The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, March 25, 1869, Image 1

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m foatlwn £'«#• "imiyiriiA yel z===^ r, Te »»>• of l t , »’ <rrlptlwM: >u«copy. on« y°"- , ; , “' 1,00. )n« copy, *ix mouth ! h ’ ", .....100: , ,ae copy, three mouthy j nnte* Os Adver«i«i»s. ! • Lt* to be published for a less period , *- eMnt !rr ,f '’ roM “ 0,lll ' : „ .L™. tbe«H«g» ~iU “» fullo "»l_, .... .. . —— —rflSn Yib* 13 Mos 10 Mos.jl2 Most w ns m.' JjJ Ji4gs I «|d.»r« ... -1 n 00 , 4 00 20 00 80 00 2„ r iaro«.-.• o 4500 20 00 20 00 40 00 3*q„irei.,.. Y .2 0 00 26 00 83 00 60 00 IS no 25 00 32 00 40 00 60 00 iiqnarM... • 20 0 48 00 70 00 6 <qllA re«.... -J > 0045 0n5000 80 00 , squares.... -« * . f>2 Qo g 4oo 90 00 9#iwires.... . Q|l 80 00 110 00 ijSS:::: «aSSUm w«i!»g Advertisements If not marked with the number of insertion* desired, when handed in. will be pub 1 ished nntil Advertiser* order them out; and they will be charged for accordingly. Advertisements gent to us for publication should he marked with the .numlier of insertions desired, >r |he periods be published, an<l accompanied with ‘.ue amount required for payment. 1 I 8 R nla. rtur the information and guidance of Ordinaries, Sheriffs. Clerks, Executors, Administrators, Gna diana and others, we publish the following, (a rule In no event to be departed from:) j Sheriff’s Sales are required by law to lie pubbshed j Weekly fqr four weeks, and the charge per levy, 0 j 10 lines dr less, will be *2 00. mortgage Sales, eight weeks, per square $5. Citations for letters of und guar •amdiip. $3. Dismission from administration, monthly for six months. $4. Dismission from guardianship forty days, $5. Applications for leave to sell land, sixty days $6 Administrators’ sales of land, forty days, per square SO. Sales of perishable property, per square $3. Notices to debtors and cteditors, forty days $5. j Kstny notices, thirty days, per square $4. Job Work. Every description of,Job Printing; executed in a tvle which, for neatness, cannot be surpassed in Fiouthwestern Georgia. 6itij firfrtorij. N»RL OAIVKY k CO., DEALERS IN CLOTH LNG, .Furnishing Goods tor men wear, Staph' Dry Goods, Harness and Saddlery, Water Street 81411B 1411 bridge, Georgia. [June 10-ts STONEWALL ENGINE COMPANY No. 1 Hegu ar Meeting first Wednesday in each month. EDWARD R. PEABODY, l’resd’t, T. It W vß.nr.Ui. Secretary. June lU. 1868. 10-ts. ( \UDEU OK MECHANICS Meets every Tuesday ' * night it 7 o’clock in the Mechanic* Hail. M. GUMMING. M M. Wa» T Wi'Hs. Secretary. June 10-tl’ O‘UON LODGE. No. 8. K. A M. REGULAR Communication on the 3rd Thursday in eacii toonth. at 10 o'clock A. M.. and at night. GEO. W. LEWIS. W. M. Gito. W. Htstts, SeC'y. June lo ts. O\K 0l T Y HOOK AND LADDI-.U CO .No 1, Regular Meetings first Saturday in each month. JOHN R. HAYES, Foreman. Vr. T. Worn, Sec’y. June 10. 1868 10 ts. Bainbridgc. Georgia. Office over drug store of C. C. Kin", Jr., & Cos. Are fully prepared to take charge of all cases a: is tag under the Bankrupt Law. June 2( . 1867. Tfl-tC j. law.] [<>. v? LAW & HINES, Attorneys at Law, Bai abridge Ga. Will atteud to all business in conncgtii-n with their profession. ur Office in Ordinary’s office, Court House. aug 31—ts MEDICAL CARD. DR. E. J. MORGAN, having nently located in Jlfe City of Bain bridge, tenders his professional services to the public, and respectfully solicits a share faNs of t*trooage. 4Kt9 Will he found at his office in Bower’s Block dur- j *»g the- day, and at his residence on Broughton Street at night. All calls promptly attended. Bain bridge. March 11, Igfiy. 4Q ly. MEDICAL CARD. Dr’s. FARRAR & JONES nr ft »l up ‘ K over E - H - Smith* is x&sps&sxf Dr* 5 ssKLS&ar on z& Xarchllth, lbfif). 4R ~ iaiifsT 1.000 Bt >' ,e * of Prints at a and for sale by" fr ° m tom,,,r pdte8 > i ns T. B. HUNNEWEIjL & CO, i' n ported and Domestic ——ll l^B «*hA Sugars. Ray Htireet. Bel ting f £|jP’ „? a,er in Sawl'lLns. Harness, I<,H,er ' 40 ■ 72 8t; Mills ami V.n,! ! * n, ifitctarcr of host Sugar Julian street, Send for ° fmacbiner >' st S E Wh (succe * i ° r to Seaborn Cheese ’ r] L GILBERT. • ' ' ’ f \ A ; - ' DRA %ntb'«“ ,w ’ I ’ Rr,Ts As » VBOEtABres. M * rtet Squ*re (ynOEof J BKttHIEB OLIVER. General Cora f U Merchat, No 87 Bay Street (over Wil xbbs&Co.) Savannah, Ga. [dcy2-85- HSU "" U Hi ■raMBfeHMBHm Stem jJKb "ffi*,' Devoted &rtiecu.larly to tiie Interests of Sorttliern ana. Southwestern Georgia. m *** .mb m. *~* - • VOL. 111. Mam, WEEKS t 00. General Commission MERCHANTS, 135 Pearl Street, near Wall, ?v. h a.“ n ’ I NEW yoke. SAM’L M. WEEKS. ) ■~'wp. Particular atteutiou paid to Orders. •wr / Liberal advances made upoti Bills Lading and Pao duce in hand. §ept, 23, 1868«: 26-ts . Telegraph Publications for 1869.^J in mwo: This paper will enter the new ye/yggyith a very | heavy circulation. It will. ever.bejWnnd in the. front* rank of Hie Utwt Ne—DjEKiiT* ' W 2.*GTS will W In valuable try the^ftri turf and the Busi ness fend ,tto?jjylbn» 1 man It will take strong hold of everyJlmpoirtAiii* interest of Georgia and the SfiiithTa'id without impinging at all on the sphere of the Agricultural will contain more timely and important Agricultural Matter, during the year, than any of them. TERMS : sl<> Per Annum, or $5 for Six Mouths, or $1 Per Month. Georgia Semi-Weekly Telegraph Will be published Twice a Week. It will present the same characteristics as . the Daily—be of the same size and contain few or no advertisements. The first number will be issued on or about the Ist January. PRICX; $4 a Year, or $2 for Six mouths. GEORGIA WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. This Splendid Sheet is among the Largest in the World It is composed of EIGHT* PAGES ami FIFTY-SIX COLUMNS —nearly all reading matter We shall accept but few short advertisements. It js a complete epitome of the Weeks History, and * as a Family Journal, has no superior in the world. PRICE: $3 a year, or,sl 50 for Six Months. Address CLISBY & REID. Macon, Ga Jan. If ’69. 39-tf,' JE3 C ATTAHOOCHEE MIRROR, FOST GAINES, GA The proprietor of the above named journal has spared no labor or expense to make it one the first weekl e« of the State, and he is gratified to announce that his efforts have been liberally awarded by a generous public. In point of interest and.general news the Mikbob will be excelled by #w. As an advertising medium it offeis superior inducements. Tick Mu rob has now a circulation that reaches nearly every point in Southern Georgia and also extends through many counties of the South-eastern portion of Alabama. Advertisements and subscriptions solicited, address M. TUCKER, Editor & Publisher Fort Gaines, Ga - Jfavaapfc |UpuMinin, DAILY AMD WEEKLY. BY J. rTsNEED. THE Undersigned is pleased to announce to his friends and (he public that he has again come in possession of this time-honored journal, and expects to devote his entire time to making it, as a newspa per. second to none in the South. The liberal pa tronage of past and better years, whibthe Republi can was under bis Charge, encourages him to hope that by prompt and continued support, the public will enable him to carry this purpose into effect. To the Merchants of the South and especially of bison State, he looks with con fidence for a generous support, promising them, in return, the best news, commercial and political journal that his experience and capabilities can produce. <£lif Wttfcljt ftqmMkau, Designed more especially for the planting commu nity, and others who have not the privilege of a daily mail, will be found to contain all the news Os the week condensed into a small compass, and by the close of the year we expect to issue it on a large imperial sheet of eight pages to contain more read ing matter than any other paper in the South. TE MS.. V ' Daily One year. SIO.OO “ Six tnfgith5.......................... 5.00 “ For a less time(per'month) 1.00 Weekly per year 3.00 N. B- Payment in advance for either edition will be required, without exception. AH letters should be addressed as below. JR. SNEED. Republican Office, Savannah. Ga. Novembej 4, 1868 31-ts. * JAMES WATT, PRACTI CAL GUN SMITH, BAIN.BIDGE, Cl A, Guns k Piitoli Repaired tid YParraotid Satisfaflory, 1 LWAYS on hand, a fine lot .of Denble and Sin- J\ gle Barreled Shot Guns. Rifles. Colt’s Repeaters, Smith & Wesson's Cartridge Shooters, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Cartridges, Caps. Ac., &c. In fact, anything to be bad in a first-class Gun Store. Also, a fine assortment of Fishing Tackles. July 15, 1868. 15-Bui. BAINBBIDGE, GA,, THUBSBAY, MARCH 25, 1869 Agents Wanted for tJaf GRAY JACKI How they lived,.fought and died for \ -Jj and Sketches of' Life iu 4 g t ,J ~l /COMPRISING Ij Army LifjtNa^f tisan D&rhjfr * _ Togetlve- C C \ > Hum-jr . i¥ 1 /.pllthosoff 4 I m' x e 4 * \ §■ §y 4 r out heroes, the romanceipg of Tiejj lee. Valiant and Rrave Hearted, the Picturesque lancl D»araatic, the Witty and Marvelous, the Tender and Pathetic, and whole*Panorama of the War are here thrillingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at once historical and romantic, rendering it the. most ample, unique, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Amusement<is well as instruction, may be found in every page, as graphic detail, bri’liant wit, and authentic history, are skillfully interwoven in this work of literary art. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, JONES BROTHERS & CO., Atlanta. Ga. SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS FOB I860! On. the Ist of January. 1869, The Morning New entered on its twentieth year. The News is so well know throughout this section «-f .the Southern States, that a recapitulation of its opinions >.r its opinions or its standing is simply unnecessary. The efforts that have been made -during the past year to make it newspaper worthy of Savanah, have met with success, ami to-day, in addition to its having THE LARGEST CIRCULATION \\ THIS CITY! it can be found in every city, town and village in Southern Georgia and Florida, besides having a gen eral circulation throughout this and other States. No effort wilT be spared To make The Morning News a comprehensive medium of General, Political, 'and Commercial Intelligence Special attention being given to the wellfare of Sa vannah and the interests of Georgia and Florida. ITS LOCAL DEPARTMENT is a speciality, and more attention Is paid to this im pnrtant brand) than by any other journal in the city. It can aiways be relied upon for a FULL AMOUNT OF READING MATTER , The Latest News by Telegraph and Mail, and has competent Correspondents at all important points. It contains a full and accurate Daily Cotton and Produce Report OF THIS MARKET. Terms of Subscription for 1869. DAILY - One year, $10.00; six months, $5.00; three months, $2.50; one month, '$1.00; one week (payable to carrier), 25 cants. Single copies 6 cen*s ' TRI-WEEKLY—One year, $6.00; six mpntlis, $3 00- three months, $1.50. ’ WEEKLY—One year, $2.00; six months, $1 Oo Single copies, 10 cents. |No advertisements in the Weekly ] tir Subscriptions and advertisements received at ' our Counting Room, 111 Bay Street 1 £sP Orders by mail addressed to j. h: estill, Feb. 11th, ’6O. 42 .tf. fro-P Rowell Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers. No advance charged on Publishers’ prices. All lending Newpsaper kept on tile. Information as to Cost of Advertising furnished: All OrdeS receive careful attention. Inquiries by Mail answered promptly. Complete Pin ted Lists of Newspapers for sale* Special Lis'.s prepaed for Customers. Advertisements Written and Noticetffccured. Orders from Business Men especially solicited. 40 BainbridgpGa,. Sept.,, 2. 1868. 22.—ts. PARK HOTEL, ON THE AMEfCM AND EUROPEAN PLA& Cor. BEEKMAN and NASSAU STS, f‘ Wear City Hall Park, NEW YORK. GEORGE WIGHT, Proprietor. N. B, —Located in the very heart of the whole sale business, this is one of the most conveniently located Hotels for Merchants, Business men. and others visiting the cityr Dec. 16, ’6B. till June 16, '69.-6m. transjenTmardijig! MRS. A. N. JOHNSON Has Leased the Comfortable, Elegant and Eligible Dwelling of Majpr J. E Dickinson on PUniters’ street, and offers to the public first class accoinnao*- dation. for day and Transient boarding. Terms reasonable, servants polite and aceommo* dating, and fare not to be surpassed io the city. Sept. 9, 1868. 3-ts. SILK and STRAW GOODS, . JUST RECEIVED a fine assortment of Ladies and Childrens Straw, Felt and Plush, also, Ribbcn Trimmings,' Velvet Braids, AHificial Flo ers &,o for sale very low by T. B. HUN NEWELL & CO. I TO PRINTERS^ ; ft|jjc|ihers manufacture 'l’ypb Revolving ■gljgj'jsde Cylinder Printing Machines I: Kten ower Presa > foT News Mcb and Card Frintjng attention of Publishers of News- Press, . m supply Newspapers ■ p v ppluin but serviceable Wa.fl e of doing, tiiso. t* sTM' * \ It can be rtrti easily P er hour, X UlD>or 1,200 per hour, .. . ■ oixlOf eet, and car oi every Weight boxed. Ma \TTvrE*c nrrv— durable Printing Machine cfyjjlLb, W J.g the entire work of an out-of-town office. It is designed to run by hand at a speed of 800’an hour. Each Machine is warranted, and will not fai lt« give entire satisfaction. We manufacture almost every article required for Letterpress. Lithographic or Copper-plate Print ing, Book Rinding, Electrotyping, and Stereoty ping, and furnish outfits complete for each. We wonld call attention to our patent Sectional Stereotype Blocks. Mechanical Quoins, Patent Lin ed Galleys, New Compositors Stands. Cabinets of new designs and all sizes, Standing Galleys, Patent Pocket Bodkins, Printers’ Knives, &c. Blanket) op and Type of our own importation and made expressly for our Newspaper and Cylinder Printing Machines. Estimates in Detail Furnished. Anew CATALOGUE, containing cuts and de. scri tions of many new Machines, not before showu in their book, with directions for putting, working, &c., and other useful information, is just completed, andean be had on application. ' / HOE & CO. New York and Boston, Mass. Publishers of Newspapers are at liberty to insert this advertisement, displayed as above three times n their weekly paper, with (his note and not without, any time previous to January, 1869 hut net later, pro vided they purchase type or material of our manu facture for four limes ths amount of their bill, which will be allowed in settlement of ours, on receipt ot* a copy of their paper containing the advertisement Oct 14 1808. 28-t PROF. M. CUMMING, . B *INRRTnOF. GEORGIA. Tunes and repairs Pianos, "Melodeons. Organs, Btc. Orders left at Cumming’s Photograph Gallery. feb6 -. 45-6 m CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GERERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,) Atlantic and Gitlf Railrohd, >• Savannnh. October 28th, 1868. ) ON and after Sunday November Ist., the Sche dule foi* Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows:. Leave Savannah (SuudaysExcepted) at 7.00 A. ii Arrive at Bainbridge at 10.20 p. m. Leave Bainbiide at 7 00 P. M. Arrive at Savannah at 8.00 a. m H. S. HAINES, . General Superintendeht. Nov. 4, 1868 -31-2 m INMI SAlbJie THE PLANTATION known as “ROSELAND,” four miles from Bainbvidge, containing 1,000 aCres _(jSO cleared. The Improyements are a very comfortable Dwelling, Containing 7 rooms—all with fire places—and every convenience needed by a Housekeeper, as well as out buildings—Dairy, Store houses, Servants’ houses, Kitchen and a large Cistern, of sufficient capacity for a large family. The grounds about the dwelling are tpo well-known to need de scription, A fine orchard attached of choice Fruit Trees and Grapery. Farm, buildings ample. ALSO, The dwelling in Bainbridge at present occupied by Mrs Thompson and several business lots in the most eligible part of the city, as well as a number of the most desirable residence lets. JOHN M. POTTER. ! Nov. 28, -1867. ' 36-ts ■ mmmmw® KKIIiISIOK PHOTOGRAPHiGALLERY West Street, Rear of fhc Masonic Hall, BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. HAVING purchased the entire interest of Messrs Jeffers & Starbuck, in their Photograph and Ambretype Gallery* I now nounce to the citizens of Soutwest em Georgia that I am at all times prepared to take Photographs, Ainbrotypei, Ferrotypes, Opalotypes, &e Or any style of picture known to the art. Call and examine specimens, and I * v el satisfied hat you will tys pleased. Pictures Takenin any Kin i of Weatif I Particular attention paid to CHILDREN’S PICTURES. tier Prices Cheaper than ever l KbS 45^6m Beef and Stock Cattle for Sale. THE Subscriber has for sale- in Gads den and Lilierty CtHinties, Florhia, FIVE HUNDRED HEAD of BEEF and — JH ■« STOCK CATTLE, there can be had about ONE JHJNDRED AND FIFTY HEAD OF BEEFCATTLE and the remainder STOCK. For farther particulars apply to I. H. GREGGORY. Quincy, Florida, or to E. S CANDLER, Bainbhidgk, Geobcia. December 23, 1868. 38-Gua , THE Si&CULE Biff. He meets the smile of young and old, he wins tin pfaise of all. He is feasted at the banquet and distinguished at the ball; When town grows dull and sultry, he may fly t< green retreats, A welcome visitor at twenty country .seats; He need not seek society, for do what’er he can, Invitations and attentions will pursue the single man. * n ifesfgun wu h CM ißtti Fathers and brothers anxiously attempt his taste t<- suit; O’er meadows without number’tis hi* privilege to shoot; Political opponents to his principles concede; He quaffs the finest eau de vie, ho rides the fleetest steed; And never yet .were families, since the world* first began, United, blest, and fond as tho*e who court the sin gle man. The pnce of bread, the price of bonds on him inflict no ills. He fears no winter avalanche of tradesmen's lengthy bills; “Academies’ and “colleges” he passes calmly by, Nor casts on '‘ruination shops” a sad and tfiuid eye* The rates of “life insurances” he never cures to scan-, “Trustees” and “jointures” boast no.power to rack the single man. But years steal on, and he begin with careful folks to class, And shuns the pic-nic scramble, and dinner on the grass, And dreads the cold, spare chamber, and the crow ded hall of mirth; And loves the spreading easy-ehaii, and blaziug quiet hearth, And votes warm rooms, and early hours the wisest safest plan; But home affords few comforts to the ailing single man. He locks a true and kindred heart his joy and grief to share, He lacks the winning tenderness of woman's gentle care; No children gather round him, a beloved and lov ing train, • 'Eager to win their father’s smile, to Boothe their father;* pain; He rates his poor re'ations as a mercenary clan, — Attachments come not ready-made to cheer the sin gle man. Hestire the fire, Undraws the blind, and counts the' clocks dull chime, Acquaintances sometimes att with him five minutes at a time; “Longer they really Cannot stay: bo nervous he has grown, It seems a charity to go, and leave him quite alone!” No earnfcet eyes to his is mi tied, his changeful looks to scan, ' The bland physician’s queries must suffice the sin gie man. Ye ”elijrtblcß’’ ponder; to my warning lay attend. Flirtations, waltzes and duets, one day must have • an end: 0! wait not then* till prosiness and peevishness shall come! v Choose in the summer-time of life a bride to bless your home^ Let chaperons for others weave the sly and subtle plan, And only look with pity on the flattered single man! B. WISE. The Border Ebrroft.—The editor of the Owykee Avalanche, by way of describing his agreeable vocation, as conductor of a f:o:ii r paper* makes the following inter esting reflections : “Qh> the felicity of .editing a paper ! Charming*, agreeable in a horn 1 Fascinating, attractive oqoupa tioij, but so difficult to appreciate. How nicely and smoothly one gets along with* out an “onpleasantness l’’ For instance in a recent issue, we referred directly to a ruffian known as Captain Prescott and incidentally to a guerilla named Al Cage. We did this in justice to ourselves and the community at large. Toe other day, while quietly seated in our sanctum) taxing our brjain for more copy* in response to , the everlasting cry of the “devil,” the two above named villians, one of them armed with a hatchet, and the other with a bjwie*»knife of dimensions, made a violent attack upon our person. The only alternative was to tight or die. We accordingly seized a large knife* about two feet long, used for cutting paper, and bled our assailants pretty freely* They’ sued for mercy. We spared their worthless lives* and told them to dnst, aini they got up and dusted. We would take this occasion to state that if they or any one else attack us with the intension of doing us bodily harm, we will shoot them dead in their tracks, or cut their throats from, ear to oar. The French papers of ‘New York calls Sumner “the Dun Quixote of the And Senator Patterson of New Hampshire, calls him “an overburdened jackass.” And men of sense everywhere look upon him as a “Jackanapes, a wiud bag, a • * * swell.” political NO. 48. Waslihiirne's Ke«i|uatiwu. W ashington* D.q., To the vßaEsioetor: } Mfhon -y»u did ritethe ttpon mo the appointment of s*eretaiy of state, I felt constrained to state ft;yjaijifi my health Would prevent me from holding the position for any considfelable length of time. I am already admonished that a proper discharge of the duties of the office would involve more labor ands responsibili ty than latfl Witling to Undertake. In jus tice to the public inh*re‘<ts and mvs<T, if convenient and agreeable to yon, I would be you name my at as gotl debm ca* ble. You will please.-Consider resignation, to take effect, as hooii as niy successor is qaalified to enter upon the dis charge of the duties of the office. I need not add here, Mr. how Lrr'vi;,. viting me to become one of yohfr costiHi tional advisers. Had circumstances pet»i milted it* I should be pleased to have b’eeri associated with you officially, and to have aided you so far assn my power in carrying out.your views in the adniiins’tration Government upon the principies of honesty, retrenchment, economy, public faith, and exact justice to all. . mou v> »t 1 have the honor to be, ®dtv»t •«? very respectfully, your obedient servant, E. B. WASHBURNE -1 1 ! * , , THE REft.Y. *" Executive Mansion, YVakhingTon, \ | i!« lo v J'** Hon. E. B. vYashburnb, Secretary op StATtf* ’ Dear sir— Your resignation of the of Secretary of State, with reasons fop .the same is received. In accepting it Xdw. go\ with regret that your health will not per •nit you to continue in that office or suip* other Cabinet position. Our personal rela tions have been studi, from the breaking of the war to the present day, and your support of .me individually in the aimy and its cause, that no other idea presented itself more strongly tq my mind, on n.y election p) the Presidency,'than that Ij should Gm+j linue to have your advice and -assistance. In parting with you, therefore, I do so with assurances of conlinued coufideace in your ability, zeal and friendship, and with the hope that you may so»pi be relieved from, the physical disability under which you have labored for the last few veins. ] respectfully, your obedient servant, U. Sv GRANT. Horrible Outrage lit Netvfort Corioty* * From information received frmn a private source, we are enabled to give the purtloO* lain of a most horrible crime recently committed in N.eyvton county, On last Saturday night about ten o!clock vMr-s.- t (we suppress the name), a widow lady, who with thVee children, resided near Cqu* yers, iu Newton county, was sitting in her house entirely alone, as regards grown pet sons, when she Was startled by a lohd rapping at the door. # Sbe immediately went to see'who the late visitor could be but took the peTcau-tion to inquire first the name and errand. A negro man froth ffrfli* out replied that it-was- William Smith, and wished to enter in order to get a light for his pipe. Naturally suspicious the lady refused to admit hind but handed a light through the wiudow. As soon as he Iwfd received it the negro went off and Mrs.— closing the blinds, returned to the fire side. A few minutes afterwards she was fright-- cued by hearing a tremendous rattling’iatet* the window which she bad just shut. Rush* ing to see What was the matter- she waaC accosted by- the same negro who had beett ' there previously, and who told her that if she did hot open the door instantly he would break in and murder her. Terrified she acceded to this demand, and a negro, armed with a double barreled shot l£tm, mitered a and shut, the door behind him. As sooni ait he had made it fast, gun in band, be appro- ** ached Mrs.——and told her.-it alic did not yield to his wishes she would suffer instant death. Too remote from the nearest neigh- \ bor to attract attention by her serpams and having every reason to believe that the monster would carry bis threat into execution, the poor women yielded and tbs negro accomplished his purpose and «and. On jttojafafo following—she revealed the facts of. *Ufe case to her friends, and in a few hours later a A the negro was arrested by the officers while in attendance at church in Conyers. That night he was brought down on the cars to Covington and lodged in jail at the latter place, where he will remain until the asair J can undergo a judicial fevesttgafciei*. 6 • mmm t♦ 1 " ■■■ .iiii Celebrities or thf Inauguration Ball.— The Boston journal’s report of the inaug* rual ball says: ‘ill is agreed by tb#'fa<ffed that Mrs .Governor Morgan’s diamo dt were * the finest wbrn; that Mrs.; John Mot~ riasey wore the most elegant that w Mis. Colfax looked sweetly in pink satin ; with a tulle overskirt; that Mrs. JuHa Ward Howe Wits more noticed than any other lady present; that the laces of Madam Bt..* Andre were magnificent; that Horraee Greely looked like a matyr as be esoeeted |-,i, daughter through the dhnciug jal<#on; ;h 1 Mid «w* 1 I and «,« Dr. w.kor, ,n -jW.culou, | bio >me,r 4res<, >v -** u C '