The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, February 18, 1869, Image 1

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Southern '<» •to copy. »> lie >’ car copy, «U VdvrrtiVmcnt* to be pubtwhed for a lean period tirtrt one month imWtted at $1 per mpiare for each nsertion * ! When advertisements are continued for one month ,V footer, the charge will be asfolt'ows V.fof 6 Mos. 12 Mop »• litre* .. 800 11 00| 14 00 20 00 SO4)0 ill!ires ... 12 00* 15 00 20 00 20 00 40 00 . ,ire*i... 1C 00 ,'0 ,00 26 00J 33 0« 5(U)u, -M,,re. .. 20 n0 2$ % 32 OM 40 00 MM •j < t ire* ... 24 00 31 <§ 38 0« 48 00 ? 70 §o| t i'lntre* ... 28 oO »t <P 45 Off |56 00*8w JOJ S, !„ ire* ... 32 0« *1 (*> 52 riare« ... 36 o<*t 40*00 CO 00 72 00 100 »0 |0 -{m re* 40 00 55 00 68 On 80 00 110.00 of insertion* desired, when handed in. will be pub Utihed until Advertisers order them out; argi |hy will be charged for accordingly. Advertisements sent to us for publication should >e masked with the n«pher ofinsertk^M|red. Letpif For the infortttntiuff ahd shhhW« of Ofdinrfrhfi, Sheriffs. Clerks. Executors. Administrator*, Guar A« Hi in no event to be departed frqni:) . Sheriff's Sales are by ij»«£t£ I*4 }j || weekly for four weeks! and the charge per lev fr *’ 10 lines or less, will be $2 50. v Wo w*nr Mortgage Sales, eight weeks, per squnrcj&fc, jj )t . <*as Citations for letters of administration jflfiggesti on i .aiiship. $3. irir* €x Dismission from administration. moi)thj®| Y j Dismission from guardianship fortj Applications for leave to scHilatid JjL. H,.. 1 Vttth Si'.'iof pAi islmble bront-Ajufisell, \| jaD- Notices to ,,uv n«dd*' |] if v Kstr.iy notices.tT pio sod it ln,an^<ot> D ‘ , . «■«}((’"''' *iW*"r Every dwxriptiori'brJolF Printing exdfchted in a style which, for neatness, cannot be surpassed in Southwestern Georgia. oitjj gimtorg. XT >KL GAINEY & CO, DEALERS IN CLOI'H -La LNG. F-irni.diiiig Ui»ods,fi\»r Uion wear. Staple Dry Goods, Harness and Water St?J[et tlambridge. I [June Uy-tt SONKWALL ENGINE COMPANY N<%] !ar Meeting Ijrst Wednesday in each wtwSi. EDWARD U PEAUOd)Y/PremKt. T. 11 W AUD;'.i,i..'SccreCjitV- v ; •** June 10 1868. J[ • 3 |o-tl. | —. : -T’*"' ■jj W UKQfJAHPTI- eveyy I’pesday ' * bight at 7 w’chfck in the M/r-ghiydcs Hall. * YL CUMMXNG. M M. Wh. T -Wum, Secretary. June 10 ts OUIGN LODGE. No. 8, K. A. M. REGULAR Communication on the 3rd Thursday ,ih- Aic m nith, at 10 o’clock A M., and at night. 4?bo. irr. lew fs» nw m. G«o. W. Ht.vus, Sec’y. June 10-fc./ OAK CITY HOOK AND LADDER CO , No. 1 Regular Meetings first SatimlUv in each frinnth. JOHN 11 HAYES, Fottmkn. W. T Worx. Sec’y. 1 * June 10. 1868 h ' IO ts. . lb. -^i Bainbndge. Georgia. I, over drug store of C. C. King, Jr., A Cos Are fully prepared to take charge of all i aser aris ng under the Bankrupt Law. • D : - June 2t, 1867. 18-ts, —rtV-; > -i 4 j* I.AVr ] -. [g. W HINjBh I AW & HINES. Attorney* at Law, Rainbi' ! dge 1J Ga Will attend to all business in connect! n wtfli their profession. IT Office in .Ordinary’s office, Court House. / ' }{ 7,• i • \iru t‘i I *. Vs HON L erjn^ lmW" 1 * 3 Belting, ftokllefjr Ware, leather, Ac , 72 St Julian and 105 Bryan Streets. SW. GLPLASON, Alan ufacturer of best • Mills.and Pins, and all kiud- of machinery St Julian street. Send for circular. B GODOALL. (successor to Seaborn y G<stall ) Wholesale, dealer Butter, Clieese, Lard >* intiy Produce. &c 216 Bay Street. "■? ! —r-- •» ( { —: —► L GILRERT. , , \ XJ * D * A i*ntK VI* 0 ?^ 1 * 8 ’ AXD mW h ” M 8, “”- ° f u <WraUk,m \J mmum i Merehai. No 97 Bay Street (over W I |** * s(Jo > Savanuahi, G». f [dcy2-35. ( K? T I A WAJABKaHOIEUuOD fl> THE OEIULY A#D EUROPE AN PLAN, CovfiEtyiklfaHj /BABiIS-STS.j »«M City Hau | I WIGHT, l‘ropH<,„r. I ; - till June 16. ’69.-6m. , * * '* ~ • ’MI mZ&K piNSIENTBJURpijjG! ft?*- f N - JOHNSON Celling „r f‘>rtsil» 1 e. l'jegunt and EliiriHe Beet. *mroflSr7 Vu b , r !' ckh ‘ Bon riti TMarfters' WioQ. for ,ia V PpWks}*t cbt#i accoinmb ■h, (n ,' 9PI r f‘ l P^itU!atWniT n ' <F«P ■Mn" ai^'' ab ‘ e .v 8e ™ Isa ■kpt. ? “ 0t 10 *» io ' W- HI. JOHNSON, WEEKS t 00. «eral Cmnniissiok [KttCUkNTS, J . r# Mt^wkwl&M JkirnmfylpM W. A. WEEKS. V If* SAM’L M. WEEKS.. } Particular attentiou paid to «v. /Kfip'jF' Liberal trances madb uporTtHß M' l X! .if >pnif aiat c<*nt*iito fm-got. rip/SP'ts jrh<%fs§t^tro««|H|Xfef a f ue d on qjr-aejJ* 1 Ist January. ~ PRICx: $4 a \ r ear, or $2 for Six months^. GEORGIA WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. This Splendid Sheet is among the Largest in the World It is eotnposetj <>f EIGHT .RAGES »i/d FIFTY’-SIX COLUMNS—nearly all reading matter We siial! accept for it hut few short advertisements It is a complete epitome of the weeks Ifisfory, And as a Family Journal.' lias no superior in th world. PRICK; $3 a year, or $1 50 lor Six’ Months Address Mill M iMffil I *. /imiieil -- 1 1 " |! 'GIfATTMOOSHEE MffißOß, FQW GAINES,'.Gii"*.' \ , —ii.o» • j-t ?!.• • ! The propdimr of the aboim spued no labor *or expeiisu Tiiak’d it ode the ftps week! es of the State, and he is glut itied to is efforts have been libera Tv awarded bv ;» I tdvevtisinjc i|im fwt plff ior h^mibeti^-tf’s j /l ni|Mli Roii lias''now';i ‘circulationdhjit reyadiej I nearly every point in SouthernTjeOTgTO Amnilsd extends through many counties of the Sumtl-eastcr) portion of Alahama. M.-TUCKERi "V*l l '» f J I FLORAL GUIDE FOE 1869 /‘ Ui ' *• jfc Loqf- { UEnidai iu />d> iHoi; . The first edition of One Hundred Thousand of Vick’s Illustrated Catalogue of Seeds and (Aline iii the Flower Garden is now published. JLt makps ;i work *of I6H pAged,i bAnfiWUttf' 111 als?ut 150 Fine Wyod Eng^y.jpgs plFlpyers arid 0 i GOMMBO PLATE. *i*q to j A W URS. the stfutfnVe Florai Guide published, giving phtiif and thoroug hdilections fur the The Flhral Ouidfcis published for the benefit of iny custoipers to whorh It is sent free without apt pfiatiotf. hut Wilt he forwarded to all who apply’by mail, for Teh Cents, uhieb ishot holt .tbeenst. ! Address!- "'!■ • j JAMES VICK, Rhobest'tf, N, V ! Tan. T3TB6IP —•—ah- 2ts | •rws) iß»s*«i Savannah |lcpuMitatl/ j ••'■ ■■ «L t UfT - l. is tfiMii -!•».} j DAILY AND W IvLKLT. . , 1 (■. !tH r » n iio j BY J. R. SNEED. THE 4s plcafljt-d toiaa t* friends and the public that he nhs agdin coml- in 11 possession Os this tline-honored!Journal,' affd tjxjiects *f.b deVote'his entire tinovtVt making i,t. art a »«{wspu jiir second to none In 4he tjUmth. Tkeidibirtud pa* tvoniihe M past and better years, whit j'the liBPLiBW CAN was under his charge. «»cotu!»g«s Win thA bt>pe t-hat bty'promptirtnd 4xriOttnued snpjiort the public \ViVI eftahle him to carry.this purpose fift^efS-iCJ. To the Merchants of the'Sciutlr andstspecially of his on S^de. ; Jhi I>H>ktLwiUv t o<iiifide»ice ffy support, promising them, in Setuni. tne'nesl ndws^ ' fihd polificiif |»AirtlAl tbafcTKis <K{SJr»eTye and caprthifitles can ! / ' f .t»! *»dt i i ‘•mi, ri* siiiJtni bns n<>!i'«irfHX>« Shi’ rhlit lUimbUfaw, Designed mote especially for the planting c6fr?niu liity'and (ithers who have not toe pilvTltrge OT a daily maiL wii' he jntipd to contain all the news of the w©k the close ot the vear we expect to issue it on a large .llMflfWrW' .* TERTVISI 40. •* Six months *"0 “ For a less tiiwifper moiyth) 108 Weekly per year. V.......... I. • •* *" 00 NB- Payment in u&xtnct fbr eihkfarTeditnjn'will be required, wit ho it exceptien. AH lettsns should Republican Office, • Norembei 4, 1868. 81-n. * GA, FEBRUARY LB, \m. Zj * , CASH GIFTS ,UF $250,000 Every T ekct Draws a Prize. 5 tfash Cift5....... Each $.• 0:000 i.o .and *•- s>,orw) 20 “ “ “ 1,000 40 “ “ ;. lido 200 “ !.i...... t .. “ 100 300 “ •« •• .50 450 “ “ .. . “ ' " 25 600 “ “ ;.v “ 25 3n Elegant Rt sewood Pianos.... Each s2ooto s'><ip 55 : \** “ Melodeohs!. “ To to lot) 150 Sewing Machines. .7... L../.. ».♦* 60 to 176 50 Musical R"xes “ 26 t«» 200 •bOLFfneGMld Watches!........ 75 to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches f* 20 to 50 Eine Gjii Palntjngts. TMioiojEtHijih ’Alifums and ii Iftige'assortmehtof Fine bJoltl Jewelryi in nil Vahiejil at ,Ai O OiiQOp-OaO OOInI.ARS. \ Chance Jo Draw any oithe above Prizes by - Purchasing a Jicket for 25 Cents. , ? pickets and» |gr»J4ng> ga«b atW U) jEn rV an l*‘ 'h Oi"nghjy mixed. () tJ receipt of 25 i,ents, a Bctiled Ticket will be drawn. wUhoiit clioicd; tfrld delivered lit'oui''Office, by mail Cos Any ediSiass' T’jw pri#- minted opmi i't/iwill he delivered to the ticket-holder on payment a*f one WM*i! §yWo,iMiJG ad dress, as reqnested, by express ot ictuin mail. You will know what your Prize is before yo’d pay ■f.»i«Pb.toAkt ? *Pi i9iL Alj'-anothtr of the same value 6 IT No Blanks j sadism, j trom the many who have lately drawn V\i : Hf,lljie PrteiM amltkhi.Hy |teYm§&UdC«is 1 1> 8 T. VVjlkens, Buffalo. N Y., sl.oonj, ;E| New Haven. Gold watch. $200; Robert Trick son. 1 THib&qite'. Biwihfc MifclMflei' i tMooi' FhtHp WcOaithy Louisville Kv , $500; Jas. Rogers, .W4skin^te>M, 4 D.' jl»ef wanke, Piano, ssou; 8 1. hems, New Or leans, Gold Watch. S2SQ. . ' ! I! V¥s OPINIONS OF THE PRESS “They life tile firm isf reliable" and deserve their succecss.” —Weekly TH ••We have examined their system,^w *Jm ‘}^j**dlf r, ¥and “Last-week a friend of ours drew a SSOO fijixc, 1808. .utot; I ' Bend for circular giving many more ami favorable notices Tfotn tjie press.. Liberal in-| dueetuents to A’gerfts SattfitltcfiuL guaranteed. l LviiSVjf f*:« ciiiige ‘Wf Wo.ii (l-Kl Lit vh I -m -.O'l,*»«,*irtßtfin*“Ol#«vk: fl ; six dollar. f ’i for Two j riirtL s6 tot *FiVe D-lftart! 110 mV FltWhn DhTlfeW. di»Altl letters should'bt'addreshetttGO f foim ft -A V V'l .MMBMJv AnLOv gut :oi *ul. i4IiOA4).W AY,.'.Ni.cYtj: > U. olipjs M K) r f •.! *“***: 13 ull i<.| / 1 ,7" i..-> idiui.L ja.ues wativ PHACTI -At CK.-N smith, BAiNBRIDGE, CIA. Lhiis k Pistols Resmired wwl WarrnnN Satinfiiflory. ‘*l* LWA¥Smi« kamrlAH thiuilohof ;l>ou|»le.‘aa<i BUI - BataaledHlipt,Gv>nL!lc i %i lfpiwafevs, Smith & Wessons Cartridge Shooters, .Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Cartridges, Caps. &c., &c' ’in fact, anythiiTtrTrr he hurMrrTr ftrst-tdass Gin Store. A4k>74 Am Fi&hipg Tackiga. f July 15, 1868. 10-3 m. lo ftfjoi tr- r odt (iii t.> j A. MySloap Rome, Qa. | A.T.McJntyte.Thoniasville. C. F. |Stul)bs,Milqon. fC E. GrodVer, Brodkis Cos. PononttHm , ; - • unm m id 1»-.! . SLOAN, GROOVER & CO., COTTON FACTORS COMMISSION SERCHAST.'J, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Liberal Advances on'Gotten conplgned to out* iu New Yufk IMIU, Uverpool. il LI tot 111! and will not fal Ur raf IIOWL ,ll Jhts c<c,m . lAAAlfttentititt almost every article required for 31.,JL Ti l lhic or Coppev-plute Pfint- Jecti’otvpiqg. «t|«j| tßerypty f- ttits complete for* each. MuPg'wt»A to our patent'FecHdhal iM(*cts. Mechanical Quoins, Patent Lilj **’ • Galleys, New Compositors Stands. Cabipejs of jjow designs and afl Sizes' Standing Patent ocket Printers’ ‘Knives, &c. r Blari’;eti,ig and, Type of our own importation and made- expressly for ’ottr NCwtlpapef Mid^Cylinder IVintipg Machines. |; r:i i» • Estimate# in Detnil ' iA. new QATAI-iOGUE, cetitMjpiog cyta i awl, 4 e * fieri tions.of many hew Machines, not.liefore shown W their hohk With tfirectlons sos ifhlHrtg,' 'Wftrk'i.ifi; &c., and <>ther nseful infurrpation, is jmR aud can be had ou application Rl4<YK l &(fO. ' 1 *• v Ndnir York Ahd'Bi fiton, Mrtsk. Publishers of Newspap, re are at liberty to Tnfcprt tb,i*i adyertiifeinent. displayed as jil>ove three times n tlieir weekly paper, with thix note ahd not without, any time previous to January. 1860 hut not Hater, pro>- vided they purchase type or material,of our. maiiu facture for four time* ths amonnt of their which will lie allowed in settlement of ours, on receipt < t a copy of tlieir paper containing the adverthiemenf Oct 14 18f>8. ’ LB-t PROF. M. CUMMING, H * GEDRGIA. ; oil wf&r »* np JiA fv t TUnifes and repairs r Meld<Te<>ns. Organs, fto. Orders left 4#, Oumnring’s Photograph GalJcrjp . fcho t, , .. 45n6m CHANGE CF SCHEDULE. '•‘’prn»X » io iu ijrr<*.d h <» f«. ' - v GEteER.Vt ! BtTi ), feKrNTEJNItRN'i t, S OWICE/)' Ini ,4 AtiAntio irtii* RAitavnA. „> .Savannnii, October 28th. 1868. j ON rfnd aftef Sunday NtfVehiber tue'SblTe idnle for Passenger- TYjrins ow this, * Road* run as follows ; Leave* (SundaysExcepted)’ at 7.00 X. M. AnTve atjßaiwhfidgfc at v-c f>. TP-2U jf. m. Leave Bainhride at . ... t ?-v0 P. m. Arrivciit SiiPani ah 1 at - 8.00 a, M. „ , H Si HAINES, General Superintendent. Nov 4. 186$ 34-Yni i-danj. — ■* w n>i- ; '—l TiHES ‘PLANTATION hto.Wn “®©MpLA*N£V ’i four miles from Bain bridge, containpig acres—Bso cleared. The Implements are a very, comfortable Dwelling, containing 7 rooms —all with fire places—and "every '"coTnetiience needed -by aj Housekeeper, as well as out buildings—Dairy. Store houses, Serv«mtfctfiW*ML»KiMiei*Hnii'i*lai , ge Cistern, of sufficient capacity, for a large.fami ly. Thy gtqpnds iilioiit the tlweTßh’g afe 'tod werl-k’tiowit llt rfeefl d>- scriptfi'a. A fine oich vrd attached of-tjhpi|Cu Ifrnit; Trees a^d ( Grappry.. Fuim l)uikl/-ngs amole. l»t«3l 54«‘fk«in ; ~w T he.dweHi»«> idge at presypf occupied,by Mrs i’hompson and several business lots in the most; eligibleftftrt of thddlty. Ml vrfdl ds * uutuber hfi the: O T .rER -h.iN<iv. 28. 1887. . ’ Bf)~tf PHOTOGRAPH .GALLERY West Street, Reas ofc-the Masonic Hall, BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. H AVING pUtcteha-d r fh#*«itiee> interest of Messrs Jeffers & JH StaTlmck. ih theii Photograph | twifry. JW!J: 1 ? i r -4®§jSgi§P nounce to this citraens of hontwest- . em Georgia that I am «t all tiitoes fpue|»**ed to 'tUfce itoihrotypcs. Ffrrotypffc kt ' !!s Os 4riy style of pictufe ltiToWn l6Yh^Tt , . U; ! ' r Call and examine speo?uietisr*tiHi I? f fA) Tafeu ia my Ki#l ts ; W^atkfc fW PaUtieutar attention pahl > to CMILBRfiN’B PIGTUREB- r , , V, » t*V7- ; thaneyerj !' >■:■ ■t' £ * ■«.. -'ir-p ti-ih N 8 PURTATIOS FORSILE / IN COUNTY,' FLA, * V V G°°D HAMMOCK PLVNTATJON, wki» the XX appliances for plauting on a ldrge;Sgi]e up° n . r< cgn l>e had cheap, by applying at this office. The stodk also, togetiier -with *H the piatjting utensils, can Is) hail upon libwal August 26, 1868. * J , Mechb-es News ; tentlon <%k' rixf* Trg cc of Hvee«erti of New*- * doing, *«*• tons per .-TTr- u 1 ,00 ,«r UO^XK; A'eiST 51 ' ’ ,e run easily . per h«*hr, '/\™SDO. pwr hour, 17: "t* can intiug ALBclnE(|KG.|cd. m out-ot‘l ' ImtingKa speed of ; : l will no' lUSg MachirA 1 . oilt-01-|owc feEL s Fa speed of. 800 ar !,'! r JV r ff2bvJ&4*:S»»eit.' a ||# '.r. : •w4* «»« »jr it. h ; o‘- f i!;»i L - Mv lord #miW Huong!) lug palace .gate. ' 1 My ikifj' iM fitkte', v * 'l4ciKafrWhmk* n**«'?‘idtmng.3( ~f -j u AV e t m'ftw fcawplngi The Minstrel .. . [, rf , , , :■ The sailor ploughs the foaming sea, ML tor* But fall to ; ench, wliate’er befall. The farmel- he Them sill/ .)•••>•! bad u N I**:/ b-afui * t .isdnSTi” **»l 1 :/ *<-? U'SAfutii iWiid'f&l'fh'k sw’oitf; Iptittok pr**« cl i« t4i *fce Wmii ~:•>***' • Dame VfiM?fiy Clerk Richard tales of Love t an, tell, , , . ■ L , , , i natM tliiirtf tmw if The tap-wife sells her foaming beer, JJtjtn ~ jA.ijri cpiutipvs ruffle. sJjn*, While pages bring the (Jascon jivine: • y fiß , tt#¥kbll‘#Bkte , kV Setall? . . Tbe fartnkr tie Hitistwfeed 1 ibfctrflaft. <}/ .Y«nti‘*t# ’* W V* f l!o};lwH i!/ „ , || bailds hi* seswttes kdr andbigh. Wherever i t, ,1 oMdt „ ..Cheat cities rise in every .land. rM •/ . * builders Great arches, monninents and tower*, * w t Great ljoy>Jjeig And well man worketh everywhere; , *’ »«»*«Hr ; •■) »•■ 'lhettn oser kc ntust fetH thebi'all, * i! Hi:'* it'l'oj zlixlAlUf. .SUili l-llUi*- 1 *~V 1 llo*4 l«4Utl tn&€wtiWk*ttiV*\i; flu Journal & Messenger ducts m an ex^ , i»; •amil3 U’>a it -* < Its«.. • s °jr' (♦! V. 1 ll*m *!!'>!' fchaiiffc, without credit, a'nohce of a meet , J, . . . . » ftnthiH nijj recently hold by the planters of Ope- Ihusas, Louisiana, to near reporta corn* mitteea previously uppijintyd and t,oconcert >n i ; *. i::’ -* h l . j ' ' • At'J! turlntT nieaaurea for the deatrnction ot tin 1 caterp,i|lin-i3y The plan that tires a\iould be built twice a week, on every 'Wednesday and Saturday, andbftener . i J->ni ti u: ■ f. prac|ieab!e, bv everybody and every where, fires a r e to be made stnui), so . ii,*vi l m ii is ’ m •»!i <•, */*s .» is ,-r .. made as to create as, much blaze,and as lit' U«>3 *!*» >t *»4..,i; hits /t.’i ltv soy«*ti..j# tie heat as possilile—on 'an elevated posi tion, if pr'acitleatoe, und at a distance ot two hundred and fifty yards. Old shingles, ll '" conibustiuie material recmnniejided,, 'file * report also fecomihenided 1 , as uie hi bFinsects are fouhd' ih tiie ftidds hie g»( and should he plowed as early 'fcs praicflti-tb'NS, sbiatwantoftiif h to*fh« frosts of , w I hrt^iV {ll, boisri MirttkuMhm stalks, inid H«'t», «U)OnliiM**limrlst *i'4 ill *iih* n*» /♦;. deliver*! tfn^uddress,!in tkM plin tiers scad Uie* poifey -*lrf cmfng hxemptin ti *frt»nif't he■< r»ya|fes of the Worm* in 4ho simpk#!iJM. <hun thdt % i pno lluebs tiie sty attract* ed by a*titl»ithafialiv fire<*d«slioy# ho Ife that.Thi* finesse made an amrtsemewt io'wtlie ymiwg if* lks, - *iMl thar tlley shouW not be ciminmeo How late at *»'H s Hlaui’tei ,fut«f /q*p.« i ‘mi »»•.*#!» Commencing at darki rpighl twkepf tipuufd nine f or ten o,Vl<>ub* -A»lso, t*ial a fgtd : go *toouyut>h<#s<¥baek with a lighted torch, to starftlw* fti»q'U|ward appear in forca, the fires should l»eeli||ht)i?d twice a w«j('k', : M>t*l f N&»e, it would be well t«>Tigh?th*m Wry night. Failure will be TihMiin beßahi; ft 1 wws'tb&igtw’, it theses vireW nM htfg#df In that!afise ih rdies will be SrAriHbtmv AtioWld BtHindirpadiilfiki/. 6dH oh account ■ d-Ihe nxiding. haaud air. ♦•><!*« friends. Di-i valence 4rf» tamers i>ttHiei(fUji firs*, f-He hhd pMittrtt..*M* **4 tofea*m Ail *iMvtß,iMi*J insects w<w«fe fc l »d :,t jhiwhlmlrff. Jtl thtlUgk Jl« l>a#”£#lhetcd U< :«Jl|> rdUoAmoco, *nd th£ ia^totfddm >* M»OPI¥ WijC' ✓ A fear* a E(HNsuch 4>M diel> «fi«4 tnqy the ic(|lt(KMi> \W fiiad&rity* *trtl i W>hlf>r4MbiM*ih4i *ec* mi hi ot tii e .Jfeaptfl mb M&ujflm.MVik j iW4s«n*Jttr*iM *#rt gv* \w ' *n» untold MU«»A>«f », Mud lii« !#r<»fl WMrjiftM#} IfcMrojMgkljMeaU'oyed v*:*wUu u*w | i&lte (l |hw AhW*| Uniß «KicnT‘U-'«J: Uilti#>'i «rs > PWd«Ji>|tj4. ,4iP m My 4<4M v& Au gust; then by kiMtfftPt&rf'b<Jfc 0 - WW*.>H l Soptomhei:; then by 62.500.000.000 on th<* ,<] *.rj * « T m£ U #' an,4,tliiil t/.«e originalors pj it wou i/J disregarded .Uiifprp Ipng as Jhe regenerators of the fyriWhea.of the Sputh. ( f ‘ j • '.< *»:!!•»!:.n ; H -v > 'r * *A- , <* V , > • •-■ Wanted ti* vKifeoifv*—JidUmy: i“M»,,.you sad thlve’s » t*Mi:e,b»i:kll*lking»^didn’t-3{Mi|'r* •b 41ottretW’ , 'Y6fe doar f ;,btot wj<y, t d<* JWi AMt??' **»d»*» ' .. , /JmJ. , • .;•• ; I Johnny—,,Bocau*o. Ol wui»s(to knowjbe proper tor touting «ogar uni ofvlhe sugar* bowk* Ti» ! m.- 48. k iMtuiun .? y . * TMoMffiOlffiWS! "liirirMTni i» rnot m rwCTt Wurttlinnau; . +sn at 't ,:Li t jD ilkttKl'Aa «W W» ywfW’WW'HgUMfttf ASD #6f*B lit „„ \%twu ■■*••' ill- Washington. Fetr,'T(F.-k-GetiV' J LbhlAff^ and u r!* ■ Gen. Grant half fef^frtfed.' " T A bT'tlfri i^3‘ r Siat* r' lufai\ry from New YrftM 'paHe>7>d Mifciugii Vor Wilmington, Ninth'Carf.Tma, * iTil 1 At oned.’elddk tin* StHiatbrs, smi’'ih' ,l ifn», TKTo" ine fi(jnsv “" Wide timk v ilfr ’Mr CdFfitX'' Abated ' bear ol lowa, and Fryutie acting «« | tellers: Kfr. ’l i ly^(m/fekd , out the Demo- Alierii.iting in reading the: Republican v«t., £*#*«***•> ;/ghi reached, whey MivMuUins, «4 TeiißeHauei 9hji*ftDsf}s valid e.|ectioAi had been held. The Joint Session 4t and the llouae vxUedlumdred and twen- W»« itywthree to uohiH of wijMftti*. ~Tie . after a,. *e»erq struggle to draw in cxtraneoift voted to-jcauilL. Ijke iiaiise -again met and p ii*»©ah*dkSit il ak»«lMi« I j|Mrtih Gehrgw* MNta lyached; ,ny Mi: B«itJer tb< Guorgia.College had not.yojed jo« P tht prop»>r,daJ» r J anud for, .oiher rertsmta.- .Much con in sioi i ca*s tied, which Sena for, ( W iid.o c** ! 'hHi,hy mAdrrihg' Uie Senate fb itktoirn4p<tfit] Tl# a* 4lien jmtedooefitftwtred imd ftfijfi Ito i furby-ofteh that < Georgia •lAAiildmiot l>t» ' j) .' ih*! *. lent) s . ;a ; rw If ThciSenate jafter a toont perplexing laughaWe ta«* vfg.he.aoncui ri'iiV-fH'aolntlon oonoewnr. in# Che St«iie : of Gpongakl,4-Ue joint nvasyttft ofoontW. r>*«TUe jliMiwMi again met ib joiiyti be«ah>ti in oiipa flitJtvi .*iu,daa ,4M«ows4r by the con cur rent o resoi«s« tijons,objected.! i Wadts lent* ;no ,**tje#i hmi. » gppiMgled tfrom Whdtrff jd«, c«* : .#u./ i. Aft arlh. i -wnjfWr aWew no apjN-ak* tliQscmMit *o proooed. « Bntka (moved that the* Semite have yerriiiiiedm Urn i eAtrp.-,rißt>ied not io older-.. Bailer inaiHed itj+at itlieyi elioekl aoutrel fheir* owo efttlh. Amid moil intenae eXcheMerit Wade ordpia* ed the count to priiceed. Sena ter COnhpt hug comineiicfed reieiing in a ree»lute fpne, ; but ripe aoicn drowned Jhy cries ot *.'or*i dcr.” Xta hoisilibecame deafenings wV*Bi Speaker C'4fajt sprang G» llm desk, pro* claiming “'nib* must be piheyed in jeint seHsiuu,"- 1 sfwd iSergeaiit at-ArniH to* artist"hß diHordurty> persons. Colf.iX Was ordering amfeppeel--' ing probably fwo fniiMiti*#,- .dnrinjf adneh time the S«*rgi>aHt al'Aruw had dfMGibnted | his amp n well Mm< »Ug>lM Ini Howso liefwna par* rial c*rtl«r waa re stored fwiisn the taadtn# (df the i rush It and the prodanvationr totlowedV ' and 4lrg*ftndsußHSi3|i>ratdd|-aad lhfr i9*wal» I iinmedictioly ndpimasidiio.l s* T »iui*.ii In «he lintaM* BuSlnri intfoducfd a ; t ion* that Wtale nml > the Senate in l its d^iota I I lad 1 -) U*W gmi ItyidaJ gross iuvaehuluf > ftiw ' righda of the M'Sise, which *r«*olutioli ' Wa*» pendjug. when tho House adjourngd. .* »•> *v On the atrwndi'nmfr'to Hit* wuffnigr-coiiati* ; tutional amendd#&flf, ; lWßMto?filaiog all tlio psnicipiiatdlm tbatmuNtllion, tkr foiha mg Senalors voted ay try Bayard, .*BueUh aiew,)' W.irDi*vis, DtKdittie/iF.erry# Fowlflr, Grimes, Ueitdriuka, Me*j Creery, Norton, of Teniiese«r«, H4w» s *w. v r r >c*PmM Wiii£Wi*ifiJYHw‘+i f.u fnof , n 4-w ■ i to ms r *m Tp'wy ymw'i nr*- ,x i Y woVT ip Kpdsildrr* im mwwMihMwH Ki»?n iug thd comjpjspioiHH distillers Os apple, peach and grape braiglj tllHh >^f‘ih%”acl T iWdtldj} to 4e pounders of spirits on tho ref?* irntmun rf'j’ii V or T*- TJIDVf K tajm n»G iit€f«»y i Holds iv of KforfclhGatidina, on -Wfe &( **i bwneoif wild <ithwk>yiUi»l»,rtdegi'*pli*-kf the N*>rth Caroiiita tdeiMUor* io opp»a* «ll|! reduction of tpe army which? wilh.rwd««9 Umj Kedwi*l *r;uri*ou hj North Gfwdiat.osd »i *Cougresß‘did nothing until (on« okkick, .when, |h* SgMAte'Cjtftpt .iv iheggMifit ojf tl* Ehfctnrj*! vot« ;Pite,C*kpM m A certain little damsel, having bee Jtl rva&i, in tor fesua# cried—,Oh lord bless my, brother tip lies, he steals, he swearfil %o; m sra'W&& { iA‘^e*h| ; •** »««duD nt ot ^ 1 i>fo v»:>; Darn It—A well known author ljf Ins stocking in, jest last Ciiristinas Eve, and feae: ,><K«‘'!fer <<i v+ati-j lMfov I ni«Ki<t and u> mf I that slocking. . u» ! A,m w Jws w/ $* r ~ • W l.fc t p jKv -btJ" 1 *•?-*;t J '‘Did you ewi «dxare ( ; CTf ro f: sir ’ ‘Ah! Did the man live!* •jtT t.', r .t) ■,»; ") l leatfli'a tf'frri ; 1 v'T. h.'««%'?!•. •Mt«*KfW«s MOUiwrf!’* VWJf «* -ytmeaiit.’ ... J