The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, July 22, 1869, Image 3

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K r jotitHfvn fun. B- 7 r ,, (..„ v».' 3 . lfc(i9 §.r^® a nd;‘ i,r r epl ■**. 12. m. *” d **i A. M. I •asss*» s ‘" ,<uys f,oB * ,o K„, A. M- N . L . CLOUD, P. M. *t j A. Buns' - * ■MM,»»_ __ M :kt piflKE»S , ft Kris A’-CQ’s. K"^jllS«y" aradc ‘ • , ritv Hook and Ladder Company was W , v( .nin-for a‘-cooling.” IhebojP K ° <,n(,i,ionand a,e tUW ,n Larfc'e Wfttermelob. Klix G. Arnett Pent into our city on Mon ■ a watermelon weighing fifty Pine pounds ■Vreseute.l the melon to M»J. H ». *""« Kndant of the Atlantic umlGulf Railroad. peculiar to females cured with E. F. B ■ p, cures suppression and irregular acaons. ■•turn of life” made pleaaant with E. E. B. ■ } > j 8 the standard female regulator. Oar chilfthcfi. ■e buildings of almost every description are store houses and dwellings being K our chinches are sadly neglected, and ■ almost as rough an outside appearance as ■country bain. Otu churches all need a ■h rt^iovation— it is almost impossible, to Ke.lher they ever had a coat of paint on not t , e that each denomination will appoint a of ladies to solicit contributions for their &Co s Buellu pleases everybody. diseases, use Dromgooh: & Co’s Buchtt fiR,,!,. & Co’s Buchu cures the gleet. Ihe Peach Crop is almost a complete failure. Ap- Hermelous, irM'skmelons and -autaloupes and sold at living rates. B. F. BHIITOI & CO. column will be found the advertise reliable flrhi. As prompt, energetic going business men, they have no iii Southwestern Georgia. Pal ties wish chase lands or having lands lor sale, I' materially to their interest to call on ■»-. this linn. They also represent some cf ■l.iic and Fire Insurance Companies, in the ites. \I ■pminlici Remedy for childvdni ■ KtoHL cools, quiets and checks the bowels, ■■it. cures hausen and vomiting. Sflßan hea, nothing equals R. D. R, Personal 4 Screven President of the Atlantic and . passed through our city On Friday f»r Columbia Ala,, the terminus of Southern Alabama railroad. The CofMt to Columbia has something to do with the A. & G. Aailroad to that point. k I. Biller A Cos. tiie aitvntion of onr readers to the card n,, d reliable hoiise in another column the largest and lest seVcted stock of “f !, Tiy house in Savannah. Parties Htn puveh-se anything in ihe furniture line. ■ it to their interest to give them a call. Weather. Crops, &f. oilier bats been verv plenseht. the past ■ thVrtnnmptw vnneih" f rom po to de nps nro vlfiff»rmts|v—we have few bells ef.epon cotton. th..iicrh we have F sr>rno w blartlers have Commenced ■r fe«hler-«>M corn in ,he shuck can he f*, 1 per bushel- old fodder at 75 cents per ■sets pounds. Exchange Saloon. »nhan is airain at his post, dealing out BpVole’s; mint jnlips. milk punches &c Ke Intends to keep nothin? but the best of |b his firends need not be afraid of being Onr Efflrirnr Postmaster |nd. will please accept our than! s -for a urt>nil present, in the shape of a patent Everir lawyer, doctor and hook keeper ave one. 7 lie General has a few more left. Piir Associate c\V York on last Thursday— we think it f'tful whether he will ever find his wav or »o does, we hope be will be treated in a B manner. * “Planter i assure our friend “Planter” whose com-' on appears in another column that our larket for the last two seasons, has kept the Savannah market, and we are satis id ro so the coming seasoh ivr ’ is mistaken in one point; that is. that W *ugar, coffee and*bagging cheaper here be sold in Savannah- we can sell siich , P w,th frei eht added, but no cheaper, *! of articles are purchased in -astern markets, and consequently right through Savannah, to arrive 11 that we »nn sell bacon, corn and h 1U than it can he bought "uddotruhere; this we presume 1 { bey should, let them ascer-. eo> ,Kt ' 1 *^*' n bri<lge wholesale prices • tt'A lot theartieles mentioned, then add a 1 quotations. draVage alid thfe tail ' l bey will see that wb are cor ‘"! , See - ,he Cotton crop of the sw er filler and'Calhoun w ti> . and our merchants should hold out * 1,11 "cejftents to the planters of those - it they will see, and know, it to he trt u»d.spose of their cotton in this mar ■fomtmntotiottsi. — ' 1 ■« Letter from Baker Comity. ■ Baker County, Georgia, ) July 14. h, 18tft. j Messrs. Edito rs : I seat myself this morning l to write yon— thinking yon would like to lieftr from' your friends in old Baker The weather is just as hot as can be, the thermometer can rise no higher unless it* comes out at the top; even our nights> be hot. r l hr l (•Pops at‘e fine, corn it is said is better than it ever has been tor a deeede of years, and every planter has his corn on his plantation for next year Cotton lias been weli culti vated, I hear of very little grass. Wo have had fine rains for the last month, a little too much for cotton, but just the very thi tig for corn. The negros have worked better this year than at any time since emancipation. Some few farm on their own account but with no success, most of them are on plantations and are making money. The relation between the white and black I think is better under stood here-, than atiy section I know of. We want more labor and we are confident we will have it, and more than we want in the Chinaman. We look for him and he will be here soon, and then the poor negro vyill see his fate. Will know too well, and alas too late what his Northern friends have done for him. Since the Coolie labor will be here, there is one thing more we want to make. us good crops. That js an improved cotton seed, in order to make our crops be fore the caterpillar comes, I have several Varieties of fine seed but none as good as some I got of Major J. H. Whitehead of Miller county. Ga., this Spring. The Major has the credit of successful ly cultivating kbe very best variety of cotton I have ever seen. The bolls are very large, and more of them on the stalks than on any other cotton. The staple is fine, a» the Major’s sails in Liverpool, New York and Savannah show’. You know most cotton grown in this section, classes low particularly the farther North you go. I hope the Major will have samples of his cotton and cotton-seed at the Macon Bair in November next, in order that the plan ters of Georgia may know and get his seed He has 1 understand 300 acres planted in his fine seed and no doubt will be glad to supply the. famers wants. I hope Messrs. Editors, that the people of Bainbridge will offer such inducements to the people of this section, as to stop their cotton in yotir town next fall. We are sick of shipping. We heat too rnftch of “mixed cotton, ’* “longcotton,” “leafy cotton” mar ket dull. “No demand for such samples as yours. “When votir cotton is delivered will send you the money.” We want a market where we can sell our cotton in the morning; got onr money by dinner, and that inght In find us in camp on our way home. (hmV you promise vis such a market ucXt fall and winter? Let us hear from you— say that we dau sell onr cotton to advan tage in your town. That your merchants will sell us our bacon , flour, sugar, coffee, bagging, &c., cheaper than Savahnah, which ttiev can do if they ave disposed. PLANTER: Dotted. For Cholera and Cholera morbus.Jus" R D. R: No moth * r should fail to proem eR. D R. Where R. D. R is known, nothing else is Used. Crying habits love R. D. R. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS will restore fa and lug female beauty, Forsalo by J. A. Butts & Cos. R. D. R. used in lieu of laudanum and paregoric. I iarrhea of long standing cured with R. D, R. R. D. R. for all Children whsle teething. Acute diarrhea checked at unde with R. D. R. ts you have the diarrhea, go to J. A. Butts & Co's and get a Cottle of the RED DIALIM RLftl HPV. Price out dollar per bottle. Two A, NO. I,* Phelan Dll Hard Table**, warranted as good as any in the StatP, can he bought cheap for the CASFI by applying mmodiately to 13. P. Colbert & Bro. TO COXSUMTIVES. THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hav ing suffered several years with a severe lung affec tion, and that dread disease, Constitution is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of chre i To all who dCsire it, lie Will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, etc- The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and lie hopes every.sufferer will try his renibdy, as it will Cost them nothing, and majr prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad dress. Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Krugs New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ffectsof youthful indiscretion, wilt’ for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions lor making the simple remedy by which he was cared. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience, Can do so by addre; sing, in perfect confidence. JOHN B OGDEN, For all diseases of the Kidney cr Bladder us? EXT. BEAI.BERRY and 13UCHU, for sale at J. A. Butts & Co'tf. frurngoirt’s great Southern Preparations. THESE are the standard Family Medicines Os America. They are prescribed and used by the medical profession. They are prefened by every mother and father. They immediately merit pub lic esteCmi and the confidence of all who once test their virtues. They are prepared by pnydeians who are fndy authorized l>y the Congress of the United States, and are the result of a long bedside experience. Being neither secrets nor patents, the medical profession have no hesitancy in giving them a fair trial and a hearty recommendation, THOUSANDS of onr fellow beings are annually consigned to untimely graves, and the dying groans of old and young are constantly ciying aloud for relief from Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, &c. Asa result of much scientific research and a long and faithful bedside experience, We offer a Remedy for all those Summer complaints which is pleasant and never failing in its effects. No mother should ail to have a supply of the RED DIARRHEA REMEDY. • Prepared with artistic beauty, with chemical purity and exactness, selected and combined according to extensive medical experience, unique in finish and appearance, mild, pleasant and cooling to the stomach and never failing in remedial effects, the unerring finger„of truth points to the RED DI ARRHEA REMEDY as the boasted Combination of the day for all fofms of Diarrhea, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, etc. - - Price $1,90, or six bottles for $5,00. Sent to all parts of ihe country on receipt of price. Sold by all druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO., Propsi Memphis. Tenn. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. WHAT THEY WILL DO ? They will restore fading female beauty, will paint the pale ceeek, will hurl hack tire gathering storm that encircles your brow, will add brightness and lustre to your lifeless eye. will give brilliancy jpid, activity to your dull intellect, vv,ill strengthen and sooth your shattered nerves, add tuncflhealtb and bouyaucy to yoUr whole system. HOV 7 WILL THEY DO THIS ? By arousing, regulating and restoring all sickly females to a healthy condition. By ciliing all those Complaints peculiar to the female sex, such as painful, suppressed or irregular Menstruation, Aysteria, Leucorrhoea, Ch orosis. Prolapsus Uteri Ulceration and Irritability of the Womb, Pains in the side ond back, Melancholy, Palpitation of the heart, Shimming and Giddiness of the head, cold feet ami hands, Nervousness, Sicl? Headache a ifeeling of suffocation, indisposition to enter societv and all those diseases arising from a deranged condition of the uterine system, whether affecting old or young, married or single. This compound is neither secret nor patent, but is prepared, and offered by the regular medical professioi. • We have hundreds'similar to the following: FROM AN EMINENT PHYSICIAN OF CARROLL Cu., MIS 9. Messrs, J P. DROMGOOLE & CO.: As your “English Female Bitfers” is neither a secret nor a patent, I have frequently prescribed it for the various -female complaints of our country, and always with the moat satisfactory results - It is decidedly tlfe most valuable combinat on I have ever known for the treatment of those complaints peculiar .bo the female sex, old or young, and Ido not hesitate to give it a hearty recommendation Its astonishing cures have won for it many laurels in Carroll County, and I hope its efficiency nmy soon be heralded all over .he country that the medical profession and the Female community may reap its advantages. G. W. VASSER, M. I). The English Female ißitteirs is accurately and beautifully put up in large bottles-, at $250 per bottle, or three bottles for $6 00—one bottle last ing obolit two weeks. Shipped to afl parts of the Country on receipt of price.’ Sold by ail D.viggists. • J, P. PIIOAIUQOLE & CO., Pfop’rs. Memphis, Tenn. KIDNEY AND BLADDER Affections Ore exceedingly common and trouble some all over the co.untry, and the public have long felt the necessity of a remedy that could be relied upon in all those affections, and none are better qualified’to prepare such a remedy than the physician himself. VVte have pract : ced medicine about twenty vears, arid- can safely say that we know of no combination to equal our EXT. BEARBERY AND BUCIIR It is recommended to cure all derangements of the Kidneys and Bladder. Such as Gravel, Urinary De posits of all kinds, Bloody or milky Urine, frequent desire to Urinate, pain in small of back v dtill'burn ine pain in region of bind er. Gout, Dropsey, nervous trembling melonchoiy. evil forebodings, effects of habits of dissipation (A early abuse, loss of power and memory, and all those affections re quiring a prompt and decided Diuretic, whether old or young, male or female. Price sl. or six bottles for $5. Shipped lit all parts of the country on receipt of pi ice. Sold .by all druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE & GO., Prop’rs. Meniphis, Tenn. . The Chill Puzzle. s sis • sills’ • 8111 1 1 8 • B*l 1 i h i 1 1 s sllihc h i 1 1 8 fellihcfchills • sllihcfofohills’ # sllit>cfog o f c h i 1 1 8 kllihcfogngofc hills sllili clog n ingo/cu ills sllihcfognißingofchilia sllihcfogningofchil Is gllihcfogugofc hills sllihcfogufc hills sjlilicfofchills fillihefehi 11s 8111hC h 1 1 1 s 61IThi 1 1 s * 8 1 1 i 11 s si ll S v ' . S1 S s The above will cure, any case of chills, even ot six monYl s standing, without effecting the head ears or nerves. It arouses she stum ch and liver cairies off the bile and effects permanent cures. In the swamps of Arkansas, wbqrfc the chills are so common and so difficult to cure, they readily yield when tieated with our King of Chills. Put up in large bottles at sl, or six bottles for $5. Sent to ad parts of the country on leCeipt of price. Sold by all druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO., Prop’rs. Memphis, Tend. Sold by J. A Butts & Cos., Bainbridge. Ga. MORTGAGE SHERIFF’S SALE WILL be sold before the Court House door in the town of Balubridge, on fie first Tiie.-day in August next, beVWtcn the legal hours of sale, the following propei ty to-wit : Six acres of land in tli* town of Bainbridge, bounded on the East by premises owned by Won Cbeever, on the North by premises owned by Georgfc W. Lewis and South by premises owned by A. P. Belcher and V T. Broom, including the house where George H. Ctiett now lives, Vo satisfy one mortgage, fi fa, in favor of Nathan P. Evans against J. E. Floyd-. Property described more fully in dee I of mortgage Also, lot of land No, 405 in the 15th district of Decatur county, to satisfy one Mortgage fi fa, in favor of C. J. Jenkins and Lloyd C. Belt, adminis trator, &c,, vs Wm. M Petty. H. B. WAUGH, Sheriff, may 27th. 1869. * ‘ 4-4 y Ifltgccnattfpus. OAK CITY IB & MLLIffl SAIi! Upstairs in Bowers Block, BROAD STREET, BAINBRKDGE GA B. R COLBERT & BROTHER, PROPRIETORS. Th ? s Saloon is always supplied with cboiee wsssaiss, iratss, THE BILLIARD TABLES /Nffe are all new, and as good . as can be found in the state, Milk Punciies’^^y^^^KMojAy^^^ 8 .Tulips, Cocktails, Sherry ■■RSjfcbv' Cobblers, &e., &c , pre- pared at short notice. m '• April Ist, 1869. 49_ tf ¥sl*ll MRS. A. N JOHI SON, formerly of Newton respectfully informs her friends and the- pub public also, that she has taken the house forinly oc cupied by Mrs. Thompson, where she is prepared to entertain the traveling public and take da,x headers. June 10, \S6B. /-ts. V. B. BAXJGBN, ATTORNEY AT LAW COLQUITT, MILLER COUNTY, Ga. WILL-attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. June, 3, 1869. 6-1 y. Administrator’s Sale. GEORGlA. —Decatur County. BY Virtue of an order from the Court of Ojjdinary of paid Cos .Tilty,' will be sold on the first Tues day in August 18(39, at the Couut House door in said coiiuty, between the legal hours of sale, the following real estate to wit; Lots of*land No 205; lt>2, 103, 164, 15J. J 9(3 and fifty acres off of lot No. 124; a part of said lots composing plantatio of estate of Win. Williams on the Baidbridge and Tallahas see road, about five miles from Bainbridge, there being three dr four hnndred acres of open 1 nd on said pi ritation. Also lots of land Nos 162, 184, 185, 186 and 189 in the 15th District of Decatur County, the same being wild lands, AlSo lot of land No 13l in the 16th District of Lowndes county The said lands belonging to the estate of Win. Williams deceased, and sold for the purpose of set tling the debts of the estate, and for distribution among the heirs. Terms, one half cash, ballance, twelve months ime, secured by mortgage on premises purchased- W. 0. FLEMING, J.-DONALSON, Administrators. june if. 1869. B—lm - I. X. L. LINIMENT! Is an infalible cure for Toothache, Sore-throat Coughs t.ud Colds, Piles, Bites of Insect*, Ac. Try a bottle, if it does not give satisfaction, the money will be refunded. G. D. GRIFFIN, 'Proprietor, . Bainbridge, Georgia. Feb. 25th. ’69. 44-ts. Life in a-Pill Box. EXTRAORDINARY EFFECTS FROM MaggieFs Auti-Bilious Pills. ONE PILL IN A DOSE ONE PILL IN A DOSE ONE PILL IN A DOSE. WHAT one hundred .letters a day -say from pa tierits all over the Habitable globe;; Dr. Maggie!, your Pill has rid rae.of all biliousness No rqofe noxious doses for iiife in five or ten pills taken at otie tinie. One of your Pills cured me. Tbanks, Doctor’; My headache has left me Send another to keep in the house. . Affer suffering .torture from the bilious cholic, two of your Pills cured me, and 1 have no return of the malady. Our doctors treated me for Chronic Constipation, as they Called it, an<4 at last said .1 was incurable. Your Maggie Is cured me. I had rro appetite. Magglel’s Pills gave me a hearty one. Your Pills are marvelous. , . . » I send for another box, aud keep them in the house" Dr. Maggiel lias cured my headache* that was chronic. # I gave half one of your Pills to mv babe for cholera morDus. Th§ dear young well in one day. % # My nausea of a morning is now cured. Your box of Maggiel’s Pills cured me of noises in the head; I rubbed some salve behind my ears aud th’e noise left me. Send hie two boXefi—t want one fora poor family I enclose a dollar—your price is twenty-five cents, but the medicine to ini’ is worth cue dollar. Send me five boxes of your Pills. Let me have three holies of youi; Salve find Pills, by return mail, FDR ALL DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, RE TENTION OF URINE. &C. . Maggiel’s Pills Are a perfect cure. One* will satisfy anyone. For female diseases. Nervous Prostration.- Weakness General Lassitud3 and want of appetite, iiaggiel’s Pills will be found an , effectual remedy. Maggiel’s Pills and Salve Are most universal in their effects, and a Cure can be Almost guaranteed. EACH BOX CONTAINS TWELVE PILLS—ONE PILL IN A DOSE. Address all orders to JOHN F. HENRY. Successors to Dfetnks & Cos. 8 College Place, N. Y. C. F. HERBERT ft CO Proprietors of the MaGGIEL’S PILLS AND SALVE. P. 0. Box, GEORGlA— Decatur County. t’IOURT of Ordinary at Chambers. June 29th y 1869. On tile first Monday in August* ntxt, I will apply to the Court- of Ordinary for permanent Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Law late of said county pp \rH jiy 1, 1869. 10 - aod - Ipstfitanroas JUimllsrtfntL ' SuiEund water STREETS, W. iT. BSfcAMKTAIXr, This SALOON has beet! thoroughly renovated by an experienced bar ten and the proprietor (food not hesitate in spying that hi* establishment is second to none in the State. is BAR is altfsy »tnit>n@a with the finest— ’ * 1 v WHISKIES, ■ • , SdNDIE|, _ la a isuft bbeb, ICE r.EStow&SE, &BBA»WATE& • ‘ • Clßeb In connection with this SALOON is two r*r too rmn. ... m. dtc. other a POCKET TART E As we have to nnv RTL J JARn .TABLES. one CA“OM and tfc* qt D iAT 'w? ~ r ir £r; Is . r a,v FANCY DRTMKS OF ALL KINOs"|f?X}JB ;IJP!, •w T~ —~ " T iL • ' r '. A I ' ' ' €-f ? y- S TAB £ g.g, l AM!MM sI - SITUATED IS HEAH OF THE SHARON HOUSE BAINBRIDGE. GEORGIA. •iStUli,™ 010, CARRIAGES and WAGONS, Cos hire atali timeswith or gfP Fine Horses and Mules always on hand for Sale or Exchange * February 11th, 18(59. . 1 V ( . A. DAVIS. m. €3. SCOTT “ WITH A. DAVIS & €O., COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN M • DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, &C. f &C.; &Q. t &and; WATER STREET BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA aJffi?'cernUiy Ne " WK a '“ ! ' S P *’’ tho h « h<JS ' market P ri «* «' February U, 1809: * ' UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY m Nfe%v Voili, Office 10. 69 Ltbeiiy Slreel, The original Joint Stock Life Insurance Company of the United Stoles, • • ©THE BUSINESS OF THIS COMPANY IS EXCLUSIVELY CONFINE!* TO THE INSURANCE OF FIRST-CLASS HEALTHY LIVES. The premiums charged b; the “UNIVERSAL” are nearly one-third lower than ti.ose clnrge by the majority of Mutual Companies. the "’UNIVERSAL desires to call the particular attention of Agents and others to the Uew “Return Premium 'Tahiti,” which had been prepared by the Actuary of the Compa y It will be noticed that these Rates aveiage, less than the ordinary rates charged by Mutuals The inducements offered by this table are equal to it reversionary dividend of ONE HUNDRED PER "CENT, of all p re- RATES u SEuUiiE SI,OOO AT DEATH, WITH A RETURN OF ALL PREMIUMS PAID. age. • 0 nary Life Ten Payments age. Ordinary Life Ten Fay men ts Rate. Rale. Rate. ~~25 |2f 49 SB7 48 7 7 |~53~ 48 $“708“* 30 $25 50 43 10 50 74 57 JO4 27 35 s3l 34 51 04 . 55 108 27 142 26 j#4o S4O 07 62 44 60 103 25 • 20! 01 KXAMPFjE. -A irian aged 30 insures his lifq for SI,OOO. and pays $4» 10 oer annum on the 10 payment plan, and dies after haviHgpiid 5 annual payments, or $215 50. bis policy will lie good for $1*215 S(L The “UNIVERSAL” offers also the following original and popular plan of insiyance. THE REDUTTION OF PREMIUM PLAN : By which Policies are issued at rates less than those charg ed by Mutual Companies, guaranteeing a reduction or fifty percent, of the premium after the third ati tiual payment. ' OFFICERS, tV ILLIAM Vi ALKER, President. HENRY J. FURBER Vice President, JOHN H. BEVVLEY : Secretary. CHARLES. £. PEAKE i Assistant Secretary. D PARICS FLACKER ... Consulting Actuary. EDWARD W. LAMBERT. M. D i :. .Medical Examiner A LEX. AN DER & GREEN ; Solicitors: o c '.gents waoted throughout t ** Sou* . Address ° j. W. SHACKLEFORD. Manager Southern Department, Atlanta, Qa< E. R. PE BODY, Agent for Bainbridgo and surrounding country. DR. J A. BUTTS, Medical Examiner. April 29, 1809. . . . l-ly GEORGlA—Decatur County. GORGE W..Farrar as next friend of Mrs: Fanny Itj E Farrar has applied for exemption, and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same on the 10th iust at my office in Bain budge. JOEL JOHN £ O y ord’y jly. 8, 1869" • 11-2 w. PSYCHOLOGIC ATTRACTION or FASCINA TION, as applied to the purpose of life A new book, 40o.p;iges (nonpariel,), bound in cloth A mtri'-tis bool? for curious people. This work is no advertising scheme .or mere circular, but con tains fuß instnictions to exert this power over men or animals. Can be obtained by sending your ad diess with"postage to the publishers. ■ T. W-. EVANS & 00., • ' 41 So. Bth St:, Phil, jly 8, I860: ’ 14 lw. GEORGIA,-r-Df.catur County. ON the first Monday in October next. I will apply tof the Court of Ordinary for letters of dismission from the Administratorship of the estate of A A. Long, deceased D. M. LANG, Admr jly 16, ’6O. 22 3m. GEORGIA— Decatur CountY; C'IOURT of Ordinary, fb-giilat Term, July 6thf J 1869. On the first Monday in August. I .will apply to the GV urt of Ordinary Tor leave to sell all the lands belonging co the of Mitts Mary Glover, late of said county deceased, for the pur pose .of the payment of debts and for distribution. RHODA A. GLOVER, jly 8, J 869. - 11-30d. \ GEO RG I A, — Prcatur County ON the first Monday in October next. I will ap, ply to the Court of Ordinary for letters of dis-. mission from the Executoishlp on. the estate of W. J RACKLA. deceased. J. B. BUTLER. jly 15,’69. 12 3m, GEORGlA—Df.catur County. COURT of Ordinary at Chambers June 28th 1869. On the fust Monday in August next, I will apply to the Court of Ordinary for letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of John B. Simpsoif late of said county deceased 11.YIO’lHY S. SIMPSON Inly Ist* 1869. lOffir,