softest seat, and takes it out with him at the close oJt the services.” NO. 42; [From th« Chronicle & Sentinel.] Georgia A j?rtcn'*:ital C’ui»volition. Atlanta, February 2 P M.—Tim State Agricultural Convention assembled here to day. Almtit tlii-ce hUmllvd delegates froin the different counties were present. The former I’iesideiit, Mr Dickson, hav ing resigned, the Vice Presides! ; Hen. Ynn ■ coy, of Clarke; called the Convention to J order. An election for a Prbrbdetit was next in j order, Mr. Harris, of Hancock, presided the election. Mr. Yancey received almost an Unanimous vote for Prhhidbilt; ;ind Mr; Harrow, of Ail'.riis, Was elected to f ill Mr; Yditbey’s place. 'l he stnding committees were not general* ; J ready to make there reports, and ask for longer time. Mr. HoMNI Spoke at IHllfit on tiie policy of inviting foreign immigration to Georgia; Mr. Reese, of Bidd, also spoke; He said thtit lie cutrie to this hotlHtl*y from Norway when he was eight yeatS of age. lie nail been here thirty-seven years. Ho favored immigration and wished an agent stationed at every Sod the tit 8l l tl{jort tti ltjok Hftef itß property. lit tile aherriodn xlr. It oward offered a resolution, looking to saving tlte offal, &c.( in all towns and cities, out of which to niauu facture manures; to appoint committees to confet - with the Perdviaii author it lbs in relation to fcHeapetling tlie present firifee of guano; A discussion developed the fact that it can be cheapened, at least; S3O pet tdti. A propsifion was made to appoint fit com mittee to ask State aid to assist in estab’ifsli ing a manufactory of Sulphuric jitifd; will! Mr. Howard as ii* chairman. (jiape culture was [also discussed,fHiifi A cbminittee appointed to report at thh next meeting of the Society, on the befit grille for growing in Ibis climate; Thb Convention is composed of tiie befit men in tiie whole State, and is ri Hdfiiiifca hie fine looking body, wicli seeitied in ear nest, and determined to do all they can td advance the interest of agriculture.' Hundreds of tons of guanos are being or dcred. Deulei's ifere are reaping a rich har vest in consequence. Tuere was a heavy rain be Ye all day; siiid it is still raining. The convention is stilt in session. Georgia ifs CoiifreSti In the House of McpresentatiteS 'Fliiirsdilji the following action was had in the case of Georgia: j Mr. Paine, of Wisconsin', fforif t#fe vt,-obl oil Reconstructioii, fepbrted the lol iowing, and upon it demanded the previous question: Whereas; it is provided by the recon struction acts passed March 2; 1861, that until the people of the late rebellions Stated shall be by law admitted to representation in Congress, any civil government that fhaV exist therein shall be deemed provisional only, and that no persons snail b’e eligible to office in such provisional who aYe disqualified fo'r office by the 141 If am'eudtheiit of the Constftdtioh of the United States; and Whereas' it rfeporfed tfirft tiie Legisla ture of Georgia has expelled the colored members thereof and admitted to their seats White men who received minorities of votes at the polls," and that tYi Wilbers of said' Legislature who had been elected’ thereto by '.lie votes of colored men joined in such action,* and that twenty-seven disqualified white men holds seats in said Legislature in violation of the 14th dmVndment of the Constitution, and of the reconstruction acts of Congress; aud where as Senators from Georgia have not yet been admitted to the Senate of the United States; therefore Reduced/ Tliaft the CotWmittee on ReCrtfi strffefion be ordered* to futfuire find repdft wlreth'er aiiy, tfinf if any,' what further action ought 16’ be ttf&eW during the floitefth Con* grbsS* respeCtiVig tlVe 6f &oi* gia in the ffouse. Mr. ChaiVdW, of New York, demanded a' division of the qVtestibfi’, and, tfie }'eft£? and nayß were first ordered on the resolution* resulting- yeas I‘2T, nays 22, so the resolu tion was agreed to. . n t j ■ Mr. Paine, of Wisconsin, demanded 1 ths previous question on the preamble. Mr. Chandler,- of Now Yoik moved 1 td* lay preamble oil the table. Not agreed’ Id! The previous question was seconded, aihl the yea’s and ordered’. Thfe Votfe result ed'—yeas l l 3f>* nays 39*. A! nian whd'lias been traveling in Texas,’ says: A is' th’e hbttcst and 1 the coldest, the Wettest and'the dVyest, thfe richest and the poorest, tfffe best and the meatiest,- lias thfe best worrieii a’udthe fiVeahest fifbn and more pretty ladies', with pretty little feet, and’fib dalvfes tfo s'fiitpnoffe sicknoss and :ess Health in ol*e streams aVid* less navigable waters, mb re corn bread dorii, fiibre flour atjdMbsfe biscuit, rnor'e Cow's and less ifillk 1 ahd’ butter, mbre less pbrk, ifibfe chickenk aird’less eggs', more gold and 811 vet*, anfl less rfibhfey/mbfe dfeer and less Denison, more nbgroos and less labor, rfioie Rhreaujs and less furniture, than any contry in* thfe United 1 States—and* where house flies livs and mUsqnltose ueverdic 1 The following novel ititimation appears at the end of a recent iiivitation to a wed <jliij?_“No cards ! No cake! No wiiie!’ No kissing the biide.