The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, March 04, 1869, Image 1

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8 --' AI.WAT* I* ADVAMC*. (*«« «tJME^.'.'JB..... .Wfaßj fSSm •* ASrertMmf. J Ad „rtU.o.i.t* >»b. p»blUi.«d for * le “P"**] 1— A « »« 1— RMnsvi — ~2 i M.i 12 Mon 4 Not 6 Mon. 12 Mop No_ofSq™. Jgoo sl4 00 m 00 ; l*4«™.'\- { ‘ ft DTIOO WOO 20 00 $0 00- o 12 00 15 00 20 00 26 00 40 00 a**! $8 Os » W t ‘" 20 00 25 00 82 00 40 00 60 00, 6 *quares.. g m g 00 48 00 70 oft 6 square*. 24 00 dl 4g qq 66 00 80 00 lirifspiffK uXtS'.'l! 44 00 62 00 74 00 89 00 120 00 Advertisement# if «ottnA*ed with the of insertion# derfriC;.w<g|jJJlC li.hed until tb** Amount required for payment. Leiel Advcrtlaonienl*. ■ksbssmsuss*? dian# and other#, we publish the following, (» rule *in no event to be departedfwmi) pq 3 Q * I Sheriff’# Sale# are re(JuQd% )<* weekly for four week#, and the charge per levy, o 10 Htie# or less, w.ll be $2 50. Mortgage Sales, eight weeks, per square $5. Citation# for letters of administration and guan *sn#liip, $3. Dismission from administration, luootlilj for six I month#. $6. cdM? [I Bi#i>ii*sion;fiom guardianship forty dp^ Application# for leave to sell land. *if / i Administrators’ sale# of land, f°J£vOT| v square $5. «*. r a .«* M s(\ | or ! Sale# of perishable property, per Ra Notices to debfor# aUd cteditdft, ioAyJg#!# Estray notices, thirty days, per squftre|s4. Job Wj*rk.,. Every description of Job Printing executed in a style which,'fw neatness, cannot be Surpaasediw Southwestern Georgia. <sity firrrtarg. VTOEL GAINEY* CO., DEALERS IN CI.OI'H lA IMG, Furnishing Goods for men wear, Staple Dry Goods, Harness aud Saddlery, Water Street Bain bridge, Georgia. [June 10—ts Stonewall engine company No: i. R«gu lar Meeting first Wednesday in each month. EDWARD K. PEABODY, Presdjt, T. R Wsrdkll, Secretary. June 10. 1868. 10-ts. ORDER OF MECH ANIC Meets every Tuesday' night at 7 o’clock in the Mechanics Hall, M. GUMMING, M. M. Wu, T Work. Secretary. Jtfne KMf Orion lodge. No. 8, f. a. m. Communication on the 3rd Thursday in lath month, at 10 o’clock A. M., and at night, GEO. W. LEWIS, W. M. Gw. W. Bum, tuff." Juw 10-ts. 0»t CITY BOOK ASB tAOCKR CO . No. 1. V 7 Regular Meetings first Saturday in each month. JOHN R. HAYES, Foreman. , W. T. Work. Sec y. , - r June 10. 1868. **’ ' lib If* teeming a Rutn«RgoN>, 4*»N«yi r Bainhridge. Georgia. Office over drug store, ol Are fully prepared to take charge oT all case* arts ni under; the Bankrupt Law. JuneH.lß67. Urtf * J. LAW.] (G. W HINICS I AW k HINEB; JU Ga. Will nttenp'to all busin** in JnnectMl with their professilffl? *■ ****" IT* Office in Ordinary's office, Court House. aug 31-ts ! ■ - gs % »■ * = * S9 . ( VlfM. HON& JDealsMn Imported and Domeptio U Li')Uor«, frineti awl Seg.ta, B»jrW. T> Dealer in Saddles. Harness Ju* Belting. Saddlery Ware, I<eather, Ac., 72 St Julian and 104Bry*p.greets. SW. GLEAsbI, ftgnfctn Jr el Utt Sugar • Mills and P.ins, and all kiuds of machinery St Julian street, Send for circular. ORABORN B. GODOAIjL, (successor to Seaborn J Godall,) Wholesale dealer Butter,'Cheesi, Lard, Isuntry Produce. Ac. 216 Bay Street. SL. GILBERT. 1 5 : * * ' : ‘ dealer in groceries, rarm ah® TiorrAsrn South West Comer Market Square. i 1868.—2 m IyFICEof J BERRIEN OLIVER. General Com mission Merchat. No 97 Bay Street (over Wil ?*• Gibb* A Cos.) Savannah, Ga. [Rcy 1 PARK HOTEL, ” OS TIE A3EICII 1W PUN, ’«• BEEKMAN and NASSAU STS, I Hear City Hall Park, HEW YOBK. |ttt:ORGE WIGHT, Proprietor. -Located iu the very heart of the whole this is one of the most conveniently It* for Merchants, Business men and ■KtSS *•«%• BKI_L ’ till June 16, ’69.-6m. H * AND ‘ j r |RA NS KHT B_u AR DLK 6 ! IRS. A. H. JOHNSON Comfortable, Etegwil eml Eliirible BS i E Wckmnm on Pie,lter.' It sr- 1 ■ » H. fTO SOTTHERN SUN. Devoted, I=*rvi©||.«rl'r wau«M* Jtei»'ere«lnS 4* and SoutHwestorn Georgia. K. ym.MiL jmmr a#° GeneialCommisGioii imm&m™ 1 135 Peirl Street, am ,V»Ut “.'S"’ L NEW Y(Mj M to Orders/V vtfebgwyii JiAlteatioiisf^,: i«««a ?^«a|gn™K front rank La -jit eveJpJiPf » vaiu^erjiltfSuthern °L2igftl Xf ?'4prtciVA n u uni.™ A j l f b .' iSouth,gff» j s i! jJR 1 j l vmitm "L wflr- c-uaUhpli oft: A'fffiWZ: ” y-y . E;»4d‘:t kpeltplß,,,immendation aiaß| 1f e Ntjpjil fav °*tndl ts U ‘i on. and «aid that it'was a«. 7-.iß very important. s »ir« lin • . >Vo.',Vse~A» '- 4 January. **' ' %?' -^tars mdi: >y> GEORGIA WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. This Splendid Sheet is among the Largest in the World Jt ia composed of KIGHT PAGES apd FI O Y -SI X QOI#U Vt N nearl %al 1 readi pg joatikt ter We shall accept for it but few short advertisements It-is a complete \\ T eqk« History, and as a Family Journal, has no superior in Mu world. PRICE: $3 a year, or $1 50 for Six Months Address CLISBY k REID. Macon, Ga Jan. K '«V. 30-ts. smmmmm The proprietor of the alrove named journal has spared no labor or expeiiMt to make it tine the first week! e# of the State, and he i8 gratified to announce that his efforts have been liberally awarded4*y a generous public. gene m I nearly every point in Southern Georgia and also extends ,through many |oupties of th# South-eastern P Advertisements and sultseriptions solicited. Address 100 CA # Gaines, G»' f , • u 1 ■■ ,r -TTr, FLORAL GUIDE FOB IKS , The first edition of One Hundred Thousand of Vick's Illnstraß*d tJlßalogue 'fiKSewfs and Guide in the Kowei t*Gardui« Is no*% published. It makes a work of 10<) pages, beautifully Illustrated, with about tfiO Fine Wood Engravings of Flowers and Vegetables and an. l as structive Floral Guide published, giving plain and thorough directions for the my customers to whom it is sent free without ap plication, but will Ins forwarded to all who apply by mall, for Ten Outs, which is not half the cost. Address. JAMES VICK* Rochester, Mr§,: Jan. 18. 1869- 29-2t ~~ «TU. UlTrt HIT A 7 Savannah £§rpnMican, DAILY AMD WEEKLY. THE undersigned fir, pleased to an a ounce to his friends and the public that he has again borne In possession of this tiiiid4iofi»red Journal, and expects to devote hfsEntire thtoe*® making it, as a newspa per. second to none in thb South. The liberal pa-, trbhage of past and better years, whib the Republi can was under his charge, encourages him to , hope that by 1 prompt and continued support the public will'enable hitn to carry this purpose into effect. To the Merchants of the South and especially o his on State, be looks with conSdunoe for a generous support,,promising Jtbem. ih }«?tum, the best news, commercial and |>olitic»l journal that his experience \ and capabilities can produce. .- v. ■ 4 . *7c' : r Ai -a if * . Designed more especially for the planting commu nity. and .others whb have'uot the privilege ot # | daily mail, witi be found to contain all the news of the week condensed into a. small „ compass. and bjr the close ot the tear we expect to Issueit on a large imperial sheet of eight page* toconfcaiamore read ing matter than any other paper in the South. terms. Daily One year. I r‘oo ' “ Six months. ..... • -onttott* *V* «, Jo, “ For a leas time (pef month) *Yx Weekly ppr year........... /* * y * yy N. B- Payment in atom* to r either edition will be required, without exception. All letter* should b. SNEED. v . ** Republican Office, Savannah, WsTsmbe.l 4, IWi. ** * tMMdPPI' ™RSDAY, MARCH 4, 1869. lived fought o.i< n.TvctieZi of OF WJi A A ~... Q VS| N wmt abjLjr wSwH lMnß|s» la*»c i rjMHAyP Mil ( v^| *•" . V JH pytinuT” nr y >YtBO j ( of« ' j/* i I /J € L •bYSver'FM >n, the a hardships of \ 3 iStl^nnsTAß^’lo^Cmt } l,e * i ? t T* q J!l Dtn CObI AR, Jmiß,Jthe lend# Sd Pa|Henryjfsuccesors to)Demas Barß3^^ he * are hejt iaimbridGE GA., by Dr. J. A. BUTTS fat onclß^f BKIUUI ’ mc«t am L 1 I _ w that th|„m.i i | |XeU SHERIFF’S a Vld before the Court House door-i A full Ttbet /a of Bainbringe between the «» full f hours of the first Tdesbay in May next iGa. following property to wjt: a t»‘ Ga. One lot of land nulhfier 248 m the 14tl —-AMI containing 196 acres. Levied on as U James D, Smith to satisfy 9 ae RlTTin^ ga*4'e fi fa. o.’£*r. M. letit aIIDU 11 V —bt ra#- 1 - : 4 [S2K"J'‘MetaropoUtan/|iy f \ \'"\ftaaae c .* ' Be.l Bug E«;«'“A*jy , lVJl . ' (only puif) Innetrßy MOUNT OF $260,000 nfallihle R-smed —V— vs estabiir Every T cket Draw# a Prize. 6 Cash Ciffs. Each $ T 0 000 10 “ “ ...... ......... “ . 6,000 20 “ “ ...1... •• 1,000 40 “ “ ..;. . .. V “ 600 200 “ “ “ 100 300 ‘‘ “ 60 yOO. ktl “ 26 3n Elegant Rosewood Pianoa.,.. .Each S2OO to SSOO 66 Meiodeons.. ?o to 150 16GPeking Machine 5........... »V 60 t® 176 :'6O Musical Boxes -V. , 26 to 200 0 Fine Gold Watches...... ..» “ 76 -to 300 750 fine Silver Watcbe#-.. * ,j... ** 20 to 60 Bine Oil Paintings. Framed Engravings Silver Ware, Photograph Albums arid a large-assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at ( 1000000 DOLLARS, J t Chance te Paw any of the above Prizes by P uv basing a«, . « \i \ i in 25 C nts. Hcketg debcifbifiig each Priae are' SEALED to En volopea and ; hotonghly mixed Ou receipt of 25 Cents, a Bifftletl Tjckul will be drawM. without clndce, and delivered at our office, or sent bv mail to any Tife prise narrteti upon it ‘ will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of onk dollar fritbk wttriH? >t?ufc to any ad dress, as requested, by express of return mail. , Pfi«e is More you pay for »t. Any Prize may be eMclmnged for another of the swne virtue fgT No Bianl ti. ir. R“ G*r Pntrons can depend (m lair dealing. Cbtcmm.- We select the few fell owing names from the m#py bave lately dmwn valuable Prizes aud kmdU permitted ijs ta them. S. TANARUS, Wflkcns, Buffalo. N. Y„ sl.oo<>; M** E, Smart, 70-Nelson J*lave, N- Y., $b0O: Miss A Mon me, New Haven. 'Gold watch, $200; Robert Jackson, Dubuque, hewing Mipchiim, $100: Philip McCarthy Louisville Ky , $600; J»s, Rogers, Witshington, D. C . Musical fiox# $160; Miss Emma Walworth, Mil wauke. Wi« . $60o; 8 TANARUS, Fewis, New Or leans, Gold Waich. We palish no names without permission. . jf ; ,Qf»INION3 OF THE PRESS. | Are doing the largest business; the firm is rtsHahle, and deserve their succeess.”— Weekly Tri bund, fkk. 8; ■ “We hav* examined theft system, -and know them to be a fair dealing firm.”— N. T. Herald, fVb. 28.1868. mi wi • Last meek a friend of ours drew a SSOO prise, which was promptly received.”— Daily Ainu, March, 1868, bend for circular giving many more reference* and favorable xdices from the press; Liberal in* ducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every PMckage'if Seated Envelope* eonlain* One Cn»b Gill. fgT SU Ticket* for One Dollar. IB for Two Dol lam, 36 for Five Dollars, 118 f#w Fifteen Dollars. AH tetter* shoo id beaddreskeddo .!" < t i,, I*A KKER, iHOO'HE A CO. 1« ,V 165 tfKOADWAY, N Y. Dec. 2, 1888. 36-2 m ~— t x. j r — g .i .•- - .• . .... . —i .'_. . ■- i .^MES^ATT, PEACTI JAL GUN SMITH, BAINBR.IDGE, GA. 0/V> Guns k Pistols Repaired and Warranted Satisfactory. ALWAYS on baud, a fine h»t of Deubfo and Sin gle Barreled Shot Gum, Rifles, Dolt’*,Repeaters, Smith & Wesson's Cartiidae sßliooters, Powder Flasks, Shin Pouches, Cartridges, Caps. &e., Stv In fact, anything to be hail in a first-class Gun Store.! Also, a tine assortment of Fishing Tackles. [ JMy 16,1868. lb-3m. ■ >!;m I,l »Hjii —* *• j.™ ,-ts. A. M.Sloan,Rome.Qa. j A.T.Mclntyre.Thomafivill*. C. F. m*\*M*s: E. Groover, Brodks Cos. SLOAN, GROOVER & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— OOHISSION NEBOHAOTB. - ' Claghorn & Cfinningliam's Bangc, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. -n nr Liberal Advances on Cotton consigned to out norrsepondont# In New Turk fnd liir4rpooi. L* TO PRINTERSi K 1 *» L»J (liUH■ I : . I .111 . fife?-yuWfteCTnfi^nhfactwre. Ttm Rzvoi^mo and Single Cylinder Printing Machines bSS?*® y ° w * r Presfl » for N«w« Job and Cud Printing attention of Publishers of News- Prew, - ' ; HREa«\w designed to sui»ply Newspapen KJk,Yati°n with plain hut serviceable HtSl nd ” r,e ca ! ,ilble of doir »g. a**®, iption. It can be run easily Mgpeed of 800 impressions per hour. 1 - (X, ° or hM.w -•\4m w^bt^*. /lbs. if-i lender Hand-Printing-Ma ngle Prea«. shinp* Cotmtfriej}.tdlnd durable Printing Ifachitif fa cbnye^ of d<)il « the eßti 'e work of an mrt-ohtfwn , e It is designed to run by hand nth speed ©fßoo a» hour. % , Each Machine is warranted, and Will itr give entire satisfaction. > • f * r > • / We manufectftre almost every article required for Letterpress Lithographic or CoDfier-plafe Print ing'. Book Blhding. mectrbtyping, and Stereoty piwg, and furnish outfits complete for each. ; j; We .wonld caH attention to oqr patent Sectional StereiWype Blocks. MeChidiical Quoin#; Patent Lin ed Galfej’a, Ifew GpfnposMois pt«ads. Cabinets ol new designs aiid all sizes, Standing Galleys, Patent Pocket BodWtti, Prthteitf Khlves, &c.‘ - ' i - : 7 Blarketiap and Type of ounawn iimportation and raadvj expressly fpr our Newspaper and Cylinder PrtktS'l% Mkdhifte*. - - T iIT Estimates in Detail Purniahad. Anew CATALOGUE, containing cuti and de. icri‘.tiof»sj»f many hew Machines, not before shown in their book, with dir«pti/y>!#f#r.pitting, working,. &e'.. «nd‘ other useful fWformkti&ri, is just completed, and can he had ou application, ,io., HOE & GO. :/ New York and Bi'stpn^Mass, Publishers of Newspapers are at liberty to insert thtsmivei*ti#emens, s displayed a# afeivvi three times n the)/ week ly. paper, with this note and not without. Any time previous to January, 1889 hut not. later, pro vided they purchase type or. material of our manu facture a'jpwi the amount of their bill, which will he allowed in settlement of ohrs, on receipt ot a copy of their puperpmitaining the advertisemen f Oct 14 ,|BhS. -«-t PROF. M. CUMMING, B' TVnPTI’iCF. GE^PCTA. Tunes an<i repairs Pianos, Meiodeons. Uigaiis, &c. Orders left at Cumming’s Photograph Gallery. feb6 * 46-6 m CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GERERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE. I Atlantic and GiiLr Railrohd, >• Savannnh. October 28th, 1868. ) ON and after Sunday November l#t, the Sche dule for Passenger Traßis on this Road will run as follows ‘ 1 Leave Savannah (Sundays Excepted) at i .00 A. it Arrive at, Bain)>rhlge pfc 1p.20 x. Lehve ft4(nhride at 7.00 p. k Arrive at Savannah at 8.00-a. * m .. . H. S. HAINES, ‘ General Superintendent.. Nor. A. 1868: - &-*** IGRBALI, • t-tun •'* }-. • •'« h-t> i V •)*> known as ” I .; four miles from Bairihridge, containing 1,000 acresrr-BW. cleared- The Itai royements arq a ,yeiy comfortable Dwelling, con tabling t rooms—all with lire placed—and every convenience needed feys a ’Housekeeper, as well as out-buildings—Dajjy. Store houses, Servants’ houses. Kitchen and a large Cistern, of sufficient capacity for a hirg* family. The groui id* about the dwelling are too well-kooyb to need de scription. A fine orchard, ittabhed of choice Fruit Trees and Grapery. Farm buildrngu ample, ALSO, The dwelling in Bainbrldge at present occupied by Mrs 'iTiompson *nd several businesrf lot* in the most eligible part of the city, as well as a number of the most desirable residence lets- JOHN M. BOTim Nqv.2B, 1867. . 38-ts _ T • 1 •- r " 'mmfi ' - Eit€EJL»IOR PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY m ; - West Street, Rear ofthb Mksohic Hbll, If fti»H>i*<'BAIWBRIDGE, GBGHGIA; :li yjr AVING paiqhaHcd thd entire mSmf Arabr#vpe GaJleryv I nounce to'the citwens of > nit west- ' ern Georgia that I am fit all times prepared to take Photographs, Ambrotypei,' Ferrotypes. Opalotypw, 4e | " Or, any style of picture known to the art. Call and examine specimens, and" I satisfied hat yon will be pleased. - 5 Pietares Taken in anj Kind of Weatlie if Partieslar Attention paid to CHILDREN’S •PlcrrUßEb. . ... h-. St-it Prii^sCheaperthan ever! fob* i J 46 - 6 “ f iii u'ii’* \ ' • '' ■ aiJOßGlA—lAecatur County. GJURToI Orjjui.r, ,t Cti, Feb. IS,, 18W. Samuel R. Gardner, has applied for exemption of personalty knWwttirrg apart and vaTuafiOn of honmstead, and I Will #uq« «prm tho same at niy 35s H a»'“ brid a c «* ‘sobl .ioaswK"ort ! r Feb, 18. • 4g ‘ U ~ ' : , .—rf-/—I- r- 7- fff- Thc Audi’s Bridge. When e’«r » rainbow along thf »k y, A .thoughtful child expected Augel hand* Would guide upon It* gorgeous path ot light. With half-furled wings, and meekly folded hands. h-.ou ' •• t >A ■ • / ■■ *: For he had dream'd the rainbow wax i'btldg'A >, On which came bright on«M from the flkr-off ahorh; A fltrangr and pleaaawl. tie bellercdU | And4da young heart with lore’% sweet faith ran v i. *i 0 ( tfow full of dreamy hopefulness hi* face; HIM hh «,«, lestHtl visitant* he wiitched ' tl ' In mute and holy oequeme with the skies. . > .ernioO ww»| ?*tij 1o o;,*u;ui iffit-m- U»w The saintly child grew rery wan and weak'; And as ha lay upon a bed of pain <l* ‘i-fS*'> M it. / “When will the “Angel’*,bridge” reach down again?”' * ■ “ • 177 Vahtri :;«< /.fit ilv \t. m In musing trance. #htle’.gaidng on the clonds, A flood of sunlight lit the humid air, And springing foith, as if from God’s own arms, , A lustrous rainbow shone divinely there. , A tender smile plafd o’er the child’s pale lips— “ Down the bright arch .the white-robed angels come: Oh f see the# shining piniohs—their sweet eves,* 1 He said, and ’mid their soft embraces floated k«a». , < From the Louisville Courier-Journal. Terry’s Texts n Rat Mgers—The Mam. eltikes off the War. It is well known that the late Confeder ate States cavalry, ao-called, where iu’the main, strietkiy speaking, aimjply mounted infantry, doing splendid service, it is true, bnt always dismounting, and preferring to dismount and fight, unless the want of time and circumstances prevented. Terry's Rangers Were, however, an exception. They were organized, armed and equipped, and in action speciallyreserved from regu lar cavalry charging. Circumstances and the nature of the ground may have some time* pieVeuted, but this was there fort. Each was armed with * double barrel shot gun, two revolvers and a ponderous bowie, and adding to courage confidence, sod be ing most excellent horseman, they may in truth be said to Have been the Mamelukes ofitbe,war. They were, in many repects, a remarkable body of men remarkable for the. espirt, 4u crops , their unwavering confidence in their final success of the causa their lofty bearing in camp and in field, and the general mtebtgenoe of the rank and file, No bills yf lading,. or chimney corner. receipts for the cure of whooping congh and measles, or other false and fabricated papers, written or printed, evet passed spy or bummers through lines guarded by ranger pickets, w Mfc their reports of the strength, position and movements of tlie enemy Were al ways timely, •> valuable, and wonderfully correct. ■ , At Murfreesboro Fiiday night, when Bragg wui secretly and silently preparring for one of his famous movements Id' thi> reiti, a ranger gulloped up and exclaimed; “General, the enemy himself is lii full re tredf.” He was reprimanded and head quarters passed on. Afterward Hardie was heard to remark, ‘M»t s <feVir 'of thole rangdrs but would iiiak* 4 It feast a bVfga for by the fact that they were picked men and the flower of the Texas ytfnrth. It had been charged by Union Oieft pending dm vote on'the proposition for the State to secede, that secession was war, and that' having br<mgt it on, rich mini's sons would seek place and power, and poor men Would barb to do the fighting. Accordingly, rv, the Bayard of the State, issued a call which inspired the wildest enthusiast!!, and tho sons of the roost eminent, most influential and. most^.lfWiflifiy vied with each other in a z('{th>us and, prompt response. In less than ten days the regiment was filled out beyond the maximum. Numbers went away dtn~ appointed, some dejected, like the Spartans u s ofd, because not chosen to die for their countries. At their own request they were sworn in “for tho and with out condition, and this, months anterior to the call for troops for three years.'Each man furnished his own horse, arms and equipments, aud in a large measure paid iiis own way to the seat of conflict* They left Houston; Texas, 1160 strong; 500 re cruits were received from time to time, making a total muster-rot I of 1660 uatnes. They were in over one hundred distinct engagements from first to last, from Wood* softy life, £y., to Graham Station, North Carolina, uear which they fought the last fight of the war, and surrendered, 244 all told, with but one diserjter. General Albert Sidney Johnson, st Shiloh, witnessing their charge in column upon a •t-wwigmckition, while Hardee moved ih the NO. 45. r*ar,,itti which wsulivd Ik tbs a*pluv> of General Prentiss and his. entire command, enthusiastically exclaimed, “with a little more diciplin e f&py would be the equals of the Old Guard* Tuesday evening at Shiloh, the enemy had passed to within one mile of Breckenridfee, who was covering the retreat with the remains of his shattered and weir* ied division. Midwrfy between, the rangers were contesting the ground almost truly inch by inch. Th« fresh troops of Buell, impatient stJefl lay, and flushed with the hope of ower tak ing and capturing the gallant Kentuckian and bis entire force, which they believed exhausted and a sure prey from hard mar ching and two days? desperate figting, now threw forward two regime** of infantry, inipiwerted'by wtWitu'-'L'irity, wbu In Aim •uray, cnfAb rapidly Pfl a* liosndkaiid tin*- ,C 1“ gera had simficd s loße ol over one Tiitn drt-and, opal since the men rnfu l fall of .Terry at ’WpodsofMMUq, kaifhwt .asyeral, horses, wa§ twice wounded and burnt t» the j rear Inter ,&*«« t«.mrL?d iiiw Lieutenant Colonel Ferrell, with Iwo companies to burn the white-tented ouies;»tiU standing despite the storm (hut M swept tlwtpigU and ovqr them, wan yet absent, so that the whole force left under Major Harrison did uutexceed three hun dred men. He had jnsl wheeled floru column of fount into liue-of batth», atreleh« ing across the road Slid exhorted hit men to check their pursuers and give the little army placed in their keeping time to . bitdge thrtfrtgh the mfre thai impeded tlieir wearried limbs, an opportunity to Idem it neecessary, whp;t Forest with torly msn rode up and. lengthened the liue to tho ,right, f Tbc enemy halted,.. A level apace of sumo six hundred yards lay between, clear ,pud open except a dead tree here and these on the opposite aide. Behind these trees sharp-shooters took post and began to pour in damaging allots just as the command “Reserve firs for doss quarters, i forward!* passed from right to left re-echoed by sub alterns. Horse and rider. though both, were jaded, caugt new life, and swept on ward at topmost speed. The horse, nobis every where, nowere beam himself so proud ly as in battle. He seems conscious of the danger into which he plunges, butemolous to bear his rider the foremost and bravest of them all; and mortal mnst lie the Wound if either forsake his trust The well known Texas veil is raised now, and swells louder and louder, and even above the roar of musketry. Horse and rider, one, tlie btlmr, now in heaps, fall, but the line knits to* getber where gaps have been made, and moves, thunders on into the deadliest sheet of flame. Anon, they wave. Tlie hOrUru' falter. ,A miry bog has impeded the way, but they clear it. At fifty yards the double-barrels, loaded with buck and bali, are brppght into play, each volley making wide opening in the enemy’s line. Still shouting and “slinging” their guua on the pommels of their saddles, the rangers draw revolvers and make short fire sad fin ishing work just as the ratling of artillery coming to tlie enemy’s relief is heard m the ■» distance. Gne-third of the enemy’s infant ry are reds over and shot down. The re mainder break and flee through the ranks : of their cavalryr These are bowed further aud further buck, and despite the appeals of their gaflarU colonel to stand firm, they yield Or flee—one, two, and ttqiiads at a time—until their leader fails, and the Gray are victorious to the last on Shiloh’s bloody ground. Too Much Laki>. — We know 4 farmer who, ten years ago, owned 150 acres, and was doing well, he now owns five hundred, and is worse off than before, Aud why? Becsus this large farm is ie great Mil of expense to him he Can not afford to keep it >’ip‘in good comditioo-, and it hangs A mill stone of care about his neck. His wife and children, both sons and daughters, are obliged U) workhard to keep the great ma chine a riming. We presume bis boys de clare they Will leqvu home as soon as they are old enough; and the girls say they before they will marry farmers. Neither sons nor daughters are educated as,, they deserve to be; they- cannot be spared p»r tfiiw; from work on the big farm. r t No# we declare tbAt #och >a larai in a curse to the possessor and his family, and* an injury to the wimle agricultural inter est. II that man wants to save himself and his* household, beafuwild wll at but one-half of his land, impr »yt the remainder, to tnake it more productive, release his children from bondage, and try to make his home a comfort. He will live longer, lay up as good a property, and will train up a more intelligent and happier family. . i ■■ , fl . _ . Bit on You* GtJAK».— In company set n guard upon your tougue; in upon your hoart. The most ignorant have know ledge enough to discover the fault* of others; the| most clean-sighted are blind to their own. A great talker never want* eternise; the man of sense speaks little and hears much. Though the ways of virtue arc rough and craggy* yCt they reach Heaveu. Ike’s If*t trick was to throw Mrs. Part ingstou’s old gaiter in ths alley, aud called the old lady from the third floor to.cee an alley-waiter.