The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, April 08, 1869, Image 3

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■Jjjf £*«•__ B ''aiViuim; E. ga., apbils. lßti9 _ |]”oO AL ■ P. <>•«*■• 186S - P . *. fc" r n, !S’- *****'****•*' “*... 12 M. a. m. I nr-lays *t. • • • and Midday* at 10 A. M Bachicd**, V. »i v @ry of the 78 “ M fvem BA * M * 00 SUnday * fr ° ni Bf ° ■clock. A. SL fl . jj. chOUV, P. M. of »verv description for at mtovryof'”'* V A . butts ft co. Ball-bridge, don't fall to attend tba feting at the Court Houa* tc-night. | Thn largest congregation we have eva ■yjljnbrid2«. was In attendance on last Sun ■ toVsrßirhopFwroe preach. R tke afternoon, Gen. A. H. Colquitt and Bishop ■ dflirered lectures to the Sunday echool Ltn. fH«nV*hies.-Bj reference to onr ad* KZcoluan. it will be seen that these *#»«!• [ b4W weocUted thomielvrt together for the [cticeof their profession. - lils b#elb«e for us to m? *"? to the people fruo-itur end surround ooun iee, concerning the [rriuof these geotlemen: Their names.? akfor LiScWes. A U tWtpeople want, is to know where ind them . Their is at present over Messrs P. Dickinson It Co’s., stow. Wtet Utertklif Vi* »•. ! *'» ort (i,a « essrs A ©avis Jt Cos , let it be known to the people rough the ooluums of the Sun. (that they had re ived a Urge lot of ladies-dress good*, and * BreHt8 reHt any other things Everybody -that saw the ad rtieement, knew right where to go and buy such i bdsaa they wanted without running all over town jaconaeqnonce wu, Ibey-wM out immediately., E| had to order a ucw supply, which they are just Living So much fox udvcrtiniii^ llettio? oTthe State Medical hsociaiion.— K tin- attention of M< dical men to the no- Be of (his ass 'daiion, whidli meets fn the By of FiXVMKwalt win tin* 14'h instant. The Kwh says: Five hundred dollars has been Knnariascd hv the-city eotineil to enter*. In {he m.inbius thereof, and other pcovia* I will he unde to-dCLeml io there a »hoa- Itahlc welcome. ■ ATI phvsteifons aiv entitled to memtoer ip, and me invited -to attend. -Only-one re will be charged by railroad. We are {slad to learn that otrr friend C«|ft. ¥2. R abtkiy has been appointed agentt at this place lor ie Uih versa'] Life Insurance Company. The Com- Any could not have selected a better man, and the rptain could not .represent a better Company, M(*. or. .-yeswriUy. a rattlesnake wHih fartr-UM** it,Crs, measuring six feet. If we ever venture in ie woods we advise th(“!*e ceiitlemeu *to“•hideout’ rsotuclKsly might'get hurt But as-We are nipca sable utliien, if they will only let us know the bad they waist to travel, we ll take another c urse, wply to avoid a diffiowTty I Exchange 'Mmo.- -Those uLiittr .reader* who “Would gaily drink, full goblets quaffing. At frighted cure securely laughing,” E;j requested to rend the advertisement of W. J. Bjannen, the accommodating proprietor >ef the Bfbove named Saloon. I We do nor like to tjimise ft concern unfless w® Bhink It deserves it* and in this case we do know; Blurt Mr. BFWitnen and his polite assistant Mr. Ra- Bran have displnjed as much ta4e in the arrange. Bmetit of their bar, as any 'we hove seen this side of KNew York. They keep 'nothing hot the beat of Bkfuors gjßVhisky, Brandy, and Porter there you’ll find, Bflnt, Ale, and Cigars of a superior knnd, HBenionade. and Soda-water, they keep—and sell «o V low * ■That every one is saying, to the Exchange 3’ll g*. I Tfcre liana. —As we were reading ewer a iproof Biheet on yesterday we heard the cry of Fire •! IFire ! KB»*hing Into war printing-room, we discovered B ke gushing trbrowgh a small crevice in ■ *« plSHwresf, but where it came from wo could Biot tefl, and we can’t t£fl exactly hew we felt, but jfiwe began to think that our Sun would soon set Btever to rffciue again. We gathered a bucket of prater, and ran down stanx, and fount tire fire, .(if Kny there wiri) in Me. srs. Fleming & Rutherford’s Bffiice. adjoining us. There was a >smaß! fire bur- Hp' n g in the fire-place, and sraoflie buffing *e«t of it conlfi find A few tm kdts of water was ■thrown in the crevices from whence the smoke F Be ' aa( i it finally dred out.. Where ibfee smoke from, we are nnable to say. I The Stonewall Fire Company was on the spot their Engine in a very few seconds. ready t« Bfght the -enemy whenever be showed his face. B h *y actually looked to us like they were sorry Vhen they found there was no chanoe of afire H&ftcr soaking one or two houses with water, they to their Engine house. The Stonewall boys, like the illustrious Captain •from whom they take their name, will do to bet oa. *••■11 With latest «o Birder.- W. H. Nnby g'ft on a considerable “joins’’ on Tuesday last, and *• suppose Imagined that a : ‘culled pussou” had insulted him. Wo heard a noise, and looked out cf our window, and saw Nuby with a ootrpVe of ’S*. chising something -across the street. Wcat «qcc concluded it was a hare that had strayed into and went Uck to work. We after *ar found out, that it was a colored individual •c wag chawing. Salvl “cullud gemmeo’ ’ took out * warr&at for h’w arrest, upon the above charge, * ®* Te **»d security for his apocarance at terni of Superior Court. " before the Justice yesserday Uje cl ‘»rg3. BarQjld while intoxicated in 1 a difficulty on the street. Policeman An* * \ r ‘ 1P aU( i attempted to arrea him, where* “^ u . pMlvfic! » made a lick at hi* with his knife, i . ti ered a very painful wound in the neck* , c ' mc »«ry near severing the jugular rein . j-nJrcws Siiei at hiia after lie was cut, bat missed! *»he»d ww bound over to answer at the uext tern'of the Superior nourt/- A Successful Hooting' Party,— Several Os our citizens, and Mr. Keuluidy of Columbus, went imt about five miles from town, bn yesterday morning far the purpose of driv ing for deer. A.s the «nme party 'had 'been out on s< awal wccasiwiw before ithia, and had never been »Hec«*sful, we, as well as every dae, thought ibey would meet with the same luck.; but to our surprise about d’cflodk they drove into town with two as fine kntdks as we wersaw, Mr. Peabody bad the good look to kill both of them.. ■■'■■■■— 1 - The election on 'last Saturday for one Magistrate and two Constables, paased off very quietly, and resulted as follow#: TOR JUSTtOK or THE PEACE. N. L OLCWJB, .....253 ro* CONSTABLES, M HAHN 217 S. F. GAULDING 119 F. W. ANDRJE V 5.... 94 R. B. KERR 71 A CARD. We cannot refrain from expressing our' thanks, for the -promptnets displayed by -he firemen »f ohr city, at the alarm (* yesterday. Their n(»blc conduct has indel ibly fixed them in the irffetionsaf every pei. aim in the community. We would not , baoe a better Tii'-urance Company* (FLEMING & RUTHERFORD . •and. A. BUTTS & CO, JT~~ A. (BRADY A CO, ‘The Secrets of ti JBI the title of a X,ullJiwJ&/li JuL byJotu*B Biot tiers the new year yitfParVGry It Tens IT-^^ n i o 3lsmS 5 S: Lost in » foreign. It wilJ be In merMi!, man strong bold are Sw : 181 l**f aB interest of and tha ,•,.,1 VT .r W ! t iMP iua P‘»ging atiP on the B P h e r e H ° Journals, it contain mor^ Gambl M^r % i’jjcmg dtictecßEßMSyfci* SalopuP* and lLiw Stoek and Oil Ciirat-Jv originate and How !t*he (Bubbles Biu sjip (retreats of N< w York, k« peo ole,Mi micry, its Rich, its Poor, their life, ibits, their haunts and their pcrcu- <>‘F Churches, Theatres, Palaces Hovote, Tenement Houses and (Puiblie Build ing»; <if 75ditors, Judges, Lawers, Brokers Merebani*; Mechanics and Sewing Girls of Policemen, JMectives, Saylor*,, Firemen, News Boys, Beggars, Theives. Dead Beats Swindlers, Gamblers and the Demi-Mode; pf Hotils Bearding houses. Saloons, Beb> Gardoos, CHnli and Dance Houses; of Fifli Avenue, Bmad way, the Kerrey, Wall St reet Hit' fivi Points and Celiteral Park; of Pawn tnoke: s, RouglrH, Tellers. Quacks Gi ft «en 11 •‘rp rtscs a ,rd Tin 11 tlycvgs All that 'is grsal, noble, gcnwivus, vicious 111s aterioHs., <b: illiant, tdavt-ling, genteel or sh Gwlty, and of Tl»ai, TIvCCTs TmoresalTig aird won by of rocord in tlw great City, As tin* M '•tfopolilan Centre of the United 3:ales , New York City reflects ail the good aid evil of the laod in their most uitemc- forms. Tfeert* =is »»<•> -man, Ifeowever often lie mas foaye vrs*i=t*frcH New York, who cannot b am, from this work, much mg ill it great. City and many mighty in terests. Tiiia book will be found especial ly valuable to those who expect lit visit New Y rtdc, and Wooid shun 'ts pitfalls, by studywg it in ibet-r wn homes, wiuhout cost or danger and yet. He am all. This i Titeresting work is sold -only by subscription and the publiafeei* want au agent in every County. That * ‘Ciii K&ii* PrejccLV M Th« Statiubc-rn Sun (H takes 11 >* to task for oharactei ising the Bai’n lT<lge Cnth’toert a mil Columbus ttaikoad «ti rprisis as a “crttiwus project.” It did, at firsi. stm-ke us as a unnecessary and looking- I urlher into the designs of the pro jectors, ami the importance of the «cbeii.« m an agricaltnisi! and immigration (point of view, we h iv** changed qur notion meteii aliy-, amd now see it is acurionsly inter est-ing anxiliury to the development; of -the agricultnal resources of a vas4 region, ouw almost a wiideraess. The Sun greatly errs if it supposes we . are c< mil-acted in owr views about Railroad improvement!*. or the prosperity of the town we live in at the expettoe of others, We want everybody to have -railroad facil ities who can atf nil them, and have ever favored liberal otate aid to wisely located lines; and one of the surest test of proper locntimi n« the opposition of monopolies and , the hue and cry ol corporations likely to Ire effected inj-urionsly We hold that the peo ple along the Chattahoochee have as much right to State aid as those along the Alta niuha, the Florida line, the Air line, tl,e Brnn>wick & Albany line., or the Cherokee region; nor do we believe such aid a was e less expenditure of tiro State’s bounty If any of the older Roads or older cities at* inihe wtiwvg place, they must yield to th* progress of «h<- age, and submit to inevit able result*. Time is lienee forth to be the controlling eh-merit s>f tranwit, awd-coiin-HierCe iu all its brunches will demand the straight eat lines an tie* nitos. iSislukt s must and will be corrected-, And the surest and the quickest way of doing it, is the construction of roads whereever the people want them. The Slate is not likely to loose any thing by endorsing Railroad boudy; but if she does gel cwighl iu a non-paying enterprise now and then, the general devel opment of her resources, Artd the increased value of be taxable property will -reimbuise her treasury, and the people at Inge Wi'J grow rich, aiid rise to a higher siandaid of inte'igence uud. culture iu the arts G peace and civilization. , , v *,i Down, then, with the iron Mbs l On With the iron horsel Unchain the of the people, and give wings to their eutei urisc! As motbeis nounstheth then young, SO let the State levd and foster hei cbikfrcii's great thoughU aud |»i'ogrcsa genius.— Alb#*y 2Vt*w. Weekly Review of she Bainbridge Market- OFFICE OF THE SOU THERN "BUN 7 , i Baixbriboe. *"A i p , '.il gbt, T 869. j Gbseha-l Hemabks.— During tthe f past >week busi ness baa been only toterable fair, tthe most of the trade being coimned to the city. We presume that business will continue dull until (the (farmers are through planting. Cottox.—Very little offering pric.-s ! have declined we qoute Middling 2-3(<fc2‘> Low Middling. .25(21261 Good Ordinary 24@24| Ordinary...... *. 230 Ftoca.—We quote superhne, SB.OO. Extra, S9O 12. Double Extra, $12@13. Fancy, 12® 15. Bacon.—Very little in market prices have slight ly advanced. Wo quote* Clear sides, 21032 cents Uibcd sides, 20@21 cents, 17 cents- Olioice Sugar cured hams, “23025 cents. pork, prime, S2B per .barrel. Rich.—We quote (l'O016: retail. ; Salt.—Single Sack 4251 L Mollasabb.—W-e(quote 50 cents, oTil ~ barrell. Corn.—The demand has bona e — 1 (hough prices have DOt THE Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. fiT" One Bottle, $1 00 —Three for $-.00, IIIS “Oostar’s” Rat, Roach, Ac., Exterminators. “CostarV Bed Bug Exterminators. ‘•Costar's" (only puie) Insect Powder. ‘‘Only Infallible Remedies known." ‘*lß years-eativblitthed in New Yoik." 4, 2.000 Boxes«nd Flasks ui.inn actured daily. •‘! ! ! ‘‘All Druggists in BA.STNBRIDGE sell them*" Address ‘'COSTAU,” 10 Crosby st., N,. Y. or, John F. Henry.(snccesors t 0) Demas Barnes & Cos.. 21 Park Row. N. Y. Sold in BA IN BRI DGE, <3 A., by Dr. J. A. BUTI’S & CO. [Feb. 25th, >69.-44-ly JACOB BORN, PRATICAL HARNESS MAKER, BAINBRIDGE, GA. SHOP on West rftroet m Tear of Hemlerson’s Fnr nitiKe Store, and nest door to Cumming’s Pho-' fcoprapli ClftHciy * All k'nds of Hamers repaired or made to order, in the neatest and most substantial style A; splendid lot of Saddles' Bridles. Sole and Upper Leather always on hand, which he offers to the public at extremely low figures for CASH. March 11th. 1800 . 4R '6m C. G. CAMPBELL, ...O. G- GUoI.KV CAMPftEbL & GURLEY, A t T OR N E YS AND COUHSELORS AT LAW, AMD * ia #qaitir, BAINB LiIDGEy GEORGIA. Feb. I lth, 'CD. 42*1 y. I. X. L. LINIMENT} I( an infallible><SoTe for 'iDeothacW, -Sene-throat Coughs and Cosjds, Piles, Bites of lusects, &c. Try a bottle, if it does not give satisfaction, the money will toe (refunded. G. D. GRIFFIN, Propiietor, Bafetoi ; idge, Georgia. Feb 2&th. '•&). 44- ts. oak % CITY 1 ill & lU SAUK, Upstairs in Bowers Block, BROAD STREET, BAIN&RIDGE GA, ; PROPIUKTORS. Ties Saloon is Al ways supplied veitbtiboice mwmmm, wtusi, ' M.i- THE BIIXTAIiD TABLES «3S# as can be found in the April Ist, 186a 40-ts, vaccinetisttert - T HAVE jufet received a of VACCIN E M ATTER i wbicb Tltnow'To'W reliable. TlTose wruflung to be Vaccinated had better call at once. DR. J. A. BUTTS. March ’2stb, 1860. 48-4 t, Notice to Debtors. ALL persons “of whatever race, color, «rs previous condition” indebted to the film of B. b • COL BERT & BROTHER, are earnestly reque ted to come up and. settle at once. make this request in order that wtj may save onrselves the unpleasant duty of putting onr accounts in the bands of a lawyer for collection. We have to pay CAsii for our liqudrs, and we trust our friends will respond to this call. ... B. F. COLBERT & BRPTR2R* Afrillst, '<j?. iW&- *”GORSIHROaD AND WATER STREETS.' ' Jup* ap»Cß»_acjß2Tr , «c»jCTL® *sw H tSJWOJfftBB, E T "toWnV SBBA WATSS, T p4es#>jL - , -fori J&&8& *H® A SXlpr ? JO' ' fe HjßpPiill ■ ■■ *”•> first olass miXTATtr T i yiQ POCKET TABLE. As wo have to RejP ■ V )R THE CASH. ■• v* «fc L KIX BS MIXEB UP ! < and — -.**-*■ - * nfllHriO I ar 1 goods ! 3L.AVIS & co., |t- WAXES. BXKEBX, Bainbridge, Georgia, INVITE tbe attention df purchasers to tbeir largo aud carefully selected STOCK, now instore, and daily arriving of, STAPLE ANB FANCY DRY GOODS Hardware, Groceries, Clothing, §iofe, iapg, &r„ And a genera) assortment of everything usually brmight‘to this Market. The LADIES are especially informed that our STOCK OK HANDSOME DRESS complete, consisting of. LENDS, FRENCH ROBES, LAWNS, SWISS and JAOKONET MUSLINS, PRINTS and GINGHAMS. We are determined not to‘to loose the reputation we Lave gained for selling the best LOODSiu the market AT TIIE LOWES’! RATES'! Call and examine our ■stock before purchasing elsewhere. [Mav-11*46-Bm. w. a." soinanuroiiD, SITUATED IN REAR OF THE SHARON HOUSE, i BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. ! ' i .HORSES, BUGGIES, -CARRIAGES and WAGONS, to hire at all times with or Fine Hornes and Mules always on hand for Sale or Exchange. February 11 th, 18W8. 4 “~ t ‘*.. u r4W iTolflW iouos Llow prices «, BAINBRIDGE BOOT AND SH9E STORE GEORGE SPILLER. THE citisens Os Bainbridge and vicinity are respectfully informed that I have opened a regular BOOT and SHOE STORE, at the old rfwndof VAUGHN & GIBSON; where Iprepared to aopp’y 'he trade with BOOTS and SHGES of all descriptions, from the heaviest BROGAN to the smallest GAI it. Ihave of GROG EIU ES that I will dispose of aj very 'ow figures Uinutry prod; ce bught or (tafeen iniexcharige for GO3DS. Call and examine my •'»I0oK of BOOIm and SH * prchnsing elscWlrere as yon wifi nave money hy it [ben IH- -oi__ 11. f. wil t 7 ‘ " AND Commission Merchants Bffcoii, Coin &c., on commission, February 11 ! b, 1869. l 2— a. DAtis, ~ w Ml '*ML* BARNEIT * WITI-I A. DAVIS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1 AND DfcALBRS IN BRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, &C, AC, AO., AC. WATER STREET, BAINBRIDGE. GEORGIA. M. on brnnkwl S« Tork, alsj.ys on .hand. Vis tbi hi*h«t for Cotter. and ojber Country-Produce. 4p ts. February 1 i, 1859; izzmzzi mTm tt.—...—.■ rEORGI A—Decatur Cotmty. 6 - ON the first MoWlay in April next, I w 11 apply to the Court oY Ordiuifry oT Bal'd cofkntjr tot ib «.rder, tu compel 1 Absoierc Brown, Executor es the •ast Will and Testament of Wm Brown, deceased, i to make me titles to lots of land 'Kv'k 208 and SOW in the 27th district of Bald county. 'Hrti Executor ind heirs, ftiid all persons concerned are nKjilfrt'd 1« appear at that time and file their objection if utoy hev have. J. S. CARTER. Fel», 11th, 1869, 4 2-6t>d. GEORGlA.—Decatur County. Court <w Ordinary at U»ivmbkrß, I March Bl3t. 1869.) TO the Justices of the Peace in Decatur county— Gentlemen : Will you in each of your District* tko the trouble to jihccitain tdUe number of poor ‘iluren whose parerffcs are undUle to pay thefr nooling and forward Their nainofonnd Number of istrict, so that I may present .the same to the .mind Jury on the fourth Mondav’in April. , . JUEL JOfI»80)X, Ord'ry. Ap il I. 1869 49-2 w GEORGIA--*Decatur Country. COURT OF ORDINARY at Chambers. Mrsoh 22nd. 1869. The creditors of John 'lSudbom. i}«te of »ai I county, deceased, having demanded admiufc tratJon on his estate. This is therefore to .erte all p-'vsorw, kindred and creditors 'to appear --at any office in Brtittbfidge und take out letters of adndub tration on said estate, or letters will issue according to law, made and provided in suclvcase, on thefi.vt Monday in May uext. dost dmNsoM, ord'v. March’2sth, *69, 48-3 G. GEORGlA—Decatur County. ON the first Monday in May next, wc will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for Letters of Guardianship for the minor chi Idem-of of Barney Cumby, late of said 'county, dceased. J{ JIROCK, JOHN MOBLY ’ April ilst, T»9. . 49-30d G EORG-I A—Decatur Count}’, • (\N thefiist Monday,in May'next, I wltiapply 4othe 7 Goirrfc of Ordinary of mid county, for (uetikevs tit Dismission four the Guardianship *>f Elizabeth Bro<\ of said county. JASPKft BROCK, April 1, ’G9. 49 3pd MOKTG WILL be sold before the Court Houfc door In the town of Bafnbring* between the usual hours of~Bale on the first Tuesbay in May next, the following jrroperty to wit: One lot of land number 248 In the 14th Dbtridt. containing J9(i acres. levied on as the property «of James D, SroWh to 'Satisfy one superb ir Cburt, Meet gage fi fa. Giiver M. -Petit vs dsnics L>. Smith, property pointed out in deed oif .Mortgage. Also, one lut of land in the town of Cambridge, contaiitnirg six acres, and bounded as follows on the East by premises owned by Win. Cheever, on the North by premlsi-s owned bv Bates, West by prem ises owned by ‘George W. 'Lewis, and tjdiftto by premises owned by A. P. Belcher and V. T. Broom, levied on as the property of Jumk'sTJ Floyd ito sat isfy one {Superior-Court Mortgage 1i fn. t, Evans va J. E. Floyd, property pointed out ia deed of Mtit gage. H. B. WAUGH,'Sheriff. March 4th, 1869. 45-Bw. Opera Flannels, FOR Ladies and Childrens Sacks, all jCbldm, no* in stoi c and for sale by T. 13. UUNNEWELL & CO. AHGIV SOUTHERN SOVfil* EJ. HALE & SONS, Murray Strict, New York, « will publish in a few days, “Minor Piace,’’ a tale of Southern Life, by a Lady of Tennessee, a na tive of Alabama. 1 volume. 12 mo ; price SI.BO. Orders solicited. Sent by mail, post-paid, on Me ceipt of the price. March 25,1869. 48-8* .SILK Mi STRAW utmT TTJSIT RECEIVED a fine assortment-of I Julies «t>4 fj Childrens Straw. Felt and Phrtib, also. Ribbc* Trimmings, Velvet- Braids, A'tificiaJl Fie. ers &,w for sale very low by -f T. B, II UN NEW ELI* & CO. THE ESTEY ORGANS, m PARLORS, HALLS, AM CRUNCHES, Combine more perfections toil any others in the market. The haVe invented and applied more vtdultbe hnprovemeuts, during the lust twenty years than any other in the land. The Patent Vox Humana Tremtztfts—A wonderful imitation of the tremolo of the human voice, pronounced by the msoßt eminent -organists and organ builders the ovily perfect expression stop ever invented, The Patent Harmonic Attachment,—An octave coupler, which doubles the power of the lu- Bt ument without increasing its size. The Patent Mantiel Sub-Basa.—An octavo of independent haw reeds-of great pow»»r which are played with the ordinary keys. The Patent Vox Jubilant.—A new and beautiful stop, giving a st'ie of music hitherto Utt* attained In reed instruments. These Organs are superior to all other* in quick articulation--round, pipe-like tone—sweet* ness and power. Thay have received nearly oxa lies* i>R‘ r n First Pm ivm over all c lfr«Utors» They arc endorsed by the highest musical authori ties. t. .. Send /or Illustrated Circular* t • »■ - PIANO fortes. The subscribers also offer 4o the public an assort ment oT beautiful Piano •Forts—elegant rosewood cases—full iron frame—overstrung baes—French kntod action, etc., at moderate •ptncoe and fully warranw-d. * - F"r circulars and full particulars address a & SAXE & ROBERTSON, 417 BROKE STREET, * _ . ? : JUSW YORK. March 11th 18G&. 46-ly. Ike ‘'Vermont Spring” Water, justly Celabmta6«s a remedy for ckrvfJa, Cara* Bright'* Diseas*, and Other Kifaty Ajtfhdion*, the worst fuins’of Culanvm* Dinjost B/uumatinn, Em*l Complauits, and all impurities of the blood. The bottles are marked: “Vuimom Sratxo, S.»xp & Cos., SIIELDOK, Vt/* For sale by th<; principal Druggists. . Pamphlets, with certificates from eminent physi cians atd others, sent free. • AXE <* C»*, 417 JBroom Street, jifiw yobx. March 11th, IS*9. <6 »y