The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, May 13, 1869, Image 2

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mrimm j? ««•**" r4TT— - - ■." ..—T-.: -H - HA'STUS ) / am> } Editors. 9. G. GITKLEY, J ~ * J 'iTii: ~ aws mitlioriaril tojrocoiv and advertisement* for tlw Southern S #l, and receipt for the same : Qtt wit D. Gnirns, Decatur GViuty, Ga - T. F. Sumi. SAvanuat-i, CJa. Mr. Jo»*m Sylvkstkb., Q<iincj Fla. Mr. W. B. Watts, O'ordbnrA'*. Heart Lewis, Green wood 7 F&- WAsniNOiiM Chapman* Marianna. Fla. 1 1 I l -HJgl” l jg”3EßP HAim;iix;n, ga, may w, i£c:% FQU SECOND DISTRICT, HON. NELSON TIF.T, OF DOUGHERTY COUN'TY. Brunswick Skapgr't Appeal.—This is the title of the now paper in the plivdtr of the Brunswick Banner. It is r» creditable sheet, published weekly at $8 00 per annum YTo extend a hearty welcome to the frater nity, to its editor, T. F. Smith, and wish him abundant success. * Col. I. W. Avery succeeds the lament ed Barrick, as editor of the Constitution. We wish him huge success in his new av ocation, —■ - ■■ "im* # ♦- —— Edward A. Pollard. —We have received from the National Publishing Co*, of Atlanta, tlje advance sheets of a work entitled the “Life of defier son Davis,” with a request that we "copy extracts that would be of interest to our r.cq<jtef§-’ ? Wu would be pleased to assistour Publishing Irienjds, in any decent enterprise but rcspsctfully dp* cljtie tb/s request. Wo have, ever since the, war, regarded Pollard with contempt,.ami, his so-called histor-ips as’a tissue of lies, pud wc are decidedly impressed .with the,opin ion, that our .people can put their money tq a batter use than paying Ids works, Wood’s Household , A dvocate have received several specimen copies 0/ this ex cellent monthly, published: by S. S. Wood, Newbtirgb, New, at 15 cents, per an num. It is richly double, wyrlh the price asked. a , ..... ; ,_ v a » "*° j SrIiTER I*F.rußMCan.—Tl)is excel!cnt paner. *1 ,;•« "• , . r 't. ,-5’V jf f- C P. announces the formation 01 a publication copartnership, consisting of Mpssrs. C W Hancock, J A Graham, John 1) Carter, and \ftv Ilielly, under the firm uame of Han* cock, Graham & Cos. Mr. Carter is assoei te<l wyth Mi. Hancpck as CQseditor. We wish tire new , cofuMv&m prosperous and useful career. FAttiiF.ns Look Here—An offer of valua bleinformation free. The Veterinary Surgeon of the American Stock Journal answers all question* relating to diseased or injured animals belonging to the sub scribers Tree. SeW stamp fdra specimen copy of this valuable mbntfiiy. Address, Ni P. Boyer & (To. Parkersburg, Chester Cos., Pa. Chattanooga Wide Awake.— On Monthly evening the citizens of Chattanooga, in>- spired by the encouraging news from Cin cinnati, held a rousing meeting and took immediate steps to have the interests 6f that place properly represented to the Board of Trade and City Council of Cincinnati. A delegation was appointed, and a number of citizens left Tuesday on their mission. There will be-another railroad meeting of the Cincinnati Board of Trade bn to-mor row night. "• 'Hie May No. of the Southern Cultivator has been received. This old Sotrtheim journal, (now in its 2tth year,) may not hare as many pictures as some of the north ern monthlies, but it is a strictly Southern *uterprise, is printed on paper made within few miles of its office,'and owned and edi ‘ id by a gentlemen who, born and reared in the South, and long engaged in planting there, must be, to a great extent, familiar with tho' peculiarities and wants of the Southern farmer. It will bo found, more over, by any who will take the troubcl to examine a copy of the Cultivator,( and a? are iovited taeall at the office and do .so,) that the larger part of its contents j# nyadq up of communications from experieqcedTar; mers Jiving all over the Gulf States. This w« regard as an extremely valuable feature —giviug as it does a peculiarly practical east to this magazine. Bpecimtu: copy application. Published at Athens, Ga., by Win. A, W. L. Jones, at .$*2.00 a year. Tlow ft fntcrests Us. We transfer to our columns from the Columbus Enquirer, of the Glh instant, an article under the above caption.. In doing bo, we invite for it a careful consideration by our business jhen. It is significant of good, as it exhibits that Cuhuutms is uwa'ke ijing tq the Importance of a rail conTieCTion with us and show, ho# cirfeums taupes, the drift of efents, and the rnaugmatidifcof a scheme, not dreameJ of by the originators of our B.iinbridgp, Cuihhert and Columbus Railroad, at the timeof securing the charter all seem to point as with the finger of the ike accomplishment of that pro* ijftßt IfJMBIWIIIUUUI mMFWMMF Our Columbus contemporary, wjjlbe strengthened in his faith in the of his plan of , bridge when aßs«|ectphaKtl® \WKt completed, the:m| qdfy |- twenty-Iwo tIWJ «w[jeyr#m f ysß when Cincinnatti can choose betWeetkJSfc- Marks or Cedar Keys as her Gulf entTtepsbs for the, or Jacksonville and Feruaiitlina o?i the Atlantic coast; will by connection w-blrßaftibvidge, Otecinnati and Columbus and intermediate points can have a choice of routes and thereby prevent ex cessive cjp'discfip/riating tariffs of,freights to our own sdhports Savannah and Bruns *T y ‘niittli in IH llnrfHWiiiniWinfiii>wliriilt 1, most capaciou3harl)ur,ioa theSoKBtU AtJantic coast. Our are aware that the Leg-islA ture of Ohio has placed at the disposal of the city of Cincinnatti $10,000,000 for the sulc purpose of effecting this Southern con nection. This fund is to be managed by a Board, appointed by the State Sopreme Court, which should guarantee integrity, efficiency and enlarged views In Its loca tion ajid management. The enthusiasm with which the proposition is met would seem to indicate that the only remaining question is one of loeaation. To our own people then we nrge the im portance of keeping pace with the march of events. The progressive spirit of the age, like time and tide, wait for no man. . Shake Off the lethargy, the stupor of financial despair and "quit ye like men.” The very hope of forming a connection which, at once, would pour into your laps the cheap grains and bacon of Cincinnatti, the cheaper grains and golden ores of California, the teas and silks of China and the varied wealth of tropical Cuba should nerve to “action every slumbering energy. ; JJ, with the aid so munificently afforded by the State iaded by the prospective ad vantages of profit, immediately to the stockholders and indirectly to the real es 1 - tate holder or busiucss nia.u, this road should fail to be built, we submit as a queiy .whether- the blunder—Talleyrand s*id a blunder was worse.than a crime—is Hot char gable to the bMcftiess and Shortsight edness rather than the inability of the corns inunities interested. . ( - ■- .■ ■ ■ , > • - *?. R. Barr! eli. ?/ There areuomo sentences tha,t wc shrink from writing, yet, we are eomp«ljlpfl this morning to write “Barrack is Vex terday morning the word passed from mouth to month in the city, creating a deep feeling in the hearts of those \vho heard them. There were many moist eyes and sad, solemn countenances, as the intelli gence was received among his pmuy de voted friends. So unexpected was it to many,. newt came like a thaler clap on a clear day. Yet it is solemnly About sevefi o'clock the life went out of his fragile mortality and relumed to the good God, Never was, a more beautiful Jife ended. Never ended an existence that was more charmingly endowed with all the attributes of morid, manly arrd intellectual worth. Nqvcr was there one who in a higher de gree developed those excellent traits of endear man to man, and render life something’more than the pur suit of an ignis fcildns, a reckles hunt after the dibits of a selfish ambition. Barviok lin-ed a high life—a life of de votion to whatever is true in nature—a life that glorified the creator of life by Its ;purity and blamelessness. He walked in great hurnilly. lie was a violet hid away in the erevicq of a rock, HP was passed daily by hundreds who knew of him and knew bia personal, worth, and yet were unacquainted with him personally. He, was one of those wh o. to be found, must be sought. He never pitshed himself into notice, but, on the -contrary, was retiring in his disposition. He lost no opportunity to do, a good deed, or to say a word that would make marfkind do better, or feel better, c: •" •* * The last few years of his life were full of pain. While living them he displayed the most exalted moral heroism. We believe that more than dice his mrnd triumphed over tho Irailty of his bossy and dragged it back from the very gateway of death. He fought a good fight with the gri«) mooatAVd Time and again the victory was his, but at last— Barrack is dead. We have Tittle heart tq Write of him now. To few- men his wealthy nature was opened as it was to the writer of this. Wc loved him as it is seldom given unto man .to love man. At another time, when the feeling of pain that is now in our heart shall have relaxed, we may Write more of him and say ,move than weean now. To day we can only join those who mourn for him. W-e lament him as though,he were a broth gr,, aud, in such heaviness as we have not felt, in years we write. “Barrick is dead.”— Atlanta Era. [From tha Cutlibert Appeal] , The Railroad Jlec&lug on Tuesday. By request* his Honor, Judge Harrell, very courteously adjourned his court at 11 A; M.. to allow the use of the court house for tha meeting which h&d been appointed for that hour. Soou the spacnoas apartment and adjoin* ing passages were thronged with one of the largest assemblages of citizens, ever conveitctFin this city. It Was a rtepreSen tative gatlicrihg of the wealth and mtel iigcitcearid industry of Randolph. Op .motion, H. H. Jones was elected ([Jiiairman, and W. D. Itlddoo, requesfeJjo abt”' as BetTcfary. The Cbafrtnanlhen, in set forth die object of* the meeting*/- and wel ting at length upon the advantages, which; would accrue to our city and section ‘by the construction of the proposed railroad’, and closing with i* Warm appeal ih its behalf. Col. Hood then arose, and entered into an elaborate history of the inception of the enterprise, the difficulties which had been yuiuwuuisu lb flip passage arxce x«, :“aiicr the object sought by its originators. He also showed how vast would be the reducs toion in distance to of the West, consDuction "prepared a neat diagram of the State, with accui ate delineations of the routes of ex isting railroads, and those in process ts completion or for which charters had been granted. This map served admirably to illustrate and make familiar the course and locatiou of the Buinbridge, Outhbert and Qoluuibus railroad, on, the suppsition that Usbbbifld be,|nilt upon an air line. The, Doctor entered at length also upon the w&M result from com pc. titfon in the transportation of freight, and the solid prosperity which would result to our effy'aWlueh was already so highly favored in many repccts. and intoi-estipg’ remarks were wofi JucPge Raifbrd, of Chattabootf \waßth«j inuoduced to the meeting ail sensible and pertinent spqc«[ the proposed road. .Lie urge the speedy readiest method of inerfl script ions to the capital himself well satisfied wilhrefl rectory, and ready to co-op* line. Capt Tumlin likewise made ring remarks, pledging himself ates to the utmost industry and fideiityv® the discharge of their duty. \ Judge Harrell excused himaelf forim' making a set speech but declared his warm sympathy and support in behalf of the new iqad. The books was then opened for subscript tion aud a considerable amount of stock taken by various parties. Over SBO,OOO have now beeu subscribed, and the resis dent Directors are confident that Randolph alone will invest over SIOO,OOO in the en ferprize. Eeven-thing lboks«heerful and eucour ag ing. • il. H. Jon es, Chairman, W. D. Hiddoo, Secretary. Hlcdiit; r iii Blakely 1 According to brevious notice, a large number of citizens of Early county assem* bloifTff tftqf f?f>Sltll&Ai*e,i)n 111© 29th ult., and upon motion of Col. T. F. Jones, Col, Barnes Buchannon was chosen President, find H. C. Fryer requested to act as Seqro lary. On motion of J. M. Mason, a committee. Consisting of J. M. Mason, R. W. Wade, W. W. Fleming, J. J.Bird and H.C. Fryer s were aqppqipled t to dralt »nitable resolutions tor the action of Use The arguments, Showing the importance pf building a Railroad through our county. The committee, their Chairman, reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: i, We, the citizens of Early coun ty, in meeting assembled*4ttly appreciat ing the importance of a Railroad thro, oar section of the further of theAhmc r the fttlWSExtent of our means to the Ba!m>. bridge, Outhbert Columbus Railroad, or any other Company hs bositive assurance that the Road Vtß through the town of Blakely, beßCving, a8 we do, that the location of the ttond through the County Site will secure the greatest advantage to tliO entire county; .and whereas, for the more efficint o rgan ization of our .people for the accomplish hient of the above mentioned object* do re* isolve: Ist. That Col. James Rucannon be and is hereby appointed pernfiauCnft President of this meeting, and Chairman of the Cen tral Committee herein after named and H. 2d. v It shall be the duty of the Chairman of said Central Committee, in connection with the Committee, to cavass the county and ascertain what amount of subscription can be raised ih this county for the ace coinplisbriSemt.dr carrying out this enter** prise, and to call a meeting of the citizens, or committee, at his discretion; and he ie further iirstructed to invite the citizens of Clay, Calloun and Milter 40 write with us in this mftter 3d. T»at. the- Central Committee coa templaEe<sJu the above resolution shall con sist of thf fallowing named persona : Jaa. 'Buchanaiiy R. W. Wade, T. F. Jones, J. J. Bird, B. H. Robinson, B. M. Fryer/G. B* ■Swann, Julien J. Shackelford, R. . Shef* field, G. 4f Mulligan, J- W. Alexander, Sr., R, T. Neibit, J. M 5 Mason. A* J. Merciar, Joshua Harris, T. J. Goiroario, C. B. Holmes, R. 3 > F. Grist, John Gilbert, M. T. Alexlander, Robert Freeman, A. I>.- Smith, Joel W. Hightower, G. N. McClain, Joseph G. Collier, O R. Tallaiferro, 1. B. Douglas, L. Gay, Jr., Zachsus Evans and Jas. Bush, with power to open books and'receive sul» scriptioris, both m real estate and money, upon terms hereinafter expressed. 4th. That we do not deem it the interest of our people to subscribe to any contem plated lipad. unless the same should be brought fhro.flgh hr near the Cdunty-Sito,' and that the Central Committee will govern themsel#»« by the manifest meaning and intention: qf thiq ' sth. it is'tbe opiuion of this frankl}’' expressed that a Railroad can 6e buiit viaToTqjritt and Blakely, to Outhbert* from BarnbrwFge, at leas expehse # aad*t the same ti rate burnish more producer ter-lransf portatiov, and a great amount of to said Road, than any other contemplated route—and to these last mentioned facts wu challenge; an investigation by pTofir aiK * 6th. Ttaitdhc JVeeident of this meetiiig be instructed to confer, either in person or by pioxjk with tV Board of Directorj, of the “Cfonbcft and Cofucerates aeqnentHHWtm,' iktfZ i nmm ■ section <*^«Uey^!»fc«H» Reso I , 4 nicetingjbe cuWrehjSain the News, and tti at the, Bain bridge Sun, Guffur bert Appeal CdumbU# paper* Aam the seme. JAS. BUCHANNOft, Pres’.. H. C. Fryer, Sec’y, The people of to be fully AjApto the i ‘ fclafcd o °} take action fixing the but the expression was decTOTTfTnfavoi of a direct route ta Chattanooga, and most probably by way of Knoxville, fr was elated that the distance from Cincinnati to Chattonooga by way of Knoxville was only 360 miles, while by way of Louisville and Nashville (the present railroad route) U is 480 miles; The desif u- aL the road rs that thfc Cincirimft * MU indorse build ff, Tiavinl been obflTfieT from the Legislature to indorse bonds to the ajncunt of ten millions of dollars fux< this purpose. . ‘ . . The objeet of the is to? rp.ach, the interior of the South/ afid She tc'ulffr n by. shorter ’foflt&T ttfST ■L>se not* ussJL The advantage enjoyed Louis apd New York in groid Iter or cheaper lines of cornmu* jjfl fth the South is apparent. An made, probably to have the localcd so as to run Nashville and there connect with ■ via Decatur.l to Montgomery and I the nearest seaports by this Hp| Pensacola and Mobile. But arc that the direct route to Chattauooga will be preferred. This enterprise'ouglit'to be.a stimulus to *t|be building of the two railroads now engaging attention hetfr 'trwe mean the dTrSgt connection of Colinm>us with\ the Atlapfa^West Point road, and the Baiiibride, Cuthbert & Columbus Rabroad. When Cincinnati bifffds her road to nooga, a oontinnation of a direct railroad to Columbus would be highly important to our city; and the direct connection with Cincinnati would nuke the link between this city and the Atlanta and West Pointy road a paying railroad. The stock wonlch certainly be a valuable one, and the profits of the road handsome. The Bainbriage, Cuthl>srt & Columbus Railroad would be a further extension of the direct route from Cincinnati to the Gulf, and this would se* cure a great deal of through freight for it. The snoqpragVߣ£ prospect that both proposed nbftdsf wonls i?e Hobs iu tlie of direct-communication between Cincin nati and the Gulf ought to promote their succem and enhance the value of their stock. There is no other route so short and direct by. which Cincinnati can reach tbe Gulf and the West India Islands. There is no other ronte by which the produce of Florida and, the West Indies could be trans ported so quickly and cheaply to any of certainly cfo a lucrative business. Look at tbe map and see how Nearly straight this great inland Kne of transportation . would b% It wonld ever to better it, and it would be safe from damag ing rivalry .'i ■ :■ " Tbe Cincinnati "Southern Railroad*' is •M wt’ nearly affbets projects in which this part of Georgia is interested, and is WlnW may make, and especially the development*! affecting its location —Columbus Enquirer i-i —’V / / ~~ CHEAP cumin. unraraim A -■ additions! to their ix STyCK from New York, New OmalQS. and other Markets, which are being sold at.the lowest market price for CASH. t 0 AflO tw - SHOULDERS aod SIDES, jit .IU jVvy received per last steamer, mi l for *Wy T. B. HUNNEWm & CO. Kft BBL 6 rLODB ASSORTED BBARDS, ju»t t/V received and for safe by If TANARUS, B. HTJNNEWBI/C fc CO. | A BBLS FtlSll WHISKY, also BOT&BON and ly int BYE WHfeKY, «GRJTN C»SSsr A. FEW GRAIN of the best make in Ike market j ast received'imti for Skle by SUGAR. J AL BBLS GROUND LOAF SUGAR, CRUSHED, ■-dW Granulated.turd Extra. Coffee tfogar, for sale M T. B. HUNNEWRLL & CO. CORN. lAA SACKS of WHITE CORN jtfet’ received bvV af djpihsaie by m - T T T. B. HUNNEWELt & CO: *»* skills. \ ye# black lace point*. ** shawls Ssasatr Raipu»~ W-H&mXRAPE for 'jMSk~ »qpauj%l ,and for sale Jw “ tuiit -— r --—. T»TB i- KWELI Sl CO. TaXZe *&!«!■* i-ts. hlidMb Mrs H Maj) RMlmiil myoffiee °s. LIr No s9 „i*fcay iwawl . fe Insttranu Company of~lto Untied Stalu, ; - s . the Actuary of the Company. It win be noticj •epared by the Actual y t han tb(j ordinary ratos chargejJ! ICSC qimtnducements offered, by this table are equal to J mrary dividend Sf ONE HUNDRED Pfife CENT, of a< wirnrt A RETURN OF ALL TEEM IU MS PAID. nATES TO SECURE SI,OOO AT IJ -.— -^=— ———~rz ~,L - , Oidvmu'V Lite leu Payment# Payment Rfttc< - nns' ¥1 ;;r--! 8 i‘» S i!5 2 I 1 "” y 'nl ~ vxampljß*~A man aged 3ftipsures lwp V or-s‘>ls 50, his policy will be good for $1,215 50 the ttW “• { OFFICERS. WILLIAM WALKER W Vice Pr «blent iENRY J. FURBER •• * * *. * Secretary, JOHN 11. BEWLEY • • • • Assistant Secretary. CHARLES. E. PEASE Consul ling Actuary D. PARKS FLACKER .Medical Examiner. EDWARD W> LAMB^H', M- D— *• *• ••*•••«<• ‘• Solicitor!. Wanted tbrotighout the South. ACKLEFORD, Manager Southern Department, Atlanta, CU, E. R. PEABODY, * Agent for Bain bridge and/nrrouHding country, DR J. A. BUTB3, Medical Examike*. April 29, 1869. , . ——^ NOTICE! p T WILL be at the following named places for the JL purpose «f Assessing the State and County laX f °Harrell on Friday, -May 14th; Chester Store, Saturday 15th; Cpoper'sShop, Monday 1/th; Atta pulgus, Tuesday 18th; Faeevnle, Wednesday 19th, Lower Spring Creek, Thursday 2°tli; Steiin% M I II, Friday 21st; Rock Ppnd, Saturday 22d; Brockets Mills, Monday 24 th; Bain bridge, Tuesday 20th; Lime Sink, Wednesday 2fith. , JOHN c -BLoyjjrT. l * ’ ' D3CATUR SUPERIOR COURT, J |T7 r J|/ i ¥ ail em > J - i ’ GEORGLA-lDidAttß-tiovsiTt. * v Decatur Superior Court is adjourned niitil the SECOND MONDAY IN JULY NEXT. Toe Grand tfß Petit JtfVoni -drawn for the Second week of ourt, wUI attend promptly at thlit time. AH Partita ahd witnesses will be punstual iu their attendance. JAMES M. CLARK ] " * J. S. C., S. W. c. A ttlae^^ract from the Minutes. „ G. A. PADIUCK, Clerk. j map 13,1869. ; ~ 'B-2t. ' County., I..QONNELL, has applied for exemption 'tr fthtf setting apart and valuation - of' homeatemfi and I will pass upon the mime at my office in Buhl bridge. oH the 14th ofMay, 18fi9. JOEL JOHNSON; Ord'v. m»y 6th; l»&8. » " ’ ' 2-3 w. jms&ssmi MriOfeatJW Column pages of tkoi>bcst sterhia and entertaining and instructive reading to be found in any maga in tbe:country.; The svibscription price is s2a Ds typographical beauty is not excelled. magazine from January to June ot this year, con taining 576 pages of choice reading. . Address TANARUS, S. a’rTHUR & SONS, 80H & 811 Cliesnut Street Phil, apri! 186 ff. 3--tw. HAM OF SCIEOULB. GENERAL SUPERINTENdEN'TS OFFICE, ”) • .* :. -ATLANTIC AND QXILF RAILROAD, j- Savannah, ApVU 30, r&Gff. ; ON AND AFTER MONDAY, May 3d, Passenger Trains on this road will run its follows : Leave Savannah (Sunday’sexcepted), at. .6:45 a.m Arrive *t.Bainbridge 10:15 r~M. “ • , Live Oak.-. ....*... 4.45 p'.M «' Jacksohvitld..'...■ .......... 9:45 r.M. ** *■ TMlfohfissete.v.m. “ Quincy j.. ..l2:Oouight LeayeQumcy. v • A.ji. M*"*TaUabwsss» . . <<<• • * 11^4^.11,. ‘ ‘ Jacksonville .- i ............ 1 1 ;40 p.m. « Live 0ak......ft-OO’X.A., , iS Cambridge.... ..........V...-.V..,.;. I.oopm. Arrive at Savannah (Mondays excepted). s;oop.mj PULLMAN'S SLEEPING GASH ON TRAILS. - ». HAINES fftdj7-l not. General Snperin tenden £. 1 Ndtide* IN obedience to a decree of the Mon. James M Clark, J. 8. C., S. W. e. I win rent to the high est Wdder before the eorfrt house door’ fn Bain bridge, on Friday the I4th day Os May, the Livery stable known as the Singleton stable. The party venfing* td give notes with approved security, pam fble Rrst <k»y Os January next. * john f Dickinson, p Receiver may 5,1869.. f 2 -tw. DISSOLUTION. heretofore existing under the name J>AVI£SfCO; is this M/fy di* eolvedbyfr* übusLcfcesent. Jhe books, uJ* B , &n --of the late firm, will be found in the hands of Mr. A. Davis, %be aVone is authorized to make settle ments, A. DAVIS. im. 11 ' L * notice. THE undtermgnwMhanks hte frlewfcr for past favors and hopes by strict attention to business and iair dealing all, tQ merit, a share of public patronage. . r T • Consist Itr everything usually found m aDryCoods a«d tirpeery all of whWh 1 as-heap as the cheapest. Mr. fi, C, geytt will remain with me, ™ ' Respectfully, A. DAVIS. to^^) be f fc <l bcfore th^Q^n. rt llouse rloor the horses, one gray four horse hacks and on.two horse hack,* one four SSfWWMttj&r* il* Sheriff. fiomfStcail 1 - iiiti " • --' ■ - ■- -l: GEORIjIA—Decai-ur Gouxty. ON the first Monday in June next, 1 will /tppty 1 to the Court of Ordinary of Decatur County, m for letters of administration on the estatu of D. A | late of said county, deceased. JOHN J. KIRKLAND. april 22, JBC9. _ 52-30d. ■ GEOUGKA —Decatur Comity, IfTHEREAS, W. W. Harrell, administrat-r ,#f VY SaifiiiVapt# Douglass’jestate, Represents to the Court in Repetition, duly filed and enterad on the record that he .lms fully administered Sihmdere D(iuglas?s , ‘ esttftC, This is therefore, to ctA*all per sons coucemed, kindred and ffi siu/w caqse, if b D y they can * why said adininiafrator should not be discharged, ahd receive ftrttergof j.i disinisaion, on the first, Monday in October. >HI9. JOEL JOHNSON, ihd’r>. April 8, 1863, SO-d/n G EORGla—Detatur Coo nty. WW. HARRELLwffuuuyof LI 1 1 a Douglaw 1 • having applictflo tIA? Cdurt of Ordinary of j said county, fat'* discharge from his gUanWansUtp of Lit la. DougMsß-,. th-rs is |ber®fow, t to cite »U jjpp, | sens concerned to show efthse, by filing objection# ifi my office why Ihe said W. \V. lhvrrell sbeuKTnof '• April a, iB6O. . ___J<hßU *1 GBCKGlA—Decatur Chtrutj. | TWO MOirrHSafter«4tfe application will be n»l» J to 'the'Cdurt of Ordiwury, of Deeatur coitiitp j Georgia, at the first regtGnr term after the expiration of two months from thi» awtroe. for leave to sell the p lands belonging t » the fatale of William- Witiiatt/ J|J| late of «a»d county, dewa»cd, sos «» benefit of th# beirs atid creditors of safe! (feeeased. a WILLIAM G ! - JONATHAN DONALBON, j Aamr ; April 8, 18ttfk,, SQ-k** ( ,| ¥ I A—D ecai-ur County. .T. F. Gibson as next friend fetM. C. Gibson*hat Hj Applied for'exeinptioii and Si tting apart and vnlua- ' « tion of Hi'mesteAd and I wdil pass upon the saihf ™ on the 18th day-of May 18S9 at mv «>ftice in Ibid «i bridge. JOEL JOHNSON, Ord’y. M may 13, 1860. ’ -6-2 w GEORGIA— Degatur County. gJH ON the first Monday ih July will apply to the Court of OiUinM y B^Niid wiuntt W wn letters of dismission frtun the Guardianship of 3»* ja Brock, minor of John Brock, deceased. t J. 11. BROCK,- G-uardian . ?| J ■ ApriFgfl, 1869. - l-4 Qd _ T | U r "" ' " * GEORGIA—DecATuit County. , g ON five first 1 Mondny ih August next, Twill applf H “to the Court of Ordinary of said county for lev tors of distnission from the administration of th» * | estate of Elizabeth Jones, late of said county, de- CC!l9Cd ’ SILAS JONES, Admr. <u April 29, 1869.. l-3m j GEORGIA —Decatur County. , ON the first Monday in August next, W. M. Dollar, administrator of the estate of John It tk Dollar, d'-ceased, will apply to the Court of Grdifl*- jS ty 6f said couuty, for letters of dismission |r*m ba'hl administration. I j { [if , H „ joel Johnson, oh. m M#*% , ~ , ■ m GEORGIA- Dacatur County.- IT been notified that the estate of Rol/djfl| Marsh, late ofsAld county, deceaued, gal adnrinistmtor and the property of said estate being wasted. Notice is therefore given to all* singularlthe kindfed and creditors to Cofoe fcrwtp .W on the first Monday in June next, ahd tAke outby - ■ ters of administratien or letters will issue according to the law in such cases made and provided. .rs-sratfiß AdminktifctotfSASfeleb'lfll /Nifcfc the hint Tuesday in June next, l willsiU bfj ; T-?M 01 V 4116 ®° utt House door, ih the town of ( bnflgu, Decatur county, the property of James *' llufts, late of said County, deceased, to-wit: P' l * 1 i oriot of land No. 241, ih the 20th distriefeof PH* tor fcofinfy, containing 42 acres niore oc less, h 0 i as the Impifal lot, also orre Brick Store House itt W ( ,city pf Bainbridgc,—bounded as fallows; on North by J. A. Butts &Cos , Draft Store, oe t» ( West by Broad street. South by D. J. Dickinson. and 6. tllfe Must "by property.owner.unknown. Sy>%; for the benefit of-tlkek-beics and creditor of said f- 5 ’- tate. T / 1 T])f tSMHBHSU i y*a £ WHERE 4S, The m> District G M., baTinfl fikiled to elect a Joetioc of the Peace r] 1 3«H»«tant, in aa fur said District. It, i* Q$* r 7« be held on the 16ft day or W , j Ib6£ Purpose of filling, said vacancy. ,11* order of * T .r-istti RUFUS B. BULLOCK. * Jog, Govei*n" ; of Decatur County. . 1 t o c-.r.r>; ■>*> .t-r-c ! .T.V:.TOR RENT, sd J of th® Court House Square, and in the Haturday at public Outcry, t iS ( Apply to* - W. J. * April 15th, 1860. BLt fir t / -