The Southern sun. (Bainbridge, Ga.) 1869-1872, January 06, 1870, Image 1

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Krm * « n ■ ; v, bsiNo l-"" Fr°T'7 : BM S 12 w 8.--- ... i , r iO I 1 oO I'HJllnr < JCCU,H .I tdllj i lt •» l L'oiji ' ' 1 ~, t ~»vcr \V il [dcc2-35 S’*- ,J * 1 »r.a ■T-nV £ 6 * n,! Kj !.•■»»*«» st[< * ,!, > ** crrcern and ■ # , rofr and lluJ I k , <Cr<‘<‘t -avanrml' ■ f * ,!j.,|< mo'il h-r «:. ) il* p - * ,,d ■' <jt ,of»m (■• •> nr "' . lv : , r : _ i |K hi < tii'i c«*i» |S. t y.i.f l'tv 1 ~>Ki j ''nil d*’* let' b W* ;■ (0( .,| i;urr •*» I I „,r *i'«rr*. -"I A VSavannah 0:. oua Alabama of tin Br^|7<ifal«’- '’'T ' ’ ■.'*»/» 1 !l ■7,0. wl.olmle Kiecfih li» H t ,o. cotton factors an*' nlin l’*nts I’a.V Street ■■ , |',i!tiliey'« snp« , f l'li” 1 * I- iion tic* • l w '*.' B ' led i" eiKtoil)"'." ■aLCARD. kAR & JONES FT 1 « < 1"^ B ' Yja' B ~*• I I’.e-d-rvl-ieZji II 11' ' B. .. mint tin -8... . . .1: and In is* street. i> 41, ly B !«::.\i.Ki;s in n.ori. B. ..!«f-.i in, n«• .r. St.iob I. i Water ntree' June] 10 I o w. iiim K\ \ HINES. . ■ /Ts AT LAW ■RSMGUITY . ■ Oj/» •'■'■''•s'd •" allbexii. B ■ i»* ■ --it., ,v. H < 'aiiiiilii, l b nit.ov ii I•• ■ ' 'i iiftn. Courts B ‘vmtbon. B *".» i’ ■ - t’M9 U. • (lUI'lfV B : ' i ' : 3SELI(, ■ ' '« 1- aV\ , |B-c>- ■' i3 tqui \\} t' iSP ■ HUGHS', ■fA \T LAW, ’ • **• *>-it rusted S- ; \. H n M '** 4* ly i. W. M>Ai> * c AN &, CO.. 1® FACTOR H AND P ercm&ts. pser*-* % Georgia. » ulji** Wanted on crops vfl „h ' n c «as»gnmeMs for ?*l “' p, u«-iu> to reliable cor *lW Fink. PtiiU tipi* sept U -it) dta ’* s -h.e. ar gnin Kver Offered D ecattir. 11l H;*« r ' SrT ’ l For gfole. at a gfMI j( ns before I C* land,- usore or less. and «... 1,1 the south West houn t m !««** ~ river. < distance of **« . gcreS of °f* n "oprovemente. A!**', ®v« seasoned lumber, con Tdi “*. Ceiling. Flooring, Ac. AfUyhe 1I,J«. 800n* m SWfco* 'StUL - - - —rr __ VOL. IV, T. 8. ra.IEWEU & CO FLOUR. rtnn B4WW SUPER Flit E. EXTRA AND £\)\) FAMILY FLOUR, just received and for sale at the lowest market price bv HUNNEWELL & CO. BACON. 90 000 U®®* BACON. shoulder and sides in w* vOv tine order, just received ands« »r sab now by T B. HUNNEWELL & CO. BUTTER. AFKVV KEGS OF GpLbEN BUTTER, sweet and good, just received ana for sale bv T. B IiUNNEWELL & CO. MACKEREL. BARR IXB'OF MACKEREL AKD KITS, of th scasou catching, just received and for sale by T. B. HUNNKWELL & CO BABES CARRIAGES. I FEW FOUR-WHEEL INFANTS CARRIAGES . \ good quality, those in \yaht please call. Fo sale by T. B HUNNKWELL & CO. BAGGING. 9 000 TARDS BAGGING, anchor and otliei Vr brands, for sale bv T. B HUNNEWELL &CO STAPLE GOODS 2AAh YARDS COITON OSNABURGS «. tlie heaviest weight jiist received and for Side by T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO. 1 STRTPE OSNABURGS, differ S l/l/A* ent tnaUes F'or by T. P, HUNNEWELL &CO PRES GOODS. \FtNT2 assortment of Rlack Alpaca’s. Molmi) Lu.treS. Annews. printed and solid color De laines. and other kinds of Dress Goods, receiver l red for sale bv T. B HUNNEWELL & CO NUBIES AC. \ttANV>-OMK .iftsottnv n* of Shad’s and, every i>. riety and color a !-o Merim, I’luck' hiw Is. Nt. • t,-e Sc.n ft., Wools, infants M«s»l ■*< cks Ac F • and by T li -HUNNEWELL A Cos We would invite the attention of Planters an •>i hers to our stock, of every variety , goods usually kept in store, which we offer at tt < owest market price For Cash Tati eh in trade ot •urchased for cash . Col ton . hides and Other prod no T. B. HUNNEWELL & CO Oct ‘2l 1FR!) '2ti -t STOVES! S.TOVES! E JOHNSON ‘ Wfyotesale and Retail Dealer in Htives and lir- Ktto\D fTß**r BAIN BRIDGE O.V » ! v! \ r : *)FFIi*E PARLOR, and DININ’.- )■ >4 Si ‘YES of all sizes m l patterns UN WARE OF wVt.R f DESCRIPTION ALL kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron w<*rk. Galver . li«.n. Cornices, Tin Holding and Gutterii r done either in Oity or County. Oct 14. 186‘j. Fall Stock! 4 BABBIT & WARFIELD. Broad Street. jßutiibtldgf, bciifilivt !hty now offer !>• ti.e ;ihoc at Very Fmr Hates For Fas/i^ 500 lbs Extra Hams 5000 lbs Sides and Shoulders, 100 bbls Flour, all grades, 5 bbls ectified Whiskey. 7000 lbs Lard. We have in tfefc Jry GoodsLiue* onr usual stock, embracing ANY THI N G neede.l by the. faruie his f; milj <r I>' lubc-ren- CASH ADVANCES Made on Cotton to be held for instructions from oc t 28 it. fcfc mjm rmr wl mzz maz* INSTALLMENTS Nos. 4 <~HAd & OrriCß L>w tHk 8,C.& C. K. 8.. CO. f Rain bridge. Cm Dec. 9. 1869. f A call for the Fourth and Fifth Installments of 10 pet cent. eaCh. upon th>» subscription to the Capital Mock of the Bainbridge. Oothbert and Co lumbus Railroad (Company, is hereby made upon eaCh.aod every subscriber to the same, so be paid jfenoary <h6 t6th 1870. and February Ist . 1876. Pay Acute may fca wrade in Mr. .lob a King banker; in Ltuapßart" Dr- J. K. Ihrnnin: in Cnthltert toCapt W M. TnmUn, Bccr, tAn' and Treasurer; and in Baidbridga tolhe' 'fig****- TnetdGmt' Dovoted. Particularly to tire Interests of SoutHern aixci Southwestern Georgia- New Stock PHE Siihkcribers respectfully call the attention of their friends and the public generally ta their wel 1 selected Siock. and soli, it a continuance of the generous patronage heretofore exti niled to the uld urm. ’I hey keep cohstav on band a complete stock of BA INI L. OLXSSVVARE, MEDK’INEN, OILS. g R PUARMAGEUTIGAL PREPARATION, E U PAINTBRUSHES, N G i , CHEMPJVLS, SUROIOAL INSTRUMENTS FINE LIQUORS, VV Fancy and Toilet Articles, Perfumery Os every variety —Ha>r Brusbeg, Tooth Brushes, Mill. WbfflS. ill. ffilffl Sffllii’FS, FIRING TAKLE OF ALL KINDS , ssm r wr iW ra • m «□» m: m±2 fszz r)\K 'ln nrcs. /-7V/? IVP p 1 VO’ V SvfET/M’ES SOW LETTS ! p ! V 7) v/ '• '' 5 n /.;/> Kerosene Lamps 0? VARtOUS S 5 YLE?, KEROSENE OIL LAMP CtTIMNEYS, •i I evi'i v other .r fcle Appertaining to tlie business The reputation of the house is a sufficient g . dec that all *#n efs entruoted to it will he lilie i to entire satiSfactiou. PHYSICWKS’ PREFCRIPTIONS refulij' ami accurately c< 'impounded At all hours day or -jtirbt. A Tl (V,'quilt, J-tfu** Bajyo't*.. II TI. (V’qnitt. COTTON FACTORS 1 fikuwai f§teb»fe* AND AUENT nor the following fertilizers ; Ohespeak® Guano, Ammoniated Soluble Ptbspba Combining all the properties of Bone and Peruvian Guano, ANALYSIS OF DR. A. MEANS Moisture expelled. H 2 12. ;... 3.10 Organic Matter ....... .... ■ 31 riitwplionc Acid 5.80 i qua Ito Ammonia ..... & qua, to b. m Pbosplme.. 10 98 Oom.n m Puo-p,, Acpl •••••—•• ulpkuuc Acid, lame and Alumina i ...4J.04 Equal to Bone L'huspi.ate (j not estimated. ( CFRTitiCAT*.-Savannah. March C 6. iB6O- The Chespeake Ammoniated Super i&Atsi nt • stfassas.... decidedly marriUst tor one or tiro succeeding crops, ev.n wuhubt flesh JngpfccioK G. H. WILLIAMS, Ass’t Chemist. v Twiggs County. Ga , Oct Btl4, 1809 Messrs. Colquitt & Baa**; Savannah Gens-The Chespeafee Guano, of vain,* of which yo« r was u>ed bv nm quite eXtei sively last spring, m.dei Cotton 1 also usio •■thii e liters which were the Fist and the Soluble t'acitic and it n-qniu s only a superficial observation to on. of the Cbespeake lam Jn*,, that, even with the lo.* and damap (lie drought, (Which was certainly uopropifmus f»r all kir.i.s <>i lertiliaersj I rea.ized im u ha 4 I cent oil the in veil tlhent. It imy purpiasi to ev.n Use a more deev next year. VV .B. I AI,V 1 h Ameiicus. Ga Oct. f2th. 1809 This is to certify that I used eight .iff. rent kinds of Guano on my crop this year, amor-g them ' oJSarSSL., «and «>■ »>a «• tb “‘ * "' u “ and «*•“* “ Xsiw&r crop. * Jbrricn’s. Oa . 06*. 12th 1809 I n<ed live kinds of Gnann on itiv crop this ye ir. and will buy the Chespeake Phosphate, fni my m - REUBEN SLA PEE i op. Ruth’s Challenge Soluble PhosphaL Th> most nctivn and durable F< rti! ; zer ever offered to Die Farmer* AVALY'T- OF '-HALLENGE oluble. „ ...A 638 Organic matter 3 Moisture PTro. od -.l - g yielding Ammonia. 3,00 Rolnble Phosoh. nr Aeid.. ••••• ,"’jo «f Coramoi. Phosphoric Acid . .8. Foual to Bom* , hosph <tf made solnble .. .13.9, Cos I( ,. phate !7.7‘2 elements and salts not estimated MEAN'S, Inspector, Savannah Planter’s Ammoniated Soluble Pbosphatt sESULT OF A ANALYSIS OF SAMPLE OF A* iIONITED fUFEK^LOf*!-HA r . manufactured by lohentz & kitiJeb. Baltimore marylad. ±>r. Leibig S analysis Moisture (d«t 100 c) 11-091 Organic Matter and Chemicaly Combined Water 27.7 of Producing of Ammonia ...3.1,4 Inorganic Eai thy Matter 3. Containing of Soluble Phosphoric Acid j 1 594 •* losolnhlo * Q4V2 Alkaline 5a1ta.......... •»*■•; •*. lOj **■?** *.*. 11a, Or <>f Ries,>l ved Bone Phosphate of Lime .-•• *.v.v.*•;;*.*• -Ar ItseeA Ar aiysi. which* was.made of a sample, taken by myself at the Ji , 1, of ab-.nt 890 ton*, that this Article contains all the important c-nstiMieatsTeqi.ired of 00. I FeUKitet Ift h, wett.attdcarefully mannf<tctar*-d * dry and fio* enough tojpe used drill, and on not fail 1 giro' hthtaMiun when properly applied. _ , ' e SigtM-d: O. A. LEIBIG, ChemtKf. pcrtlcn’cre apply to T. M. UJEW Agent BaiftbrVlae or OOWgJfTT A BACKiS Sa-anoab, Ga- BAINBRIDGE, GA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 1870. Wholesale ind Retail BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA. w. s. rotkiriorb anw«j» ■*n.M.MC r JTO JM*» HORSF.B BUGGIES, CARR AGES and WAGONS, ( 0 iijr® at all times with or r^iivdK without Driver*. **'Bl tr Fine Horses and Mill s always on hand for Sala or Exchaeire. February 11th, 1869. T. R. VASSBU. X. * Sffaiiicat JlpfliOTg awl ifeiwut BROAD STREET, BAIN BRIDGE GEORGIA* Dealer is Drugs, liemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery and Reliable GARDEN SEEDS, dee Low Prices. DRYGOODS! EXCLUSIVELY IE10L18H! DRYGOODSPIISE .IHFF, WATS33XB & Cos, «a- m.« | AVTNG lone seen the necessit* for an EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE DRY GOOD* HOD** In e*r e<*« I we have closed out our RETAIL STOCK, enlarged our (lore to uearl double its f«r*»er oapMl% and shall confine ouiseivee EXCLUSIVELY ' TO THE Wholesale Trade. OUR Sfrto'cK will be kept complete at all times, and with our Increased facilities, thlak ws have erior inducements to retain the trade iu Savannah. We AES NOW OPENING Our Watt Mtach ConsistiLg of the largest and most completo stsck cf ')R¥ 600®' g A HB HOf IO HE Ever bfuught to thia maikct,‘to be gold only at * respectfully solicit orders, an.l invite tug attoution of iJerchauts visiting our city. ORFF WATKIRS & CO. sept 9 3m. SASHES, DOOMS; BLENDS* dOtJLMNGS. SFEWELFOSTS,S tiALUSTEB j All. BLAIR &, BICKFORD. 109 and 171 BAY STBEET (Up Stain,* Savannah,- - - - Georg M * *%: Jl j CEEP Constantly on baa-3 a large stock of the alwro v-rfor «and ran ADVERTISEMENTS. . ;.\ ' :•• * .Vihi! f-t ■* ivr* J>«) r (vl ; ■ *••••: ** a i* eef.- «• cii ; Vi: ‘ - . -i ■■;•,••• : ■ f! in u h jvj[u p;'S.;>iure>j! U.>, <2 ,M<>-.| * \\,<j -ft • A-n.irc ... b* «*e *7 •>!* *l4 «1‘ i*JU «•* uOi ll W jU i»W 2o Wo 110 • •* puqutve*. .‘l2 t*> >2O (In ?W 4f> i * 4 sqM ires j Isl Wt'/O 00 J 26 (i0; y'l 00 f/O .- j 5 *i!iiVr«*»....! 0 ol>}“A> (.*0 !2j] Os j 40 ot?j f-0 t 6 square*... »1 00,01 ill J.'.o W* j I - * ( K i 70 1 " * 7 t*>i A.tre*.... IS 00j 700 <5 ('[ <r> it j v.O t-i 1» smart*.... 32 001 43 00 62 V.»)j fit et. l {.:> r.' 9 g lares. ...{36 <0 49 00 FRO (0, 72 Del'o9 *.*> I<< iquai'CH j4<> 00:'.o 00 fiX |>r• JSu (M.'jllO | mid mi !41 00|«2 0" 74 (;0‘ SO (MbiltW NO. 36. sum to Grams. Baikubisgi, Crffua.iT (i Cotwunrs F*. R. Cos. I OvriCK <•» c'hikf En6ivke», r Bniubridge, December i3llt. I860; J SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at thU Office until 12 o'clock. M. on 1 hursday the 6th of Ja.itiurv. 1870 for contract lor eiuthwiok*, tie*; ling. £< libbing and elcaiin}*, and ernsstieu fothß venous of tie* vord between Rain bridge ana Col quitt, twenty in lies in lenutli. The road wilier divided m Mictions of one mile each, and bide vdil be received foi al] i>r any of tbein rejiarately. Id** trict proposals \ytlt lie received for cr.-nstie*. • Pi.yulents will he mad * mptitiiiy in cah« with reservation of 10 per cent, for faithful perform sue* of ecu tract. Profiles ami upecifications may be«e*M at Gils Office on and after ist January, <S7n . ifir The right is reserved to reject any or alt bids il not eatisfrictury. JOHN (J CLARKE, Chief Engineer. Jure* eed. W. C. Dickson JAMES REED & GO*, Importer* aod Dr;*lcrii l» t ®i«»; Winks, cigars, Vity iTotfl Building’, 139 Bay Street SuvasilUtliCicoreiit. d«fl 9 ««» ROTHERFORD i SPEAR, 0 Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia DRY GOOD S, GROGERIE. , Sard ware, WILLOW-WARE, ;,SL CLOTHING, td , 'r Broi<sko„'S:r>*;. JiAtSl ItIOGE, UEIIGIC WOULD respeclfully call the attention ot tlx;. public to thair well selected atudk, no n oal hand slid daily arriving of Any and Every thing (hat ia usually iept in a stora. We o*:' (ill any order you in ay have, fioru a paper oi pu * ■ * o a cask of Bacon Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, »**.•'( as our uiottb ia QUICK SALES >.ND SMALL PROFIT* tit certainly can please you ms ao ’ QUALITY AND PRICES; CHRISTMAS IS COMING* T S. HI'NNEWELL Sc CO. Will be recairlng this week* full supply »f GROCERIES! BACON, LEAF LARD FLOUR, . POWDERED. CRUSH, UDORAHJLATEDSVOOI SELF RUING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR FTNR GOSHEN BUTTER, FACTORY CHEESE, LAYER RAISINB. ip- if* it-. JK3 aw« Lemon, Cream, Butter- and Boston Cracker While Spanish Cun Cherries and other can Fruit. Picket* in Jar*and in Buik, by tiiu Doacu. Assorted Candies, ogether with a Genera] assortment of Cry Go lojij, if vU, and G roceries. For sale hy T. B. HUSNEWETL& f o Mew Goods? ROCKWELL & WEST, BROAD STREET, BalnbritSfii), ; ©corgi*? Wholesale and Retail Dealers in £tajjU aud §*B WOULD respectfully infr.rm the ciliu-ns of P/d~‘ bridg,; and surroundingci-mitiy that they h'**-" hand and are constantly receiving one of toe "j i*s» and best assorted stock of Good* in the consisting iu partr of Fancy Dress Goods# CLOTHING, COOTS, SHOES CAPS, St'r. Artvrl'lu. fiMtany sr/lete o,»r can K** J m-.t-cbw'* L>; J Gauds Ka*a!^lJkf«w*- All ire vie" Ra' trial. Ohr Biuttopl ~ ... "iSiTz AN# ut