The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, February 11, 1869, Image 3

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She fgutScw fat*- • raIXRRIDGE. GA., FEBRUARY 11, 18t>9 - TjOOALi ■*■—* will ™Wie s .rtHKRV GE-mins: the fallowing articles : C«.ni, Meal, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, Pota toes, Syrup. Sugar, &c., &c„ &c. Ruxwidgr P. 0. Ga., April 13, 1868. 'U.i'Closs as Follows : . V-*n \ Gulf Railroad daily except e * f l r. M. Moneys. Wednesdays and , " Twt-#dnvs,Thurfd’ay and Bat u ' ' ' ( * < A. M. * Jt KU . Tuesdays and Fridays at. 10 A. M. * • delivery of the Mail from BA. M. r M? Mails delivered on Sundays from 8 to w ’ * A ' S. J. CLOUD, P. M., narv of every description for at J- A. BUTTS A CO. G, !SS - M ral, $l6O per bushel, at T. B. Hunnf.well & Go’s. V .. 00 the best and cheapest for sale at J. A. BUTTS & CO. Oil’s and Tarnishts for sale at J. A. BUTTS & CO. tsefni for Families. ,-s. ra y; nc Table and Pickling Vinegar, at the yf DR. J. A. BUTTS & CO. — . P The LnH*s ahd fashimiobk fnnig gents and j liachohirsare respectfully inyob'd : see the slock of Perfumery and Toi/J| Articles which they are offering very . t i Bulls & C«. They will liaJfcCi *.L-.:ein a few days everything m -f Garden and Kiower Seeds. . ;>r,pv Seers. — Dr. J JP \ Hh- j *- ...-,]* in hand. '' . _ J^froiH*r^UKS.t*U.v w , .i»«i \\i'n\J/r §L W.-"‘.s&' *' I"t uo ' ’ #»<TnL*ng f ' -Wv:-- v :i to call atpndflT / V*: fntines. —Dr. Judsnn A. .putts & Go., ~e 'y tin* 14th, February, lifeve a large c. i.-ndid stock of Yalentuilps, op hand* v • forget this young gentlemen and ’ -• K fine assortment Will bo offered, a.difat lovers to express themselves in ■ h Cc.—We re f er our the ad ,H-!i of this -in tea prising firm? They keen ip. . hand a larrre and well Rejected kL£ V ■. s ■ - they offer very Imv . for-'thodf •t ti ■ii'princijtal salesman,, is one ■:a:li«S gentleman in the wojFl. 5b always oid show Ihfcni tftrotigfa the -%-k. iiir- iLem tiadP **" I ■ ‘■■'T.vtavs. — \Y«* call the attention of *<, 1 die tub oft isonumt of \\ - E M. <l. Es.j Persons tiaVeling fmm > i .r-, i-n ! •<.» \ , Albany, Quincy or else • W u . Mr. Rutherford ever ready ig t.* ae.eomdate them. Those o( 'V -ti « v.ho wish t<» luivu a j ;-.t*M t]rlv. } “wi*V»r.»it having to work tv ig’d-.” will ilii well to call on him. F. F. Bucton & Co. — The advertisement - ■ and reliable Commission House, » i** found in another column. Their ex > v.* teqe-ainlance in N«'W Orleans And . \V,-;-ern markets, enables them to y * i, i'» i<m«, Flour, &c., at the very • ->t piifcs. PUiitrnt will save money bv • ,t.'i mg through litem F.Gvnxc avp Graining.— Our readers are I N» ihe card *‘if Wescot H. Coleman, • .’«sl ttnr is*-w* advert iseincnfs ? av«- hkuou Mr Coleman and * * ,tdy andean ivcoimnend him .without A faithfn! workman in his line— w _v' ;:n e a:i«1 d.»sei ves a stiar< ' \ -f >ui citizens knew F,«m in this " G 1 '* r I** the iaie t nnpfeami>”*'o ' b *re *. pari, having en ;• i t aap.iny from D'-caltn - , served - ’ : w ' i,, b was', and at ils.cesHUtiou • : “eye t«t business'*— went to ’ ’ l■■ and < in bis Made for • ‘ "‘ l% w -*n twos th«* largest ronTfac— ■< Ni b. when ').< made bimsell a m i-eendar art; Gm ffiiYi S«NM| Maud of perfect sajLiafaeUtuV. t Mai * b‘CKr-W\ T. Co*, Mayor P be _ v -Only >!wc*fo(i report,d for the that ('Ur httie city ip quit,, floral. Ona uufortunaW " * '*'■ w ** WwH Jaoksoi, an Anton-' ** mtr, n** of tlie "culled persuasion,’> possessed of a little loose iu ’i go on a spree. After ih* * - u the catie’* and commenced l| }*i ;j. t *' S • • 1 f P <*i ins voice, whereupon “'•■* ■■tk-1 «P (,}• :h e p„lic,.. His Honor -i i * o j J; . cottld go his wav c.: <T *: V f K "■-> over two and a hail * ; f ' *% W’airh be dul ‘g*n and Bob Malov, colored, ■■ o o tear each others eyes red themselves off in real . Zr™ C «>}"’ ** tbotigl, they were in ** L . "l*°e* r nao Kagan happened to - uiat way and p, )t a t 0 - “gs. They were discharged ' |*v: g cost “Stonewall” Engine 'Company No I.—/ This Company turned out on Thursd% evening last to test the Hew rubber hose recently puVcbased for them by the City CoUricT. We learn that the hose proved perfectly satisfactory; and the boys were highly pleased with it. Judging from the way she “squirted” the other day, we be lieve with hundred feet of hose be longing the Engine attached to her, she could stand on the Square, and spout water all over the place. Persons need not think this is any of your “one horse places’ either. . » #- Masonic Ball— On Wednesday evening the 17th inst., the grand ball of the season, will come off at the City Hallj giveo by the| Masonic Fraternity for the purpose of rais ing funds to complete; the new Masonic; Hall. A Committee has been appointed by the Lodge, to solicit, contributions, arid we hope that the friends of this ancient and Honorable Institution will subscribe liber— allv. To thoseofour readers, who rather opno'yß balls,we can the one in vi<i® will .he. t cqt!dncfcd with...the -spirit, arid prietv OTiifchidl wav* gh «P!feu?tei izeS th*< % tneuuif the Masonic Fraternity; W*isM I We advise lmlh young and old,, SOI aetuf tlieir '*‘grwries? ' „ t) . '■" —jp|~ , ; MsuTlfglf jst tC. .W*Tu officials 3n« Tv...m l > i »f ''jferypriHf^a; mptlL cha r a 1 i-faru|iniTJ iF ‘ yon m r v *’ jjfy Sjiukl .... lwI"J1 W^TKLKIvKkn i t;i a t , miln Wf** 9 al-u X asmt ire sJpm lotion, and said that it was am q J *s9*k>ery important. ■ °f $1P ‘NKi# City C<>u/fciL Honor, W. T. R. Peabody, J. R. Hayes, John and T. R. Wardell—Minutes of last moo, fead and confirmed. V Resolutions, That a Committee be appoint- 3 ed to examine the hose and «notion of Stonewall Engine Cos., No. 1. Passed. Authorizing W. T. Cex, Mayor, k> repre sent. the Stock of the City in the A; & G. R R., at the Stockholders Meeting, to be held in the city of Savannah on the lOtli inst. Mayor f]yi 1 "||j[ fK>se of sWst l! Ckjg tihpSi' x i-t .| ~] /'*• i> «,, -‘o' l '.* v I”*™ t.. .p P jnr . i private sll iVa** ,1 T ' ,r » : ii , T S°/ tl,e abyVis pay bal ance , Mekpensit tjj'aktf it utfe the Ladder Comna * ,e 1 K gratified to (Minouup . , fMiOen lWehiffv : aw«mfed hv : .u petition ,c L ■ vait it y't iitul ceneVu Corporate limits of from the distance of t wei\*.!Witred 's to one mile, on every dilection from the Court House. Provided, said Corporation shall not extend beyond the West bank of Flint river. Passed—Council adjourned. •• Rivf.r New. —The Steamer ‘Baudry Moore of the Central Line, arrived on Monday eve niiiif fryrn Apa'mchicola with a heavy freight, consigned to different merchants of our city. The Steamer St. Clair, of the same line arrived on Wednesday from Columbus, and h ft same day for Apalachicola. The Central and Barnnett Lines are having quite a lively time of it nil to Hn-msdlves, freight is carried a t the nf t.t’ii cents per barrel, front this piaee -to Columbus; and passengers, at i $2 $0 each PThe longest pole will kno<jk\ driwu the persimmon’. ’ p (Juatmidrd. she preliminary examination ol* Geitefa 1 Amos, colored, charged vyGh. the murdt r .ol Dn■ wi y Riikseif, ci>l iiced, <m J iln- jfj'rh n I'. bedr- 1 Netsn”Gs'.eeat rigen .o. \ lite 4 It instant,. ;up.l ( etpiyijidi tl On Th'irxlav. lie whs tn fn : mote<l f< » j / j'A I q tj,'. /. tL'bi '■ If- ' * ■f* the; rn ! x’ A p'rij’ (peim .* <*l jh’.^ni’-dheGOl'ii C F.oni Ihe evidence protlnu; 't,* u ’ : * are of 11 if* opiidoi't .t}jnt.' the. Genm.ab will have quite a crowd ol visitors lo get* him and a ttce- 1 1 trt *h ik * e xiste fi ee. , \ { , p \{y T-TT | ! , A Sewing Maeliiae <*ruih. The phbltelV’i's of The' .New Yur&Day Book make the following extraordinary 'and libera! offhrl'To any pers'tiu wlio will seu4 T during the months,of February add,.March, a club otbdftf'SrfbferiHiWfof th£ Nfew YorU Day Book, al $1 80 each, and remit s9'9 at one time, with, a J,iHt !>f names, will t>e for warded, liy 'express, carefully boxed, a SS;V Groover & Baker Sewing Macjnne. opportunity to circulate the best . okl-fnsli ioned Democrat in paper published, atul se cutc the best Family Sewing Machine in the market, has ever been offered. Who will’get the first machine? Send for spec imen copies, which are mailedJYee. Ad dress Van Evrie, Horton & Cos., 162 Nassau street, New York. Feb. 11 ,• 1869. 42-Gt Norfolk claims SI,OOO inhabitants ; in 1867. 25,000 ; in 1861, 18,000. Weekly . Review tlie Bainbridge Market. OFFICE OF TTilB SOUTHERN SUN, ) " ' Bainbridge. Jf ebl uary 11th, .18*59. j General Remarks. —Trade during the week has quite good, particularly in the grocery and provision line. The demand for domestic goods is tair, though the stock is slim: Cotton—Receipts during the first of the week Wet 6 light.'and puces rather dull. The weather for the last two days has been good, consequently receipts were better, though not as heavy as last week. The ihai ket closed firm at the following quotations : Middling. J Low X . .fpfe27 1 Good Ordinary.. Ordinary 2o@ Flour.—VVe quote superfine, 18.00. Extra, s9 (s 12. Double Extra, $12@,13. Fancy, hams, 28@25 cents. Mess'....pork vJHtQjrfgffgHg'ra barrell. Rick -*j«>^p'ipßQ| b 11a and wss it IS OLr|.ko Up in a r< ‘XdlftlkMK M>»‘jß " r TUlfcr < . m i f Jcffilij •'•o Ha’-ris IV II I JHft r(Jjf ‘ jfe ••' - .•: Mn rJUI. ***** . • £3l : v , Xw- ■ ■ ■ W 1' r s I of^ V ' 1 '• /:/ < ( }• . V a and Picturmo, iS!Diff “COSTAR, ’’ 10 Ptf I tolDemag KToSStfIiNBRIDGE, GA., by Dr. J. A. BuffS'P ‘ttostiS [Feb. 26th, '69.-44-ly. that th( „, , » ■■!. in evejTC l AGEBHERIFF*S SALE. d| v>ld before Tie Coprt House door* i. l ‘ 8 -^ ty& jr the! of Baiabrjng# the ot f hours of the first Thesbay la May following property to vdt: ’ One lot of land nufa»er'24B in tHe 14tt a^ft ’ I containing 196 acres. levied on as th*Y ’ a i James D, Smith to satisfy one »ur rjTTqT¥/ , \l| , I gage fi fa. oJ|y»r M. Petif |\lJtsU 1 —*i iHK— % - 1 containing si‘ _ . i. . I ? jT-J ' : C',;v« Y-»mont; CASH GIFTS TO«r '<■ •» -HNfi'>*i Jhe was %a V r bftlio - Every x'^ se 6 have boon , M v * l iji fly after this a prominent a Af;# on ibis ciimir.ittoe met Sei • mc%4, Itfid Hi ts fcilulilfeU giAttr# v, AttW'd bWipiS n am* one acquainted wiiii (lie state of feel ing in his Slate, if it. was true. Mr. ILIi replied that, “he believed there was an or dinance in force in Augusta which that at certain periods of Ihe year all dogs, found in l he street without a muzzle should he shot; that during times months, and only would Mr. Blqdgeti^. t life be n danger in Oral c. i y Chrauixle ■ Ren If Hie, . | r pint » chantry *■*' ® J 9 ? Piirrhasiug a <'IUS STORE HOUSE. ’ ’’H 'vkets di |pr»l4nft. fnfk fa ' 1 1 f ’’ VA l ’ ° ll & '&rl a niiimvEu i ehuiotf; Alf-riMt^luguul' c<* any vdiSiftss* ' f F|«r ‘iir'in 1 " mn delivered to the tiekef-li and , * ...... I: f/mJ.’W^sr will l, t . \ t VtO \ dress, us requested , If IN CLOTH 1> INO, f2 oods for men wear, Htapto Dry Goods, Y ->4, Water Struel Bainbridge, G**?# (ia. ’ [.June 10-G Stonewall engine company no. i. Regu lar Meeting first Wcdn'estliv in each month. EDWARD R. PEABODY, Presd’t, T...R Wau Secretary > : - June 10, 1668. 1 o—ts.. ; ORDER OK MECHANICS Meets every Tuesday night at- 7 o’clock in the Mechanics Hall. ; M. CLAMMING. M. M. Wm, T Worn, Secretary. June IC-tf - .[A- . Orion lodge. No. r, f. a m. regijt,ar Communication on the 3rd Thursday in each month, at 10 o’clock A M., and at rnorht. GEO. W. LEWIS. W. M. Geo. W. Minus. Secy. June 10-ts. OXK err HOOK AND LADDERED , No 1 Regular Meetings first Safin day in eaclt month. 17LEMING & RUTHERFORD, Attorneys at Law, 1’ Bain bridge. Georgia. Office over drug store of C. C. King, Jr., fyfy*/) Are fully prepared to take clta"ge of all cases aris rig under the Baoknipt Law. June .?• luv ]..... jjj|T Office in Oniir avy’a office, Cos ni TTeitsi. Al!g ■"• i-ts tITM/HONE Dealer in imported arid VT Liquorfi, Wines and Sugars, Bay Street. J —j nry. • EL NEIDLINGER, I'ealer in Saddles, '• Belting. Saddlery Ware, Leather, &c., 72 St. ♦Julian and 105 Bryan Streets. Ct W. GLEASON, Manufacturer of best Sugar O* Mills TJEABORN B OODOALL, (successor to Seaborn 3 (Jodall ) Wholesale dealer Butter, Cheese, Laid, [ intry Produce. &o. 216 Bay Street.,,. ~p L GILBERT. V.;, DBAX.ER in GROCERIKS, TBTTITS AND VKORTABrES S<mtb West Corner Market Square. Sept. 23, 1868.—2 m OFFICE of J. BERRIEN OLIVER. General Com mission Merchat. No 97 Bay Sfreet («>ycr_ W i.L eox A Gibhi & Cos.) Savawmh,' Gx. • ' [ffic.yS^SSr OMBHHESBSEBBES9EBBB9E39fiBEfIRD9BBSBRRBHfiB9^BSB Lost or Stolen. FTOM Be Cher’s ruck. on Tuetjd-.tyi.vetiihg. instant, one ma:e-,ahAe, .‘tM < ’vm* with saddle. l>ri lie and wagon harness if said mule 1s returned to Belcher’s lot, all expenses will oe paid by applying to Z. T..GLOVER, JBainbridge, Ga. Jan 27th iB6O M. It. Wholesale gild Retail f |Ltte n tioii ofpthair fvimvils and tta* public ally *o tluur *v<-!l * 1,1 tile gene! au. paionuig.- bert'tofore extended to their Articles, Perfume ry i^Briatingl^FßßUSHES, Tl>olll BRI S1! ES, L $ JWQUORS. Single ie. >.i\ >t J h W jSrBr y I,andatafipt,ctl ° rs fL {aim; porer,'Fitters, schnapps, ,#a .i t * . ■ \hi V^ t . . jirraßted, and will no'W*?SJ . oo« V/>< J . rK “ 1 ' ■*« -t - w ! euUn B f^ wte ;X ßr . r ,;^i.s ; OF Al.l: 'KINDS, • i 4v "'n £" hic ’ivi -mr 9 vi* v e* ™'t£s, pine Airn fancy envelopes, note, letter, cap and bill paper fid*‘‘'/Gat V , ~ - (iErl4* ** ' ' i,*r iy KEROSENE LAMPS, ■ w various stlyes, Kerosjne Oil Lamp Cliinineys, WWI all Infers ’ PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTONS. \ i r nl —*t **’*/ *;* /•• ’ *” anu accurately compounded at all hours, day or. night. [till nov. 21, 1809 Many years ago, the writer of these lines and an invalid physician, while visiting the Island of St. Croix for their health, experienced and. witnessed many surprising and beneficial effects of the Huns there produced upon many of the invalids who were (like ■; ours&ves) seeking healih : ; and, upon inquiry and investigation, obtained a full history * ' ; * of iffiffelialfal virtues. ITe was delighted and surprised, and after his own recovery, which soon occurred, determined, if possible, to pr<fcu& the sole right to manufacture v and sell it in the United States, The result of his labors was a glorious success for himself and suffering humanity, Ulx ' A '' for ie celebrated PLANTATION PITTSES was thus made known to the world. PLAN TATION PITTSES being an article of real merit, founded upon new principles, and relying wholly upon the vegetable world for its medicinal effects, Worked a rapid revolu tion in the history ofmadioine, and became ias a household word all over the civilized ; TfljrMt. "'TErcabaliiScT. T-1360-21. was a talisman of health, and the demand for the PLANTATION BITTEES soon far exceeded the abilities of the proprietors to supply. rnmm NdWip«*'l|g|e %ortation of St. CrriX Eum, made expressly for the com- P antity was inadequate. It therefore became necessary that "arrangements upon an extensive scale abroad should at once be made, ana ana£e was disnatched to St. Thomas for that purpose. He was fortunate in securing and and . leasing several plantations on some of the largest and; most productive on *he ! '' yIA iiand. Houses, stills and presses were erected as .If by magic, which utterly asij»* . ished the natives." The services of experienced meii and natives of the island were po cured, and very soon the proprietors of the PLANTATION BITTEES were in a posi on their -1 %£jie INVI&O&ATOE. The above cut represents 1 crushing the sugar-cane and otherwise preparing it for the stills and presses. As an antidote to Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers, Dyspepsia, an other kindred diseases, the use of the PLANTATION BITTEES is unsurpassed in the - history of the world. Over five million bottles are disposed of annua y. ®^ a adajtea to old and younj, malo and femalo. They (S* agreea!!)* in taste, and: atays K ’ i produce an immediate beneficial result . !l >,p 9, 1868 1 r 3'o Coiisiuupfivos. The advertiser, having beeu restored to health in I, v4,ty simple remedy, after having suffered for several years w : th a severe lung ath el ion an i that died diseise, consumption N anxious to make knownato his fellow suffeiers the means of cuie. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of chary) with the directions J: jy-epaiingyAnd- «'H I I’imVr y/nt 1 “finda'sure cu re for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and all Throat arid Lung Affection.-. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to Benefit the afflicted, and spread in urination which he conceives to be invaluable, and h<L hopes ft *‘’ ,s re ” !, f ‘ V ’ n> ' ’* ■ .win Cost thW.r/pthlU JroF a blessing. *"pKrties wishing the prescription, free, by return mail, will please address REV. EDWARD A. WIIA'ON. • Williams’- 'g, Kings county, Ncw_YorU May 9, 1867. - * ~l X) A ' ' > , ' Fresh G-ard&n Seeds DR. Jr ft. BUTTS & CO. ?Xow i«*ynur time to buy youi Garden Seeds. Come while you 'get : slf you w'i>sh,. Heeds war ranted prime and fresh—from’ Bnisf ai>d--ThOi v bnfns'; Y6u can take youi Cheine.-- Y ' ■/,' v; ! I SHOES.. lI7E .hnv£ just received a Hplended aßuorment < f m Ladies add Gents' Shoes—also, a nice assort me it of Children and Biby Shoes. Gents Boots and Gaiters, all for « hieh we sell for Cash. T. li. UIjXNEWELL & CO. RSCMITtS AG l> §IS f • Hi*' F’S SA LR. WILL be sold before lie Court House d<K>r in thp town of Bainbringo usual hour of sale on tjie first Tuesday in March tit-xf one Hound skid lot in the town of lltlh:bridge, bufndnd on t’he North by premises owned by 13. 8. Brocket*, trusted, on the East by J. F. Mu lone, i>tu4he South by Thome,svi,life road and on the West by fj, S. Brocket*, its; iriistae. to siitisfy one Mortigage fi fa in favor of B. 8. Brockelt arf trustee,, vs. J. »V. Kendrick. Also, at the same' tirtiA and place, the Undivided half-interest of Moses Singleton, in omv.Stable and lot in the city Os Baiubridge bounded as follows on the North by Brough toil Street. <ji tlunijoutli by prelnkses of C. Lewis, on the East t>j* *Vnd street, and on, the West by Ci’a w ford -street B. 11. butler Guardian Moses Singleten. Ptpiiotfy n:o r o fully pointed deed of Mortgage, ia;vied on as the property of Moses Sitigflefbii. H. 13. WAUGH, Sheriff. Jan. 6, 1809'. , " 40-Bw. -i 2. i ~, . IU-•.! .. DRCATVR SiSEstlrF’f* SALKS. \ iblLTi be Bold oh the first Tueslbiy Ih MA*oh no t. V 1 before the Court House dpcnr of-sakl count} * the following property, to- wit; One lot of land in th,e twentieth district,of. liecs tur county, nu mber 2(V, confabiihgf one 'hundred acres.more or hiss, levied on :1s tbii property of E. t). and W. B. Mims, to satisfy one Superior Court fi fa. JB. 13. Waters vs. E. 0 and W. R. Mims, pro perty' pointed out .by. Plaintiff's Attorney. Also at the same .time and place, one.llmd inter est in lots of hinds numhei‘s : 2u4':Vhd'hi Mia Kith district of Said county. l(*v*te(i'onhis the property of John W. Evans, deceased, -)to »«}tii|%><K«iCjßuperior fa, pifaypi; of, Office})) of > s. .lulni W Evans! deceased, property pointed out lfjr PUiai tiffs Attorney 1 4 ‘ "* i;; Also, l/>ts of land No-s. 101 1 iii tlwfiOAi district, 14 15 & 51, in the 22d district, levied on as the pro perty of C. y t| Ejng.,Sr,, to" s;Uyjf)|a Superior Court fi fa in favor of Belcher and Belcher vs. C:C. ijjiig. Sy., pfoperty pointed out by PivKutatf** .Vtiottiey. Also. Twenty thousand fee*;. of luinb<i. morg or less, levied on as the 'property .VM.'.v'wnr, ,to Vs. j. T. Hines, principal'and MN. t&otC. *endoißer, 'Property poffntbdtbijt by'Plain tiff. • >w Also. Lots of laud No’s 046 in-the Elat, districf*of said county, levied oh As the property of ,Hagh M'-. SLcet and Charlotte l£i K. street tl> sat isfy. cue Superior Court Jl fa in favor of ). J. Nvl'fh* eiit vs. Hugh Mv Street and Charlotte street, property pointed out by P4tiff's; Atri’v. ‘ is* Also. Lots of land No’s. 235 and in the I4th District-;»f said bounty, levied o'u as ilm pnfyerty of James* D, Shanks, to,,satis}y. Superior ''Court fi fa of Loivnds county, ip faYor of Tvlfnara Smith vs. A. J: P)«ssttilt. rebeiter of'ttfo '‘estate* of •J unes D Shanks, deceased property pointed yet by Plaintiff’s AU'/rncy. - Also, Three .hundred pounds of lint: cotton, mote or less together with the seed of the same, levßed’ on as trie property of It. W. Hookk to satisfy fine Supe rior Court ft fa, in favor of M. Swicofd rw R, W. Hooks. Property pointed out by .Plaintiff.. ... Also, One lot. of lam l . Mo 20. In the ff'Jlfi district, containing one hundred ami fifty ap 'as, itiore or Iwpjs, known tii' flit plantation wtiereuu W. It. Mims now iives, levied on as the property*of W. It. Mimstio satisfy one Superior, Court fi la in favor of A. Os. G. R. -B. Go , vs. W. it. 1 Mims. PrGpbky pointed out by Plain ijls: * Ofie lot of land in the 2Cfth district, No. tiO, levied on as the property of Andrew Ellis t*> aati.-fy one Justice Court fi fa. in favor of M. Swieord vs. Andrew Ellis. Property pointed out by Pldfntitf. Lev) made and returned to me by M. Huhti, Cou - table. Also, Lots of land, Nos. 30 and 83, in the 20th district of said county. Levied on as tpc projrerty of James T. Hines, to satisfy four Superior Cm. t H fas in favor of VV T. Wells v ( s James J. L But!eK M Swieord vs. James T. Hines 411*1 M. . N, Scott, Wiltiam Diebi.ison and John Sh slgmss A June- T Hines. Property pointed out by Plaintiff -' Attorney. Also,One house and lot in the city of Bain bridge known as the place where W. 0 Hlemirig now 1 ve; n.d formerly occupied by J S Hopson hounded -so follows . South by Afiotwol! street. West- by baior s reet, North by Presbyterian Church and East by Crawford street. Also. One house and lot in said city known as the place where J. D. Charlton now lives, Inmiide. * n the by street riot named but running N«~ h and South, West by property owned by Dr, Ora - ford, South with sin et by 110 name and Noith bj . W. Reese. Also, One house, and lot b* U ided North iiy lane »f F G Arnett, East by Broad street. South by land of G. W. Lewis, West by property o«m-*l l»y Df. Couch, and known as the Noah L. (Jliatil pliuv, Levied on a* the property of W. 0 Fleming to s.t :. ty one Superior Court fi fa ip favor of W. 1). Hud son 1 vs. Mr. T. Cox and W. 0. Fleming. Also, One lot of land, No 88, in the 15th district of said counts , levied o’n to satisfy two Justices Court fi^' fas in favor of Joseph Ellis vs jAiut* Sluftfn nu<f J. M'Rae. pointed out by PlaiuLiff L* vy uiacfe and returned to* me by M. Halm Constable • POSTPONED SHERIFF SALE Also, at the same time and place, lots of hind Nos 32 and 4!). all lying in the nineteenth ' dhsijiufc of said count , known as the place where Hem v Blount now lives. Levied on as the property «>f Henr Biount to satisfy one Superior Court fi ia in favor of M. Swieord vs H. Blount THEODORE GANDY; Deputy Sheriff.' Also, Lots of land No’s. 30 and 33 in tlie'2otlff district of said county, levied * mas tiie, prapv.y .if femes T. Hines, t satisfy two Superior Court ti r a *B. in favor, of Wm. JP. Stewart and H. II SIOEIVj? ’ vs.'.Jaines I*. Hines. Property poinle i pp.t by Plaintiff s Attorney. - ft Also. One house and lot in the city of Bainhi-idge' hounded.on the iYo.lth by Planters tyUHA East t’y' lot owned by John Adams. South by lot own by J... [j Dickinson, and West by. l-it-owr eddiy AVm ' Vs. Broom, Levied on as the property of John O I’eny t » satisfy ope Superior Court fi.fiu.iih i’avpi7>f tt T itikit«iti, Adm'r., vs John 0. Pevrv. , »>., w Also. One hodstgami' lot Iff thddty of BaiVibri.fg •, bounded as follows On the N,*m!» fry .pmmOS' .nvlied by W. T. Cox, on the South.ln- .alßtt,- i iinning! lAftst and West, seoaratbig CT *-'<•*>(. s premises from said lot, West by lof <rsvne»i, J byhT ‘ij •Bruton’s and known as the house where W T. Pn - son’s now lives, Levied . Bennett S. Brockett. to Satisfy one Kiijienor Court ti fa in favor of J. A. Zuigier, adm-wkisGaWf t ire of K. W Swain, vs 1' J. Wiijpii^,.^ Martin and 13. B.' ''Brockett. Also, All that track 01 p.woul o's 'fsnd!t)nJ’Pf' We * sth. district, near Tongv’s FywJ «y, f r. twenty ffve' aiVes m >r() Br less', and" kh *vyo, ( as the. k place wiiei'if Rnvialf Ke/.ny now llv«sf. W follows: On the North, bviod running from Biiin hrifjge to Albany, on the .Fast ami booth Uy-Jasi-Te ..wiibtf by the estate of ibngc, oi« the West by UmJ owner not known, levied mi as the ’jfrifyMriy of i. Bi'oelifctt to satisfy 01m Hniieuwr-■. C«urrt ff 4«itk: hivor of J. A Zeigler, admistraUp oil the estaje »U, ks B W. ■ Strain v*s R. 8 J J. M’illl.ims a'nd Alexander Minfin. Pypperty, pointed, init Uy an- • Also.,One hobs® and lot in the cify m Boiilhfioge, hounded as loilows: burst by West street. Sotitfe '» by p:emiiies owned by B. F.‘ Bruton. N**rthat:.l West by vacant hits, owners uiikupwn, lieft./r kuowh as the place Where Col. U. Sims now liv* Lovied upon ns thw property of R Sims to s-d ‘ fy' me Superior Court fi !a in favor, if l.iarns vs. Boloman Coach'mau, Jack Middleton a a vicluird Sims. ’ s f f H. H. WAUGH, Sheriff. Feb. 3d, 1869. 4,-^w. .El •M* r-ivirß fll OBORGI A—Decatur County. ( ON the first Monday in M&rch'next; we v/lIT ap ply to tty* Court of Ordinary W said cofttityifhK icave t<* sell a portion o! land lj iijfg pn T th« West-»/ side of Spring Creek, No. 2l 9, 27th District. 0 M md.lU.aeres of the same lot oir tire East-side of«iW creek for the purpose of obtaining a site fupi. tmUi*. FLOtTA HODGES. Jttfcrirk. ' W. P. HODGES, Adm’iT Jan. 6, 1869. 40-Lhn . ~ : v-o:- -•■ ■■' ■■ 'i - 1 >!- •- GEORGIA —Decatur Conntyv r PHE petifjan of Mis: Blirt Hint's, Adt»ihd#tfiit»iie >f L of the estate pf D. P. Hines, late of said count?. > deceased, wi'il apply to the Court of Ordin ;ry • f said county, on the, first Monday in March, 180 , for leave to sell all the land belonging t»> said estat t nil the purpose of the payment of the debts and di - tributum. . , ELLA S. HiN iS, Admr x. Dec. 28, 1863. J 33 ‘ 6oi