The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, July 22, 1869, Image 4

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4 aod far Jamil**. It roust be a happy thought to a lover to kn*>w his blood and that of his sweetheart mingle in the same Mosquito. The paper having the largest circulation —paper of tobaceo. A Fact—courtship is bliss, but matrimo ny is blister. What is better than a promising young tuan? A paying One. The vessel no woman objects to embark ou—a courtship. The ludy who argued a case in the House of Lords talked fourteen dniys, and was then taken with hysteria. The dead and wounded among her hearers is uptgiveu. Tell, me, Hattie, why that sadness; tel me why that look of care; why has flown that look of gladness, that thy lace was j wont to wear? 'Tib useless Charley lm dissemble; well n»y face may wear a frown; I have;lo*t my largest hair-pin. and my chignon’s coining down. A small darkey of Montgomery, Ala bama, sent out to pick, up berries the. oth er day, buttoned himself up closely in the remnant of a Yankee overcoat. When he returned his mother observed it and accos ted him: What you wear dat thick coat for, sich a hot day as dis 1 ‘Cause mammy, replied the loyal boy,’ de Yankees does it.’ You're a little fool, said the indignant old mammy— do you spose de Yankees *got as much sense as we ‘Mericans has? A young lady’s opinion of the bonnet of the-season: ‘Oh, the bonnets of my girl hood—the kind I wore to school! I really thought them pretty. I must have been, a fool. A fid yeti used to think myself, on bats a jaunty miss. Perhaps I was, as fashion went, but what was that .to this? Oh, the lovely little pancake—the charming little mat! It makes my head so level, and so very, very flat.' The following touching passage is frotp an unpublished novel: ‘What can I give you for a keepsake, my dearest sweet William?’ sobbed out a sentimental girl to. her practical love* who was about to gi\ to sea. ‘Give me, my angel 1’ he answered, thoughtfully. ‘Hem! why —a —a —you've such a thing as a five dollar note, I sup pose, about you, have yoo,‘ Jinks tells a good story of a man on a Mississippi steamer who was quetioned by a Yankee. The gentleman, to humor the f'eU low, leplied to all the questions straight ioiwurdly until the inquisitor was fairly pnzzh and for an* interrogatory. At last he inqtrred: Look here Squire—where was yon born! *1 was born, said the victim, ‘in Boston, Tremout street, No, 44; left hand side, on the Ist of August, 1820, at 5 o,clock in the afternoon; pli\sioian, Dr. Wairen; nurse, Sally Benjamin. Yankee was answered completely. For a moment lie was stuck - So n, however, his face brightened, as he quickly said: ‘Yeas; well, I calculate you don't recoi-’ lect whether it was a frame or a brick house w - & *■ > dew ye?‘ The Coon and the Carpet-Bagger.— The Baton Rouge Advocate is responsible for the following good story of coons and carpet-baggers: > ‘ls lliat coon lively?’ ‘Oh, yes sir, leplied the black possessor of as wild a specimen as ever made tracks in the Comitc swaqip. 'Well, I want a real lively fellow; pm him on that root,’ pointing to the lower knog ol a very tall oak, ‘and let’s see if he will stir himself.’ • No soonqf said than done, and - the coon went np the tree like a greased streak ol lightning. ‘You satisfied, boss, he’s lively?’ Well, yes, but I don’t want a coon in a tree top.” The fveedmun looked up the tree, whis'> tied, and scratched his head, for an idea, and said. ‘Well, boss, dat coon is like a carpet bagger, werry promising when lie’s down, but when he is up lie aint no use to no body.’ Wouldn't See It.—The worthy gentle.- man wbo inles the rising genet''alien <> boys tn a certain town in Tennessee, had occasion reed ni Iv in correct a little boy imnn Johnny. Now,*J«bniy bad what is called *8« ks,’ because lie was .whipped, and in order to convince him that he was justly sr.l necessarily pftmslied, Ins teacher had resource to the following argument. •Well Jlionny, suppose y«*u were r ding a big horse to water, and bud a keen switch in your hand, and all at once the horse were to stop and refuse to go any further, what would you do?’ Johnny stifled his sobs for an instant, and looked up through his tears, innocent ly replied: ‘IM cluck to him sir/ ‘Bui Johnny suppose he wuultiu’t go for clucking, what then?’ "I’d get down and lead sir.’ •And what if be was obstinate and would not let yon lead hiru?’ ‘Why* I’d take off his bridle and turn him loose, aud walk home, sir. 5 ‘You may go and take your seat Johnny Johnny couldn’t be made to see the necessty of using the switch. A couple of fellows, who were pretty thoroughly soaked with bad whiskey, got into the gutter. Ain r floundering about for a few minutes, one of them said; ‘.‘Jim leca tu uuvnnci uuuao —tins hotel leaks.” gainhridge JAMES WATT, PRACTICAL GUN SMITH, BAINBIDGSE, GA. (inns ,‘i Pistols Brpaiml anil Warranted Satisfactory. ALWAYS or band, a fine lot of Deuble and Sin gle Barreled Shot Guns, Rifles, Colt’s Repeaters, Smith & Wesson’s Cartridge Shooters, Powder Flasks, Shot. Pouches, Cartridges, Caps. &c., &c. In fact, anything to be had in a first-class Gun Store. Also, a fine assortment of Fishing Tackles. July 15, 1868. 15-3 m. SILK and STRAW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED a fine assortment of Ladies and Childrens StraW, Felt and Plush, also. Ribben Trimmings, Velvet Braids, Artificial Flo ers &,o for sale very low by T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO. W estcott H. Coleman PLAIN AND FANCY PAINTER Ul CMIIII, Shop Corner of Broad and Broughton Streets, * BAINBRIDGE, GA. HAVING permanently located, and being desir ous of identifying himself with the interests of the city, respectfully asks at the hands of a gen erous public cnly such encouragement as his work entitles him to expect. He will afso execute SIGN WRITING in all its varied phases and styles; K ALSO MINING PAPER HANGING, FRESCOING, &c. Feb, 11th, 1869. • 42-3 m. THESHAfiSN HOUSE. JOIIIV AH4UORI, ProfM-ielor, * lEßa.iizLloi'lci.g-GJ, G-eorgia. TRANSIENT BOARD $3 00 PER DAY. 'X'HE traveling public are hereby notified that -f this house has been thoroughly repaired are refited, as .veil as refurnished throughout, and ren dered one of the most * desira de and agreeable hotels in the State, worthy the liberal patronage it has heretofore received from passengers on the l ivers and railroad. No pains or expenses will he spared to make the SHARON HOUSE all that any one could aesirq. Call aud test its merits, may 20, ’69. 4-4-ts OFDICE of J. BERRIEN OLIVER. General Com mission Merchat, No 97 Bay Street (over Wil eox. Gibbs & Cos.) Savannah, Ga. [dcy2-35. FOR RENT, f T'WO STORE HOUSES, situated on (he West side I of the Court House Square, aud in the best bussiness port job of the city. The Stores were (ormerly occupied by Casper Lewis and N. L. Cloud. One of these buildings will be rented on next Saturday at public outcry, ‘Apply to W. J. BRENNAN. April loth, 1869. 51-ts. JAC 6B BOR N, PRACTICAL HARNESS MAKER, BAINBRIDGE, GA. SHO U on West street in rear of Henderson’s Fur niti.',e and next door to Cumming’s„Pho tograph v Gallery. All k : nd.- ,of Harness ljpiaired or made to order, in the neat. wn d ' n <>st substantial style. A splendid lot t Saddles. Bridles. Sole and Uppei Leather always ° n har,d - w,lich he offers to the public at extreme! \ low fi ß ures for CASH. March 11th, 1869.' 6'6m. ill fflil. ’ Thf. brick two story store Souse situ ated on tlie coiner of Clark and streets. For terms apply to - T. M. or I. G. March 25th, 1869. nr n mi. uiinium. 4 RE constantly receiving additions to their A Stock.fiom New York, New Orleans and* other Markets, which are'being sold at the lowest market'price for CASH. • • /4 |W| BUSHELS COEN just received and for sale bv . T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO. BACON. LBS BACON SIDES and SHOUL vfWvf DERS just received and for sale * T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO HAMS, LAID M 1 TIERCE CANVASSED HAMS, One Tierce PURE LARD, just received and for sa e by T :B. HUNNEWELL & CO. POTASH, I Cask first Quality Inspected ’POTASH, just received and for sale by T. H. HUNNEWELL & CO. CRACKERS. 2KBLS Soda Crackars. two bbls SUGAR BIS CUIT, two bbls BOSTON do just received and for sale by T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO. DRIED CHERRIES. ICasa-RUSSIAN DRIED CHERRIES. One Case Currants, just received and for sale by T B. HUNNEWELL & CO. shoes. AN assortment of Gents and Ladies shoes, just received and for sale bv T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO. june 13, 1869’ g-ts GEORGlA—Decatcr County. , /"lOURT of Ordinary at Chambers June 28th 1869. j On the hrst Monday in October next. I will | apply to the Court of OnMn&ry for letters of disinis j sion from the Guardianship, of John J. Harrell. CONRAD lIALytHLL, Guardiean. J July Ist 18t>9. 10-6 w Ihwons Mv vthrments. Wholesale and Retail THE subscribers respectfully call thetittentibn iheir friends and the. public generally to their we selected Stock, and solicit a continuance of the genwjous pationage heretofore extended to their Hous- Thev keep constantly on hand a complete stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, GLASS-WARE, PAINTS, OILS, PAINT-BRUSHES, VARNISHES, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perfumery of every variety—HAlß BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, PINE LIQTJOR, BRANDIES, WINES, WHISKIES, ALE, LITTERS, SCHNAPPS, five seek in m he mm, fifes. FISHING TACKLE, OF ALL KINDS, rmr a. nr* m w ass rr w 9 * BLANKBOOKS, FhVE AND FANCY ENVELOPES , NOTE, LETTER, CAP AND BILL PAPER KEROSENE LAMPS,' Os various styles, Kerosene Oil Lamp Chiinneys, and every other article appertaining to the business. The reputation of the house is a sufficient guarantea that all ordei-8 entrusted to it will be filled to entire satisfaction, PHYSICIANS’. PRE3CRIPTONS. Carefully and accurately compounded at all hours, day or night. Bainbridge, Ga., Feb. 20th, IB6o*. Many years ago, the writer of these lines and ap, invalid physician, while visiting the Island of St. Croix for their health, experienced and witnessed many surprising and beneficial effects of the Rum there produced upon many of the invalids who were (like ourselves) seeking health; and, upon inquiry and investigation, obtained a full history Os its medicinal virtues He was delighted and surprised, and after his own recovery, ifrhich soon occurred, determined, if possible, to procure the sole right to manufacture . jand sell it in the United States, • . The result of his labors was a glorious success for Jiimself and suffering humanity, tut the celebrated PLANTATION BITTERS was thus made known to the world. PLAN* TAITON BITTERS being an article of real merit, founded upon new principles, relying wholly upon the vegetable world for its medicinal effects, worked a rapid revolu tion in the history of medicine, and became as a household word all over the civilized .* world. The cabalistic S. f.—lß6o—Z. was a talisman of health, and the demand for the PLANTATION BITTERS soon far exceeded the abilities of the proprietors to supply. ■Notwithstanding the large importation of'St. Croix Rum, made expressly for the com pounding of these Bitters, the .quantity was inadequate. It therefore became necessary that arrangements upon an extensive scale abroad should at once he made, and an agent was dispatched to St. Thomas for that purpose. He was fortunate in securing and leasing several plantations on some of the largest and most productive estates on the island. Houses, stills and presses were erected as if by magic, which utterly “ aston ished the natives.” The services of experienced men and natives of the island were pro cured, and very soon the proprietors of the PLANTATION BITTERS were in a position to supply their laboratory with all the perfectly pure St. Croix Rum needed in manufac-. , turing the GREAT DYSPEPTIC TONIC AND INVISORATOR. The above cut represents the natives crushing the sugar-cane and otherwise preparing it for the stills and presses; As an antidote to Fever and Ague, Intermittent and Malarious Fevers, Dyspepsia, and other kindred diseases, the use of the PLANTATION BITTERS is unsurpassed in the history ts the world. Over five million bottlf a are disposed of annually. They are adapted to old and young, male and female. They are agreeable in taste, and always produce an immediate beneficial result. ' December 9, 1868 3g_jy NEW STO..E! NEW ISOLDS! LOW PRISES BAINBRIDGE BOOT AND SHOE STORE OBOSOE SHLLBtt. • ffTHE citizens of Cambridge and vicinity arc respectfully informed that J have opened a recailar. 800 A and SHOE STARE, at the old >tand ot VAUGHN & GIBS( >N. where 1 am prenared to supp'v t"h publie with BOOTS and SHOES of all descriptions, from the heaviest BROGAN to the smallest GAITER I have also a'lot of GH( >0 ER fES that I will dispose of at very l»nv figures. Country produfo bought or taken in exchange for GO IDS. Call and oxathiae my STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES- b basing elsewhereaa yon will save n-oney by it. * [Feb inti3 i jPERFUMERj||| jjt&S IN T gal ptoliimeou^. HOUSEKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS ! MEN -WOMEN—AND HILDREN J MEN—WOMEN—AND CHILDREN ! READ—READ. “Cooling to Scalds and Bums,” “Soothing to all painful wounds. &c.” “Hotline to al 1 Sores, Ulcers. &c. ” ‘COSTAR’S’ BTCKfi HRN SALVE Is the most extraordinary salve ever known, its power of Soothing and Healing for Outs, Bui ns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Chapped Hands and Skin, lot Sore Nipples, for Piles St., &c, —is without a pai allel. One person says of it, -I would not be with out a Box in my House, if it cost $5.00, or I had to travel all the way to New York for it.’’ —New lork Evening News, Sepet. 5. Ail Druggists in BAINBRIDGE sell it. ‘‘COSTAR'S” Standard Preparations ARE 1118 BEAUTIFIER! THE Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. gIT One Bottie, sl.oo—Three for $-1.00, HIS “Costar’s” Rat, Roach, &c., External gators. # “Costar’s” Bed Bug Exterminators. “Costar’s” (only puie) Insect Powder. “Only Infallible Remedies known.” “Hi years established in New Yoik.” “2,0(h) B.oxes and Flasks manufactured daily.' “ i ! ! Beware 1 f I of spurious imitations ” “All Druggists in BAINBRIDGE sell them’” Address “COSTAR,” in Crosby st., N Y. or, John R Henry.(succesorsto)Demas Barnes&Co., 21 Park Row. N. Y. Sold in BAINBRIDGE, GA., bv Dr. J. A. RpTTS & CO. *{Feb. 25th, ’69.-44-ly. The “Vermont Spring” Water, Justly celebrated as a remedy for CANCER, Scrofula, Bright's Disease , and other Kidney Affec tions, the worst forms of Cutaneous Diseasess. Rheum atism, Eemale Complaints, and alloimpui sties *of the blood. The bottles are marked: “Vermont Spring, Saxe & Cos., Suelron, Vt.” For sale by the principal Druggists. Pamphlets, with certificates*frpm eminent physi cians aid others, sent free. , W. 11. SCHIFFFFMN & CO. • 170 Wiliams Street, NEW YORK. March tlth, 1869. 46-ly Ul. L, UNIMFfc'T The best Medicine in the word. Will affect more, in a shorter time than any one compound ever offered to the public. It will cure in,-from one to twenty minnteg, Headache, Earach, Pains in Back, Chills, Neuralgia, Palpitation of. the Heart, Enlarged Spleen, and many other diseases not mentioned above. Price from 50 £ents to $1 50. per bottle. Liberal deductions made to dealers. Address G. D. GRIFFIN, Bainbridge, Ga., or L. H. Peacock, Attapulgus, Ga. Feb. 25th, '69. 44-ts. Gen. A. H. Colquitt. I Hugh IT Colquitt Baker Comity, Ga. | Savannah Ga. Jamks Baggs, Newton. Baker County Ga. COLQUITT & BAGGs! cotton Factors General Commission MERC HANTS, BV* STREET SAVANNAH, GA. HF* Liberal advances on Consignments, april 2G-6m. GEORGlA— Dkcatur County. ON the first Monday in August next, I will np p to the Court of Ordinary of said county for l t*ers of dismission from she administration of estate’of Elizabeth Jones, late of said county, ceased. SILAS JONES, Admr. GEORGIA —D<*catnr Comity. WHEREAS, W. W Harrel, administrator of Saunders Dtmglnss estate, represents to the Court in his petfti< n, dulj filed and entered <»n the record, that lie has tullv administered Saunders Douglass estate.’ This is therefore, to let all per sons confcemed, kindred and. creditors, to cause—if any they can—why said administrator should uot be discharged, and receive letters of dismission, on the first Mo day in October 1809 ' . JOEL JOHNSON, Ord’ry.. April 8, 1869. 50-6n» GEORGI A—Decatur County. ON the first Monday in July next. I will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county for letters of dismission from Guardianship of* Jas Brcck, minor of John Brock deceased. JOHN It- BROCK. Guardian.* April 29,1869. # * l-40d. GEORGIA Decatur County. OJSf the first Monthly in August next, W. M. Dollar, administrator of the estatt of John R*’ Dollar deceased, will apply to the Court of Ordina ry of said county, for letters of dismission from said administration. JOEL JOHNSON, Ord. April 29, 1860. l _ 3rn GEORGIA— Dkcatur County. Dec;iiin Superior Conn,* .Ipril Turin JulIN MORGAN. (Cos. ) 1 Libel for Divocb, AMANDA MORGAN. (Col ) j B ‘ W ’ IT appearing tithe Ccurt by the return of the Shei iff that the defendant does not roside in this county, ant) it further appearing that she does not reside in this State, it is ordered by the Court that said defendant appear and answer at the next term of this Court -lse that the case he considered in fault and the plaintiff allowed to proceed. And it is further ordered by the court that this rule be published in the Southern Sun once a month for four months, J M. CLARK, J. S. C., S. W. C. A true extract from the minutes. -n CL A. PADRICK, Clk. may 27 ’69. 5 -4 m. GEORGIA.—Decatur County. at Chambers, June 29th IBu9. On the first Monday in August next l will apply to the Court of Ordinary for' Letters* ,Vs Administration, De Bonis, Non, with Will amiex«d on the estate of Charles Quale deceased. ilv i IBKO H - BEACH- W*’ lß69 ’ JO sod. SOUTHERN S3XJKT JOB PRDiTISG ESTABLISHMENT. ’thF^esteYYorga^ FOR PARLORS, HALLS, m CHURn^ Combine more perfections than any o t|i ers market, The manufacturers have invented and more valuube improvements, during the years than any other in the land. 1,1 The Patent Vox Humana Trem wonderful imitation of the tremolo of t] le 1 voice, pronounced by the moot eminent 1 . and organ builders the only perfect express if ever invented. 011 <■< The Patent Harmonic Attach®*,, octave coupler, which doubles the power of strument without increasing its size. The Patent Manuel Sub-Bass of independent bass reeds of great power i\ played with the ordinary keys. • The Patent Vox Jubilant.—a nu beautiml stop, giving a style of music hith * attained in reed instruments. These Organs are superior to all » in quick articulation—round, pipc-like ness and power. Thug have received nearly 0 | drki> First Premiums over all competitors M They are endorsed by the highest musicaij| ties. Send for Illustrated Circular. M PIANO FORTIJ The subscribers also offer to the publicans, 1 merit of beautiful Piano Forts—elegant r< 1 Cases —full iron frame— overstrung basagJl grand action, etc., at moderate prices aud'fl warranted. For circulars and full particulars address G. G. SAXE & ROBRISiS, J 417 BROME STREEI NEW lo{/ March Uth, 1869. COME " OUT OF THE JAWS OF BEAT HESITATION AND DELAY IS BUICII One Minute will Save a l LIFE IV A PILL BOX! LIFE IN A PILL BOX! DR. MA6UIEVB ANTI BILIOUS Pill ARB The true Grains of Health!® The true Grains of Health! OYE PILr, IS A DOSE. OXE I'ILL IS A DCSE. From Nova Scotia to .MEXICO AND ALASI The people know them! The people use them ! The people praise them! They are the NAPOLEONS OF THE DAT « NAPOLEONS OF THE DAY Like a hurricane ihey Sweep, nil Competition from the Fin I uev Grapple al the Heart of Every 1>i«» a Extinguish it at its fountain head. the system against sudden attacks of disc* epidemic, and enable the Patient to hravefc gers of miasmatic swamps, forests and otJwJIW J 1 DR. liGGIEL’S mm Relieves the entire system of pains .and acb enlivens the spiiit and sends new blood BOUNDING THROUGH EVERY! They impart a SPARKLING BRIGHTNESS TO THE EYE, A IT >SY GLOW TO 'i’HE CHEEK, A RUBY 1 [NOE to THE LIPS A CLEARNESS TO THE HEAD, BRIGHTNESS TO THE COMPLEXION, BOUYANCY TO THE SPIRIT. AND HATPIN ESS ON ALL «!DES. For all affections ofihe Kidneye they surpassed. m. Mm ii Is the HOUSEHOLD TRE ASURE OF TBfi It will cool the violent pain of a burn or|H one minute It wili allay infiauiation at once It soothes the painful throbbing of wonnii It cures Corns, Chillhhiinsand frost-bites I It is incomparable for chapped bands, sort * '; roughness of the skin, It stops all pain at once. Call for these inestimable medicines * ■ druggist s, and if you cannot procure the® |j to this office. ALL ORDERS for the UNITED STATES 1 | ADDRESSED TO RRRBERT & C0.,1 474 J Broadway | DR MAGGI EL’S PILLS ot SALVE are 2 BOX. may 6th 1869 R. W. HOGAN WITH W.A EASSOBIt 384 & 386 W.oadWiD | JMK JKEZ 'Wmf €OB ■*- * Wholesale dealers iu Boots, Shoes, Sc., may 20, ’69. 9 MORTGAGE SHU BIFF’S S ’* j WILL be sold before the Court Housejjjln town of Bainbridge, on he first .‘ l ' August next, between thu legal Louis \ following propeity to-wit : JH Six acre* of land in the town of IrM bounded on the East by premises e wl Oheever, on the North by jjrujpKSC* George W. Lewis and South A. P. Belcher and V. T. Broom. where George H. Cliett now lives, to S 'M mortgage, ti fa, iu favor of Nathan R J- E. Floyd. Property described 11)01 B dee I of mortgage. • , jfl Also, lot of land No. 405'% Decatur county, to satisfy oh,' tavur of G. J. Jenkins and Lloyd C ■ M* 1 ■ trator, &c,, vs Wm. M Petty. a 9 a H. B. may 27th. l^v.-v