The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, March 18, 1869, Image 4

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Tbe Jo*!* Ktilliugi Parent. ROOSTERS There is not the 011 wlmle horizon ov live nature a more pleszing' and Btreagtlwiiing study than the roostef. This remarkable package <»f feathera has been for ages food for philosophik as well as ihe aiutple curious mind, They belong tew the feathered sekl, denominated poultry, and are the husbands ul many wives. In Utah it is konsidered n disgrace tew speak disrespekfnl of a rofistpr. Brigham Young’s coat-of-arms i* a rooster, in full blast, crowing till he is almost brint over douple backwards. The flesh ov the rooster is I%ry similar tew the tlelsh of a hen: it is hard tew dis tinguish the difyrence espesbly in yure soup. Roosters are pugil sts at* o g the domehtik burds; they wear the belt,.and having no shoulder tew strike from they strike from the heel. Roosters according to profarne history, if niy ednkashun remembers ms right, were formerly a man, who come suddenly upon one of the heathen God’s at a time when he want prepared twe see company, and waz, tor thht offense rebuilt over into the fust rooster, and was forever afterwards des tined tew crow, atr kind wafning* This change from a man akounts for their fight ing abilities aiuftheir politeness to the h6tis. Thare is nothing in a man that a wom (, n admires more tliau his readdyness and ability tew Smash another fellow, and it is jigs so with liens when a rooster gits licked, the hens all march ops with the other roostes if he ain’t half so big or handsome It is pluck that wins a hen or a woman. There is great, variety ov pedigree anmug the rooster race, but for stiddy bizziness give me the old-fashioned dominqne, short legged, stud-when they walk they aiwus trut’ and their buzzums stick out like an aldertnau’s addomjnal cupboard. This breed is hawk- colored, aud has a ceooked tail? on them like a sickle and as full ov feathers as anew duster. Rut when you come right down to grit and throw all outside infiuetpjes overboard thare aint nothing on earth, nor under it, that can put-gtyle, ouUstep. out-brag, or out-plucka regdiar Bantum rooster. They always put nie in mind ov a small dandy prakticing before a looking glass. They don,t weigh mere than thirty oun ces, but they make as much fuss as a ton. I have seen them trying to pick a fuss with a twoajiorso waggon, aud doin’ think they would hesitate tew fight a meriting house if it waz the least bit sassy tew them. It is,more than fun to hear one of these lcttle chevaliers crow; it is like a four year old baby trying tew siug a lino out ov the star Spangled Benner, The lieu partner in this concern is the most exquisit little boquet ov neatness and feathers that the eye ever roosted on. They are az prime az a premeture ynng lady. It is a luxury to watch their daintiness. Changes of following curious Statement, by Dr. Granville, istakeii from a late English paper; it is drawn from the registered cases of 876 women, and is derived from their answers to the age at which they respectively married. It is the first ever constructed to exhibit to females their chances of marriage at various ages. Os the 876 females, 3 were married at 13 years of age; 11 at 14; 16 at 15; 43 at 16; 45 at 17; 66 at 18; 115 at 19; 118 at 20; $6 at 21; 85 at 22; 59 at 23; 53 at 24; 26 at 25; 24 at 26;-2S at 25, 24 at 26; 28 at 27; 22 at 28; 17 at 29; 9at 30; T at 31; 5 at 32; 7 at 33; 5 at 34; 2 at 85; 0 at 36; 2 at 37; oat 38; 1 at 39; 0 at 40. From this our fair readers may form a pretty accurate judgment of the chances-whioh they have of entering the holy state of matrimony, and of enjoying the sweets (we say uothing of the bitters) of wedded love. The Louisvill Conirier Jonrncl thus speaks of Browulow’s promotion to the Senate; Brownlow goes out of Tennessee into the United States Senate, Tennessee should have a day of “thanksgiving and piayei*”; tanksgiving for his departure, and prayer that he may never return; and the Senate should have a day of “fasting, humiliation and prayer*; fasting and humiliation for his election as one of its members, and prayer that some kind dispensation of Pro vidence may prevent him from ever making hie appearance iu its halls. “Mack* on Colfax. —'■Mack,* in a letter, pays his4espects to the new Vice President iu'lhis wise: It has been truthfnlly said of Schuyler, that the little mau runs a smaller amount of boiler, than any ijther living person. The wonder to me is» that somebody doesn’t invent a steam engine bis model. The same principle upon which hte operates in. the political world, would, if ap*p!ied to mechanical purposes, turn a six foot wheel with a two inch cylepder. ii ii ■mi ii— • i '■■■ ■ Age of hub Presidents.— youngest man elected President is Ulysses S. Grant, who will~l>e forty-seven years old on the 22d of April, 1869, Washington was 51, John Adams was 61, Thomas Jefferson was 51. Madison 58, 6S, John Quincy Adams,sß, Andrew Jackson over 60, Martin' Yau Buren ST, William Henry Harrisuu 57, James K Polk 48, Zachary Taylor 68, Frnak* lin Pierce 48, James Buchanau 65, Abra ham Lincoln uearly 51, when they weie elec ted. Fm 4 fur Smile*. Aw agreeable species of husbandry— marrying a widow, i If industry is no more than a habit ft is a good oue. Certain from being dunned—never run in debt. Moving sot anew trial—courting a second wife. The mightiest roan—he who conquers himself. Why is a watchmaker like a clock ? cause he is a timekeeper. A country paper advertises for an honest bi»y to make a “devil'’ of. Idaho papers publish births and the weight of the children. The proper dance for a tin wedding—the can-can. Is the garment cf religion to be judged by the length of the uap during service? How to make hats last—Make every thing else first. Alaski has a base-ball club. Procopi Kiokak Is first base, and Mr. Komoipechu satttrigoo is pitcher. “My boy what is your mother doing for a living V we asked a little barefooted nr chin yesterday. “She eats cold victual* sir.” A poor, thoughtless old gentleman sat down, the other day, on the spur of the mo ment* His screams were fiightful. “Mister, your sign has fallen down I* cried a temperance man to a keeper, before whose store a customer reel ed exclaiming. • —-, do you—keep—a-ny—thing good to take here?” “Yes, we have excellent cold water here*—the best thing in the world to take.” “Well, I know it,” was the reply, “there is no one—thing—that’s doue so much for— navigation as that.” » How to avoid being considered above your business- -never live over ydfir shop. How to make your servants rises—end them up to sleep in the attics. Over head and ears indebt—Wearing an unpaid for hat. % f Men have two ways of distinguishing the flame of love they either let it burn out quietly, or else they will suuff it out by one blow. A dairy woman in Indiana orniments her rolls of butter by the. impression of a set ot false teeth. It looks very pretty bn’, dues’l bv.ll well. “No body ever lost anything by love,* said a sandy looking man. ‘That’s not true,*• said a lady who head the remark, ‘for I cine lost*three nights’ sleep” Wilson and Phinney are the leading men hers of the Washington county bar. Sitting opposite one another at she dinner table— they are always opposite at pratice at the bar in the court-house, an agreed as to the bar in the hotel—Wilson was discribing the effects of a speech he made a few nights before at a great political meeting lu the village where Phinney resides. . “Indeed,” said be, “ I never saw the people so filled with enthusiasm!** “Filled with what?” cried Phinney. “With enthusiasm,’, repealed Wilson. “Oh. ah?, 4 'said Phinney: 1 understand, but I never heard it called by that name before; we call it rum!” Not one hundored miles from Fayette, Pa resides a Justice of thy Peace who does’t know just as much as a person should know when called to 611 that responsible office- Indeed, the J. P. we speak of was elected to the office as a joke, the people well know** ing that he .was’t qualified for the position. Mr. A- had a difficulty with Mr. B. in re* gard to a mare and a colt, aud one party suied the other before the aforementioned J. P. When it came to administering the oath the J. P. was soma what put out, but finally went through the matter in follow* ing style. Said the J. P. f ,‘Rob Haines, you swear by , that Hooper’s mare bad no colt?” “Yes,** said Bob, .“I swear by— she hadn’t.** And so the lawsuit ended. Mohawk Dutch.— The following story is good becanse it is true. We had it from the lips of a good woman, who was told H by the principal actor herself: “Ven I first come to Filadelfy to serve, I was very uncivil,’* said Katrine, now a tidy inteligent servant »n a respectable family; “I laugh mooch and I feel much ashamed to remember how i behave ven I know so lit tle. Shoo, tat was my beau ten —Shon, he took me to te tester oue nigh ven I been iu Filedelfy-bnt tree weeks. *We sits in te gallery, aud we not see goot, and Shon said he would get a petter seat. So he puts his leg round dc post, and shlides down mid de pit, and he looks up and calls out, ‘Katrine! Katrine! cootn down! tish a goot place here’ and I lean over, and said I: ‘How can I cooui Shout’ And he said.* ‘Shust shlide down.’ So I pot my leg round te pillar, and I shlides down too. Donder! how de peoples langl Dey langh so dey play no more dat night upon the stage. Everybody laugh, aud yell, and whistle all j over de hou.«e i I was much ashamed, den, : tough I knew not any harm ! But now, I i plushes red every time I dinks mil it.* 1860. w, JHOO- THE eHJIfUiAa 0 14 f* JOBJNinNG : -THIS |§ A * Is under the Immediate Supervision of a Practical Printer of Jj | * V- • im ■ nil mu iirniii w{| t»l> And we Guarantee to Execute as Good JfSAM !• ;| T t 'KH ttvfA jrf.opdswT im*tt Wi <*» ,-LH iU 7* *** •' *>r- : '? "a JOB PRINTING : nut;*? .*«* • •**7// ■* u As can be Done Anywhere * WITH THE SAME FACILITIES AT HAND. is * \ ? &£ . •; • .■ ■ - .. . We Use Nothing but the . Best Article of Peeper * And the m ' ' , . .• FINEST INKS, r Thus Giving A TONE AND FINISH TO GOB WORK, Which No Othef Kind of Material will Produce. our T&nwt ivrs Are Strictly ' >« ’■ J „ -- j 5 * { !’■ • f ' , t > . t M : CASH OK DELIVERY V - . *♦ ** i * * f-htf ; fj* Myfteii #**§*4. ***** i-i n j* i <*t ,•"♦ -• ' *fhiM• m m : * rr , mi * tt in > A»d our Rates * *4*tin, bum - ■" ' ?. - ’"'l * wm **/ tfMtfjmf! to > uij# Alrt' ***:***■? •{.*> v~, •*kW;,.* « k'i A- MUSbJ Krti'* i U * j • *ti/ r t ' " rr \ * As Low asthose of any Establishment, * * r *i {•* K £? ■■■:- ■**\ !■' f ‘ .; «; iw'if * j ' A ~g , i ••* "# * ' * ’ ‘ ™ ’'d ’ . - . ‘ * ' * & #< * wtb* co-8» >. 1 t. ■ • J /»*■'**'-}%<■ {?* j -t-it ii In this Section of the Country. OB3DERS SOLiemsZ). in£EPH riMEOAM lil- #• "Tj&3s&;'*W Itadhoo-W* JOSEPH FINEGAN & CO., COT O N FACTO S —AH®— ' Commission Merchants mw UPPER I m, BAT STREET, . BA VANN AH, GEORGIA ‘ J: Liberal Advance* on Cotton consigned to our Corresponds# i® Now York and liverpooL Sept. 10,1868. - j " 'i, O. DAUVERGNE, Catenet laker, Upholster and Undertaker. Bblcher’* Block, Water?*., Baikrkiiwe, 6a. ' third, door from Comer qf Broad arid Water Streete -“* - I take this oppor- j uRNITj/^ ■tunity to inform my friends and the fl&mmlmttte 52? r2a»# e business and am A**f? t( * a,! orders for every thing pertaining to Cabinet Work, ’Upholsters and undertakers. _ ... , Matrasses made to order or repaired old furniture repaired, funerals furnished at the shorsst notice; and everything else done or furnished usual In the llneot business. Judy 5, 1808. b-Xm. , EXCIIIiE! SA1D01I! „ r-BY- : CASPER LEWIS I CO.. i■' OP broad and water streets. alii CAN always find It BRENNEN. TO LET YOU HAVE THE ■tIBNEST w HISKIES, AfI.ES BEER. Nov. 25)868. 7Vt5L> 84 ' tf ‘ B. (SIfORRIS, Jli., Successor to Caldwell &"Mobris, COTTON'FACTOR ASP General Commission HDE3 R [jmjtmrEE** 20 OLD SLIP, Bknj. C. Morris, Jr., General Partners. Frantz B Muller, » g • , Partnerß . Wm. Harman Brown, | 1 NEW YORK. Havlhg formed a limited partnership under the laws of the J State of New York, with types'. Frantz B Mu tier, and VVm Harman Brown, as special part ners, und«r the firm name of 4i ß C. Morris. Tr, I am Uow Continuing, with increased facilities, the busini-~ Heretofore conducted by the late firm nt C , Morris, at the same, office 'Jo 20 OLD SLIP. B C. MOP cm t.. New York. Aneust 4 1 Q «« *’■ * ' • Hoop 16, LADIES and Mrsse«. ot tbe latest style, just re ceived and for sale by T. B. II UN NEWELL & CO. REMOVAL. BOOT AND SHOE MARINO STILL continues to'offer his services to the public generally in all department# of the Boot and Shoe Making Business. He is confident he can turn out as good a Boot or Shoe as can be made, or will be brought to' this market, and those who patronize him will be guaranteed entire satisfac tion. I Shop on Troup street, in the new building imme diately in rear ol J. R. Hayes & Co’s store, Bain bridge, Ga. jar. 29 44-ly AGENTS WANTED FOR SECRETS OF THE GREAT? CITY, A Wurk diseripthre of the VIRTUES apfl (fee f ICES tbe MYSTERIES, MISERIES mud CRIMES ’ of lev Turk City. If you wish to know how Fortunes are made and lost in a day; how Shrewd Men are ruin’d in Wall Streqjt; how Countrymen are swindled bv Sharpers how Ministers and Merchants Blackmailed ; how Dance Halls and Concert# Saloons are Managed ; how Gambling Houses and Lotteries are conducted; bow Stock and Oil Companies Originate and how the Bubbles Burst, read this work. It contain# 85 fine engravings; tells all about the Mysteries and Crimes- of New York, arid is the Spiciest and Cheapest work of the. kind published. PRICE ONLY $2.75 PER |COPY. fIT Send for Circular and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Addres JONES BROTHERS if CO?, Atlanta, Ga HAT TTO Nh Inferlor wor^B of a d® titer y Q u * A V character being’circulated, bee that the books you buy pontaln 36 fine esgray n and sell at $2.75 pgr copy. [Feb -11 4g 2t REMOVAL^. T'HE Office of tjae “Prist**#’ Circular” and r“ %st/tsn& &iiwSk Penna. • [H-tf * iems whited. “ $75 to $2.00 per month!! Or a Commission from which twice that amoim can be made by selling the 4 LA TESTED IMPROVED COMMON SENSE iMy mt kb C. BOWERS 4k CO, Opera Flannels, ””” .. T. B. HUXSEVVEU, & 00. :^Lii She fiiftttifif giaftifal THE BEST PAPER IN THE WORlh 1 PublWwd fnr Nearly This splendid newspaper ,nW w l improved, h tme u* 1 AeawM veliuble, JM and inte eiling journals evei published, wjr is beautifully*-prinked and eiegiintly iliiM,fl Aiiih several origiual engravings, inventions, novelties Ml mecbanics, chemistry, photography, mauutaetuies, engiu iftj M science and ®**v dw i -w *r*fr»*i'* . * ■ Farmers, mechanic#, inventur#, ®*fccer«, ( \M ists mamufiicturer*. and pnopk-iuUVdiyinmrsyJ life, will find the Scientific American tp l* ot M value Hi their respective callings. Its t:o«,n*) |f | suggestions will save them 1) pud reds of doll« tH nually, besides Affording them a continual Wlltt 1 knowledge, the value of which Is Mlfad !*«,* estimate. AH patents granted, with the j published weekly. , ... I Every p.a,l.c,ot. f Hy»te U* J work bound and preserved fM r£erence The yearly numhna of tbe Scientmic A merit a make a'splendid volume of nearly fine tkujgfl quarto pages, equivalent to nearly four ordinary hook umnes. jArigF .lan. !. 1868. Published weekly Ternis—U, Wj M $8 : half-year, u I ofrV clulisW teW topics Ohejfl $25; specimend^fkteirNAte*!^'^^ £' 1 Address MUN N a CO. H 85 Park Row, New VoiA The publishers of the Scientific Amcii ( „M connection with the publication of Jhe paper,)■ acted as Holicitors of Patents for twenty-two Thirty thousand applications for patents haveS .nade through their agency, or.eiim.fl thousand inventors have sought the c*»unm>Pi.ftß proprietois of the Scientific American coneemM their Invention# Cbnstritnfjoh# and advice tm,fl vuntors. by mrffl.frew. Pamphlets concerning p#J i law# of, ®li countries, free. . A handsome hound volume, containing chanical engravings, and the United States cen»® counties, with hints and receipts for mt-clmnml mailed on receipt of 25 cents. jHn29-'JH IMPORTANT to ONERS OF b'l OCK. ■ IHE AMEBCAN STOCK JUURN J , / . f AND . Farmers’ a t A *7,1 ONLY $1 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. W A First.dass Monthly Journal, devoted to hf iiig and t'bKk lb ceding. Each number contwliirßj large double column pages, illuMtrafed with nmu v| bus engravings. B}>ecimen Obpies free, for hide with list of splendid Premiums to Agent#. HORSE ANP CATTLIt 6()CT<>R FREE. vm.fT m. h>«i, M The publisher# of the American Stock Joy <t, hav : established ar Veterinary Department lti‘3 c >lumus of the Journal, which is placed unde' «| charge of a distinguished Veterinary pidm® whose duty’ it is to receive questions a# to tin- i meats or injuries of all kinds of stock. a>d to i a swer in ptint, in connection with theqbaitien. k ■ they should l>e treated toi a cure, rust- pr«-M tions are given gratis, and thus evet/ stthsciilitt the Journal has always at his * ry Hurgeon, free of cliarge., haiinei «ffij Stock Breeder should subacribyfor it. Sent Free, Three Mod* /<* Nothings * Every new subscriber >br 1868, received by IJi first of February, v. iM rrcelve the October. Novtt||| her and December htgfflaws of 1867. free maki • over 500 large doubt*'Column pages of reading )wM ter in the' 15 numbers. All tor the low piictfl SI.OO. Address N. P. Quin Tree u C.h®ily r P.e»» ,l lf' U6IU J| Tune 8. 1868. ,r.V ■ ' I DEMOREST'B MONTHLY Ma«iaZlNE. niiifl sally acknowledged the Model Park r MiUiniisß ■f America: devoted to Original Hiories, k< tches, Architecture and Model Cottages II" in Id Matters. Gems of Thought, Personal aiKlLiliS try Gossiu (including special departments on b | ions,) Instructions on Health. Music, Amnseimi ’ jtc . by the best authors, and profusely illintiiJ l vjth costly Engravings. (fnll>i#e) useful and rel . | bb- Patterns. Kuibroideries, and a constant 1 sion of artistic novelties, witli ptber useful HiiVilfl te» tabling Btirmfuro. 1 No person of refinement, economical hoUHtwiitfl lady ofxtate cm afi'onl to do w itliont tlie bfl Monthly. .Single copies. 30 emits ; buck nnnl'® as spec.mens, 10 cents ; either mailed free. S3, with a valnaable premium ; two cofdes, fo>J| three copies. $7.50 : five copies. sl2 and splcifl premiums for clubs at $8 caeb, with the fiist fH miums to each siibsci iber.~ a n.“w. !Y h.'t'ljfl Wilson Sewing Machine for 2(» ufl each. Address, ] W. SKNNINGB DEMODF.ST.I No 47J .broadway, Niyr T"fl Demorest’s Monthly and Young Ab.'eiha, » gether $4, with the premiums for each. Dec. 12. 1867. .* jjM. - ■ 1 ! Ts ■ Agents Wanted for THE OFFICIAL HISTORY: of the War, . 1 Its Casses, Character, fond art and RenlO j By HON. ALEXANDER U. STBPHEf | A Book for all Sections and all PuriutM THIS great work presents the only complete M impartial analysis of the Causes of the War fl published, and gives those interior lights and t-inU ows of the great conflict only known to those big officers who watched the flood-tide oi revolut* fropa it# fonntaln spring#, and which were so scifl sible to Mr. Stephen# from his pbsition as mM officer 6f the Confederacy. 1 To a public that haw been surfeited with/mufl Li amiLAB re.onucTioiij#, we promise a change of fM both agreeable and salutary, and an treat of the highest order. The Great Amerifl War has at last found a historian wortliv oi ■ importance, and at whose hands it wil 1 tl sB moderate, and impartial trei n«t wbi- - truth and justice so urgent ly demand 1 he intense desire every where man'.fulul too tain thi# work, its Official charaetei am re .uvs* - ccmbiaed with an increased comwiksion. undtt the best subscription hook eve, publislied. * One Agent in Easton, Pa. reports 7 sulwcribfTfM three day. One In' Boston Mass lt»8 srtbscrih'toK four days. One in Memphis. Tenn. 106 subhcril® in five days. Send for Circulars and see cur t erl W ices of advance sheet: , gcTAqSr ess National Publishing go. Broad Street, Atlanta, Os _ * r ■ ‘ w , m THE MBW YBIK OBSBBFI L now publishing a N«w Skbial Stort, to r a through a large part of the. UexS v.dume, entity “Mr. Brownie’s Parish.” , wi pi for f» New Sub: cribar# U * }nt^5 e •«* Observer fco new re*** iberZftn for tß<X ’ ’* *»*•.•** New Sub^&r*^ y, wflTVenr! the 01»erv« for one ,ei» to „ - subscribers, one or bmh being new, Abt *« fj « •• ZTJUn. :: -;g ,»# SIDNEY E. jfORSC, J r ., ft **•»